Critical Mass Switches “Trickle Down” To “Trickle Up” Economics ~ originally posted September 16, 2012

When critical mass in any energy form is reached, the ebb and flow of what had been working switches to the other side. It is a natural occurrence when too much energy pushes from the

Critical mass switches “Trickle Down Economics” to “Trickle Up Economics.”

impetus that has been building. This is happening particularly in USA economics, and the world economic stage as well. Trickle down economics is supposed to work because if the wealthy of the land get wealthier, it is assumed that they will share the benefit based on this premise. In this country, what has been happening is that the middle class has been bailing out the higher class of the wealthy with no reciprocation, except for their outstretched wealthy hand begging for more, more, more. This is Trickle Up Economics. It is an automatic response.


This is because the basic principle of trickle down economics is based on inequity. It does not work. It works in theory, but it has never worked in the history of this country. Now we are past the point of critical mass. The poor and those people barely getting by in the middle class have lost faith with the high class wealthiest among us, because they have had their faith broken by the extreme inequity, with no return for their dollars.

The infinity loop is pictured as a figure 8 lying on its side. You might think of this as the CC Loop, centrifugal forces on one side and centripetal forces on the other, or the yin/yang principle, a child’s see saw, or any energy balancing system based on give and take, ebb and flow, where there is a natural rhythm. When the pressure of either side is too great, there is an automatic switch to the other side. This is where we are now in the economy.

The switch to Trickle Up Economics began with the bail outs for the rich and wealthy. This article is not saying the bail outs should not have happened. I believe it was crucial to bail out the auto industry, for example. What I am saying here, energetically speaking, is that we are past the point of balance and equity on many levels. Corporations are making record profits, yet are laying off their workers and making the workers who are left to do two, three, four or more times the jobs. Quality suffers in the process, just look at the newspaper industry. It became more expedient to put a product out first despite errors, even online.

We are now operating on the basis of Trickle Up Economics. How is it working for you? Evidently the wealthiest rich apparently have no problem duping the poor among us into thinking that giving tax breaks to the wealthy corporations will somehow magically help them, when it has never helped them before.

Based on the concept that trickle down economics works, which it has never worked, we will begin to see, as we are seeing now where the low and middle classes bail out the rich. This is truly an unjust state of affairs.

Trickle Up Economics works best when there are inequitable tax rates, off shore bank accounts so the rich do not have to pay taxes at all, and little attention paid to bolstering the middle class.

We need to integrate our humanity with our emotional and spiritual selves, which includes living fully in the present moment, with its economic concerns.


Trickle Down Economics

When critical mass in any energy form is reached, the ebb and flow of what had been working switches to the other side. It is a natural occurrence when too much energy pushes from the

Critical mass switches “Trickle Down Economics” to “Trickle Up Economics.”

impetus that has been building. This is happening particularly in USA economics, and the world economic stage as well. Trickle down economics is supposed to work because if the wealthy of the land get wealthier, it is assumed that they will share the benefit based on this premise. In this country, what has been happening is that the middle class has been bailing out the higher class of the wealthy with no reciprocation, except for their outstretched wealthy hand begging for more, more, more. This is Trickle Up Economics. It is an automatic response.

This is because the basic principle of trickle down economics is based on inequity. It does not work. It works in theory, but it has never worked in the history of this country. Now we are past the point of critical mass. The poor and those people barely getting by in the middle class have lost faith with the high class wealthiest among us, because they have had their faith broken by the extreme inequity, with no return for their dollars.

The infinity loop is pictured as a figure 8 lying on its side. You might think of this as the CC Loop, centrifugal forces on one side and centripetal forces on the other, or the yin/yang principle, a child’s see saw, or any energy balancing system based on give and take, ebb and flow, where there is a natural rhythm. When the pressure of either side is too great, there is an automatic switch to the other side. This is where we are now in the economy.

The switch to Trickle Up Economics began with the bail outs for the rich and wealthy. This article is not saying the bail outs should not have happened. I believe it was crucial to bail out the auto industry, for example. What I am saying here, energetically speaking, is that we are past the point of balance and equity on many levels. Corporations are making record profits, yet are laying off their workers and making the workers who are left to do two, three, four or more times the jobs. Quality suffers in the process, just look at the newspaper industry. It became more expedient to put a product out first despite errors, even online.

We are now operating on the basis of Trickle Up Economics. How is it working for you? Evidently the wealthiest rich apparently have no problem duping the poor among us into thinking that giving tax breaks to the wealthy corporations will somehow magically help them, when it has never helped them before.

Based on the concept that trickle down economics works, which it has never worked, we will begin to see, as we are seeing now where the low and middle classes bail out the rich. This is truly an unjust state of affairs.

Trickle Up Economics works best when there are inequitable tax rates, off shore bank accounts so the rich do not have to pay taxes at all, and little attention paid to bolstering the middle class.

We need to integrate our humanity with our emotional and spiritual selves, which includes living fully in the present moment, with its economic concerns.


The Dignity Of The Human Race

The dignity of the human race is universal. It knows no boundary to any country, or ocean, north pole or south pole, or equator. The human race in every country has equal amounts of dignity. The northern countries do not have more dignity than the countries south of the equator. There is not more dignity for the human race in the countries east of the prime meredian, than for the human race who happened to settle in the countries to the west of the prime meredian.

The dignity of the human race encompasses all nationalities, and favors none of them. All nationalities have the same measure of dignity, and no nationality is excluded from the human race allottment of it. Dignity of the human race circles tall human beings, short human beings; human beings with red, brown, black, blonde, grey, white and blue or streaked hair; human beings with freckles, moles, dimples, bumps and bruises, or any other stereotype human beings are catergorized in.

The dignity of the human race is blind to economic, or any other kind of status. Financially poor human beings of planet Earth have the exact same amount of dignity as human beings who find themselves richer in terms of financial wealth. Human beings who have more buttons, or beads, or animals, or cars, or flowers, or boxes, or shoes, or clothes, or vacations, or food, or houses, or boats, or motorcycles, or anything else they can think of, have just as much dignity as those who do not.

The dignity of the human race crosses gender. The entire human race, which includes all human beings, not just some human beings, have equal amounts of dignity, regardless of being male or female, or any kind of division they can imagine.

Dignity of human beings everywhere does not come from other human beings. There is nothing a human being can do to earn dignity, nor pretend not to have it. Dignity for all human beings is a Divine gift, freely given, without conditions or reservations, and above all, is beyond human judgement. Human beings are not in charge of who gets dignity and who does not. Human beings are not in control of the Divine Creator, who created all human beings, with dignity in equal measure.

Over the centuries, some human beings have fortified, bolstered, promoted, and taught the dignity of human beings across the entire planet; while other human beings have misused their egos, their insane egos, to attempt to squash, step on, undermine, eliminate, mask or rob the dignity of all human beings given them by their Creator.

The dignity of the human being is not in the hands of the human beings with the most power or fear tactics over certain groups of human beings, for example at work, socially, civically, environmentally, politically, or even in their own families. The dignity of the human being is in the hand of each individual human being. It is God given.
