The Time Is Right For Change ~ Your Part in Transforming & Empowering Yourself ~ 13D MDT ™ June Class ~ 3 Seats Available

You help everyone else. Here is the opportunity to release, renew and rejuvenate yourself. Discover more about your Self. The world needs you. Practitioners in all levels of all forms of energy work, including Holistic Counseling, Hypnosis, Naturopath, and all other holistic healing therapists are welcome, as well as anyone who feels called to take these classes. The deadline for registration for this class is May 17. There are only 3 seats left.

A percentage of proceeds of the energy classes I teach benefit the Girls Schools in Cambodia so that the girls are not sold into the prostitution and human slavery.

This is not a religious curriculum, nor is it “divine.” Rather, this class is all about cosmic Eternal Universal Life Force Energy that manifests as wisdom, love, understanding via experience, magnanimity, and increased conscious awareness which expands all of the gifts you have already been given. It is like taking the blinders off of your comprehension, mission and dharma in this lifetime. These are potent classes on working with your own energy system which will work so much better for you once you take those caps off all the concepts and constrictions that may be presently in place through your human experience thus far.

New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT ™) classes assist you to release fear, self-sabotage and personal limiting belief systems while you simultaneously open the door to empowering and discovering your ability to maintain and/or gain self-esteem, confidence and competency in your personal, professional, and social circles.

Spring is the time for getting rid of what no longer serves your highest good. This curriculum is a tremendous boost to replace energies that have worn you down.

Life is like an onion. You release what no longer serves you in layers, rarely all at once. Life is not stagnant and presents challenges repeatedly. Even for those of you who have mastered your reality, situations present themselves allowing you to go deeper in releasing, refreshing, and recharging, like rechargeable batteries. NPMDT classes do just that, allowing for a deeper comprehension of so many things you may already know, yet on a much deeper level than you thought was possible. This is an experiential class that you must experience to believe.

DROP THE FEAR that motivates your thoughts, words and actions. Learn the most expansive vibrational frequency transformations available upon the planet at this moment in time in our human history.

Discover how to take charge of your own energy system through meditations and activations which clear blocked pathways from your personal experiences and former comprehension. Keep what serves your highest good and release what no longer serves you.

Activations are not attunements. Attunements attune you to something outside of yourself. Rather, activations literally activate sleeping DNA codes not yet fully recognized within yourself. Sometimes humanity needs assistance from trained NPMDT teachers from the School of Esoteric Science , which is an international school, to activate that which you desire but have yet to achieve yourself. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP.

If this sounds like you would benefit from a new beginning or would like a boost in your energy and/or bodywork in the therapies you offer to others, know that these classes are available to you for your continued personal and/or professional growth and development.

*13D MDT ™ ~ 4-Day ~ 32-Hour ~ Certification Class

*This is one of the prerequisite classes necessary to take prior to taking the Basic Master Teacher Class (as advertised this past April)

The 13D MDT is 4-day, 32-hour workshop takes place on two consecutive weekends, June 1 & 2, AND June 8 & 9, 2024, from 10 am – 6 p.m. The cost for this workshop is $525, due by May 17, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Sciences ™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. To register and for questions on this workshop, email me at



Upcoming New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation™ Classes

Release, renew, rejuvenate. Discover more about your Self. The world needs you. All levels Reiki, Prana Healing, Qigong, Holistic Counseling, Hypnosis, Naturopath, and all other holistic healing therapists are welcome, as well as anyone who feels called to take these classes.

A percentage of proceeds of the energy classes I teach benefit the Girls Schools in Cambodia so that the girls are not sold into the prostitution and human slavery.

This is not a religious curriculum, nor is it “divine.” Rather, this class is all about cosmic Eternal Universal Life Force Energy that manifests as wisdom, love, understanding via experience, magnanimity, and increased conscious awareness which expands all of the gifts you have already been given. It is like taking the blinders off of your comprehension, mission and dharma in this lifetime. These are potent classes on working with your own energy system which will work so much better for you once you take those caps off all the concepts and constrictions presently in place through your human experience thus far.

NPMDT classes assist you to release fear, self-sabotage and personal limiting belief systems while you simultaneously open the door to discovering your ability to maintain and/or gain self-esteem, confidence and competency in your personal, professional, and social circles.

Life is like an onion. You release what no longer serves you in layers, rarely all at once. Life is not stagnant and presents challenges repeatedly. Even for those of you who have mastered your reality, situations present themselves allowing you to go deeper in releasing, refreshing, and recharging, like rechargeable batteries. NPMDT classes do just that, allowing for a deeper comprehension of so many things you may already know. This is an experiential class that you must experience to believe.

Learn grounding, shielding, and activating techniques through meditations and activations which clear blocked pathways from your personal experiences and former comprehension. Keep what serves your highest good and release what no longer serves you.

Activations are not attunements, which attune you to something outside of yourself. Rather, activations literally activate sleeping DNA codes not yet fully recognized within yourself. Sometimes humanity needs assistance from trained NPMDT teachers from the School of Esoteric Science , which is an international school, to activate that which you desire but have yet to achieve yourself.

If this sounds like you would benefit from a new beginning or would like a boost in your energy and/or bodywork in the therapies you offer to others, choose one of these three classes for your personal and/or professional growth.

Basic Master Class:

Upcoming classes begin April 6 & 7, 2024. The cost for the 2-day, 16-hour Basic Master ™ class is $295 due by March 17, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Science™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. For questions about this class, please email me at

13D MDT Class:

The 13D MDT is 4-day, 32-hour workshop takes place on two consecutive weekends, June 1 & 2, AND June 8 & 9, 2024, from 10 am – 6 p.m. The cost for this workshop is $525, due by May 17, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Science ™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. For questions on this workshop, email me at

*Basic Master Teacher:

*Prerequisite: Basic Master Class – All students taking this class must provide their Basic Master certification number from the School of Esoteric Science

This 3-day, 24-hour workshop takes place during the Columbus Day holiday, October 12-14, 2024, 10 am – 6 p.m. The cost for the Basic Master Teacher ™ is $395 due by September 28, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Science ™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. Please email me for any questions at

This past November I was the guest speaker at the Women In Business/Sturbridge meeting held at Castle Cantina in Leicester, MA. Following the dinner, I had a book signing for my three books: IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM; MYSTERY OF THE STURBRIDGE KEYS, subtitled, CHRISTMAS UNLOCKED; and THE VIRTUE OF VIRTUES. Also for sale were five CDs from the CELESTIAL RETREAT I lead in 2010 in Connecticut.

My holistic articles have been published in The Door Opener MagazineWisdom Magazine, and Spirit of Change Magazine. I have also been published in the Connecticut Post NewspaperThe Milford Daily News (in Milford, MA), and was the founding feature writer for The Laconia Daily Sun (Newspaper) for two years before starting The Massage Clinic in Stratford, Milford, Orange, and West Haven, CT.


DoveStar Institute, Hooksett, NH earning Massage Therapy License and certified in Reflexology, Accupressure, Shiatsu, Neuromuscular, Strain/Counter Strain, Swedish, Lymphatic Massage, and Reiki Master Teacher.

American Institute of Holistic Health and Wellness, certified by the American Association of Drugless Professionals earning my Holistic Health Counselor/Practitioner certification from the late Dr. Dolores Seymour, author of WHO CARES WHY?

Qigong Teacher taught by Qigong Teacher and Practitioner Jeff Primack.

NPMDT Teacher Certification by the School of Esoteric Science. This is an international school taught by John Armitage who travels worldwide to teach, and by whom I was trained since 2005. I am also a long-standing member of the NPMDT Americas Association.

I also hold a Master Catechist certification, specializing in Youth Ministry within the Catholic Church from the Diocese of Worcester. However, after reading all of the life of Jesus, his adult years from his ages 12-30, I now write about those 18 years and what he taught. There is more to know other than his first 12 years as a young boy and his last 3 years, for a total of 15 years currently written about in the bible.

I am a Universal Life Church (ULC) minister, taking and completing the Master of Chaplaincy course in the ULC Seminary, as well as completing the Doctor of Universal Order and Doctor of Spiritual Awareness programs. I spent the better part of a year prior to COVID comforting the sick and dying at Harrington Hospital in Southbridge.


I am a member of the British Complimentary Medicine Association, BCMA. I have extensive training and experience in most all forms of energy work, which is not recognized as valid therapies by the American Medical Association, AMA, even though doctors and nurses teach and practice Reiki in most hospitals. However, the BCMA does recognize energy work as a valid therapy. It is interesting to note that the AMA does recognize the BCMA as a valid medical association. In this way, I believe this recognition validates energy work therapies.


What You Seek is Already Within You

Sometimes you are on the hunt for more joy, peace, self-esteem, and wisdom, like Siddartha Gautama in the fictional story by Hermann Hesse seeking enlightenment. What did Siddhartha discover?

This story shows Siddhartha was considered to be a Brahman’s son, or that of a powerful king or great spiritual leader, * searching for the meaning of life. Siddhartha’s father shielded him from all negative aspects of life until the day Siddhartha leaves his protective home and sees the miseries of life firsthand.


He learns that wisdom cannot be taught. Knowledge can be taught, but wisdom taught to the unwise sounds like folly. This is why those around you lacking wisdom are so quick to scream, “Heresy!” when they hear wisdom coming from your lips. They are vibrating at such a low energetic frequency that due to either ignorance or indoctrination, it is not possible for them to understand until they cut their own man-made ties to fear.

Fear is the stumbling block to not only knowledge, but also wisdom. If the cup of others around you is already full, nothing more will be able to be poured into their human earthen vessel. They might know or feel that something is missing, but if does not match what they have previously been told, words of wisdom cannot resonate in them. Wisdom slides off of them and their aura like water slides off the back of a duck.

Siddhartha tells his good friend, Govinda, “I have had thoughts, yes, and insights, ever and always. Sometimes, for an hour or for a day, I have felt knowledge within me, just as one feels like within his heart. There were many thoughts, but it would be difficult for me to convey them. You see, my Govinda, here is one of the thoughts I have found. Wisdom cannot be conveyed. The wisdom of sage attempts to convey always sounds like folly.”

Siddhartha says, “I am not the Buddha. Nor am I a saint. I am just a man who has been blessed with understanding of life.”

This quote emphasizes Siddhartha’s humility and his belief that he is not a religious figure, but rather a person who has gained wisdom through his own experiences.

The same is true of you, if you have transmuted ties of fear in your life. People teach to cut ties to fear. Never do that. Instead, transmute the fear inside you into knowledge and increase your thirst for knowledge, the fertile ground for the seeds of wisdom to grow.

Jesus agreed with Siddhartha. Jesus was also aware of Buddhism from all his travels in India in his ages 12-30. In Luke 17:20-21, Jesus tells us that the “Light,” that “Kingdom of God, dwells within us.

New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation classes I teach begin in April 2024 and are listed here:

My latest book: IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitles, UNIVERSAL WODSOM, can also help you transform and transmute negative beliefs into positive energy, clearing the way for you to bloom where you are planted.

Click on the link below to get this book:

The world needs your positive and healing influence wherever you are.


My 2024 New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation™ Class Schedule ~ Register Early ~ 4 Students Per Class

Now that IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled UNIVERSAL WISDOM is published, and the second book in this trilogy subtitled, NATURE SPIRIT WISDOM, is accepted by the publisher, Blue Fortune Enterprises, LLC, I am back to teaching New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT ) in 2024. These are trademarked and copyrighted curriculums of the School of Esoteric Science. ™ NPMDT is taught internationally by certified teachers.

I am a certified teacher in the School of Esoteric Sciences and welcome all energy workers, and everyone who feels called to take these workshops. There is more to us than we know. You are all invited to expand your enlightenment by moving past indoctrinations of the past.

There are no prerequisites for Basic Master and 13D MDT. Basic Master Teacher has a prerequisite of requiring first taking Basic Master.

Everyone is invited to take these classes, including all levels of Reiki, Qigong, Tai Chi, Prana Healing, and every other form of energy work on the planet at this time.

Energies are ever expanding up to the 12th and 13th dimensions and beyond, as our conscious awareness taps into the universal and cosmic awareness, while we are presently existing in our 3-D reality. This can create blockages if we get stuck, unwilling, or unable to process Love without conditions in a world full of conditions.

Light from the Cosmic Heart, the Sacred Heart of Source, also known as the Central Sun, processes in and through you and can be trapped in illusions of limitations, which benefit from healing with the Light of New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation. This is a personal transformation into FREEDOM, LOVE without conditions, and Light by your own I AM Presence, the compassionate Love of Source.

Clear dysfunction. Start fresh. Visit Find out what New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation is all about. Click on “Courses,” then “Teachers,” then click on my picture, Lin Hourihan, for upcoming workshops. For more information go to:


APRIL 6-7, 10am-6 pm, 2-day, 16-hour certification BASIC MASTER ™

Cost for this BASIC MASTER curriculum is $300 due by March 23, so registration to the School of Esoteric Science can be made, the textbooks published and mailed out with your certification in time for class. Payments may be made at, onsite the first day of the class in person with me using Square, or by check made out and mailed to: Lin Hourihan, PO Box, 75, Fiskdale, MA 01518. This 2-Day Basic Master takes place at 3 Lake Drive, Holland, MA 01521. To register, email:


June 1-2 AND 8-9, 10 am-6 pm, 4-day, 32-hour certification 13D MDT ™

Cost for this 13D MDT ™ curriculum is $525, due by March 23, so registration to the School of Esoteric Science can be made, the textbooks published and mailed out with your certification in time for class. Payments may be made at, onsite the first day of the class in person with me using Square, or by check made out and mailed to: Lin Hourihan, PO Box, 75, Fiskdale, MA 01518. This 4-day 13D MDT takes place at 3 Lake Drive, Holland, MA 01521. To register, email:


October 12-14, (Columbus Day holiday weekend), 10 am-6 pm, 3-day, 24-hour certification BASIC MASTER TEACHER

Cost for this 3-day BASIC MASTER TEACHER curriculum is $395 due by September 28, so registration to the School of Esoteric Science can be made, the textbooks published and mailed out with your certification in time for class. Payments may be made at, onsite the first day of the class in person with me using Square, or by check made out and mailed to: Lin Hourihan, PO Box, 75, Fiskdale, MA 01518. This 3-day Basic Master Teacher takes place at 3 Lake Drive, Holland, MA 01521. To register, email:

Now is the time to stop living in fear, fear of the unknown, fear of others, fear of not fitting in, fear of everything. There is a way to live and promote peaceful healing within yourself and the world.

Now is the time to heal.


Schools For Girls In Cambodia ~ Senegal ~ Madagascar Sponsored By New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation (NPMDT) Outreach

The Cambodia School Project

The Cambodia School Project was initiated by John Armitage while on a trip to Cambodia. In a country that has faced over 40 years of war, murder and destruction, he found himself drawn there to assist in clearing the energies of the killing fields.  Everything was destroyed during the reign of the khmer rouge, all educated people were murdered, and all the infrastructure was destroyed.  However , it was there that he said that the people, and the country, took his heart. He came across an organization called American and Japanese Assistance for Cambodia and found that they do a lot of work there with children, for building schools and places for orphans, and he knew then, that he wanted to be a part of that.

John had a particular interest in the intent to provide a safe haven for the very young girls who were forced into prostitution to make money for their families. Essentially how it works is that the Charity pays the families a money reward to instead, send their daughters to school. They are required to have perfect attendance in order to get the money.  Thus, the beloved daughter child is not only spared from many a treacherous and traumatic experience, but also, she is regarded with care and dignity, and becomes educated so that she may grow to create a better life, and that she will be able to share her wisdom to uplift others about healthier options and ways of being.

Through the donations of many this Cambodia School Project has led to the completion of one whole school being built that is now providing ongoing love, support, and relief for many children!

Senegal Project Update – Feb 2012

There excellent news about the homeopathic dispensary project in Senegal. Last year I shared that the village chief offered us a piece of land. I have just spent one week in Senegal to deal with the relevant paperwork for having the legal title to the land. I now have the official papers for the land signed by all authorities, the village chief, councilors, the chairman of the rural community and these steps normally take months and a lot of bribes ….I got the signatures in one day! In exchange I offered healing sessions for all …

I have signed the construction contract with the builder who contributes (12,000 euros) . The construction of the clinic starts next week and it will be operational in June 2012. I was invited to a meeting that includes 80 women, 23 councilors of municipalities in the region of m ‘bour. I explained the project to them and spoke of Shamballa … all are enchanted and wish that we do the same in their village. So I proposed sessions has all those who wanted it and not surprisingly all have said yes!

I had invited my team because I knew we should have work to do. We have offered each session for free. I’m moving to Senegal in early May, along with my team and we will provide energetic sessions in the clinic for Senegalese who want it. That this project is a reality today is through the support of the foundation, John and Delphine, Flore,  the upstairs department, donors, and the work I’ve done on site in Senegal for 2 years. I offered hundreds of sessions, 498 activations, five lessons.

A project idea that I suggest to you is a trip to Senegal. The purpose of this trip would be to offer your services at the clinic and visit the area. I would love to share with you this experience.

Finally, to continue this wonderful project, we need donations.

I thank all the family, Shamballa ON!!

With all my love


Senegal Project Update – October 2013

Free healing center in Nianing, Senegal

As most of you know, Sandie left for Senegal a year and a half ago to settle there in order to bring a project of the NPMDT family into this community, in the form of a free homeopathic dispensary and energy healing center.

In just a year many things have changed, and even if the different steps succeeded each other with their share of constraints, love and light continues to lift this healing center in every moment.

The center is open every morning, Monday to Friday, and everyone who so wishes is welcome to receive a session, a homeopathic remedy or a listener. People are welcomed by Sandie, accompanied by Doudou and Yaya, who got activated to the NPMDT energies.

The center is always full, more and more people come every day, from a growing number of remote villages. Besides her daily presence at the center, Sandie visits some villages on Mondays and Wednesdays, after agreement and arrangements with the local authorities, (the Senegalese way !) who are happy to welcome her. She provides homeopathic remedies, for instance to heal diabetes, high blood pressure, constipation, hemorroids, sickle-cell anemia…the results are astonishing.

Interventions and awareness campaigns are being offered to the population, who is received en masse – 50 to 100 people – always benevolently. The prefect, the sub-prefect, even the attorney general of Dakar know about the free healing center and came to meet Sandie to talk and receive sessions, grateful for the work done and our presence in their country. By the way, a day is planned in September for sessions and remedies.

There is no need to talk to you about the results…the words above show you the whole impact. Love works, light opens doors, though it requires daily work to adapt to the local culture. Sandie continuously struggles to get organized within the center and her private life. While reading this short text, you may have the impression that all is wonderful and simple, but know that Sandie, the center, and Senegal really need our support, our prayers and a little word of sincere encouragement is always most welcome and appreciated.

In love and light,

Sophie Barsacq
Vice President
Association Terafra

Cambodia School Project Update ~ October 2013

One of our ongoing projects that started in 2010 is a school in Cambodia. The school is located in Kat Phluk village, Bor Seth District in the Province of Kampon Spear. Its name is Shamballa Family School.

Cambodia is rebuilding and healing after 40 years of war. World Assistance for Cambodia is doing a marvelous job offering help in this healing process. Our donations go to a program called the Rural School Project which has built over 530 schools.

Donations and John Armitage`s personal work for this cause have made the following possible:

Funding for construction of the Shamballa Family School, 3 solar panels to power a donated computer and operating expenses, two computers, one digital camera, GPRS connection, optical mouse and salary for a full-time AAFC trained English/computer teacher. His name is Som Samnang. Via monthly reports he shares how the students are developing in their studies.

In many villages girls cannot go to school and as a result of no education the girls are vulnerable to exploitation. World Assistance for Cambodia has a special program called Girls Be Ambitious to prevent the trafficking of girls living in poor conditions for sexual and labor exploitation.

This program offers a stipend for girls and their families so that they can attend school. Financial assistance is provided at $10 per month for each girl. All together this has made a great difference in terms of girls being able to attend school and providing safety and hope for them and their families.

John together with one of his friend sponsored through the School of Esoteric Science (formerly Shamballa School of Esoteric Sciences) 21 girls into this program, and personally bought a bicycle for one of them since she had to walk a long distance to go to school. You can find out more about these girls at

Thank you to all who donated and contributed to this project!

The School of Esoteric Science continues to support these girls and the salary of the English/computer teacher. If you want to contribute to making a difference in the lives of these or more young girls in Cambodia, further assistance and donations are most welcome.

Veronica Ramsdahl
Newsletter Editorial Team

Madagascar: new project started in November 2013: building of a school.

I am very happy to announce that John has given his agreement to support a project in Madagascar: building of a school, digging of a well, school furniture and material, for a total of 5500€. The project is already running, with 31 children going to school thanks to Association Tatifa. Now they will be able to move forward with a proper school building: 2 storeys, 4 classrooms, a small office and a shed for the keeper + toilets outside.
3000€ will come from donations already made towards humanitarian projects, and 2500€ from the American Fund.

Madagascar Project Update ~ March 2014

In Madagascar, one of the poorest countries in the world, more than 92% of the population lives below the extreme poverty line. With almost no resources, many families are unable to send their kids to school, to keep them healthy or clothed. Many children have to work to participate for the survival of the family. In response to these unfortunate circumstances, the association Tafita-Soledam has established an objective to help some children open up harmoniously, according to two principles as defined by the International Convention on children’s rights: the right to education and to health.

John Armitage, as the founder and president of the School of Esoteric Sciences, has agreed to support this project. €5,500.00 has been given to help build a school, dig a well, and pay for school furniture and materials. Thirty one children are going to this school in a two story building, with four classrooms, a small office, a shed for the grounds keeper, plus toilets outside.

We would like to thank you, because all this has been made possible only through donations, so please, let the flow continue.

In the picture the children having breakfast – helped by Association Tafita – have a full breakfast before they go to School. For many of them, it’s the only meal of the day.

Lao Tzu Said, “Nature Does Not Hurry Yet Everything Is Accomplished.”

Do you ever find yourself rushing around until life’s no fun? Is your to-do-list longer than the distance from here to the moon? Will you turn into a purple pumpkin if you do not get it all done? How is your blood pressure? Having any physical side effects to stress yet? Is your speech coming out faster than a sonic jet? Texting, eating, drinking, on the cell phone while driving, see the problem? Are you addicted to activity? Where’s the balance?


You are in control of you, not your schedule.

You are in control of you, not other people.

You are in control of you, not the situation.

If the merry-go-round of life is going too fast for you, stop and simplify. Find your balance point. It is literally a matter of life and death. The fastest way to age is to live a life of prolonged, severe stress. Stress brings on major, serious illness and death.

Everyone can push extra hard in life, for a short while, to help someone out, to rise to the occasion, or if the job demands a short but strenuous burst of energy from you. Your employer does not own the rights to your life. You do.

No one can sustain prolonged stress. The body breaks down. Your emotional self breaks down. It is not what nature intended for you on the day you were born. At first you may not associate various ailments and symptoms as stress related. Stress is not a natural state for us. Stress is not good for us, no matter how used to it we are.

How do we break out of this extremely addictive, self-destructive habit of racing through life like a chicken with its head cut off? Like changing any other habit, it is going to take 21 days to try on new habits of relaxation techniques, slow breathing exercises, body stretching, aerobic activity, walking, jogging, bike riding or swimming. You know what works for you. Give yourself breaks. Breaks are lifesaving.

Take a moment to watch how nature works. Roses do not rush to bloom. They take their time. They open and unfold slowly, all in good time. Savor each moment in this life. You are here for a reason. If you fly through your life too fast, you will miss so much. We all have 24 hours in a day. How you spend it really is up to you.

It is a mistake to give everything on your agenda the same emergency intensity, as if completing each task is equivalent to putting out a fire. You are a human being, not a machine. We all know this. It is good to be reminded from time to time, not to take ourselves so seriously. When you’re stressed, the first thing to go is your sense of humor. That’s a clue.

Lao Tzu once said, “Nature Does Not Hurry, Yet Everything Is Accomplished.”

We are made from nature. We are made of the stuff of the earth. Our vitamins and minerals replenish what we deplete each day, such as magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium, etc.

Stress, worry, anxiety and panic solve nothing. You already know this. It shuts you down, makes you so sick that you want to crawl in a hole or not even get up. They are lower vibrations that do not serve you. You can drop them if you choose to. It truly is a choice. Remember, you think your thoughts. Your thoughts do not think you. If you have had enough of something, or some thought, change it. Switch on some music. Take a walk in nature with a focus on seeing, hearing, touching and feeling a flower, a bird, or even observing people in a coffee shop. Taste an inviting hot chocolate, chai tea, coffee or pomegranate juice, something that sounds good to you. Reach out to that friend that makes you laugh. Raise your vibrations.

It helps to change the constant negative tape that the ego wants to run over and over again in your head. Once you recognize that this tape is no longer serving you to your highest good, you can simply change it. You are in charge of you, not your insane ego that wants to run amuck. The ego thinks it is in charge of you, wants to be in charge of you. The most wonderful news is that it is not!

You are in charge of you, of what you think, of what you deem to be important, of what your next positive steps will be, of what you want your mood to be. Again, remember, moods ALWAYS follow thoughts, not the other way around.

The light is within you. You are light. You are love. The more you read this, the more it will become second nature to you. There is more to you than you know or realize. As soon as you discover something new about yourself, something else new pops up for your awareness and consciousness to take in. You are more than your thoughts. You are more than your body. You are even more than your spirit. There is so much more to you than you realize.


OCTOBER 9-11, 2021

Step Into Your Mastery ~ Step Into Your Power

Seats Available: 4

Cost: $377,  due by September 25, 2021 so registration to the International School of Esoteric Sciences can take place, and the manual, which is copyrighted and trademarked, can be produced and received in time for the workshop.

PREREQUISITE for this Basic Master Teacher Workshop is the Basic Master Workshop and/or the New Paradigm 13D MDT Workshop. Students will need to provide their certificate numbers for the certified courses they have taken, allowing them to take this workshop. This Basic Master Teacher Workshop is a three-day workshop where students will learn how to teach:

  • What Self-Mastery Means to You as an Individual
  • The Responsibilities of Mastery
  • Responsibility to Students of a Master Teacher
  • How to Activate Others
  • How to Clear Energy Blockages from the Bodies
  • Hands On and Activation Practice
  • How to Facilitate a Workshop
  • Channeling
  • Staying in Touch and the Foundation
  • On Freedom and Boundaries

Upon completion of this workshop, students will be able to teach the New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT) Basic Master Workshop. John Armitage, co-founder of the NPMDT Workshops, along with Germain, teaches the 13D Master Teacher nine-day workshop.


NOVEMBER 13-14, 2021


NOVEMBER 20-21, 2021

Remember Who You Are

Seats Available: 4

Cost for this NPMDT 4-Day 13D MDT Workshop is $482 due October 30, 2021, in order that registration in the International School of Esoteric Sciences can take place, and the certificate, and manual (which is both copyrighted and trademarked), will be published and received in time for this workshop.

If you would like to connect on a more expanded level with all energies of the New Paradigm Multi-Dimension Transformation, consider registering for the upcoming 13D Multidimensional Transformation Workshop taking place November 13-14, 2021, AND November 20-21, 2021. For anyone on the path to personal transformation and self-realization this workshop is a real gift to the self. In this amazing workshop in a systematic and thorough, well-crafted whole the participant is brought back into strong contact with their own personal true core essence.

A deep rebalancing of the mind/body/electro-magnetic system can be realized. The individual usually takes a huge step forward on their own personal path of transformation. The biggest requirement is to be able to allow and let go.

The personal capacity to receive and share energy will grow impressively in this School of Esoteric Sciences course of the workshop and continue to do so afterwards. I am a certified teacher of this international school.

Course Duration: 4 days (minimum 32 hours)

Prerequisite: No prerequisites.  Anyone who feels called to can take this course.

As the year winds down, it is a good time to go within and receive 13 meditations and activations. These are not one-size-fits-all-activations, allowing for individual energetic, personal growth, development, and awareness to bloom.

This 13D MDT Workshop includes 13 multidimensional activations of the most expansive and most recent evolutionary energies available to humanity on this planet. Also included are clearings, code activations, and personal activations including 12 dimensions of these personal transformation energies, plus the 13th activation which opens you to further ones as they become available to humanity and as you are ready.

Students are responsible to bring their own snacks, beverages, and lunches.

This 13D MDT or the Basic Master Workshop is a prerequisite to take the Basic Master Teacher Workshop. It is also a prerequisite to take the nine-day 13D Master Teacher Workshop, which is only taught by John Armitage.

To register for these NPMDT Workshops, email, or call 413-245-0129.

These workshops are a wonderful time away from your everyday life filling you with renewal, balance, breathing, inspiration Love Without Conditions, and Non-judgment.


September 11-12, 2021 New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Basic Master Workshop Completely Filled ~ Basic Master Teacher Workshop October 9-11, 2021 ~ 13D November 13-14 AND 20-21, 2021

September 11-12, 2021 NPMDT Basic Master Workshop Completely Filled. Next NPMDT Basic Master Workshop is scheduled for April 9-10, 2022. Early registration suggested.

New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT) is a conscious raising awareness currently available to all humanity. It is refreshing to learn there is more to energy work and transformational Universal Eternal Energy, which is love without conditions, restrictions, and judgments. The September 11-12, 2021 NPMDT Basic Master Workshop filled up fast. The next NPMDT Basic Master Workshop will be April 9-10, 2022. Check out the website of the International School of Esoteric Sciences at

PREREQUISITE for this Basic Master Teacher Workshop is the Basic Master Workshop and/or the New Paradigm 13 Dimensional Master Workshop. Students will need to provide proof of the certificate number on the Basic Master or 13D class/workshop they have previously taken, along with the name of the teacher, and location of the class/workshop. Class size is 4 students.

The Basic Master Teacher is a three-day workshop which also takes advantage of the Monday, Columbus Day holiday. Students will learn how to teach:

  • The Philosophy of New Paradigm MDT
  • Theory of Disease and the Emotional Body
  • Theory of Channeling Energy
  • How to Facilitate Energy Sessions
  • Grounding After Energy Work
  • How to Treat Yourself
  • How to Treat Others
  • Brain Balancing
  • Brain Balancing Exercises
  • Antahkarana Activation
  • Hands On Practice
  • Information on Chakras


  • What Self-Mastery Means to You as an Individual
  • The Responsibilities of Mastery
  • Responsibility to Students of a Master Teacher
  • How to Activate Others
  • How to Clear Energy Blockages from the Bodies
  • Hands On and Activation Practice
  • How to Facilitate a Workshop
  • Staying in Touch and the Foundation
  • On Freedom and Boundaries

People are invited to register and pay for this workshop by September 25, 2021 in order that registration to the International School of Esoteric Sciences can take place, and the manual, which is copyrighted and trademarked, can be produced and received in time for the workshop. Cost for this workshop is $379. Payment may be made by credit card at:; or by check mailed to: Lin Hourihan, PO Box 75, Fiskdale, MA 01518.

Please email to register at:, or call 413-245-0129. This workshop takes place at 3 Lake Drive, Holland, MA 01521.

Upon completion of this workshop, students will be able to teach the New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT) Basic Master Workshop. John Armitage, co-founder of the NPMDT Workshops, along with Germain, teaches the 13D Master Teacher nine-day workshop.


13D MDT Workshop is a four day workshop which will take lace on 2 consecutive weekends: November 13-14 AND November 20-21, 2021.

This 13D MDT four-day Workshop will take place over the course of two back-to-back weekends, for your convenience, November 13-14, 202 1 AND November 20-21, 2021. This is a 32-hour certified curriculum course of the School of Esoteric Sciences. As the year winds down, it is a good time to go within and receive 13 meditations and activations. These are not one-size-fits-all-activations, allowing for individual energetic, personal growth, development and awareness to bloom. Class size is 4 students.

This 13D MDT Workshop includes activations of the most expansive and most recent evolutionary energies available to humanity on this planet. Also included are clearings, code activations, and personal activations including 12 dimensions of these personal transformation energies, plus the 13th activation which opens you to further ones as they become available to humanity and as you are ready.

If students travel from far away, there are many hotels and restaurants in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. Students are responsible to bring their own snacks and lunches.

This 13D MDT Workshop is a prerequisite in order to take the Basic Master Teacher Workshop May 13-15, 2022. It is also a prerequisite in order to take the nine-day 13D Master Teacher Workshop, which is only taught by John Armitage.

This workshop will be taught in the English language with no translator. To register, email, or call 413-245-0129. It is suggested to register and pay for this workshop by October 30, 2021, in order that registration in the International School of Esoteric Sciences can take place, and the certificate, and manual (which is both copyrighted and trademarked), will be received in time for this workshop. This workshop takes place at 3 Lake Drive, Holland, MA 01521. Cost for this workshop is $486. Credit card payments made at: Checks may be mailed to: Lin Hourihan, PO Box 75, Fiskdale, MA 01518.

The world is in need of solutions for unity, harmony, peace, empathy, compassion, cooperation for the common good of all. Now is the time to expand our horizons, grow our hearts and minds, so that our souls reflect our dharma and mission in this lifetime.


2021 New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Workshops ~ International School of Esoteric Sciences ~ Lin Hourihan Teacher

When was the last time you refreshed your energy work, took a more comprehensive expansion and elevation of energy on a multidimensional level, or simply received the benefits of basking in Living Light, Life-Affirming Energy grounded in unconditional Love?

Mark your calendars. It is time for a change. Stand in your power. Do not give your power away to any person, place, or thing, ever again. I welcome all energy workers of any system of energy healing to attend the next New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT) Basic Master Workshop, September 11-12, 2021.

Anyone who feels called may take this workshop. This workshop is open to all who have any level or method of Reiki, Prana healing, Qigong, any other modality of energy work, or none at all.

Learn about your personal I AM Presence, your electromagnetic energy system, and how to clear negativity and dysfunction in order to remain balanced. Tap into the highest frequency vibration on the planet at this time. This Presence is present throughout the Cosmos. Its laws are Universal, as in Universal Life and Universal Order. Use this dynamic energy to your advantage and assist your corner of the world in grounding love and light in this workshop regardless of any level of any other holistic method of healing already taken. All people who have not taken any other kind of energy class are also welcome at attend. There is no competition between this workshop and any other system.

Many are waking up to their I AM Presence nestled within their heart, mind, and soul, animating them. The I AM Presence exists within the life of everyone, even the agnostic and/or atheist. It is not an opinion. It is the reality of your bio-electromagnetic system.

Across the globe, many people are discovering a New Paradigm elevating their lives. Former ways of thinking and modes of actions are outdated. People are now enormously privileged to live in the awakened consciousness of their role regarding freedom, human liberty, and free will. There is so much we all can do for the betterment of humanity, lifting our sights higher, finding solutions rather than beating the monotonous, sickening, self-inflicted drum of drama, division, and despair.

What we focus on grows, as evident in every country, city, and town worldwide, and in every relationship we have. If we want things to get better, we think, say, and do the things that achieve this goal. But sometimes we get stuck. Things do not always turn out the way we plan. Or sometimes, we feel it is time for a change.

The New Paradigm being discussed here belongs to realizing that we are multidimensional beings. There is more to us than we first knew. There is more to discover about ourselves. Now is the time to branch out. Learn something new and fill your heart with love, balance, and healing in the process, which you can also share with others, if you so desire, or simply use it for healing the Earth. It can transform you, your home, your yard, your neighborhood, your relationships, your employment, and the entire world.

It is called New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT). It is taught in a series of two-day, three-day, or four-day workshops, depending on the workshop, including:

·  New Paradigm Multidimensional (MDT) Basic Master 2-Day Workshop

·  New Paradigm Multidimensional Basic Master Teacher 3-Day Workshop

·  New Paradigm Multidimensional 13 Dimensional Master 4-Day Workshop


The Basic Master Workshop

September 11-12, 2021

·  The Philosophy of the New Paradigm MDT

·  Theory of Disease and the Emotional Body

·  Theory of Channeling Energy

·  How to Facilitate Energy Sessions

·  Grounding After Energy Work

·  How to Treat Yourself

·  How to Treat Others

·  Brain Balancing

·  Brain Balancing Exercises

·  Antahkarana Activation

·  Implant and Entity Removal (mostly self-inflicted concepts)

·  Activations

·  Hands On Practice

·  Chakras

·  What Self-Mastery Means to You as an Individual

This Basic Master 2-Day Workshop, certified 16 hour course takes place:

DATE: September 11-12, 2021

TIME: 10 am – 6 pm (Begins and ends on time) If students travel from far away, there are many hotels and restaurants in Sturbridge, Massachusetts.

Cost: $265 due by September 4 in order that textbooks, which are copyrighted and trademarked, will arrive in time for the workshop. Checks may be mailed to: Lin Hourihan, PO Box 75, Fiskdale, MA 01518; or credit cards may be used at: September 11-12, 2021 NPMDT Basic Master Workshop – New Paradigm ( through PayPal.

LOCATION: 3 Lake Drive, Holland, MA 01521


Class Size: 6

This is a certification course suitable for framing. Upon NPMDT certification, you will be able to hold NPMDT sessions for all who come to you for energy work.

Students are responsible for their own snack and lunch and may click on the purchase button above. Students may also bring a mat, pillow, and blanket for comfort.

This workshop will be taught in the English language with no translator.


Basic Master Teacher Workshop

October 9-11, 2021

The prerequisite for this Basic Master Teacher Workshop is the Basic Master Workshop and/or the New Paradigm 13-Dimensional Master Workshop. This is a three-day workshop. Students will learn how to teach:

·  The Philosophy of New Paradigm MDT

·  Theory of Disease and the Emotional Body

·  Theory of Channeling Energy

·  How to Facilitate Energy Sessions

·  Grounding After Energy Work

·  How to Treat Yourself

·  How to Treat Others

·  Brain Balancing

·  Brain Balancing Exercises

·  Antahkarana Activation

·  Hands On Practice

·  Information on Chakras


·  What Self-Mastery Means to You as an Individual

·  The Responsibilities of Mastery

·  Responsibility to Students of a Master Teacher

·  How to Activate Others

·  How to Clear Energy Blockages from the Bodies

·  Hands On and Activation Practice

·  How to Facilitate a Workshop

·  Staying in Touch and the Foundation

·  On Freedom and Boundaries

This Basic Master Teacher Workshop is a three-day certified, 24 hour course takes place:

DATE: October 9-11, 2021

TIME: 10 am – 6 pm (Begins and ends on time) If students travel from far away, there are many hotels and restaurants in Sturbridge, Massachusetts.

COST: $375 due by October 2, in order that textbooks, which are copyrighted and trademarked, will arrive in time for the workshop. Checks may be mail to: Lin Hourihan, PO Box 75, Fiskdale, MA 01518; or credit cards may be used at: October 9-11, 2021 Basic Master Teacher Workshop – New Paradigm ( through PayPal.

LOCATION: 3 Lake Drive, Holland, MA 01521


Class Size: 6

This is a certification course suitable for framing. Upon NPMDT certification, you will be able to teach the Basic Master Workshop.

NOTE: John Armitage, co-founder of New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Workshops, along with Germain, teaches the 13D Master Teacher nine-day workshop.

Students are responsible for their own snack and lunch and may click on the purchase button above. Students may also bring a mat, pillow, and blanket for comfort.

This workshop will be taught in the English language with no translator.


13-Dimensional Master Workshop

November 13-14, 2021


November 20-21, 2021

This 13D MDT four-day Workshop will take place over the course of two back-to-back weekends, for your convenience, November 13-14, 202 1 AND November 20-21, 2021. As the year winds down, it is a good time to go within and receive 13 meditations and activations. These are not one-size-fits-all-activations, allowing for individual energetic, personal growth, development, and awareness to bloom.

Included in this workshop will be activations of the most expansive and most recent evolutionary energies available to humanity on this planet. Also included are clearings, code activations, and personal activations including 12 dimensions of these personal transformation energies, plus the 13th activation which opens you to further ones as they become available to humanity and as you are ready.

This 13D MDT Workshop is a prerequisite in order to take the Basic Master Teacher Workshop May 13-15, 2022. It is also a prerequisite in order to take the nine-day 13D Master Teacher Workshop, which is only taught by John Armitage.

This 13D MDT Workshop is a four-day workshop taking place on two consecutive weekends for the convenience of students. This is a 32-hour certified course and takes place:

DATES: November 13 and 14, 2021 AND November 20 and 21, 2021 ALL FOUR DAYS MUST BE ATTENDED TO RECEIVE CERTIFICATION

TIME: 10 am – 6 pm (Begins and ends on time) If students travel from far away, there are many hotels and restaurants in Sturbridge, Massachusetts.

COST: $480 due by November 6, in order that textbooks, which are copyrighted and trademarked, will arrive in time for the workshop. Checks may be mail to: Lin Hourihan, PO Box 75, Fiskdale, MA 01518; or credit cards may be used at: November 13-14 AND November 20-21, 2021 ~ 13D Multidimensional Transformation Workshop – New Paradigm ( through PayPal.

LOCATION: 3 Lake Drive, Holland, MA 01521


Class Size: 6

This is a certification course suitable for framing.

Students are responsible for their own snack and lunch and may click on the purchase button above. Students may also bring a mat, pillow, and blanket for comfort.

This 13D MDT Workshop is a prerequisite in order to take the Basic Master Teacher Workshop May 13-15, 2022. It is also a prerequisite in order to take the nine-day 13D Master Teacher Workshop, which is only taught by John Armitage.

This workshop will be taught in the English language with no translator.

I am a certified teacher and practitioner of New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT) with the International School of Esoteric Sciences. I am trained in working with the frequencies of crystal therapy, flower essences, chakra balancing, brain balancing, removing limiting belief systems and self-sabotaging habits not in the highest good, awakening self-empowerment, and working in conjunction with the individual I Am Presence.

I have been involved with the NPMDT energies since September 27, 2003, taking the Shamballa 1-4 Workshop in Simsbury, CT. Most recently I have taken the Flower Essence workshops.

Previously I worked as a Reiki Master Techer since 2001 teaching Reiki all over New England. Now that NPMDT has surfaced as an option for greater awareness and more expanded consciousness raising vibrations which lead to more comprehensive healing and transformation for individuals, I now only work with NPMDT energies since 2003.

I also work grounding the Love and Light of NPMDT energies in meditations and daily life, expanding awareness and consciousness in my life and the lives of those I come in contact with, as well as sending Love and Light of NPMDT energies to the earth and all countries and people living upon it.

I participated in the first 13D MDT Upgrade in Wendall, MA, followed by the 9-day 13D MDT Teacher training workshop March 23, 2007, in Raymond, NH; and a 5-Day Crystal Workshop September 10, 2008, in Framingham, MA.


Nature Does Not Hurry, Yet Everything Is Accomplished ~ Lao Tzu

Do you ever find yourself rushing around until life’s no fun? Is your to-do-list longer than the distance from here to the moon? Will you turn into a purple pumpkin if you do not get it all

You are part of nature. Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. Soak in the peace and relaxation.

done? How is your blood pressure? Having any physical side effects to stress yet? Is your speech coming out faster than a sonic jet? Texting, eating, drinking, on the cell phone while driving, see the problem? Are you addicted to activity? Where’s the balance?


You are in control of you, not your schedule.

You are in control of you, not other people.

You are in control of you, not the situation.

If the merry-go-round of life is going too fast for you, stop and simplify. Find your balance point. It is literally a matter of life and death. The fastest way to age is to live a life of prolonged, severe stress. Stress brings on major, serious illness and death.

Everyone can push extra hard in life, for a short while, to help someone out, to rise to the occasion, or if the job demands a short but strenuous burst of energy from you. Your employer does not own the rights to your life. You do.

No one can sustain prolongued stress. The body breaks down. Your emotional self breaks down. It is not what nature intended for you on the day you were born. At first you may not associate various ailments and symptoms as stress related. Stress is not a natural state for us. Stress is not good for us, no matter how used to it we are.

How do we break out of this extremely addictive, self-destructive habit of racing through life like a chicken with its head cut off? Like changing any other habit, it is going to take 21 days to try on new habits of relaxation techniques, slow breathing exercises, body stretching, aerobic activity, walking, jogging, bike riding or swimming. You know what works for you. Give yourself breaks, that is life saving.

Take a moment to watch how nature works. Roses do not rush to bloom. They take their time. They open and unfold slowly, all in good time. Savor each moment in this life. You are here for a reason. If you fly through your life too fast, you will miss so much. We all have 24 hours in a day. How you spend it really is up to you.

It is a mistake to give everything on your agenda the same emergency intensity, as if completing each task is equivilent to putting out a fire. You are a human being, not a machine. We all know this. It is good to be reminded from time to time, not to take ourself so seriously. When you’re stressed, the first thing to go is your sense of humor. That’s a clue.

Lao Tzu once said,  “Nature Does Not Hurry, Yet Everything Is Accomplished.”

We are made from nature. We are made of the stuff of the earth. Our vitamins and minerals replenish what we deplete each day, such as magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium, etc.

Stress, worry, anxiety and panic solve nothing. You already know this. It shuts you down, makes you so sick that you want to crawl in a hole or not even get up. They are lower vibrations that do not serve you. You can drop them if you choose to. It truly is a choice. Remember, you think your thoughts. Your thoughts do not think you. If you have had enough of something, or some thought, change it. Switch on some music. Take a walk in nature with a focus on seeing, hearing, touching and feeling a flower, a bird, or even observing people in a coffee shop. Taste an inviting hot chocolate, chai tea, coffee or pomegranate juice, something that sounds good to you. Reach out to that friend that makes you laugh. Raise your vibrations.

It helps to change the constant negative tape that the ego wants to run over and over again in your head. Once you recognize that this tape is no longer serving you to your highest good, you can simply change it. You are in charge of you, not your insane ego that wants to run amuck. The ego thinks it is in charge of you, wants to be in charge of you. The most wonderful news is that it is not!

You are in charge of you, of what you think, of what you deem to be important, of what your next positive steps will be, of what you want your mood to be. Again, remember, moods ALWAYS follow thoughts, not the other way around.

The light is within you. You are light. You are love. The more you read this, the more it will become second nature to you. There is more to you than you know or realize. As soon as you discover something new about yourself, something else new pops up for your awareness and consciousness to take in. You are more than your thoughts. You are more than your body. You are even more than your spirit. There is so much more to you than you realize.

If you would like to connect on a more expanded level with all of your multi-dimensions discussed here, consider registering for the upcoming 13D Multidimensional Transformation Workshop taking place April 25-28, 2019. Register at: Read the following post for more details. It is a wonderful time away from your everyday life filling you with renewal, balance, breathing and inspiration.