The God of Love and the God of Hate Are Two Different “Gods”

Yaldabaoth the deceitful demiurge of the Old Testament

Confusion began in 364 AD when the Roman Catholic Church and Roman Emperor Julian joined forces, since all decision by the Catholic Councils had to be approved by the political authority of Rome in their combined hopes for unifying the world under the flag and belief of the Roman Catholic Church. This was a decision that has filtered into the fabric of every society in the world. Look at how many Roman Catholic Churches there are throughout the entire world.

Jesus personifying the Christ Consciousness.

The following explains our ancient historical roots that I wrote about in my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM:


“Look at what Azazel has done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were made and kept in heaven, which men were striving to learn and Samjaza, who taught spells, to whom you gave authority to rule over his associates. And they have gone to the daughters of men on earth, and have had sex with women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins.” 1 Enoch, chapter 9:6-8

“This was all common knowledge when Plato wrote Plato’s Dialogues[1] in 360 BCE and The Timaeus,[2] which concerns the creation of the world by a demiurge, initially operating on forms and space and assisted after he has created them by lesser gods. Earth, air, fire, and water are analyzed as ultimately consisting of two kinds of triangles, which combine into different characteristic solids. Plato in this work applies mathematical harmonics to produce cosmology. The Critias is a barely started sequel to the Timaeus; its projected content is the story of the war of ancient Athens and Atlantis. This was well-known knowledge until shadows of doubt dulled the histories of humanity.

“In Chapter 1 of this book, the Library of Knowledge dealt with Nag Hammadi Codex II, 4 (86,27-87,23) in the hidden Sacred Scripture, The Nature of the Rulers, The Blind Demiurge, says, “The leader of the authorities is blind. [Because of his] power, ignorance, and arrogance he said, with [power], “I am God; there is no other [but me.]”

“This is a dead giveaway as to how cults operate. This is the basis of their operating manual rooted in the ignorance and arrogance of the fallen angels and their Nephilim children. Cults are quick to shout, “Heresy!” when they hear anything other than their own spin on the information in which they have been indoctrinated, or are the authors of their brand of religion, politics, or education. Many are not aware they have had the wool pulled over their eyes by the wolves’ interpretations of physical, spiritual, and metaphysical realities.

“The blind demiurge is neither the first nor second creation manifested by Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. Wisdom and Love are the beginnings of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy experiencing Itself. This third lifeform is the result of Wisdom working alone without Love, a kind of grandchild of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. We all see what happens when intelligence and power work without Love all over the world throughout history to today. …

The Nature of the Rulers, especially the section entitled The Blind Demiurge, describes how this much smaller portion of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy experienced itself and all Creation that was around the Earth. Seeing none other than itself, this blind demiurge, which is a Platonic school of philosophy, claims to be the “God” of all he sees. The problem is watching the dark and negative influence of the Spirits of the fallen angels and the Nephilim throughout the Old Testament with addictive bloodthirsty thrusts for power, fame, and fortune, claim to be the same energy as Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. It is not, no matter how many malicious and depraved temper tantrums the blind demiurge throws.

“I find that people tend to make an understandable but erroneous leap when they first read about this blind demiurge, thinking this is the same “god” of the Old Testament. The blood-filled battles talked about in the Old Testament were ruthless, gory, and against the Laws of Nature, regardless of the “honorable” reason for murdering every man, woman, child, and animal. It is as if the innocent ones were all contaminated simply by being in the wrong region at the wrong time.

“Was there no innocent man, woman, child, or animal in the land of the Philistines, the Canaanites, or in Jericho, and just about every other Old Testament battle that massacred every human and animal in the conquered lands?

“It was the victors who wrote the bible stories. Might they have been influenced by the dark, rebellious, and sinister energies which mirror that of the fallen angels, as we see being played out on the world stage today?

The Nature of the Rulers explains so much more about how material things and humanity came to be on Earth than the childish version in today’s modern bibles. The Nature of the Rulers, The Blind Demiurge, was also considered Sacred Scriptures long before the birth of Jesus and for nearly four hundred years after his crucifixion. Jesus was aware of this Sacred Scripture. He never preached against it in recorded accounts in the bible. If it were important to mention, Jesus would have corrected this information. He did not.

“Once Roman government officials and Catholic religious hierarchy live out a carbon copy of The Nature of the Rulers, The Blind Demiurge, they consciously decided to hijack the Christian belief system in 365 at the Council of Nicaea. The faithful who treasured these Sacred Scriptures buried this once well-known knowledge in clay pots in desert caves for posterity. Religious and political officials then placed themselves in charge of religious and political thought, punishable by death to anyone who did not bow down to them. This is the beginning of another cult in the making, seeded by untruths that everyone is a sinner because Eve gave Adam that piece of fruit.

The Nature of the Rulers begins with the nature of the authority spirits. It tells how the leader of these authorities is blind, and acknowledges none other than himself, sinning against the realm of the All. When this blasphemous boast reached Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, he gets corrected by the incorruptibility of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. This is the Roman officials and the Christian religious hierarchy playbook.

“Notice what happens in the New Testament in Colossians 1:15-16. Jesus (Love) is suddenly being named the first Creation of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. Sophia (Wisdom) is being dethroned, evaporated from memory as the First Thought of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

“However, the First Thought of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy was Wisdom, in the grand and glorious “I AM THAT I AM” awareness. This Wisdom is named Sophia. Before Eternal Universal Life Force Energy could Love Itself, it had to Know Itself through Wisdom. Wisdom comes before Love.

“While it is obvious in all relationships that you cannot Love a someone before you know them, political and religious officials could not have a woman, nor the feminine aspect of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy thought to be first, in their comprehension. They threw out every feminine association including all women leaders and ministers who had been ordained by Jesus for nearly 400 years and put them under the thumb of men in all areas of public, political, religious, and private life.

“Don’t forget that New Testament Paul, first educated as a Pharisee, and whose father was a Pharisee, a religious group which was also negatively affected by the Spirits of the fallen angels. Paul wrote most of the New Testament in letters to: 1Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews. There was an agenda to keep.

“History shows that Paul’s father was probably a wealthy master tentmaker,[4] selling to caravans, nomads, and armies all over Asia Minor and Syria, while living in Tarsus.[5] This means that as a boy, Paul would have been trained in a local Jewish synagogue, earning the rights of citizenship via his family’s wealth and religious standing, not available to the poor among them, and certainly not available to the women.

“Pharisees were trained to put women in their place, religiously, politically, socially, and domestically, behind a man, continuously beating the dysfunctional drum of Eve fecklessly[6] affecting Adam into what they erroneously determined to be THE Original Sin. Women were not allowed to worship in the Temple with men and were assigned to the duties of motherhood and homemaking, not even allowing them to speak to a man if they happened to cross the path of a man, like the Samaritan woman at the well.[7]

“Women were assigned to wear coverings on their heads for two reasons; first because of Genesis 6:1 where the fallen angels saw how beautiful they were with the ability to tempt men beyond their own control; and second, was so male political and religious hierarchal structures could retain power, fame, and fortune.

“The reality is that Wisdom (Knowledge/Gnosis) precedes Love (Christ Consciousness), yet both are integral to Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. Once Wisdom was realized, Love manifested Itself in Christ Living Light in the archetypal Adam Kadmon.[8] This is the initial contraction of God’s Infinite Living Light (Big Bang) which manifested in the implosion of Wisdom and Love in myriad other etheric, astral, spiritual, physical, and cosmic Creations. …

“However, on her own, Sophia, who is also known as Pistis Sophia (Faith Wisdom), sinned against Eternal Universal Life Force Energy by creating against the Law of Nature, which was the original plan, intended to include the Love (Christ consciousness) of Adam Kadmon. This first sin, known as the Fall of Sophia[10], is because Sophia, a celestial being, created without her counterpart, Love. Her solitary creation is this blind and ignorant “authority spirit” created in Wisdom, without Love.

“The miscreation of Sophia horrified her, since it did not hold a candle to the brilliance of the Christ Light Being of the Adam Kadmon created by her Almighty Father. This Adam Kadmon is also known as the Primordial Man, the Supreme Man, and sometimes Heavenly Man. Its generation is the template thought to come into being after the contraction of the Infinite Light (the Big Bang) of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

“This Love beyond all measure radiates in the Christ-conscious self-awareness of Itself, just as the self-realization of the Wisdom is an integral part of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, in the Yin/Yang representation. Energetically speaking, Love is known to be the male energy, while Wisdom is known to be the female energy, equal in balance and symmetry. Love and Wisdom operate as One cohesive whole within the omniscient, omnipotent Universal Life Force Energy.

“It is not fair to rate the various interpretations held within all religions concerning Love and Wisdom, one version as better than the other version, because they are all referring to the One Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. Wisdom knows. Wisdom does not blame. Love forgives. Love does not threaten. Love and Wisdom do not compete against Itself. …

My book is published by Blue Fortune Enterprises LLC:, Aster Press

“Light is how Energy travels and creates.

“Back to the Nag Hammadi Sacred Scriptures, Sophia regrets creating a Light Life Being without Love, but not before she casts this snake-like creature with a face of a lion and eyes flashing like lightning bolts down to the Earth. Having pity on this malformed creature struggling to breathe and to stand, Sophia breathes life into her creation and names him Yaldabaoth, a name which means “move over here, young man,” since he was living in the water and unable to stand. The name Yaldabaoth also came to mean “child of chaos” in Aramaic. Yaldabaoth is full of ignorance void of Love.

“Once Yaldabaoth gains some semblance of being, he creates archons, for each of the realms, those heavens or possibly planets, he sees. These archons in turn create human beings. If this is the case, it might explain alien lifeforms unfamiliar to us in other star systems in the cosmos.

“It is worth mentioning that Jesus did not denounce these writings in his teachings, nor did the writers of the Old Testament and New Testament care to make note of this. Or was the biblical exegesis, that is, how the scriptures were understood and written down, in error by combining Eternal Universal Life Force Energy with Yaldabaoth?

“Yaldabaoth is this famous snake-like creature, the same powerful being the first humans meet in the Garden of Eden, according to every bible. Adam and Eve believe him to be their creator, who demands what they can and cannot eat under penalty of hardship, painful childbearing, and death. This is the penalty for making a mistake. Notice the lack of Love which is not present in Yaldabaoth.

“Why did Adam and Eve have such a difficult time simply obeying orders?

“Every human being since the beginning of time must make difficult decisions every day, as a matter of conscience. There always seems to be a good and a bad side to every situation. This paradox is rooted deeply within everyone. But there is a solution.

“Jesus came to Earth to show humanity that not only is every person made of the Wisdom Light of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy within their Soul, but he also taught humanity how to give and receive the Love of the Christ Conscious of the Adam Kadmon, of which every person is made in the image and likeness. Jesus personified this Christ Consciousness.”

To learn more about how ancient history is affecting modern-day culture worldwide, read:

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

[1] Plato’s Atlantis as Told in His Socratic Dialogues (

[2] Plato – Late dialogues | Britannica

[3] New American Bible

[4] The Apostle: A Life of Paul, page 15

[5] Family Background of Saul of Tarsus | Things Paul & Luke (

[6] Feckless Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster

[7] John 4:7-30

[8] Adam Kadmon – Wikipedia

[9] Adam Kadmon – Wikipedia

[10] The Secret Book of John, The Fall of Sophia (9,25-10,19)

[11] How Many God and Goddess are There in Hindu Religion? HindUtsav

For All Who Think They Lost Their Mom ~ Happy Mother’s Day!

“The day my mother died I wrote in my journal, ‘A serious misfortune of my life has arrived.’ I suffered for more than one year after the passing away of my mother. But one night, in the highlands of Vietnam, I was sleeping in the hut in my hermitage. I dreamed of my mother. I saw myself sitting with her, and we were having a wonderful talk. She looked young and beautiful, her hair flowing down. It was so pleasant to sit there and talk to her as if she had never died. When I woke up it was about two in the morning, and I felt very strongly that I had never lost my mother. The impression that my mother was still with me was very clear. I understood then that the idea of having lost my mother was just an idea. It was obvious in that moment that my mother is always alive in me.

“I opened the door and went outside. The entire hillside was bathed in moonlight. It was a hill covered with tea plants, and my hut was set behind the temple halfway up. Walking slowly in the moonlight through the rows of tea plants, I noticed my mother was still with me. She was the moonlight caressing me as she had done so often, very tender, very sweet… wonderful! Each time my feet touched the earth I knew my mother was there with me. I knew this body was not mine but a living continuation of my mother and my father and my grandparents and great-grandparents. Of all my ancestors. Those feet that I saw as ‘my’ feet were actually ‘our’ feet. Together my mother and I were leaving footprints in the damp soil.

“From that moment on, the idea that I had lost my mother no longer existed. All I had to do was look at the palm of my hand, feel the breeze on my face or the earth under my feet to remember that my mother is always with me, available at any time.: ~Thich Nhat Hanh

~Thich Nhat Hanh

“No Death, No Fear: Comforting Wisdom for Life”

art: unknown


Abraham ~ Martin ~ John ~ Bobby and Aeschylus ~ Timeless Message and Music

“We have to make an effort in the United Sates.

“We have to make an effort to understand to get beyond or go beyond these difficult times.

“My favorite poem is by Aeschylus.

“He once wrote, ‘Even in our sleep, pain, which cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart, until our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom, through the awful grace of God.

“What we need in the United States, is not division.

“What we need in the United States is not hatred.

“What we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness,

“But is love, and wisdom, and compassion toward one another.”

Abraham is Abraham Lincoln.

John is John Kennedy.

Martin is Marti Luther King.

Bobby is Robert Kennedy, Jr.



The following is a snippet from the second book in the IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS TRILOGY which is in the works at the present moment. It comes from CHAPTER 13, entitled, “Let There Be Bliss.”


“But it is perhaps desirable to state unequivocally that the teachings, however fragmentary and incomplete, contained in these volumes, belong neither to the Hindu, the Zoroastrian, the Chaldean, nor the Egyptian religion, neither Buddhism, Islam, Judaism nor Christianity exclusively. The Secret Doctrine is the essence of all these.”  THE SECRET DOCTRINE by H. P. Blavatsky



Phanuel is the archangel who is an interpreter of revelations, according to Enoch. Phanuel was one of the four voices Enoch heard praising God. When Enoch asks the angel who is showing him the heavens and who the four voices are, he is told, “And he said to me: ‘This first is Michael, the merciful and long-suffering; and the second, who is set over all diseases and all the wounds of the children of men, is Raphael; and the third, who is set over all the powers, is Gabriel; and the fourth, who is set over repentance and those who hope to inherit eternal life, is named Phanuel.” 1 Enoch 40:9

Some interpretations of the name Phanuel are: Panuel, Paniel, Peniel, Penuel, Fanuel, and Feniel. The name Panuel is interpreted as “God has turned,” yet the name Paniel is interpreted to mean “God is my face.” This angel demonstrates the qualities of repentance given to us by Eternal Universal Life Force Energy experiencing Itself through each one of us.

Phanuel is noted to be one of the four Angels of Presence, an expression used in Isaiah 63:9 where it reads, “In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he saved them; and he bare them, and he carried them all the days of old.”

In 1 Enoch, Enoch prays against evil with the help of Phanuel. This is why Phanuel is also listed as an angel of exorcism since he is heard “expelling Satans” where we read, “And Michael, and Gabriel, and Raphael, and Phanuel shall take hold of them (the hosts of Azazel) on that great day, and thrown them into the burning furnace on that day, that the Lord of Spirits may take vengeance on them for their unrighteousness in becoming servants to Satan and for leading astray those who live on the earth. (b.)

Phanuel is also mentioned in The Shepherd of Hermas as the messenger of repentance.

Phanuel is chosen as the Energetic Entity for the closing chapter of this book, because life did not come with an instruction manual when we were born. Some of us were indoctrinated in one belief system or another. In the course of life, every human being will make mistakes. Not one of us is perfect. We can look to Phanuel to guide our hearts, minds, and voices when we seek forgiveness for the times we chose with our free will to be less than perfect. Forgiveness is liberty. Stubborn pride is the mark of the Fallen Angels.

This will be the second book in this trilogy, subtitled, Nature Spirit Wisdom. The first book is, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, Universal Wisdom, currently available at:



[1] List of Angels – Angelicpedia, and The Book of Enoch, The Angels, The Watchers and The Nephilim by Joseph B. Lumpkin

The Real Story of Jesus

“I came to teach a misguided world to love without conditions, to forgive without exception, to heal what was broken, and to build up peace and freedom for all. That generation of people could not understand how heal themselves or the world at that time. I’ll try again now and hope you listen and comprehend my words.” Jesus the Christ

Jesus eats bread, fish and honey, and explains the Sacred Scriptures AFTER he survived the crucifixion. Spirits and Souls do not eat food.

I invite all readers to consider the following information in the love for humanity with which it is written. Notice when you read something past the indoctrination of belief you were either born into or chose to accept as an adult, there can be the tendency to flare up into a fit of supposedly righteous indignation. It can seem as if others were ignorant of what you know or what you choose to believe as if you were taught everything there is to know on the subject.

Unless you know what Jesus said and taught from his ages 12-30, you have not been told everything that Jesus said and did during that time. Most of humanity boasts of the first 12 years of Jesus childhood and his 3 years of preaching, for a total of 15 years. Jesus preached to the Hebrew people and all who would listen to him. The religious and political powers of his day did not want to hear things other than what they had been indoctrinated into either. There is more for you to know.

Please read the following with patience and humility, understanding that you will possibly read some of the life of Jesus that has not been taught to you. The 18 years of the life of Jesus Christ, from his ages 12-30 are not apocryphal. They are critical for your continued emotional, mental and spiritual development.

Do not fall for popular gimmicks of any bible that does not contain the life of Jesus from his ages 12-30. There is an agenda to keep in dumbing down the sheep-like followers, which is never smart.

At this poignant time in humanly contrived convenient history, know that Jesus Christ survived the crucifixion, despite what the heavily indoctrinated religions throughout the ages have professed. They do not know what they have not allowed themselves to know. They have blocked out the adult years of the very person about whom they say is their foundation. It turns out their foundation is an illusionary rock made of sand. Jesus taught a lot more important information than most religious teachers teach.

Do you want to know what else the adult Jesus said?

The following is from my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM, published by Blue Fortune Enterprises LLC.

“All modern bibles are correcting the word “among” to “within” in Luke 17:20-21, as the Interlinear Bible in Hebrew Greek English agrees. Even older bibles add a footnote on the word “among” sending the reader to the bottom of the page where it explains that it means “within.” Jesus taught humanity that the Light of God, which is the Light of the Kingdom, is within each one of us. That is precisely the answer Jesus gave to the Pharisees who asked him when to expect the Kingdom of God to come.

“This is the very reason why Jesus was crucified, because he taught that the Love (Christ) and the Light (Wisdom) of His Father, who is the Almighty Creator of All Creation was within Him AND within you and me. He dared to preach the truth. He equated Himself with God. THAT is why Jesus Christ is our Savior, to enlighten us to this fact. THAT is what He came to teach us. He never came to die a gory death on the cross for Original Sin, which is the sin of the fallen angels, not the sin of Eve, nor Adam, nor you and me. There is more to this revelation which I will share with you.

“We need to find the courage to resurrect the lost art of empathy, compassion, and genuine love in our current world situation and our everyday lives to be part of the acceleration of the Limitless Living Light transforming present realities into personal and planetary ascension. This Light works in and through humanity via our Light Source within our Adam Kadmon template, which I address in Chapter 5.

“The choice is ours to make. We are not victims of our own thoughts, words, and actions. It is possible to turn the tide of ignorance into knowledge, fear into integrity, and self-sabotage into healing. Every country in the world can benefit from ordinary care of other human beings as well as rejuvenating the entire Earth.

“Jesus never said he came to die on the cross for us. He told us many things that I will explain in this book. We will look at his words, not just the popularized fifteen historical years of the words of Jesus, those famous twelve years of his youth, and his years from ages 30-33. He lived and spoke for eighteen additional years before the crucifixion, as well as more years after his crucifixion. It is time to look at all that Jesus Christ told humanity, not only those words that agree with the different interpretations that have been placed upon his words.

“A Savior, a Messiah had been promised. The mass of humanity was not spiritually mature enough to grasp the new concept so far from their reality, that when Jesus spoke to them in Luke 17:21 that the Kingdom of God was within them, they had no idea what he was talking about, no matter how many parables he used.”

Yes, Jesus was crucified on the cross, just as the Old Testament foretold and the New Testament acknowledges. But the purpose of the arrival of Jesus on Earth was to show us how to live in true freedom, love without conditions, as New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT) classes teach. Check out the right-side bar for NPMDT for School of Esoteric Sciences that I teach. Also check out NPMDT classes in your area worldwide:

“The goal of living in the Limitless Living Light of Love without conditions is true and possible for every single human being on the planet, not only for those who find themselves living in democratic and life-affirming countries and humane political systems. Every human being is born with a God-given Soul, or a Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy for those scientific, medical, technical, and/or metaphysical minds among us.

“Rather than accept the oppression of sin placed upon humanity by religious, political, and social orders, it is more healing to recognize that we learn valuable life lessons by our faults and mistakes, as well as by our successes and achievements.

“We human beings learn life lessons for our own good, the good of our families, the good of society, and the good of the world. If there ever was a time for the rebirth of these noble traits in the history of humanity, the time is now. Otherwise, we will fare no better than many other cultures that were brought to the end of their once thriving civilizations. History has an energetic and magnetic habit of repeating itself.

“Jesus Christ did say what would happen to him, telling his apostles that he would suffer and what to expect. But his crucifixion on the cross is not the reason he came. He is the Savior because he saved us all from humanly contrived and manipulated concepts hidden from us since the time of the fallen angels raping women, thereby begetting their Nephilim children, whose Souls never die, nor can they return to Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

“Can you guess where they still are?

“While all bibles tell of this human history in Genesis 6, somehow the raping of women became the Original Sin conveniently attributed to Eve by the myth of her not obeying what God told Adam. More in-depth details in this book show beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Original Sin is that of the fallen angels, so conveniently placed upon a single woman, and erroneously transmitted to all unsuspecting and gullible people.

“Today’s bibles are so heavily redacted; it is no wonder that humanity has a skewed view of accurate bible history. It is as if you were the jury in an important trial attempting to make a judgment after only being given transcripts with the most important information blacked out. …

“The flood wiped out the physical bodies of the fallen angels and their Nephilim children, but their Spirits still walk among us today when we welcome them in through our conscious decisions to lie, cheat, steal, murder, and kill. We also have the ability not to go along with their sinister suggestions. We can choose good over evil, or evil over good any time we want to. That is what free will is about.

“Egotistical and haughty Spirts of the Nephilim can still work through human beings who go along with unholy agendas, when allowed by weak human minds to agree with unprincipled, unconscionable, and horrific concepts and realities we see playing out on the world’s stage even today. This is explained in greater detail in Chapter 5.

“This book is entitled IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS because that is exactly how we were created since the beginning of human beings on Earth, with tendencies to both good and evil. There is a reason this is mentioned in today’s bibles in the very first book.

“Why do you think there are two Creation stories, the first of which says, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…” Genesis 1:26?

“This information was well-known throughout pre- and ancient history until the fourth century, before men, not God, hid this knowledge from us. I will share the writings that demonstrate this information.

“I encourage you to keep reading, especially if this goes against your current belief system. Knowledge is power. It is too easy to ridicule that which we have not only not read, but also not researched. There is more to this than first reaches the otherwise educated mind. …”

Did you know, for example, that all the foods given to Jesus AFTER the crucifixion when Thomas got to touch the wounds in Jesus’ hands, had extremely healing properties? …

“Consider Luke 24:39 and Luke 24:42, 43. Here Jesus is showing his wounds from the nails in his hands, and how they recognize him as he eats broiled fish and a piece of honeycomb with them after the crucifixion. He is with them physically, literally, not as a spiritual illusion or other manifestation. …

“Notice what Jesus ate after the crucifixion,[1] “When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. But while they still did not believe for joy, and marveled, he said to them, “Have you any food here?” So, they gave him a piece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb. And he took it and ate in their presence.” Luke 24:40-43

“Spirits do not eat food.

“I do not believe this was a mistake, nor matter of chance that the food Jesus was given held immense healing benefits for his recovery from crucifixion. Other people previously survived crucifixion.

“I have always used food as medicine, just as I, my mother, and grandmother did throughout our lives. First, I investigated the medicinal benefits of honey.[2]

“Honey has high levels of monosaccharides, fructose, and glucose. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties often used in chronic wound management and combatting infection. Honey promotes wound healing, heart health, and healthy blood sugar levels. All of these would benefit Jesus’ wounds after the crucifixion.

“There are many references to the history of honey dating back to 2100 BCE[3] and several are mentioned in the Old Testament and New Testament:

“Proverbs 16:24, “Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” King James Version

“1 Samuel 14:24-30, “Now the Israelites were in distress that day, because Saul had bound the people under an oath, saying, “Cursed be anyone who eats food before evening comes, before I have avenged myself on my enemies!” So none of the troops tasted food. The entire army entered the woods, and there was honey on the ground. When they went into the woods, they saw the honey oozing out; yet no one put his hand to his mouth, because they feared the oath. But Jonathan had not heard that his father had bound the people with the oath, so he reached out the end of the staff that was in his hand and dipped it into the honeycomb. He raised his hand to his mouth, and his eyes brightened. Then one of the soldiers told him, “Your father bound the army under a strict oath, saying, ‘Cursed be anyone who eats food today!’ That is why the men are faint.” Jonathan said, “My father has made trouble for the country. See how my eyes brightened when I tasted a little of this honey. How much better it would have been if the men had eaten today some of the plunder they took from their enemies. Would not the slaughter of the Philistines have been even greater?”

“Deuteronomy 32:13, “He made him ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat the increase of the fields; and he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock;”

“2 Samuel 17:27-29, “When David came to Mahanaim, Shobi son of Nahash from Rabbah of the Ammonites, and Makir son of Ammiel from Lo Debar, and Barzillai the Gileadite from Rogelim brought bedding and bowls and articles of pottery. They also brought wheat and barley, flour and roasted grain, beans and lentils, honey and curds, sheep, and cheese from cows’ milk for David and his people to eat. For they said, “The people have become exhausted and hungry and thirsty in the wilderness.”

“Psalm 81:16, “But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.”

“Ezekiel 16:13, “So you were adorned with gold and silver; your clothes were of fine linen and costly fabric and embroidered cloth. Your food was honey, olive oil and the finest flour. You became very beautiful and rose to be a queen.”

“Matthew 3:4; and Mark 1;6, “John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey.”

“There are eleven evidence-based health benefit of eating fish:[4]

  1. High in important nutrients
  2. May lower your risk of heart attacks and strokes due to Omega fatty 3 acids
  3. Contain nutrients that are crucial during development
  4. May boost brain health
  5. May help prevent and treat depression
  6. A good dietary sources of vitamin D – functions like a steroid
  7. May reduce your risk of autoimmune diseases
  8. May help prevent asthma in children
  9. May protect your vision in old age
  10. May improve sleep quality
  11. Delicious and easy to prepare

“Fish also has Vitamin B12, crucial for the growth of healthy red blood cells which Jesus needed to recover from his near-death experience.

“It is also important to note that the gifts of Frankincense, Myrrh, and Gold presented to Jesus by the Magi, was a foreshadowing of his path. Frankincense is an antiseptic aiding digestion, coughs, and cold. Myrrh is an antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, helping to repair the immune system and reduce fevers. Both Frankincense and Myrrh would be beneficial for healing after a crucifixion. Gold has always been a treasured mineral which would have been necessary for the purchase of travel and goods on his travels to the east post-crucifixion.

“The Hyssop stalk soaked in wine was what Jesus had put to his lips when he said, “I am thirsty,” recorded in John 18:9:28. Hyssop is a holy herb that was used to sprinkled on lepers. It is commonly used in tea for coughs, decongestant, shortness of breath. It is also used to treat bruises, cuts, and wounds.

“Might it have been for purposes of compassion rather than merely mockingly giving Jesus a bitter drink at such a distressful time on the cross?”

This is a huge subject, how Jesus the Christ survived the crucifixion. I know, this can pull the proverbial religious rug out from under your indoctrinated mind.

Unless you have no knowledge or opinion of Jesus and the crucifixion, please know that you are indoctrinated, usually under man-made threats to your God-given Soul. You are a Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. You exist beyond your physical body.

I am a bridge from indoctrination of oppression to freedom to be, think, and do as you are incarnated to be. Your Spirit and Soul were never meant to be under any group think tank agenda, religious, political, social, or otherwise. Your Soul is God-given. Your Spirit/Soul is birthed by your Silver Cord of Life spoken about in Ecclesiastes 12:6-7.

Unless the people you may place yourself under have studied all the life of Jesus the Christ, not just his famous 15 years in the New Testament, you only know a fragment of what Jesus said and did.

If you are interested in learning more, here is the link to, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM:

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

[1] Why did Jesus eat fish after His resurrection? (

[2] Honey: Benefits, uses, and properties (

[3] The Evolution and History of Beekeeping – Powerblanket Honey Warming Solutions

[4] 11 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Eating Fish (

METAPHYSICAL ANATOMY ~ Your Complete Energy System

The perfect Savior said, ‘The Child, the Son of Humanity, came together with his companion Sophia and disclosed a bright androgynous light. The male name of the light is Savior, the one who conceives all, and the female name is all-conceiving Sophia. Some call her Pistis, Faith. All who come into the world, like a droplet from the light, are sent by him into the world of the ruler of the universe, to be guarded by him. The fetter of his forgetfulness has kept the light bound, by the will of Sophia, so that the reality of the circumstance might be [revealed] through the light to the whole impoverished world, on account of the arrogance and blindness of the ruler of the universe and the name of ignorance he was given.’” The Wisdom of Jesus Christ, The Savior, Pistis Sophia, And Other Powers Appear, 106,9-107


Now is the time to unbind the Light WITHIN you. This Light is an intricate and vital part of your entire being, more vital than every beat of your heart. It does not come from outside of you, from some human guru or popular think tank. The Light animates your human existence. You are the Light in your corner of the world, in yourself, and in your home, work, school, committee, government, entertainment, social circle, and every other place you find yourself. There is no limit to you and the gift that you are to humanity. You are a droplet of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, right where you are. You radiate, just like your contactless credit card holding valuable personal information about you, which can be read by any other person walking by you with a device able to read and steal your information.

Dare I delve deep into the writings of James Churchward,[1] a British occult, writer, inventor, and engineer, who researched two sets of ancient tablets, the Naacal tablets which he discovered in India many years ago, and a large collection of recently discovered stone tablets well over two thousand, five hundred years old recently found in Mexico. He discovered both sets of stone tablets originated from the Sacred Inspired Writings of Mu (Lemuria).

According to The Lost Continent of Mu, Churchward, who spent more than fifty years investigating these findings, the Naacal tablets left Burma more than fifteen thousand years ago. The writings on both sets of ancient stone tablets are indicative of the alphabet of Mu.

Churchward’s discoveries point to the Alpha of Creation, the Garden of Eden, not in Asia, but on the lost continent of Mu. He also noted that the people of Mu grew to over sixty-four million inhabitants who appear to have had a more superior civilization some fifty thousand years ago. His research included written documents, prehistoric ruins, and geological phenomena from which he credits all other civilizations to have drawn greater concepts of life.

“Had the atheist given as careful study to forces as he did to elements, constantly working back and back, following one force to another, eventually he would have come to the origin of movement. It would then have been disclosed to him that he himself contained a force other than physical, and that that force was a living soul. With this knowledge he would realize what he is: not the poor brute beast he is trying to make himself out to be, but one who has within himself an actual part of the Supreme, and is a son of God – just as the leaf is part of the tree itself,” said Churchward.

“It is preordained that all chemical elementary compounds must eventually decompose, separate, return to original form, and go back whence they came. The elements having released the soul from its bondage, the soul – being governed by the same Divine Law as the elements – must also return whence it came. Coming from “The Great Source” the glorious triumphant end of man’s soul be – its return to God,” wrote Churchward at the conclusion of this book.

You are aware of the obvious physical part of you. Now tap into your etheric, emotional, mental, astral, causal, etheric template, celestial self.

Do you know what that is?

Your Soul Being, your animation, does not end with the outer layer of your skin. You might understand this better if you do not associate your Soul Being with something that is divine, requiring faith, which you may or may not have. You may be able to comprehend this intangible part of you better if you realize the Universal Laws of Nature, the Laws of Thermodynamics, which state that Energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, only changed. You are the energetic charge, a Spark of this same Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

Your Eternal Universal Life Force Energy extends far beyond you. You can influence others and others can influence you. Specifically, there are seven major expansive layers beyond your 3-D (third dimensional) physical self, which are invisible to the naked eye. These layers are also part of your electromagnetic DNA energy which does not end at the level of your skin. It extends out into your aura, the pulse of the Soul, your Spark of the I AM Presence. There are no barriers within these layers from one part of you to another part of you. You are born fully integrated. Babies may not have adult language to express their mind, body, spirit discomfort, but you will know the moment one of these aspects of their selves is out of whack.

These unseen Eternal Universal Life Force Energies penetrate and enliven the physical body, mind, and spirit, creating connections, including thoughts, words, and actions. This allows you to know and understand concepts and information you may have not learned in this lifetime. You have many dimensions to yourself. These dimensions are affected by how you think. Human belief systems can clog otherwise healthy energy flows, stifling and closing them completely, causing physical maladies if not cleansed in some cases, requiring an energy session with a competent energy worker to get back into homeostasis.

[1] James Churchward – Wikipedia

This post is from my copyrighted book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM. It is available at:

It is also available anywhere books are sold. The link above is the sale price.


Points to Ponder ~ Contributed by Author and Award-Winning Columnist John T. Hourihan, Jr.

This picture is of John, when we were living in Hawaii.

The following is written by John T. Hourihan, Jr.:

“So, here’s what I have found.

“Science says energy always was, always will be, since it cannot be created nor destroyed. Religion says God always was always will be.

“Since there is currently thought, there had to have been a first thought.

“Energy became aware of itself as in the “I am that I am,” and the “I think therefore I am” statements. Becoming aware of itself is wisdom. Once it had its first thought, it most likely felt a self-satisfaction at being alive, and that became the feeling we now call love.

“Ancient religions personified that to be the God of all, (energy) Sophia (wisdom) and Christ (love).

“That is what religion is, the personification of science.

“Matter is energy at a slower vibration. As a direct result of E=MC2, energy, science has recently found, can create matter.

“So, that God (energy) created everything (matter) is correct.

“But ancient scriptures say that Sophia (wisdom) created life on Earth without Christ (love). That is totally understandable, now. But it wasn’t understandable many tens of thousands of years ago.

“It was said then that Sophia called her creation (Yaldabaoth) from the water and taught him to stand up on land, but her creation was not yet truly alive.

“With the addition of love, it would become a whole living human.

“It (Yaldabaoth) created three offspring, who created multiple entities, that would in turn create humans. So, to say God created us is actually true in a roundabout way, but the original “God” that created the universes was not the direct creator of humankind.

“The new humans were driven by the basic instincts of self-preservation, propagation of the species, and preservation of the species.

“The last is love or empathy.

“What would the world look like if we lost that last part, if we only thought about ourselves? Try to remember, it was also said early in civilization that, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” (Genesis 6:3)

“It appears we have lost what makes us human beings. That is empathy.

“Why should I care about others? I work hard and take care of myself. They can do the same thing.” Or “send those damn illegal immigrants back where they came from. This is our piece of the Earth.”

“These statements, and others like them, are the personification of having lost the love and empathy Christ gave us, to make us whole.

“Are we losing our humanity?

“Have we already lost it?” John asks.

John writes with humor, reality, and deep insight. The Baltimore Catechism series begins with John as a six-year-old attempting to go by all the rules set by the church he knew which is a paradox to the reality he sees. Each book in this series continues as his experiences do.

John’s books are available anywhere books are sold:

The picture on the cover is the actual St. Mary’s Grammer School in Milford where John attended.

These next two books are in a second publication with a new publisher and are under contract with Blue Fortune Enterprises LLC:

BEYOND THE FENCE, subtitled, Converging Memoirs, was written together with John’s daughter, Amanda Eppley:

It is interesting to note that before the following book was published, major league baseball was not using the shift in the field, based on the batter’s hitting stats. This book is a helpful aid for all baseball coaches for all ages of players.

There are also two books currently only available on Kindle:

John and I continue learning new information every day. Realize when information is banned and censored, or book banning is thought to be good for humanity, you are in a cult-like group.

For example, the New Testament only sheds light on the first 12 years of the life of Jesus in his childhood and his years from 30-33, for a total of 15 years. Wouldn’t you like to know what Jesus said and did in his other 18 years, from his ages 12-30?

Who would want you to not know this?

John and I share our wealth of knowledge and experiences in our books. My books are listed on the right side of this blog.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

You Are Not Born a Horrible Sinner Needing to Repent Forever

All human beings were born with the manifestation of the LIGHT of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy animating each one of us, regardless of creed, gender, nationality, race, color, age, eye color, opinion, indoctrination or any other difference humanity can contrive. Over the eons of time our DNA got messed with. It is that process and the result of their manipulation, that humanity was “dumbed down” so to speak and said to have “sinned.” That was not humanity’s fault.

How many times have you heard that you were born a sinner, requiring you to make a lifetime of amends, or join the “right” religion, or be “born again” to save your Soul?

This is what they have missed.

Every religion has their version. Sci-fi has their aliens. Books and movies have their villains. But they all look back upon that which was hidden from humanity until it was unearthed in the findings of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Books of Enoch, and the once well-known knowledge of the Nag Hammadi Scriptures in 1945.

Ancient occult knowledge knew what I am talking about. Modern science knows all about the Laws of Thermodynamics which state that energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, only changed. What is that but Eternal Universal Life Force Energy from which every human being in every stage of existence comes from?

Then the gauntlet was laid down by fear mongers at the top of religion combined with politics in 364-367 AD, in the unholy union of church and state with the Roman Empire in cahoots with the not so holy Roman Catholic Church.

Like in other belief systems in human pre-history that decried, “Believe like me or die,” fear was the tool used then, just as it was used in the Crusades, paving the thought process down to current times with various religions spreading fear and destruction as their operating system.

Yet, humanity is filled with the attributes, resilience and a thirst for truth. We are to keep searching for wisdom until we find. Our questions will persist until we do. We are not meant to be put under anyone’s finite thumb of miniscule, regurgitated knowledge. There is more for you to know.

This is only the tip of the iceberg I discovered when I searched for the answers not found in “approved” literature, especially Old and New Testament writings. They are all based upon adulterated information, while calling the reality of what happened to humanity “apocryphal,” which means secret knowledge, not anti-Christ, nor anti-Jesus.

The New Testament boasts of the first 12 childhood years of the life of Jesus, and his last 3 adult years, for a total of 15 years. However, there is another 18 adult years of Jesus where he preached and taught. Wouldn’t you like to know what the adult Jesus said? These words of the Savior of the world are not apocryphal.

All of this is explained in my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM.

There is a 10% discount from the distributor of my book on the link above, although it is available anywhere books are sold.

Even Jesus himself expounds on this in Luke 17:20-21, if you allow yourself to read today’s bible where is tells humanity that the “Kingdom of God,” which is this LIGHT of God, is WITHIN us, at the time when those usurping people’s personal power, fame and fortune for themselves, altered bibles to say what they wanted it to say.

Even the Hebrew, Greek, English Interlinear Bible is putting the word “within” back in bibles which had changed the original word “within” to “among” changing the meaning. Jesus actually meant what he said when the Pharisees asked when the “Kingdom of God” would come. This “Kingdom” is the LIGHT of God that animates your Soul. Look at the footnote in any bible after the word “among,” if that is what your bible says, and you will see that the footnote says the original word was “within.”

You are a priceless treasure, because the Spirit of God lives in you, as 1 Corinthians 3:16 says. This is not based on any belief system.

Just know there is more for you to know.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Choose Light ~ Love ~ Peace

Life is what you make it. Make it beautiful.

Free will is a beautiful gift. You make choices everyday based on your free will, which is pure gift for you and others.

You are Light.

You are Love.

You are solutions to life’s problems.

“You are not only good yourself, but the cause of goodness in others.” Socrates

Conscience is an integral part of your DNA. It is your free will.

You reap the seeds you sow sooner or later.

Tap into your inner core.

There is a Light within you, but first you have to recognize it and turn it on.

It is not enough to know there is a Light within you yet ignore it.

The Light is not outside of you, someone else’s belief system, or anything outside of your mind, body, and spirit.

Your Light is the Life of your Soul. It belongs to no one else.

This Light is your animating force, your Chi, your Soul connection to everything inside and outside of yourself that resonates with Eternal Universal Life Force Energy.

To learn more about this Light within you, check out:


If You Think You Are Too Small to Make a Difference, You Haven’t Spent a Night with a Mosquito

This African Proverb is an undoubted, self-evident truth.

You matter.

You are made of Light, by Light, and for Light, your ultimate ascension.

Love is Light.

Hope is Light.

Peace is Light.

Joy is Light.

Forgiveness is Light.

Wisdom is Light.

Knowledge is Light.

This means that you are the Light of Love, Hope, Peace, Joy, Forgiveness, Wisdom, and Knowledge.

The world is better because you are in it, sharing your Light in the dark places in the world, wherever you are, so that you can join the multitude of Lightworkers all over the world to make the one planet we all call home a better place to live.

Thank you for being you.


What You Seek is Already Within You

Sometimes you are on the hunt for more joy, peace, self-esteem, and wisdom, like Siddartha Gautama in the fictional story by Hermann Hesse seeking enlightenment. What did Siddhartha discover?

This story shows Siddhartha was considered to be a Brahman’s son, or that of a powerful king or great spiritual leader, * searching for the meaning of life. Siddhartha’s father shielded him from all negative aspects of life until the day Siddhartha leaves his protective home and sees the miseries of life firsthand.


He learns that wisdom cannot be taught. Knowledge can be taught, but wisdom taught to the unwise sounds like folly. This is why those around you lacking wisdom are so quick to scream, “Heresy!” when they hear wisdom coming from your lips. They are vibrating at such a low energetic frequency that due to either ignorance or indoctrination, it is not possible for them to understand until they cut their own man-made ties to fear.

Fear is the stumbling block to not only knowledge, but also wisdom. If the cup of others around you is already full, nothing more will be able to be poured into their human earthen vessel. They might know or feel that something is missing, but if does not match what they have previously been told, words of wisdom cannot resonate in them. Wisdom slides off of them and their aura like water slides off the back of a duck.

Siddhartha tells his good friend, Govinda, “I have had thoughts, yes, and insights, ever and always. Sometimes, for an hour or for a day, I have felt knowledge within me, just as one feels like within his heart. There were many thoughts, but it would be difficult for me to convey them. You see, my Govinda, here is one of the thoughts I have found. Wisdom cannot be conveyed. The wisdom of sage attempts to convey always sounds like folly.”

Siddhartha says, “I am not the Buddha. Nor am I a saint. I am just a man who has been blessed with understanding of life.”

This quote emphasizes Siddhartha’s humility and his belief that he is not a religious figure, but rather a person who has gained wisdom through his own experiences.

The same is true of you, if you have transmuted ties of fear in your life. People teach to cut ties to fear. Never do that. Instead, transmute the fear inside you into knowledge and increase your thirst for knowledge, the fertile ground for the seeds of wisdom to grow.

Jesus agreed with Siddhartha. Jesus was also aware of Buddhism from all his travels in India in his ages 12-30. In Luke 17:20-21, Jesus tells us that the “Light,” that “Kingdom of God, dwells within us.

New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation classes I teach begin in April 2024 and are listed here:

My latest book: IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitles, UNIVERSAL WODSOM, can also help you transform and transmute negative beliefs into positive energy, clearing the way for you to bloom where you are planted.

Click on the link below to get this book:

The world needs your positive and healing influence wherever you are.


Jesus Was Born in September When the Flocks of Sheep and Shepherds Were Still in the Fields at Night ~ December 25 is the Feast Day of Pagan god Mithra

Sepphoris are shorter Palm trees native to Bethlehem at the time Jesus was born. Sepphoris is also the ancient Greek name of the town which has the Hebrew name of Tzipori. Hist0ry shows the Magi visited Jesus, Mary, and Joseph when he was 2 years old in Bethlehem, which is why Herod sent the order out for his henchmen to kill all baby boys ages 2 years and under. They were not part of this popular Christmas scene. I teach about this accurate history in my new book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM.

No one knows the real birthday of Jesus. But one thing is for sure. It is not on December 25. Several facts point to the actual birth of Jesus taking place in September. Humanity glosses over a lot of facts when it wants to believe something that is not true, but popular especially if it is based on tradition.

Let us look at the facts. At the time of the birth of Jesus, when that big new star was shining in the night sky, shepherds were out in the fields, watching their flocks by night. Shepherds were able to keep their flocks of sheep out in the fields day and night during the summer and into the early autumn months, until the rainy season began. They went by the Jewish months in the Torah. The rainy season was called Heshvan, in what is now autumn. When the winter months arrived, it was too cold with frost and snow to keep the sheep out in the fields. Shepherds were not out in the fields during the winter.

Remember that the reason for Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem, as this bible story is told, was to register for the census. It was the first registration of people of the earth of its kind. Caesar Augustus sent out a decree for all the inhabited earth to be registered. Even the Syrian Governor Quirinius was interested in the outcome. Everyone belonging to the house of David had to register in Bethlehem. This census would not have taken place in the winter when the roads would have been treacherous with ice and snow. However, other than the bible, history does not have a record of such a census.

So why was the celebration of the birth of Jesus put on December 25?

The decision to put the birth of Jesus on December 25, the Iranian god Mithra’s (their sun god’s) birthday, was to Christianize it, if there is such a thing.

The original December 25 celebration was established by none other than Nimrod of Babylonian fame. Nimrod and his wife, Ishtar, pronounced “Easter”, who self-dubbed herself as “Semiramis, Night Goddess of the Moon,” began the ungodly celebrations. They also created popular new customs that became instantly popular, like cutting down evergreen trees and decorating them with silver and gold ornaments, putting up wreaths and mistletoe, and Yule logs.

Sound familiar?

At the time of the birth of Jesus, approximately 6-4 BCE, people did not want to give up these popular customs, except for the child-sacrificing part. By this time, they also included celebrating the god of sowing and harvest, Saturn, which was celebrated on December 17 (in today’s calendar). This is the famous Saturnalia festival. Nimrod expanded the celebrating time between December 17-25 as a time of unbridled revelry, anything goes, wild parties, drunken orgies, decadent food, and, of course, his fear-based sacrificing their first-born children to the fire so they, the parent, would reach enlightenment. It was also a power-play of fear to obey Nimrod. If they did not sacrifice their first-born child, they were made to “walk through the fire” themselves.

What kind of “god” would require this horrible tradition?

When the Roman government wanted to rule over the entire world, it was decided to put the celebration of the birth of Jesus on Mithra’s feast day, December 25, as a way to entice new Christians to switch over to belief in Jesus, instead of celebrating Mithra as the “Sun god.” They thought they could trade the “Sun god,” for the “Son of God.” However, all of the customs and traditions that celebrate the false, man-made god Mithra (man-made by Nimrod and Ishtar), remain to this day, like Easter, the famous “Ishtar” celebration with “Easter,” as in “Ishtar” eggs and celebrations in the spring.

All of the other religious holiday traditions likewise replaced secular feast days and celebrations, like the Spring and Fall Equinoxes and the Summer and Winter Solstice celebrations.

Many Christians today are taking a closer look at Christmas as the “reason” to celebrate the birth of Jesus. If Christians truly believe that Jesus is the “reason for the season,” then we ought to be celebrating the birth of Jesus when he was actually born, in September, not on a false, pagan god holiday, complete with all of the false God’s customs and traditions, on December 25.

This Babe, Jesus, came to shine the Light of God and to inform humanity that the Light of God also is within everyone who adopts his profound example of peace, forgiveness, and genuine love. This is the Christ Eternal Universal Life Force Energy he came to share. It invokes a metanoia of the heart, from the seed of Nimrod inclination (a seedling remnant of Nephilim genealogy) to the Christ Energy illumination which this New-Born Babe later taught in his life’s example.

Was the world ready to hear this?

The words of Jesus were conveniently changed to “among you” for a few centuries, changing the meaning of the words of Jesus, but all bibles are currently correcting this error, in Luke 17:20-21.

Have you ever asked yourself why there are so many Roman Catholic Churches in every city and state in the world?

As mentioned earlier, the Roman government wanted to rule the world. The bishops at the Council of Laodicea had to get their changes also approved by the Roman Emperor. It was not merely a religious consideration. Today we would call this the union of church and state. My book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS goes into detail about exactly how this happened.

There is much that has been misunderstood about the life of Jesus, including what has been neatly omitted from modern bibles, which does appear in the hidden scriptures found at Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Books of Enoch hold such pearls from which even Jesus has quoted.

Some groups wanted to preserve those poignant words of Jesus, like the Cathars. Hiding these words of enlightenment would preserve them until the time came for them to be understood by humanity.

Other groups in power did not want the empowering words of Jesus to continue to spread. It is understandable why certain religious and political groups wanted to suppress the words of Jesus from his ages 12 to 30. This is one of the reasons for the Crusades, which paint the extreme measures religious and political leaders went to silence those who believed all the words of Jesus.

There is so much more for us to know than the convenient stories that have repeated on an infinity loop since what has been taught since sixth grade. This is exactly why I wrote my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS. This is the first book in this trilogy.

Read this book if you want to learn more about accurate history found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, 52 mostly Gnostic treatises, 3 works belonging to Corpus Hermeticum, and a partial translation of Plato’s Republic. It was discovered that these codices may have once belonged to a nearby Pachomian monastery.

Religious censorship prohibited humanity from learning empowering knowledge that would have advanced historical knowledge for nearly 2,000 years. Since 367 AD Athanasius preferred humanity only know the first 12 years of the life of Jesus and his last 3 years, for a total of 15 years, while burying the other 18 years of the life of Jesus.

It is unconscionable that humanity has been kept in the constrictive bounds of grammar school knowledge concerning the life of Jesus. I wrote IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS so humanity can finally learn all that Jesus taught, not only the sanitized and manipulating version that places the flocks of religions and political groups under the controlling thumb of oppression, fear, obligation, guilt, and threats to their immortal Spirits/Souls.

It is time to come out of Plato’s allegorical cave of ignorance. Give yourself a special Christmas present and learn all that Jesus Christ came to teach you. It is all explained in my new book, available at:

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

You Are a Microcosm of the Macrocosm of the Greater Universes

What do you think it means in Genesis 1:26 where it pointedly says, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness… ?”

The following is an excerpt from my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM.

“As time went by, and I allowed new information in my understanding past the theology I learned when I was seven years old, which is a tremendous roadblock to anyone gaining increased knowledge when we think we know all there is to know, or revolt when new information proves their old paradigm to be false. Please know that there is more to know.

“You are a microcosm of the macrocosm of the greater universes. You, individually and collectively, experience a biophysical, geophysical, and astrophysical reality within our DNA. The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch[1] explains the biochemical genetics and luminescence that takes place in our chromosomes and brains, as example.

“Light is the way Eternal Universal Life Force Energy travels throughout the universes, galaxies, planets, stars, and continuing not only down to our physical bodies, but to our thoughts, feelings, and emotions as well.

“‘Light dawns on Marblehead’ is an expression used to describe the moment when it seems as if a lightbulb finally went on in your head. For example, ‘Ohhhh, now I get it …’ or ‘Duh!’ It is as if, until that moment, our heads were made as thick and heavy as marble. Nothing penetrates it until this ‘lightbulb’ turns on.

“Of course, if we never consciously flip the switch on, as in wanting to know more, we stay in the dark. This is how the generation of ignorance continues to exist and multiply amid the wealth of incredible knowledge, with some of humanity beating their breasts like Tarzan, and picking up clubs, swords, and implements of warfare with the same mentality as the waring fallen angels in Revelation 12:9. Have you ever wondered why such human and earthly cruelty still takes place today?

“This expression, “Light dawns on Marblehead,” comes from an eastern shore town in Massachusetts comparing when the sunrises to our sudden understanding of something.

“Light consciousness makes dreams come true, inspires new inventions, and solves complicated problems. Perhaps we have studied for years, or suddenly we understand something in a flash. Relationships are like this. If we only knew something ahead of time, we would have made other decisions. Yet, this is all part of the learning process, discovering something new, and applying new knowledge. Light is the energizing force that brings Life to all sacred geometry, including you. The most wonderful thing is that Eternal Universal Life Force is available to you the moment you call on it, in your plans, in your health, and in your life in general. This Light of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy is within you.

“There are sacred geometries that make up everything in the cosmos, including your body. Put a drop of blood or a flake of skin tissue under a microscope and you will discover triangular, square, hexagonal, and other shapes in your biology. Triangles and pyramids are everywhere in the universe, even recently found on Mars. There is a reason for this.

“Shapes have power. They are the building blocks of life. There is an energetic force, a strength to the triangle, and the square which the Masons discovered in building structures, just as we take vitamins and minerals known to be the building blocks of the physical human body. This force is in physical things and inanimate things. It is also in the physical and spiritual template of a human being, in the seen and the unseen. We are physical replicas of the spiritual Adam Kadmon, the first template of physical human. But there is more to our biology than the assembly of shapes and parts. The wonder of wonders is that we can generate Souls in the birth of our children.”

This is an excerpt from IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM, published November 3, 2023 by Blue Fortune Enterprises, LLC. There is currently at 10% discount for this book at

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

[1] The Book of Enoch: The Keys of Enoch by JJ Hurtak

Save 10% ~ Purchase IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS Direct from IngramSpark ~ Arrives in Time for Christmas

If you want to give your friends or yourself a timely gift for Christmas, I suggest this book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM. Feedback from those reading it have told me they could not put it down.

Anyone who is interested in the life of Jesus and the power that filled him would benefit from reading about all of his life. The New Testament tells of the first twelve years of Jesus, and his last three years for a total of fifteen years. This book fills in the missing years, for another eighteen years.

How would you like to be known only for your first twelve years of life, and then only from your years of thirty to thirty-three?

That would hardly be fair.

Jesus also taught about the Light within you, your personal power battery pack. Jesus empowered so many. He taught others to heal. Jesus never said they were not worthy.

The Light, wisdom, and healing which Jesus taught to his followers was so empowering to ordinary people that the religious and political authorities of the time decided to quiet his voice, as if silencing his words would put an end to his enlightening work for all humanity worldwide.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

This book measures 6 X 9 inches and is 184 pages, ISBN : 9781961548015.

I hope you, your family, friends and co-workers enjoy it at this festive time of year.


I WILL BE HERE TODAY SPEAKING and SELLING BOOKS and MEDITATION CDs ~ $1 from each sale of IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, UNIVERSAL WISDOM at Women In Business/Sturbridge November 8 Meeting will Benefit The Polaris Project Helping to Stop Human Trafficking

Castle Cantina, 1230 Main Street, Leicester, MA

With each purchase of my new book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM, sold at the Women In Business/Sturbridge (WIB) meeting on November 8 at Castle Cantina in Leicester, MA from noon to 2 p.m., I will donate $1.00 from each sale to the Polaris Project which helps to stop human trafficking of men, women, and children:

I will also be giving away one copy of this new book to one lucky recipient attending this meeting.

I have 24 books of IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, $14.99 plus tax for sale. All my books are available anywhere books are sold.

I am the guest speaker today at this meeting about manifesting success by using your unique energy system, tapping into the message of IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, UNIVERSAL WISDOM. Who are you? What are your dreams? I will also share my experience with the Price Is Right Show and my interaction with Bob Barker.

This book is the first of the trilogy, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS. The second book will be subtitled, NATURE SPIRIT WISDOM, relating to the Eternal Universal Life Force Energy within the Angelic, Mineral, Plant, and Animal Kingdoms. The third book will be subtitled, SURVIVAL WISDOM – MY RED BAG OF COURAGE – STANDING UP TO ABUSE, guiding others to safety using self-empowerment and personal freedom so you can recover too.

I also have 5 books of MYSTERY OF THE STURBRIDGE KEYS, subtitled, Christmas Unlocked for sale, $13.99 plus tax. It is about how Christmas came to be through history and pre-history. Brie is the 13-year-old protagonist in this time travel book. Also, each of the exhibits at Old Sturbridge Village is fictionally explored, beginning with the Christmas By Candlelight yearly celebration open to the public.

There are 16 copies of THE VIRTUE OF VIRTUES at $10.99 plus tax. This is a seven-lesson morality textbook geared to sixth grade students. This course has been taught in the Worcester Diocese at Sacred Heart Church in Hopedale. This is a great book for parents to help their sixth-grade children in understanding how to make moral decisions in a complicated, multi-messaged world. Each chapter is based on the reporter’s questions: who, what, why, when, where, and how.

Each of these questions relates to an introduction to the topic, dictionary, space for personal notes, (WHAT?) is a real-life situation, (WHY?) asks questions and lines for their answers, (HOW?) is a related activity, (WHEN?) is an Old Testament story, (WHO?) invites them to understand their role in moral situations, (WHERE?) asks them about situations they can practice these virtues, followed by many suggested follow up activities in which they can participate.

Meditation CDs will also be available from the 2010 Celestial Retreat I gave on this same topic in Connecticut, for $10 each plus tax. I will be having a Veteran’s Day Sale in honor of my husband, John Hourihan, who is 100% disabled from a service-connected disability from three tours of duty in Vietnam. While there John also received the Cross of Gallantry for valor in the face of the enemy. These same CDs sold for $15.95 and are being reduced for this WIB meeting.

The phone number is old and not working as my business has closed. The same goes for the closed website listed. I have 3 Awakening The Mind CDs that will be available.

There are 6 Reclaiming Your Power Meditation CDs.

I recently found another box of 74 Lost Years of Jesus Meditation CDs in time for Christmas!

I am grateful for the WIB for having me as their guest speaker this month. This is a wonderful, powerful group of professional women who bolsters each member and gives everyone the opportunity to present their business.

I will be accepting cash, check and credit cards through Square including contactless chip, or PayPal at:


Now Available in Paperback !!! The Medium’s Medium Tracey Lockwood Has a Quote on the Back Cover!

IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS is available in paperback and Kindle on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and anywhere books are sold.

Reverend Medium, Tracey Lockwood has a quote on the back cover of my book which reads, “Get ready to take a deep dive. Metaphysician Lin Hourihan offers s multifaceted perspective on who we are at the core of our being. Challenging preconceptions and lending insight on how to maximize our experience here on planet earth.”

Amazon says, “Linda Hourihan, HHCP, gives readers a brave perspective on the truth of spirituality.”

Now is the time for courage. Courage does not mean having no fear. Rather, courage is feeling fear, but peacefully doing the right thing, the moral thing, with integrity, despite the presence of fear,” I say in an excerpt in this book.

“She offers advice on how to know if you are in a cult (hint: many people are) and how to live a full, balanced life,” says publisher, Blue Fortune Enterprises, LLC.

You can choose to have experiences of Light, joy, and abundance, or you can choose to have experiences of lack, limitation, and depravity,” I say in another excerpt from this book.

“With an impressive background in religious studies, Linda offers encouragement and guidance to the seekers who know there is more and choose to bring light into their lives. Told with wisdom, humility and love, this book is a timeless guide to living in the Light with God, free of the manmade shackles of corruption,” says Blue Fortune Enterprises, LLC.

It’s all about love, choosing to love over all the other dark and sinister energies in the smorgasbord of life. Everyone has free will to choose love or not love every single minute of every single day,” I say in an excerpt from this book.

IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled Universal Wisdom, is available in Kindle and paperback.

I am certified by The American Association of Drugless Professionals Certification and Accreditation Board as an international holistic health counselor/practitioner; an international, interfaith minister in the Universal Life Church, have taken the Masters in Chaplaincy, Doctor of Universal Order and Doctor of Spiritual Awareness courses and spent the better part of a year comforting the sick and dying in Harrington Hospital in Southbridge. I am a member in good standing of the British Complimentary Medicine Association, is a Reiki Master Teacher, an authorized crystal practitioner, and a member of the New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Americas Association, and is an authorized New Paradigm MDT 13D Master Teacher with the International School of Esoteric Sciences.My blog,, is followed by more than a hundred and nineteen thousand people worldwide. I am known worldwide for my position in energy work.

I think my new book can help every person and country in the world. Understanding who and what you are encourages working peacefully for the good of all. I hope you enjoy it.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

My Book Now Available for Pre-Sale on Kindle Followed by Softcover November 3

Amazon says, “Linda Hourihan, HHCP, gives readers a brave perspective on the truth of spirituality.

Now is the time for courage. Courage does not mean having no fear. Rather, courage is feeling fear, but peacefully doing the right thing, the moral thing, with integrity, despite the presence of fear.

“She offers advice on how to know if you are in a cult (hint: many people are) and how to live a full, balanced life.

You can choose to have experiences of Light, joy, and abundance, or you can choose to have experiences of lack, limitation, and depravity.

“With an impressive background in religious studies, Linda offers encouragement and guidance to the seekers who know there is more and choose to bring light into their lives. Told with wisdom, humility and love, this book is a timeless guide to living in the Light with God, free of the manmade shackles of corruption.

It’s all about love, choosing to love over all the other dark and sinister energies in the smorgasbord of life. Everyone has free will to choose love or not love every single minute of every single day.

If you go on the Amazon website, put my name, Linda Hourihan, in the search bar you will see my three books. IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled UNIVERSAL WISDOM, is my new book. Then you will be able to pre-order my new book.

I think this new book can help every person and country in the world. I hope you enjoy it.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere



Happy New Year to each one of you!

Below is from pages 179-180 of the book And they called his name Immanuel by the Phoenix-Journal #02. Please understand that these literary works were written long before the political and social “correctness” of our time. Seek to understand the deeper meaning behind human dated language. It is not correct to impose on important past written material the evolution of human language. If you stumble on the word “man” for example, rather than today’s comprehension of “humanity,” you will miss the point.

Also, And they called his name Immanuel by the Phoenix-Journal #02, states on the opening publication information page, that these texts are deliberately not protected by copyright to get the best possible dissemination. It is stated on page 6 that the words of the Phoenix Journals cannot be copyrighted since these books are compilations of information already available on Earth.

“As man and all plants and all animals are one in Themselves, it is the Law of The Creation, so that this be so. If man believes everything is say, two, that is not so, for everything is ONE. What man believes to be “two” is only “One,” so that he may make everything that is two-one. Since the Spirit in man is part of The Creation, he is One with The Creation, consequently he is not two. Since the body is a part of spirit in a different form and matter, he is one with the spirit, consequently he cannot be two.

“It is that there is a Oneness, not a Duality (Twoness), in any other form. If it appears to man that there is a duality, he is a victim of deception, because he does not think logically and thinks according to human knowledge. If he, however, thinks in the knowledge of the Spirit, he finds the logic which is also in the Law. Only the thinking of man can be erroneous, but the Laws of The Creation cannot be erroneous. That is why it is said that everything emanates from a Oneness, and a duality is apparent only because man in his limited thinking cannot grasp it.

“Therefore, everything is a Oneness and everything emanating from it, and no duality whatsoever can be alive because this would voilate the Laws of The Creation. For only in his ignorance does man make a duality and thus violate the Laws of The Creation.

“But, if he directs everything into unity and makes everything into one, and when he then says to a mountain, “move away,” it will move away. Since everything is One in The Creation and in Its Laws, and in the creatures and in matter, it is without error.

“When a wise man says that there are always two of everything he means that they are one within themselves and one together. It is only according to appearance that they are two, for in Itself and also together it is always One. Further, since the “bad” is one in itself because it is also “good” in itself and also together, it is always only One. Since split, they are also one and a oneness, they are also unsplit one and a oneness, for that is the Law of The Creation. Consequently, it appears that there are two parts, which however, are one in itself, and are also one when unsplit.

“If this all seems redundant, please bear with me for this will eventually go forth to man in general and all are not perceiving and understanding as ye of the advanced souls.

“Further, and here we are going to get into trouble because of the “triune” perception – I will also explain the power of the “triune” but it is not as ye ones have been taught in this experience. If man maintains that the “threeness” also exists, then their spirit is confused by some kind of cult teaching (I always use the term cult as a faction or family grouping of types and beliefs), falsified in intent in teaching or wrong (incorrect) thinking. A unit is always made of two parts or portions, which are one in itself, but are only a twoness in appearance. Since man is a unit of two parts, and the spirit of man is a unit of two parts – both become one in itself and one together. The body cannot live without the spirit, and so conversely, too, for spirit and body are a unit despite the seeming twoness. The spirit lives according to the same Law, for in Itself it is two parts and one in each part, thus one in itself. – IT ALWAYS RETURNS TO THE UNIT OF ONE. TWO PARTS OF THE SPIRIT ARE WISDOM AND STRENGTH.

“Without wisdom of the spirit, its power cannot be utilized, and likewise, there can be no emerging of wisdom without the spiritual power. Therefore, there are always two things needed, which are one in itself; there is a unit in the oneness, but not the twoness.

“The Law says that man is a oneness within himself which consists of two parts that are equal, which in themselves are also a oneness, and also, when not separated, are a oneness. The two equal parts in man which each in itself constitutes a unit, are body and spirit. Therefore, when a man is being taught by the scribes that man lives in a threeness, this teaching is erroneous and falsified, for it is not according to the Laws of The Creation.” explained by Sananda, aka Jesus

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Renegade Child Bullies Grow Into Adult Bullies When They Are Never Held Accountable ~ How To Deal With A Bully Unless You Want A Generation of Bullies And People Who Cower To Bullies

People are not born bullies. They are usually first bullied by others, ingraining them with the perversion to bully to get their own way, as a means of payback, strong arming others into doing their bidding, to avoid getting into trouble themselves, or to push their dark sinister plots. Their tell-tale mantra is, “Might is right.” Unless you stand up to a bully in your personal, professional, or public life, they will continue to bully. If no one has the integrity and moral fortitude to stand up for that which is right, a generation of cowards is born from inaction.

Silence is agreement.

This is the way of the lawless who bark out that they want law and order to prevail, but only for others, not themselves. The habit for this kind of thought process and renegade behavior traditionally begins at young and impressionable ages of children.

Children of all ages will try and/or undergo the most outrageous things as they attempt to learn to stand up for themselves.

This happens to the most innocent among us. Once when I was in first grade, I bit a friend. Oh my God, I actually bit a friend in the classroom. To this day I do not remember why I did that. My mother was called in and I had to go out and stand in the hall, the punishment of my day. My mother was called into the school to speak with the teacher then and there. I found this to be humiliating. I’m sure the friend who I bit was not impressed by my out-of-control reaction also. The point here is that I received an immediate and just-deserved punishment.

There was no waiting, the innocent friend who I bit did not also have to be punished in the hall, nor have her parent also called in. We both did not receive the same punishment. My mother did not sue the school, nor the teacher. I was the one who had wronged another. This was not the teacher’s fault, nor the school’s fault. It was my own fault. There was instant cause and effect, instant Karma.

Years later, as a mother, I called the elementary school teacher after school one day because in her classroom and under her watchful eye, some of her students were picking up one of my daughters, spinning her around against her will. She was the smallest one in the class and was humiliated by this. They all thought this was so funny. My daughter did not and was coming home crying day after day. I tried to empower her with my words, but when that failed, I called this teacher to say that my daughter was being bullied in her classroom, right under her nose.

To my surprise, the teacher told me that there was nothing she could do, that my daughter herself had to set her own boundaries. Notice the difference in teacher authority of the behavior that would be tolerated in the classroom of the first teacher as opposed to the second teacher. Obviously, my daughter’s “friends” were not listening to her when she told them her boundaries. The bullying continued until I called the parents of the girls.

Wouldn’t it be nice if all people being bullied could tell people to stop, and they would. This teacher allowed the bullying to continue. I made it stop. But without my intervention, this daughter’s self-esteem would have taken a major hit at an impressionable time in her life.

That is how it is with bullies. They continue until someone makes them stop. It is not right to punish the offender and the person who was already wronged, which would victimize them twice. That is cruel punishment in my book.

This is how we have home-grown bullies now at the helm of powerful positions, thinking they can do what they want, whenever they want, without penalty. This is also why we now have a generation of people who cower to bullies, most of whom get away with lying, cheating and worse depending on who they have connections with, or how much money they can pay off.

Recent extreme actions are taking place in full view of the public by those who think they can get away with anything because until now, they always have.

George Floyd died at the knee of police and by police agreement with the crime.

How do you counteract the undercurrent of systemic racism and bully mentality that is permeating the country and the world, such as the shocking thoughts of, “I don’t agree with your politics so I can break into your house, shoot you while you sleep, beat you up, or kneel on your neck for nine minutes until you die?”

Right after the death of George Floyd, I was in the local gym and overheard one guy tell another guy that people ought to keep their politics out of sports, since Colin Kaepernick had just taken a knee during the National Anthem at the previous football game, using his freedom of speech to quietly and honorably take a stand against racism. It was impossible for me not to tell my personal trainer within the earshot of these two men, that the next time I heard the National Anthem that I was going to take a knee. The two men became silent.

We see renegade Republicans thinking that they are above the law, twisting laws as if they were pretzels made just for them, stoking lies and conspiracies, because the bully traits never change. These bullies never learned to be fully human, only fully animals, blinded by greed, materialism, sexism, among other distracting things. All humans are part of the animal kingdom, but it is our humanity, complete with empathy and compassion that is the difference between a bully animal and a mature person with a fully developed character. Most recently these bullies did not agree with lawfully obtained search warrants and committed the crime of breaking and entering as if wrong is the same thing as right.

What are people to do when faced with evil, dark and sinister evil gone out of control?

PRAYER is the only answer for most of us not with legal, political, or financial means to do anything else.

Archangel Michael uses his fiery Christ-blue sword of lightening to transform the darkness of the world into Light, Love, and the Abundance of All Good Things. The world will be a better place in which to live if we all choose PRAYER, TRUTH, WISDOM, PEACEFUL POWER, INTEGRITY, and PERSONAL STRENGTH OF CHARACTER, not bully power.

The earth has lived through other ice ages, political corruption, and religious wars before. Once the fires of greed, materialism, consumerism, egoism, get billowed by the unabated windstorm of pride, the scales tip in the direction of the wind. Presently, we do have choices.

All is not lost, yet. We can peacefully, and legally stand up to the bullies of today by PRAYER, just as Archangel Michael did in the course of right. He stood up to the bully Souls of the Fallen Angels and their Nephilim Sons. He still stands up to these same bully dark Souls who never stopped influencing and, in some cases, inhabiting the weak minds of humanity, since these Souls could not return to heaven, remaining here to this day. We see their results. So, when those of us who are not in the positions of political, religious, nor financial authority to help in those ways, we can PRAY for the Divine Assistance of Archangel Michael and Divine Love and Light, which is the only known help against the darkness and evil in this world.


Jesus Studied The Katha Upanishads When He Was In India

The Katha Upanishad is born from the Sanskrit language, which was also known by Jesus. This writing is the legendary story of a little boy named Nachiketa, the son of Sage Vajasravasa, who sends his son to get his questions answered by Yama, who is the deity of death, since materialism, consumerism, and selfish gain meant nothing to his son. I found this conversation about the nature of humanity, the knowledge of the Self (called Atman, or the God within each individual), and how to be liberated, all written in prose, to be most enlightening.

Most historians place this writing to be in the first centuries BCE, which is obviously before the time of Christ walking among us in the person of Jesus of biblical fame.

Jesus not only studied, but was well versed in the Katha Upanishad, which asserts that the “Atman, (the Self) exists,” teaching all to “seek Self-knowledge, which is the Highest Bliss.” Nowhere in this writing do you read where every person is a sinner, not is every person born into Original Sin.

This flies in the face of Buddhism which asserts that our “Soul, Self does not exist.” My understanding from all the holistic health and Universal Life Church Seminary interfaith training also agrees that our human Soul/Spirit/Self (Atman) does, in fact, exist. I have read this ancient work, just as Jesus the Christ did, and teach what Jesus taught, that the Kingdom of God, this Soul/Spirit/Self (Atman), is WITHIN us, as Jesus told us all in Luke 17:20-21.

In the 17th century, the Katha Upanishad was translated into Persian, which was later translated into Latin and spread across Europe. Ralph Waldo Emerson credited Katha Upanishad for the central story at the end of his essay Immortality, as well as his poem “Brahma.”

Yoga also teaches that it is beneficial to meditate on the Self. No, this is not selfishness in its highest form. To take the time to get to know your true Self, is to ultimately reach the spiritual ecstasy of Saint Theresa, union with the Self (Atman), which recognizes the Divine Self WITHIN the Self, as Jesus taught. This is also what it means when I talk about your I AM Presence. It is part of human DNA but is not activated until you are consciously aware that it is part of you. But this requires that we take the time out of our seemingly very busy schedules to pray, meditate, and contemplate.

It also requires you to allow your mind to grasp the knowledge that has been kept from you by various religions with unholy purposes. Unless and until you allow yourself to learn about those missing 18 years of the life of Jesus, whom most religions stress as the way to salvation, you will miss the greater part of the teaching of Jesus Christ. Know there is more than Jesus taught than most of you have been led to believe.

Knowing more does not invalidate what you have already learned. Knowing more simply puts what you have learned thus far in perspective. It provides for deeper understanding. It provides you with those missing puzzle pieces of life and spirituality that may have evaded you in the process of living. You, too, can have the bliss of ecstasy just as Saint Theresa had in prayer and meditation, and that of Jesus Christ in his mountaintop transfiguration, transforming him multidimensionally into the greater awareness of who and what he truly is.

It is also important to exercise your free will, to shed what no longer serves your highest good, no matter who told you otherwise or threatens what they acknowledge as your “immortal Soul/Spirit.” While first grade knowledge is valuable for a young child, the continued knowledge of high school, college, and beyond does not invalidate that premier base from which you started on your educational quest.

Stature of the Ecstasy of Saint Theresa in pure bliss of the experience of the Divine Self WITHIN her Self, something we can all achieve by recognizing the I AM Presence WITHIN the Self. But this requires that we take the time out of our seemingly very busy schedules to pray, meditate, and contemplate.

तं दुर्दर्शं गूढमनुप्रविष्टं
गुहाहितं गह्वरेष्ठं पुराणम् ।
अध्यात्मयोगाधिगमेन देवं
मत्वा धीरो हर्षशोकौ जहाति ॥ १२ ॥
He (the Atman), difficult to be seen, full of mystery,
the Ancient, primaeval one, concealed deep within,
He who, by yoga means of meditation on his self, comprehends Atman within him as God,
He leaves joy and sorrow far behind.
—Katha Upanishad, 1.2.12[42][43]
Just as Jesus said in Luke 17:20-21. Look at the footnote in your bible at this verse and you will see originally the translation said WITHIN, not among, and is now being corrected to its original meaning, according to the Hebrew, Greek, English Interlinear Bible, as well as the newest King James verion.

Jesus learned that the Katha Upanishad teaches how to make humanity liberated and free from all indoctrination, which was also common in his time. This requires the same remedy today as it did back then, to pray, meditate, contemplate, and value Knowledge over Ignorance as the means to a blissful existence that goes beyond joy and sorrow of day-to-day trivialities. This is made possible through realization of the Self (Atman/Brahman/God), and also by chanting the Sacred Sound of “OM,” through which all Creation, including the angelic realm, as well as the animal, plant, and minerals kingdoms.

In the Katha Upanishad realization, Jesus often united with his Self, his Christ Presence, his I AM Presence. In the story of the body named Nachiketa being directed to speak with Yama, the god of death, to find out what is most important to living a pure life leading to ascension, Jesus learned from the writing not to fear anyone, nor anything, even death, since the true essence of humanity is Soul/Spirit/Self (Atman), which DOES NOT DIE. He taught all of us this teaching during his life.

The reality of the I AM Presence of each individual Self, connecting with the Source of the Christ, and fully coming to the realization of who and what we truly are, is part of what is taught in the upcoming 13D MDT Workshop on two back-to-back weekends: September 10-11 AND September 17-18, from 10 am to 6 pm each day. If you want to finally be free from the fear that binds you, this is the class for you. August 27 is the last day to register by emailing Lin Hourihan at, or by calling 413-245-0129. Lin is a teacher at the International School of Esoteric Sciences. For more details see:

A portion of the Katha Upanishad reads:

The seer (Atman, Self) is not born, nor does he die,
He does not originate from anybody, nor does he become anybody,
Eternal, ancient one, he remains eternal,
he is not killed, even though the body is killed.

If the killer thinks that he kills,
if the killed thinks that he is killed,
they do not understand;
for this one does not kill, nor is that one killed.

The Self (Atman), smaller than small, greater than great,
is hidden in the heart of each creature,
Free from avarice, free from grief, peaceful and content,
he sees the supreme glory of Atman.

— Katha Upanishad, 1.2.18-1.2.20

Notice that “the Katha Upanishad asserts that Atman-knowledge, or Self-realization, is not attained by instruction, not arguments nor reasoning from scriptures,” as Wikipedia acknowledges. “It is comprehended by your Self through prayer, meditation, and contemplation. This introspection is not attained by those who do not abstain from misconduct, nor those who are restless nor composed, and not by those whose mind is not calm and tranquil, but only those who live ethically, are composed, tranquil, internally peaceful, search within and examine their own nature.”


Light Must Come From Inside ~ You Cannot Ask The Darkness To Leave ~ You Must Turn On The Light ~ saying by Sogyal Rinpoche

– Sogyal Rinpoche

What you focus on grows. Focus on the Light of solutions, not the dark of the void of Light.

Be the Love, Peace, Harmony and Bliss you wish to experience in this world.

You Matter.

Release the fear. Be the Light of Love in this world.

The world is how we made it by what we think about. If we do not like what we see, we need to change how we think.

You are worthy. You are worthy of LOVE. You are worthy of Life.


Crystal Healing For People And The Earth ~Universal Energy That Promotes Healing

Print out this map. Place a piece of Aragonite on Ukraine and Russia on the map you printed out. Aragonite is a reliable earth-healer and grounding stone. This stone transforms geopathic stress and clears blocked ley lines even at a distance and works via intention for emotional and physical healing. All energy healing works via human intention.

Aragonite crystallizes forming acicular (needle-shaped) crystals which are elongated along the c-axis, according to one of the best books on crystal energy I have ever read, Love Is In The Earth ~ A Kaleidoscope Of Crystals by Melody. This book, although now out of print, can still be found in used-books sections. While I do have other newer books on crystals, I continually revert back to the wisdom held within this one. The Crystal Bible, A Definite Guide To Crystals by Judy Hall is another gem which suggests placing Aragonite on the map of the area in the world having issues with Peace, Love, and Light Universal Energy.

ARAGONITE comes in brown, white, yellow, gold, green, and blue.

Blue ARAGONITE with protrusions smoothed off by the tumbling process.

What can we do to help promote peace, love, wisdom, unity, and harmony in lands far away from us at this moment?

Remember, energy moves because you say so. That is how destruction of peace begins, from a concept in the mind. It is also how peace returns, by the intention in your mind. Darkness exists where there is a void of light. Be the light you wish to see in the world. Use tools of light, prayer, meditation, contemplation, and Universal Crystal Energy.

If crystal energy did not work, we would not be using it in our cell phones, car starters, and computer chips in technological and medical science. While I personally may not be able to articulate exactly how crystalline energy works in the above examples, I do know that they do work. Let it suffice to know crystal energy works, even if this concept seems new or foreign to you.

Universal Light and Universal Love solves problems. Since energy moves because you say so, print out the map of Europe, Ukraine, and Russia. Place Aragonite on this map and leave it there until peace returns there. It is the energy of your prayerful, meditative, and contemplative effort that sends energy out from the manifestation of the Aragonite crystal from where you are to the areas of the world that need it the most. Spend just five minutes, morning, noon, and night, calming and centering your attention on the focus of peace, love, wisdom, unity, and harmony for the people and the land of Ukraine and Russia.

Aragonite is especially helpful during times of stress and anger. Breathe in peace. Exhale distress and conflict that you have taken in by news reports and current events. This is not a denial of what is actually going on. As you take those precious five minutes, even if you are working away from home, to focus on that Aragonite on the map, it is the energy of your intention that can help to alleviate the conflict facing our brothers and sisters in the world. It has taken me more time to write this than it takes to send out your thoughts of peace, love, wisdom, unity, and harmony.

One of the qualities of Aragonite is that it can provide insight as to the foundation of the problems that confront this situation. We might think we know all there is to know, but we truly may not have all the information. Meditating with Aragonite confronts problems on the physical plane but can also stimulate communication on the higher planes.

If you don’t have the crystal Aragonite, write the word Aragonite on a small piece of paper, or copy and print the pictures of Aragonite in this post, and tape it to the map. It is thoughts, words, and actions you take that manifest the energy of peace, love, wisdom, unity, and harmony.

What can you do to help heal the situation in Ukraine and Russia?

We can welcome refugees and send money and aide. But if we are not in a position to do that, we can help right from our own homes, blooming with peace, love, wisdom, unity, and harmony right where we are planted by taking five minutes a day by our thoughts morning, noon, and night.

Crystal energy healing is an enormous benefit to the current world situation, as well as for yourself, since the Loving Light Universal Energy moves through you first, then out into the world.


Do You Feel Called To Universal Life Church Ministry?

In this day and age when churches are closing, the Universal Life Church is growing.

There are many reasons to consider becoming a Universal Life Church (ULC) minister at this time. The world is in need of individuals who can assist the world, blooming where they are planted. You can help your community to grow beyond the limited concepts that bind so many thoughts, words, and actions.

There is not one brand of religion nor system of belief. There are not different worlds for each different belief system. It is all a matter of semantics. The Earth began as it began. Humanity strives to understand as best it can. Each person has had their life experience that has brought them this far in life, had the experiences they have had, and learned the life lessons they have learned.

There are Christian ULC ministers, Gnostic ULC ministers, and Interfaith ULC ministers, and more. As an Interfaith ULC minister, I earned my Masters Chaplaincy certification where I assisted my community at Harrington Hospital with 45 hours in their Pastoral Care Department visiting the sick and ill, some of whom were on death’s doorstep. While in the ULC Seminary, I also earned a Doctor of Spiritual Life and Doctor of Universal Life certifications. I continue to expand my knowledge of all faiths in the ULC Seminary, presently taking college level courses of Comparative Religions and Metaphysical Spirit Quest. These many options and more are also available to you.

My ministry is this worldwide blog dealing with mind, body, and spirit health. The Earth is our Garden to tend. You are also warmly invited to serve humanity in this way.

I find you can bloom right where you are planted in this world. This ULC ministry is international. You do not have to go out and find something different from what you already have. You do not need to rent a structure or a space. The world provides parks, beaches, your own home, and even Zoom or Skype online opportunities.

Some of us in ministry choose to only perform weddings. The ULC ministry will show you how. Others of us choose to perform baptisms, blessings, dedications, baby naming ceremonies, flower and candle ceremonies, house blessings, boat and ship blessings, non-denominational blessing for a new-born, bedside blessing, yard blessings, driver’s blessing, and even divorce ceremonies and funerals and memorials. The choice is yours

Everyone can reach out from their hearts to help others in this world.

The motto of the ULC is “Do Only That Which Is Right.” Who am I to tell you what is right? What works for me may not work for you. You know in your heart what is right for you. This also takes your own soul searching.

I am published in the book, More Weddings, Funerals And Rites of Passage, subtitled More Sample Ceremonies for Celebrants, Officiants and Ministers. Presently it is BACKORDERED.

I also teach through this blog, sharing the knowledge I have gained with everyone right where you are planted. In this way, the Love, Light, Wisdom of the Divine expression can reach you right in your own home, wherever you are in the world at this minute.

The world at this moment is sorely in need of your love, inspiration and healing. Your words can be the soothing balm of solace and understanding.

You may prefer to start a church, offer any of the services mentioned above, or simply choose to grow in knowledge for yourself, creating a more knowledgeable, empathetic, compassionate, forgiving self and a better human being radiating these qualities in your family and friendships.

If you would like to become a ULC minister, or would like to join the ULC Seminary, click on the link below. The ULC has a Forum where ministers can share with each other in a wide variety of topics.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Jesus Christ ~ Archangel Michael ~ Ascended Master Germain ~ Worldwide Meditation For Peace

I am Jesus. Don’t forget, I also worked with Archangel Michael in the war of heaven. I mention this because we are a spiritual team you can call on for world peace, peace in your families, and peace in your life. We work together, along with those you might know as the saints, angels, masters, and ascended masters, such as the one who you may know as Germain. All of us work together for the common good, for all that is holy, good, and just. We are not far from your thoughts, minds, and hearts.

When you call for our assistance, remember too that you are part of all Creation worthy of our love, wisdom, and assistance. You must also do your part to foster and keep the peace. Since the beginning the Earth has also been seeded with chaos, since the fallen angels who were cast out of heaven, as I showed John in Revelation 12:9. They were cast down to the Earth. This is not hyperbole.

Do not forget that good and evil were seeded within you and the Earth, which is why it was necessary for me to come to Earth, to wake up humanity from their forgetfulness, so that all who want to use their free will to choose good over evil can do that. I have shown you the way to peace, unity, and harmony. Remember all that I told you.

The war you must fight is the war within yourself, to choose light over dark, good over evil, and peace and harmony over chaos and dysfunction.

It starts with your recognition that you desire peace, the peace that surpasses all vainglory, worldly success, and egotistical pride that only blinds the true goal of heaven on earth. War does not bring peace. Peace brings peace.

I came to show you how to live peacefully.

I taught you the Golden Rule so you would do unto others as you would want them to do to you.

I came to forgive you from all that separates you from my Father. I told you that your father is not my Father, but my Father has become a father to you. Read John 8:44. This is why I am called the Savior.

I taught you how to forgive each other.

I taught you generosity with the use of your time for those less fortunate.

I taught you to bring all the little children to me, so you will know how to value them.

I taught you to remember me and to do the things I do and even greater things besides as John remembers in John 14:12. I speak the truth. I am the truth. The truth will set you free. You will see miracles in your life as soon as you take these things to heart.

I am Michael. I am the Mighty Being of Legions of Light, the Great Cosmic Being and the Director of the heavenly armies who knows no defeat. Call on me in times of trouble, for inner strength when you come up against unloving and ignorant dark forces that know no light. They are puffed up with pride but have no wisdom, nor love.

Treasure the consolation that I am there when you call to me, standing beside you in integrity, and loyalty, and truth. I do not tolerate lies, slander, cheating, nor robbing from the poor, nor discriminating against people of different races, creeds, nor any other divisions you notice. Remember I am the One who cleaned out the heavenly realms of such debauchery and filth. If this is also happening where you live, call to me for justice, liberty, and freedom of mind, body, and spirit, and I will be there with you, providing you with insightful wisdom, heartfelt understanding, and peace beyond words.

The war you must fight now is the war within yourself. Fight against the incessant need to be right, acknowledging when it is time to take up the arms of prayer and meditation over puny human ideologies of unbridled ego. There are two hungry tigers. Feed the one of positive and peaceful solutions, and you will reap the benefits of a peaceful life. Call on me and I will help you.

I am Germain, friend of Jesus, dedicated to working with the light of the purple flame of transmutation. I work with the purple ray. When you see paradoxes in your life and in the world around you, mentally send them to the purple flame of transmutation. When you have discord in your relationships, mentally send them to the purple flame. Where is this purple flame? It is right next to the problem that you are going through. It is a mental decision you make to cast your problems into the purple flame. When you make this decision, you do not have to take the problem back. Instead, look for the positive solutions and build upon the next highest frequency or vibration possible.

I am a Cosmic Being of Violet Fire offering my assistance to all who call to me. There is more to this life than strife and struggle, and more than wealth and apparent success.

I am the Presence of Purity and can assist you to see things clearly, bringing in light, love, wisdom, peace, unity, and harmony. Call on me if you want to work together with me.


Free Yourself From Doubt And Fear

Make the Call to your I AM Presence and the Ascended Host that you are forever freed from the mass pressure and the action of certain qualities which have held the entire human race in bondage for centuries.

Doubt and fear are two qualities that have held humanity in bondage for centuries because of what the human mind has concentrated upon. It does not matter if we concentrate on fear-based actions of other countries, or doubts about our personal relationships, always fearing the worst.


The way to keep dysfunction marching forward is to make sure you keep the drumbeat constantly drumming, constantly worrying, constantly focused on WHAT YOU DO NOT WANT. Dysfunction exists on the pulse of fear and doubt.

Peace starts with the individual. Peace starts with you and with me, not the other guy, nor the other country. If you want to manifest peaceful solutions, first you and I must think of peaceful solutions, and allow peace to grow at every level, at every opportunity to focus on the good we can do, as opposed to the harm we fear.

At first this sounds like rational sound advice. But at the first flicker of negativity, we often forget that light conquers dark every single time. There are positive solutions to problems.

Realize that doubt and fear are two qualities that sabotage all situations. Selfishness and discord cover a similar activity, because all fear is selfishness, and all doubt is discord.

Fear, doubt, and discord are so contagious that at first, we think we have no choice in the matter. But we do.

Many times, these waves of feelings burst upon us, holding us in their grip until we remember that we do, in fact, have a choice in how we respond. The choice is ours. We do not need to sink to the lowest common denominator, nor do we need to feed on the fear of others.

The solution to sabotaged thinking is to cut ourselves free from the mass pressure or accumulation of destructive qualities. When you do this, you will feel your own personal power grow with much greater speed.


The choice is yours. Feed on Peace, Love, Empathy, Compassion, Harmony, and Unity as much as possible, in baby steps if necessary. Be the bridge to health and wholeness.

Our human bodies have been for so long in the habit of accepting that rate of vibration as it flows through our mental and feeling world as being “real.” Dysfunction can feel familiar since it may have been what we are used to operating on, but that does not make it a valid choice simply because we are used to it.

It takes 21 days to break a habit, including the habit of negativity, or accepting fear-based mass consciousness.

There are more options at our disposal, options based on peaceful freedom and love without conditions, focusing on positive solutions, upbuilding thoughts and words, and supporting the good already established. We can all make better decisions.

Each of us has the strength of our own life stream, the animating force of our lives. This is something beyond the human self and beyond the mundane existence of life. It is the Spark of Life; our I AM Presence alive and well within us; our connection to the Source of All That Is.

We can also call on our spiritual helpers, the angels, the masters and ascended masters, The Father of Jesus – the God of Love and Wisdom, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, Quan Yin and others you work with, not as a beggar, but unified by your God-given Spirit/Soul. Focus on the good, the Light, and the Love.

We do know how to help ourselves instead of hurting ourselves, politically, personally, socially, and in every other division we conjure up. We are more powerful than we know. You and I both know that when we have had enough of a bad situation, we decide to change it. It is that simple.

Abstract peaceful background – planet Earth, bright sun shines, blue sky, eternity and heaven. Elements of this image furnished by NASA. Be the Light in your part of the world.

I am calling all Light Workers to manifest as much light as you can from right where you are in the world today and every day. Shine the Light of Love, Light of Wisdom, Light of Peace, Light of Unity, Light of Positive Solutions to areas in your corner of the world capturing your attention.

Do not discuss the fear and trepidation you see. Allow dysfunctional attention grabbers to dissolve in the Light of Empathy and the Light of Compassion. Send these problem areas to the Healing Light, through your Soul, to your I AM Presence within you. It is your own personal I AM Presence that continues to give you life, without which you would be lifeless. But here you are, breathing oxygen, on this world for this reason, at this time.

You can also send dysfunction to the purple flame of Germain as a way of visualizing all negativity in people, places, and things transmuting evil into good, or negative situations into positive situations. Light a candle. Say a prayer seeking healing for the world, your relationships, even your physical and mental wellbeing. Raise the tone of conversations. Walk away from gossip. Raise the vibrations from low to high in how you are thinking and feeling. You do have that choice.

Then you will be free to bless the world from your spot in it with Grace, Understanding, and Healing. Life is what you make it. Make your life Beautiful.


Jesus’ Teachings in The Second Revelation of James

There is more information Jesus told us about that is not mentioned in current Bibles. However, one statement of Jesus in today’s Bibles that does mirror other sayings of Jesus, is in The Second Revelation of James (51,14-54,15) found in the sacred scrolls in Nag Hammadi, Egypt. Often, we humans like to spin the words of Jesus to fit our theology. But what if Jesus literally meant the words he said, without different interpretations put on them?

In John 8:44, Jesus said in today’s Bibles:

Knowing our human hearts, Jesus then told all who were listening, “Yet because I tell you the truth, you do not believe me!”

In The Second Revelation of James (51,14-54,15), as other scrolls found in clay pots in a cave, some decay of the material have eroded some of the words. Plausible words are placed within [].

James the Just was the beloved brother of Jesus. In The Second Revelation of James (51-14-54,15), Jesus tells him, “I tell you, listen and understand.

              “For many when they hear, will be fainthearted,

              “but you, understand in the way I can tell you.

              “Your father is not my Father,

              “but my Father has become a father to you.”

This is the same message Jesus teaches us in John 8:44. But what does that do to your belief system? It explains so many things with good and evil not only in the world, but also within all human beings. Jesus teaches us our saving grace is the fact that we are so loved by the Father of Jesus, the Christ, that Jesus came to Earth to teach us all how to acknowledge and use the Light to illuminate and deliver us as long as we continue to walk the Path of Light.

Seven sacred scrolls tell the story of who exactly created human beings. They are:

  1. The Secret Book of John
  2. The Nature of the Rulers
  3. On the Origin of the World
  4. The Wisdom of Jesus Christ
  5. The Second Discourse of Great Seth
  6. Three Forms of First Thought
  7. The Gospel of Judas

In these scriptures, Yaldabaoth is attributed to creating us. The Father of Jesus creates Jesus (Love personified) and Sophia (Wisdom). Through error Sophia creates Yaldabaoth on her own. Yaldabaoth is created out of wisdom, but not love. She is forgiven this error, but still it is Yaldabaoth whom Jesus says created humanity, which is why the Father of Jesus is not our father, as our modern-day Bibles clearly state.

The Second Revelation of James can be found in the book mentioned here:

James continues to tell what Jesus explained to him:

“Your father, whom you consider rich,

              “will grant that you inherit

              “all that you see.

              “But I proclaim to you

              “that I shall give you

              “what I shall say,

              “if you listen.

              “So open your ears,

              “and understand,

              “and walk accordingly.

“When they come for you, being dispatched by one considered glorious and intending to bring confusion and violence, [pay no attention to them], but … And … he set his hand [to something he] did not [understand], nor did [those] sent by him prepare this present [creation]. Later,  when [he] is put to shame, he will [be troubled] that his work, which is far removed [from] the eternal realms, comes to nothing.His inheritance, which he boasted about, claiming it was great, will prove to be insignificant. His gifts are not blessings, and his promises are evil intrigues. You are not of <the children> of compassion, but he does violence against you. He wants to do injustice against us. And he will have dominion for a period of time for him.

“But understand and know the Father who has compassion, who was not given an inheritance, whose inheritance is unlimited, with an unlimited number of days. Rather it is an eternal [day], and it is [light]. It exists [in places the creator himself cannot] perceive and he merely uses, for he is not from those places. Because of this he [utters curses], and because of this he boasts, that he may not be rebuked. For this reason he is superior to those who are below, who were looked down upon, in order to be perfected in them. And he captured those who are from the Father, he seized them and shaped them to resemble himself, and so they are with him.”

There are many more instructional quotes from Jesus not mentioned in current Bibles. Before we decide to throw out Bible stories, sage advice is to study more, not fewer of the words of Jesus. The words of Jesus help to explain a lot of things in our time.


How To Work With The Light Over Shadow Each Day

Working with the Light is not only for energy healing. Choosing to include more Light in everyday decisions benefits the giver and the receiver and is contagious. It lifts your heart. It spreads joy. Problems of life diminish in the Light of otherwise heavy and dark days.

Empathy, compassion, and kindness are limitless. Being kind to someone does not take kindness from someone else. Showing empathy and compassion to someone does not harm anyone else. When we become conscious of choosing empathy, compassion, and kindness over judgments, labels, and limited thinking, we walk out of the strangling, fear thinking model that there won’t be anything left for us.

Watch out for the negative mind trap that there is only one way to think, or that you must follow the crowd. You are an individual with free will to think what you want to think, not having to think, say, or do what others tell you.

Kindness crosses all boundaries, not taking sides.

Kindness seeks to understand.

Kindness feeds the soul.

Empathy acknowledges that if it were not for certain occurrences in your life, you would be in the other person’s shoes.

Empathy feels for the other person.

Empathy seeks to go beyond limited perceptions.

Compassion pulls on the heartstrings in a heart that has not been numbed by selfish desires.

Compassion seeks to soothe the weary mind, body, and soul of another in mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual anguish.

Compassion is the way you and I would wish to be treated if the things that happened to them had happened to us.

Kindness is valuable help in every day life.

It costs nothing to offer a cheerful word of encouragement.

This is what working with the Light is each day of our lives.

Working with the Light is the optimistic approach to life.

Life is what you make it. Make it beautiful.


Be A Vanguard of Light To The Rest of The World

I am calling all people who work with the Light, Love, and Wisdom of Universal Life Energy to continue in a more focused way, uniting hearts, minds, and souls for the mental, emotional, and spiritual uplift of your area in the world, for the benefit of peaceful unity, harmony, health, and the abundance of all good things. Take a moment out of each day to focus on the peaceful solutions to the problems that you see whether you are driving, going for a walk, shoveling snow, meditating or praying in a concentrated way, or thinking healing mantras throughout the day.

Whatever you focus on grows. Focusing on the dysfunction of politics, religion, gender, wealth, and race inequalities only furthers more of what you do not want. If only saying what we do not want would bring to us that what we do want. But that is not how the law of attraction works.

If you focus on dysfunction, you will get more dysfunction. Focusing on positive alternatives in the direction of that which you want to manifest will bring the good you seek to do more quickly to you and the projects you wish to promote.

This is how to build anything you want, relationships, a house, or employment in the medical, technological, and space programs, for example. While it can be beneficial to note a failure of the past you do not wish to repeat, taking that sage advice is different from wallowing in the quicksand trap of addictive drumbeat of negativity, dysfunction, and self-sabotage.

Make a firm decision to stop all gossip, slander, and grand standing. In its place, make another decision to only work for the good you wish to promote. Truth matters. Build on integrity, moral courage, empathy, and compassion.

Empathy has become the missing ingredient of this generation, coupled with lack of compassion for all people. Sometimes life is like feast or famine. We can become so engrossed in finally taking care of ourselves, that the scales tip in some cases to only taking care of ourselves, materially speaking.

I find it helps not to put labels on people, categorizing people by age, ability, color, creed, gender, or any other way. Humanity is humanity. Each one of us, while unique in our own ways, all need to give and receive love, empathy, compassion. We can build a better society with liberty, justice, and understanding for all people, in every situation by acknowledging and sharing all of our gifts.

Now is the time each one of us can make our own lives better with a holistic outlook, caring as much for the driver in the other car as we do for ourselves; taking care of the employees under our watch as we do for ourselves; making phone calls to others to make sure they are okay; just to name a few ideas of going beyond our own selves, our own needs, and our own concerns.

People need people.



I am an energy bridge of semantics between past understanding and spiritual enlightenment. All knowledge derives from the Universal Energy Source from which it came. I am one of many who have been sharing this knowledge with the world for years. Wars have been fought over this information. “Believe like me or die,” is the cry of the non-understanding indoctrinated. It takes wisdom, courage, pure love, and peaceful allowance to dare to study beyond the scope of censored reading materials of strict belief systems.

Think of energy as a vibrant diamond with many glowing facets, each with its own color and radiance. The refraction and reflections of each facet does not contain the entire beauty and reality of the entire fully cut diamond. The whole is more magnificent that just one facet.

Diamonds have a particular energy, different from quartz crystals, sapphires, emeralds, silver, and gold. Each has its own qualities, densities, vibrational frequencies, uses, and metaphysical attributes. The same concept holds true with the myriad religions over the eons of time. Each might contain a grain of truth, enough to capture the human attention, mixed with other additions of human understanding at the time by people with other agendas, like monks, scribes, as well as religious and political rulers, while simultaneously excluding other words of Jesus, as if they knew more than Jesus, Enoch, Germain, the Buddha.

Energy, with its numerous varied uses, has been explored by:

  1. Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) may have revolutionized scientific …
  2. Marie Curie. Marie Curie (1867-1934) worked closely with her scientist …
  3. Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was a controversial figure. …
  4. Max Planck. Max Planck (1858-1947) didn’t mean to but he completely …

See full list on

There is one Energy that exists. The laws of thermodynamics explain that energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, only changed. This holds true also for what many energy workers call Source, while others in a wide variety of religions as well as those who consider themselves to be more spiritual than religious. All is One.

Science follows the laws of thermodynamics as energy applies to their fields of work and study. We have learned how to tap into energy, how to use energy in the physical existence, sending humans and missions in rockets into outer space. We have a rover on Mars. We take pictures of interstellar space that boggle the mind. We study energy because there is more to know.

Check out the history of space telescopes at

Still, human research cannot exhaust the study of energy. Not even scientists working at the Hadron Supercollider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland are yet to discover how the Big Bang Theory manifested the creation of energy as we currently understand it. There is more.

Had I not walked away from several strict religious paths in my quest for truth and enlightenment vexed by the contradictory words of the Bible, such as love, forgive everyone everything, and turn the other cheek, to go kill every man, women, child, and beast in the city, or turn and walk away from those who do not listen to your preaching, I would still be encapsulated in the walls of ignorance.

Why don’t religious rulers want you to learn anything else other than what their particular belief systems teach, energetically speaking?

Why are some modern-day religions advising their college-age students not to go to college, regarding energy?

Are you interested in the confiscated words of Jesus preserved in the sacred scrolls safely stored away until the time arrived for their unearthing for your benefit, at this time when we better understand energy and how it affects beliefs?

Do you wonder what the real reason is why many religious rulers have labeled the once sacred scriptures preserved in clay pots found in the caves at Nag Hammadi as apocryphal, energetically speaking?

I see language semantics gaming, which is different words to get to the same point, that is the point. Some people refer to God as the Source of all life. Atheists do not believe in God. Yet, Energy is the Source, no matter what name is given to Universal Life Energy. Energy is also infinite, eternal.

Don’t get lost in semantics.

Even Jesus said we will do the things he did and more besides. Why? Because he said he was going to the Source of all energy, the Source of healing, the Source of unity, forgiveness, and inclusiveness, which includes the Buddha, you and me.


The Trinity of Action ~ Love ~ Wisdom ~ Power ~ Awakening Your I AM Presence ~ Using The Violet Flame As Taught by Germain And Jesus

Jesus and Germain taught that the Wisdom of Love is the Power of achieving what they did on Earth. This is how Jesus performed miracles, and Germain healed others in the Temples of Healing in Atlantis. Jesus and Germain both taught us that Wisdom, Love, and Power are WITHIN us. For some of you, if I use the name Jesus, you may want to stop reading. For others, if I use the name Germain, you may also want to stop reading. I am the bridge, shining a light on the Love, Wisdom, and Power they both teach. I say teach in the present tense because their transitioning from this world into the spiritual world did not stop their teaching, even to this very day.

Hope is real, even if it cannot be seen physically as a feeling. We can feel hope, although others around us cannot physically see the hope inside of us. We may radiate hope out into our aura to such a large degree that others might reap the benefits of a mental or emotional uplift while in our presence because of the hope we feel, yet it is still unseen by the naked eyes of others. Just because others do not see hope in physical manifestation does not mean it is not real.

The same thing goes for the reality that Jesus and Germain tried to teach us. I say, tried to teach us, because no sooner were their words out of their mouths, than other human beings contorted their words into various control systems. Many stripped the teachings of the personal power with which we were born.

Originally, we were well aware of our individual I AM Presence connecting us to the Source of all life. We radiated with the Love, Wisdom, and Power shared by the Source of Eternity Itself, since we were an expression and experience of this Source.

Through the trials and tribulations of living through the experiences of Atlantis and Lemuria, as our fascination grew with the material world, the density of ourselves over time dulled our senses. We physically became denser in mind, body, and spirit. Forgetfulness of who and what we once were made for fertile ground for the unholy powers that claimed rights to our personal power, hijacked our mental, emotional, and physical selves, and threatened humanity with manipulation, ultimatums, guilt, obligation, and fear.

Manipulation, ultimatums, guilt, obligation, and fear is what was present on the Earth prior to the arrival of Germain, formerly known as St. Germain, and Jesus the Christ. They observed the negative, dark, low vibrational frequency qualities masquerading on Earth, subjugating humanity, which served as the impetus for them coming to Earth. Things needed to change in order for Eternal Universal Energy to experience in and through us. Our mental, emotional, and physical wings were clipped. We lost our voice. Over the eons of time, people handed their I AM Presence, their God-given identity, if you will, their personal power, over to the biggest bully on the block that demanded their total oblation.

I introduce this topic again to you because of the tendency of people indoctrinated into other belief systems to deny the reality of the words of Jesus and Germain explained in this way. There is more Jesus and Germain want you to know about. For simplification, I will use the name of Germain, but both taught what follows.

The human soul is restless until it rests in the truth of who and what we truly are. The hunger to be let out of the prison we have allowed ourselves to be put into by religions, politics, and a host of other control systems can only last so long, dictating who we can and cannot speak to, how we are to live under threats of death and doom to our immortal souls, who we can vote for or be ostracized, etc. You are bigger than the boxes of opinions others try to encapsulate you in.

It is time to step away from conforming to the wills and dictates of others and continue on your character development, standing up for yourself peacefully with integrity. Others are not on the same journey you are on. Things will only ring true for them when they decide to do their own search, not when you decide to share what you have learned with them. It is an individual awakening.

What can help you to step away from the group-think tank?

Resurrect Love and Wisdom as the Power enlightening the I AM Presence with which you were born. Power is not gained through strangulation of the free will of others. That is manipulation, which is present in some form or other in every country in the world. The Power discussed here is stronger than any human-made concoction. No matter where you live on this beautiful Earth, you are born with free will. How you choose to use it is up to you.

Step out of fear. Make a conscious decision to do this. No one owns the rights to your own mind, body, and spirit. This is something you will have to do numerous times throughout your life. I have never heard of anyone making this decision only once, no matter how holy, important, or entitled you are in any human institution.

Eliminate fear as the fuel for your next thoughts, words, and actions. You are as free as you want to be. Even if you are incarcerated and living in a cell block, you have the absolute freedom to think your own thoughts. The same is true for each of us. No one owns the rights to your mind, nor the words you decide to say.

How do you get rid of fear, oppression, depression, and every other emotion that hinders your progress forward?

Germain reminds us to use the Violet Flame of Transmutation. How does this work?

Release fear from every cell of your mind, body, and spirit. Decide not to take fear back into the way you live with every cell and fiber of your being.

As you go about your day, when conflict appears on the horizon, an argument pops up, agreements stall, or any other mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual dilemma turns up, mentally envision the problem going into the large Violet Flame of Germain. This is just as real as the example of hope which began this post. You may not see it, but by consciously sending it to the violet flame of transmutation, you can let go of it.

Stop focusing on what is not working. That is how to grow what is not working. It is the focus of observation that continues the broken reality. This is why when governments focus on what is not working, they get more of the same. As Albert Einstein says, it is not a matter of philosophy. It is a matter of physics.

Now you can operate with the next lightest thought, the next best idea generating more positive possibilities. This is how to heal mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. It is the only way to heal. It is miraculous.
