The Time Is Right For Change ~ Your Part in Transforming & Empowering Yourself ~ 13D MDT ™ June Class ~ 3 Seats Available

You help everyone else. Here is the opportunity to release, renew and rejuvenate yourself. Discover more about your Self. The world needs you. Practitioners in all levels of all forms of energy work, including Holistic Counseling, Hypnosis, Naturopath, and all other holistic healing therapists are welcome, as well as anyone who feels called to take these classes. The deadline for registration for this class is May 17. There are only 3 seats left.

A percentage of proceeds of the energy classes I teach benefit the Girls Schools in Cambodia so that the girls are not sold into the prostitution and human slavery.

This is not a religious curriculum, nor is it “divine.” Rather, this class is all about cosmic Eternal Universal Life Force Energy that manifests as wisdom, love, understanding via experience, magnanimity, and increased conscious awareness which expands all of the gifts you have already been given. It is like taking the blinders off of your comprehension, mission and dharma in this lifetime. These are potent classes on working with your own energy system which will work so much better for you once you take those caps off all the concepts and constrictions that may be presently in place through your human experience thus far.

New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT ™) classes assist you to release fear, self-sabotage and personal limiting belief systems while you simultaneously open the door to empowering and discovering your ability to maintain and/or gain self-esteem, confidence and competency in your personal, professional, and social circles.

Spring is the time for getting rid of what no longer serves your highest good. This curriculum is a tremendous boost to replace energies that have worn you down.

Life is like an onion. You release what no longer serves you in layers, rarely all at once. Life is not stagnant and presents challenges repeatedly. Even for those of you who have mastered your reality, situations present themselves allowing you to go deeper in releasing, refreshing, and recharging, like rechargeable batteries. NPMDT classes do just that, allowing for a deeper comprehension of so many things you may already know, yet on a much deeper level than you thought was possible. This is an experiential class that you must experience to believe.

DROP THE FEAR that motivates your thoughts, words and actions. Learn the most expansive vibrational frequency transformations available upon the planet at this moment in time in our human history.

Discover how to take charge of your own energy system through meditations and activations which clear blocked pathways from your personal experiences and former comprehension. Keep what serves your highest good and release what no longer serves you.

Activations are not attunements. Attunements attune you to something outside of yourself. Rather, activations literally activate sleeping DNA codes not yet fully recognized within yourself. Sometimes humanity needs assistance from trained NPMDT teachers from the School of Esoteric Science , which is an international school, to activate that which you desire but have yet to achieve yourself. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP.

If this sounds like you would benefit from a new beginning or would like a boost in your energy and/or bodywork in the therapies you offer to others, know that these classes are available to you for your continued personal and/or professional growth and development.

*13D MDT ™ ~ 4-Day ~ 32-Hour ~ Certification Class

*This is one of the prerequisite classes necessary to take prior to taking the Basic Master Teacher Class (as advertised this past April)

The 13D MDT is 4-day, 32-hour workshop takes place on two consecutive weekends, June 1 & 2, AND June 8 & 9, 2024, from 10 am – 6 p.m. The cost for this workshop is $525, due by May 17, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Sciences ™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. To register and for questions on this workshop, email me at



You Can Only Use Free Will After You Drop All Indoctrination ~ Whose Thumb Are You Under?

The weight of a mountain is nothing compared to the weight of obligation, manipulation and guilt you feel when you use your free will to agree to be under the thumb of indoctrination of any kind.

If you are indoctrinated in any form, religiously, politically, and/or socially, you do not give yourself the freedom to truly use your free will. Heavy blankets of fear, obligation, and guilt (FOG) hinder your vision.

No one owns your vote.

Your conscience is your own to form by investigating both sides of the issue, going to the source of each viewpoint, not only one side supposedly telling you what is and is not true. For example, Russian money to pay of an ex-President’s bonds for his fraud case in New York would be Russian interference in USA politics. You have the human right to vote your conscience, and not to indoctrination of any political party interference.

No one has any rights over your mind.

Oppression and public encouragement/shaming are tools frequently used by those to coax you into their way of thinking or behaving. Sometimes you pay quite the price to go against the political, religious, and/or social norm of your understanding. Notice what kind of threats or insults are used to entice you back into the fold of oppression.

No one has any rights over your body.

On one hand you know this. On the other hand, you make agreements in life that go against your wishes. Perhaps a boss needs you to work more hours for you to keep your job, like telling you that you are to answer the phone anytime the boss calls after regular work hours, or any other request that keeps you “on” after your day is done.

No one has the ownership of your Soul.

The strongest part of you is the Limitless Living Light of your Eternal Universal Life Force Energy Spark animating your Soul. Your Soul belongs to you and you alone, not any other group, organization, or cult-like entity. You, and no one else, no religious leader, no political leader, and no social leader, have the rights over your Soul.

Your Soul

You learn through the experience of your Soul. Your Soul is sensitive to all your senses, including your multidimensional and metaphysical senses beyond your physical 5 senses.

Indoctrination, which is putting barriers on your thinking, or allowing others to put barriers on what to think, as if they knew all there is to know, especially when they prohibit themselves from learning all there is to know. If you do not know what Jesus said between his ages 12-30, you are indoctrinated.

If you find yourself under someone else’s strong arm of “faith,” especially politically and religiously, know that is oppression, not freedom, regardless of what words they use to pressure you.

At this time of year, many religious organizations beat the dysfunctional dirge drum of fear and oppression, stressing that you were born a sinner, that you carry Original Sin within you. You do not. The Original Sin was the sin of Sophia, Wisdom. She repented and was forgiven by the Father of Jesus the Christ.

There was also the cosmic sin of the fallen angels raping all the beautiful women of earth, naturally making them deliver their children from that point on in pain, as stated in the book of Genesis. Know there is more than you have been told.

If you want to celebrate Easter, celebrate what Jesus came to teach you, the reason WHY he was crucified. Jesus NEVER said he was God. He said he was God’s son, so are you sons and daughters of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

You are a manifestation of Limitless Living Light alive on Earth at this poignant moment in history for a reason. It is no accident you are here, no matter where you are on this planet.

You and I will create the future to what we give our energy. Will we give our Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy to what builds peace, empathy, compassion and love without conditions?

What you focus on grows. Grow peace, empathy, compassion and love without conditions, regardless of race, nationality, creed, age, gender, skin color, and appreciation for all that is precious, unique and special in this life. Every single one of us is in the same boat. What happens to one of us happens to all of us.


Get Ready to Shift into Great Growth on All Levels in the New Year

Read the above caption each morning from now until January 1, 2024 to receive the realities of your dreams. It’s a vibrational frequency change for your brain. This is important. It rewires your brain from thinking you can’t reach your dreams and only seeing those obstacles, to discovering a new path of possibilities you had not thought of before.

Go back to school. Learn something new. Find the job that best matches your talents. Do you need a change?

Help humanity by making all your dreams come true. The way to helping the world starts by helping you to grow in character development and maturity, regardless of your chronological age. You can always learn on your own time by reading at home. When was the last time you read a good book?

This coming year 2024 is the year of manifestation, blooming with every bud of inspirational ideas for you on all levels. You decide which path you choose. Give yourself permission to make different decisions for your greater good.

Leave all those supposed or real obstacles behind in these last days of 2023. They no longer define you. You are more than your perceived obstacles. You matter. You have the complete freedom to live your perfect life more than you ever had before. Now is your time.

Call on your better angels if you want to advance your plans. Breathe in a new breath of possibility. Relax. Journal the steps you need to take to dare to begin new ventures. By working with this outline, you have steppingstones marking your progress in logical steps.

Don’t forget, the Limitless Living Light of Love, is what animates your Spirit/Soul. This is the driving force of your life. It is your personal tool to create your life, the paintbrush to splash the colors with which you choose to paint. If you don’t like what you’ve created so far, use your free will to paint a different picture.

This is the Christ Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, which I teach about in my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM. You are never alone because this Spark of Christ Eternal Universal Life Force Energy is the animating force of your life.

In every life, there are times when your life takes, or needs to take drastic changes to match your personal development. Life is not stagnant. While change is not always welcome, it is the only constant in life. Welcome change when it comes to you, expected and unexpected.

Life is what you make it. Make your life beautiful.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

You Are a Microcosm of the Macrocosm of the Greater Universes

What do you think it means in Genesis 1:26 where it pointedly says, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness… ?”

The following is an excerpt from my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM.

“As time went by, and I allowed new information in my understanding past the theology I learned when I was seven years old, which is a tremendous roadblock to anyone gaining increased knowledge when we think we know all there is to know, or revolt when new information proves their old paradigm to be false. Please know that there is more to know.

“You are a microcosm of the macrocosm of the greater universes. You, individually and collectively, experience a biophysical, geophysical, and astrophysical reality within our DNA. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch[1] explains the biochemical genetics and luminescence that takes place in our chromosomes and brains, as example.

“Light is the way Eternal Universal Life Force Energy travels throughout the universes, galaxies, planets, stars, and continuing not only down to our physical bodies, but to our thoughts, feelings, and emotions as well.

“‘Light dawns on Marblehead’ is an expression used to describe the moment when it seems as if a lightbulb finally went on in your head. For example, ‘Ohhhh, now I get it …’ or ‘Duh!’ It is as if, until that moment, our heads were made as thick and heavy as marble. Nothing penetrates it until this ‘lightbulb’ turns on.

“Of course, if we never consciously flip the switch on, as in wanting to know more, we stay in the dark. This is how the generation of ignorance continues to exist and multiply amid the wealth of incredible knowledge, with some of humanity beating their breasts like Tarzan, and picking up clubs, swords, and implements of warfare with the same mentality as the waring fallen angels in Revelation 12:9. Have you ever wondered why such human and earthly cruelty still takes place today?

“This expression, “Light dawns on Marblehead,” comes from an eastern shore town in Massachusetts comparing when the sunrises to our sudden understanding of something.

“Light consciousness makes dreams come true, inspires new inventions, and solves complicated problems. Perhaps we have studied for years, or suddenly we understand something in a flash. Relationships are like this. If we only knew something ahead of time, we would have made other decisions. Yet, this is all part of the learning process, discovering something new, and applying new knowledge. Light is the energizing force that brings Life to all sacred geometry, including you. The most wonderful thing is that Eternal Universal Life Force is available to you the moment you call on it, in your plans, in your health, and in your life in general. This Light of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy is within you.

“There are sacred geometries that make up everything in the cosmos, including your body. Put a drop of blood or a flake of skin tissue under a microscope and you will discover triangular, square, hexagonal, and other shapes in your biology. Triangles and pyramids are everywhere in the universe, even recently found on Mars. There is a reason for this.

“Shapes have power. They are the building blocks of life. There is an energetic force, a strength to the triangle, and the square which the Masons discovered in building structures, just as we take vitamins and minerals known to be the building blocks of the physical human body. This force is in physical things and inanimate things. It is also in the physical and spiritual template of a human being, in the seen and the unseen. We are physical replicas of the spiritual Adam Kadmon, the first template of physical human. But there is more to our biology than the assembly of shapes and parts. The wonder of wonders is that we can generate Souls in the birth of our children.”

This is an excerpt from IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM, published November 3, 2023 by Blue Fortune Enterprises, LLC. There is currently at 10% discount for this book at

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

[1] The Book of Enoch: The Keys of Enoch by JJ Hurtak

Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World ~ “Be The Duck”

UNITED STATES – 2023/02/08: A male (drake) Wood duck or Carolina duck (Aix sponsa) is swimming on Yellow Lake, Sammamish, King County, Washington State, USA. (Photo by Wolfgang Kaehler/LightRocket via Getty Images)

There is more to staying positive while chaos, dysfunction, and negativity encircle you. Bloom where you are planted even if you are planted in the muck of life. I have told my clients for twenty-two years, “Be the Duck.”

Mind you, I never had the same client for twenty-two years, but helped many different clients through the years. I do not believe in the approach of spending months and years, going back into your childhood, rehashing old traumas by keeping that vibration alive within you today. Once said is enough, that is necessary.

Spending months and years to recover your mental health, unless you do need a psychiatrist for mental health issues beyond the scope and practice of a holistic health counselor provider, is not necessary.

I offer my guidance here for your benefit. Try it to see if it works for you. It might save you a lot of time and money. The plan I am suggesting here can work whether or not you are seeing any other kind of therapist or doctor.

I am certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners Certification and Accreditation Board since 2003. Not everyone needs medications to remedy most mental health issues, including trauma.

It will take some self-discipline. You will need to set a timer and not argue with yourself that you need more time. You will have the opportunity to go over your issue again next week and the week after. This plan works, but only if you do it.

Plan to hold a session with yourself once a week for one hour. Spend the first 15 MINUTES of the hour by setting the timer for 15 MINUTES, to go over the problem at hand. After you shut the timer, spend the next 45 minutes creating a life-affirming action plan involving only yourself. This is not a plan for anyone else. The plan is all life-affirming, no retaliation, gossip, or self-justification, only positive thoughts, considerations, and real-time, step-by-step plans on how you would like to proceed.

Plan to hold this exact template for the next seven weeks, for a total of eight weeks. Only then access where you are and how you are feeling. You will be amazed at your own progress.

Is it a comfortable process?


Change is never easy. Who likes changes?

A breath of fresh air, new concepts and alternatives that never occurred to you can suddenly come to light. This can only happen if you give yourself the necessary time and mental and emotional space to consider alternatives available to you. You do not need anyone else’s permission to start living your plan, as long as you are over the age of eighteen.

Notice what a duck does. It swims along and when it gets hungry, it simply goes down into the muck of the pond where all the nutrients are, takes what it needs, then bounces back up to the top without any of the muck sticking to it.

I never read this short saying anywhere, nor heard it spoken. It seemed that their personal freedom had been usurped or they had simply given it away because in the exhaustion of dealing with the crisis on a daily basis stole whatever energy they had left.

They were in a state of continual fight or flight struggle. I have been in this state myself and recognized exactly what the remedy was by watching what a duck does. Nature is a wonderful teacher.

Also notice that when a duck changes its mind and wants to go in a different direction other than the current it is in, it does not smash its wings down in huge splashes in a fit of rage. Rather, it simply flies off in the direction in which it chooses to go.

The duck does not carry any of the muck with it as it flies off. The muck slides off the duck as it rises up to the surface of the water. After navigating around all the muck to find the tender roots of nutrition, the duck comes back to the surface of the water. I know, this seems like a ridiculous example to use. But it points out the reality of how to heal your mental and emotional quandary.

The duck cannot exist without going down into the muck from time to time. But one bad experience of finding no nutrition does not stop it from trying the next time. Only when nothing good can be found by repeatedly doing what is not working, does the duck decide to move on.

Enough of the duck in the muck. What about you?

Are you running your life, or is your life running you, like an automatic treadmill with no off button?

No one is the boss of you. You are your own boss even if you are employed by a company or corporation. You decide what your parameters are. You have choices. You may not like all of them, but you still have options.

You are not a victim of your life.

You can blame others, or what has happened to you along your life’s journey, but it is what you decide to do next that matters.

Perhaps it’s time to take a deep breath and brainstorm all the positive, life-affirming opportunities that are available to you. You’ve got this.


The Role of Gender in a Patriarchal Society

Growing up in a patriarchal society used to make women upset at the unequal treatment in the workplace filled with glass ceilings, groping hands, insults, and lurid comments. Women could be great at their jobs, even running the company signed off by their bosses. What happens when not just women, but all humanity suffers at the macho roar of the lyin’ lion?

Notice the excuses used by religions and politics for only having lions, not lionesses at the top of their leadership. Lionesses are designated to their approval by men roles. While there might be a few token women in the upper echelon of the politics, wealth, and working world, people of all genders suffer from the unbounded prejudice of a patriarchal society. Most all religions do not allow women to be their leaders, based on archaic and inaccurate “biblical’ information.

The rape culture is excused while pointing fingers at the victims as being the real criminals trying to soil their perfect image. Victims of rape are put on stands and tried in public view.

Equal pay for equal work is only beginning to balance the scales, with the undercurrent of how all humanity other than non-traditional males make it to the top.

The problem is not just gay rights or gender rights, it is about all human rights. A matriarchal society run with a prejudice against those who identify as male would be just as bad.

The tide is turning, but at this political moment, it is not expedient nor profitable for one of the political parties to claim they want gender equality because their codes of conduct come from a previously patriarchal society in 364 AD when the Roman government joined with the Roman Catholic Church casting women out of their religious roles that Jesus had given them.

Accurate history is important, if those claiming that “It has always been this way,” don’t even know that, in fact, it was not always this way. Joan of Arc was a fighter for justice. So was a Celtic leader Boudica, who defeated the British. Women are also valiant at standing up for truth and justice.

Those who claim to honor Jesus would do well to do what Jesus told them to do, help the poor and do unto others the way they want to be treated. He also taught others to forgive everyone.

It is hard to forgive others who offend. First, they have to acknowledge the unfairness of the situation they have allowed to exist by their continuing to go along with it. Notice what is fueling their fire.

Gender equality will not coexist in a patriarchal society, nor a matriarchal society. Humanity must work together to break the glass ceiling of pride, prejudice, and hatred against anyone unlike themselves. Great progress has been made, but more needs to be done peacefully for all of humanity to coexist.

Treating others with dignity and respect starts by choosing thoughts, words, and actions more carefully. Be authentic and know that money is not the bottom line nor an accurate assessment of who is good and who is not.


Joni Mitchell ~ We Are Star Dust ~ Live In-Studio ~ Must Hear Following Tragic Self-Reflected Inspiration

Joni Mitchell singing We Are Star Dust.

Next, listen to the following exposé, while tragic, is extremely inspirational for everyone feeling stuck in the mental grips of everyone else’s harsh judgments, gossip, and slander, crucifying her, first for not changing, then for changing. The gossip of the day was that Joni gave up her daughter for her career. Nothing was further from the truth, but then as now, wagging tongues don’t stop.

This is an example of how to overcome difficulties when you stay focused and make the decision to heal in spite of all odds.

The daughter Joni gave up for adoption, Kelly Dale Anderson, was adopted by a Toronto-based couple, David and Ida Gibb, who are retired schoolteachers living in Don Mills, a suburb of Toronto. Kelly’s adoptive parents renamed her Kilauren Gibb.

You, too, can heal.

Joni and the daughter she gave up for adoption reunited, but the relationship was not always mutually symbiotic.


You’ll Never Walk Alone by Elvis Presley Dedicated to My Mom

Today is my mother’s Celebration of Life. She passed on February 27. As I woke up this morning, I had this song playing in my head. It was as if I was singing these words to her, while she was also singing these words to me. It is so inspirational. I hope you enjoy it.

Elvis was one of her favorite singers.


Arousing the Sleeping Soul Meditation ~ Awakening the Spark of Your Eternal Universal Life Force Energy


Reclaim your personal power, your Eternal Spark of God’s gift to you. There is no one else on Earth like you. You may be in complete agreement with this fact. You may not have anyone in your life to reflect the reality of this fact back to you. Either way, many others have told you, in person, in books, in songs, and in experience that you are pure gift of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy upon the Earth at this moment in time. Now I am telling you this same message. You are here for a reason.

If you choose, you can listen to this Tibetan inspirational music for the rest of this meditation.

In the journey of our lives, sometimes we hand over our personal power, not fully conscious that we have been indoctrinated since childhood, either into belief systems not really of our own choosing, or into the false concept that there is no Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

In the process of our education, and consciously seeking for truth and looking under every religious rock, we feel the deep stirrings of the Spirit beginning to rise. Yet, often as soon as this comes to be, some voice appearing to know better comes along only to make sure you follow certain human steps, in a particular kind of caste system, with a human hierarchy at the helm. Beware of these.

In this meditation, notice who it is that promotes fear as the basis for particular social, political, or religious teachings, who you may associate with and those who you may not for fear of retaliation, or exclusion.

Reclaim your Spirit. Reclaim your Eternal Universal Life Force Energy which you may feel more comfortable calling Chi, Prana, Qi, or a host of other words all meaning the exact same thing. You are worthy. This is your gift from the Eternal Universal Life Force Energy Itself.

Eternal Universal Life Force Energy has no limits. This is the most complete Form of Energy in All Creation. Various scientific, medical, and technological human advancements have managed to tap into a minute portion of the vast expanse in the reflecting brilliance and capability from prayer to space travel. Yet it is human awareness of something greater that minds of humanity tap into.

Take this moment to quiet thoughts, worries, schedules, and all other distractions. Be one with this music of the Soul, connecting to the Author of Love, Kindness, Generosity, Forgiveness, and every other noble attribute of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. There is no agenda here.

This meditation is a melding of your precious Spark of your Soul with the Splendid and Magnificent Light Beyond Measure. All is One.

Every person you meet has their own Spirit, their own Soul. This is the marvel of marvels Jesus talks about at the generation of human life; that human beings can not only replicate the physical body, but can pass on the Eternal Universal Life Force Energy of the Soul, the Spark of Living Spirit in each individual, that is the SAME Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy as a way to experience through you and through me.

You are the Earthen Vessel of your Precious Portion of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy in the world today.

This is the miracle of miracles. YOU ARE A MIRACLE of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy which fuels your every thought, word, and action. You have free will to decide how best to live your life. You are in charge of you, no religion, politics, business, nor anything else outside of you. You determine your best path forward. You will make mistakes. You will get up and will try again.

Now is the time to make corrections to your perceptions and understandings. You were not born a sinner before you took your first breath on this beautiful planet. You were not born a sinner after you took your first breath here on Earth. Jesus came to Earth to tell you past religions got it all wrong. The reason Jesus was crucified was because he taught of the Light of the Soul WITHIN you, with no need of human laws many religions promoted. Religious authorities could not let the words of Jesus stand, otherwise they would lose all power, fame, and fortune. This is a truth that is again resurfacing for your benefit.

Rather, recognize the false truths and deceptions others have self-promoted so they gain that same power, fame, and fortune at your expense. If you have found yourself as a pawn in someone else’s cult mentality, now is the time to free yourself. You can do this. Follow your own conscience after meditation on this fact.

How do you regain the Light WITHIN you which someone else may have been trying to snuff out?

The first solution to tell someone you trust outside of the circle of social, religious, and/or political cults. Yes, there is a way out. Take a deep breath and never give up. You are in charge of your Soul and your Spirit, as well as your Body and your Mind. Stop rehashing the problems in your mind. That solves nothing.

Take another deep breath. Breathe in Light and Love without conditions, Love without judgment. We can be so harsh with ourselves. If we could have done better, we would have done better. Be easy and gentle with yourself. If we had known what was going to happen before it did, we would have made other choices.

This life is about the choices we make. It is all about perfecting your Soul. Religions like to call these mistakes sins. It is human to make mistakes. This is how we learn. This is how we train our Souls and our Spirits to be filled with more Peace, more Joy, and more Love. We do not know the outcome of certain actions until we see the interplay with other people, or other situations. Being harsh in judgments against yourself does not negate what happened, nor does it make anything better.

Begin, or begin again, right where you are. Take another deep breath. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Make sure you are safe in Mind, Body, Spirit, and Soul. You are a magnificent Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy experiencing in this plane of existence. You are pure gift.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Gifts For Christmas ~ Chanukah and Every Culture and Religion

What is the best present to give this year?

What is the best present to get this year?

Christmas, Chanukah, and all other belief system’s holidays have their beloved stories of why and how to best celebrate them, including gifts.

I have a gift for all of you this festive season.

The best gift of all I give to everyone this season, is realization of the Light of your Spirit, the Light of your Soul lit by the Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. It is why you are here. You are the breath of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy’s human expression, an intricate part of the Nature Kingdom.

Notice that Eternal Universal Life Force Energy does not have labels, genders, age, nor any other human judgment limits. It has nothing to prove. It follows the universal Laws of Nature, always.

Also notice that Light is how energy travels through time and space. You and I are Sparks of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy here for the experience of life.

What have you learned thus far in your life?

Do you have repeating life lessons?

How is your self-esteem?

I hope and pray that this holiday season (yes, I said holiday since not only one religion owns Eternal Universal Life Force Energy) that each and every one of you takes a closer look into your life, and awaken to the knowledge of the Spirit that animates you.

Your breath is the breath of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy in your lifetime.

Your words are the only verbal expressions Eternal Universal Life Force Energy has in this lifetime of yours.

Your actions are those of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy capable of healing families, communities, political strife, and true enlightenment for the entire world.

You were not born on Earth to be owned by anyone, put under anyone’s political or religious thumb, nor to have your share of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy besmirched by slander and gossip.

Your Light is mirrored by your personal energy, aura, voice, thoughts, inspiration, ideas, knowing, kindness, forgiveness, honesty, valor, magnanimity, generosity, hope, faith in your ability to believe in the precious gift of your life, and love beyond measure.

Presents make holidays festive. Presents help those in need. Presents show our care and concern for others. Presents let others know they are not alone.

There will also be dark and Light. This is the season to be the Light you wish to shine in your corner of the world.


Have You Ever Been Wrong About Something You Thought Was Right?

I do not want to hear anything other than what I already know. I have nothing more to learn.

It is Christmas time. It is the nostalgic time when humanity fondly reminisces about the birth of Jesus, with the bright star, singing angels, and wise men. After all, isn’t this all we need to know?

Jesus has said many things that religions have clung to since before the bible was written. He tried telling humanity the truth of why he came. It is interesting to know what Jesus said and did not say. But those indoctrinated in human belief systems could not hear with understanding when they either thought they already knew what he meant based on their previous indoctrination, thought they knew what he meant based on their own lived experience, or thought they knew he was out of his mind based on their vast human intelligence of science, medicine, and technology available down through the ages.

“I have come to teach you something new. Please listen, hear, and understand.”

Are you ready to hear more than you have been told, by those who answered their calling to their belief system brand, but who were misinformed by human limitation?

Please know there is more to know. It is very empowering. It is the enlightenment of each individual Spirit learning and growing into perfection, lifetime after lifetime until you achieve your own ascension just as Jesus did his.

Jesus taught this. It is also foreshadowed in Isaiah where we read, “Go and tell this people, ‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.” Isaiah 6:9, written by Isaiah in 732 BC. in Jerusalem.

Who was Isaiah speaking to?

Isaiah was speaking to ALL people of ALL religions. They all had missed the mark since the beginning of communication, all the various cultures and knowledge of the Old Ways, including the Jewish ideology. Isaiah tells them that even they were not understanding what Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, also known as The Creation, had in store for humanity.

It was more than the bloodshed and the wars with the prize of earthly power, fame, and fortune. While they all thought they knew better, there was still more to know.

Then comes Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ, who came to impart the knowledge that the human Spirit perfects with each lifetime gained through the knowledge of each human life. Nowhere in the bible will you read the humanly contrived doctrine of the “Trinity,” which is a yesteryear belief born into the Christian story at the birth of Jesus. Jesus never said he was God, part of the “Trinity.”

The people had been indoctrinated in worshiping trinities since the “Prehistoric Trinities,” such as goddess worship, which was revered for over 100,000 years, honoring the Virgin, Mother, and Crone, according to Gimbutas, Marija. The Civilization of the Goddess, ed. Joan Marler. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1991.

The number three is key in honoring many other trinities, dating back to the Upper Paleolithic era from 30,000-8,000 BCE, making the “Trinity” adopted by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam familiar.

Jesus came to denounce these false teachings. He even told us in the New Testament, in Luke 8:10; John 8:43; Mark 4:12; and Matthew 13:14; that we will all hear and see, yet lack the understanding he came to teach, because our previous indoctrination into thinking that we were right, when we had our “facts” wrong would be the stumbling block.

But Jesus also said never to give up seeking, searching with open hearts, in order that we find that one priceless pearl of faith. This can happen, but only if we allow the possibility that perhaps we do not know all there is to know. It is even more cumbersome when we discover that we have been lied to by the very ones in whom we put our faith to guide us.

Jesus continues to teach us to this very day. But today’s believers are just as reticent to receiving new and accurate information just as humanity was in his time.

Jesus is telling humanity today that we have been duped. The apostles were duped by the leaven of the Pharisees. Modern humanity is duped by the upper echelons of political structures and religions around the world.

How many people today are teaching that the Light of God is WITHIN you?

How many people tell you that you are NOT a sinner, but are learning life lessons so you can improve yourself?

How many people teach what Jesus taught in John 14:12, that you will be able to do the works, miracles, healings, that he did, AND EVEN MORE BESIDES?

Today Jesus says, “I am not the son of the spiritual ruler of the three human races, and therefore not the son of God.” And they called him Immanuel ISBN 978-3-7497-1759-0

Remember, the ARCHANGEL GABRIEL appears to Mary to announce to her that the designs of the Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, The Creation of All, intends that Jesus, the long-awaited Christ be born unto her through the interaction of Gabriel. Mary consents.

It makes a nice Christmas story to believe with all our hearts this famous story handed down through the ages, but there is more for you to know. Not everyone individually had wrong intentions, they were simply misguided by blinded religious leaders who did not know better themselves. Jesus sees all.

Jesus also sees that now is the time for the holes left behind in numerous proselytism efforts to be straightened out, since his message has been thwarted.

Remember, Peter was so stuck in his own indoctrination into the thinking of the Pharisees that Peter tried to stop Jesus, as if that were possible, from the suffering and crucifixion that awaited Jesus. Peter also heard but could not understand the other reasons Jesus said were his mission. Peter could only share what he thought he knew, seeding two thousand years of misinformation.

What was the response of Jesus?

“‘Get away from me, Satan. You are an annoyance, for you are not thinking in spiritual reasoning, but in human thought and desire. Simon Peter, you make me angry and show your ignorant thinking.

“‘Verily, I say to you this day, because of your ignorance the world will shed much blood, because you will falsify my teaching and spread it among the people, and it will become more and more twisted and inverted. You will be guilty of the deaths of many peoples, and of the origin of a false name for me, and of the evil insult of calling me the Son of God, and that God is The Creation Itself, for it shall come to pass as I speak it.

“‘But you are still under the grace of my long-suffering patience, and you can still improve your ignorance by some measures, but I am remaining in great annoyance with you, brother.’

” And then Immanuel said to his disciples, ‘If someone wants to follow my teaching, he should take the burden of seeking the truth, of realization and of understanding upon himself. But man will surely not do so for man is lazy and careless, he will believe that which anyone speaks unto him. It will be those who live their lives in truth and knowledge who will be victorious, but he who lives his life in untruth and ignorance, will lose.” And they called him Immanuel ISBN 978-3-7497-1759-0

This season is a time of introspection. Take a moment beyond the eyes of others, to assess if you are loving without judgment. The way we judge others is the way we will be judged. Not one of us is perfect.

There but for the grace of God go I.

Like I told you in Luke 17:20-21, The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you. Work on forming your Spirit, choose light over dark inspiration. Your life is the reflection of your heart and Eternal Spirit. Work toward your ascension, just as I showed you.


Baby Souls ~ The Michael Teachings by Joya Pope ~ Explains Current Authoritarian Thinking

Puritanical, traditional, law and order, patriarchal concepts are the mark of Baby Souls. You can see these marks of humanity in every country in the world today. You see it in the attributes below.

“There are seven discrete parts within each of the soul ages, each taking somewhere between one to ten lifetimes for completion. Thus, when individuals are complete with all seven levels of Infant, they have probably averaged twenty or thirty lifetimes. At this point their consciousness will start to explore the early Baby Soul process.

“Since there is now a little experience on the earth, more sophistication and less fear are found in the individual, though the world is still experienced as a scary place. Survival has been worked out; this is a time to get civilized and be proud of it, a time of demonstrating you can do it right.

“Structure helps Baby Souls to feel comfortable in the world. They want to be directed and therefore seek out higher authorities who are willing to lay out clear rules for them. As a small example of this, they would rarely defend their child to the school principal but push to make the child act acceptably to the teachers and administration. Sometimes a Baby Soul will seek out – even again and again – discipline from the prison system as a way to civilize himself. This soul age will hold traditional religious leaders in esteem, turn doctors into gods, and likely feel their country, their army, and certain politicians, can do no wrong.

“Traditions, rituals, and law and order provide a welcome sense of security. ‘That’s the rule and that’s what we’ll do,’ is typical thinking. They make sure your car is not parked in front of their house and that their lawn is mowed and sprinkled. In a dogmatic, black-and-white way, they know right from wrong. Usually conscientiously good citizens, they can be counted on to do the ‘right’ thing. This is also the soul age with the greatest propensity to long-term grudge holding.

“The Ku Klux Klan would be a Baby Soul organization in a negative pole, while many service organizations like the Knights of Columbus or the Rotary Club would be in a more positive pole of expression. Anti-abortion right-to-life organizations, school prayer promoters, and fire-and-brimstone preachers all tend to emerge out of Baby Soul consciousness and concerns.

“Preferring to be big fish in small ponds, Baby Souls are often found in small communities. Though the United States is primarily a late-Young Early-Mature Soul country, middle America between the two coasts is packed with Baby Souls who prefer life when it is a little simpler. They often emerge as pillars of the community, staunch, upright and unshakable in their beliefs. They become mayor or sheriff, president of the town council or PTA. Because they are interested in organizing and developing the fabric of society with laws, regulations and lines of authority, they are often found in governmental bureaucracies such as schools, hospitals, regulating agencies and so on. When their beliefs are opposed, Baby Souls may become inwardly bewildered. Baby Souls are so sure they are right that they have difficulty comprehending opposition. This is not a self-reflective phase.

“Many patriotic Baby Soul soldiers coming back from Vietnam were perplexed and confounded. Their country had changed; there were no heroes’ welcomes. Usually, a Baby Soul won’t show inner quandary; when perplexed or thwarted there is more likely to be an outward display of belligerence. Baby Souls feel justified in fighting for their beliefs and may demonstrate not just dogmatism but a fairly brutal mentality.

“They are very interested, if not obsessive, about cleanliness, neatness, and keeping germs at bay. Not yet able to perceive that chronic feelings or attitudes may cause physical and psychological problems, their emotional difficulties are, in fact, often somaticized so that angry feelings become gallstones, or fear turns into kidney, bladder or back trouble.

“When dealing with physical problems like these, Baby Souls ordinarily prefer conventional medicine, medications and surgery. Considering alternative therapies or looking for the root of the problem doesn’t make sense to their way of approaching the body. With the exception of the new popularity of healing within charismatic churches, this soul age is sold on orthodox medicine.

“Around sexual matters, there is uneasiness and some degree of shame or guilt. This is not a time for hot tub entertaining, but hiding bodies, making love in the dark – probably with pajamas and without great sensuality.

“Families, however, feel very good during this period. Raising children (maybe lots), seeing relatives, celebrating holidays, going on family outings and participating in church rituals all make a person feel a solid upstanding part of the community.

“Many of the people who create what we call folk art or naive art are Baby Souls expressing their values and concerns. You see paintings of the countryside, church picnics, Bible stories, family weddings, the 4th of July, and ships with flags waving proudly in the breeze. The art can be quite lovely, though neither perspective nor method of presentation is sophisticated.

“Baby Souls sometimes come into prominence. They don’t often look for a big stage, not having the resourcefulness or experience to handle it well, but they may gather fame for their unyielding political or religious beliefs. Jerry Falwell is a prominent religious leader with Baby Soul beliefs; Oral Roberts and Jimmy Swaggart, two others. Idi Amin, Hitler, Khomeini, and, in the United States, Richard Nixon, Evan Mecham, Jesse Helms and some of our more rigidly conservative Governors, Congressmen and Senators are examples of Baby Souls putting out their world views on a larger scale. Pat Boone is one of the few Baby Souls peopling the entertainment business.

“South Africa’s President Botha and Libya’s Colonel Khadafy are both seventh level Baby Souls. The seventh level of any soul age can be a time of smug complacency, because everything at that soul age has been handled. (The next lifetime or so, of course, finds a person uneasily in the first level of a totally new consciousness phase.)

“Matthew Strode, the schoolyard preacher whose shouted fire and damnation sermons have resulted in him being repeatedly suspended from elementary school in North Carolina, is a vociferous example of the consciousness of seventh Baby.

“Baby Soul countries often have a puritanical tinge and may be divided against themselves or a close neighbor. Countries expressing a primarily Baby Soul perceptivity are Iran and Iraq as well as most of the newly strict Muslim countries, though not Saudi Arabia or Syria; also included are China, Ireland, and much of both Central and South America. India, which historically was an Old Soul country, is now mostly late Baby, poised to enter its Young Soul phase. Japan has recently completed its Baby phase, where individuality was suppressed, and is swinging into high Young Soul gear. Interestingly enough, the whites who ruled South Africa were mainly Baby Souls while the blacks are primarily Mature Souls.”

You can read more about Soul Ages and the Michael Teachings at their website:


Adolf Hitler Also Led A Failed Coup

This meme needs to say FORMER President of the United States. The coup of January 6 to overthrow Democracy are not heroes of Democracy. Murdering people, assault and battery are not part of peaceful protest, for which Democracy stands. The actions of January 6, 2021 are the works of other sinister forces influencing humankind to this very day.

Do Christians believe what they say they believe? Do Christians actually believe what the Bible says? The fallen angels still hold influence over the minds of many human beings, duping them into doing their works of dark energies, sinister agendas which tickle the fancy of those who claim to be Christian.

However, these dark energies are very much alive, blinding otherwise good people into repulsive actions aimed at destroying the very thing they mistakenly think they are saving, DEMOCRACY, on September 18, 2021, the day chosen to praise their criminal followers with parades and fanfare.

Do not be influenced by anyone whose motive is not Love Without Conditions, and Non-judgment. While ramifications of the fallen angels abound, there is a Power, Wisdom, and Love that knows no bounds which is more powerful.

Remember, the Dragon, that devil called Satan, has already been defeated and cast down to Earth, never to be allowed to return to the refreshment of Living, Loving, Light, also known as God, or Universal Eternal Energy. Have you ever wondered why evil and dark energy exists all over the world? No human being is ever without temptations to think, say, and do unconscionable things for a seemingly greater good, which actually results in greater harm. This dark manipulating energy is the master at deception.

Since deception worked during the last election, duping millions of voters into excusing making fun of disabled people, tearing nursing babies from their mother’s arms, taking children of all ages away from their mothers and fathers, separating wives from their husbands, and separating men from women, putting them all in metal cages, selling off some babies through the adoption agencies since there was money to be made; these ones saw that deception and lies worked to confuse their blind followers into believing they were on the side of good. Actually, fear and fear-based thinking was the foundation of all the lies and deception. No, the Latino population is not going to take over the United States of America, nor is the non-white population, nor the Muslim population from Afghanistan these days. The USA is the melting pot of the world, or have some forgotten their extended family roots?

I thank the good God of all that intelligence, empathy and compassion for refugees has risen above ignorant arrogance, political hijacking, and blatant racism. Standing on the eggshell foundation of, “That’s just my opinion,” and “I have a right to my opinion,” will not stand against the tide of popular opinion of the Democratic United States of America.

I encourage all energy workers to send positive, loving, healing energy to every area capturing your attention in these coming days. Whatever we focus on grows. Let us spend more time focusing on what builds us up as a nation, so we can truly be that beacon of light on the hill, for which the Statue of Liberty stands.

“Then there was a war in heaven; Michael and the other angels under his command fought the Dragon and his hosts of fallen angels. And the Dragon lost the battle and was forced from heaven. This great Dragon – the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world – was thrown down onto the earth with all his army.” Revelation 12:7-9

Let us pay closer attention to what is going on by not praising criminal behavior as if it is the same thing as good behavior. Some misguided and misinformed people are following the Dragon right into his lair of racism, white supremacy and those who prize money and power over people.


Spiral of Light Dispels Shadow In People And Nations

Notice the Spiral of Light emanating from the individual, as well as from the many aspects of refracted color proceeding from the infinity of light.

“Let there be light!” This is the first reality in the Cosmos. From its initial blast of existence in the third dimension, infinite light manifests proving the Universal Law of Light as a continuous radiance through high-powered energy and resulting generation of light. This same light also emanates from within humankind in every country on Earth. This exact same light has the ability to calm all man-made chaos in every country on the face of this planet.

Light enlightens everything and everyone in its path. Notice how light dispels shadow and darkness. Dark shadows disappear in the presence of light. Shadow always follows light, just as the sunset casts a shadow of tree on the ground, with light on one side of the tree and shadow behind it. Yet shadow is cast out by light when it illuminates void of obstacles. Light is also the answer to obstacles.

Light spirals and whirls throughout all of nature, as can be seen in rushing water passing through twists and turns in the mighty river. Light explodes in myriad refractions when it bounces off crystal orbs hanging from rearview mirrors. Rainbows are generated in the happy marriage of mist and light. This spiral of life also is used by all human beings for knowledge, understanding, empathy, compassion, problem solving, making life-saving treaties, common sense, bi-partisanship, and all other endeavors seeking to work for the benefit of all civilizations.

The first light also manifests in the vibrational frequency of the sound of “OM” from the oldest known literary work of the Rig Veda. OM symbolizes a beginning and a female divine energy. It is first mentioned in the Upanishads, the mystical text of Vedanta philosophy.

Notice breath is the connection to the Soul. When we stop breathing, our Soul goes back to the energy of God. Breathe in the life of wisdom each day of your life.

OM is also associated with Cosmic Sound, or Something Divine. It is the result of the generation of light. OM, also known as AUM, corresponds to the three stages of Cosmic Creation. When it is read or said, it vibrationally celebrates the creative powers of the infinite Universe.

These are Universal Laws, principles that always work for the uplifting of society. However, within humankind is also the gift of freedom and free will. This can be seen in every country’s politics on the earth when people become blinded by their own greed, power, and ego. It is one of life’s lessons that allows the dysfunction, oppression, and degradation of the humanity it promises to deliver from the very bondage they create.

Nationalism divides rather than unifies. Patriotism at the exclusion of any other national border and civilization also divides. It always has since the drop into time on Earth. There is a way to co-exist peacefully on planet Earth.

We observe the current the bombing between Israel and Palestine, the United States in trying to suppress voters, and racial inequality worldwide capturing our attention. It is free will choice of leaders to either work with the powerful light within them, or shut out the light by the strangulation of human rights. It is just as easily and quickly possible to switch to treating others the way we wish to be treated. Denying the reality that problems exist in our lives and in our nations is not the way to solve any problem. Peaceful intelligence, empathy, and compassion for everyone in the human race is the answer.

It is easy to point the fingers at “the other side” of any issue. But the reality is, the world will be a better place in which to live if we all do our peaceful part to be better human beings.

Notice how even a small light illuminates a dark room. That is how each one of us can begin, or begin again to shine our light of peaceful freedom achieved by sending positive messages to those who run our governments. It’s like a snowball growing little by little until it becomes large enough to be the bottom of a very large snowman.

There will always be dark in every corner of our one world we all live in. This is our life-long challenge. We do not need to be overcome by depression, gloomy moods, or render ourselves out of commission due to the negative thoughts, words, or actions someone else, or something else.

Instead, call on the light within you, the inspiration, the enthusiasm, the innovation, the possibility to turn the tide of conversation from dark to light. Rather than continuing to harp on the negative things we see happening, let us be beacons of light, like the lighthouse at the precipice of a rocky shore.

We shed light each time we seek to build up as opposed to tearing down. Finding common ground using common sense brings light into the situation, allowing for the brainstorming of innovative and novel approaches to solutions.

Within our own personal lives, we have much power to have a good day or a bad day. Stop blaming everyone and everything else for the troubles that befall each of us, and you will see a dramatic turnabout in the course of the day, or situation.

Problem solving does not happen by concentrating on the problem. Problem solving happens by concentrating on a host of numerous solutions.

Be the light which you wish to see in the world. It is contagious. Do not give up. This Earth and everyone on it is too precious to destroy by our own inaction.

Be a beacon of light right where you are. Begin with your thoughts. Dismiss dark and negative energies from your thoughts. Your thoughts do not think you. You think your thoughts. You are the boss of you, not negative energies. Light a candle, grid your property with crystals, cleanse the spaces where you live, increase your vibrational frequencies by what you read and what you allow yourself to hear. Help those in need.

There but for the grace of God go I.


If Your Politics Or Religion Turns Violent You Worship The Wrong god

In the face of violent insurrection, Jesus was humble in the garden, even healing the high priest’s servant’s ear, did not fight during his scourging at the pillar, crowing with thorns, carrying the cross, nor at his crucifixion. Jesus taught love over hate, peace over conflict, and prayer as his example to heal.

January 6, 2o21, is a good reminder, when the United States Capitol building was breached by an angry mob of domestic terrorists, that many in the name of God and their version of justice were worshipping the wrong god. They did not realize the false liar god they were following was not God, Almighty Father of Jesus, and Creator of all that is. You can tell them by their fruits.

When the other disciples, along with Peter, James and John who had accompanied Jesus into the Garden of Gethsemane saw the High priest servant and soldiers who had come to arrest Jesus, they exclaimed, “Lord, should we fight? We have brought swords!”

But Jesus said, “No more of this.” Peter had just slashed off the ear of the high priest’s servant. Instead, Jesus touched the man’s ear and healed him. Luke 22:49-51

We know this account of the final hours of the life of Jesus. Peter had pledged his allegiance to Jesus, yet in the courtyard of the high priest’s home, he denies Jesus. Peter goes off and weeps with sorrow for not staying true to Jesus, and God, his Father.

Again, we see Jesus teaching us in his example, to stay true to God in the midst of mob rebellion over them hearing words they did not agree with. Jesus simply spoke the truth which Pilate, the Roman governor, and Herod Antipas heard. Herod is present because Galilee was under Herod’s jurisdiction, and Herod happened to be in Jerusalem at the time.

Just like a post in this blog titled “The Battle Of Good And Evil Was Not A One Time Battle ~ Requires Spiritual Warfare In The Face Of Evil mentions Satan seeking a sign of performance, this time Herod wants to see Jesus perform a miracle on command. As we know, that does not happen, even though such a sign might have saved Jesus’ life temporarily. Jesus is handed over to be crucified.

In these desperate days of conflict, disagreement and disunity, it might be tempting to justify hating and harming those who do not believe as we do, not just in the United States of America, but everywhere in the world.

But this would be an inhuman response. This is not the first time evil and sinister impulses appear as good options when the reality is that they are not. They are birthed from an unholy god. This is an age-old and familiar story.

We could hide our thoughts, words, and actions under the umbrella of politics as a misguided effort to subvert the will of the people, only listening to one-side of the issue, conjuring lies and disinformation as if it is real, and have these lies and conspiracies fall out of powerful and influential mouths. Because of their source, these lies and conspiracies are then touted by all forms of media, still to this day.

Or we could hide our thoughts, words, and actions under the umbrella of our religion. We may have thought we could have plausible deniability if we say the priest, minister, or other guru pontificated the lies and conspiracies of what was actually happening, and guided us into hateful, prideful, and illegal actions, including murder.

But who really is King Liar throughout all history, before Jesus Christ, and after?

Every single one of us is responsible for our own thoughts, words, and actions. Not one of us is perfect. We make mistakes large and small. We sin. I know that is an unpopular word these days, but we do. There are times we have fallen victim to evil, followed evil inclinations, listened to the wrong advise whispered in our ears, minds, or hearts. We can point fingers at others all over the place. I have found the best place to start is with ourselves.

Today’s legal systems will handle the loss of lives through murderous actions of misguided men and women. That is not up to you and me, the common person, to decide and/or act on, other than to correct our own part in this tragedy. There is a higher justice we are answerable to at the end of our lives. It is not the court of popular opinion, Republican, nor Democratic belief.

Obviously Jesus Christ is not a Republican, nor a Democrat. If he was anything in today’s division of political and religious belief, he would certainly be a bleeding-heart liberal. He’s the one who gave instructions that if someone slaps you on one cheek that we offer the other cheek as well; that if someone demands our coat that we also give him the shirt off our backs; and the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would like them to do to you.

If you find you have been caught up in Satan’s web of lies and conspiracies, you are not alone. Continuing down the wrong road, going against the words of Jesus, will not get you where you are going. Begin again to only think, speak and act in ways of love and peace.

Don’t forget, Satan’s web of lies are attractive. There is just enough half-truth in them to tickle your mind, heart, and actions. For example, Democrats say everyone has a right to their own body – particularly women. However they do not believe nor promote that the person in the womb equally has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Likewise, Republicans do believe that the person in the womb has the right to life. Yet, they believe in unconscionably harming human life outside of the womb in the middle and lower classes by unethically pouring trillions of dollars to the wealthiest among them, which never trickles down.

This has promoted the worst economy, people losing their homes, standing in huge food lines, and dying from the worst pandemic this nation has ever seen. This is due to the lies that COVID-19 is not real, or worst yet, allowing millions of its citizens to die in the misguided notion that having people get COVID-19 will cause Herd Immunity. The vaccine is what will cause Herd Immunity.

It is odd that the GOP pretends to stand as a noble group with religious backing, while inciting their rank and file, stirring the pot of anger, hate and destruction, the tools of Satan. His works here in the United States and worldwide are painfully obvious.

Let us all readjust regardless of what political, religious, spiritual, or non-political/religious side we are on.

Use the tools of faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love. Love is the fertile ground of unity on which to build a better future for tomorrow.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

The Eagles ~ Hole In The World ~ New Year Wishes

Hole In The World by The Eagles

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

What Do Mithra And Jesus Have In Common? December 25

What do Mithra (also known as Mithras) and Jesus have in common? The answer is December 25, Mithra’s birthday. When was Jesus really born?

Many solar deities were flourishing in the Middle East, Mediterranean and Europe prior to the days of Jesus and Christianity. In Rome, Mithra (or Mithras) worship was the predominant religion. Mithra was originally the Vedic God Mitra, one of the twelve Adityas of the Rig Veda, the worship of whom reached Rome through Persia, Asia Minor and Syria.  He was the symbol of friendship, light, transparency, and justice, because he used to be invoked in various treaties. In Persia he was called Mithra.  There his birthday became December 25 and the festival of ShabeYaldaa was his birthday celebration. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus (nearly 2500yrs ago) mentions this festival was the biggest in Persia at that time. In the Zoroastrian religion, Mithra was considered as the mediator between the highest God Ahura Mazda and humanity.

It was believed Mithra would lead the dead to heaven, resurrect the dead, will judge the humanity on the last day of the world etc. (His role as the judge on the last day comes from Zoroastrian faith as Hindus have no day of judgment).  Mithra worship was present in the Middle East at least 3000 years ago as can be seen from the famous Hittite-Mittiani treaty in which he is invoked. In Syria Mithraism arrived well before the turn of the Common Era (AD/CE).

The counter part of Julius Caesar in Syria was Mithradetus (meaning the justice of Mithra).  It was believed that the Syrian sea pirates brought Mithra worship into Rome. In Rome he underwent further transformation. Mithras was born on December 25 by emerging from a rock (born of the virgin- Earth), a birth attended by shepherds. As an adult, he hunted for a sacred bull, captured, and dragged it into a cave where he slayed it with a short sword. They thought from the bull’s blood and semen arose grain (also attributed to the god Saturn) and the general vitality of nature. An inscription in the Santa Prisca Mithraeum on the Aventine in Rome says, “You saved us by shedding the eternal blood.” (Of course, the blood was of the bull; not of Mithra). There is not enough extant literature about Roman Mithraism, most likely because the church would have destroyed them when it got power.

Almost all we know today is based on the interpretation by modern scholars from reliefs, sculptures, and paintings on surviving monuments, mostly in the Mithraea (Mithraic sanctuaries). Mithraism reigned in Rome for about five centuries ending in the 4th century CE. Several hundred Mithraic monuments were found in Rome (Coarelli, 1979). Adapted for Roman taste, the most popular Romanized form of Mithraism was Sol Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun, whose re-birth was celebrated as the climax of the mid-winter Saturnalia, on December 25. Saturnalia honored the “good old days” when the god Saturn ruled a supposed “Golden Age”, and there were no masters and no slaves, and everything was easy.

The pagan celebration of Saturnalia first began as a harvest and agriculture celebration on December 17, to give thanks to the god Saturn. With the popularity of the Mithra celebrations, the revelry of Saturnalia was decided to be extended through December 25, and later through the New Year in the Gregorian Calendar.

For the first three centuries of Christianity’s existence, the birth of Jesus Christ was not celebrated at all. The Christian religion’s most significant holidays were Epiphany on January 6, which commemorated the arrival of the Magi after Jesus’ birth, and Easter, which celebrated Jesus’ resurrection. The first official mention of December 25 as a holiday honoring Jesus’ birthday appears in an early Roman calendar from 336 A.D. Notice this is also around the time when the popular pagan Mithra celebrations of feasting, frolicking, orgies and in some cases, murder took place.

Remember in 2 Kings 17:17 that this was at the time they had child sacrifice, as if sacrificing their first-born children in the fires in the pagan, ziggurat temple could possibly take away their sins or could be used as a bargaining chip for good fortune for themselves.

That is when it was decided to extend the celebration, from December 17, the feast day honoring the god Saturn, who they revered since they thought Saturn brought them a bountiful harvest, and combine the revelry past December 25, the pagan feast day of Mithra, the god of light, and into the New Year.

The bible does not mention Jesus’ exact birthday, and the Nativity story contains conflicting clues. For instance, the presence of shepherds and their sheep suggest a spring or fall birth. When church officials settled on December 25 at the end of the third century, they likely wanted the date to coincide with existing pagan festivals honoring Saturn (the Roman god of agriculture) on December 17, and Mithra (the Persian god of light) on his birthday which was celebrated between December 22 and 25, placed on the shortest, darkest day of the year, the Winter Solstice. That way, it became easier to convince Rome’s pagan subjects to accept Christianity as the empire’s official religion. They could then celebrate the Son God rather than the Sun god.

Some, including the Puritans of colonial New England, even banned its observance of Christmas because they viewed its traditions—the offering of gifts and decorating trees, for example—as linked to paganism. Check out Jeremiah 10:1-4. Here we have the first biblical account of cutting down “Christmas” trees, nailing them up so they do not fall over in their homes, and decorating them with ornaments of silver and gold. Jeremiah 10:5-10 talks about the pagan Winter Solstice celebrations as idols and how they cannot replace the One, True God. Jeremiah 7:18 condemns the pagan practice of baking cakes for the queen of heaven.

The pagan Emperor Constantine worshiped the sun god Mithra. Constantine is the one who decided to put the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25. Constantine only became a Christian on his deathbed. Roman pontiffs followed Constantine’s lead in 354 AD. Bishop Liberius of Rome ordered the people to celebrate on December 25. We see the mixing of the good seed with the bad, or pagan and Christian worshipping a god and The God of all Creation on the same day, in this example.

In the early days of the United States, celebrating Christmas was considered a British custom and fell out of style following the American Revolution. It was not until 1870 that Christmas became a federal holiday.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Ignorance Is A Nightmare ~ Wake Up From Forgetfulness ~ Paradise

“Initially, the All, the Eternity of aeons or eternal realms, existed inside the Father, who was so vast and unfathomable that they were unable to perceive him. Because of this, ignorance, anguish, and terror took hold of the aeons; Error was produced instead of truth, and on this illusive basis the world was created as a solidification of ignorance and fear, a ‘fog.'” Einar Thomassen in the Introduction to The Gospel of Truth, the third tractate of Codex I of THE NAG HAMMADI SCRIPTURES – THE REVISED AND UPDATED TRANSLATION OF SACRED GNOSTIC TEXTS

So much of what we have been taught, or learned along the way, has been in error, since error was with us from the very beginning; with the wheat being mixed with the weeds in the field of humanity.

Where is Truth?
What is Truth?
Who is Truth?

For the answer to these questions, I went to The Gospel of Truth.

“The work of the Savior was not only to bring knowledge to earthly humans, but also to rectify the cosmic error. He revealed the unknown Father to the aeons and gave them a proper, harmonious relationship to their originator. Although the Savior is a historical person, is identified with Jesus, he (Christ) is also from a higher and more fundamental perspective, the Son, the Word, and the Name of the Father; he is the first emanation, who manifests the Father to the aeons and causes them to come into being as perfect beings. Thus the redemption of humanity effected by Jesus in this world is part of, and reflects, a larger process of cosmic scale and ontological significance, a process by which the aeons are properly brought into being and given knowledge about the Father. The discourse in The Gospel of Truth moves back and forth between the two levels, between the historical and the mythical, and one gets the impression that blurring the distinction between them is a deliberate strategy of the writer.” Einar Thomassen

First of all, this cosmic error is not the error of human beings.

“The Word, moreover is the Son, who reveals the Father, replacing ignorance with knowledge and dispersion with unity – in short, deficiency with fullness.” Einar Thomassen

Unity and fullness are themes within the pages of this work. It refers to ’emptiness’ and ‘fullness.’ We can recognize this when we say someone is too ‘full’ of themselves. It is hard to teach anyone anything when they are too ‘full.’ It is only when they ’empty’ some of this pride, or ignorance, or limitation, can they then be ‘filled’ with accurate knowledge. Imagine that glass filled to the brim, not able to take in one more drop, until it is emptied, and therefore be filled again, only this time with more substance.

We often do this when we learn something new. College students may do this when they learn something new, as if their parents or others who have not gone off to college, do not know it, when in fact, they have learned these principles, only in other ways. We may also do this with many things, including the religion we were brought up with. It is as if people who were not brought up in this “one and only true religion,” which ever that is, are the only ones who have the “truth;” until we dare to continue learning, emptying ourselves of ego and limitation, and allow ourselves to learn from others. There is so much more yet to learn. It is said that if all the words of Jesus were written down, there would not be enough books in the world to hold them. There is more that Jesus told us that what the scalpled, altered and selected scriptures today’s current Bible holds.

The Gospel of Truth explains “the cosmic existence as a nightmarish dream, whose unreal nature is understood only when the dreamer wakes up.” Einar Thomassen


“So it is with those who cast off ignorance from themselves like sleep. They do not consider it to be anything, nor do they regard its features as real, but they put them aside like a dream in the night and understand the knowledge of the Father to be the dawn. This is how each person acts while in ignorance, as if asleep, and this is how a person comes to knowledge, as if awakened. Good for one who comes to himself and awakens. And blessed is one who has opened the eyes of the blind.” The Gospel of Truth, 28,32-30,23


“He appeared, informing them of the Father, the illimitable, and he inspired them with the thought (the thought of the Father), doing his will. Many received the light and turned to him. But material people were strangers to him and did not discern his appearance or recognize him. For he came in the likeness of the flesh, and nothing blocked his way, for incurruptability cannot be grasped. Moreover, while saying new things and speaking about what is in the Father’s heart, he produced the faultless Word. Light spoke through his mouth and his voice brought forth life. He gave them thought and understanding and mercy and salvation and the spirit of strength from the Father’s infinity and sweetness. He made punishments and afflictions cease, for they caused those in need of mercy to stray from him in error and bondage. He destroyed them with might and confounded them with knowledge.

“He became a way for those who strayed,
knowledge for those who were ignorant,
discovery for those who sought,
support for those who tremble,
purity for those who were defiled.” The Gospel of Truth, 30,23-31,35


“Focus your attention upon yourselves. Do not focus your attention upon other things – this is, what you have cast away from yourselves. … Do not strengthen what stands in your way, what is collapsing, to support it. …” The Gospel of Truth, 33,1-32


“This the Word (Logos) of the gospel about the discovery of fullness, for those who await salvation coming from above. … Their hope, … the light in which there is no shadow. … Deficiency of matter is not from the infinity of the Father, who came to give time to deficiency. … The Father’s depth is profound, and the thought of error is not with him. It is something that has fallen, (fallen angels – the Original Sin is of the fallen angels – not humans, and our actual Creation – which is not what modern Bible’s teach because of the agenda of  the control systems they wish to promote), and something that can readily be set upright through the discovery of the one who has come to what he would restore. …

“This restoration is called repentance. The reason that the incurruptible beathed out and followed after the one who sinned was so that the sinner might find rest. Forgiveness is what remains for the light in deficiency, the Word of Fullness. … This is what it means to discover the light of truth that has shone toward a person: it is unchangeable. …

“Because of the coming of Christ (Annointed One) it was said openly, ‘Seek, and the troubled will be restored, and he will annoint them with ointment.’ The ointment is the mercy of the Father, who will have mercy on them, and those annointed are the perfect. …” The Gospel of Truth, 34,34-36,35


“He is good. He knows his plants because he planted them in his paradise. And his paradise is his place of rest. Paradise is the perfection within the Father’s thought, and the plants are the words of his meditation. Each of his words is the product of his will and the revelation of his speech. …

“… The end is the recognition of him who is hidden, and he is the Father, from whom the beginning has come and to whom all will return who have come from him. They have appeared for the glory and joy of his name.” The Gospel of Truth, 36,35-38,6


“The Name of the Father is the Son. In the beginning he gave a name to the one who came from him, while he remained the same, and conceived him as a Son. He gave him his Name, which belonged to him. All that exists with the Father belongs to him. … Yet the Father’s Name is not pronounced; it is revealed through a Son, and the Name is great. …”


” … All the emanations from the Father are fullness, and all his emanations find their root in the one who caused them all to grow from himself. … They all appeared so that through their own thought (they might be perfected).

“They who “possess something of this immeasurable majesty from above, as they await that unique and perfect One who is a Mother to them. And they do not go down to the underworld, nor do they have envy or groaning, nor is death with them. They rest in one who rests, and they are not weary or confused about truth.

“They are truth. The Father is in them and they are in the Father, perfect, inseparable from him who is truly good. They lack nothing at all but are at rest, fresh in spirit. They will harken to their root and be involved with concerns in which they may find their root and do no harm to their souls. …

” … They appear in truth dwelling in true and eternal life, and they speak of the perfect light filled with the Father’s seed, which is in his heart and in the fullness … For he is good, and his children are perfect and worthy of his Name. Children like this the Father loves.” The Gospel of Truth, 41,3-43,24

Yes, as human beings we can use our free will to choose less than good. We can sin against good. Jesus came as a bridge, as the Light of eternal Life. Jesus came to show us mercy from the Father, so that we can learn how to forgive ourselves and others. There is no need to forever beat our hearts, minds and souls into humanly contrived guilt and subserviance. Jesus came to show us the path to the Light and Love of Eternal Life, which begins here and now, right where you are.


Who Cares Why? Part I

I am an international holistic health counselor/practitioner, using this blog as a 1 Who Cares Whyworldwide outreach since its inception in 2012, and a 2005 graduate of the American Institute of Holistic Health & Wellness, studying under Dr. Dolores Seymour, director of the school and author of WHO CARES WHY.

The American Institute of Holistic Health & Wellness is accredited by the American Association of Drugless Professionals, and the National Accreditation and Certification Board. This is a lifetime and international certification. I have studied extensively in the fields of holistic health in mind, body and spirit which naturally includes counseling on all life issues, and bodywork.

This blog addresses mental health, physical health and spiritual health. There are drugless therapies that work very well most of the time when applied, and have no chemical side effects, obviously, except when they are not followed.

4 Lin Massage ClinicI am trained in M.I.N.D.S. Holistic Alternative Psychology, with an emphasis on methods, individualized plans of action, fostering the ability of the individual to reach his or her highest potential physically, emotionally and spiritually; with advanced perspectives of positive personal growth, changing attitudes from negative to positive; enhancing intuition and self-discovery through creative endeavors, and improving health as impacted by psychological states.

I work with M.I.N.D.S. Wellness & Body/Mind Consciousness, which features positive self-analysis/awareness, self-control development programs, conditioning the healing mind, controlling mood swings, anxiety, avoiding depression and raising self-esteem to its highest level.

M.I.N.D.S. Meta-Psychology is person centered rather than technically oriented, and focuses on psychological health, consciousness, human possibilities, and challenges of body, mind and spiritual development. A person cannot heal in any program void of attention to their own spiritual development. As a matter of fact, many mental and physical ailments can be rooted when spiritual sickness is at the root of the problem.

I am a former member of the Branford Hall Career Institute Advisory Board; and former owner of The Massage Clinic, LLC which had four offices in Connecticut.

I am a retired certified Qigong instructor (2011), teaching Qigong healing and breathing applications for levels 1, 2 and 3. Qigong is a 4,000 year old Chinese medicine practice that moves “chi,” the life giving energy of the body. The health-promoting effects of Qigong are:

1) Improves the motion of blood, warms the blood and enhances whole body circulation.
2) Stimulates appetite, sexual function, assimilation of nutrients and digestion/elimination.
3) Accelerates metabolism, weight loss, decreases need for sleep.
4) Bolsters the immune system by reducing cortisol, a known inhibitor of cytokine production.
5) Develops dexterity, reflexes, and prevents osteoporosis in clinical studies.
6) Opens arteries allowing greater brain-based microcirculation to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
7) Enhances mental acuity, focus and concentration. The Qi (chi, life force, prana) draws focus and trains the mind.
8) Helps us to calm down, relax and become more peaceful.
9) Focuses mental, physical and spiritual energies together as one.

This particular Qigong Class included a food component, tying the energy of food to the energy of Qigong, and using food as medicine. Chemical medications attempt to mimic the benefits and properties of organic plant life, including fruits and vegetables and using their stems, spores and seeds. Clinical studies have been done on so many diseases, like diabetes, which can be reversed by eating certain foods high in phytochemicals. I wish to share the information I have learned about how foods work to heal our bodies.

I am a 2001 graduate of the DoveStar Institute of Holistic Technology of New Hampshire. I am now retired from bodywork, focusing on my online outreach to the world through this blog, Enlightenment Ministry.

This blog is my legacy, a healing gift to the world in need of hope, kindness, empathy, compassion, encouragement, truth, forgiveness, faith, and love. I am here for you if you need me. Please feel free to leave a comment or question, and I will get back to you, free of charge. Click on the gray COMMENT word at the top left of any post to leave a comment or ask a question, and I will respond to you. Enlightenment Ministry is my healing gift to the world so much in need of healing at this time. There is much we can do to help ourselves to feel better mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically, and even spiritually.

Mind, body, spirit healing involves these three legs of the wellness tripod. If one of these legs of the mind, body, spirit is missing, your tripod, which reflects your total wellness, will topple over. Each of us needs a life in balance to be whole.

Here is a bit more about my personal and educational history. While my five children were growing up, I initiated the first Girl Scout troop in Hopedale, MA, and served as a member of Hopedale Girl’s Softball Board of Directors.

I was co-chairman with the elementary school principal on the school council’s 1993 Massachusetts Education Reform Act. When I was not allowed to bring in a curriculum including ethics in light of the elementary school’s sex education program, (since the school already taught ethics on school yard behavior and how to interact with students and teachers), at the request of many parents, I decided to write The Virtue of Virtues, to help parents in teaching virtues and moral character education to their children. The Virtue of Virtues is now available to all home schools, Catholic CCD and Christian programs, as well as to parents and anyone wishing to re-discover The Virtue of Virtues worldwide.

The single most constant in my life is God, Father of Jesus Christ. All glory, praise and honor to God, the Father of All Creation, through His Son, Jesus Christ, who gifts us all with His Holy Spirit. My motto in my high school yearbook was, “With God, all things are possible.”

I have had a close walk with God since I was a very young child, attending daily Mass with my mother ever since I could walk to Mass with her. I think I might have been the only five-year-old who loved Holy Hour, because I loved feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit when we prayed. God has answered my most impossible prayers. For a while I thought I would become a nun, but five children, 12 grandchildren later, and caring for six foster children in the middle of all of them in their younger years, showed me a different path for my life.

I hold a teacher training certificate as well as a Master Catechist certification from the Worcester Diocese in the Catholic Church.

I have taught religious education to all ages including preparation for First Holy Communion, First Penance, Confirmation and Bible studies for adults for over 50 years, and am the author of The Virtue of Virtues, subtitled A CCD TEXTBOOK, second printing is now available both in softcover and eBook at:

soft cover ISBN # 978-1-5320-9461-3 for $10.99

eBook ISBN # 978-1-5320-9462-0 for $3.99

I taught The Virtue of Virtues in CCD classes as part of the 6th grade Catholic curriculums. However, The Virtue of Virtues is perfect for grades five through eight. It was first published in 1999. It is now out for its second printing from iUniverse Publishers.

Within the Catholic Church, I attended a Women’s Cursillo including Leader’s School often giving the Study Talk on Cursillo Weekends. I have attended Life In The Spirit Retreats, Marriage Encounter, and led women’s and group retreats. I also became a supernumerary within Opus Dei, a personal prelature under the direct auspice of the Pope, before I left to study all religions, to better understand all humanity much better.

I am also the author of MYSTERY OF THE STURBRIDGE KEYS, subtitled Christmas Unlocked. This book goes back in time to the days of Old Sturbridge Village (1830’s), starting at the Christmas by Candlelight celebration in real time, back to the days of the Underground Railroad, Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin, and back further to the days of Noah and the Nephilim, and to the days of the birth of Jesus. It is available at:

softcover / ISBN: 978-1-5320-0761-3 / $13.99

eBook / ISBN: 978-1-5320-0762-0 / $3.99

I am a former feature writer and news correspondent for The Milford Daily News, and Laconia Daily Sun. I am also published in the book, “More Weddings, Funerals And Rites of Passage,” subtitled “More Sample Ceremonies for Celebrants, Officiate and Ministers” by Rev. Amy E. Long. I am among the contributing authors.

God Bless You All

“Points of Light” ~ by Randy Travis ~ We All Need This Song Now

“Point of Light” is a song written by Don Schlitz and Thom Schuyler, and recorded by American country music artist Randy Travis. It was released in May 1991 as the lead-off single from his album High Lonesome. It was his twenty-first single overall. It charted at #3 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks and hit #1 on the Canadian RPM country Tracks chart.

Let us all be points of light in each other’s lives.

God Bless

Free Holistic Health Counseling Sessions ~ Learn To Be Happy Now ~ Part IV of IV

When we look at what is going on with COVID-19 across the globe, how on earth are we do put into practice the very things advocated by Dr. Dolores Seymour? There seems to be a contagion sweeping the globe with sickness, death and destruction in its wake. Is it possible to regain our mental health, even daring to be happy and choosing to be like the Phoenix rising?

Yes, we can.

We all have the freedom to have our own thoughts. No one in any country across this pmabeautiful earth can take your very own thoughts away from you. Each of us has the God-given right to have our own thoughts. It is how we choose to manifest them that can either help or hurt us.

Let us start right where we are in our corner of the world, to choose to transform sadness into happiness, challenges into opportunity, mourning and loss into faith, hope and love. Let us choose to be courageous and kind.

I hope you have enjoyed this series.

God Bless

Free Holistic Health Counseling Sessions ~ Psychological Stress Evaluation ~ Part I of IV

I am a July 7, 2005 graduate of the American Institute of Health and Wellness, with Dr. Dolores Seymour, Msc.D., Ph.D., director. She is also the author of “Who Cares Why?” As my part in helping with dealing with the global COVID-19 pandemic, I am posting this four part series by Dr. Dolores Seymour. Her words are just as true today as the day she spoke them in 2015. Please feel free to ask questions by clicking on the comment section to the upper left of this post. I will respond to you.

When I took the Holistic Practitioner and Counselor Certification Course taught by Dr. Seymour, I discovered a kindred spirit, one who knew and taught that we are not the victims of our lives, but the masters of our destinies, including how we decide to go about our lives. I hope you enjoy this four part series, although short in length, is profound in the ability to change your life for the positive, in spite of current realities we all face. It is possible to reduce stress, and even prevent it altogether.

There is a way to de-stress.

You are more powerful than you realize.

I helped over 5,000 of the 8,000 individual client appointments to my business, The Massage Clinic, which had offices in Stratford, Milford, Orange and West Haven, CT in the eight years there prior to my retirement. In those years, I also hired a total of nine other therapists. I built my business on the foundation of positive solutions for all life issues, relieving stress, anxiety, fear, panic attacks and depression, as well as health in mind, body and spirit.

You cannot go wrong listening to and putting into practice the mental health and psychological skills taught by Dr. Seymour here, by myself here in this blog, and as I counseled at The Massage Clinic.

Have a beautiful day!

God Bless You All


Warnings From Heaven by


Suppose you happen to hear somebody saying; “Men have prepared the virus of death and my poor children will experience great sufferings. There will be no barriers to contain its advance”, what would be your immediate response? I am asking this question in the present context of coronavirus spreading like wildfire. I am not going deep into the question of where the virus originated from. Whatever be the true reason behind the outbreak of the pandemic, one thing is sure, the spread of virus was a manmade disaster. Geographical barriers cannot stop its spread.

After seeing the relentless advance of COVID-19, most of you will agree that the initialMary Warnings statement was surely a warning message from heaven. What you guessed is correct. It was a warning from heaven about the outbreak of a deadly disease in the world. But I need to add something more. The message was given to a man in Brazil by Our Lady Queen of Peace 15 years ago. To be precise, it was message number 2594 given by Mother Mary to Pedro Regis of Brazil on October 25, 2005! Perhaps some among us has read about it somewhere, sometime earlier but forgot it over time.

When we see the doors of churches shut all over the world and priests finding it difficult to offer Holy Mass and the faithful lamenting about not getting the Blessed Sacrament, we may wonder how unexpectedly these things happened. It was not in our wildest dreams that we would not be allowed to enter our parish church and attend Holy Mass. But it happened. When we were sitting complacent, thinking that everything was going well, it fell like a bolt from the blue. There was no warning, it was so unexpected, you may think. Now read the following:

“An order will be given and the doors will be shut. Those who are consecrated will not be permitted to fulfill their duties and the faithful will weep and lament.” It is not from the newspapers of the past week. It was a message given to Pedro Regis (message no 2990) on 04/29/2008!

When COVID-19 spread from one nation to another, remember this message of our Mother. “Now is the time of the great tribulations. An epidemic will spread to various nations and my poor children will experience a heavy cross” (message no 2626 dated 10, 1, 2006).

When we see Italy struggling with COVID-19 and the death toll crossing 16,000, remember Our Lady’s message no 3807 of April 16, 2013; “Death will pass through Italia and my poor children will carry a heavy cross. Similar events will occur in Lima.”

When I skimmed through the messages for preparing this article, one thing that caught my attention was that certain messages were repeated multiple times. They were messages about the importance of sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Confession. Every message was a call for holding on to sacraments so as to get the strength to tide over the period of trials. And the second most repeated messages were related to the impending time of trials. Our Lady has been giving us warnings for the past many years.

The third most repeated messages are about the need to be faithful to the true magisterium of the Church. Our Lady has warned that efforts are on to change the teachings of the Church with an ulterior motive. Everything will be done in the guise of good intentions. Beware, we should not fall prey to such gimmicks.

One thing special about the messages given to Pedro Regis by Our Lady of Peace at Anguera was that specific places were mentioned on many occasions. For example; difficult times for Kenya (2594), Great suffering from Karachi (2602), Columbia stumbling and drinking the cup of pain (2602), Kosovo to be in ruins (2605), Naples living the anguish of a prisoner (2614), Cyprus going into suffering ( 2617), Malta shedding tears for its children (2617), Rome losing glory and fame (2622), throne of Peter to fall (2622), screams of help from Bethlehem (4829), messages about Bologna in Italy (4871) etc.

Believe me, I have picked around a hundred messages only at random from a total of more than 4800. If I could catch the names of the above places when I rushed through these hundred odd messages, imagine how elaborate are the messages Our Lady gives us.

Details about Pedro Regis and the messages he received from Our Lady are available in While going through the messages, what struck me most was the similarity or rather repetition of the messages Our Lady gave to humankind in La Salette ( 1846), Lourdes (1858), Fathima (1917), Amsterdam (1945), Monte Chiari ( 1947), Garabandhal ( 1961), Akitha ( 1973) and Medjugorje(1981) with those given to Pedro Regis.

Our Lady is the Virgin of the Revelation. She opens the secrets of prophecies for her children. This is to enable them to wage relentless war against the devil and his minions in the end times. That is exactly the reason why the devil is so angry with us. ‘Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her children, those who keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus’ ( Rev. 12;17).

Satan – that ancient dragon – knows what is going to happen in the immediate future. He also knows that Mary’s children have got the gift of discernment from the Holy Spirit. It is difficult for him to ensnare them like other gullible and credulous men and women.

That is why we need our Mother’s help now. She will reveal the inner meanings of every signs of the times so that her children are not caught unawares.


God Bless

What Was Mary Doing During The First Holy Week? ~ Part I

How must Jesus have prepared His mother for His Passion, Death and Resurrection?

The Glorification of Mary by Botticelli
They had a connection like no other mother and child. Their experience was out of this world. It involved Pure Love, the Holy Spirit, overshadowing Mary as a 16-year-old virgin.

What first catches my attention is the 16-year-old virgin. What was Mary’s origin? Who really is this mother of Jesus?

This post is written from the perspective of a mother, which I can identify with since I am the mother of five adult children, and grandmother of 12 beautiful grandchildren. However, Our Blessed Mother, Mary, is not me. Mary had a very unique beginning. Mary was a pure and holy child.

“Joachim and Anne were the (maternal) grandparents of Jesus, but they were very old before God sent them Our Blessed Mother as a child. Joachim and Anne were rich and faithful Jews. Each year at the Temple, before Mary was born to them, Joachim made his offering to make up for his sins. One day when Joachim made his offering, the Jewish elders said to him, ‘It is not right for you to offer first gifts, for you have begotten no offspring in Israel.’

“Joachim was very sad and went to the desert to fast and pray. Anne also prayed in her home. There was no greater misfortune for a Jewish person than to be childless. Anne promised God, if He would send her a child, she would bring it up in the faith. She also promised God the child would serve Him all the days of its life. God heard the prayers of Joachim and Anne and sent them a baby girl, Mary.

“In gratitude for the blessing of a daughter, Joachim and Anne brought Mary to the Temple when she was around three years old. At the Temple she was accepted into a special group of virgins, consecrated to God, and received spiritual lessons.

“The desires of the world, vanity, immodest dress and sin never touched her pure soul. She was preserved virginal, body and soul, so that she would be the loving, pure, first “tabernacle” of Jesus, God-made man on earth.

“Mary treasured her purity and her virginity. Even when God sent Jesus to her, and she was married to Joseph, Mary was filled with all the fruits of the Holy Spirit.” Taken from The Virtue of Virtues, Chapter III

In The Holy Bible Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, Luke 1:26-36 says, “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered in her mind what sort of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus.

“He will be great, and will be called
the Son of the Most High;
and the Lord God will give to him
the throne of his Father
and he will reign over the house of
Jacob for ever;
and of his kingdom there will be
no end.”

“And Mary said to the angel, ‘How can this be, since I have no husband?’

“And the angel said to her, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
and the power of the Most High will overshadow you;
therefore the child to be born will be called holy,
the Son of God.’

“And behold, your kinswoman Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For with God nothing will be impossible.”

Gabriel presents the plan of God, the Almighty Father of heaven and earth, yet Gabriel waits for Mary to consider in her mind and use her free will to answer. She meditates for a moment, then says, yes: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.”

It is popular these days to say we believe in angels, but what would we do if an angel spoke to us? More than an angel is celebrated this Holy Week. Jesus is reaching from heaven into your and my heart, reminding all of us what He has done for all humankind, even those who do not yet know Him, and those so busy denying Him that there seems to be no room, as in the stable of His birth, in the corners of human hearts. But here is Jesus, still knocking at the door of our hearts, minds and voices. He meets us right where we are, beckoning us to come just a bit closer, and closer still.

Mary and Jesus share a deep Love of God, the Father of both of them. Mary is referred to as Spouse of God through the Holy Spirit. Jesus shares His Blessed Mother with us while He was on the Cross. John 19:26-27 says, “When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved (John) standing near, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son!’ Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” And from that hour on the disciple took her to his home.” The Holy Bible Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

After the training from a very early age at the Temple, Our Blessed Mother was taught and knew the scriptures of old told of the suffering servant, the Savior of the world to come as promised, the Messiah. Many women of that day were awaiting the arrival of the Savior, however they understood that to mean. Some thought an earthly king. But Our Blessed Mother remained pure in her heart, not weighed down by ego nor fantasy.

In the next upcoming posts, we can place ourselves at these scenes as we pray and meditate, watching as the child of faith that we are, how Our Blessed Mother responds to the events of Holy Week, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, until the culmination of victory over the Cross on Easter Sunday.

We will see Mary receive the first-hand knowledge of the risen Jesus Christ on the word of John, with whom she is now living. There is so much more to say than this post can hold. It will continue tomorrow, Good Friday.

Upon investigation, every culture claims the name, Mary. The name, Mary, seems to have its roots in Aramaic and Hebrew. According to Wikipedia:

“The name was early etymologized as containing the Hebrew root mr “bitter” (cf. myrrh), or mry “rebellious”. St. Jerome (writing c. 390), following Eusebius of Caesarea, translates the name as “drop of the sea” (stilla maris in Latin), from Hebrew מר mar “drop” (cf. Isaias 40:15) and ים yam “sea”. This translation was subsequently rendered stella maris (“star of the sea”) due to scribal error, whence Our Lady’s title Star of the Sea. Rashi, an 11th-century Jewish commentator on the Bible, wrote that the name was given to the sister of Moses because of the Egyptians’ harsh treatment of Jews in Egypt. Rashi wrote that the Israelites lived in Egypt for 210 years, including 86 years of cruel enslavement that began at the time Moses’ elder sister was born. Therefore, the girl was called Miriam, because the Egyptians made life bitter (מַר, mar) for her people.”

God Bless

He Died And Met God ~ And He Wasn’t Ready …


God Bless

The Virtue of Virtues ~ Second Printing ~ Perfect for Grades Five Through Eight

When sex education classes were introduced into public school systems across the 9781532094613_pap.inddUnited States of America back in the 1990s, I had parents asking me to write a book to help parents and their sixth grade children, so they could have a more value-based teaching to present to their young ones. I also had a sixth grader coming through the school at that time, and other of my children to follow. I agreed and authored The Virtue of Virtues, which I taught at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Hopedale, Massachusetts, in the Diocese of Worcester.

Some of the sex education textbooks I’d seen in public schools asked the sixth grade children when was the last time they had sex, and promoted products on the best condoms and gels to use for their own protection. While using the best condoms and the best gels might be beneficial to preventing them from getting certain diseases, the premise that all the sixth graders were having sex was inaccurate. Not only was it inaccurate, it was undermining what many parents had been, and to this day, are teaching about morality. Schools were usurping parental authority on what morals ought to be taught to their children.

Schools across the country had D.A.R.E.  ~ Just Say No Programs to help students combat the drug and alcohol epidemic sweeping through schools of all kinds of socio-economic status. But when it came to underage kids being sexually active, there were no protections put in place for those children who did not want to, or choose not to have sex. Teaching about condoms, gels and abortions as the means to prevent unwanted pregnancies was apparently the way to go.

What about the sexually abused student? Would condoms, gels and abortions be the remedy for them if they got pregnant?

What about the 12-year-old girl or boy who did not want to have sex with another student, teacher, or other adult? Would condoms, gels and abortions be the remedy for these students as well?

Of course not.

I attended the next school council meeting in order to present parent concerns over these issues. However, peer pressure does not only stop with children in school. It became apparent that sex education classes were here to stay. What the school council did decide to do was to go along with the newly created Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993. The Town of Hopedale voted me in as one of the 2 parents in the town. On that civic board, I was voted in as co-chairperson along with the elementary school principal.

At the first board meeting, I suggested that part of the education reform ought to include a course on ethics to go along with the sex education program. In that way, children without a voice would be able to use the program (which was yet to be written) to better be able to stand up for themselves and not be pushed into going along with the crowd if they did not want to go along with them. The free will of the children was being usurped.

“We need to have a course on ethics to go along with the sex education program,” I said to the board.

“But whose ethics would we teach?” was the quick comeback from the school principal.

I realized at that moment that this public school would not allow certain ethics or particular kinds of morality to be taught in the public schools. They did teach not to steal other children’s lunch money, not to fight on the playground, and not to disrespect the teacher, but somehow teaching about the morality of protecting their own person as being private to each student was beyond the comprehension.

Morality as a subject in the public school curriculum was not addressed.

That’s when I knew had to write The Virtue of Virtues. It is a grade five – eight, virtue-based morality curriculum designed to be incorporated into existing CCD parish programs. I taught it to sixth-graders.  The seven lessons may be taught once each month during the CCD year or in a seven-week block from October to December at the start of the CCD year. Both methods have proven to be successful.

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Parents can also use this organized approach to teach virtues to their children, since The Virtue of Virtues may be taught one hour each night for one week, once a week for seven weeks, or once a month for seven months. Parents have the opportunity to teach their children individually or in a comfortable setting with other parents and children.

My job since 1977 to that point was writing for a newspaper, The Milford Daily News (under the name Linda Kearsley), as a correspondent and feature story writer for the neighboring Town of Mendon. I decided to answer the six questions every reporter needs to ask for a complete story: What?, Why?, How?, When?, Who? and Where?.
The What? section of each chapter refers to a current day fiction story, which deals with the lesson theme, and is followed by the Why? section that asks questions. How? is a written activity. When? opens the scriptures for the students, while Who? illustrates the message is meant for them. Each lesson concludes with Where? calling students to act out their faith here and now.

This book is written with much love for our youth. Each of the seven lessons leads children to seek out God, who loves them, and to live out the virtues, as a way of returning their love for God.

The seven chapters are:

1. Theological Virtues
A. Faith
B. Hope
C. Love

2. Cardinal Virtues
A. Prudence
B. Justice
C. Fortitude
D. Temperance

3. Fruits Of The Holy Spirit
A. Charity (Love)
B. Joy
C. Peace
D. Patience
E. Kindness
F. Goodness
G. Endurance
H. Mildness
I. Faith
J. Modesty
K. Restraint
L. Chastity

4. Seven Capital Sins
A. Pride
B. Covetousness
C. Lust
D. Anger
E. Gluttony
F. Envy
G. Sloth

5. The Opposite Virtues
A. Humility
B. Generosity
C. Chastity
D. Meekness
E. Temperance
F. Brotherly Love
G. Diligence

6. Friendship
A. Mutual Respect
B. Sincerity
C. Loyalty
D. Faithfulness
E. Honesty
F. Purity
G. Self-esteem

7. Decision Making
A. Free Will
B. Coercion
C. Responsibility
D. Exploitation
E. Peer Pressure
F. Character

Teacher’s Objectives for each class are explained in the Appendix. Parents will also benefit from the Appendix at the conclusion of the book, which includes references to today’s Catechism of the Catholic Church dealing with virtues.

If there ever was a time when moral courage was on trial, it is today. We can do much to foster virtues in our youth, and in the process, strengthen these same virtues within ourselves. Virtues are the first stepping stones leading to mature character development.

Let us not shy away from teaching virtues to our children. Not one of us is perfect. We begin, or begin again, right where we are. Let us bloom where we are planted, in the garden of our homes, families, neighborhoods and parishes. This is a positive step we can take to instill wholesome goodness in a world in want and need of virtues.

God Bless

Soften The Cutting Edges Of Your Thoughts ~ Words ~ Actions

*Please remember to join in the July-August 2019 Meditation And Prayer Intervention currently taking place worldwide. Scroll down to view the study showing the real time effects of meditation and prayer in Washington, D.C. and how it reduced homicide, rape and assault crime by 48 percent.


Our thoughts, words and actions matter. We have spent our lives figuring out who we are and what we stand for. If we do not stand up for injustice and cruelty when we see it, we will stand for anything. It is as if we do not take a stand and ignore the problem, it will go away. We say, “It’s not my fault. I did not do that.”

On one hand, we get so distracted. We have our daily lives, our families, schedules, jobs and balancing the checkbook, if we even have enough cash to balance, that most of us simply want to get to the end of the day without any more bother.

Over the years we form our patterns, our judgments. The more we think a certain way, the more solidified it gets wired into our brains. Our judgments are supported by those who think the way we do. This can be life affirming when our ideals match empathetic, compassionate and loving lifestyles.

However, there are times when our judgments turn harsh. People have done us wrong. We have been hurt by others. We got fired, lost our homes and ability to provide for our families. We get bitter. That is when we gravitate to a “scarcity mentality,” thoughts like, “If I give to others, there won’t be enough for me.” Or, “I have to work, let them get a job,” without fully realizing that there are not available jobs out there without having to work more than one job to get a living wage. Or we think, “That will never happen again.” Worse yet, some people think, “I do not care what happens to others. I’ve got enough problems of my own.” When this happens we form our harsh judgments the same way an ice skater sharpens the blades of their ice skates.

Harsh thoughts, words and actions cut with the same precision as sharp ice skate blades on ice. It hurts. Harsh, cruel and/or racist thoughts and words hurt as much as the actions themselves.

The hurt can be compared to continuing to tighten down the bolts on any project beyond the hold that it needs will strip either the bolt or break the thing the bolt is supposed to be fastened to. Our judgments do this in our lives just as much as our thoughtlessness, careless words and inaction. We use our judgment on what we think is important to decide to change our thoughts to something more pleasant, keep silent, or do nothing. These are what is known as sins of omission when we could have thought more about a situation, said something, or done something to help or turn the tide of thought in our home, neighborhood, country or in the world.

Silence is not golden. Silence is agreement.

We are all accountable for our own thoughts, words and actions. No one makes us do anything. We are not the puppets of other people. When it fits us, we own up to our thoughts, words and actions. When it doesn’t suit us, we blame others as if others made us think, say or do a thing. That’s when we turn three years old and blame everyone and everything else on why we thought, said or did a particular action.

I say we are not puppets of other people. That is true of course, unless we have sold our soul for the greed of money, illicit sexual encounters with underage youth, or a host of other self-serving material goals we wish to remain hidden.

Is money the bottom line making any resulting action alright, even if the action is morally bankrupt?

Is any and everything to be accepted as long as we made $10, $100, $100, $10,000 or a million extra dollars last year?

What is the acceptable code of conduct we hold ourselves to?

It matters.

Now is the time to soften the edges of our harsh judgments. Matthew 7:1 says, “Stop judging!” We need to pay attention to the beatitudes Jesus taught in Matthew 5.

This judging thing is a two-edged sword. We can and often do make good, life-sustaining judgments, improve quality of life judgments for everyone, not just ourselves and those in the upper class financial bracket, save the planet with environmentally friendly judgments, and the like. However, we can easily deceive ourselves and others. Pay attention to the heart. Stop judging refers to quitting the thoughts and opinions that divide people, and cause us to think in “us vs. them” roles as if we are better than others. Stopping judging others will help us to drop intolerance, hate speech and becoming desensitized and heartlessly robotic.

Racism is not a valid opinion. Racism is a hate crime.

We can get numb from the sensory overload of the constant wear and tear of being good, standing up for good or doing the right thing in love as Jesus taught. Jesus never said to not take care of people depending on the situation. Jesus taught us this lesson when he gave the parable of the good Samaritan.

History has a habit of repeating itself. The world has turned a blind eye once before, becoming desensitized to racism, intolerance, hate speech and humanity’s life and death struggle.

Now is the time to soften the edges of our harsh opinions, statements and actions before history repeats itself. Jesus never promoted war, weapons, killing, nor non-forgiveness.

We are all 100 percent responsible for all of the plights and conditions in the world. We are all in the condition we are in by our own thoughts, words and actions. We can also improve all the plights and conditions in the world by our thoughts, words and actions when we united our hearts, minds and voices with Jesus of Nazareth, praying to his heavenly Father.

We have all made mistakes in the past. We got it so wrong that God sent his Son to show us how to live better. Let us remember the peaceful, loving solutions that Jesus gave us as the way of how best to live.


Make this out of love, with love, for love. It works every time. The only time it does not See the source imagework is if the key ingredient, love, is missing.

Make sure to use a clean, clear bowl, otherwise you will be using a batter with residual past relationship and past ideas with lingering effects still inside the bowl.

Start with assumption-free flour finely ground from the Assumption-Free Flower. By using Assumption-Free Flower, you will be eliminating the infectious bugs of the pre-existing jumping to the wrong conclusions disease.

Add only fresh eggs. Using bad eggs includes negativity into your delicate batter. Be on the watch for bad eggs and discard them immediately. The negativity from bad eggs can come from wrong information, wrong assumptions and harmful gossip from others. This will ruin your cake.

Don’t forget to use only the best baking rising ingredient, that of the powered form of Positive Expectation. Positive Expectation carries no lower vibration of doubt or failure. Positive Expectation only sees the truth of the cake you want to make.

Flavor this Love Cake with the mix of sprinkles of truth, honesty and integrity. This mix clears the cake of all erroneous, ulterior motives from slipping into your cake.

This is truly a magnificent Love Cake.

Combine these ingredients with the pure nectar of Love. Be generous with this ingredient. You can never use too much Love. It covers all other mistakes you might make while putting this tender but delicious cake together.

Only use a wisk to mix your batter. Using anything else to beat up your cake batter will result in flopping your Love Cake. Remember it is a tender, precious cake, and must be handled with the utmost care. While using this wisk, remember not to allow anyone else to add any other lesser ingredients to your Love Cake. This is your Love Cake.

Bake for the rest of your life at the perfect degree of your loving heart. Do not take the Love Cake out when it is half-baked. This is important. Thinking we know better than what this recipe calls for is a recipe for disaster.

Top your Love Cake off the icing of your pure intentions. Where appropriate, drizzle on forgiving wrong assumptions by yourself and others, and deep understanding so as to arrive at the best Love Cake you can make. Most importantly, drop the grandstanding from the pedestal of people pleasing in certain groups, and the ego from the hard lines taken from false evidence appearing real (FEAR). Color this icing with humor, joy and empathy.

This is the perfect recipe for Love Cake. Enjoy!


Standing in your own personal power is not always easy in the face of others strong earth eyeopinions, expectations that do not feel like a choice to us and very often, emotional blackmail, the withholding of love or acceptance with a person or group unless we bend our will and personal power to that of others. Whether it is relationships, employment, politics or anything else, there seems to be a chink in our armor at times when it comes to us saying what we actually mean. If we are going to evolve into a more authentic version of our best selves, we need to continue to grow this character side of ourselves. What is the culprit that lies in wait for us in our weaker moments? The answer is FEAR.

By now everyone knows that “fear” stands for “False Evidence Appearing Real.” How do you like being duped? That is what fear does to us. It also robs us of our integrity.

It might seem that there are those of us who have absolutely no fear when it comes to saying exactly what they mean, or doing what needs to be done, in spite of the approval of others. But notice how they do this. It is often done in a revolutionary way, over dramatic, loud and over the top. There might even be some bullying involved and certainly no compassion. This is the response of a lesser human, a person not fully developed, one who is still on the road to achieving personal power. Such actions and reactions reveal holes in the personal development. They are not there yet.

How do the introverted, shy person and the loud, obnoxious one get to the same goal of mature personal development, strong in their own personal power effectively?

Effectively is the key word here. We can always remain hidden in our inner selves never allowing this part of us to show on the outside. Or, we can always remain in the loud with our over-bearing personality. But if we are to be effective and authentic to ourselves and others, we need to find a better way to communicate than what has not been working for us in the past.

If we were to reflect the inner integrity of our inner self upon the outer self that everyone sees and hears, how do we cross this personal bridge that has never or often been crossed?

There are some steps we can take to make progress in becoming a more authentic version of ourselves without engaging in obnoxious behaviors.

First, consciously drop the fear, all fear. The ego does not like this part. The insane ego likes the drama, the attention, the selfish notion that the ego needs fear to feed upon. This is exactly what fear does. It feeds the ego. Realize right now that we do not need to feed the wolf of your ego fear anymore. Recognize that from now on, we are going to feed our egos love, love without conditions. Once our egos feels the nourishment from love, the egos will relax and not feel like they went on a starvation diet. The ego is the ego, part of the fight or flight part of the body to keep us alive. But the ego does not need to only feed on fear. This part is a life long learning process, which sadly sometimes takes an entire lifetime to finally learn. Just know that it is possible to take a shortcut in this realization. It is conscious awareness in choosing LOVE over FEAR every time that accomplishes this task.

Second, we need to be ourselves. This might sound stupid. Aren’t we always being our selves? No, so very many times we are not. We don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, we don’t mind putting ourselves out while others do not (Oh, really?!), yes, we will work 80 hours a week and we will love it too, so thankful to have a job and all (Oh, really?!), and the list goes on. If we were to say what we really need to say, what would we say? We need to find the words that match what is on the inside of us with the outside of us. I truly believe this is part of the reason so many men (and women too!) are going bald these days. It is extremely stressful to keep stuffing our truth down our own throats.

Third, we need to stop beating ourselves up. Our history is our history and has brought us this far. Begin right here, right now. Drop attitudes. There is no benefit to being a doormat nor hateful. There is no need to justify ourselves. We are here. We count. We matter. We are worthy to be the best human we can be. We were born here on this planet like every other person born on this planet, no matter what country we live in, or family we were born into, rich or poor. We each matter, all of us are the same. There is no class distinction between human beings no matter what other humans fearful of losing their position try to tell us. The more we walk out of fear, the more we will begin to see how fear controls others.

Fourth, we need to accept ourselves inside and out, no matter what. Living a life to please other people is living a lie. Sooner or later our inner selves revolt. Why not start right now, or start again to LOVE ourselves right where we are, for better or worse. There is no human being alive who has not made mistakes. It is what we do. We are not perfect. Perfectionism is not something to try to attain. That is one of the chinks in the armor and sinks more than one of us along the road of life. Accepting flaws, then working on them when it occurs to us to do so can lead us to a life of more awareness and a life more fully lived.

The more we love ourselves and others, the more we allow more light and inspiration in. This is all part of love. It is hard to separate love and light. When we pray, we connect to the light and love of God. When we meditate, we connect to the light and love of the One Source of All. We become enlightened. Connect to this One Love.

We cannot be more authentic, speak our truth, or walk in integrity without matching our outside self with our inside self, and vice versa. When we do this, we will find peace, a balance in life that we have been searching for all our lives. It is freedom for the soul which has been trying to express itself. We can make this transformation with the grace and dignity with which all human beings are born.



When making decisions about next steps to take, there are many valid considerations toSee the source image ponder, but fear ought never be one of them. Fear should never tie us into knots. Whether it is in our personal lives, or civic, educational, financial, moral or even political futures to be weighed, decisions need to be made from a basis of intelligent information, goals to be attained, moving towards where we want to go. Decisions focusing on what we do not want, moving in a direction we do not want to go, or fear of something happening is the worst foundation of any decision.

Solid foundations to base any decision on include desires made from the highest goals with the most love of all people, support of life for all people, fairness and integrity of all people, for the up-building of all people.

See the source imageMaking decisions in life can seem so confusing, as if there are so many possible sides to consider. There is a way to streamline the thinking process and step off the merry-go-round of “spin.” Governments do this. People do this. Both usually have their own agendas. “Spin” does not help you. You know what your goal is. Focus on your goal.

First, stop thinking of all the fear-based thoughts surrounding the issue. Focusing on what you do not want keeps you focusing on what you don’t want.

Second, list all of the positive benefits leading to your end goal. Write down as many as come to your mind without dismissing any positive benefit.

Third, do not allow any influences to give you negative input in the guise of “looking at both side.” You can kindly inform them that they can make their decisions that way if they wish, but this is your decision. Do not listen to anyone who tries to instill fear.

Fourth, map out the steps you need to take to accomplish your goal unhindered by negative thoughts or negative people.

These steps might seem like common sense, but so often we give away our own personal power to someone or something else. All too often we cave in to fear, fear of this happening, fear of counter-attack, fear of loss of popularity, fear of judgment, fear of failure, or even fear of success, fear, fear, fear. The list goes on.

Imagine a country who only wanted the best for all people with no fear; to be a haven for war-torn countries with no fear; to have the means and opportunity to feed the poor and shelter the homeless with no fear; to build and repair roads and bridges with no fear; generate more technologies and innovation for the health of the future in all countries with no fear.

Imagine a person, who despite past failure, gets up and tries yet again to realize a dream fulfilled, based on their hopes and life-giving qualities, until their goal comes to a life of its own.

Imagine a world with a goal of peace, mutual cooperation with multiple benefits to all citizens in all countries.

We are living in a time where we have a host of positive plausible possibilities, in our personal lives, in our communities, in our states and in our countries. We need to tip the scales of thinking good, saying good, being good, and doing good.

Evil only takes root when enough good people do nothing.