What you focus on grows.

Focusing on negativity spawns negativity.

Focusing on positive outcomes attracts positive outcomes to you.

Focusing on what is not working brings more of what is not working to you.

We all know this but get caught in the addictive negative loop of negative thinking, speaking and acting.

Focusing on kindness helps to spread more kindness in the world, even when the nay-sayers gossip about you declaring that you aren’t really kind or loving.

This is merely a reflection of themselves and their depraved state of mind and ignoring their own sins of omission, commission, and manipulation.

The world is the way it is today because of sabotage and self-sabotage.

Will this stop all people and countries from hurting themselves and others?


But the more times sane people focus on the good of all rather than retaliation, the more wholesome and positive outcomes will be transformed from previous negative seeds sown.

Back in the late 1970s and early 80s, television and movies were going through a time of putting more sex and violence on the air, then coming up with various ratings to caution viewers of what is age appropriate. In the process, innocence was traded for the thirst of taking in more sex and violence. This has spawned today’s rampant addiction to blood, death, and gore.

Do you remember the time when human beings had a repulsion to seeing blood and gore on TV?

Humanity has traded the innate repulsion at the sight of blood for bloodthirst and gore.

Yes, that is all in the world. But focusing on more of what humanity does not want to promote only serves to whet the appetite for escalating crime, hostile takeovers, and more of the same.

Perhaps it is time to begin promoting what we do want as a person, family, and nation, over what we do not want and always speaking about the worst of the day.

This is how to promote healing and the restoration of a healthy society.


Refuse to Inherit Dysfunctional Energy

The following is written by Faith Klingsporn and shared with permission:

In the coming period there will be people who will not cope with what is happening in their lives and the main way we can help them is to keep ourselves at a high level of vibration…

We can be with them…

We can listen to them … but the point is not to get pulled into their personal story … not to get pulled down vibrationally …

It is necessary to understand that this is their story … not ours …

It is their Journey and their experiences they need to go through in order to evolve …

They are the experiences chosen by their Soul … which is with them all the time …

Use your judgment and decide when it is appropriate to stay and listen and when it is appropriate to walk away …

It is necessary to check what is the highest vibrational choice in each situation and make that choice … instead of being driven by ego …

On the other hand, don’t give advice when it’s not asked for …

If someone wants to know your opinion, they will ask you …

When they are ready to hear the answer, they will ask you …

If we give unsolicited advice to others and those people are not ready to hear our advice … what do you think their reaction will be? An unbalanced one … of course …

So during this time choose very carefully who you give your attention/energy/time to and be very attentive to how your vibrational level changes when you talk to other people (phone chats … online chats … face to face … etc.)

Be aware if your vibrational level drops and make a decision …

Do you continue that conversation or end it?

What is the highest vibrational choice?

If you want to be with those in trouble … to help others … make sure you shield yourself … Do not let yourself be pulled down vibrationally/exhausted … then you are no good to anyone.


What Others Say About You Is Absolutely None of Your Business

Have you ever said, “You made me …. think, say, or do something?”

Have you ever blamed someone for the way you feel?

Have you blamed the other guy for getting fired, getting in trouble, or anything else?

This is a lesson in personal character development. It’s not the other guy’s fault. It is a lesson in maturity. It is one of those things that will keep repeating until the lesson is learned.

Using your emotions, words, and actions to try to get other people to respond to you in a certain way is called emotional blackmail.

It takes personal integrity to own up to our own shortcomings, mistakes, lies, and bad decisions. Everyone makes mistakes in life. Not one of us is perfect. This is how people of all ages learn. No matter how old you are, you are never too old to learn something new, a better way.

Also, other people do not have to walk on broken eggshells to be around you in order not to “make” you feel a certain way. You do not have to own any dark or negative feeling unless you want to feel that way. Choosing to stay in a negative emotional space is called wallowing and serves no healthy purpose. Others cannot make you feel anything that you do not want to feel. It is time to be honest with ourselves and why we are choosing to feel a particular way.

Everyone has the right and ability to choose to feel good. Those who are dealing with negative peer pressure at any age would do well to know that it is possible to remove your physical self from situations that are unhealthy. Everyone has the ability to stop reading malicious gossip and walk away from gossip circles where those who think they are popular prove that they are not. Those who gossip about others show their own emotional bankruptcy. Just because someone else chooses to use negative speech does not make it true. You already know this.

It is not the case that you have to manipulate outer circumstances to make yourself feel a certain way. It’s not about controlling others or circumstances at all. It is about realizing that you are in control of yourself. It feels good to finally realize that you are in control of you, no one else.

Sometimes, people think they have to justify negative feelings that come their way, almost feeling the need to fuel the fire of misunderstandings and hurts that sparked them as a way of “being true to themselves.” This is a mistake. It turns a small flame of hurt into a raging bonfire that is hard to put out. It’s a pity party, a self-sabotage trap that does not need to happen. This is emotional quicksand. Stop thinking this way as soon as you recognize it. Yes, you can.

If this happens to you, once you realize this is happening, it is easy to simply acknowledge that feeling, and in the next moment decide to think a better, happier thought. We are all in charge of our own thoughts. Our thoughts do not remain in our heads unless we feed them with our attention and emotions.

It is simply a matter of DECIDING to think in a new and healthier way. It is your DECISION to invest more in your own healing and well-being and in what others think, say, and do. It is a DECISION you DECIDE TO MAKE THAT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD.


This Light is inside you, just as it is in all living things. This Light is your Essence, your personal Life Force, which no one can steal away from you. It belongs to you alone. This is a Bright, White, Eternal Universal Life Force Energy that pulses through every fiber of your DNA. It is not dependent on your viewpoint, opinion, or understanding. It is your own Chi, Prana, Qi, otherwise known as Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. It is this same Energy that radiates through every tree, leaf, and bird. It animates everything. No other person has more of it than you.

It’s time to be kinder to yourself, to forgive yourself, and forgive others. You do not need to punish yourself for the misunderstandings of others, nor for your own misunderstandings. Take a new breath of fresh air.

You are in charge of you, no one else. Your happiness does not rest on others understanding. Your happiness rests on your understanding of yourself, of you being true to yourself.

It also takes strength of character, to take a deep breath of compassion for others. Having this compassion is called grace.

Grace is the ability to let someone “off the hook,” so to speak, because they simply have no frame of reference for your feelings due to their own lack of experience, especially if you do not explain how you are feeling to them. Grace is treating someone with the same dignity with which you also want to be treated.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere.

What You Think About You Bring About

Have you ever felt that you were a victim of your situation, or your thoughts?

Knowing how to improve your mood, your situation, and the entire world is a choice each of us makes every day.

Negativity, resentment, anger, and revenge, like all other bad habits, can be changed in the blink of an eye, within your own head. Deciding to follow a less familiar course of thoughts and actions is what holds most of us back, like a refusal to change as a badge of honor.

Some people think they have no choice, no choice to stop being negative, resentful, or angry. In fact, some people feel justified by choosing these emotions. After all, they just appear out of nowhere, right? Situations happen to make them feel this way, right?


This is like driving to the faraway place you have driven to a hundred times before, even if it is a bit complicated. You have the familiar path comfortably in your mind. You have your favorite chosen routes. You know them well.

I am chuckling to myself at my own inability to straighten out my directionally dyslexic mind/speech path. If my husband is driving and quickly asks if we should go right or left, unless I am taking that extra moment to consciously say the correct direction, I mostly say the opposite of what I mean. However, I always point my thumb in the correct direction, always.

I used to find this frustrating, since I do know right from left. But that thought always made me feel less-than. Why couldn’t I simply say the “right” thing all the time? Instead, I now choose to find this a bit comical. My husband chooses to find it endearing. He’s even told me there is no “wrong” direction, since the earth is round, that we will eventually get there.

To go in a different mental direction than the usual emotional route means going on fewer familiar roads, like choosing a new thought route instead of the old go-to self-sabotage route. Negativity has the lowest vibrational frequency but that is no reason to stay with the thinking that will sink your ship and keep you in a dark emotional place, including suicidal thoughts. Suicidal thoughts do not own you. You are the captain of yourself, not the lowest negative thoughts about yourself, your situation, including the situations on the world stage.

You can brighten everything you think, say, and do with the realization that you control your thoughts, feelings and emotions. They do not control you. This realization is one of the best ways to help yourself and others.

Concentrating on how bad you feel only makes these feelings get more obstinent. You are not invalidating yourself by attempting to make yourself feel better. I have heard so many people say, “But that is how I am feeling. I want to be true to myself.”

They think that by not choosing to stay with their dark and negative, or resentful, or angry thoughts, that they are not being honest with themselves. The truth is, they are not being honest, nor truthful, if they choose to stay in the darkest mental and emotional places possible. Yes, it might be true that this is the feeling with which they start out. But purposefully choosing to stay in that dark place is another matter.

Why would anyone refuse to feel better?

Some people like to wallow in what has brought them to the mental and emotional place they find themselves in, as a way of justification to remain in a bad mood, almost like a badge of their gloomy and self-sabotaging state. Without conscious focus and realization, they resign themselves to the fact that they are choosing their own misery, not the other way around.

Again, I ask, who does this intentionally?

This is a character development problem. Children wrestle with this dilemma until they come to understand that it is possible to have a better day, a better thinking system, solve more inter-personal problems, and find solutions to situations outside of themselves. In taking these self-help steps, children and adults alike come to discover that they do have a strong influence on what comes next in their lives.

Life does not stand still. Now is not forever. Things change. Situations change. People change, even themselves over time. Let us all take a moment in this distracting time in world history and in our own private lives, to begin to improve the situations we find within ourselves, our families, and in the world at large.

One vital thing to understand, is that even if you spend a lifetime uncovering and understanding why something is the way it is, it is more important on what you decide to do next. What saves the most life? What makes you most happy? Ask positive questions like these as opposed to haunting ghost memories that come from places of dysfunction, such as making decisions based on what you do not want. Think, speak, and act in the positive. This may take some time to re-wire your brain if negativity has been your habit.

As a graduate of the American Institute of Holistic Health and Wellness, taught by Dolores Seymour, Ph. D., and attending her seminars in New York City, New York, I came away with a greater understanding of the book she wrote, Who Cares Why?

Bosses and parents often try to get to the bottom of the present problem by finding out whose fault something was. Neither slapping wrists nor pointing fingers does not solve any problem. Pointing a finger at someone else results in you pointing three fingers back at yourself.

Understand it is more important to discover what to do next. Blaming and finding fault solves nothing. You can spin your wheels for hours, giving yourself a migraine headache and alienating everyone around you by staying stuck.

This is exactly what happens mentally with people whose go-to emotional state insists on staying negative, resentful, or angry. No one wants to be around people with these constant complaining traits. Know that it is possible to change. First, they need to know change is possible.

As Nelson Mandela was fond of saying, “Be the change you want to see.”


Self-Esteem Surfing ~ How to Create a Strong Positive Mental Attitude ~ 12 Solutions

Don’t waste time, energy, nor money trying to stop the dysfunctional waves of your life. Rather, learn how to focus on a more productive and joyous path forward around them. You are not a victim of your life.

You can blame personalities, your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, or other people, places, or things, but the bottom line is, the rudder of your ship of life, (or the fin of your surfboard), when used expertly, can direct you out of chaos and into calm waters.

This sounds like common sense at first, until that turbulent and unexpected wave crashes into your life, attempting to drown you by diverting your attention during the momentary catastrophe. Chaos ensues, along with a sense of non-reality, or feeling lost.

Remember, you are the master of your ship (or surfboard), not the crisis, your health, nor the situation in which you find yourself. You are not alone. You are worthy. You are loved. You are love.

If you spend more time with your next positive step forward as opposed to focusing on the problem that is right in front of you, you will be able to circumvent the trips that trap you. This is good next-time advice. We all learn from our own mistakes. It’s a learning curve discovering what works best for you. Medications can help with depression, anxiety and panic attacks, but even if you are on medication, you will still arrive at the point of this post eventually. It is more helpful to you to get there sooner than later. Just know you can feel better.

“You Deserve To Feel Better,” was the motto of my business, The Massage Clinic, where I saw over 5,000 clients in over eight years. Yes, many came for massage, but they all received holistic health counseling, in addition to the many holistic health counseling clients that came through the doors of the four Connecticut offices.

I know. I can hear your reasons why this won’t work from where I am typing this at this moment:

“But this is my reality now!”

“I can’t deny my reality!”

“That’s wishful thinking!”

“My reality is a living hell!”

No. Those statements above are all part of self-sabotage waiting to fall on your head.

The minute you CHANGE HOW YOU ARE THINKING is the moment you begin to heal mind, body and spirit.

Yes, it IS possible to change how you are thinking. The resistance is in not WANTING to change this negative habit. It’s like the Laws of Thermodynamics, things in motion want to stay in motion, while things at rest tend to stay at rest. It’s call inertia.

Here is where positive self-talk comes in. This is why self-affirming mantras come in. They work 100% of the time, unless you listen to your previous negative programming rather than allowing your mind the possibility of new and unfamiliar refreshing thoughts. Old habits are simply easier for the mind to do. Bad habits are like that. You can change any habit you want to. You will never change any habit you do not want to. How much emotional misery do you wish to tolerate before you give these suggestions a serious try?


When was the last time you read an inspirational book?

When was the last time you tried something new, like gardening, going for walks, taking a ride to the ocean, hiking through a forest, or star gazing?

When was the last time you called an old (or young – going for levity here) friend, or made a new friend?

What are your negative bad-habit excuses?

I’ve yet to find a person who really embraces change, or loves change, that is, until the breath of long-awaited change reorders your life into something better, easier, more peaceful, empathetic, compassionate, and loving.

I once attended a western medicine conference on brain health and thinking. It was all about depression and how to deal with it. That program advocated for waiting, doing nothing, because they found out that if you do nothing, EVENTUALLY, I guess when the moon is in the right house, or the stars align exactly correctly for your horoscope chart, then the new day will come, and the depressed patient would sooner or later, have a better outlook. Of course, their method of treating depression also centered around the approved drugs they prescribed and the side-effects they encountered (naturally). This last counseling part was all they had, just wait it out.

I was so angry at the advice these western medicine nurses were dishing out like Carter’s Little Liver Pills (from back in the day when I grew up hearing this), that I stormed out of the conference when it was over. I could tell by the first few questions I presented to them about alternative methods of healing, that they would not consider anything else. They said, “Yes, but … it’s good to know if you do nothing the day will come when things get better.”

The questions and answers that were asked and answered infuriated me because I am trained in drugless therapies that work 100% of the time, unless they are not followed. The results using holistic health counseling protocols is astounding, in my experience.

Yes, they were correct. If you do nothing, one day the sun will shine again on your life. Of course, with their plan, you may have to wait an hour, a day, a month, a year, or years, but yes, their plan will EVENTUALLY work.

But why wait when holistic health counseling has proven that drugless therapies do work, and usually much quicker?

Holistic health counseling begins where western medicine leaves off, after taking years of counseling sessions, to find out WHY something is happening. “Who Cares Why?” as my Ph.D. counseling professor, Dr. Dolores Seymour, wrote in her book with this same title. At some point, which is the point I start with, begin to make a new plan, new positive habits. You’ve got this.

Getting a diagnosis does not solve the problem. It can help, I am not saying that it does not. But whether or not you have a diagnosis for what is happening to you and why you are feeling the way that you do, it is not the end of the path of healing. It is only the beginning, obviously. Prior to getting a diagnosis, you are treading water, staying in the same place, getting the same results. Even western medicine makes positive progress when they switch from, “Why is this happening?” to “Here are some mental and emotional thoughts that can assist you in such moments of depression and dysfunction.”

Yes, western medicine counselors do eventually get to this point, but usually they begin with reliving your childhood, your past paradigms of thoughts, words, and actions. This can take years. The point is, even when, and if, you eventually get “there,” you STILL need to begin with, “Are you willing, ready, and able to heal your mind, body, and spirit?”


  1. Are you ready to be lifted from the emotional baggage that is sinking you? Firmly MAKE A DECISION that you are ready, willing, and able to feel better, because, YES, you can.
  2. Know you can begin your healing process today. Believe it. Tell that negative voice inside you, which is your ego, to be quiet. Know that from now on, you are in charge of you, not that negative, nagging voice. Your ego helps to keep you alive, but sometimes it thinks it is running the show. It is not. You and your DECISIONS are in charge of your life.
  3. You do not need to explain your reasons nor your life to everyone. Ignore anyone telling you that this does not work, because it truly does work 100% of the time, unless you stop doing it, which will leave you back where you started, unfulfilled and frustrated with the loss of your personal power.
  4. DECIDE TO CHOOSE peace, happiness and joy over anxiety, sadness, and gloom or other manifestations including anger, which is just a release valve of frustration. Stop being so harsh with yourself. If you could have done better, you would have. Forgive yourself and others and move on. Keep at it.
  5. Begin saying a mantra in the direction you want to feel. For example, if you are feeling you are not worthy, repeat, “I AM WORTHY.” Go in the bathroom, car, or anywhere you have privacy. Stand in front of a mirror and say out loud to yourself, “I AM WORTHY” for five straight minutes. Say it with conviction. There is a healing vibration that takes place within your mind and body. To your Soul, this is a welcome recognition of who and what you truly are. Do this the first thing in the morning, before lunch, and before you go to sleep. Remember, you are breaking a bad habit. You will most likely not feel like doing any of this. Do it anyway. It works.
  6. Write down your positive goals for your future. Write down short-term goals for how you plan on dealing with people, places, and things. Be specific. Also write down a few long-term goals. By writing these goals down, even if you never read them again, you are inscribing your intentions in your memory. The more you read over them, the more they will come naturally to you. Read them over often.
  7. Get at least 15-20 minutes of exercise every day, whether you feel like it or not. It might be helpful for you to join a cycling, Yoga, or walking group. You may prefer to do this all on your own. Either way works, as long as you do it. Again, if you are still reading this, inertia has taken over depressive moods, making it necessary to kick its lazy butt. Even standing in your living room, doing stretches and deep breathing exercises works. Just do it.
  8. Write down in your journal what you are eating. You truly are what you eat. What is it that is eating you? MAKE A DECISION to only eat foods that are healthy. Again, your ego might fight you on this point. Bad habits are hard to break. Make small changes rather than big unsustainable ones. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. If you are not a water drinker, get a 32-ounce bottle and guzzle it all at once, twice a day, as if you were taking medicine. Your brain is a hydroelectric machine. You need to hydrate your dehydrated brain. Did you know that you cannot think clearly with a dehydrated brain? This is especially helpful for the older population.
  9. Get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Yes, the most valiant among us, and doctors in hospitals, can survive on just 4 hours of sleep a night, or even less than that sometimes, but no one wants to have a sleep-deprived doctor work on them, nor be around anyone who sleeps less, because the truth is, no matter how well you think you can operate with less sleep, human beings are meant to regenerate their bodies, minds, and spirits/Souls by adequate sleep.
  10. Know that it takes 21 days to break any habit, especially dysfunctional, life-long habits that have become hard-wired in the patterns that make you tick. If you fail at doing this, start again, and again. Continue with this process, which costs you nothing but your own desire, time, and energy. YOU ARE WORTHY of a life well-lived. This is a new path, a new idea. Yes, it is work to work on improving yourself holistically. But this work has no negative side-effects except to heal the depression and dysfunction which has sabotaged you thus far. This works side-by-side any doctor who prescribes you medication. There are no contraindications with this holistic health program. It is behavior modification you are seeking to achieve, replacing negative habits with positive ones.
  11. BE THE DUCK. BE LIKE TEFLON. I used to keep a porcelain duck in each of my four offices as a reminder for them to BE THE DUCK. What does that mean? Notice how a duck simply floats on the water. When it wants to go in a new direction, it does not furiously flap its wings on the water in a temper tantrum. No, it simply makes a DECISION to fly off in the direction it wants to go. Also, when the duck eats from the muck at the bottom of the water, taking in what serves it and leaving the rest. The dirt and muck do not stick to the duck. It slides off easily, without any effort by the duck. Of course, an oil slick is another story! Still, with correct adherence to protocols that work, such as you sticking to these self-help suggestions, you can be free of the issues that have sabotaged you.
  12. Concentrate on you. You are the one who keeps the measure of your success, no one else. Everyone has enough to do by taking care of their own selves. This is a self-help program which can only help you help yourself. You do not have to do any of this. You have the free will to keep on exactly where you are. These are merely suggestions of steps you can take if you want to feel better.

“You Deserve To Feel Better”


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Panic Attacks ~ Part One

While you know how to take care of your physical health, sometimes you might have the tendency to pay less attention to your mental health, trying to be valiant in the face of insurmountable situations. It’s as if you could only think better, you would do better. A bad habit to avoid is emotionally beating yourself up when that does not happen. You need to take better care of your mind. It is the first leg of your Mind-Body-Spirit Tripod which keeps you stable as a human being. It is not a New Age metaphysical concept. It is a reality of your complete Self.

Are repeating emotions and thought patterns beginning to occur to you?

Do the same shortcomings show up at unexpected moments?

Why did I say “YES” to this project?

With physical health issues, we tend to take care of the things we need to take care of. If we ignore the first symptoms of a problem, the pain associated with the physical problem usually sends us to the doctor, even if it is inconvenient.

But mental health issues often have another hurdle to jump over. Our pride, which is fed by our insane ego, suggests to us that if we were mentally strong enough, then we could simply wish our problems away, or worse yet, our insane ego might suggest that you are feeling so good, you should get off your medications because you do not need them anymore.


The following considerations work both for people currently on medications, and for those who are not on medications.

Let’s go back.

Twice now, I have referred to the ego as the insane ego. The ego very much wants to have a loud voice, no matter how shy you might be, to keep you alive. The ego does not like to have its voice squelched. However, the ego can make its presence known so loudly that you trip over it time after time. So, I will be referring to your unbridled ego as the insane ego.

Your insane ego can rear up when you first become aware that you might be mentally unbalanced, overly frightened or overwhelmed, by suggesting that this problem “is all in your mind,” and that, “It will go away.”

Guess what?

Problems, mental or otherwise do not go away when we do not deal with them.

It is important for good mental health, to acknowledge your feelings. Feelings are not right or wrong. They simply are. Unpleasant feelings like guilt, unworthiness, grief, and depression do not magically transform themselves by stuffing them deep, down inside you, or denying them.

First, we need to acknowledge them. Sometimes these feelings are so strong they create a physical pain, like a migraine headache, but that’s just the symptom of the emotional pain. Migraine headaches are usually not the root problem. Know this, once you identify the source of the problem and deal with it, the pain begins to lessen, while your personal power grows stronger.

Whatever you focus on grows. The more you focus on the anxiety, the more the anxiety grows. The more you concentrate on panic attacks, the stronger and more frequent they can occur. The good news is, the more you focus on relaxation, and doing the things that bring on the relaxation response, the more you will unwind and heal.

While it is not healthy to pretend that you do not have anxiety, it is healthy to have a conscious plan including self-talk and mantras. You can keep repeating phrases which are higher in vibrational frequency to yourself to re-train your mind in how to think. Yes, there are times medications are needed, but quite often using these simple self-help tools work to reduce stress, restore mental balance and increase self-esteem without them. The good news is self-talk and mantras always work, unless you stop using them.

For panic attacks, remember to breathe. Nowadays we do not breathe right. When we do breathe, we do not get the same amount of oxygen as we did a century ago due to so much pollution in the air. Plus, we are cutting down the rainforests in the world, which are the lungs of the planet. So, remember to take slow, deep breaths. After taking 15 slow, deep breaths, your blood pressure usually returns to normal.

Cutting down the Amazon Rainforest

You need to know, if this hasn’t occurred to you already, that you are not going to “feel” like doing any of this.

Once the negative habit of anxiety has rooted in you, a little voice inside of you will start by telling you, “This is stupid,” or “It won’t work,” or “I don’t feel like it.” It’s like you have the negative you on one side, and the positive at-least-wants-to-try-to-be-positive you on the other side. Realize this beforehand so you expect it, then consciously take the steps to get better anyway.

Yes, you can feel better.

To reduce stress, make sure each day includes stretching, Yoga or walking. Remember to move your body in five different directions. For example, you could do a forward bend, arch your back backwards, lean from the waist to one side sliding your hand down your outer calf or wherever you can reach, then do the same thing on the other side. Lastly, do some sort of twist, gently. None of these moves need to be extreme. They just need to be done. This helps you by releasing those feel-good endorphins. Start by doing this for five minutes, then gradually over a few days increase to 15-20 minutes each day, rain or shine.

Listen to happy music you like. Relaxing music helps a lot.

Know too that the world is not going to come to an end if you do not get everything on your to-do list done. Your head already knows this, yet somehow, we place enormous burdens on ourselves, out of a misguided goal of perfection. Accept yourself right where you are, right now, with all limitations you see. Ask your Higher-Self, your I AM Presence, for the assistance you need. It is not that you are perfect if or when you get 900 things done in a day. Give yourself permission to be you and enjoy the wonder of every moment.


Tap Into Cosmic Forces of Nature To Foster Peace ~ Healing ~ Unity In Your Life And In The World

Typical Corona Discharge of a Kirlian fingerprint emanating energy reflected as colors of the rainbow. The intensity of energy of each person likewise radiates out from them and affects everything in nature, people and ideas, generating solutions, empathy, compassion, understanding and love, resulting in peace all over the world, in every country, city and town, neighborhood and home, and most importantly within each individual.

Humanity is the energetic signature, a microcosm of the macrocosm of the ever-expanding universe. Our auras radiate with myriad levels of light consciousness just as the Earth manifests its electro-magnetic signatures of its current realities. Humanity is of the Earth, of the universe, and of the cosmos. All is One. Imagine what would happen if concentrated focus was put on peace, healing, and unity within ourselves. As we grow in conscious awareness of who and what we truly are, we take another step forward into promoting global peace, healing, and unity.

This is a picture taken of my aura with Kirlian photography in Sedona, Arizona near the major vortex. You can see how energy radiates out from the human body, which affects others many feet away from you and me. You are more powerful than you know.

It is fascinating to think of each of us interacting with each other and with the Earth, affecting the outcomes of our lives and with the life of the planet. Everything you and I think about, speak about, and act on affects more than you and me alone.

Semyon Kirlian is the person who accidently discovered Kirlian photography in 1939, capturing the colors in our auras. The colors in our aura change depending on our thoughts, words, and actions. This energetic reality is unseen by the naked eye but can be measured and seen by photographic imaging currently also being used to detect diseases that manifest within the body in western medicine.

The Earth also has an aura reflecting the energy humanity is manifesting upon its surface. A healthy Earth will promote human health as well as a better life for all living beings existing on it. All life is One.

But our energy system does not stop at skin level. It is as if you are wearing an etheric coat of your belief system, joys, and sorrows, both positive and negative. Not only does everything we focus on grow, but we also project our focus within the energy field around us by numerous feet in distance. This is why when you are standing in a long line of noisy, complaining customers, your energy system is affected by their energy system. The energy systems of everyone in the store interact with each other etherically.

This is also why being uplifted while attending the symphony, an inspirational movie, and a good conversation from a long-lost friend boosts the mood.

The same thing holds true for every person. This is why it is so important to keep your energy system clean and free from contamination of negative thoughts, words and actions, and only focus on the good, the solution, giving the most life and love everywhere you go. Even silently, you affect other people, places, and things.

When you see something dysfunctional in the news, in education, in law, in any area of life, rather than comment on what is not working, spend time commenting on the solution, the positive alternative, the healing with humor and larger than life outlook.

Problems do not get solved by concentrating on the problems. On one hand we all know this. On the other hand, we get caught up in the trap of taking sides, creating divisions, and needing to be right. Selfishness is at the helm of steering our emotional ship straight into the rocks when we look only at the rocks and not on the beacon of light flashing from the lighthouse.

Solutions are not insulting. Solutions are open doors. Solutions solve issues.

Next, become more sensitive to your surroundings, sending love and light, peace, and joy during meditation. Use I AM statements such as “I AM peace,” to the areas of life void of peace; or “I AM healing” in the areas you see in need of healing. Be the peace. Be the healing balm of empathy and compassion in a world often lacking in these qualities.

See the ripples of peace issue forth from your life, through your aura, reaching into the aura of others. Take the long view, as if you were stepping back and looking down on your life from a much higher perspective, seeing the colors of new life-giving ideas swirling around you and infiltrating the auras of others soaking up positive vibrations, enjoying good conversations, and bolstering their self-esteem.

There is ebb and flow, a pulse to the energy of the cosmos. One thing affects another. Change is constant in the heartbeat of nature, seeds germinating into plants. You and I are made with the seed blueprint of life, generating human life, as well as giving birth to the idea that peace begins with you and me. The emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual seeds we sow will multiply.

Let us build upon what works in life, in every country in the world, to make better lives for all of us, while honoring the freedom and free will with which each individual was born.



Spoken words matter. Thoughts matter. Energy matters. Simply cutting and releasing negative energy out of you and out of your negative situation and/or environment multiplies what you do not want in your life and in the world. DISSOLVE and REPLACE negative and harmful thoughts, words, and actions with positive kindness, love, and light-filled alternatives.

We are all the creators of our realities. The world is the way it is because we chose to make it the way it is.

You don’t agree?

What do you think about? How much time do you spend countering what you do not want? How much time do you spend taking in the negative news of the day, dwelling on its unrighteousness? How much time do you spend discussing the maladies of the day with friends and neighbors?

That only magnifies what you do not want, unless of course, this is what you do want.

Dr. Emoto proved this point by photographing water frozen after harsh music, words, attitudes compared to water frozen after beautifully inspired and harmonious music, and loving words and attitudes.

You matter. What you think about matters. What you talk about matters. What you listen to matters. What you focus on matters. It not only matters, it becomes reality. That’s how manifesting reality works. That’s how you get your next job, or whatever else is on your to-do-list. It all begins with a thought.

Yes, you already know all these things, yet how often do we metaphorically shoot ourselves in the foot, bringing on the very things in our relationships, our finances, and in politics by focusing on the opposite of what we do want.

Let us all take a mental step back to reassess how to better manifest the good we all wish to have rather than stirring the pot of dysfunction.


What Is The Best Way To Plan For The Holidays ~ Build A Business ~ A Country ~ And Everything Else

It looks like they started with a common goal. No one is destroying the project while others are building it. Not one of them is obstructing the common goal.

The way to plan for the holidays, build a building or a country, a relationship, or anything else is to agree on the common goal. Like attracts like. That’s how the Law of Attraction works. This is the way to build anything.

Focusing on what does not work and not what you do not want sabotages what you do want. No one plans a vacation only focusing on what went wrong with the last vacation no matter how many hours, days, weeks, months or years is sent on focusing on the negative. We remain stuck in what did not work until the second, minute or hour when we decide to consider positive solutions.

It is only when the lightbulb goes of with a new idea for a positive goal or plan that things begin to move in a forward direction. We know this, yet how many times have we consciously or unconsciously dragged down possibilities by getting caught up in the negative whirlwind spun out of control? That does nothing but result in having a bad day, giving headaches, and frustrating energy systems.

Whether we are building a sandcastle, a home, a friendship, or a country, focusing on the next possible forward step in creating our future is the only way to build upon a solid foundation of balance and harmony.

Plans change, ideas change, and people change constantly. In any endeavor change will be present. Change is a constant and fluid occurrence. It is how we deal with change and work together for a common goal that matters. It is not all about having our own way and sticking to it no matter what. Being obstinate does not serve the highest good.

Karma works in these situations. If negative seeds are planted, negative results are produced. When positive, life-affirming seeds are planted in the garden of life, positive results occur.

Notice the goal is not to sabotage the others in the planning and working. Sabotage is nothing but a huge boomerang that always finds its way back to its source.

Working together for the common good is a noble concept worthy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which benefits us all.


Lao Tzu Said, “Nature Does Not Hurry Yet Everything Is Accomplished.”

Do you ever find yourself rushing around until life’s no fun? Is your to-do-list longer than the distance from here to the moon? Will you turn into a purple pumpkin if you do not get it all done? How is your blood pressure? Having any physical side effects to stress yet? Is your speech coming out faster than a sonic jet? Texting, eating, drinking, on the cell phone while driving, see the problem? Are you addicted to activity? Where’s the balance?


You are in control of you, not your schedule.

You are in control of you, not other people.

You are in control of you, not the situation.

If the merry-go-round of life is going too fast for you, stop and simplify. Find your balance point. It is literally a matter of life and death. The fastest way to age is to live a life of prolonged, severe stress. Stress brings on major, serious illness and death.

Everyone can push extra hard in life, for a short while, to help someone out, to rise to the occasion, or if the job demands a short but strenuous burst of energy from you. Your employer does not own the rights to your life. You do.

No one can sustain prolonged stress. The body breaks down. Your emotional self breaks down. It is not what nature intended for you on the day you were born. At first you may not associate various ailments and symptoms as stress related. Stress is not a natural state for us. Stress is not good for us, no matter how used to it we are.

How do we break out of this extremely addictive, self-destructive habit of racing through life like a chicken with its head cut off? Like changing any other habit, it is going to take 21 days to try on new habits of relaxation techniques, slow breathing exercises, body stretching, aerobic activity, walking, jogging, bike riding or swimming. You know what works for you. Give yourself breaks. Breaks are lifesaving.

Take a moment to watch how nature works. Roses do not rush to bloom. They take their time. They open and unfold slowly, all in good time. Savor each moment in this life. You are here for a reason. If you fly through your life too fast, you will miss so much. We all have 24 hours in a day. How you spend it really is up to you.

It is a mistake to give everything on your agenda the same emergency intensity, as if completing each task is equivalent to putting out a fire. You are a human being, not a machine. We all know this. It is good to be reminded from time to time, not to take ourselves so seriously. When you’re stressed, the first thing to go is your sense of humor. That’s a clue.

Lao Tzu once said, “Nature Does Not Hurry, Yet Everything Is Accomplished.”

We are made from nature. We are made of the stuff of the earth. Our vitamins and minerals replenish what we deplete each day, such as magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium, etc.

Stress, worry, anxiety and panic solve nothing. You already know this. It shuts you down, makes you so sick that you want to crawl in a hole or not even get up. They are lower vibrations that do not serve you. You can drop them if you choose to. It truly is a choice. Remember, you think your thoughts. Your thoughts do not think you. If you have had enough of something, or some thought, change it. Switch on some music. Take a walk in nature with a focus on seeing, hearing, touching and feeling a flower, a bird, or even observing people in a coffee shop. Taste an inviting hot chocolate, chai tea, coffee or pomegranate juice, something that sounds good to you. Reach out to that friend that makes you laugh. Raise your vibrations.

It helps to change the constant negative tape that the ego wants to run over and over again in your head. Once you recognize that this tape is no longer serving you to your highest good, you can simply change it. You are in charge of you, not your insane ego that wants to run amuck. The ego thinks it is in charge of you, wants to be in charge of you. The most wonderful news is that it is not!

You are in charge of you, of what you think, of what you deem to be important, of what your next positive steps will be, of what you want your mood to be. Again, remember, moods ALWAYS follow thoughts, not the other way around.

The light is within you. You are light. You are love. The more you read this, the more it will become second nature to you. There is more to you than you know or realize. As soon as you discover something new about yourself, something else new pops up for your awareness and consciousness to take in. You are more than your thoughts. You are more than your body. You are even more than your spirit. There is so much more to you than you realize.


OCTOBER 9-11, 2021

Step Into Your Mastery ~ Step Into Your Power

Seats Available: 4

Cost: $377,  due by September 25, 2021 so registration to the International School of Esoteric Sciences can take place, and the manual, which is copyrighted and trademarked, can be produced and received in time for the workshop.

PREREQUISITE for this Basic Master Teacher Workshop is the Basic Master Workshop and/or the New Paradigm 13D MDT Workshop. Students will need to provide their certificate numbers for the certified courses they have taken, allowing them to take this workshop. This Basic Master Teacher Workshop is a three-day workshop where students will learn how to teach:

  • What Self-Mastery Means to You as an Individual
  • The Responsibilities of Mastery
  • Responsibility to Students of a Master Teacher
  • How to Activate Others
  • How to Clear Energy Blockages from the Bodies
  • Hands On and Activation Practice
  • How to Facilitate a Workshop
  • Channeling
  • Staying in Touch and the Foundation
  • On Freedom and Boundaries

Upon completion of this workshop, students will be able to teach the New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT) Basic Master Workshop. John Armitage, co-founder of the NPMDT Workshops, along with Germain, teaches the 13D Master Teacher nine-day workshop.


NOVEMBER 13-14, 2021


NOVEMBER 20-21, 2021

Remember Who You Are

Seats Available: 4

Cost for this NPMDT 4-Day 13D MDT Workshop is $482 due October 30, 2021, in order that registration in the International School of Esoteric Sciences can take place, and the certificate, and manual (which is both copyrighted and trademarked), will be published and received in time for this workshop.

If you would like to connect on a more expanded level with all energies of the New Paradigm Multi-Dimension Transformation, consider registering for the upcoming 13D Multidimensional Transformation Workshop taking place November 13-14, 2021, AND November 20-21, 2021. For anyone on the path to personal transformation and self-realization this workshop is a real gift to the self. In this amazing workshop in a systematic and thorough, well-crafted whole the participant is brought back into strong contact with their own personal true core essence.

A deep rebalancing of the mind/body/electro-magnetic system can be realized. The individual usually takes a huge step forward on their own personal path of transformation. The biggest requirement is to be able to allow and let go.

The personal capacity to receive and share energy will grow impressively in this School of Esoteric Sciences course of the workshop and continue to do so afterwards. I am a certified teacher of this international school.

Course Duration: 4 days (minimum 32 hours)

Prerequisite: No prerequisites.  Anyone who feels called to can take this course.

As the year winds down, it is a good time to go within and receive 13 meditations and activations. These are not one-size-fits-all-activations, allowing for individual energetic, personal growth, development, and awareness to bloom.

This 13D MDT Workshop includes 13 multidimensional activations of the most expansive and most recent evolutionary energies available to humanity on this planet. Also included are clearings, code activations, and personal activations including 12 dimensions of these personal transformation energies, plus the 13th activation which opens you to further ones as they become available to humanity and as you are ready.

Students are responsible to bring their own snacks, beverages, and lunches.

This 13D MDT or the Basic Master Workshop is a prerequisite to take the Basic Master Teacher Workshop. It is also a prerequisite to take the nine-day 13D Master Teacher Workshop, which is only taught by John Armitage.

To register for these NPMDT Workshops, email, or call 413-245-0129.

These workshops are a wonderful time away from your everyday life filling you with renewal, balance, breathing, inspiration Love Without Conditions, and Non-judgment.


Manifesting ~ Lose The Plausible Opposite Mentality Shutting Everything Down

Spirals Are Forever series. Arrangement of vortex fractal on the subject of science technology and design

Manifesting begins with focusing on what you do want, not what you don’t want. How many times have you started out by trying to manifest something in your life, only to have the current of the plausible opposite thought about what you do not want monopolizing your mind, or jeopardizing someone else’s plan? Take peace on Earth, for example.

If you spend more time thinking about peace positively, planning for peace, and having conversations about peace, you will find it more productive than putting focusing on how to stop arguments, negativity, and war. What you focus on grows.

This works in families, friendships, and the future of all life. No one can move forward while focusing on self-sabotaging, or sabotaging others. Sabotage is the result of always considering “all” options, worrying about what can happen “if,” and spinning webs of confusion to muddy the minds of many on purpose.

While this might seem obvious, how many times do you circumvent your goals by looking back, remembering failures, or wasting energy thinking about the worst case scenario?

Failure of past futile attempts is no reason to give up hope. Change is a constant and often unpleasant reality of life. Yet, past failures do not dictate future outcomes.

Begin again to only take in the knowledge, insight, and ability to move forward in your hopes and dreams transforming them into reality. Concentrate on what your future goal looks like when it plays out positively in your mind.

Considering the plausible opposite is what kills hopes and dreams, stalemates political aspirations, and suppresses the voice of solutions waiting to manifest.

Dream big, plan for peace, harmony, and unity.




Whatever words follow the statement “I AM …” are directions energy follows to create reality. It does not matter if in the present moment the opposite appears to be true. Notice I said “appears” to be true. Every individual is the master of their own life, their own moods and feelings, and their own decisions. I AM statements are the path to follow to affirm when you are right on course with your life, or if change is more advisable. Use time to your benefit. Things do not manifest overnight, although sometimes they do.

Feelings are the power behind I AM statements. When powered by feelings, I AM statements manifest in combination with strong desire, planning, arranging the possibilities, acknowledging when change needs to happen, and using adaptability and flexibility.

Have you ever called in sick to work, telling the boss, “I AM sick, when you are not?” That is simply a direct line to getting sick.

Do you need to be successful at work? Then your mantra each and every day, several times a day, ought to be “I AM successful.” Add the direction you wish to go at the end of the I AM statement. It is important to think in ways that makes your success possible. Be pro-active. Do not wait one more moment. See it happening in your minds’ eye. Have hope, drive, and initiative.

I AM statements need positive desires for positive outcomes. Pay attention to your moods. Whether you realize it or not, you choose your moods, they do not choose you. You can change them anytime you want to. The question is, do you want to? That is another matter altogether.

It is not possible to get a positive outcome when negative thoughts, words, and actions are what your past behaviors fed upon. Change is possible. Begin, or begin again with I AM statements.

Individuals, governments, and all other groups of people can benefit from applying the Universal Law of Universal Order of I AM statements. This is cause and effect unfolding before your eyes.

Do you need a career change? Plan for your future. Take a course. Try something new. Meet new people. Inform others of the direction you wish to go. Work with what is possible and watch for the open doors. If you are not looking, you might miss them.

This is something I learned at the DoveStar Institute of Holistic Health and Technology, the metaphysical school I attended 23 years ago. It is how I help to start a brand new newspaper, which was up against an intrenched daily newspaper, by selling ads and writing feature articles. Today this newspaper, The Laconia Daily Sun, is still in operation. The other newspaper is now out of business. Using I AM statements is also how I started my own business, The Massage Clinic, an hour outside New York City. There were 15 existing similar successful businesses in the area. But I only saw positive paths forward and helped 8,000 people by appointments in eight years.

The power of positive thinking works. Never give up. You’ve got this.


Message To High School Graduating Students

New beginnings are wonderful, as in full of wonder, awe, and a bit unsettling even when welcomed. While high school graduating students have completed their first step into adulthood, their parents and families may or may not be just as ready for their graduate’s next steps into adulthood.

No longer do these grown-up children need their parents permission for chaperones, jobs, colleges, nor doctor appointments, often much to their parents chagrin.

Being a parents of now five grown children, I didn’t like these words either. However, if we have done our jobs, and raised our children to be independent, as they have reminded us all along the way by their thoughts, words, and actions, then we in fact have done a good job in parenting.

Some of us fledgling children left our parental homes earlier than high school graduation. I was one of these high school students. It was not popular to get married in high school, yet two other of my high school friends did the same thing. All of us are not alone in this, and some of my friends have successful marriages to this day.

In my case, I decided from day one that I had a new start, something which I highly recommend to all graduating high school students. I decided to make my life beautiful. I thought of my new mantra every day, to make my life beautiful. I chose to fill my life with a garden of children.

How do high school graduates make their lives beautiful from this day forward?


All these considerations seem to come up all at once. Calmly think of them one step at a time. You can do this. I suggest doing this privately before sharing your personal thoughts with others. Make lists of your short-term and long-term goals, including other ideas that factor in your decisions. These are your new adult decisions. Do not forget exercise so you do not become one of those freshmen students who gain 40 pounds in their freshmen year away from home.


Do not be short-sighted and trade education for a life of working 40-80 hours per week, something adults soon resent until the day they retire. Now you have the opportunity to change your mind if you have already done this. There are still doors open to you. Guidance Counselors at every Online College and Junior College are available to assist you. This is your life. It is time for you to take charge of you, not anyone else. Today is a new day for a new beginning.

What is the definition of courage? It is not the absence of fear, fear of failure, fear of success, or any other fear. Courage is feeling fear and walking ahead despite of it. You can do this.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. How do you choose to make it beautiful? I tread lightly here on advice others may have given you. Make sure your short-term goals lay a firm foundation in the same direction as your long-term goals. Remember also that now is not forever. You can always change your mind, but it is important to make a plan for yourself.

If you do decide to work first, as many students need to do, in order to save up for transportation or tuition, trade or vocational school, or a four-year college experience, realize that not all students walk the same path for their life. You are independent and unique. There is no one else like you. You are truly amazing.


What have you decided for your life path? From now on high school is behind you. Your life is an unpainted tapestry yet to be filled in with the colorful experiences with which you paint it. Some high school graduates know exactly what they want as a profession of occupation in life. Many others have no idea until inspiration strikes. Many high school students will change their minds choosing to become teachers of children rather than pediatricians, or a host of other options. You will never know unless you try. If you never try, you will never know.

Also know that anytime is a good time to begin or begin again, no matter how young or old you are. If you miss one deadline, simply plan for the next. Once you fulfill one dream, then dream another dream. Change you minds as often as you need to. This might sound like precarious advice. I speak from experience.

Obviously, I did not go straight to college after graduating from high school. I decided to raise a beautiful family as best I knew how. I choose to help the world by being a foster parent to six young children, who were always between the ages of my own children so there would be no competition among them. I wanted to show my children, by first-hand experience, that they could share their lives with those in need, even if it was only a temporary assistance.

My high school yearbook declares that I wanted to be a writer and a mother. Turns out I did both. Energetically, I put my goal out in the universe by telling everyone that I wanted to write for the local newspaper, The Milford Daily News. When the previous reporter for the town of Mendon retired, a friend told me the job was mine if I wanted it. I served my hometown as a reporter and local photographer for 20 years or so before moving to Laconia where my husband and I helped to start the Laconia Daily Sun, which is still in operation to this day.

Yet I felt the need to do more with my life so I sold ads for the Laconia Daily Sun, wrote feature articles, while also attending the DoveStar Institute of Holistic Technology to get into mind, body and spirit healing. After graduating from the two-year program as a Reiki Master and massage therapist, I opened my own business, The Massage Clinic, getting doctor referrals for therapy in Connecticut. I got so busy I had to open four offices and hired nine other therapists. In order to keep my license, I had to keep taking Continuing Education Credits (CEUs). One of the best courses I added to my repertoire was that of Holistic Health Counselor and Practitioner which I received from the American Institute of Holistic Health And Wellness, allowing me another dimension to holistic therapy.

Energy healing became a huge area of interest for me. I saw direct results in the transformation and healing with my clients. I personally worked on 5,000 of 8,000 clients during my eight-years prior to my retirement. The most wonderful energy course I took is now called New Paradigm Multidimensional Healing from the International School of Esoteric Sciences. Today I am a teacher, able to teach worldwide, as well as offer holistic counseling worldwide with my holistic counselor and practitioner certification.

Why do I mention all of this? I am appealing to all high school students to never give up. You have no idea where this beautiful life will take you. While it is necessary to make plans for your future, as I have suggested, you might find your life take many unexpected twists and turns. Nothing can ever keep you down but yourself. Never listen to any negative thought or advice. Others only have their own experience which they are drawing from. Your life is different. Their life is not your life. You decide for yourself from now on, what you will do, how you will complete your tasks, where you will choose to manifest the best in your life, why you will make the choices you decide to make, when you will decide to think, speak, and act; and with who you will surround your life. This is how to create a beautiful life.

Do not forget to expect change all along the way. I wish someone had told me about change. I used to get so angry every time I made a decision, or a schedule, that in the next moment it had to change. Change is a constant part of life. If you know this ahead of time, you can avoid much stress and anxiety. Just know that you can handle any change that comes your way.

You can do anything you decide to do. Do not ever let listen to anyone giving you negative advice. Kindly tell them “Thank you,” smile with respect, then do what you think is best. There will be time to listen to the prudent advice of friends and family. The key point to know here is that you will know the truth when you hear it. It will be a gut instinct feeling. Always go with your gut instinct. You will rarely be wrong.

A word here about guilt motivation. Recognize when someone offers you advice because it serves them, not you. Emotional tools some people use include: fear, obligation, and guilt. This destructive operation plan is now referred to as F.O.G. It is the kingpin of manipulation techniques. You are not here on Earth to be used as a bargaining chip in someone else’s life. Life is too short for that. Do not allow others to usurp your talents. There is a needy world out there and even strangers attempt this guilt-trip technique. This is the time to actually focus on you, your goals and aspirations. Also recognize that these choices of how to move on when change occurs in your life, is also available to others when change occurs to them.


This is another way of saying to make your own way in life. High school graduates need to break with the comfortable routine of the parent’s home they always knew as their own, as well as the comfortable rides home they always had. This is one of life’s changes which can be uncomfortable. Change need not be adversarial. But there is a time to move on. You will know it when you feel it. Feelings are not right or wrong. They just are.


Striking out on your own may be a first for you, but there is a first time for everything. Now is the time. Many high school graduates already have jobs. If you cannot find a job, be inventive. There are opportunities online these days. Think of the interests you have and begin with those. Do you like to cook? I’ve seen several opportunities in local restaurants for cooks and line-cooks. From eating in some of these restaurants, some of them could use bakers who could sell your desserts after their meals. Offer your cooking and serving self at the cafeteria in schools and/or hospitals. Be creative and BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. You have many gifts to offer the world. Be confident. Present yourself with good posture, language, and dressing for the occasion. Might you like office work, or might you like to work in a car repair garage? I believe in you.


Go in the direction you wish to work in for your future, finding jobs that could give you a taste of whether you will even like the work you think you will. For example, perhaps you feel called to be a nurse. Volunteer as a Candy Striper to see if you even like being in hospitals. I volunteered in Pastoral Care at Harrington Hospital for 45 hours of service to obtain my Chaplain certification within the Universal Life Church Seminary. You might find many other ideas such as these. Perhaps you could start your own landscaping, planting flowers and bushes, raking, removing debris or lawn care company for your summertime project.

Just because there are other companies out there does not mean your start-up company will not survive. For example, when I started my massage therapy business in Connecticut without any friends or family in that area, I first looked up local competition. I found 15 other thriving businesses in my area. I figured if they could survive, then my business could survive. I did not allow one negative thought to enter my mind, no fear, no doubt. Focusing on what works, WORKS! You’ve got this.


Many high school graduates find this is the perfect time to reach out, scary as it might sound to some, and seek housing with other high school graduates in either renting apartments with adequate bedrooms for each person. People are amazing. Find people with interests similar to yours. You can advertise for the personality traits compatible with yours: quiet, busy, likes computer games, needs their own space, etc. More opportunities for both housing and work abound in this consideration near colleges. Finding apartments closer to employment opportunities cuts down on transportation needs. High school graduates have a wonderful opportunity to spread their wings as they come to grips with the personal freedom that is now theirs.

My best wishes to all of you.


Calling All Lightworkers To Feel And Manifest Harmony

Stay focused in the Light. Ground the Light. While these are wonderful days of Light, Love and healing, these are also days of distraction, disfunction, and destruction. Avoid allowing the pendulum of dark diversion to capture your attention. There is a whirlwind of negative energies vying for your attention on television, radio and in coffee shop conversations. Do not give it to them. Rather than focusing on what is not working socially, ethically, politically, or any other life dissection, continue to focus on the positive solutions without reference to the negative calamity that has befallen the nation, specifically the United States of America. However, this topic affects every country in the world.

This is not about arguing your way to having others understand what you are saying. Rather, let us help the world by focusing more Light and Love from our hearts, like an umbrella of protection from destructive negative forces in our midst. Let us lighten the mood, the tone, interjecting positive solution, humor and/or more education for a more beneficial outcome.

If we find the burden of oppressive conversations, unconscionable mood-affecting actions of others, or seemingly impossible attitude shifts in the public arena, we simply need to do what we have been taught to do in our field of our education and work.



We know that whatever we focus on grows. If we want more dysfunction, then we keep on focusing on what does not work. But we know better than to continue doing that. We can get sidetracked from time to time. Ultimately we wake up, correct our steps, and begin or begin again for the hundredth time.

Continue to grow where you have been planted, in the garden of your life, in your specific family, with your friends and co-workers. Shine a light of peaceful understanding, empathy and compassion on everyone around you. Not one of us is perfect yet, but with each life-affirming decision we make, we get closer and closer to the perfection of life.

Our tools include higher vibrational frequencies, crystals, flower essences, and meditations to ground the Light and Love in ourselves, our homes and our properties. This brings a necessary transformation, often resulting in healing people, places, and things. I have gridded the property with crystals where I live. It is astounding how many people walk by our property nestled in an old forest, and stop to talk, admire the flowers, or find the smiling monkey I used to use during holistic healing sessions, which we put out among the flowering bushes and trees for the young children in strollers to find when they go by. It makes everyone smile.

It is an art to turn negative, complaining sessions with others into lighter, happier, more constructive conversations that lift their hearts and inspire their thoughts. But it is more than that.

It is imperative to remain focused on Light and Love, calling on your I AM Presence, your God Particle if you will, the very essence of your soul, to manifest the life-giving energy that supersedes all other energies. If we wonder why the world is the way it is, or why negative things keep happening, it is because we are concentrating on them.

Suddenly, as you know when you have done this before, by concentrating on the positive ideas, thoughts, and solutions, you will feel an immediate rise in chi, elevating mood and outlook, which becomes the open door to all other positive manifestation.

Elevate your mind with life-affirming thoughts. Clear the clutter around you, including the clutter of the mind. Find the beauty. What is the new thing you learned today? Were you consciously looking to discover something positive and new today?

Find the humor. Life is not all drudgery. How dare I say that on the heels of COVID-19, death of loved ones, or loss of jobs and homes? If you are still here, living on planet Earth, there is more for you to do, think, and feel.

The power is in the feelings. Whatever we “feel” we energize. The stronger the feelings, the stronger the ability to manifest. The important ingredient is to only empower the positive and loving thoughts, words, and actions. To focus on the dysfunction and what is not working for you, as you already know, will bring more of what you are focusing on directly to you.


Spiral of Light Dispels Shadow In People And Nations

Notice the Spiral of Light emanating from the individual, as well as from the many aspects of refracted color proceeding from the infinity of light.

“Let there be light!” This is the first reality in the Cosmos. From its initial blast of existence in the third dimension, infinite light manifests proving the Universal Law of Light as a continuous radiance through high-powered energy and resulting generation of light. This same light also emanates from within humankind in every country on Earth. This exact same light has the ability to calm all man-made chaos in every country on the face of this planet.

Light enlightens everything and everyone in its path. Notice how light dispels shadow and darkness. Dark shadows disappear in the presence of light. Shadow always follows light, just as the sunset casts a shadow of tree on the ground, with light on one side of the tree and shadow behind it. Yet shadow is cast out by light when it illuminates void of obstacles. Light is also the answer to obstacles.

Light spirals and whirls throughout all of nature, as can be seen in rushing water passing through twists and turns in the mighty river. Light explodes in myriad refractions when it bounces off crystal orbs hanging from rearview mirrors. Rainbows are generated in the happy marriage of mist and light. This spiral of life also is used by all human beings for knowledge, understanding, empathy, compassion, problem solving, making life-saving treaties, common sense, bi-partisanship, and all other endeavors seeking to work for the benefit of all civilizations.

The first light also manifests in the vibrational frequency of the sound of “OM” from the oldest known literary work of the Rig Veda. OM symbolizes a beginning and a female divine energy. It is first mentioned in the Upanishads, the mystical text of Vedanta philosophy.

Notice breath is the connection to the Soul. When we stop breathing, our Soul goes back to the energy of God. Breathe in the life of wisdom each day of your life.

OM is also associated with Cosmic Sound, or Something Divine. It is the result of the generation of light. OM, also known as AUM, corresponds to the three stages of Cosmic Creation. When it is read or said, it vibrationally celebrates the creative powers of the infinite Universe.

These are Universal Laws, principles that always work for the uplifting of society. However, within humankind is also the gift of freedom and free will. This can be seen in every country’s politics on the earth when people become blinded by their own greed, power, and ego. It is one of life’s lessons that allows the dysfunction, oppression, and degradation of the humanity it promises to deliver from the very bondage they create.

Nationalism divides rather than unifies. Patriotism at the exclusion of any other national border and civilization also divides. It always has since the drop into time on Earth. There is a way to co-exist peacefully on planet Earth.

We observe the current the bombing between Israel and Palestine, the United States in trying to suppress voters, and racial inequality worldwide capturing our attention. It is free will choice of leaders to either work with the powerful light within them, or shut out the light by the strangulation of human rights. It is just as easily and quickly possible to switch to treating others the way we wish to be treated. Denying the reality that problems exist in our lives and in our nations is not the way to solve any problem. Peaceful intelligence, empathy, and compassion for everyone in the human race is the answer.

It is easy to point the fingers at “the other side” of any issue. But the reality is, the world will be a better place in which to live if we all do our peaceful part to be better human beings.

Notice how even a small light illuminates a dark room. That is how each one of us can begin, or begin again to shine our light of peaceful freedom achieved by sending positive messages to those who run our governments. It’s like a snowball growing little by little until it becomes large enough to be the bottom of a very large snowman.

There will always be dark in every corner of our one world we all live in. This is our life-long challenge. We do not need to be overcome by depression, gloomy moods, or render ourselves out of commission due to the negative thoughts, words, or actions someone else, or something else.

Instead, call on the light within you, the inspiration, the enthusiasm, the innovation, the possibility to turn the tide of conversation from dark to light. Rather than continuing to harp on the negative things we see happening, let us be beacons of light, like the lighthouse at the precipice of a rocky shore.

We shed light each time we seek to build up as opposed to tearing down. Finding common ground using common sense brings light into the situation, allowing for the brainstorming of innovative and novel approaches to solutions.

Within our own personal lives, we have much power to have a good day or a bad day. Stop blaming everyone and everything else for the troubles that befall each of us, and you will see a dramatic turnabout in the course of the day, or situation.

Problem solving does not happen by concentrating on the problem. Problem solving happens by concentrating on a host of numerous solutions.

Be the light which you wish to see in the world. It is contagious. Do not give up. This Earth and everyone on it is too precious to destroy by our own inaction.

Be a beacon of light right where you are. Begin with your thoughts. Dismiss dark and negative energies from your thoughts. Your thoughts do not think you. You think your thoughts. You are the boss of you, not negative energies. Light a candle, grid your property with crystals, cleanse the spaces where you live, increase your vibrational frequencies by what you read and what you allow yourself to hear. Help those in need.

There but for the grace of God go I.


Emotional Stability ~ Positive Decisions Are The Answer

Positive decision making is the stable anchor to the emotional storms that brew on the popular tides of drama and outrage that carry us out to turbulent seas. Making firm, positive decisions, and sticking

Balanced Stress Stops Panic Attacks
Balanced Stress Stops Panic Attacks

to them in times of emotional upset is like the eye of the storm around us. It is possible for us to have chaos all around, yet remain calm and in control, as long as we realize that we are in control of ourselves, and no one else. We are not puppets, unless we choose to be.

How many times do we find ourselves playing the victim to life’s drama, or the martyr?

Sometimes we are in the midst of chaotic situations, and conflicting options by ever changing life situations; while other times we can find ourselves playing out our part in our own or someone else’s drama.

Do we realize how much we are drawn into someone else’s drama by our own choices?

Do we see patterns of habitually being drawn into others’ drama?

Do we find ourselves in the all too familiar role of self-inflicted drama ourselves?

Let someone else dare to have a different opinion that we have, and there lies the negative seeds of conflict. Water these with our thoughts and feelings, and there we go, off again to our next dramatic event, triggering our own self-sabotage emotional wound. Poor us.

Moods follow thoughts, ALWAYS.

Feelings motivate thoughts, ALWAYS.

If you don’t like how you are feeling, change how you are thinking. Yes, that is possible.

Power the positive ideas, even in apparently dire situations. We can all think more clearly once we allow ourselves to drop the stress and anxiety. Please know that this is possible.

Panic attacks, stress, anxiety and dysfunction all stem from our perception of reality. What you think about, you bring about. While we may not be immediately able to change the situation before us, we can change our perception, and how we internalize it.

Internalizing problems until the thoughts make us physically and mentally sick helps no one. It is not necessary to do this to ourselves. The day we decide to take positive action in what we think about, and fuel positive solutions with our feelings, is the day we begin to heal. Allow dysfunctional thoughts to drift away. Instead, focus the energy of your feelings in the positive direction you wish to go.

Living with extreme stress, anxiety and panic attacks does not have to remain a way of life for you. You and I are not victims to life, even in current turbulent times. On one hand we know this. Sometimes we jump on the band wagon of the power of the positive thinking train, but get derailed when we do not take care of our own emotional health. How can we do this better?

Helpful tips for stronger emotional health:

*Just because someone else is mad, sad or any other negative emotion, does not mean that you have to be too. This is not compassion, nor empathy.

* Now is not forever.

* In overwhelming situations, the thing to remember is, “People before things.”

* Moods follow thoughts, ALWAYS. If you don’t like how you are feeling, change how you are thinking.

* Jump off the merry-go-round of dysfunction, drama, and anything you do not want in our life by deciding to do that, powered by your God-given free will.

* Decide from now on, exactly what and who you want in your lives.

* Life is too short to be manipulated or abused by others.

* You are in control of your own life, not other people.

* Stop being a people pleaser. It is not your job to sacrifice your own happiness in order to make other people happy.

* Recognize when you are fueling the feelings you do not wish to have, and you will stop reaping what you are sowing.

*Stop finding any excuse used to pit human beings against each other under any pretense, especially with commercial purposes and/or racist, greedy, or political agendas. These are the excuses for all discord, and all wars that have ever occurred. It IS possible to work together for the good of all.

*Love, peace, compassion, empathy, and understanding are life’s only reasonable and valid solutions. All else is pure ego and destruction.

These suggestions will help everyone worldwide, but especially those of us in the United States of America. If we want to subdue hate groups of all kinds gone wild, we need to concentrate on kindness and love and only peaceful, positive solutions.

There is a light within all of us, not just in some of us. Relax, take a deep breath, and begin, or begin again. This light is the light of life. If you are reading this, then you have this light. It illuminates your imagination, fuels your hope, shines on your mind to see things in a new way for finding solutions.

The bottom line is, it all starts with making a decision of what you want in our life, and sticking to it. What you focus on grows. Only focus on positive solutions.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Why Are Things The Way They Are?

There is a light within each one of us, not just some of us, but is in all of us. We are more alike than the differences than we profess.

We keep waiting for the Republicans to get it right, the Democrats to get it right, the right religion to get it right, the right country to get it right, always the other side to get it right. What is wrong with this picture?

The answer is right under our noses, right under our skin, tucked so deeply inside us that we fail to recognize it when we hear its little voice, so subtle that we dismiss it. It is the discovery found by Einstein, Tesla, and the healing gurus worldwide who have tapped into that ocean of reality yet to be unveiled within all human beings; and yes, you and me.

There is an understanding of life within you, a greater awareness, a deeper calling that animates you, moving you to positive and loving thoughts, words and actions; far different from the base cause and effect motions of everyday life.

Think how often our lives are lived in response to all that we see, read, and hear. We respond to this, and we respond to that. How many times do we seek out opportunities to genuinely gift our world with new thoughts, thoughts of harmony, beauty, solution; creating a better today and tomorrow than we had yesterday?

Somehow we have let the weight of the minutia and magnitude of our own and the problems of the world stop us in our tracks and appear to defeat us, killing 250,000 of us, as if it is impossible to live in the reality that we can actually acknowledge and defeat the COVID-19 pandemic that is ending the lives of so many of us. We get side-tracked by global conflicts, global warming, climate change, education decline, and seeming barriers of personality, problems, problems and more problems.

We have allowed the wave of thought that we are all divided to the point where we could not possibly come together in consensus, or to realize that we are much more alike than the differences we profess.

What if we came to fully understand that we are all much more powerful than we first knew? If you are living and breathing, then I am talking to you.

It makes no difference your particular belief system, political, religious or otherwise that are unique to you. You are like no one else, and yet alike in myriad ways. You have understanding, spoken or unspoken, of who you think you are and what you are made of. I am here to tell you that you are much more than that, no matter if you are an ingenious inventor, financial wizard, a pauper, or the Pope.

We all have an internal knowledge held deep within the cells of our understanding, with its own pulse of life, so that it seems as if lightbulbs go off when we arrive at the destination of discovery.

The discovery of this knowledge, this awareness of the greater calling and meaning of life, can only be fulfilled when we discern this particular pulse and sense of light. It is a lightness we can feel, like falling in love, making us feel lighter than air, happier than happy, more connected as the most profound meditation, and much more fulfilling than words can say of the ecstasy of prayer of the saints.

Everyone has the ability to experience this knowledge that we are greater than our physical limitations, far beyond what any religion, politics or any “ism” outlines. This light within us is the electrifying, energetic, all-knowing, soul-invigorating aspect held at the core of our being. All it takes is for us to recognize it, accept it, and use it.

What is it?

This Presence within each and every one of us is the Presence that generates and fuels our life. Our existence is not dependent on any particular belief or ideology. If you are living and breathing, you have it. Some call this your soul, or your spirit, but it is more than that.

You are the Spark of Life, the Presence of God, the I AM Presence living, breathing, thinking and doing in your corner of the world. It is a matter of turning your attention to it. Some people take a class, spending a great deal of money in the process, of discovering who and what we are, and why we are here.

Some of us find our dharma, our mission in life right away, or seem to think we are born into it. Realize the freedom that no one makes your choices but you. Others of us take our time, turning over every rock so as not to miss a thing in this life. It is not a race. We know what we know when we know it.

The truth of the matter is you are perfect as you are. You come to this realization when you allow yourself to do so. Each of us has this I Am Presence flame within us. It is what Jesus tried so hard to teach us that the kingdom of God is within us, not outside of us. But humans being humans, and choosing to be dense over the eons of time and motivated by selfishness and greed, have turned the knowledge I am putting forth here into various control systems quite proficient at diabolical tactics of fear, obligation, guilt, manipulation and a host of negative carrots dangled before us to capture our attention and verbally and ideologically beat us into submission.

Free your mind. Allow yourself to be. Take a deep breath. God is closer to you than your next breath. Manifest your heart’s desires. Heal your world. Unite humanity into a beautiful mosaic of diverse, unique and talented individuals, no one better than the other despite what egos bellow.

You’ve got this.


Remember It Is The Observer, Not The Observed That Is The Reality ~ Quantum Theory

It does not matter if you are observing anything in nature, a relationship, or any activity, including the political scene. Remember, it is the observer, not the observed that is the reality. If you do not like what you are seeing, feeling or thinking, you will dramatically change the outcome on its present course by lifting the vibrations of your next highest thoughts, words and actions in the direction you wish to go, or have succeed.

Quantum Theory is the impetus at work. It works every time. It is the foundation of holistic health, bodywork and energywork. What you think about, you bring about. It is how you manifest good things in your life.

Thoughts, words and actions are living things. They are not stagnant. They are pulsating and energizing in one way or another, depending on the focus you put on them. There is no judgment here. It simply works.

For example, if I decide to stay angry (or jealous, frustrated, inferior, any negative emotion) because I feel I am justified to be angry (or jealous, frustrated, inferior, any negative emotion), and I dig my heels in refusing to budge, because that is the way I am feeling; then there is no way I will allow myself to release the negative emotion and will not get happy. In this case, what I am focusing on actually shuts me down, bringing on depression, anxiety, panic and stress to the point of hair falling out, if I do not rectify the situation by my very next thought. That is my own free-will choice. I can choose the positive or the negative approach. Choices are not thrust upon me. I freely have the freedom of what to think.

No one is a victim of their thoughts. Thoughts do not run rampant in our minds, controling our thoughtless words and renegade actions. Notice how you are feeling. Feelings are a dead give away to the thoughts you allow. The more you think any thought, the more you are the observer of the thought. The more you observe your thoughts in any particular mindset, the more the thought begins to transform, taking on a life of its own through your decisions and actions.

You, the observer, are the reality of your personal life, your home life, your social life, your work life, your spiritual life, and your political life. The supposed reality you witness by your focused attention playing out in the world today is what has manifested by your past focused energy. When you decide you no longer want what you have created, you change your thoughts and go in a brand new direction. This works individually and collectively.

The pendulum of your thoughts is not static. It is dynamic. This pendulum of thought swings from side to side, from far right to far left. But with enough concentrated attention through your observation, you begin the chain of events that changes what you are observing.

This is a good principle in life to remember when it comes to the political scene. I advise you to only concentrate on the positive message, and good ideas you can personally promote. Avoid concentrating on what you do not want, which will naturally, through cause and affect make that grow. Negative (criticism, judgmental, condemnation) is always counterproductive to your goal.

Construction of positive messaging, sharing your positive thoughts about what you consider the good candidate to do for you, your friends and your family, and considering why you feel the way you do, will build up the necessary energy of goodwill, integrity, honesty and valor. This is a solid foundation built on integrity and honesty.

Notice how negative thoughts and messages often include what you do not want, like, dishonesty, manipulation, and gaming the system. There is no honor in negative messaging. I compare it to shaking the hornets nest. No good can come of that reality.

To concentrate on what you do not want energizes more of what you do not want. Many of us are by now saturated by what we do not want. Let us decide to be done with that.

This can be a hard habit to change. But when you find yourself going against the good you decide to do, and find yourself backsliding to the contagious negative messaging against the other side, tell yourself, “STOP!”

That single word is a trigger to switch gears, much like flipping the switch at the junction for the train to continue moving along in a different direction. The train does not come to a complete stop at the switch site, unless ordered to from the main control center in case of oncoming train traffic. No, the train usually simply continues on another track by the conscious choice of the conductor.

You can also switch gears in your head. It does not take any more energy to say the good of the situation, the plan, the new positive solution as opposed to the critical, judgmental, condemnation of the negative side of things.

Whatever you focus on grows. What do you want to grow faster?

Remembering Quantum Theory and how it applies to your life, is the single best piece of advise I can give on how to heal a person, and how to heal a nation. It always works.

The following information is from the Weizmann Institute of Science and recorded in Science Daily:


40 Tips For A Happy Healthy Life

You can choose to be happy.

40 Tips for a Happy Health Life has circulated on the internet, and has wonderful pearls of wisdom for your happiness health. It is interesting that the first tip is to drink plenty of water. Did you know if your brain gets two percent dehydrated, you can easily get muddled thinking and forgetful memory? We can choose to be happy, it helps to keep us healthy on many levels.

1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5. Make time for prayer and reflection
6. Play more games.
7. Read more books than you did last year.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.

10. Take a 10-to-30 minute walk every day —- and while you walk, smile.
11. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don’t over do; keep your limits.
14. Don’t take yourself so seriously; no one else does.
15. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.

32. Do the right things.
33. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. Forgiveness heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, don’t take it for granted – embrace life.
39. Your inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Last but not least:
40. Enjoy LIFE!


Positive Problem Solving ~ Life-Affirming Decisions ~ Peaceful Actions Work Best

Is money the bottom line?

While it is important to acknowledge important information that directly affects us everyday, it is equally important not to loose our Spirit of Love and Light Energy as we go through each day of our life.

It is not helpful to absorb every negative feeling as we keep up with local, national and world atrocities. Internalizing negative emotion on a constant basis as it unfolds before us will make us mentally and physically sick. There is no place in the body that is meant to store excess stress, anxiety, panic and discordant energy. The stomach holds food, the lungs hold oxygen, but excess stress, anxiety, panic and continual discord will breakdown the human body into dis-ease, better known as disease.

Beating the dysfunctional drum of the negative emotions of anger and fear (which is the root cause of anger), though you may feel justified, still ignites an imbalance, which feeds on itself like an avalanche down a steep snow slope, burying everything it its path. It is not necessary to feed on fear for lack of knowing what else to do. We need to rein in our misqualified energy and transmute it into positive, life-giving action that makes a real and lasting change. This is possible for you to do.

What is an effective action we can take to make our voices heard in a way that shines a positive light on the problems we need to address, in the energy of love and unity, not hate and division?

In these days we can take our pick of topics we want to address: racism; tackling the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression; global warming and climate change causing wildfires sweeping across the USA; pollution affecting our oceans, lakes and rivers; farming practices that won’t kill our ozone layer any further; saving the rainforests which are the lungs of our planet; inequality in the work force between men and women; gender equality; oppression and suppression of voting rights in every oligarch, autocrat or dictatorship leaning country; or the current, out-of-control COVID-19 (Sars Co2 – or any other name we switch this particular coronavirus to) pandemic which is nearing 25 million confirmed cases worldwide, and nearly 850,000 deaths worldwide. The USA has nearly 6 million confirmed cases alone, and since yesterday has increased by at least 46,000 cases. The sadest note of all regarding the pandemic is that the USA tops the list of countries worldwide, including Third World Countries. This what happens when we place intuition and guess work above science. It did not have to happen like this. We could have stopped it the same way President Obama stopped Ebola from spreading across the USA. That worked.

Still, we make our own choices, to go along with ignorance, or proven science. The choice is ours. But it seems that ignorance and denial has not stopped this invisible so called  “hoax” of a disease, at least the families of the nearly 850,000 dead people worldwide, nor the families of the nearly 181,000 dead people in the USA, would call this pandemic a “hoax.” Most medical doctors, including Dr. Fauci, tell us that these numbers are most likely higher, not lower, than what has been reported since we still do not have tests for everyone who needs to be tested, as opposed to what some are professing. Some of us die at home alone, untested and uncounted.

Racism, a fear-driven ideology, is present across the globe, not particular to one nation. Racism affects gender equality in addition to skin color, as does differences in religious and spiritual beliefs, as if there is a different God for each of the thousands of belief systems out there. Rasicm is a man-made creation which can respond positively to life-affirming, positive solutions that build up communities. Using discordant energies that promote division only serve to exacerbate the situation, not solve it.

It takes a great deal of integrity, fortitude, and creativity to address systemic racism in the warped minds of people who are ingrained with faux facts since birth, that one race, color, creed, age or gender is better than another because of man-made, inequitable agendas fueled by greed and selfishness rather than decisions made for the good of all.

We are facing the problems of pollution which feed the flames of global warming and climate change, raging in the wildfires burning out of control, caring not for which side of politics is present. Global warming and climate change have no political agenda as the polar caps are melting. They just melt, releasing unknown pathogens and illnesses that have been frozen for thousands of years, regardless of the denial that it is happening to the degree it is.

Doing nothing has not and will not ever solve a dilemma or a situation that desperately needs changing. Ignoring problems that need to be addressed is like holding an air-filled beach ball under water. The longer and deeper it is held under pressure, the greater equal and opposite reaction occurs. We all know this.

Now is not the time for outrageous and outlandish words and actions that will undermine the very problem our hearts, minds and voices are stirring us to face. We cannot deny reality, nor can we sit by, watch and do nothing, as if denying the problem will make it go away.

Now is the time to map out positive, life-affirming solutions, laws, changes in our thinking, even if we stand alone on the island of our peers and co-workers. Now is the time for Truth, Light and Loving solutions. Money is not the bottom line. It never has been. Money is an energy exchange.

What do you want to invest in, money or humanity? Keep in mind, money burns in wildfires just as well as the trees from which it is made.


Don’t Despair ~ Do This

We live in untenable times. Many of us have lost our homes, our jobs and in the worst cases, to date over 176,000 of us in the USA have lost our lives to a world-wide pandemic. Here in the USA, we have 5,713,776 confirmed cases of COVID-19, which include over 48,000 new cases today 8/22/20 alone. The USA leads the world in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths related to it. Worldwide, there have been nearly 23 million confirmed cases, and almost 800,000 deaths. Yes, there have been 14,715,412 recoveries worldwide.

People argue the technical reasons for these deaths, saying they are from other causes which are also present, or even telling others not to call it a world-wide pandemic, or “promote fear” by reporting on the numbers, as if by denying the deathwave that has crossed our country will stop its march, or to whatever name we change this killer virus. Denying reality does not change it.

Denial of climate change and lobal warming also does not stop its reality. The wildfire season has now hit our western shores and spreading inland, destroying forests, the lungs of our planet, while simultaneously compromising our own lungs and lives. The denial of climate change and global warming do not reflect the reality we are living in, with megastorms, hurricanes and tornados, and heat waves in recording breaking numbers. It would be supposed reasons to sink into despair, if it were not for one thing.

Despair will not lift any of us out of the situations in which we are finding ourselves these days. No one will solve any situation through despair. We know this. To dwell on our present situation as if that is all there is and ever will be, is to decide to stay stuck exactly where you are finding yourself now. Concentrating on self-deflating feelings are the bucket of cement that will ensure that nothing changes. People these days are so into not denying their feelings that they make the common mistake of recognizing and validating their feelings, with thinking they need to stay with these feelings because that is how they are feeling. As long as we buy this lie, we will not heal.

If personal safety is an issue, CALL someone. With staying home, abusive situations can escalate. No one has a right to harm you.

What are the signs we need to watch out for?

  • The other person always criticizing you.
  • The other person always telling you what to do.
  • Having to answer to the other person.
  • Having to keep to the time schedule of the other person.
  • Always having to ask for permission to think, say or do anything.
  • Having the other person always manipulating you.
  • We all have the God-given right to life. We all have the right to live our lives the best way we see fit. We do not need to live our lives under someone’s thumb.

We do not need to live our lives in debilitating fear, obligation and guilt of someone else injuring ourselves or themselves in some way.

There are suicide prevention hotlines. There are abuse hotlines. There are mental health providers.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255

National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800-799-7233

Rape Abuse Incest National Network (RAINN): 800-656-4673

National Sexual Violence Resource Center:

Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline: 800-422-4453

US Department of Health and Human Services: 800-994-9662

You and I, unless we are specially trained with degrees in these mental health fields, are not trained to deal with these real life and death matters. Yes, we care about the people in our lives. We serve no one when we shut ourselves down along with the manipulating and/or mentally sick person. That is not helping.

What will lift us out of despair?

1. Acknowledge your feelings. Feelings are not right or wrong, they just are.

2. Decide to change your feelings from those of despair, depression, helplessness or any other dysfunctional negative feelings that is binding you into fear and immobilization.

3. Realize that deciding not to stay stuck with despair, depression, helplessness or any other dysfunctional negative feeling does not invalidate the feelings, nor you.

4. Make a conscious choice as to what feeling you want to have, the next lighter feeling in freedom which you can think.

5. Focus only on the feeling you are planning to achieve. Notice I did not say “trying” to achieve. The words “trying” is an open door to failure. It is a way out for you to be able to say, “At least I tried.” Do not “try” to do anything. DO IT. Realize that you can be happy, right where you are, in a line waiting for food, speaking with others in life-affirming statements on the streets, which bring about other possibilities and opportunities not yet realized.

6. Organize your thoughts, words and actions. Be the change you wish to see in the world around you. By encouraging others in positive ways, you encourage yourself. As long as you are living, breathing and moving, you have the ability to change despair into functional conversations with positive plans to help yourself and others. Make sure you use your voice to VOTE. No one can take away your human rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

7. Know that you are not alone. While resposible people remain wearing masks and social distancing, we can reach out by cell phones and social media, zoom, Skype and many other current ways to build each other up, support noble ideas for the common good of all people; and change ignorance into intelligence. Where there is darkness, shine your light of a smile, encouraging words to yourself and your family and friends, and be the Light on the hill for all to see by.

I only chose 7 suggestions out of a thousand I could mention. Perhaps one of these triggers another thought, which then brings you to an even better thought. Go with the next highest vibration of thought to lift you out of despair.

It all begins with with a DECISION to feel better. These times are tough, but they are not the end. You are stronger than you realize. We grow in character when we face tough times.

I used to pray for patience, a lot, until I realized one day that by praying for patience, I was inviting in adversity, so I could practice my patience! That is when I DECIDED to claim and fully realize, that I had all the patience I needed. It worked! I simply needed to act on that realization in order to move forward and create abundance of all good things in my life, compared to only witnessing the adversity.

We can re-build our lives. We cannot bring back those who have lost their lives, of course, but we can take the necessary next steps forward in our healing process. Now is not forever. There is so much we can do to help ourselves, and others, in this time of uncertainty.

Choose only thoughts, words and actions based on LOVE and LIGHT. All else harms you and the whole of humanity.


COVID-19 ~ Your Energy And Immune Systems


COVID-19 is sweeping the world through near contact between some humans. If we were to use colors, such as the energy of colors as shown above, it might be easier to see how easily this unseen virus can be transmitted from person to person. However, it is also important to point out that it also depends greatly upon our energy and immune systems.

Our bodies do not stop its presence at the end of our skin. Dr. Richard Gerber, M.D. has spent years studying and teaching about our subtle bodies that surround what we can physically see. There is more to us than we know.

In his book, Vibrational Medicine, subtitled The #1 HANDBOOK OF SUBTLE-ENERGY THERAPIES, (which has sold more than 200,000 copies), Gerber explains how the physical – etheric interface of our bodies work. It is part of all of us, not just those who know about it.

There is an etheric energetic map inherent in all of us. It is part of our human nature. No one of us is without this invisible human component. Our immune system is connected to our energetic blueprint. We all have one. This is not a belief stsyem. It is now possible to have kirlian photographs taken of our auras, depicting the colors that radiate from us, extending to outside of us. These colors are a valid indication of what is going on inside us, our strengths and our weaknesses.

Because something is invisible to the naked eye does not mean it is not present, which applies both to this particular virus and each of our auras. This COVID-19 virus, while invisible at first, has managed to kill over 100,000 of us in the first 129 days of its existence here in the United States. Why is that?

How is your immune system?

Are you a fearful person?

Did you know that fear within the body breaks down the body?

How is your energy system?

No, it is not just all in your head. Fears weaken your immune and energy systems. It’s an internal switch. Those of us in energywork have witnessed this first hand in our own lives and the lives of our clients. It’s an intricate part of our mind/body connection. The following suggestions apply both to our energy and immune systems.

Currently there is no known cure for COVID-19, according to the medical experts. The best defense is a conscious offense. Build up your immune system. Fear breaks down the immune system. So the first thing we need to do is stop the fear. Even if we are sick at this very moment, fear will not help us. Fear will hurt us. So, stop the fear. Start right now to build up the immune system.

It is one thing to be intelligent and vigilant. It is quite another thing to operate every decision out of fear and ignorance, not knowing how to build up our immune systems for optimal health.

There are steps we can take, in addition to what the Centers For Disease Control (CDC)  tell us. Here is the rest of the information we all need to know.

There are many things we can do to enhance our immune systems, once we have decided not to allow fear to control us. Taking vitamins C and D are said to help. Eating organic, good quality vegetables and fruits are also beneficial to our immune systems. Eating non-organic foods that make the body process harmful chemicals, additives and preservatives break down the immune system. It is all inter-related. All of our bodily systems work together. That is why it is important to avoid processed foods. There is a definite connection between what we eat and our immune systems.

Some of us find eating wheat sets us off, especially if it is non-organic, because of the glysophate used in harvesting the wheat. Glysophate is cancer causing. The human body does not take kindly to dealing with cancer causing substances in our bodies, obviously.

Dairy can be another trip for some of us, since non-organic daily products often contain rBst growth hormone and other additives and preservatives given to cows that make our bodies work harder to assimilate, again working against our immune systems. There are also other components contained in milk that many of us have a hard time processing in our bodies, substances like casein or caseinate. Foods certified as kosher pareve are free of dairy products. By the way, we are the only species that drink the milk from a different animal species. We ought to think more about that. It is not normal in nature.

It is suggested to eat a little of the fermented foods each day to help digestion, like saurkraut, or taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with some water.

The immune system is strengthened by the practice of meditation and prayer. When we connect with nature, using all of our senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, we also connect with our sixth intuitive sense which extends way beyond our limited selves, reaching to the very Source of all Limitless Love, Peaceful Bliss and Eternal Joy Itself. You and I are all a part of this Infinite Being through our shared Spirit gifted to each one of us. The more we tap into our Spirit, the more we tap into the gift of God’s Spirit.

How are we each using the gift of life?

We can choose to build up our immune and energy systems through nature walks and/or creative activities involving our entire selves as we immerse ourselves in music, painting, sculpture, art of every kind, creative cooking, gradening, or a host of other creative ideas.

The immune system and energy system builds with exercise of any kind, such as Yoga, Qigong or Tai Chi, walking in nature, jogging, or running (pay attention to your body cues). We need to get outdoors and allow the vibration of the natural world to entrain our cells back into balance and harmony.

Energy moves because we say so. You and I are all part of this energy. Do we choose to build it up, or diminish or ignore it? Discover a paradigm where we learn to build on positive energy rather than build on fearful negativity. That is key to improving our immune end energy systems for optominal health.


Liberating Self-Imposed Victimhood and Martyrdom

Some of us come into our own at an early age, knowing just who we are with all of our strengths and our weaknesses. Others of us come into this internal and

You are not a victim, nor a martyr, unless you choose to be. You have a choice.

external knowing later in life, while some of us carry on to the end, never really knowing all the dimensions of what makes us tick, or what our mission in this lifetime is. There are so many factors that shape a person, his or her emotional self, personality and personal likes and dislikes, religious and personal beliefs, self-esteem and personal empowerment issues.

There are some of us who live one part of our live, and mature later in some aspect of ourselves. Life has a way of teaching, molding, expanding us to reach for the new horizons we now see.

We have a right to our feelings. Feelings are not right or wrong. The key is, if you do not like how you are feeling, CHANGE HOW YOU ARE THINKING. Yes, you can. This works 100 percent of the time. Yesterday’s post might help in this realization and how to put it into practice.

This post, originally from 2012, is timely since the COVID-19 pandemic has weighed down on us circumstances no one could have foreseen. Today we have reached 1,471,718 confirmed cases  in the USA, and 85,901 deaths. Worldwide there are 4,474,502 confirmed cases with 303,297 deaths. There are real victims in this pandemic. This post is not addressing these victims, just to be clear. This post is addressing the times we sometimes, through habit or choice, choose to be a victim by our own thinking. In these cases, we are living under self-imposed victimhood and martyrdom. This post can help.

Self-esteem, like every other human trait mentioned here, is a living, pulsating energy. Your self-esteem is a living entity, fed every minute of every day by your own thoughts, in addition to the thoughts and attitudes of those who raised you, the schools you went to, the friends and people of influence around you, and the attitudes regarding the value of life you have finally adopted.

What role do you play in your own life?

Do you like how you are feeling?

Your feelings are key to assessing where you are at in your personal development. Denying your feelings is a sign of weakness, not strength.

Everyone from time to time feels empowered. On occasion, we find ourselves in situations of disempowerment. This is the human condition. Two people can grow up in similar situations, yet, one person comes out strong, while the other person comes out of the same set of circumstances emotionally scarred by taking on the role of victim or martyr that he or she has chosen to assume. Why is this?

In order for self-esteem to fully blossom, we need to pull out the noxious weeds of self-imposed victimhood and martyrdom. Some of us cling to these dysfunctions as if they are badges of accomplishment to be worn into every life situation. We could succeed if it were not for this, that, or the other thing that stopped us. Recognize all seeds of negative self-messaging the second it comes to mind.

When bad things happen to us in our lives, we have two choices, not just one. The worse choice we can make is to succumb to the lower sense of self, then act out the role of being a victim, as “woe is me,” that of living out our life as a martyr. The best choice we can make is to identify with our higher self, recognizing that we are a beautiful work of creation.

Now in this time of COVID-19 attempting to call all the shots, you and I can realize that it is our choice how we deal with new beginnings. What was once a viable employment now leans on creativity and ingenuity to make something new. We may not have thought of creating a new online business, grow fruits and vegetables to feed our families, or other ideas that come to mind. Are you a good cook? Do you like to sew? Are you good with tools?
Brainstorm possibilities. Rome was not built in a day.

Do not allow yourself to ever think, agree or believe negative messages about yourself. Accept yourself, right where you are, with all of the history and happenings that have ever happened to you. If there is something about yourself you wish to change for the better, then become aware and consciously work on that.

Liberate yourself from self-imposed negativity. Yes, you can. You are not a victim unless you want to be. You are not a martyr unless you choose to take that role on. But why would you do either? Often people choose these roles of dysfunction because they have learned they can manipulate others by doing so. It is good to take stock of our true motives. Accept who you are now, and consciously grow in the reality that you are worthy.

Because You Deserve To Feel Better

Who Cares Why? Part I

I am an international holistic health counselor/practitioner, using this blog as a 1 Who Cares Whyworldwide outreach since its inception in 2012, and a 2005 graduate of the American Institute of Holistic Health & Wellness, studying under Dr. Dolores Seymour, director of the school and author of WHO CARES WHY.

The American Institute of Holistic Health & Wellness is accredited by the American Association of Drugless Professionals, and the National Accreditation and Certification Board. This is a lifetime and international certification. I have studied extensively in the fields of holistic health in mind, body and spirit which naturally includes counseling on all life issues, and bodywork.

This blog addresses mental health, physical health and spiritual health. There are drugless therapies that work very well most of the time when applied, and have no chemical side effects, obviously, except when they are not followed.

4 Lin Massage ClinicI am trained in M.I.N.D.S. Holistic Alternative Psychology, with an emphasis on methods, individualized plans of action, fostering the ability of the individual to reach his or her highest potential physically, emotionally and spiritually; with advanced perspectives of positive personal growth, changing attitudes from negative to positive; enhancing intuition and self-discovery through creative endeavors, and improving health as impacted by psychological states.

I work with M.I.N.D.S. Wellness & Body/Mind Consciousness, which features positive self-analysis/awareness, self-control development programs, conditioning the healing mind, controlling mood swings, anxiety, avoiding depression and raising self-esteem to its highest level.

M.I.N.D.S. Meta-Psychology is person centered rather than technically oriented, and focuses on psychological health, consciousness, human possibilities, and challenges of body, mind and spiritual development. A person cannot heal in any program void of attention to their own spiritual development. As a matter of fact, many mental and physical ailments can be rooted when spiritual sickness is at the root of the problem.

I am a former member of the Branford Hall Career Institute Advisory Board; and former owner of The Massage Clinic, LLC which had four offices in Connecticut.

I am a retired certified Qigong instructor (2011), teaching Qigong healing and breathing applications for levels 1, 2 and 3. Qigong is a 4,000 year old Chinese medicine practice that moves “chi,” the life giving energy of the body. The health-promoting effects of Qigong are:

1) Improves the motion of blood, warms the blood and enhances whole body circulation.
2) Stimulates appetite, sexual function, assimilation of nutrients and digestion/elimination.
3) Accelerates metabolism, weight loss, decreases need for sleep.
4) Bolsters the immune system by reducing cortisol, a known inhibitor of cytokine production.
5) Develops dexterity, reflexes, and prevents osteoporosis in clinical studies.
6) Opens arteries allowing greater brain-based microcirculation to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
7) Enhances mental acuity, focus and concentration. The Qi (chi, life force, prana) draws focus and trains the mind.
8) Helps us to calm down, relax and become more peaceful.
9) Focuses mental, physical and spiritual energies together as one.

This particular Qigong Class included a food component, tying the energy of food to the energy of Qigong, and using food as medicine. Chemical medications attempt to mimic the benefits and properties of organic plant life, including fruits and vegetables and using their stems, spores and seeds. Clinical studies have been done on so many diseases, like diabetes, which can be reversed by eating certain foods high in phytochemicals. I wish to share the information I have learned about how foods work to heal our bodies.

I am a 2001 graduate of the DoveStar Institute of Holistic Technology of New Hampshire. I am now retired from bodywork, focusing on my online outreach to the world through this blog, Enlightenment Ministry.

This blog is my legacy, a healing gift to the world in need of hope, kindness, empathy, compassion, encouragement, truth, forgiveness, faith, and love. I am here for you if you need me. Please feel free to leave a comment or question, and I will get back to you, free of charge. Click on the gray COMMENT word at the top left of any post to leave a comment or ask a question, and I will respond to you. Enlightenment Ministry is my healing gift to the world so much in need of healing at this time. There is much we can do to help ourselves to feel better mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically, and even spiritually.

Mind, body, spirit healing involves these three legs of the wellness tripod. If one of these legs of the mind, body, spirit is missing, your tripod, which reflects your total wellness, will topple over. Each of us needs a life in balance to be whole.

Here is a bit more about my personal and educational history. While my five children were growing up, I initiated the first Girl Scout troop in Hopedale, MA, and served as a member of Hopedale Girl’s Softball Board of Directors.

I was co-chairman with the elementary school principal on the school council’s 1993 Massachusetts Education Reform Act. When I was not allowed to bring in a curriculum including ethics in light of the elementary school’s sex education program, (since the school already taught ethics on school yard behavior and how to interact with students and teachers), at the request of many parents, I decided to write The Virtue of Virtues, to help parents in teaching virtues and moral character education to their children. The Virtue of Virtues is now available to all home schools, Catholic CCD and Christian programs, as well as to parents and anyone wishing to re-discover The Virtue of Virtues worldwide.

The single most constant in my life is God, Father of Jesus Christ. All glory, praise and honor to God, the Father of All Creation, through His Son, Jesus Christ, who gifts us all with His Holy Spirit. My motto in my high school yearbook was, “With God, all things are possible.”

I have had a close walk with God since I was a very young child, attending daily Mass with my mother ever since I could walk to Mass with her. I think I might have been the only five-year-old who loved Holy Hour, because I loved feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit when we prayed. God has answered my most impossible prayers. For a while I thought I would become a nun, but five children, 12 grandchildren later, and caring for six foster children in the middle of all of them in their younger years, showed me a different path for my life.

I hold a teacher training certificate as well as a Master Catechist certification from the Worcester Diocese in the Catholic Church.

I have taught religious education to all ages including preparation for First Holy Communion, First Penance, Confirmation and Bible studies for adults for over 50 years, and am the author of The Virtue of Virtues, subtitled A CCD TEXTBOOK, second printing is now available both in softcover and eBook at:

soft cover ISBN # 978-1-5320-9461-3 for $10.99

eBook ISBN # 978-1-5320-9462-0 for $3.99

I taught The Virtue of Virtues in CCD classes as part of the 6th grade Catholic curriculums. However, The Virtue of Virtues is perfect for grades five through eight. It was first published in 1999. It is now out for its second printing from iUniverse Publishers.

Within the Catholic Church, I attended a Women’s Cursillo including Leader’s School often giving the Study Talk on Cursillo Weekends. I have attended Life In The Spirit Retreats, Marriage Encounter, and led women’s and group retreats. I also became a supernumerary within Opus Dei, a personal prelature under the direct auspice of the Pope, before I left to study all religions, to better understand all humanity much better.

I am also the author of MYSTERY OF THE STURBRIDGE KEYS, subtitled Christmas Unlocked. This book goes back in time to the days of Old Sturbridge Village (1830’s), starting at the Christmas by Candlelight celebration in real time, back to the days of the Underground Railroad, Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin, and back further to the days of Noah and the Nephilim, and to the days of the birth of Jesus. It is available at:

softcover / ISBN: 978-1-5320-0761-3 / $13.99

eBook / ISBN: 978-1-5320-0762-0 / $3.99

I am a former feature writer and news correspondent for The Milford Daily News, and Laconia Daily Sun. I am also published in the book, “More Weddings, Funerals And Rites of Passage,” subtitled “More Sample Ceremonies for Celebrants, Officiate and Ministers” by Rev. Amy E. Long. I am among the contributing authors.

God Bless You All


When making decisions about next steps to take, there are many valid considerations toSee the source image ponder, but fear ought never be one of them. Fear should never tie us into knots. Whether it is in our personal lives, or civic, educational, financial, moral or even political futures to be weighed, decisions need to be made from a basis of intelligent information, goals to be attained, moving towards where we want to go. Decisions focusing on what we do not want, moving in a direction we do not want to go, or fear of something happening is the worst foundation of any decision.

Solid foundations to base any decision on include desires made from the highest goals with the most love of all people, support of life for all people, fairness and integrity of all people, for the up-building of all people.

See the source imageMaking decisions in life can seem so confusing, as if there are so many possible sides to consider. There is a way to streamline the thinking process and step off the merry-go-round of “spin.” Governments do this. People do this. Both usually have their own agendas. “Spin” does not help you. You know what your goal is. Focus on your goal.

First, stop thinking of all the fear-based thoughts surrounding the issue. Focusing on what you do not want keeps you focusing on what you don’t want.

Second, list all of the positive benefits leading to your end goal. Write down as many as come to your mind without dismissing any positive benefit.

Third, do not allow any influences to give you negative input in the guise of “looking at both side.” You can kindly inform them that they can make their decisions that way if they wish, but this is your decision. Do not listen to anyone who tries to instill fear.

Fourth, map out the steps you need to take to accomplish your goal unhindered by negative thoughts or negative people.

These steps might seem like common sense, but so often we give away our own personal power to someone or something else. All too often we cave in to fear, fear of this happening, fear of counter-attack, fear of loss of popularity, fear of judgment, fear of failure, or even fear of success, fear, fear, fear. The list goes on.

Imagine a country who only wanted the best for all people with no fear; to be a haven for war-torn countries with no fear; to have the means and opportunity to feed the poor and shelter the homeless with no fear; to build and repair roads and bridges with no fear; generate more technologies and innovation for the health of the future in all countries with no fear.

Imagine a person, who despite past failure, gets up and tries yet again to realize a dream fulfilled, based on their hopes and life-giving qualities, until their goal comes to a life of its own.

Imagine a world with a goal of peace, mutual cooperation with multiple benefits to all citizens in all countries.

We are living in a time where we have a host of positive plausible possibilities, in our personal lives, in our communities, in our states and in our countries. We need to tip the scales of thinking good, saying good, being good, and doing good.

Evil only takes root when enough good people do nothing.


Some of us come into our own at an early age, knowing just who we are with all of our strengths and our weaknesses. Others of us come into this internal and

You are not a victim, nor a martyr, unless you choose to be. You have a choice.

external knowing later in life, while some of us carry on to the end, never really knowing all the dimensions of what makes us tick, or what our mission in this lifetime is. There are so many factors that shape a person, his or her emotional self, personality and personal likes and dislikes, religious and personal beliefs, self-esteem and personal empowerment issues.

Self-esteem, like every other human trait mentioned here, is a living, pulsating energy. Your self-esteem is a living entity, fed every minute of every day by your own thoughts, in addition to the thoughts and attitudes of those who raised you, the schools you went to, the friends and people of influence around you, and the attitudes regarding the value of life you have finally adopted.

What role do you play in your own life?

Do you like how you are feeling?

Your feelings are key to assessing where you are at in your personal development. Denying your feelings is a sign of weakness, not strength.

Everyone from time to time feels empowered. On occasion, we find ourselves in situations of disempowerment. This is the human condition. Two people can grow up in similar situations, yet, one person comes out strong, while the other person comes out of the same set of circumstances emotionally scarred by taking on the role of victim or martyr that he or she has chosen to assume. Why is this?

In order for self-esteem to fully blossom, we need to pull out the noxious weeds of self-imposed victimhood and martyrdom. Some of us cling to these dysfunctions as if they are badges of accomplishment to be worn into every life situation. We could succeed if it were not for this, that, or the other thing that stopped us. Recognize all seeds of negative self-messaging the second it comes to mind.

When bad things happen to us in our lives, we have two choices, not just one. The worse choice we can make is to succumb to the lower sense of self, then act out the role of being a victim, as “woe is me,” that of living out our life as a martyr. The best choice we can make is to identify with our higher self, recognizing that we are a beautiful work of creation.

Do not allow yourself to ever think, agree or believe negative messages about yourself. Accept yourself, right where you are, with all of the history and happenings that have ever happened to you. If there is something about yourself you wish to change for the better, then become aware and consciously work on that.

Liberate yourself from self-imposed negativity. Yes, you can. You are not a victim unless you want to be. You are not a martyr unless you choose to take that role on. But why would you do either? Often people choose these roles of dysfunction because they have learned they can manipulate others by doing so. It is good to take stock of our true motives. Accept who you are now, and consciously grow in the reality that you are worthy.



pmaEnthusiasm is power. Enthusiasm is inspiration. Enthusiasm concentrates and feeds the powers of the mind, and gives them wings of action. Enthusiasm is the magic emotion that transforms negative into positive emotions. Enthusiasm heals.


Enthusiasm is one of the greatest assets every member of the human race has at her or his fingertips. The effects of enthusiasm are stronger than money, power and influence.

Enthusiasm tramples over prejudice and opposition, spurns inaction, is the offspring of motive, and is faith in action.

Enthusiasm lifts the mind and heart, allowing Light and Love to overflow where formerly stagnant negativity dewlt.

Enthusiasm is dynamic, a burning desire, and a force to be reckoned with.

Enthusiasm steps up the vibrations of thought and alerts the imagination.

Enthusiasm takes the drudgery out of labor.

Enthusiasm gives a pleasing, convincing color to the tone of voice, adds attractiveness to your personality, inspires self-confidence, and aids in the maintenance of sound health.

Enthusiasm is a radiation of our spirit and it’s twin, our will, and is closely related to Infinite Intelligence.

Enthusiasm is the action factor of thought.

Enthusiasm does not mix with fear, envy, greed, jealousy, doubt, revenge, hatred, intolerance and procrastination.

Enthusiasm thrives only on positive thoughts and actions.

Enthusiasm inspires personal initiative, dispels physical fatigue, and overcomes laziness.

Enthusiasm, will power and persistance are triplets that give us sustained action with a minimum loss of physical energy.

Enthusiasm is positive mental attitute in action.

Enthusiasm is related to every faculty of the mind, and is the action-producing factor.

Enthusiasm arouses the subconscious mind to greater activity, inspiring it to project itself deeply into the reservoirs of Infinite Intelligence, where the answers to all human problems exist.

These excepts are taken from “Science Of Success,” by Napoleon Hill.
