Enoch ~ Transubstantiation to Metatron ~ Elohim of Purity ~ Youth


There are probably more than the three Books of Enoch compiled into one volume currently on bookshelves known as: The First Book of Enoch (The Ethiopic Book of Enoch), The Second Book of Enoch (The Slavonic Secrets of Enoch), and The Third Book of Enoch (The Hebrew Book of Enoch), which also includes The Book of Fallen Angels, The Watchers, and the Origins of Evil: with expanded commentary on Enoch, Angels, Prophecies and calendars in the Sacred Texts; all compilation works of Dr. Joesph B. Lumpkin, and published by Fifth Estate Publishers, PO Box 116, Blountsville, AL 35031.

The Books of Enoch go into more detail than Genesis 5:21-24 tells.

Numerous books by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, among other writers, also share this information.

But The Books of Enoch go into greater detail explaining the missing links of what happened to Enoch. Did you know that Enoch comes back to his family on Earth and tells them all he has seen in his experience in the high heavens?

Obviously before we had written history, we had the tradition of oral history. Enoch tells his family to pass this information down for the benefit of future generations. We are the generation now benefitting from his experience, that is, if we allow ourselves to read what is handed down to us.

This information is also explained in THE “I AM” DISCOURSES published by Saint Germain Press. There are 20 volumes contained in this series. With all of this information out there for so many years, I pause to wonder what has taken me so long, a lifetime in fact, why I did not allow myself to study these works. I am grateful to others before me who cut through the immobilizing fear of indoctrination, peer pressure, and ridicule that the “religious right” attempts to control through outrageous hostility while at the same time contradict these words of love with words that are not love. These books can be obtained at: Saint Germain Foundation, Saint Germain Press, 1120 Stonehedge Drive, Schaumburg, Illinois 60194, USA. You can also go to: http://www.SaintGermainFoundation.org, or http://www.SaintGermainPress.com.

Interesting information jumped out to me yesterday as I was studying The Books of Enoch, in The Third Book of Enoch, which is the Hebrew Book of Enoch, on page 222, in Chapter 3, where it says Metatron has 70 names, but God calls him “Youth.” The footnote explains that the “70” represents the 70 nations, meaning the entire world.

Here it says that Metatron is Enoch who was transubstantiated at the time of the global flood.

What also jumped out to me is that in the 14th book of THE “I AM” DISCOURSES, Chapter IX, the title of this chapter is “BELOVED ELOHIM OF PURITY – TO THE “I AM” ASCENDED MASTER YOUTH.” Youth in this case, to my understanding, is Archangel Metatron.

Now what is so special about all this information?

THE “I AM” DISCOURSES teach about the “I AM” Presence unique to each human being, which I teach about in New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation workshops. I find it helps to be activated (not attuned) to the awareness of this animating Universal Energy within all human beings. Since everyone has the God-given gift of free will, everyone also has the right to learn how to use this Energy or not. It is not simply Reiki, Pranic healing, Qigong, Tai Chi, or any other way of manipulating or using Universal Life Energy.

You can use your God-given “I AM” Presence as the Energy to calm all dysfunction within yourself, your relationships, your country, and the world. You radiate this Energy not only within yourself, but also within your aura. This is what I would call Divine Universal Life Force Energy, but like the sinking of Atlantis, misused energy has a huge negative boomerang effect on yourself and the world around you. Only use your “I AM” Presence Universal Life Energy for constructive, upbuilding, Loving purposes. Misuse of this Energy, in part, is what brought on the global flood.

This is not merely “Divine” Energy. It is electromagnetic, technological, and scientific, according to Enoch, who relays this information to you, me, and all who study these healing arts. This is exactly what the Buddha tapped into. This is exactly what Jesus tapped into when he traveled to India between the ages of 12-30 in his supposedly missing 18 years of life.

Common history proudly boasts about the 15 years of the life of Jesus, while shunning the rest of the 18 years Jesus lived, as if they were not important enough to investigate. I could not take the constant rehashing of biblical stories configured in four different cycles so as not to drive congregations totally mad as they kept rehearing them on the repetitive loop since they were seven years old.

I knew there was more, more to what humanity was not being told, more to answering the burning questions of my soul, more to the missing years of Jesus, and more to the meaning of this present life. This is also true for everyone reading this.

These books are part of human history of which most modern religions wish you remain ignorant. Please know there is more to know than what you have been told, unless you have studied The Books of Enoch, or read THE”I AM” DISCOURSES, or other such books I’ve mentioned here.

Most religions promote book banning and censorship control, lest you discover what Buddha, Jesus, and other beings of Divine Love and Eternal Light actually came to Earth to awaken you to, which is your own measure of Universal Love and Universal Light that animates you.

Most religions want to interpret their own spin, promoting victim consciousness, berating you as a constant sinner, followed by threats of excommunication if you dare disagree. I’ve personally witnessed fists pounding pulpits, and bellowing and intimidating religious leaders, berating their populations as if the dragon himself was doing the fire-breathing fearmongering.

All of THE BOOKS OF ENOCH say that the Original Sin was that of the fallen angels mating with the women of Earth, not of Eve. But if you are never “allowed” to read them for yourself, how will you ever know?

But now with easy access to libraries and the internet, those ready to learn more, can.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Jesus Christ ~ Archangel Michael ~ Ascended Master Germain ~ Worldwide Meditation For Peace

I am Jesus. Don’t forget, I also worked with Archangel Michael in the war of heaven. I mention this because we are a spiritual team you can call on for world peace, peace in your families, and peace in your life. We work together, along with those you might know as the saints, angels, masters, and ascended masters, such as the one who you may know as Germain. All of us work together for the common good, for all that is holy, good, and just. We are not far from your thoughts, minds, and hearts.

When you call for our assistance, remember too that you are part of all Creation worthy of our love, wisdom, and assistance. You must also do your part to foster and keep the peace. Since the beginning the Earth has also been seeded with chaos, since the fallen angels who were cast out of heaven, as I showed John in Revelation 12:9. They were cast down to the Earth. This is not hyperbole.

Do not forget that good and evil were seeded within you and the Earth, which is why it was necessary for me to come to Earth, to wake up humanity from their forgetfulness, so that all who want to use their free will to choose good over evil can do that. I have shown you the way to peace, unity, and harmony. Remember all that I told you.

The war you must fight is the war within yourself, to choose light over dark, good over evil, and peace and harmony over chaos and dysfunction.

It starts with your recognition that you desire peace, the peace that surpasses all vainglory, worldly success, and egotistical pride that only blinds the true goal of heaven on earth. War does not bring peace. Peace brings peace.

I came to show you how to live peacefully.

I taught you the Golden Rule so you would do unto others as you would want them to do to you.

I came to forgive you from all that separates you from my Father. I told you that your father is not my Father, but my Father has become a father to you. Read John 8:44. This is why I am called the Savior.

I taught you how to forgive each other.

I taught you generosity with the use of your time for those less fortunate.

I taught you to bring all the little children to me, so you will know how to value them.

I taught you to remember me and to do the things I do and even greater things besides as John remembers in John 14:12. I speak the truth. I am the truth. The truth will set you free. You will see miracles in your life as soon as you take these things to heart.

I am Michael. I am the Mighty Being of Legions of Light, the Great Cosmic Being and the Director of the heavenly armies who knows no defeat. Call on me in times of trouble, for inner strength when you come up against unloving and ignorant dark forces that know no light. They are puffed up with pride but have no wisdom, nor love.

Treasure the consolation that I am there when you call to me, standing beside you in integrity, and loyalty, and truth. I do not tolerate lies, slander, cheating, nor robbing from the poor, nor discriminating against people of different races, creeds, nor any other divisions you notice. Remember I am the One who cleaned out the heavenly realms of such debauchery and filth. If this is also happening where you live, call to me for justice, liberty, and freedom of mind, body, and spirit, and I will be there with you, providing you with insightful wisdom, heartfelt understanding, and peace beyond words.

The war you must fight now is the war within yourself. Fight against the incessant need to be right, acknowledging when it is time to take up the arms of prayer and meditation over puny human ideologies of unbridled ego. There are two hungry tigers. Feed the one of positive and peaceful solutions, and you will reap the benefits of a peaceful life. Call on me and I will help you.

I am Germain, friend of Jesus, dedicated to working with the light of the purple flame of transmutation. I work with the purple ray. When you see paradoxes in your life and in the world around you, mentally send them to the purple flame of transmutation. When you have discord in your relationships, mentally send them to the purple flame. Where is this purple flame? It is right next to the problem that you are going through. It is a mental decision you make to cast your problems into the purple flame. When you make this decision, you do not have to take the problem back. Instead, look for the positive solutions and build upon the next highest frequency or vibration possible.

I am a Cosmic Being of Violet Fire offering my assistance to all who call to me. There is more to this life than strife and struggle, and more than wealth and apparent success.

I am the Presence of Purity and can assist you to see things clearly, bringing in light, love, wisdom, peace, unity, and harmony. Call on me if you want to work together with me.


The Bondage of Ignorance

Ignorance deforms the mind, body, and spirit, crippling personal, character, and social development. Humanity has free will, to learn or not learn, to grow out of ignorance, or to wallow in it. Ignorance has no redeeming value except to give a clue that there is so much more to know.

There are times humanity wants to be right more than it desires accurate knowledge, about life and many other things. Perhaps the most self-sabotaging thing we can do is to dig our heels in on subjects we have not fully investigated.

How many of us did the research necessary to choose a particular belief system, investigating all the many religions and ideologies, before settling in on the only way to believe the way our parents and grandparents did?

Many of these belief systems say their salvation is outside of the human body. Fear is the tactic used over the centuries which had proved most beneficial to keep the throngs of its followers in line. It seems if people are scared enough, subjugated enough, and threatened enough, then the masses will toe the line and obey.

Handing over your personal power to other people, places, and things, is never a good idea; not even to Saints, Angels, Archangels, Masters, nor Ascended Masters. No one of these identities needs nor benefits from our total oblation of ourselves.

Jesus the Christ told us that the kingdom of God is within us. Bibles over the years have adulterated this message, saying that the kingdom of God is “among” us, which is taken to mean Jesus is “among,” us, outside of us, but that is not what ancient Hebrew says in the Interlinear Bible in Hebrew, Greek, and English says. Each one of us has our own Christ self. Are we aware of this?

We are now at a moment in history when it has come to light, that humanity has reached a more expanded vibrational frequency within their understanding, that Jesus actually meant what he said. Again, other factions may still be stuck in the archaic control systems in thinking in which they might have been indoctrinated.

How do you break free, when the heart knows there is more to understand?

More education is most always the answer. One way to loosen the ties that bind the mind tight with fear, is to take a two-day Basic Master Workshop in New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT). These classes and workshops open the door to freedom which humanity has had all along.

Clearing the clutter of the mind, like clearing the clutter of the closets in our homes, brings clarity and freshness. It is necessary to clear away what no longer serves us to make room for the more important things, like expanded knowledge into ideas and concepts we dared not think or understand before.

Fear is not what ought to be motivating us. In place of fear, love is a far more motivating and sustainable force. But it is hard to fill up with love when fear insidiously lurks beneath the surface of our emotional selves.

The next NPMDT Basic Master Workshop I am offering takes place September 11-12, 2021, from 10 am – 6 pm. It is an opportunity to refresh your energy in freedom and love without conditions. There will be clearance meditations that will focus on releasing what no longer serves you, and awakening this dynamic, living light and love that motivates the heart, mind, and soul.

For those coming from a distance, there are hotels and restaurants in the neighboring town of Sturbridge, MA.

This Basic Master Workshop is a certified course curriculum of the international School of Esoteric Sciences. I am a certified teacher in this school. Germain is offering these workshops to the world now ready for the next level of energy that transforms fear into love, and oppression into freedom.

Anyone who feels called may take this workshop. More details are listed to the right of this blog, or for more details on the international School of Esoteric Sciences, go to http://www.new-paradigm-mdt.org. I am listed under the “Courses” tab, and “Teacher” tab. Click on my picture to find my 2021-2022 courses, descriptions, and details.

Students will experience guided meditations, and hands on practice. All levels energy workers are welcome, as well as those new in energy work. There are breaks in the morning and afternoon sessions, as well as a lunch break, in the old forest setting, at 3 Lake Drive, Holland, MA 01521. Students are advised to bring snacks, drinks, and a bag lunch.

The Cost for this workshop is $265, which is due 9/4/21 for registration in the International School of Esoteric Sciences to take place and for textbooks to be published and mailed in time for the workshop. Credit cards may be processed at http://www.paypal.me/linhourihan. Checks may be mailed to: Lin Hourihan, PO Box 75, Fiskdale, MA 01518. To register, email me at linhourihan@yahoo.com.


The Gender Of Your Soul

“Therefore watch yourselves very carefully. Since you saw no form on the day that the LORD spoke to you at Horeb out of the midst of the fire, beware lest you act corruptly by making a carved image for yourselves, in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female …” Deuteronomy 4:15,16

The last four days have been devoted to our Souls. At the end of our Life, we go back to God, who has no gender. God is LOVE, LIFE, and LIGHT.

The Christ, has no gender.

In Galatians 3:28, Paul writes, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” New International Version (NIV) Paul is referring to the spiritual life of each human Soul.

In some of our incarnations, we have been males and females, according to most studies on this subject. The common denominator is our Souls, which remain the same, genderless, as we learn and come to greater understandings of cause and effect in our lives, until we complete our individual Ascension Process.

Has anyone ever said to you that you are an Old Soul? There is a reason for this.

The book of Galatians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul about 49 A.D. prior to the Jerusalem Council which had taken place in 50 A.D. This quite possibly could have been Paul’s first letter. The key personalities of this book are the Apostle Paul, Peter, Barnabas, Abraham, Titus, and false teachers. These false teachers had created control systems of beliefs. Jesus came to awaken us to the fact that the Kingdom of God is WITHIN US, something he preached more than 100 times in the Gospels.

Paul then declares that Christ now lives WITHIN HIM, and directs, and empowers him to live as Christ’s ambassador and instrument: “… it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in meGalatians 2:2o.

“Foolish Galatians! Who put you under a spell? … Did you receive the Spirit by doing the works of the law or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? Having started out with the Spirit, are you now ending up with the flesh? Galatians 3:1-3.

We can be so very human, so very physical that grasping our spiritual nature, that of our Soul can seem unreal. In actuality, we forget who we really are and why we are here, in body AND SOUL.

What did Jesus say about the gender of our souls?

Jesus said, “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.” Matthew 22:30 NIV

All is One. We are one race, the human race, all with souls, each and every one of us. We are more alike then the differences than we profess. There is no difference between immigrants, or people of every race, color, creed, ethnicity, gender, age, ability or disability.

Jesus said we will ALL be like angels in heaven. Although angels have been portrayed both as male and female, they are known to be genderless, appearing as either male or female as the situation calls for.

Check out when angels presented themselves as females: “Then the angel who was speaking to me came forward and said to me, ‘Look up and see what is appearing.’ I asked, ‘What is it?’ He replied, ‘It is a basket.’ And he added, ‘This is the iniquity of the people throughout the land.’ Then the cover of lead was raised, and there in the basket sat a woman! He said, ‘This is wickedness,’ and he pushed her back into the basket and pushed its lead cover down on it. Then I looked up—and there before me were two women, with the wind in their wings! They had wings like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between heaven and earth. ‘Where are they taking the basket?’ I asked the angel who was speaking to me. He replied, ‘To the country of Babylonia to build a house for it. When the house is ready, the basket will be set there in its place” Zechariah 5:5-11.

It is said the Archangels Gabriel and Jophiel also presented themselves as females.

Most biblical encounters with angels have taken the forms of males. Remember though, that men wrote the Bible, translating Sanscrit and Aramaic writings, which used the male form “Angelos” when referring to angels.

The point is, if we are to ultimately be like the angels after our Resurrection and Ascension into Eternity, we will be like them, gender neutral, which is why Jesus taught us all that we will not be marrying, nor taken in marriage at that time. Jesus ought to know.

The question is, if our Souls are genderless while we are walking around in this physical world, why do we give ourselves such a hard time with how we manifest our reality in this present lifetime? We are who we are, Living Flames of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. In the first two Golden Ages it is said human beings were androgynous.

Be kind to you. You are who you are. You have nothing to prove. You have nothing to disprove.

What you are, are Temples of God, Temples of Energy, Temples of Love, Temples of Light, Temples of Life in human form. God, Energy, Love, Light, Life are neither male nor female, not are these aspects of the Creator of the Big Bang, God, or however you come to understand it, in competition with each other. They simply are what they are. So are you.

Re-Member, our Souls go back to the Source of Our Being, who is often called Mother/Father God, Being All Things to Everyone and Everything.

This world needs all of us to project more Love, Light and Life into the places where we live, breathe and have our being. Whatever we focus on grows. This is the way to heal the planet, and ourselves. Where there is division, let us bring peace, unity, empathy, understanding, and creative, positive problem solving to the top of everyone’s minds.

Let us be instruments of Peace.
