It Is Well With My Soul ~ Hugh Bonneville Christmas Concert Narration ~ The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

“If The Flesh Came Into Being Because of Spirit, It Is A Marvel, But If Spirit Came Into Being Because Of The Body, It Is A Marvel of Marvels. Yet I Marvel At How This Great Wealth Has Come To Dwell In This Poverty.” Gospel of Thomas

Your Soul Is Your True Self Learning Through Your Physical Body Experiences.

“If the flesh came into being because of the Spirit, it is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a marvel of marvels. Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty.” This quote from Jesus can be found in the Gospel of Thomas, Nag Hammadi Codex (NHC) II, 2 in the International Edition The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, which were considered to be Sacred Scriptures from the time of Jesus to about 400 AD.

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Why does Jesus refer to the physical body as poverty?

There is more to what religion has handed down to you. Truth has been hijacked, in some cases, leaving you to believe that only the rabbi, priest, nun, minister, monk, church elder, deacon, cleric of some kind has been trained in your version of spirituality. You might think they know more than you if you have only been trained in the belief system of your church.

Realize that although they have been trained in this knowledge, and while they may have dabbled in attempting to understand other belief systems, (with a bias against all other information), they were not trained in the gnosis, the esoteric knowledge which Jesus himself taught. Otherwise, these religious leaders would be teaching all that he taught, not what some of his words were misinterpreted to say.

I am an interfaith Universal Life Church minister, with a Master’s Degree in Chaplaincy, and a Doctorate Degree in Spiritual Awareness, and a Second Doctorate in Universal Order. I have studied those 18 missing years of the life of Jesus and what he taught, not only studying the last three years of his life which religions have manipulated his mission to be, most of which are the compilation of Paul, who was trained as a Jewish Pharisee.

When you learn all the words that Jesus taught, a different picture emerges within your mind other than what got altered for less than holy purposes. I am an interfaith minister because words of different faiths are merely semantics, different words which describing the same reality.

Let’s speak about the mind, the human, physical mind for a moment. Our brain is physical, amazing, but still physical. With our brains we learn and understand as best we can. We begin as young children taking in what was taught to us by our parents, guardians, and teachers. Perhaps they were spiritual, religious, or atheist, agnostic, or scientifically, technologically, or medically minded. We learn what we learn. Learning continues, unless we have been threatened with the loss of our eternal Spirit/Soul with hellfire and damnation should we dare to learn anything else, or unless our pride is too big, sliding off the limited range of knowledge we allow in for consideration.

Know it is a gigantic mistake to dismiss knowledge without first investigating that which you deny. Semantics can play a big part in misunderstanding terminology. Seek to understand more.

Indoctrination, even secular indoctrination, can hold quite a grip and can even shut down individuals either by such tormenting fear that they dare not walk outside of the line drawn in the sand by the religious and even political control freaks at the helm, or by ridicule from an equally ignorant peer pressure group dismissing Jesus without an honest effort to learn. It takes strong character development to stand as the lone individual stepping outside those lines in the sand.

This is part of the mind poverty of which Jesus speaks.

Then comes the day when a new wind is blowing, erasing that line drawn in the sand. Where did the line to learn or not learn go? How will you ever get your firm footing without all those stifling rules, regulations, peer pressure, and some other religious and/or political group telling you what to believe?

Physical maladies appear more obvious. We take chances. We make mistakes (what some call sins). We have accidents. Things fall apart. How does an individual learn except by making mistakes and learning to correct them? Cause and effect, otherwise known as Karma, is an exceptional teacher. We only know what we know when we know it, right?

Life is so tempting to try new things, creating havoc in some cases when we continue on with too much of a good thing, like drug, alcohol, food, gambling, and sex addictions, among others. Still, this is all a learning curve. Everyone has something with which they are not perfect and wish they were better. That is what this life is all about.

This is the poverty of the physical body.

Yet, in the Book of Thomas, Jesus highlights the miracle of miracles, that our God-given Spirit/Soul is generated by our DNA to be born into and sheltered by our physical mind and body. We truly are made up of mind, body, AND SPIRIT.

THIS IS OUR I AM PRESENCE, that thread of life that animates us, is the LIGHT within us.

“If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the kingdom is in heaven,’ then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you.” Jesus says in the prologue of the Gospel of Thomas:

“These are the hidden sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Judas Thomas the Twin recorded.

“And he said, ‘Whoever discovers the interpretations of these sayings will not taste death.’

“Jesus said, ‘Let one who seeks not stop seeking until one finds. When one finds, one will be troubled. When one is troubled, one will marvel and will reign over all …’

“If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the kingdom is in heaven,’ then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you.

“Jesus said, ‘When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty.'”

This statement by Jesus also echoes his words in Luke 17:20-21, that the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU. All new bibles are reverting back to the original words of Jesus, changing the scribe changes of ‘the kingdom of God is among you,’ to ‘the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU.’ Check the modern Interlinear Bible of Hebrew-Greek-English translation.

Now why would anyone be troubled at these words of Jesus?

Religious and Roman political leaders jumped on the chance to manipulate the words and 18 missing years of Jesus in order to subjugate their audiences for unholy purposes at the Council of Laodicea in the year 364 AD. From the time of Jesus until 364 AD and this council, the faithful had been following the words of Jesus, completely, with women priests, and teaching that the LIGHT of God dwells inside all people, the I AM Presence WITHIN THEM.

If you have spent your life being told you are a constant sinner, especially if you happen to be a woman, who was blamed entirely for Original Sin according to modern bibles and most all writings since 364 AD, then you will be more than troubled to discover that Jesus said much more than what was manipulated and preserved in modern religious teachings.

The Original Sin was that of the fallen angels mating with the beautiful daughters of humanity, as Genesis 6:1-5 describes. But that reality was changed in 364 AD. If you do not study and learn about what happened, you remain willfully ignorant of the truth.

Know that THAT is the poverty mentality!

In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus is shining the LIGHT on the LIGHT WITHIN YOU. He is also shining a LIGHT in the world around you. We all have free will to build up or to tear down. This truly is a beautiful world. There are dark forces, those remnants of the Nephilim, whose souls cannot die and WHO CANNOT RETURN TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST HEAVEN, who roam the Earth seeking the ruin of the Spirits/Souls of humankind.

But LIGHT is stronger than the dark.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Critical Mass Switches “Trickle Down” To “Trickle Up” Economics ~ originally posted September 16, 2012

When critical mass in any energy form is reached, the ebb and flow of what had been working switches to the other side. It is a natural occurrence when too much energy pushes from the

Critical mass switches “Trickle Down Economics” to “Trickle Up Economics.”

impetus that has been building. This is happening particularly in USA economics, and the world economic stage as well. Trickle down economics is supposed to work because if the wealthy of the land get wealthier, it is assumed that they will share the benefit based on this premise. In this country, what has been happening is that the middle class has been bailing out the higher class of the wealthy with no reciprocation, except for their outstretched wealthy hand begging for more, more, more. This is Trickle Up Economics. It is an automatic response.


This is because the basic principle of trickle down economics is based on inequity. It does not work. It works in theory, but it has never worked in the history of this country. Now we are past the point of critical mass. The poor and those people barely getting by in the middle class have lost faith with the high class wealthiest among us, because they have had their faith broken by the extreme inequity, with no return for their dollars.

The infinity loop is pictured as a figure 8 lying on its side. You might think of this as the CC Loop, centrifugal forces on one side and centripetal forces on the other, or the yin/yang principle, a child’s see saw, or any energy balancing system based on give and take, ebb and flow, where there is a natural rhythm. When the pressure of either side is too great, there is an automatic switch to the other side. This is where we are now in the economy.

The switch to Trickle Up Economics began with the bail outs for the rich and wealthy. This article is not saying the bail outs should not have happened. I believe it was crucial to bail out the auto industry, for example. What I am saying here, energetically speaking, is that we are past the point of balance and equity on many levels. Corporations are making record profits, yet are laying off their workers and making the workers who are left to do two, three, four or more times the jobs. Quality suffers in the process, just look at the newspaper industry. It became more expedient to put a product out first despite errors, even online.

We are now operating on the basis of Trickle Up Economics. How is it working for you? Evidently the wealthiest rich apparently have no problem duping the poor among us into thinking that giving tax breaks to the wealthy corporations will somehow magically help them, when it has never helped them before.

Based on the concept that trickle down economics works, which it has never worked, we will begin to see, as we are seeing now where the low and middle classes bail out the rich. This is truly an unjust state of affairs.

Trickle Up Economics works best when there are inequitable tax rates, off shore bank accounts so the rich do not have to pay taxes at all, and little attention paid to bolstering the middle class.

We need to integrate our humanity with our emotional and spiritual selves, which includes living fully in the present moment, with its economic concerns.



Pro-Life is more than pro-white life. Pro-Life is loving the value of life of every skin color in the rainbow of

CAMDEN, NJ – OCTOBER 11: A homeless man named Bob waits for donations from passing motorists on October 11, 2012 in Camden, New Jersey. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Camden, New Jersey is now the most impoverished city in the United States with nearly 32,000 of Camden’s residents living below the poverty line. Camden, which sits just over the bridge from more affluent Philadelphia, also has a chronic crime problem with 48 recorded homicides this year alone. A lack of jobs has been a feature of life in Camden since the city lost most of its manufacturing base in the late 60’s and 1970’s. While the state unemployment rate is about 9.9 percent, Camden’s is estimated at 19 percent. Camden is not alone. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

humanity. Pro-Life loves and honors all people, including those who are black, brown, and every other manifestation of human color. Pro-Life offers equal protection under the law for people of every skin color.

Pro-Life is more than pro-unborn children’s lives. Pro-Life stands up for the lives of all children in their upbringing, education, protecting them from predators in every area of life. Pro-Life protects all children born into this world from every harm, including removing public food programs from their families, leaving the family and their children destitute.

Pro-Life is more than pro-rich life. Pro-Life is the loving of all people, including taking care of the poor among us, who may find themselves without food, homes and the bare essentials for every aspect of human life, in order to exist.

Pro-Life is more than pro-religious life. Pro-Life does not ignore science, since God made everything, including the knowledge of science, technology and all matter. Pro-Life is not ignorant. Pro-Life investigates everything, including the science showing how God manifested the world with tangible facts.

Pro-Life is more than pro-only God can heal. Pro-Life welcomes the wisdom of good health, such as the biblical physician, Luke taught and performed. Pro-Life listens to all medical advice from qualified doctors, listening to accurate facts, void of political and financial agendas.

Pro-Life is more than pro-English life. Pro-Life is loving all human life regardless of where they were born on this earth, including Mexico, South Africa, Kenya, Vietnam, Korea, China, and every other non-white nation. It was not that long ago that Italian and Irish people were also treated as non-white, second class citizens and were shunned from the work places in America, the literal human melting pot of the world.

Pro-Life is more than English-speaking life. Pro-Life reaches all people of every language. Pro-Life does not tolorate prejudice against people who speak a different language or accent.

Pro-Life is more than pro-young people. Pro-Life is the loving value of senior citizens, regardless of their age, respecting and protecting them from all forms of discrimination, in the work place and all areas of life.

Pro-Life is more than pro-able-bodied people. Pro-Life honors all human life, regardless of illness, disfigurement, those missing limbs, physical limitations, and obvious uncontrolable movements of numerous diseases.

Pro-Life is more than the pro-perfect minded people. Pro-Life acknowledges and supports people with all forms of mental illness, including stress, anxiety, and panic attacks.

Pro-Life is more than pro-perfect speech in all people. Pro-Life loves and supports people with all manner of speech impediments, including people who have had strokes resulting with slurred speech.

Pro-Life is more than words. Pro-Life does not condone making fun of people who are different from us, publically or privately. Prejudice against any person, especially if it harms their reputation, is not just an opinion. It is a hate crime.

Pro-Life is more than pro-male life. Pro-Life treats people equally regardless of their gender in every area of life, giving equal pay for equal work, including employment benefits, marriage, and respect in all areas of life.

Pro-Life is more than pro-professional life. Pro-Life supports all human life, including those who have lost their professions and are out of work. Pro-Life believes that there ought not be a financial floor any human being can fall beneath, nor would Pro-Life tell people who have tried and failed through no fault of their own to obtain work to,”Go get a job,” which is a judgment against such people. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:1 “Stop judging!”

Pro-Life does not end with children in utero. Pro-Life believes this is only the beginning of their lives. Anyone voting for Pro-Life regards the value and God-given right to life in all of life, not just part of it.

There is more to thinking, speaking and acting Pro-Life than abortion. Pro-Life would not abort funds, homes, food, clothing, education and everything else mentioned in this post. Everyone declaring that they are Pro-Life needs to step up in all areas covered by the words, Pro-Life, without exceptions that only serve to show their prejudice.

Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan and me around 1973 at a Pro-Life Meeting of the Worcester Diocese

If people do not agree with these Pro-Life Statements, they ought not call themselves Pro-Life. I attended one of the first Pro-Life meetings with the late Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan in the Worcester Diocese when abortion first became legal.

St Francis showed us how to reverence all of life. He was Pro-Life not only for human beings, but also for all animals and everything in nature, and would never have stood by silently on the subjects of global warming and climate change. There is more to what the words “Pro-Life” mean.


United States of America ~ Nephilim ~ Reincarnation ~ Saint Germain

The Law of Life involes the law of self-transcendence. Nothing stays the same. We are always growing. We move forward. We also regress. We are individuals, in every country of the world, who are involved with this Law of Life. This affects every country in the world as well. Countries expand and contract according to their individual and collective awareness and group consciousness.

We see this in all areas of life. If we stifle education, we stagnate. If creation and art sparks exciting new curriculums, education thrives. If we stifle momentum forward in any area of civic and political life, we stagnate. If we give liberty and light to ideas and plans to benefit all of society, all of society progresses forward in mind, body and spirit.

“Apart from its early golden ages, earth’s history has been bowed down to a stifling economic totalitarianism run by pagan gods. In the founding of the United States of America, Saint Germain and those working with him determined to break that stranglehold.

“And they proposed to replace the old order of the gods with true God-government – where the government is squarely upon the shoulders of the Holy Christ Self of every citizen – with an ecomony based on the golden rule and the gold standard and the principle of the abundant Life, and also along with the Holy Spirit directing the free creativity of the people in religion and education, science and the arts.

“Yes, Saint Germain stands along with Mother Liberty to set us free from that idolatrous paganism where the old gods reborn are often the new stars of screen and stage, the nouveau riche or royalty or the old guard on Wall Street, aristocracies and jet sets on the power elite who gather in secret societies like the Order or covens like the Bohemian Grove – one and all ever worshiped by the masses.

Liberty saying

“Some strands of paganism have their roots in the worship of the gods, the space people, called Nephilim because they fell (landed? in rocket ships?) or were cast out of heaven by Archangel Michael.” Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Lost Teachings on Keys to Spiritual Life.

I am glad to have Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet writing these words in this book, Lost Teachings on Keys to Spiritual Life, copyrighted in 2005. The words shared then are just as appropriate for our time now, just 15 years later. Truth can be spoken at any time and benefit everyone, because truth does not change. The words of Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet are real and true for what is happening at this moment, even in the United States of America.

There is more I will share with you in upcoming posts on Saint Germain, Jesus, and others’ work in setting the United States of America off on the right foot of freedom, liberty and justice for all. However, anyone with eyes can also see how easy it is to lose these noble attributes when we do not pay enough attention to totalitarian takeovers in the midst of them happening. Political, authoritarian, oligarachy leadership robs from the people for the benefit of those at the top. It is a misuse of personal free will to ignorantly vote in such leadership, which is tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot, then blaming other people for what you did. Compromised, scheming, malfeasance in leadership roles seek to diminish or eliminate social programs, like social security, medicare and medicaid, in order that these funds go directly or indirectly into their own pockets. These leaders seek to destroy or eliminate voting rights and all rights, including human rights, which are God-given.

Did you know reincarnation was taught by Jesus, as well as by Saint Francis of Assisi who taught about reincarnation in the public square? There is a connection between the topic of this post thus far, and the subject of reincarnation.

Most reincarnation references in the bible were ripped out of the sacred pages at the Fifth Ecumenical Council convened in Constantinople in 553 AD, yet some references still remain in today’s bible. Some of the notable men and women who professed to believe in reincarnation were: Benjamin Franklin, Louisa May Alcott, Leo Tolstoy, Empress Elisabeth of Austria, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles Lindbergh, General George Patton and at least a third of the world’s population.

At the time of the biblical surgery, carving out the doctrine of re-embodiment that was taught by Jesus, men decided they knew better than Jesus about the life after this one earthly life. These “Church Fathers” did not understand the Law of Karma, of cause and effect in each human life. Think of one example Jesus taught us in Galatians 6:7 where it reads, “Do not be deceived. Whatever a man sows he also reaps.” It takes more than one lifetime for this sowing and reaping.

We work out the karma from previous lifetimes in this one. It takes more than one lifetime to “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect,” according to Jesus.

Responsibility is what we are lacking when we deny reincarnation, and is the reason for multiple incarnations. We do make up for what we lack in the school of life, over and over, until we get it right. We need to listen to our consciences, and build on ethics, honesty, integrity, and problem solving that does not include lying, cheating, bullying, manipulating persons – places and things at every selfish motive and opportunity.

It is our ego, our Id-entity, that we need to watch over and reign in when it is harmful to us and others. The pendulum of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has a wide swing. The further it goes in one direction, with equal and opposite force, it will swing in the opposite direction. It is not motionless until it rests in complete balance, harmony and Love in the center point of Life, Liberty and Justice for All.

liberty 2

God is no punisher of mortals. We punish ourselves. We have free will to use or misuse the gifts of life in front of us. We have the free will to steal babies from their mother’s arms and sell them to the highest bidder in “legal adoptions.” We have the free will to cage destitute brothers and sisters of humanity fleeing murder, rape and war in their countries of origin. We have free will to rape these same human beings we have caged; and either lie or brag about it. We have free will to lie, cheat and steal political and voting mechanisms to our favor, using a bottomless, self-serving money pit to fuel its progress at the expense of our destitute and dying on the city streets of the United States of America. We have the free will to do all of these things.

Either we were saints who forgot to ascend in a previous life, or we have totally misunderstood what it means to be truly human in this lifetime. Now is not forever. Let us make up for our losses while we can before it is too late. Jesus does tell us that there will be an end of time, in his teachings about the Alpha and Omega, an end to the countless lives we have lived to perfect ourselves. Presently we still have time to do the right thing.

The right thing for the longevity for the earth is to notice the cause and effect, the karma that we are causing in the seeds we are sowing on earth. For example, we have selfishly turned to frackking, forcing unqualified volumes of water deep into the earth as we do in oil prospecting. This produces lots of oil, while at the same time generates lots of earthquakes. The polar caps are melting at unpresidented rates. Without the seeds of intelligence, consciousness and natural laws regarding climate change and global warming, which every single one of us has caused and is still allowing to get worse, the earth will revolt as it has in the past when things get too far out of balance. Considering the actions of its citizens and its leaders, the United States of America has the highest rate confirmed cases of the deadly pandemic known as coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS CO2, and other handles, as well as the highest death rate in the world due to this disease. There are some who deny its existence and/or the numbers tallied in certain countries, including the United States of America. Ignorance blames the spreading of this particular virus on other causes, without realizing it is this very highly contagious and often deadly virus that breaks down the other systems of the body which it targets. All of these things can improve by the conscious, self-aware use of our God-given free will. We can either build up the United States of America and solve its current dilemmas with creative, life-affirming actions, or we can tear down the United States of America via selfishness, greed, power and/or ignorance.

It is possible to kill Lady Liberty, lose all the rights afforded to its citizens written into the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights, or any other constitution of all other countries. It is possible to go backwards by believing untruths we know to be lies. Some of us do not believe we are being lied to by the one channel we listen to, as if listening to only one side of an argument got anyone anywhere. Countries and people go backwards when selfish greed and power-hungry narcissistic egomaniacs rule. History proves this to be true in all countries since the beginning of time.

It is equally possible to kill liberty and freedom as Jesus originally taught it to the people of his time, before the adulterated version of today’s bible in the year 365 AD at the Council of Laodicea. Only a miniscule amount of the words of Jesus are in today’s many versions of the bible, putting a major crimp that would have educated all of us to the deeper truths he taught, including: reincarnation, the right of women to go to the alter, and that your Spirit is part of the Holy Spirit, which is your I AM Presence, your God Particle. Jesus taught everyone who would listen about their own Christ self. There is much more that Jesus told us that got ripped out of the bible, which we can now read in the Books of Enoch and the sacred scriptures found at Nag Hammadi, Eqypt, as well as in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Thank God someone, a scribe, rabbi, or a learned person thought to hide these sacred scriptures away until such a time when humanity was at a point of their quest for what was obviously missing, to be discovered. Now these writings give us a much broader picture of not only him, but us as well. Jesus does specifically say that the kingdom of God is WITHIN you in today’s bible in Luke 17:21. Let us not forget that.

We are all smarter than this. If we use our free will to choose to do nothing while we are at sea in a plastic row boat with a hole in the bottom of it, then we will undoubtedly reap the seeds we have sown; so will every country that is allowed to rule unchecked. Money and power are the tools used to usurp the rights of others. Silence is agreement.

Find truth, not what someone else tells you is the truth. Search history online or in books, not from anyone with “a chip in the game.” It is no game. It is your money and your personal power crooked politicians and religious leaders want to usurp. Not all politicians are crooked. Most religious leaders are ignorant of the writings of Jesus they have not read. and therefore cannot teach. Look at the start of yesterday’s post. Jesus said these exact words. Unless you actually do the research yourself, not what the one TV channel with your point of view states, nor your groups of like-minded friends tell you, you will not be able to see clearly enough which leader is being bought, being used or manipulated. If you can read this blog, you can read shorter historical facts.

Make a peaceful but conscious decision to not let your freedoms be extinguished. Stand peacefully but be determined not to let liberty and justice for all vanish before your very eyes. War and violence ae not communication skills, nor were they promoted as a way to do or get anything.

Seek freedom and liberty in all areas of your life, for all people, not just for a chosen few.

“Through the law of karma God wants you to learn by the fruits you harvest from your own Tree of Life just what is the sweet and what is the bitter you have sown. And self-correct.” Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

The God in Me recognizes the God in You
Have A Beautiful Day!

This Blog Is Read Worldwide Since Its Inception January 2020 ~ 98,491 Views

As of April 22, 2020, there are 98,491 views from 203 countries, territories and protectorates worldwide who have read my blog: These statistics come from the WordPress website which counts each view and its location. I was on a cruise ship once and spoke to one of the attendants who sounded very interested in my blog. I think that is where all the various islands and vacation lands came in.  The following shows how many views from each country this blog has received since its inception January 2012. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog.

No matter which country, territory or protectorate you come from, please know  that as members of the human race, we are all the same, loved by God regardless of the color of our skin or any other difference we can think which makes us all unique. We are all made in the image and likeness of God our heavenly Father. God bless you all.

USA ……………………………………………………. 59,998
Canada ……………………………………….. 5,477
United Kingdom …………………………. 4,844
India …………………………………………… 3,062
Australia ……………………………………. 2,885
Germany ………………………………………. 1,336
Philippines ………………………………… 1,317
South Africa ………………………………. 1,083
France ………………………………………………….. 946
Netherlands ……………………………….. 773
Singapore ………………………………………….. 710
Brazil ………………………………………………….. 594
New Zealand …………………………………….. 559
Ireland ……………………………………………….. 552
Argentina ………………………………………… 507
Malaysia …………………………………………….. 480
Romania ……………………………………………….. 474
Indonesia ………………………………………….. 473
European Union ………………………………. 471
Italy …………………………………………………….. 391
Mexico ………………………………………………….. 368
Spain ………………………………………………………. 361
Sweden ……………………………………………………. 350
Norway ……………………………………………………. 349
United Arab Emirates ………………… 292
Greece ……………………………………………………… 287
Belgium …………………………………………………. 267
Hong Kong SAR China …………………. 266
Thailand ………………………………………………… 264
Pakistan ………………………………………………. 258
Japan ………………………………………………………. 251
Turkey ……………………………………………………. 244
South Korea ………………………………………. 239
Portugal ………………………………………………. 235
Denmark …………………………………………………. 235
Switzerland ………………………………………. 297
Russia ……………………………………………………. 187
Saudi Arabia ……………………………………. 187
Egypt ………………………………………………………. 175
Finland ………………………………………………… 173
Poland ……………………………………………………. 166
Israel ……………………………………………………. 159
Nigeria …………………………………………………. 149
Austria …………………………………………………. 148
Vietnam …………………………………………………..144
Ukraine …………………………………………………..138
Croatia ……………………………………………….. 137
Taiwan ……………………………………………………. 133
Bulgaria …………………………………………….. 133
Chile …………………………………………………….. 130
Kenya …………………………………………………….. 129
Serbia ………………………………………………….. 127
Czech Republic …………………………….. 123
Trinidad and Tobago …………………… 122
Hungary …………………………………………………..103
Sri Lanka ………………………………………………. 99
Slovenia …………………………………………………..92
Lebanon …………………………………………….. 92
Peru ………………………………………………………….. 84
Colombia …………………………………………………. 82
Kuwait …………………………………………………….. 70
Slovakia ……………………………………………….. 69
Puerto Rico …………………………………………. 64
Iceland ………………………………………………….. 61
Jamaica ………………………………………………….. 61
Bangladesh ………………………………………….. 59
Mauritius ………………………………………………. 57
Ghana ……………………………………………………….. 55
Malta ……………………………………………………….. 54
Lithuania …………………………………………….. 53
Qatar ……………………………………………………….. 52
Ecuador ………………………………………………….. 50
Estonia ……………………………………………………. 48
Tunisia ………………………………………………….. 43
Costa Rica ………………………………………….. 42
Venezuela …………………………………………….. 41
Guatemala …………………………………………….. 40
Bahrain ………………………………………………….. 40
Latvia …………………………………………………….. 38
Cambodia ……………………………………………….. 37
Nepal ……………………………………………………….. 37
Bahamas …………………………………………………. 36
Honduras ……………………………………………….. 36
Tanzania ………………………………………………. 31
Macedonia …………………………………………….. 30
Dominican Republic ………………………. 30
Morocco ………………………………………………….. 29
Cyprus …………………………………………………….. 29
Myanmar (Burma) …………………………….. 29
Oman ………………………………………………………….. 29
China ……………………………………………………….. 28
Jordan …………………………………………………….. 28
Algeria ……………………………………………………28
Brunei …………………………………………………… 27
Georgia ……………………………………………… 26
Namibia …………………………………………… 22
Ethiopia …………………………………………. 22
Albania …………………………………………… 22
Moldova …………………………………………….. 21
Bosnia and Herzegovina ……………… 19
Barbados …………………………………………………. 19
Mongolia ……………………………………………….. 18
St. Lucia …………………………………………….. 18
Panama …………………………………………………….. 17
Cote d’Ivoire …………………………………. 17
Azerbaijan …………………………………….. 16
Fiji ………………………………………………………….. 16
Aruba ……………………………………………………….. 16
Armenia ………………………………………………… . 16
Guam ………………………………………………………….. 15
Botswana ……………………………………………….. 15
El Salvador ……………………………………. 15
Uruguay …………………………………………………… 15
Uganda ………………………………………………….. 15
Zimbabwe ……………………………………………….. 14
Luxembourg ………………………………………… 14
Zambia …………………………………………………….. 14
Curacao ……………………………………………………. 13
Belize …………………………………………………….. 12
Reunion ………………………………………………….. 12
Cuba ………………………………………………………… 12
Andorra …………………………………………….. 11
Macau SAR China …………………………… 11
Guyana ……………………………………………… 11
Iraq …………………………………………………….. 11
Antigua and Barbuda ……………………. 11
Kazakhstan ………………………………………. 11
Senegal ………………………………………………. 11
Bolivia …………………………………………….. 10
U.S. Virgin Islands ……………………… 10
Grenada …………………………………………….. 10
St. Vincent and Grenadines …… 10
Paraguay ……………………………………………. 10
Bermuda ……………………………………………… 9
Palestinian Territories ……………… 9
British Virgin Islands ………………… 9
Jersey ………………………………………………….. 8
Syria …………………………………………………….. 8
Martinique …………………………………………. 8
American Samoa ……………………………… 7
Maldives …………………………………………… 7
Faroe Islands …………………………………….. 7
Guernsey …………………………………………… 6
Cayman Islands …………………………….. 6
Laos ……………………………………………………. 6
Suriname …………………………………………… 6
Montenegro ……………………………………… 6
Nicaragua ………………………………………….. 6
Cameroon …………………………………………… 6
Isle of Man …………………………………….. 6
Libya …………………………………………………… 5
Afghanistan ……………………………………. 5
Palau …………………………………………………… 5
Sint Maarten …………………………………… 5
Uzbekistan ………………………………………. 5
Kyrgyzstan ……………………………………….. 4
Yemen …………………………………………………… 4
Mozambique ……………………………………….. 4
Vanuatu ……………………………………………….. 4
Belarus ……………………………………………….. 4
Benin …………………………………………………… 4
Sudan …………………………………………………… 4
Congo – Kinshasa ……………………………. 3
Dominica …………………………………………….. 3
Rwanda …………………………………………….. 3
Malawi ………………………………………………… 3
Seychelles …………………………………………. 3
Angola ………………………………………………… 3
Liberia ……………………………………………….. 3
St. Kitts and Nevis ………………………… 3
Iran ……………………………………………………. 2
Mayotte ……………………………………………. 2
Papua New Guinea ……………………….. 2
Madagascar ……………………………………… 2
French Guiana ………………………………. 2
Northern Mariana Islands …………… 2
South Sudan ………………………………….. 2
Bhutan ………………………………………………. 2
Vatican City …………………………………… 1
Mali ……………………………………………………. 1
Aland Islands …………………………………. 1
Sierra Leone ………………………………….. 1
Marshall Islands …………………………….. 1
Tonga ……………………………………………….. 1
Turks and Caicos Islands …………… 1
Congo – Brazzaville ………………………… 1
Caribbean Netherlands …………………… 1
Gibraltar …………………………………………. 1
Togo ……………………………………………………. 1
Burundi ……………………………………………… 1
French Polynesia …………………………….. 1
Lesotho ……………………………………………….. 1
Micronesia ……………………………………….. 1
Netherlands Antilles ……………………… 1
Gambia ………………………………………………… 1
Comoros ………………………………………….. 1
Kiribati ……………………………………………… 1
Guinea – Bissau ………………………………… 1
Somalia ……………………………………………. 1
Tajikistan ………………………………………….. 1
Gabon …………………………………………………. 1
Guadeloupe ……………………………………… 1
Burkina Faso …………………………………….. 1

God Bless You All

Adult Answers for a Self-Sabotaged Society

We have managed to dumb-down the virtue-based building blocks of today’s society. We can see this in many areas first hand in every country across the globe. It is not only the students in our homes, schools, colleges, and employment who are affected. Over the past 30 years, these students have now grown up into adults. As a result, in many cases we have successfully substituted secular humanism for faith-based virtues in homes, schools, colleges and employment everywhere. By doing so, we have crippled the moral fiber of society, which continues into a downward spiral that affects all of us today. When we attempt to substitute God-given virtues with secular humanism, we begin cracking the firm foundation on which we are attempting to build.

Yes, this has been a problem since the beginning of our human existence. It begins by denying God, or at least excluding and relegating God in all or parts of life we decide to compartmentalize God, as if there were such a thing.

“For centuries, many have lived their lives (of work, study, business, research, social relationships, interests, etc.) in separation of the faith. As a consequence of this separation temporal realities have been adversely affected, existing, as it were, in the shadows on the fringes of the light of Revelation. Without this light many have come to consider the world as an end in itself, without any reference to God; therefore they have distorted the most elementary and basic truths,” wrote Francis Fernandez, in In Conversation with God, Vol. 2

Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, beatified on September 27, 2014 in Madrid, Spain, agreed in his Pastoral Letter dated December 25, 1985 when he added to the words of Fr. Fernandez, “In western countries, particularly, it becomes necessary to correct this separation because many generations which should belong to Christ and the Church are being lost in these years, and because, unhappily, from these places the harmful influences of a new paganism is being sent into the world. Thus, contemporary paganism, is characterized by the search for material well-being at any cost, and by the corresponding disregard – or to put it more accurately, fear, genuine terror – of anything that could cause suffering. With this outlook, words such as God, sin, Cross, mortification, eternal life – become incomprehensible to a great number of people, who are ignorant of their meaning and content. You have witnessed the incredible fact that many people began putting God in parenthesis, in some aspect of their professional lives. But then, as God demands, loves, and asks, they end up throwing Him out – like an intruder – from their civil laws and from the lives of the nations. With a ridiculous and presumptious pride they want to lift up in his place the poor human creature, who has lost his supernatural and human dignity, and has become reduced – it is no exaggeration, one can see it everywhere – to a stomach, sex and money.”

I remember the conversation I had one night some thirty years ago at the local high school during a meeting held for parents and teachers. I was speaking with a school official during the refreshments that followed the evening event. I was telling him what I was observing with my five children in the public school system, was teaching against what parents were teaching about ethics and morality. He was saying that the public school was not allowed to teach any particular belief system in the public school.

“We teach secular humanism,” he said.

“But secular humanism is a belief system,” I answered.

With the separation of church and state, it is understandable that public schools cannot teach one brand of religion in their schools. The frustrating thing parents must deal with in this situation, is that the schools, since they were not promoting a religion, but an alternative belief system, can teach against the very morals, ethics and character education parents teach at home, usurping the voices of the parents eight hours a day, five days a week. This is what happens when we so easily and neatly carve God out of our public and private existence, the existence created by God. We end up with secular humanism.

Secular humanism is a lifestance, or what Council for Secular Humanism founder Paul Kurtz has termed a eupraxsophy: a body of principles suitable for orienting a complete human life. As a secular lifestance, secular humanism incorporates the enlightenment principle of individualism, which celebrates emancipating the individual from traditional controls by family, church, and state, increasingly empowering each of us to set the terms of his or her own life.

A Secular Humanist believes in a consequential ethical system. This is nothing more and nothing less than cause and effect of actions and/or non-actions. Secular humanists hold that ethics is consequential, to be judged by results. This is in contrast to so-called command ethics, in which right and wrong are defined in advance and attributed to divine authority. “No god will save us,” declared Humanist Manifesto II (1973), “we must save ourselves.” Secular humanists seek to develop and improve their ethical principles by examining the results they yield in the lives of real men and women.

It is a sad state of affairs when we carve God out of our lives. So many people today see the direct results within all societies in the world of what happens when we diminish God, the Creator of All, to a fairy tale.

Human secularism leaves the children of 30 years ago, now adults, trying to fix real world dilemmas within their homes, neighborhoods, states and countries, trying to solve problems of war, conflict and social disease like COVID-19. Trying to solve problems without involving God (God forbid!) in every decision in all parts of life, is what is breaking the foundation of societies apart.

How does one teach our grown children, now indoctrinated in secular humanism, to believe in God, the very thing they were taught to shun for 12 grade-school years, plus an additional four or more years of college? To them, any and all religion was taught to be a farce, a laughable fairy tale. We see so many young adults in the world today aimlessly looking for answers, any and all answers that is, but not if they are God related.

I want them all to know there is more, much, much more than they have been indoctrinated to believe. They do not believe they have been indoctrinated. They think they have been freed. The truth is they have been bound up so tight that ridicule is the only answer that comes to their minds. If only all secular humanists would say a simple honest prayer, asking the God of all Creation – the God who Created the Big Bang (to their way of thinking) millions and millions of years ago, to enter their heart and show them the reality of God and the Trinity, which exists within all physical reality, so they could begin a new faith journey, with a deeper understanding of things they already know.

I encourage everyone, young and old alike, to at least try to open their minds (they think they are open minded!), to begin to pray. Invite God the Creator of the Universe (and all universes and galaxies, and science – which has become their god) to make His Presence known to them personally. God, the Father of All Creation, and Jesus Christ, God’s first Creation, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, will enter the heart and mind of all who pray in earnest.

It is not someone’s belief system that makes reality so; or makes reality what it is. How it is, is how it is. Some things are beyond our understanding, however reality is so, even if we do not understand it. God is God, even if we do not fully grasp every detail to every question we have. Not even everything in science has its fully comprehended understandings; those facts that were once expounded upon have changed with the light of new knowledge, for example, believing that the earth is flat.

The adult answer to our self-sabotaged society is to discover, learn and understand how matters of faith in God, the Father of all Creation, who is the Father of Jesus Christ, is ready, willing and able, to come into our lives and work with us, side by side with us, in enlightening our minds to solutions.

We have done many wonderful things in life. But I do notice how much more fulfilling and rewarding it is to work along side God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. We have spiritual tools at our disposal, if only we would use them. I know many of us use these tools, and have beautiful lives of faith. I am also noticing a world hurting by its own ignorance, self-induced problems made by our own making, fueled by greed and our out of control insane ego.

Virtues are the tools that can put us back on the road to living moral and ethical lives. Virtues are good habits, as mentioned in the previous post. Virtues are God-given. We can pray for more faith, hope and love. That is the best place to start.

God Bless

Poverty Mentality Fuels Hoarding Wealth, Property, Resources ~ In All Classes ~ In All Countries

Fear is the foundation of the poverty mentality regardless of financial status. The primeval instinct to survive fosters fear to the core of our beings, from the top one percent of wealth earners, and also affecting the middle and low classes of every society in the world. The need to survive, to have “enough” on one level is what keeps us alive. How do we know if we have crossed the line from surviving to hoarding?

Who ever thought hoarding would become so popular?

We watch those hoarding shows on TV with the same shock as we have when we watch horror shows. We wonder, who can live like that? Hoarding all depends on what you love the most.

This systemic problem affects the high class, the middle class and even the low class equally in all countries across the globe. This is not only a problem of the top one percent. The high class is keeping all the wealth of their companies and investments. For example, the countries with profitable oil fields are said to have the greatest levels of poverty within those countries. The middle class is trying to hang on to what they have, to climb higher financially and/or not to lose what they have. The same holds true for the low class. Despite what they say, no one really wants to be homeless, hungry, abused, frozen, ignored or hurting.

CAMDEN, NJ – OCTOBER 11: A homeless man named Bob waits for donations from passing motorists on October 11, 2012 in Camden, New Jersey. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Camden, New Jersey is now the most impoverished city in the United States with nearly 32,000 of Camden’s residents living below the poverty line. Camden, which sits just over the bridge from more affluent Philadelphia, also has a chronic crime problem with 48 recorded homicides this year alone. A lack of jobs has been a feature of life in Camden since the city lost most of its manufacturing base in the late 60’s and 1970’s. While the state unemployment rate is about 9.9 percent, Camden’s is estimated at 19 percent. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
The problem is, if no one budges to help humanity in need, problems get worse, not better. Wealth hoarding hurts people, all levels of governments, animals, climate and the world at large.

How do we know if we have become an unhealthy hoarder of wealth, property, food, medical care, clothes, shoes, and various other things? We can each ask ourselves these questions:

* Do I think the problems of other people do not affect me?
* Do I feel if I earned it, I keep it all, no matter what?
* Do I view wealth as power over others?
* Do I think that money is the bottom line?
* Do I think that money is the bottom line at the expense of every and anything else?
* Do I believe in the non-reality of the “trickle down economy,” that I get raises when the top makes money?
* Do I think that if I made money last year that I can tolerate inhumane treatment of others, and corruption that I would otherwise not tolerate?
* Do I justify lying, cheating, stealing as long as I make money?
* Do I support others who lie, cheat and steal as long as I make money?
* Do I wall off my feelings, not wanting to see the world’s lack, hunger or need in all forms?
* Do I feel like I need to keep up with the material things my neighbors, bosses, friends/family have?
* Do I think if others want what I have, they should to go out and earn it, even when I see them struggling to survive?
* Do I think children ought to go hungry and/or homeless because their parents are struggling?
* Do I think children ought to go hungry and/or homeless because I disagree with their parents?
* Do I think there is no room in the country for refugees?
* Do I think there is no room in the country for immigrants?
* Do I think there is not enough money to help those less fortunate than myself?
* Do I think if I give to those less fortunate than myself that I will not have enough?
* How would I feel if I was being persecuted in my country and needed food, shelter or clothing?

Hard lines are sometimes drawn by those who have against those who have not. Why? Fear is the root cause; fear of personal lack, and fear of personal failure. Justifying why we cannot help someone is a red flag to the beginning of deadening our sensitivities.

When does living lives of ordinary care cross the line into lives motivated by greed?

When does greed cross the line into hoarding?

We need to regain our humanity. To be fully human, and not a robotic shell of a human being, we need to exercise virtues of the heart.

There is another dysfunctional climate sweeping across the world, affecting every nation. It is a climate issue of hoarding wealth, property and resources.

What is the remedy? Must we give away every dime we have and give away our homes until we too are destitute? No. We can make financial donations whenever want to. However, it is possible to open our hearts and offer assistance where we can. Not every way of helping to solve the systemic problem of hoarding wealth involves money. For example, we can:

* Volunteer our time to worthwhile causes, or at the local hospital
* Become aware of where local soup kitchens and homeless shelters are
* Learn a new language in order to help those less fortunate in your area
* Write letters to local and state representatives for humane treatment of all people
* Read non-fiction books on the lives of others to become more aware of the plights of others
* Become more environmentally aware of ways to use recycled items, cars, plastics, household goods …

The hoarding of property and resources is also systemic across the globe. My husband and I personally drove across the United States a year ago. We drove from Berkeley, down the coast of California in a Prius C, which gets from 50-70 miles per gallon of gas. We then traveled from southern California kitty-corner to Ohio, avoiding major highways in order to see the country on roads less traveled. Most of the time on these roads we were on roads with two-way traffic, and seldom met cars along the way. I don’t even remember one vehicle behind us for more than one block. From there we traveled to the east coast of the United States. What was the cost of gasoline? It only cost $147 for transportation for two people to cross the United States of America.

What did we see as we drove across this country? We saw vast, I mean vast, areas of open land. Not all land was farmland. When people say there is no more room in this country for people to come in, they have not personally traveled across the country. I can vouch for that. I have also traveled the entire east coast of the United States. Except for the cities, mountains and valleys are certainly not filled. I would even go so far as to say most areas in this country are unpopulated.

There are practice solutions to the hoarding of wealth, property and resources that will assist people in need. Jesus told us how to treat one another in the Golden Rule. Perhaps if we put ourselves in the places of the people who are fleeing rape and torture, hunger and poverty, and unhealthy situations, we will become less armored to devastating human conditions of those who are truly in need.

Every human being in every country will benefit from more fair practices and humane treatment. Jesus is the king of the kingdom to come. Until that time, humanity can do a better job helping one another, void of the hoarding of wealth, property and resources.

God Bless