Jesus Was Not Killed by Atheism and Anarchy

Have you ever spoken with someone who tells you that he or she knows what God thinks, what God wants you to do, or what God will do to those who don’t obey what they think God wants?

These words are the spawn of FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. Political and religious fear mongers continue beating the drum of FEAR to motivate their followers to do their will, which they cannot do without their fear-filled followers. These leaders themselves are not filled with fear. Fear, obligation, and guilt, known as FOG, is the acronym used to refer to their arsenal of weapons, along with manipulation as a reinforcement.

“Physical abuse can be seen. But the seemingly invisible mental abuses political and religious cult leaders inflict on their unsuspecting subjects is not God-inspired nor politically productive for a democratic nation, nor any healthy congregation of believers. Political and religious cult leaders cling to an un-holy god of deception, using manipulation, fear, obligation, and guilt, otherwise known as FOG[1]. The acronym FOG, referring to fear, obligation, and guilt, was first coined by Susan Forward and Donna Frazier when dealing with emotional blackmail.” taken from IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM

[1] FOG – Fear, Obligation & Guilt — Out of the FOG

Again I ask, have you ever spoken with someone who tells you that he or she knows what God thinks, what God wants you to do, or what God will do to those who don’t obey what they think God wants?

These are loaded questions which require a deeper look at the intentions of people. Often the intentions of people with good will, who are following the dark and negative drumbeat of suspicion and conspiracy theories, are misguided because they are misinformed, calling truth lies and believing all the political and religious spin of a conspiracy merry-go-round. Their political and religious leaders seem to be coming from a place for the common good based on what they claim to be fact, that they know the mind of God. This is the lie.


If anarchy, destruction, chaos, and murder is their MO, Motis Operandi., their god is not the good God. You will know these people by the fruits they bear.

Political leaders who claim they are standing on the principles of God would better serve the world as religious leaders, if that is their calling. Otherwise, political leaders ought to be serving the cause of the betterment of the humanity whom they say they care for, by positive solutions that build up. The USA has the separation of church and state for a very good reason.

What are good-hearted and good-willed people to do once they recognize that they have been deluded by the very ones they trusted, gave money to, and for whom they followed their direction only to discover their fearless leaders turned out to be corrupt and incorrect?

Do not hand over your personal power to anyone.

There are unscrupulous people in the world, some of whom pretend to be your friends, or claim to know what is better for you then yourselves. They want your money. They want your time. They want you to do their bidding, because on their own they cannot succeed. Do not follow the fox into the chicken coop.

Take a moment to reassess. Work for peace. Work for the common good of all people. Notice if the people you give money to are eating better than you. How many people of middle and lower economic status continue bailing out rich corporations, politicians, and religious entities?

It is good to change your mind, when you discover you have been railroaded by corrupt minds. Recognize the delusion others may have pulled the wool over your eyes for a few years. But now that truth is uncovered, let the light shine on your peaceful, loving intentions, clear the cobwebs of your mind, and focus on the unity and harmony.

Insults and biting sarcasm are the lowest form of communication. Even children know and do this.

It takes strength of character to uncover the truth of the reality of what is taking place in the USA. You may have been on the opposite side of the issue. Now you may have a clearer understanding that the truth is not what you were told. Everyone makes mistakes. Mature character development can admit when lies were told to you as if they were the truth. Truth matters.

It’s not important to stay on the wrong course in order to save face, nor money, nor friends. Now is the time to find out for yourself what the truth is. This is what can build a better tomorrow.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Restoring Faith in Democracy ~ Freedom ~ Liberty ~ Peace ~ Truth in America and the World

Hubble Telescope by NASA.

There are people in the United States of America who say they value democracy and personal, religious, and political freedom on one hand, while at the same time are working to erode that very same foundation of liberty and freedom on the other. Authoritarian brutish belligerence is not the way to maintain the freedom for which the USA was born. It is a misconception that we will still have liberty and freedom after we destroy it. Who would benefit from such a political gimmick?

Lies are at the root of the axe chopping away at democratic principles. Peaceful integrity, honest conversation, and review of history will shine a light on why it is important not to revert back to the very reason the USA broke away from the dictates of England in the first place. Our Forefathers did not like authoritarian rules and oligarch regulations. Neither should we.

Manipulation of minds is the work of those who wish to usurp the treasures given to every human being by God, the Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. The USA is not alone in experiencing the assault on God-given freedoms with which every human being is born.

You matter. Your vote matters. No one, regardless of party or country owns your voice. Do not fall into the caveman mentality that might is right. It is not. See through the veil of fear and intimidation. Recognize that it is the game plan of authoritarian rule to try to scare you into believing that there will not be enough land, money, food, goods, education, or anything else as the reason to shut out others. This is not true. There is enough to go around. It is called sharing.

Greed, unbridled power, and selfish personal and political gain is at the helm steering the intimidating ghost ship with the hidden, or not so hidden agenda to undermine democracy, freedom, and truth in every state and country. This is not only a life-altering symptom of the USA aimed at destroying freedom of thoughts, words, and actions.

There is a dark force of energy apparent everywhere, not just in the USA that does not value individual human rights. This is a prime example of George Orwell’s 1984‘s double think. This force seeks to rob you of your rights by overlaying a blanket of fear, fear of lack, fear of want, fear of losing what you already have. Oligarchs of the world love this trend. Their motto is money is might is right. It is not.

Ethics matter. Truth matters. Do not believe the lie that all left-wing politics are lies and only right-wing messages are truth, whatever country where you live. They are not.

Unless you make a million dollars or more, no middle-class citizen in Massachusetts, for example, will pay more in their taxes determined in upcoming elections, despite what the wealthiest among us promote. Lies are being promoted that all small businesses will have to pay more if they do not vote with the millionaires and billionaires. This is not true. Investigate this for yourself.

The world is a conglomeration of good and bad, war and peace, truth and lies. All people have free will no matter where you live, even if you must make your decisions privately in states or countries that do not value truth over their ill-advised and self-serving lies. You decide what to accept or not.

Now is the time for reflection and decision on whether or not you value your liberty to speak your mind, without having to hand over your money, time, and every other freedom that a true democracy provides. Check out the lifestyles of the freedoms enjoyed by people in North Korea, for example, to see how well dictators provided for their people. Oligarchy is in countries ruled by big business, treating large corporations as people, which ultimately usurps the rights and privileges of the “common man” (all people.) Individual rights to fair taxation diminish with oligarchs in charge.

Who would benefit from such a political gimmick?

The rich and powerful, such as those involved in gun, drug and human trafficking, notoriously sweeping the world are in the pockets of politicians now trading common sense and freedom for subservience to the almighty dollar and their own selfish financial and political gain. We need to be more intelligent and not follow these inflated egos into the voting booths.

Freedom is freedom from manipulation and mind control. You are the boss of you, not any politician equally in the pockets of gun, drug, and human traffickers. People are priceless. The gun, drug, and human traffickers have prices. People are worth more than money.

Is pro-life actually pro-life for the lives of our veterans out in the cold on the street? Politicians love to say they are pro-military. The military has products to buy, income to be made, while veterans are in need of physical, mental, and spiritual care from faithfully serving their country, which takes government money to fulfill the promises made to the soldiers. Notice who the politicians are who always want to cut the budget when it comes to taking care of our veterans. Four consecutive budgets under Trump suggested cutting benefits for disabled veterans.

Is pro-life actually pro-life for the hundreds of hungry men, women, and children, including all people of all genders, or is pro-life qualified by an agenda?

Democracy is a precious gift worth keeping, at least to my way of thinking. Please make sure you are registered to vote and vote in the next election in your state and country. You make a difference in this beautiful world. It is time to build up humanity.

Who would benefit from such political gimmicks?


Coming To Terms With Being Used As A Pawn For Someone Else’s Benefit ~ Is Money Your Bottom Line?

The Republican Party is following the playbook of international oligarchs and large corporations rather than the will of the people, Democracy be dammed.

What is needed to recover a broken relationship based on the Big Lie which has been proven that the Republicans promulgated?

Awareness sometimes dawns slowly when we think we are on the right path, then suddenly realize we have been taken for a ride, or taken advantage of, or worst yet, been used for political gain, which benefits large corporations instead of you, the voting public.

The Big Lie is something Republicans angrily insist is true to keep you in fear, obedience to toeing the party line, while encouraging you to use your voice to ultimately hurt yourself and benefit huge corporations which pay little to no taxes yet make sure you pay yours.

If you are a one-issue voter, you may have made a decision to stand up for Pro-Life issues, disregarding the Big Lie of attempting to turn Democracy in the USA into an Autocrat/Oligarch system of tyranny. Pro-Life won’t even be on the table if you use your freedom to vote away your rights and give away Democracy which was won by long, hard Revolutionary and Civil Wars.

Democracy is fragile and needs our care and love to preserve it. It takes us all working together for a common goal.

It’s time to wake up, listen to accurate news stations as opposed to those television, radio, and social media sites that are political puppets for their own gain at the expense of yours.

If money is your bottom line, then making more in your 401K, investments, or savings account will matter more than ethics, morals, and truth in upcoming elections as you freely trade Democracy for an Oligarch system where the government is run like a business. But keep in mind, some of our business leaders have run their businesses into bankruptcy more than thirteen times due to illegal and unethical business practices. This is no success story, nor path, any country ought to take if they want to keep Democracy.

How do you fix the party that has caved to greed and who has betrayed your trust?

Stand up for truth before it is too late. The Republican Party is on the precipice of the cliff. If Republicans continue on their current path, it will be political self-sabotage. They will reap the seeds they are currently sowing. There is very little time for them to correct their mistakes. This country works well with a two-party system, but not if one of them is criminal, bought out by dark money.

As for truth, if I say two plus two equals four, but you say two plus two is sixty-five, that’s not a difference of opinion. One answer is truth, and the other answer is not truth.

As with any relationship, nothing can be saved as long as the offender in the relationship pretends there is no problem, the problem is not their fault, and/or the problem is all the other party’s fault, in this case, blaming the Democrats for the Republicans betrayal of their civic, social, and political roles for which they were voted into office.

Investigation after investigation has proven there was no voter fraud.

Stop listening to propaganda.

Watch and listen to factual, provable news from reputable news outlets, such as: Go to mainstream news outlets: Reuters, AP, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC, Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, Bloomberg News, The Atlantic, and Politico.

If you think these news outlets are slanted, know that you have been brainwashed and are being used as a political pawn in a game where you will lose the Democratic Socialism benefits you currently have.

It is possible to think for yourself. Decide to make decisions for yourself rather than following the sheep off the cliff of no return.

The voting booth is a sacred space. No one can tell you how to vote. Vote your conscience. Make sure every person is able to vote, regardless of race, ethnic background, color, creed, gender, financial status, age, or any other division established to limit the voting rights of everyone in America.

Step away from white supremacist agendas. All people count. All people matter in this country. Walk away from hate, which is fueled by fear. If you say you are not a white supremacist, then stop voting for the white supremacist agenda. If you disagree, then you need to do more study. Check out the Southern Poverty Law Center.

It can be difficult with strong-minded friends, but not impossible. You need to be true to yourself, not vote the way someone else is telling you to vote. This is not a popularity contest.

Also, when it finally dawns on you that you have been used for various agendas, by the gun lobby, or corporations and conglomerates, stand tall. You do not answer to them. You answer to your own heart. Your vote is your voice.


Consequences Of Today’s Irresponsible Cult Followers Turned Domestic Terrorists ~ A Dangerous Political Cult ~ 14 Cult Markers

When you are part of a modern-day political cult, the cult leader pulls your strings, fuels what to think, calls real news fake, and incites violence for the cult leader’s self-serving goals, but does not take responsibility for the results. Rather, believing the lies of the cult leader, the mob mentality takes over, rioting over democracy.

Democracy will triumph in the United States of America, the land of freedom, the land of law and order. However cult followers do not follow freedom for all people of all skin color, races, creed, genders and ages. Their allegiance goes to the cult leader, believing the lies out of the cult leader’s mouth.

Beware of modern day cults, especially those that tell you they are not a cult, political or otherwise.

I am writing this for the many people in these modern times, who were looking for political answers for that something more in life, and got caught up in a contagious web of diversion and dark human inspiration, a political cult.

Getting drawn into the political cult mindset usually happens slowly and insideously. It begins with well-meaning reasoning to better yourself or humanity, and looking outside of yourself for the answers, as if some other person or group possesses that which you do not think that you have.

A trip many good people fall on is the concept, “It’s just my opinion. I have a right to my own opinion.” While it is true that everyone has a right to his or her own opinion, rabid political cult followers are not free to think anything other than what the political cult leader tells them to think. This gets permeated throughout the entire group culture like the leaven in the dough.

All cults have tell-tale markers. Once these are recognized, it becomes easier to separate our beliefs in politics, or anything else, from the mind-controling guru at the top who has spread the common cult-misinformation lie, that only he is the answer to the current situation in the country, or church, or any other cult group. They are all the same in this trait. The guru touts that only he, no one else and no other thing could possibly resolve today’s proposed crisis in health, wealth, justice, and law and order.

Political cult leaders usually have a militant mindset, baiting their conversations to the general public with salted words inciting their cult followers to do illegal, underhanded and/or conniving actions, while stoking violence towards those they wish to suppress.

Suppression is the tool political cult leaders use for organizing people into certain groups or sections of cities under their control, such as red-lining districts, rigging the mail system, and suppressing free and fair elections. If political elections were actually held freely and fairly they could possibly lose, so manipulation, coercion, extortion become acceptable tactics to the political cult leaders. Once judges, juries and courts have been bought and compromised, it becomes harder for free and fair elections to take place.

Suppression is also called cheating.

A political cult leader, like every other religious cult leader, beats the drum of fear. The lowest common denominator that motivates followers of any kind is anger. Fear is the only fuel that stokes the constant rage; fear of losing power, fear of losing wealth, fear of the fake kingdom they have carved out for themselves at the extreme expense of the duped followers who chant his praises and pour their hard earned money into the poltical cult leader’s pockets.

It is not only the duped followers who follow political cult leaders. It is also the greedy corporations, acting as if they were people rather than huge conglomerates of wealth and power which seek to promote the political cult leader in order to maintain or grow in more wealth and power, without any boundaries, regardless of ethics, morals or any negative effect on the citizens of the country.


There is more than one cult present in the world today. All of them deny that they are a cult. But there are 14 tell-tale marks present in all cults. The following post points out these life-altering pitfalls to watch out for.

Political cult followers who are unaware that they have fallen into the cult mentality, can find themselves carrying the cult flag, following the political leader as if this one person is the only person to lead the country, as if he were a god. This political type of cult leader is transformed by his “followers” into a god-like leader, when in fact, he is merely just another human being. Any rebutal is met by his faithful, political cult followers, no matter how much truth there is in the facts, with the cult-like wave of resistence. They support the political cult leader, no matter what truth and facts point out.

Another tell-tale tip of the political cult mindset is that it is closed system. No outside information nor influence is regarded as truth. Only the political cult leader proclaims “truth.” A poltical cult leader proclaims anything other than the lies he is spewing is “fake news.” There is no comparing both sides of any issue. The very idea of considering any other political viewpoint is considered as traitorous, when it is actually the political cult leader who has hijacked his base, who is the traitor. In this case, political cult followers’ minds have been sufficiently and successfully conditioned. These minds are no longer free to think what they want to think. It is George Orwell’s 1984 all over again. It is worth reading again.

People’s Magazine sponsored a television show in 2019 on the cult, Word of Faith Fellowship, (under the disguise of religion) which oddly enough is attracting modern day men, women and children into its criminally abusive practices, in my opinion, since I believe whacking any man, woman or child for 14 hours straight with an 18 inch wooden mallet without reprieve while simultaneously screaming at them, and/or withholding food from the apparent victim is criminal. This cult is one of many popping up these days. While this show revealed the aspects of cults to watch out for, the guidelines to follow in order to get out of any cult are the same for political cult followers as it is for religious cult followers. Both are unhealthy.

Whether you have been involved with this or any other cult-like religious or political group, reclaim your mental, physical and spiritual self as soon as possible. Fear of being abused in any or all of these forms is not the path to the loving God, nor a democratic government. Fear of being abused is a faulty human-manipulation-tactic used as political-social-structural, social-psychological, inter-behavior patterns to get you to submit your will to the misguided will of the cult group, in this case, the political cult group.

Fear is the ultimate weapon cults use.

You were never intended to become a slave to someone else’s idea of how to know and/or follow a political leader. A political cult leader, nor any religious cult minister, is not more worthy of being human than you. They do not know more than you about the noble qualities you want instilled in your political leaders despite what their forceful words erroneously imply. One day in the presence of political or religious cult leaders of any title they use to inflate their own self-worth, is enough to shine a light on the soon to erupt volcano of emotional, physical and spiritual harm they eventually unleash.

Physical abuses can be seen. But the seemingly invisible mental abuses political and religious cult leaders inflict on their unsuspecting subjects is not God-inspired nor politically productive for a democratic nation, nor any healthy congregation of believers. Political and religious cult leaders cling to an un-holy god of deception, by the use of manipulation, fear, obligation and guilt.

Listen to that inner voice inside yourself, your conscience, and realize you are right to escape the cult. Political and religious cults are evil personified, no matter what they say to the opposite. Cults are heavy into guilt motivation, but that does not make them right. You already know this.

What political and religious cult leaders do know is how to exert concerted effort to influence, bully, control, manipulate, exploit, and in the worst cases to abuse your body, mind and spirit in their unholy aim. This is abuse. This is mental abuse. This is physical abuse. This is spiritual abuse.


Abuse in all these forms is criminal and must not be tolerated by any human being on earth.

All cults have similar characteristics. Here is a list of 14 characteristics that help to define a cult:

“• The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader, and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.

• Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

• Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, or debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).

• The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (e.g., members must get permission to date, change jobs, or marry or leaders prescribe what to wear, where to live, whether to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).

• The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (e.g., the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).

• The group has a polarized, us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.

• The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders, or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).

• The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (e.g., lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).

• The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and control members. Often this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.

• Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.

• The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.

• The group is preoccupied with making money.

• Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.

• Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.” Taken from the online article Characteristics of Cults,” by Janna Lalich and Michael Pantone.

“The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave — or even consider leaving — the group,” say Janja Lalich and Michael Langone in their online article Characteristics of Cults.

Excerpts are from the book, Take Back Your Life: Recovering From Cults and Abusive Relationships by Janja Lalich and Madeline Tobias at Bay Tree Publishing.

Stand up for your God-given gift of free will. Use your free will to get out. Use your free will to vote. No one owns the rights to your mind, your voice or your life. Your life, body, mind and soul belong to you.

God loves you. God forgives you. You are a child of God here on earth. Only you can live your life. Only you can vote your conscience. If you have given over the rights to your mind, body or spirit to other religious or political groups, or any other group claiming rights over you, use your free will to walk away. Those are not your friends. Neither your political affiliation nor your friends can usurp your God-given rights.

Cult Antidote: Never hand over your personal power or relinquish your free will to any person, place or thing at any time for any reason, ever.

You can do this.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

The Eagles ~ Hole In The World ~ New Year Wishes

Hole In The World by The Eagles

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

The Rise And Fall Of A Narcissistic President ~ Bigotry Is The Opium Of The Ignorant ~ The Healing Of A Nation

Uniting the country means we do not only take care and heal red states or blue states. We are the United States of America. We are all one and are much more alike than any difference we profess. Now is the time to build us up in peace, empathy, compassion, kindness, and brotherly love. There is no difference in our humanity, in the color of our skin, our countries of origin, the language we speak, our gender, our age, nor in our abilities and/or disabilities. All Is One.

Bigotry is the opium of the ignorant.

The narcissistic personality disorder masking as unbounded greed and bottomless selfishness of the President over the past four years, validating a deep undercurrent of systemic racism at the helm, has been a schooling of handicapping traits revealing the very best decisions for himself, reaping huge financial gains at the expense of the democracy of the United States of America, racial equality, national security, and the death of nearly a quarter of a million citizens, among other atrocities.

To the narcissist Commander In Chief, addressing the COVID-19 pandemic is paramount to admitting failure, failure of his dismantling of the Pandemic Watch Team, failure of pro-active measures that could have been taken as early as January 2020, failure to treat immigrants fleeing dangerous situations with empathy and compassion, failure to keep immigrant families together rather than heartlessly separating children from their parents – putting both in separate cages – in the process losing 545 children’s parents, and failure of countless backwards-nationalistc goals much to the diminishment of the standing of the USA on the world stage.

Prejudice is a mental illness, not an opinion. It is emotionally blinding. Like environmentally and family seeded biases, some mental illnesses are passed on generationally. It is still a mental weakness to mentally agree and accept prejudice as a valid belief system, reacting to others not like themselves with cruelty in thoughts, words and actions.

Cults use this same principle to inflict fear, obligation and guilt (FOG) as manipulation techniques to get the followers of the group to conform to the will of the deformed group. Notice the cult of followers of the President of the last four years, following fiction over fact, myth over science, and accepting the $100 paid to them for selling their souls for the almighty dollar.

If money is the bottom line of democracy, then a host of unholy thoughts, words and actions can appear as good or normal when they are not.

Like many diseases, healing can only take place when we acknowledge the disease, apply the healing balms of accurate knowledge of history, and the best therapies, procedures, and medicines. We need to address the systemic racism raging across this country from shore to shore, in order to truly be the melting pot of the world.

We the people will not be silenced.

We the people will not be bullied.

Divisive ideologies have attempted to divide and conquor before, without success.

Cartoon from 1860 with Presidential Election showing three of the candidates (left to right) Republican Abraham Lincoln, Democrat Stephen A. Douglas, and Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge – tearing the country apart, while the Constitutional Union candidate, John Bell, applies glue from a tiny, useless spot. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Massachusetts Senator Daniel Webster gave a speech known as the Second Reply to Hayne, where he famously thundered “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!” In Webster’s speech on January 26, 1830 before the United States Senate, he described the federal government as: “made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people.”

President Abraham Lincoln loved these words so much that he re-phrased the conclusion of the Gettysburg Address with, “… and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

President-Elect Joe Biden smartly gave one of his 2020 campaign speeches from Gettysburg, rich in its symbolism.

People are resilient. The country is resilient. We are all in this together. While we have our own viewpoints on important matters in running our democracy, we are one United States of America. We are all One.

We are more alike than the differences we profess. We all need to think, speak and act in ways of the greater good.

I AM my brother’s and sister’s keeper.

As a Christmas present this year, let us unwrap the gifts of peace, empathy, compassion, kindness, brotherly love, and share them with everyone around us. Let us also forgive one another. Let us use these healing gifts to heal our hearts, our families, our neighborhoods, and our social and civic circles, focusing on healing divisions of race, color, creed, gender, ages, abilities and disabilities, and any other difference we humans have contrived of to be different from one another.

Let us also continue to shine a light on science, medicine, and technology for the betterment of all of humanity.

God Bless Everyone ~ You All Matter

Hate Groups In The United States of America ~ The Undercurrent Racist Vote ~ If You Can Close Your Eyes To This … As Long As Money Is The Bottom Line … Racism Wins

Southern Poverty Law Center Hate Map shows the undercurrent of racism alive and well. Anyone who says they are not racist, but can vote for politicians known to be racist through their words and actions, hiding behind “fake news;” treating refugees fleeing for their lives, putting men, women and children in cages; separating children from their parents and “losing” 545 parents in the process; red-line voting districts; allowing the COVID-19 pandemic to run rampant while killing a quarter of a million American lives; living misogynist lives without repudiation; and not wanting all votes to be counted in the democracy of the United States; then all people need to reassess if they are in fact racist. Closing your eyes to racism is in and of itself, racist.

Now is the time to look closely in the mirror and see what we allow in our lives.

What is the real problem at the root of the separation of democracy?

What is at the root of not wanting to count all the votes of all citizens in the United States of America?

Is it tolerable to encourage hate groups to roam the streets of our cities and towns, then blame the trouble they cause on the Black, Latino, and all disenfranchised groups?

Is it lawful to incite hate groups to form bullish “trains” of vehicles to pour out onto roads onto the USA in intimidation moves?

Do you find yourself needing to ignore pangs of conscience?

Does choosing to ignore the needs of others in order to continue to financially profit personally supersede their needs?

Southern Poverty Law Center

  • Speak up when you hear slurs. Let people know that biased speech is unacceptable.
  • Cross social boundaries. Seek out opportunities to interact with people who are different from you.
  • Encourage your local police force to identify bias-motivated criminal acts as hate crimes.
  • Complain to media outlets when they promote stereotypes.
  • Look inside yourself for hidden biases. Take a test at
  • For more ideas, visit

America needs to listen and learn from each other, and face problems directly, without political spin and self-serving agendas.

Peace and patience to all.

How To Tell If Your Personal Views Have Been Hijacked By A Political Cult ~ Signs Of A Cult

Cult Antidote: Never hand over your personal power or relinquish your free will to any person, place or thing at any time for any reason, ever.

Beware of modern day cults, especially those that tell you they are not a cult, political or otherwise.

I am writing this for the many people in these modern times, who were looking for political answers for that something more in life, and got caught up in a contagious web of diversion and dark human inspiration, a political cult.

Getting drawn into the political cult mindset usually happens slowly and insideously. It begins with well-meaning reasoning to better yourself or humanity, and looking outside of yourself for the answers, as if some other person or group possesses that which you do not think that you have.

A trip many good people fall on is the concept, “It’s just my opinion. I have a right to my own opinion.” While it is true that everyone has a right to his or her own opinion, rabid political cult followers are not free to think anything other than what the political cult leader tells them to think. This gets permeated throughout the entire group culture like the leaven in the dough.

All cults have tell-tale markers. Once these are recognized, it becomes easier to separate our beliefs in politics, or anything else, from the mind-controling guru at the top who has spread the common cult-misinformation lie, that only he is the answer to the current situation in the country, or church, or any other cult group. They are all the same in this trait. The guru touts that only he, no one else and no other thing could possibly resolve today’s proposed crisis in health, wealth, justice, and law and order.

Political cult leaders usually have a militant mindset, baiting their conversations to the general public with salted words inciting their cult followers to do illegal, underhanded and/or conniving actions, while stoking violence towards those they wish to suppress.

Suppression is the tool political cult leaders use for organizing people into certain groups or sections of cities under their control, such as red-lining districts, rigging the mail system, and suppressing free and fair elections. If political elections were actually held freely and fairly they could possibly lose, so manipulation, coercion, extortion become acceptable tactics to the political cult leaders. Once judges, juries and courts have been bought and compromised, it becomes harder for free and fair elections to take place.

Suppression is also called cheating.

A political cult leader, like every other religious cult leader, beats the drum of fear. The lowest common denominator that motivates followers of any kind is anger. Fear is the only fuel that stokes the constant rage; fear of losing power, fear of losing wealth, fear of the fake kingdom they have carved out for themselves at the extreme expense of the duped followers who chant his praises and pour their hard earned money into the poltical cult leader’s pockets.

It is not only the duped followers who follow political cult leaders. It is also the greedy corporations, acting as if they were people rather than huge conglomerates of wealth and power which seek to promote the political cult leader in order to maintain or grow in more wealth and power, without any boundaries, regardless of ethics, morals or any negative effect on the citizens of the country.


There is more than one cult present in the world today. All of them deny that they are a cult. But there are 14 tell-tale marks present in all cults. The following post points out these life-altering pitfalls to watch out for.

Political cult followers who are unaware that they have fallen into the cult mentality, can find themselves carrying the cult flag, following the political leader as if this one person is the only person to lead the country, as if he were a god. This political type of cult leader is transformed by his “followers” into a god-like leader, when in fact, he is merely just another human being. Any rebutal is met by his faithful, political cult followers, no matter how much truth there is in the facts, with the cult-like wave of resistence. They support the political cult leader, no matter what truth and facts point out.

Another tell-tale tip of the political cult mindset is that it is closed system. No outside information nor influence is regarded as truth. Only the political cult leader proclaims “truth.” A poltical cult leader proclaims anything other than the lies he is spewing is “fake news.” There is no comparing both sides of any issue. The very idea of considering any other political viewpoint is considered as traitorous, when it is actually the political cult leader who has hijacked his base, who is the traitor. In this case, political cult followers’ minds have been sufficiently and successfully conditioned. These minds are no longer free to think what they want to think. It is George Orwell’s 1984 all over again. It is worth reading again.

People’s Magazine sponsored a television show in 2019 on the cult, Word of Faith Fellowship, (under the disguise of religion) which oddly enough is attracting modern day men, women and children into its criminally abusive practices. This cult is one of many popping up these days. While this show revealed the aspects of cults to watch out for, the guidelines to follow in order to get out of any cult are the same for political cult followers as it is for religious cult followers. Both are unhealthy.

Whether you have been involved with this or any other cult-like religious or political group, reclaim your mental, physical and spiritual self as soon as possible. Fear of being abused in any or all of these forms is not the path to the loving God, nor a democratic government. Fear of being abused is a faulty human-manipulation-tactic used as political-social-structural, social-psychological, inter-behavior patterns to get you to submit your will to the misguided will of the cult group, in this case, the political cult group.

Fear is the ultimate weapon cults use.

You were never intended to become a slave to someone else’s idea of how to know and/or follow a political leader. A political cult leader, nor any religious cult minister, is not more worthy of being human than you. They do not know more than you about the noble qualities you want instilled in your political leaders despite what their forceful words erroneously imply. One day in the presence of political or religious cult leaders of any title they use to inflate their own self-worth, is enough to shine a light on the soon to erupt volcano of emotional, physical and spiritual harm they eventually unleash.

Physical abuses can be seen. But the seemingly invisible mental abuses political and religious cult leaders inflict on their unsuspecting subjects is not God-inspired nor politically productive for a democratic nation, nor any healthy congregation of believers. Political and religious cult leaders cling to an un-holy god of deception, by the use of manipulation, fear, obligation and guilt.

Listen to that inner voice inside yourself, your conscience, and realize you are right to escape the cult. Political and religious cults are evil personified, no matter what they say to the opposite. Cults are heavy into guilt motivation, but that does not make them right. You already know this.

What political and religious cult leaders do know is how to exert concerted effort to influence, bully, control, manipulate, exploit, and in the worst cases to abuse your body, mind and spirit in their unholy aim. This is abuse. This is mental abuse. This is physical abuse. This is spiritual abuse.


Abuse in all these forms is criminal and must not be tolerated by any human being on earth.

All cults have similar characteristics. Here is a list of 14 characteristics that help to define a cult:

“• The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader, and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.

• Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

• Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, or debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).

• The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (e.g., members must get permission to date, change jobs, or marry or leaders prescribe what to wear, where to live, whether to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).

• The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (e.g., the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).

• The group has a polarized, us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.

• The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders, or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).

• The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (e.g., lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).

• The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and control members. Often this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.

• Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.

• The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.

• The group is preoccupied with making money.

• Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.

• Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.” Taken from the online article Characteristics of Cults,” by Janna Lalich and Michael Pantone.

“The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave — or even consider leaving — the group,” say Janja Lalich and Michael Langone in their online article Characteristics of Cults.

Excerpts are from the book, Take Back Your Life: Recovering From Cults and Abusive Relationships by Janja Lalich and Madeline Tobias at Bay Tree Publishing.

Stand up for your God-given gift of free will. Use your free will to get out. Use your free will to vote. No one owns the rights to your mind, your voice or your life. Your life, body, mind and soul belong to you.

God loves you. God forgives you. You are a child of God here on earth. Only you can live your life. Only you can vote your conscience. If you have given over the rights to your mind, body or spirit to other religious or political groups, or any other group claiming rights over you, use your free will to walk away. Those are not your friends. Neither your political affiliation nor your friends can usurp your God-given rights.

You can do this.


It’s A Time For Hope ~ When We All Vote ~ Your Vote Matters

Now is a time for hope, since all votes matter. The reason there are such attempts at suppression of votes and voters is because your vote matters so much. If you are the ages of 18-24, 25-65, or 66 +, this election will matter in every aspect of your future. Voting gives you hope for your future, and to continue the envied democracy of numerous countries in the world.

All votes matter, regardless of race, gender, age, and abilities, regardless of the attempts to silence our voices in deciding the justice, health care, economy, and integrity of the freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of everyone in our country.

Let’s call suppression of votes what it is, cheating.

The United States Postal Service creed, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds,” although not an official motto, is acknowledged by the Postal Service as an informal motto. This is good to remember. Your vote matters.

The following is a special that all voters would benefit from viewing:


The Problem With The Herd Immunity Experiment ~ Is Death Only A Problem If It Is Yours?

Six to seven million people are expected to die in the United States of America alone in the Herd Immunity experiment. All the deaths in the wars of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq are only half of what we have currently lost in this COVID-19 Pandemic. Start the healing with healing measures of social distancing and wearing masks, which are proven to work. This is no hoax. Your friends and relatives are not dying of a hoax. The wool has been pulled over your eyes if you have believed that.

The idea to create a super, white human race capable of withstanding deadly pandemics belongs to a past, fallen Nazi generation. That ideology did not and will not stand against the sands of time then, or ever. There is only one race, the human race, of which we all are a part regardless of race, color, creed, age and/or gender. We are all in this life together. It is not up to the richest or the most politically powerful to subjugate the people of the land, especially in the land of the free, the UNITED States of America.

We are UNITED, not run by different tyrant governments of individual states. Rather, we a true DEMOCRACY. The United States of America shines throughout the world as a shining beacon on the hill, where truth, liberty, justice, and health for ALL citizens are at the helm despite the jealous factions nipping at its heels.

Health and wealth of individuals are not the deciding factor for valid personhood in the DEMOCRACY of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That is how dictators and tyrants rule, not a democratic republic of which we are.

The Grand Old Party, GOP, admits it is following a Herd Immunity track as a “cure” for COVID 19. Some of them are now back-peddling in the face of current realities. First of all, please realize that the Herd Immunity experiment is a fringe medicine concept which is finally being debunked. There is no cure for COVID-19, also known as SARS Co2, a highly contagious and deadly coronavirus. The vaccines currently available for the COVID-19 pandemic and are not cures. They are prevention measures.

The Herd Immunity experiment means that since there are 331 million people in the US and experts say 70 percent of the population would have to get the virus for herd immunity to work, 231.7 million of us would have to get it. Since the current death rate is from 2.6 to 3 percent of all those who get the virus, 6 to 7 million of us would die. So if this is your idea for a cure, you might want to say good-bye to your parents and grandparents now.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center ( shows as of 12/22/20, there are:

+ 322,588 USA COVID-19 deaths

+ 195,033 new COVID-19 cases as of yester, 12/22/20

+ 18.221 Million confirmed COVID-19 cases

The CDC reports 36,000 deaths from the flu each year. COVID-19 is no ordinary flu.

Deceptive information concerning people who have and/or die from COVID-19, is that people aren’t really dying from COVID-19, but from heart, lung, kidney or other organ malfunctions. This goes to show the ignorance of what COVID-19 does to the human body, and how it mutates in individuals who do or did have COVID-19, and continues to compromise their systems years later.

Beware of voter suppression tactics targeting Black, Latino, and Democrat voters. Legal voters are not only milky white people, and not only Republican voters. The United States of America was has matured past the ignorance of racist agendas, and welcomes immigrants of all countries who revere FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, and JUSTICE for people. Every vote counts. Your vote counts. You count. This is our democracy at stake.

Children do get this deadly virus and many have already died from it. They can also be carriers, spreading COVID-19 to others even if they show no symptoms. Taking temperatures and having fevers is a symptom of COVID-19 that may not show up for 14 days, while continuing to spread this virus.

Masks and social distancing are proven methods to bring a country to be COVID-19 free, like New Zealand. It’s called delayed gratification. Delayed gratification is a mature response to social dilemmas. By doing the right thing now, we can move past the juvenile approach of not wearing masks, and social distancing adult temper tantrums.

All human life is precious. We all matter. Human life is not expendable in a civilized society.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

What To Expect Regarding Presidential Results This November

This short video is 1 minute, 18 seconds long.

We need to be part of the solution to explain the misinformation around why it is usual for the election results to come in after the polls close on November 3. This is and always has been normal and legal. Please feel free to share this to help others understand.

Now it is important to bring absentee ballots in to official ballot boxes, or to the places of early voting sites near you. Your vote matters. You matter. Democracy matters.

There is more that unites us than divides us. We are more alike than the differences we profess.

We’ve got this.

Have a beautiful day!

Chloe Hogan Sings Jackie DeShannon’s “What The World Needs Now Is Love”

“What The World Needs Now Is Love”

This is exactly what the world needs right now – LOVE.

Love is the only answer to taking care of the hungry, the homeless, the destitute, the immigrant, the neglected, the children, the elderly, the cold, the mentally ill, the handicapped, the abused, even the politically abused …

Love is the only answer.


Inspirational ~ Empathetic ~ Compassionate ~ The Way I See It

Former President Barak Obama walking with then White House photographer Pete Souza. “The Way I See It” aired last night and is worth mentioning in this post.

“The Way I See It” turns out to be the most compelling and profound television special that aired last night, in my book, returning hope for humanity, especially within the United States of America. My soul, parched from the depravation of fluid common sense, civility and ordinary care in our political areana, drank in the empathy and compassion of previous Presidential administrations.

Hope returned to my heart and light of empathetic care of all people ignited that spark of possibility of what could be again.

It is not only other people and other administrations who can bring about the necessary changes that uplift us. We need to be better people.

Everyday we all get the choices our free will suggests to us. Focusing on and building peace is possible even in the face of unpeaceful situations, unrest, disharmony sparked by dark agendas. We shine our light on these situations without being duped by the antagonism of white supremicists, for example.

Seeing the dignity displayed in “The Way I See It,” as presented by Pete Souza, the White House photographer for Former President Barak Obama, my heart melted, which until I saw this television special, was unaware it was holding onto so much fear and trepidation from our previous four years of daily and often hourly lies, disinformation, and authorian/oligarch terror for our country.

I could look outside of myself and say the United States will be so much better off with other leadership at the helm, but the truth is, the United States will also be much better off when we all take off our one-sided blinders we have donned, like a horse with its blinders on while running the race. How is it possible to make any decision when we only look at one side?

I have tried countless times, and will still continue to try, to reach the hearts and minds of others who are cemented into the bucket of lies they have been sold as if these lies were the truth. It is as if they are rooting for their sports team, that no matter what, that is their team. Their screams and yells have only derogatory slanders, no facts or integrity. They do not realize they have had the wool pulled over their eyes. They believed the lies. I am a firm believer that truth comes out in the end.

There is more than one agenda, one lie, within the current administration, than the one that is being sold to citizens of the USA. For example, present powers say they will not touch your health insurance. I’ve had people tell me they do not have “The Affordable Care Act (ACA),” or “Obamacare,” that they have “Aetna” or some other insurance company. However, what they do not understand is that they have the things their insurance company currently gives them because The Affordable Care Act is a law, requiring all insurance companies to comply, at the moment, covering pre-existing conditions and regulating what your co-pays can be. Without these regulations, insurance companies will go the way all business goes when left to greedy agendas.

If the same administration gets voted in in November 3, the ACA is on the chopping block. If that happens, they promise to destroy the ACA and the provisions currently available. November 10 is when the case on whether or not to keep the Affordable Care Act comes up in the Supreme Court. If it is dropped, with no replacement in sight, you may find yourself having to deal with pre-existing conditions not being replaced, and skyrocketing co-pays and premeiums. This is not a lie. Check out this news for yourself.

Look online, not only at FOX News, or your local Dunkin Donuts friends. Go to reputable sources that have no bias, and who have real reporters, not just columnists who are paid to tell their particular point of view. Reputable news outlets are: Associated Press (AP), Reuters, The Guardian, NPR, BBC, The Wall Street Journal, Axios, PBS, NBC, ABC, CBS. These are center, not right or left wing. Of those, I think the absolute best would be AP and PBS. They is on every list that is unbiased.

Now I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I see the inspiration that is possible. It comes from the way we treat ourselves and one another, with empathy and compassion. When empathy and compassion are missing in the political areana, political greed for power and money usurp the brains of otherwise would-be decent people.

Let us begin, or begin again, with a focus on decency, civility, honor, integrity in how we live our lives, speak in conversations, and VOTE in the coming election on November 3.


We Already Have Liberty And Freedom ~ The USA Has No Need For Militias Nor Home-Grown Terrorists

In 1776, we fought for and won independence during the Revolutionary War; and again in the War of 1812, also considered the Second War of Independance. We already have independence.

In 1865, we fought the long hard battle of the Civil War, and won freedom from the horrid, humanly contrived condition of slavery, which sought to keep other human beings as chattle. From that point on we recognize that all who were once enslaved are to be treated as free men and women. We still need to make sure this particular freedom becomes a reality for all people, not just for white people, because systemic racism insideously rears its ugly head from time to time. Too many lives have been lost already to this crime against humanity. We already have freedom from slavery in the USA. We need to act on this freedom in peace and dignity. We need to vote out racism whenever we see it.

The thing we as Americans need to do is to peacefully and humanely act on the freedoms we already have. When we see the need to replace bad and/or racist police, we need to act quickly to replace them with good police who treat all people with dignity and respect.

There are ignorant forces sirring the pot of Democracy as if by putting voice to their malignant actions they attempt to validate the facade of freedom and liberty. Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the laws of this land. There are upstanding police forces and the armed service of the USA should any man or woman fell the call to serive our country in this noble way. But socially irresponsible groups of home grown terrorists are not to be tolerated in any society.

We all need to raise our heads above the noisy rucus to remember the accurate history of the United States of America for which the Statue of Liberty stands, in order that we bring peace and justice to all people, not just the wealthiest, nor any gun-toting would-be militia, nor allow ourselves to be railroaded by the politically powerful.

Remembering our independent, freeom-loving, liberty foundation, the citizens of the United States are more resiliant than the bully political pundants, and the renegade, self-appointed militias.

We already have fought these fights. There is no need to repeat the past. We do need to positively vote in our political system, and act in the freedom and liberty.

Our founding fathers drew up The Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights. The United States of America is a land of laws. We are not living in the times of the wild, wild, west. Thank God for the FBI and government agencies that watch out for the good of all its citizens.

As citizens, we have the right to peaceful protests across the USA to make our voices heard. Not only is this a recognized in the USA, it is also a God-given right to stand up peacefully for the good of all people, and make our voices heard.

We lift up our hearts, minds and voices to make sure we have justice and liberty for all people in this beautiful land by voting for integrity, honor and sevility, making sure that everyone is treated equally and fairly.


Critical Mass Switches “Trickle Down” To “Trickle Up” Economics ~ originally posted September 16, 2012

When critical mass in any energy form is reached, the ebb and flow of what had been working switches to the other side. It is a natural occurrence when too much energy pushes from the

Critical mass switches “Trickle Down Economics” to “Trickle Up Economics.”

impetus that has been building. This is happening particularly in USA economics, and the world economic stage as well. Trickle down economics is supposed to work because if the wealthy of the land get wealthier, it is assumed that they will share the benefit based on this premise. In this country, what has been happening is that the middle class has been bailing out the higher class of the wealthy with no reciprocation, except for their outstretched wealthy hand begging for more, more, more. This is Trickle Up Economics. It is an automatic response.


This is because the basic principle of trickle down economics is based on inequity. It does not work. It works in theory, but it has never worked in the history of this country. Now we are past the point of critical mass. The poor and those people barely getting by in the middle class have lost faith with the high class wealthiest among us, because they have had their faith broken by the extreme inequity, with no return for their dollars.

The infinity loop is pictured as a figure 8 lying on its side. You might think of this as the CC Loop, centrifugal forces on one side and centripetal forces on the other, or the yin/yang principle, a child’s see saw, or any energy balancing system based on give and take, ebb and flow, where there is a natural rhythm. When the pressure of either side is too great, there is an automatic switch to the other side. This is where we are now in the economy.

The switch to Trickle Up Economics began with the bail outs for the rich and wealthy. This article is not saying the bail outs should not have happened. I believe it was crucial to bail out the auto industry, for example. What I am saying here, energetically speaking, is that we are past the point of balance and equity on many levels. Corporations are making record profits, yet are laying off their workers and making the workers who are left to do two, three, four or more times the jobs. Quality suffers in the process, just look at the newspaper industry. It became more expedient to put a product out first despite errors, even online.

We are now operating on the basis of Trickle Up Economics. How is it working for you? Evidently the wealthiest rich apparently have no problem duping the poor among us into thinking that giving tax breaks to the wealthy corporations will somehow magically help them, when it has never helped them before.

Based on the concept that trickle down economics works, which it has never worked, we will begin to see, as we are seeing now where the low and middle classes bail out the rich. This is truly an unjust state of affairs.

Trickle Up Economics works best when there are inequitable tax rates, off shore bank accounts so the rich do not have to pay taxes at all, and little attention paid to bolstering the middle class.

We need to integrate our humanity with our emotional and spiritual selves, which includes living fully in the present moment, with its economic concerns.


Words of July 4, 1776 Apply Today ~ Mail-In Voting

Powerful words in the Appendix to The Declaration of Independence are worth remembering. The United States of America still stands by these words, which are as powerful today as the day they were written. The action of the Second Continental Congress, on July 4, 1776, addressed the King of England, who they compared to a tyrant, included these excerpts, among other poignant words:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

“Prudence, indeed,
will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes;
and, accordingly, all experience hath shown,
that mankind are more disposed to suffer,
while evils are sufferable,
than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism,
it is their right, it is their duty,
to throw off such government,
and to provide new guards for their future security.

“Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies;
and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government.

“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations,
all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States.

“To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world:
He has refused his assent to laws,
the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

“He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance,
unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained;
and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

“He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people,
unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature,
a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

“He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable,
and distant from the depository of their public records,
for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

“He has refused for a long time,
after such dissolutions,
to cause others to be elected;
whereby the legislative powers,
incapable of annihilation,
have returned to the People at large for their exercise;
the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without,
and convulsions within.

“He has endeavored to prevent the population of these States;
for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners;
refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither,
and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.

“He has obstructed the administration of justice,
by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.

“He has made judges dependent on his will alone,
for the tenure of their offices,
and the amount and payment of their salaries.

“He has erected a multitude of new offices,
and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people,
and eat out their substance.

“He has affected to render the Military independent of,
and superior to,
the civil power.

“He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution and unacknowledged by our laws;
giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:
For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world;
For imposing taxes on us without our Consent;
For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury;
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences;
For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws,
and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments;
For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

“He has abdicated government here,
by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us.

“He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death,
desolation and tyranny,
already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages,
and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation.

“He has excited domestic Insurrections amongst us.

“Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.

“A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant,
is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

November 3, 2020, the citizens of the United States of America have the right and privilege to cast votes for the next President of the United States. All votes matter. All votes will be counted. Mail-in votes will be counted. Our hard-fought-for Democracy is on the line in this Presidential election.

To say mail-in votes shouldn’t or can’t be counted is fraud.

Some people, try to cast doubt about mail-in voting, by saying it is too new and untried. This is not true. History shows we have been using mail-in voting since the Civil War.

Others who say there is not enough use to know if mail-in votes will be susceptible to fraud, have no basis to say this, based on the US history of mail-in voting record.

The entire US Military, all students in schools outside their own states, and five states have been using mail-in voting solely. Also 29 states have been using it with no excuse needed and then there are the other 17 states that use it if you have an excuse for not being in the state on election day. Most politicians and diplomats use it too.

As to fraud, according to an article in Reuters, “The conservative Heritage Foundation, which has warned of the risks of mail voting, found 14 cases of attempted mail fraud out of roughly 15.5 million ballots cast in Oregon since that state started conducting elections by mail in 1998.” In past elections 1 in 4 votes were cast by mail.

Saying mail-in ballots will create fraud is, plainly put, fraud.

God Bless You All

Government Of The People ~ By The People ~ For The People ~ Shall Not Perish From The Earth

“To be ignorant of the lives of the most celebrated men of antiquity is to continue in a state of childhood all our days.” Plutarch

Cartoon from 1860 with Presidential Election showing three of the candidates (left to right) Republican Abraham Lincoln, Democrat Stephen A. Douglas, and Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge – tearing the country apart, while the Constitutional Union candidate, John Bell, applies glue from a tiny, useless spot. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

The following excerpt is from my lastest book, MYSTERY OF THE STURBRIDGE KEYS, subtitled CHRISTMAS UNLOCKED. In Chapter 7, a history lesson is being taught in an educational evening as part of the Christmas By Candlelight Celebration held at Old Sturbridge Village. While Old Sturbridge Village is a major tourist attraction in Sturbridge, Massachusetts; and the Christmas By Candlelight event is a real attraction held each year, the educational program written about in this book, although fiction, draws on the accurate history of 1830. It recalls the words of then Massachusetts Senator Daniel Webster and soon to be President Abraham Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address, which are appropriate for every citizen in the United States of America today.

Let us not forget the history of our country, which many lives have lived for, fought and died for, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In 1830, thirty years before Abraham Lincoln became president, Lincoln is so inspired by Massachusetts Senator Daniel Webster’s view of what the government is, and how it ought to be run, that he adopts the words of Webster in the Gettysburg Address.

(The character of Abe mentioned below is a young, fictional boy in the story. President Abraham Lincoln is mentioned as such.)

“Massachusetts Senator Daniel Webster gave a speech known as the Second Reply to Hayne, where he famously thundered ‘Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!’ In Webster’s speech on January 26, 1830 before the United States Senate, he described the federal government as: ‘made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people.” Does this sound familiar?'” Lily asks.

“Yes,” Abe answers. “President Lincoln spoke of this in the Gettysburg Address.

“Lily nods. ‘In 1830, Abraham Lincoln has not been elected President yet. He is elected as our sixteenth president on November 6, 1860. But he is very interested in Webster’s 1830 speech, so much so, that he rephrases the conclusion of the Gettysburg Address with, ‘… and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.’ It is worth mentioning that the Springfield Republican newspaper, from just a few towns west of here, published the Gettysburg Address in its entirety, saying it was a ‘perfect gem, deep in feeling, compact in thought and expression, tasteful and elegant in every word and comma.

“Lily adds, ‘Webster also noted, ‘This government, Sir, is the independent offspring of the popular will. It is not a creature of State legislatures; nay, more, if the whole truth be told, the people brought it into existence, established it, and have hitherto supported it, for the very purpose, amongst others, of imposing certain salutary restraints on State sovereignties.’ Union responsibilities and States rights were just as important to the people back then as it is today.

“Abe pauses for a moment, worried about Grammy Rose, and who will take care of her. Grammy Rose was just asking his Mom yesterday what will happen if her Social Security gets cut.”

This is the same question senior citizens in theupcoming November 3, 2020 election face. The tax cuts promised by the Republican party are shown to be cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

The United States of America is founded upon the popular will of the people, seeking a more perfect union, in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people of every race, color, creed, financial status, political affiliation, gender and age.

We stand up, showing what the popular will of the people is by voting, a right long ago established in the USA. This right is our right, which is not under the thumb of any other country or devious agenda. No one can take this right away from you and me.

This is the United States of America, not an authoritarian dictatorship. We need to remember our history so that we can make better decisions for our future.


soft cover $13.00

E-Book $3.99


Ignore “Spin” and Hysteria ~ Address Facts With Calm Intelligence

Never address “spin,” the alternate reality of lies, as if it is truth. Notice how, in order to make people swallow “spin-tales,” people become louder and belligerent, with insults abounding. Do not respond in similar fashion. Rather, shine a light on truth, provable facts, calmly and intelligently.

When emotions rise like the crest of a wave, swelling with the intensity of the hurricane-force winds, fear grabs hold. That is the intended response “spin” and hysteria seeks. It is so unfortunate that the arrogant public who pontificate the fiction they tout are exactly the ones who will be hurt by the ignorant words they proclaim. These ones are being used as pawns in a devious political strategy to subvert them.

When irrational emotions replace fact with fiction, we begin the downward spiral into the very “reality” we seek to avoid. By replacing fact with fiction, we willingly delude ourselves into calling subserviance freedom.

Remain calm in the face of hysteria, belligerence and outrageous insults. Nothing pulls the rug out from under the mental and verbal feet of a speaker more than provable facts. Stay the course. It is not as if public awareness is not present. It is, as is video and audio recordings.

When people arrogantly and loudly deny that financial cuts to Medicare, Social Security and the Affordable Care Act, which currently includes care for pre-existing conditions will take place, show them the spot in the Republican budget or the Supreme Court docket that suggests these exact things. Calm intelligence works every time.

Know that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a law, not an insurance company by that name. Presently people covered by any insurance company has this coverage because of what the ACA provides, which by this Affordable Care Act law, provides coverage to the public. Without the ACA, insurance companies can drop covering pre-existing conditions, and set unrealistic conditions which benefit their pocketbooks, as opposed to providing better healthcare to the public. Presently there is nothing to replace the currrent Affordable Care Act. Once it is gone, present insurance companies rule by their own whims.

Do you live on Social Security alone? The Republican budget calls for drastic cuts to Social Security expected to take place around February 2021. So when you are told “tax cuts” will take place one month after the Inauguration, know that these same “tax cuts” are cuts to your Social Security.

There is a big push now on the “right to work,” that everyone has a “right to work.” Translated in Republican speak, this can be taken to mean you have the right to work until you die, since your Social Security was cut, requiring you to literally work to death.

People do not like being lied to. Truth matters. We need to take care of each other. Love and kindness matter. Intelligence and honesty matter. Continue learning, because there is so much more to know that what has been told. Democracy is on the line. We can lose Democracy through choosing to remain ignorant of what is taking place before our eyes. Democracy matters.

Recognize all of the situations, even the unspoken ones, that will affect all people personally. We will have to live with the results of our thoughts, words and actions in the next four years. We cannot say we had nothing to do with it, if we chose to remain ignorant of the very things meant to sabotage our very selves.

Unless you are part of the top one percent of wealth earners in this country, or the top ten percent of those making over $500,000 per year, you and I can find ouselves bailing out these ones as we did before by obscene tax cuts for the ultra-rich, in order that they can keep reaping in the profits on the backs of the shrinking middle class. Unfortunately, the trickle down theory has never worked in reality.

Understand that when you hear that taxes are going to go up, realize that what is not being told, is that the taxes that will be going up ONLY for those people making $400,000 and more per year.

The United States of America was founded on the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all, not just for the wealthiest among us.



Pro-Life is more than pro-white life. Pro-Life is loving the value of life of every skin color in the rainbow of

CAMDEN, NJ – OCTOBER 11: A homeless man named Bob waits for donations from passing motorists on October 11, 2012 in Camden, New Jersey. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Camden, New Jersey is now the most impoverished city in the United States with nearly 32,000 of Camden’s residents living below the poverty line. Camden, which sits just over the bridge from more affluent Philadelphia, also has a chronic crime problem with 48 recorded homicides this year alone. A lack of jobs has been a feature of life in Camden since the city lost most of its manufacturing base in the late 60’s and 1970’s. While the state unemployment rate is about 9.9 percent, Camden’s is estimated at 19 percent. Camden is not alone. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

humanity. Pro-Life loves and honors all people, including those who are black, brown, and every other manifestation of human color. Pro-Life offers equal protection under the law for people of every skin color.

Pro-Life is more than pro-unborn children’s lives. Pro-Life stands up for the lives of all children in their upbringing, education, protecting them from predators in every area of life. Pro-Life protects all children born into this world from every harm, including removing public food programs from their families, leaving the family and their children destitute.

Pro-Life is more than pro-rich life. Pro-Life is the loving of all people, including taking care of the poor among us, who may find themselves without food, homes and the bare essentials for every aspect of human life, in order to exist.

Pro-Life is more than pro-religious life. Pro-Life does not ignore science, since God made everything, including the knowledge of science, technology and all matter. Pro-Life is not ignorant. Pro-Life investigates everything, including the science showing how God manifested the world with tangible facts.

Pro-Life is more than pro-only God can heal. Pro-Life welcomes the wisdom of good health, such as the biblical physician, Luke taught and performed. Pro-Life listens to all medical advice from qualified doctors, listening to accurate facts, void of political and financial agendas.

Pro-Life is more than pro-English life. Pro-Life is loving all human life regardless of where they were born on this earth, including Mexico, South Africa, Kenya, Vietnam, Korea, China, and every other non-white nation. It was not that long ago that Italian and Irish people were also treated as non-white, second class citizens and were shunned from the work places in America, the literal human melting pot of the world.

Pro-Life is more than English-speaking life. Pro-Life reaches all people of every language. Pro-Life does not tolorate prejudice against people who speak a different language or accent.

Pro-Life is more than pro-young people. Pro-Life is the loving value of senior citizens, regardless of their age, respecting and protecting them from all forms of discrimination, in the work place and all areas of life.

Pro-Life is more than pro-able-bodied people. Pro-Life honors all human life, regardless of illness, disfigurement, those missing limbs, physical limitations, and obvious uncontrolable movements of numerous diseases.

Pro-Life is more than the pro-perfect minded people. Pro-Life acknowledges and supports people with all forms of mental illness, including stress, anxiety, and panic attacks.

Pro-Life is more than pro-perfect speech in all people. Pro-Life loves and supports people with all manner of speech impediments, including people who have had strokes resulting with slurred speech.

Pro-Life is more than words. Pro-Life does not condone making fun of people who are different from us, publically or privately. Prejudice against any person, especially if it harms their reputation, is not just an opinion. It is a hate crime.

Pro-Life is more than pro-male life. Pro-Life treats people equally regardless of their gender in every area of life, giving equal pay for equal work, including employment benefits, marriage, and respect in all areas of life.

Pro-Life is more than pro-professional life. Pro-Life supports all human life, including those who have lost their professions and are out of work. Pro-Life believes that there ought not be a financial floor any human being can fall beneath, nor would Pro-Life tell people who have tried and failed through no fault of their own to obtain work to,”Go get a job,” which is a judgment against such people. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:1 “Stop judging!”

Pro-Life does not end with children in utero. Pro-Life believes this is only the beginning of their lives. Anyone voting for Pro-Life regards the value and God-given right to life in all of life, not just part of it.

There is more to thinking, speaking and acting Pro-Life than abortion. Pro-Life would not abort funds, homes, food, clothing, education and everything else mentioned in this post. Everyone declaring that they are Pro-Life needs to step up in all areas covered by the words, Pro-Life, without exceptions that only serve to show their prejudice.

Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan and me around 1973 at a Pro-Life Meeting of the Worcester Diocese

If people do not agree with these Pro-Life Statements, they ought not call themselves Pro-Life. I attended one of the first Pro-Life meetings with the late Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan in the Worcester Diocese when abortion first became legal.

St Francis showed us how to reverence all of life. He was Pro-Life not only for human beings, but also for all animals and everything in nature, and would never have stood by silently on the subjects of global warming and climate change. There is more to what the words “Pro-Life” mean.


We Are More Alike Than Our Differences ~ USA Presidential Election ~ Have No Fear

middle school students

We are more alike than the differences we profess. There is nothing to be afraid of. Stop shaking in your boots. There is no reason to fear people of different ethnic backgrounds, different genders, different ages, different religions, nor any difference in skin color. There is nothing we cannot handle with peaceful negotiation.

Truth matters.

Spanish/Mexican land greatly exceeds the land mass of the 13 colonies in 1763.

The United States of America is founded as a nation of immigrants. We welcome everyone, not just white people from Eastern Europe. As a matter of fact, people from assorted backgrounds were already here and settled within the current borders of the USA prior to the westward push to the opposite sea. The indigenous people of our great and wonderful land are still here. We love them. They are all part of the American Dream in this beautiful melting pot of humanity.

There is no reason to demonize people. We associate with groups of people who are different from our own. In these

Just 249 years ago, most of the central and southwestern USA was Spanish/Mexican.

days before the November 2020 Presidential Election, including the Presidential Conventions and TV shows, differences in the beliefs of the parties are being highlighted. There is a palpable undercurrent of fear that is present. Fear of others, how they think, and how they look, is not the way to make the best decisions, nor is lack of understanding the actual history on which this great nation is founded.

This present and palpable fear between political parties has infected the base of each within this country. It is important to separate fact from fiction in order to make common sense decisions based on love for all of humankind, not hype, hate or spin of the truth. This is not like rooting for your favorite sports team. We need to make decisions not based on the popular opinion of others, but based on our own research with input from more than one credible source.

I am writing to you as a former newspaper reporter and feature writer for three large newspapers. I needed to get real facts from three corroborated and credible sources, not friends who thought the same way I did. When I covered local Town Hall meetings, which are the heartbeat of the town, I could not misdirect the information to any particular target audience. The news I wrote had to apply to all townspeople. It was their tax dollars that funded the government of their town. I did not have any right to distort the truth of my own personal opinion. We all need to investigate further than what one side of any issue is before jumping on any bandwagon that may take you in the wrong direction, simply because you negelicted to navigate the precipice just around the corner.

How important is it to you that other countries with autocratic and oligarch leaders not interfer in the elections of the United States of America?

How important is it to you that factions of other countries not put bounties on the heads of our American soldiers?

How important is it to you to have your vote counted in the next Presidential Election?

It is easy to see the fear instigated by those with fear-based agendas.

What is the best way to make decisions not based on fear, but instead on intelligent investigation?

Is money the bottom line?


It is possible to stop the runaway train of fear by switching tracks to the path of love, empathy, compassion, justice and liberty for all, as we profess to believe in our Pledge of Allegiance.

Let’s see, who are really illegal immigrants in the USA?

Who are the people we count as illegal aliens?

Who counts as legal residents of the USA?

Should we determine who is legal by what they look like?

Is the USA still the country who welcomes the tired, poor, huddle masses yearning to breathe free, homeless, tempest tossed, as the Statue of Liberty lifts her golden flame of welcome?

How far back should we look, to the Native American Indians? Well, no, we should not go back that far because then we would all be illegal aliens. Looking back at the history of the United States of America it is easy to see why the USA border with Mexico is such a hot spot. However, Mexicans were here long before we were, and many of them and their families never left. They still live on their original homestead. Some Americans think these people are immigrants when in fact, they were here for generations before we got here.

Spanish/Mexican land greatly exceeds the land mass of the 13 colonies in 1763.

Shall we count the Spanish/Mexican people who lived here in 1763, prior to all our wars with them?

Shall we include those people in the land before we arrived in all the conquests and purchases?

When you think of it this way, who are really the aliens?

There has got to be a better way for people of conscience, to resolve our current humanity and immigration dilemmas, that do not include a gun to someone’s back or face, and deportation of this nations’ children who are in this land of “freedom” trying to make a better life for themselves and their families, like we all are.

We can be so short-sighted. For Americans living here now legally, it was not that long ago, not even 200 years

Maps of the USA from 1776-1866, just 146 years ago.

ago, when our very own grandparents and their grandparents were immigrants to this country. Most of them simply walked through Ellis Island, signed their name, or an “X” if they could not write, to get in. We do need smart immigration reform that does not include inhumane treatment. The scarcity mentality based on fear, fear of others, fear of their beliefs, fear of how they look, fear of how they think, fear, fear, fear is the pinacle problem of our time. We are smarter than this.

We need to stand on principle, not fear of others. We need to be fair, not self-righteous. We need to empathetic and compassionate to the plight of humanity caught in the midst of inhuman actions in these extraordinary times. We need a clear mind not infected with the plague of inhuman actions to solve the problems facing us today.

This fear and demonization of others has infiltrated the small minds, greedy hearts and loud voices of a few of those among us. We need to broaden our horizons and find creative solutions that do not include the destruction of the soul and spirit of human integrity, that place all non-white Americans, as well as non-American people, in the same category as crimminals and drug lords. We need to address crime issues, but often it is the illegal immigrant who is the victim of the crime, not the perpetrator.


The Star Spangled Banner As You’ve Never Heard It ~ FREEDOM


The USA is built on the LIGHT of FREEDOM. Be the LIGHT.


FREEDOM shines a LIGHT on bondage. Be the LIGHT.

FREEDOM shines a LIGHT on despair. Be the LIGHT.




FREEDOM, LIBERTY, and JUSTICE cannot be bought by wealth of dark agendas. Be the LIGHT.

FREEDOM, LIBERTY, JUSTICE, LOVE and LIGHT has no room for self-serving rule. Be the LIGHT.

FREEDOM, LIBERTY, and JUSTICE have no room for sabotage. Be the LIGHT.

FREEDOM, LIBERTY, and JUSTICE have no room for deception. Be the LIGHT.

LADY LIBERTY holds the WELCOMING FLAME of LIGHT for all immigrants and refugees. Be the LIGHT.

Liberty saying


FREEDOM and LOVE did MATURE beyond the hirelings, slaves and women in the JUSTICE, LIBERTY,  and LIGHT FOR ALL. Be the LIGHT.

FREEDOM, LIBERTY, JUSTICE, and LIGHT speak with voice of your vote. Be the LIGHT.




Let the LOVE FOR ALL HUMANITY in you shine on your LIGHT. Be the LIGHT.

Let the LIGHT in you shine in your every THOUGHT, WORD, and ACTION. Be the LIGHT.


Prudence Is A Virtue ~ Prudence Will Mitigate Spread Of The COVID-19

4 Lin Massage ClinicMy life’s work as an international holistic health counselor/practitioner came into play far more than all the other holistic work I did at my business, The Massage Clinic, which had four offices: Stratford, Milford, Orange and West Haven, Connecticut. I personally held over 5,000 of the 8,000 appointments, many of which were doctor referred. In the course of my eight years there, prior to my retirement, I hired a total of nine other massage therapists who worked on the remaining clients. I treasured, and still to this very day still treasure, all people who came through the doors at The Massage Clinic. For the health of all other incoming clients and therapists working there, I sent more than one client home who had a “just a cold.” Even with “just a cold,” people need to practice prudence. Other words for prudence are: wisdom, carefulness, thoughtfulness, as taught in Lesson Two of my book, The Virtue of Virtues, now out for a second printing since 1999.

However, CORVID-19, is NOT  “just a cold and NOT just the flu.” The common cold is a Coronavirus and some of the flu is also known to be a Coronavirus, BUT COVID-19 IS DIFFERENT. The common flu kills people at a rate of 0.095%, but COVID-19 kills people at a rate of 3.8% in most cases. According to the Center for Disease Control, CDC, the number of cases of last flu season were 49,000,000. Had that been at the same death rate that COVID-19 is this year, 3.8%, than that would be 1,862,000 deaths from the flu; but there were only 20,000 – 52,000 deaths from the flu last flu season. COVID-19 is dramatically more deadly. This fact is just as true  here in the United Sates of America as it is in the countries hardest hit by the virus, such as China and Italy and Iran. In our country the death rate is actually higher since we have no accurate idea of how many people are affected. We did not in the beginning of the outbreak, and still do not, test for the virus.

Holistic counseling was at the heart of most every appointment, at the request of the clients. Some therapies were geared to silent sessions, but even those, clients began speaking to me, seeking a listening ear. People need people. We are social beings.  However, prudence is telling all of us in every corner of the world to use social distancing, not shaking hands, staying home if we are sick (and not lying to ourselves that we are not really that sick), avoiding crowds, and using antibacterial disinfecting hand washes and wipes, and wear a mask if we present with ANY cold symptoms, even when we have gone out with “just the cold” symptoms before.


The dawning of COVID-19, which is far more deadly that the common cold and flu can be limited by the use of all of us worldwide using the virtue of prudence.

Now is not the time to promote being on the same political team, even if what is being said is scientifically inaccurate, as voters who have chosen a particular side can do in every country in the world, as if putting blinders on, refusing to even hear a different point of view will somehow diminish their momentum of getting their politician in office. Now is not the time for political rhetoric. Now is the time for prudence, no matter who you are or where you live.

Prudence is wisdom. Wisdom does not just come from Plato or Greek philosophy. Peter Kreeft is a Ph.D. in philosophy at Boston College, and author of over 75 books including Back to Virtue. According to Kreeft, the virtues, including wisdom, come from scripture. “They (virtues) are knowable by human nature, which God designed, not Plato.”

Kreeft has a Podcast at:

Other books by Peter Kreeft are:

Handbook of Christian Apologetics

Christianity for Modern Pagans

Fundamentals of the Faith

Kreeft calls living the virtues, “a matter of life or death. There are, then, three reasons to practice virtue, one heavenly and two earthly. The highest heavenly reason is to please God, out of love for God, who is Love. The second reason is to be human, to have a healthy human soul. Virtue is soul-health. The third reason is to survive. In the nuclear age we must love one another or die. But the third reason will not work without the other two. For it fails to answer the crucial question why to survive, for what earthly or heavenly end?

“It is true, terribly true, that without virtue we will not survive; that if we do not go back to virtue we will soon return to the jungle or to the dust. But we cannot survive without a reason to survive, and this must sooner or later land us in the realm of ultimate reasons, the realm of religion.

“I want to prove three principles, which are related logically in a syllogism:
1. Without virtue, civilization dies.
2. Without religion, virtue dies.
3. Therefore without religion, civilization dies.
“In other words:
1. Virtue is necessary for the survival of civilization.
2. And religion is necessary for the survival of virtue.
3. Therefore religion is necessary for the survival of civilization.”

Right now we have the opportunity to practice all of the virtues, but especially wisdom, which is prudence, to counteract the ignorance and willful dumbing down of society that only looks at one of the facts, the ones than are on “our side.” Let us wake up, pay attention to the scientists and doctors trying their best to tell us how to best survive and the precautions to take; and to the religious leaders inspiring us to Love, as God is Love, in order to save this one planet we all call home.

If you would like to get your copy of The Virtue of Virtues to help you teach the virtues to your grade five through eight children; if you are a school principal and/or teacher, if you home school your children, or if you are with a grade five through eight CCD program, no matter where you are in the entire world, you can get The Virtue of Virtues, available in soft cover for $10.00 and eBook $3.99 at:

God Bless

Moral Delimmas ~ Integrity To Do The Job In The Face Of Peer Pressure Over Self Serving Gain ~ Are You Getting Paid To Do A Job?

Moral dilemmas occur in every facet of life. One of our life lessons is to balance our needs with the needs of everyone and everything else. When do we take care of our self, our needs, our

Greed over humanity has reached critical mass in many lands in our world. We need to shift and include integrity in our humanity.
Greed over humanity has reached critical mass in many lands in our world. We need to shift and include integrity in our humanity.

wants, our desires?







When do we go beyond ourselves to include taking care of others, others’ needs, others’ wants, others’ desires? It is important that we take care of ourselves. Self preservation mandates we take care of ourself first in order to have the stamina to take care of others, such as putting on an oxygen mask on an airplane before putting on your children’s oxygen mask.

But what is the boundary that marks the saturation point of critical mass of care of the self to excessive selfish, only self serving agendas at the expense of harming others?

At what point do we shift into the numbing state of egocentric blindness that appears to fall on our personal and collective moral conscience?

At what point do we stop listening to others’ points of view on any subject, and only listen to our own loud opinions?

Are we getting paid to do a job?

Are we students?

Are we in administration?

Are we appointed to the job?

Do we listen to the loudest voice screaming in our head?

What is it that grabs our attention, and is important to us?

Are we swayed by peer pressure, popular opinion, political correctness, financial or social gain?

Is it important that we win at all costs, or that we do the right thing under our watch at this time?

Is it important to eliminate all others points of view, vision and agendas in order that our own is the only light that shines, at the tremendous expence of human, social and financial sacrifice, as long as we win, worldwide?

Everything going on in every country is seen by every other country. We no longer live in Neanderthal ignorance, behind high walls, void of technology, science and education.

Are we truly living our conscience, our moral conviction in the face of all truths, not just the “truths” we want to see?

Do we make decisions based on integrity and honor, or based on personal, social, financial or political gain?

Does someone else, or something else own your soul, your voice, your mind?

Do we include Jehovah God as our foundation?

Recognize that it is not socialism or any other kind of “ism,” to play your part in the betterment of humankind. Name calling another’s point of view is a deflection technique, rather than dealing with the issue at hand.

It is possible to sabotage all other attempts at the remedy if it is not our idea, our agenda, our platform. It is possible to sink an agenda, and a country, and the world if we choose not to be responsible. It is time to get out of the sandbox.

It is not possible to build something up at the same moment you are tearing it down.

What is needed at this point in time is to do the job in a cooperative effort, making just decisions in the face of threats by bullies of every kind.

We teach our children to stand up to bullies, but it seems when it comes to healing us grownups, we adults have the backbone of a grape.

We teach our children to stand up to bullies, but it appears that political blackmail is tolerable to the paid off politician.

We need to grow up, abandon peer pressure, and do the job we are paid for, volunteered to do, or are appointed to do.

We need to be strong, courageous and valiant in the face of difficult and unpopular opinions of our time in every situation.

Now is the time for our leaders to be leaders.

Our decisions need to be balanced or they will topple in time. The more out of balance the decision, the harder and faster the topple.

Now is the time for our leaders all over this world to build up, not tear down.

Now is the time to let the breath of education, wisdom, light, and healing to sweep through our lands, like a refreshing rain renews what was once barren, fallen, deprieved, and destitute.

It is Always A Mistake To Make The Exception To Be The Norm

It is always a mistake to measure exceptions as if they are the norm. Exceptions are the exceptions to the rule, not the rule itself.
When you treat other people wanting to come into this country the same as drug lords and criminals, then you are making the exception be the norm. Treating the exception as the norm, is always a mistake, and costs more money to insulate the multitude for the mistakes of the few, 100 percent of the time. Not only that, statistics show that when illegal immigrants cross the borders, there is a rise in the crime rate. How many people are aware that the biggest reason for this increase in crime rate is that the illegal immigrants are victims to the insanity of senseless attacks by legal immigrants? Then again, we United States legal citizens do not hide our prejudices too well, since we do not seem to have the same desire to want to wall off the Canadian border.

Treating the exception of the tea party as the norm of the Republican Party was certainly one of their biggest mistakes. The tea party’s stance in the Republican Party is about as credulous as Scientology is to religion. In both cases, when facts are maligned so as to make a better story, they cancel themselves out as moot points.For most of us United States citizens, we were either born here, or our parents or grandparents simply walked through Ellis Island. Neither they, nor we, had to go through the complicated and rather dysfunctional immigration system that now exists, with its many rules that cover making all the exceptions be the norm.

The voter photo identification process is another example of making the exception be the norm, when in reality, most states instituting these measures are blatantly prejudicial measures which I am shocked are allowed to legally exist. It is apparent that acceptable prejudices include black people, elderly and minorities. With all of these exceptions being the norm, I feel like I am watching, and the world is watching, a sibling squabble, each slapping each other’s wrists, and pointing fingers at each other trying to deflect blame from one another. It would make for a rather hysterical sitcom if it weren’t so embarrassingly infantile on the world stage.

It used to be we all knew the Republican Party promoted government from the top down, and the Democratic Party promoted government from the grassroots up, then at the end of the election they would work together as best they could for the common good. But not this past four years. That is when the United States of America dared to vote in their first black president. Never before has the opposition party voted against any and every remedy for the problems that faced this country, in spite of the fact that many of its citizens and companies went bankrupt in the process, so long as the Republicans could point fingers at the Democrats.

It makes me wonder, just how prejudiced are we?

It is time to grow up as a country.