Jesus Was Not Killed By Atheism And Anarchy

Have you ever spoken with someone who tells you that he or she knows what God thinks, what God wants you to do, or what God will do to those who don’t obey what they think God wants?

These words are the spawn of FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. Political and religious fear mongers continue beating the drum of FEAR to motivate their followers to do their will, which they cannot do without their fear-filled followers. These leaders themselves are not filled with fear. Fear, obligation, and guilt, known as FOG, is the acronym used to refer to their arsenal of weapons, along with manipulation as a reinforcement.

These are loaded questions which require a deeper look at the intentions of people. Often the intentions of people with good will, who are following the dark and negative drumbeat of suspicion and conspiracy theories, are misguided. Their political and religious leaders seem to be coming from a place for the common good based on what they claim to be fact, that they know the mind of God.

BEWARE OF THESE PEOPLE. If anarchy, destruction, chaos, and murder is their MO, Motis Operandi., their god is not the good God. You will know these people by the fruits they bear.

Political leaders who claim they are standing on the principles of God would better serve the world as religious leaders, if that is their calling. Otherwise, political leaders ought to be serving the cause of the betterment of the humanity whom they say they care for, by positive solutions that build up. The USA has the separation of church and state for a very good reason.

What are good-hearted and good-willed people to do once they recognize that they have been deluded by the very ones they trusted, gave money to, and for whom they followed their direction only to discover their fearless leaders turned out to be corrupt and incorrect?

Do not hand over your personal power to anyone.

There are unscrupulous people in the world, some of whom pretend to be your friends, or claim to know what is better for you then yourselves. They want your money. They want your time. They want you to do their bidding, because on their own they cannot succeed. Do not follow the fox into the chicken coop.

Take a moment to reassess. Work for peace. Work for the common good of all people. Notice if the people you give money to are eating better than you. How many people of middle and lower economic status continue bailing out rich corporations, politicians, and religious entities?

It is good to change your mind, when you discover you have been railroaded by corrupt minds. Recognize the delusion others may have pulled the wool over your eyes for a few years. But now that truth is uncovered, let the light shine on your peaceful, loving intentions, clear the cobwebs of your mind, and focus on the unity and harmony.

Insults and biting sarcasm are the lowest form of communication. Even children know and do this.

It takes strength of character to uncover the truth of the reality of what is taking place in the USA. You may have been on the wrong side of the issue. Now you may have a clearer understanding that the truth is not what you were told. Everyone makes mistakes. Mature character development can admit when lies were told to them as if they were the truth. Truth matters.

It’s not important to stay on the wrong course in order to save face, nor money, nor friends. Now is the time to find out for yourself what the truth is. This is what can build a better tomorrow.


Do You Want To Change The USA Democtratic Constitutional Republic Into An Autocracy/Oligarchy/Plutocracy Like The Republicans Are Demonstrating They Want To Do?

At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention held Monday, September 17, 1787, Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was asked “What have you wrought?”

He answered, “… a Republic, if you can keep it.”

Why is the Republican Party attacking voting rights and promoting the Big Lie as if it were real?

Voting rights and all other “rights” are not the main focus at the helm of the transitional Republican Party. The Republican Party is transmuting into a political group with ideologies different from those of the Founding Fathers.

“The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.” Alexander Hamilton, 1775

“…a constitution, intended to endure for ages to come, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs.” John Marshall was an American politician and lawyer who served as the fourth chief justice of the United States from 1801 until his death in 1835.

The words and actions being promoted and tolerated by the Republican Party are not the words and actions of a political party in agreement with freedom and liberty for all people. The adaptations they seek in “the various crises of human affairs” are not for the benefit of the humanity they are voted in to serve. Why else would they seek to diminish voting booths, and make voting more difficult?

Courage in truth, integrity, and honor are what should be required of all in the Republican Party, from those voted into office, political appointments, down to the common person on the street.

Standing up for truth, integrity, and honor, however, are much more difficult when huge corporations, conglomerates, gun lobby, the military/industrial complex, and a host of other attachments have bought the hearts, minds, and voices of the would-be public servants.

It takes courage to shape the United States of America in poignant times of global warming and climate change. Denying it is happening will not stop its progression.

It takes courage to keep the United States of America as the first paragraph of The Constitution of The United States says, “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Our fledgling government was never intended to be hijacked into an autocracy, oligarchy, nor plutarchy, since none of these forms of government “form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

Now is the time for Republican leaders who want to stand the test of time positively in the history books of the United States of America as the saviors of the once-valid two-party system, to use their free will to not join the ranks of the sabotaged brand of modern Republicans, who have been infiltrated by white supremacist and hate-filled agendas.

Now is the time for integrity.

Now is the time for courage.

Now is the time to save the United States of America, unless you really do want to end up with a government of autocracy, oligarchy, and/or plutocracy.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Coming To Terms With Being Used As A Pawn For Someone Else’s Benefit ~ Is Money Your Bottom Line?

The Republican Party is following the playbook of international oligarchs and large corporations rather than the will of the people, Democracy be dammed.

What is needed to recover a broken relationship based on the Big Lie which has been proven that the Republicans promulgated?

Awareness sometimes dawns slowly when we think we are on the right path, then suddenly realize we have been taken for a ride, or taken advantage of, or worst yet, been used for political gain, which benefits large corporations instead of you, the voting public.

The Big Lie is something Republicans angrily insist is true to keep you in fear, obedience to toeing the party line, while encouraging you to use your voice to ultimately hurt yourself and benefit huge corporations which pay little to no taxes yet make sure you pay yours.

If you are a one-issue voter, you may have made a decision to stand up for Pro-Life issues, disregarding the Big Lie of attempting to turn Democracy in the USA into an Autocrat/Oligarch system of tyranny. Pro-Life won’t even be on the table if you use your freedom to vote away your rights and give away Democracy which was won by long, hard Revolutionary and Civil Wars.

Democracy is fragile and needs our care and love to preserve it. It takes us all working together for a common goal.

It’s time to wake up, listen to accurate news stations as opposed to those television, radio, and social media sites that are political puppets for their own gain at the expense of yours.

If money is your bottom line, then making more in your 401K, investments, or savings account will matter more than ethics, morals, and truth in upcoming elections as you freely trade Democracy for an Oligarch system where the government is run like a business. But keep in mind, some of our business leaders have run their businesses into bankruptcy more than thirteen times due to illegal and unethical business practices. This is no success story, nor path, any country ought to take if they want to keep Democracy.

How do you fix the party that has caved to greed and who has betrayed your trust?

Stand up for truth before it is too late. The Republican Party is on the precipice of the cliff. If Republicans continue on their current path, it will be political self-sabotage. They will reap the seeds they are currently sowing. There is very little time for them to correct their mistakes. This country works well with a two-party system, but not if one of them is criminal, bought out by dark money.

As for truth, if I say two plus two equals four, but you say two plus two is sixty-five, that’s not a difference of opinion. One answer is truth, and the other answer is not truth.

As with any relationship, nothing can be saved as long as the offender in the relationship pretends there is no problem, the problem is not their fault, and/or the problem is all the other party’s fault, in this case, blaming the Democrats for the Republicans betrayal of their civic, social, and political roles for which they were voted into office.

Investigation after investigation has proven there was no voter fraud.

Stop listening to propaganda.

Watch and listen to factual, provable news from reputable news outlets, such as: Go to mainstream news outlets: Reuters, AP, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC, Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, Bloomberg News, The Atlantic, and Politico.

If you think these news outlets are slanted, know that you have been brainwashed and are being used as a political pawn in a game where you will lose the Democratic Socialism benefits you currently have.

It is possible to think for yourself. Decide to make decisions for yourself rather than following the sheep off the cliff of no return.

The voting booth is a sacred space. No one can tell you how to vote. Vote your conscience. Make sure every person is able to vote, regardless of race, ethnic background, color, creed, gender, financial status, age, or any other division established to limit the voting rights of everyone in America.

Step away from white supremacist agendas. All people count. All people matter in this country. Walk away from hate, which is fueled by fear. If you say you are not a white supremacist, then stop voting for the white supremacist agenda. If you disagree, then you need to do more study. Check out the Southern Poverty Law Center.

It can be difficult with strong-minded friends, but not impossible. You need to be true to yourself, not vote the way someone else is telling you to vote. This is not a popularity contest.

Also, when it finally dawns on you that you have been used for various agendas, by the gun lobby, or corporations and conglomerates, stand tall. You do not answer to them. You answer to your own heart. Your vote is your voice.


How To Tell If Your Personal Views Have Been Hijacked By A Political Cult ~ Signs Of A Cult

Cult Antidote: Never hand over your personal power or relinquish your free will to any person, place or thing at any time for any reason, ever.

Beware of modern day cults, especially those that tell you they are not a cult, political or otherwise.

I am writing this for the many people in these modern times, who were looking for political answers for that something more in life, and got caught up in a contagious web of diversion and dark human inspiration, a political cult.

Getting drawn into the political cult mindset usually happens slowly and insideously. It begins with well-meaning reasoning to better yourself or humanity, and looking outside of yourself for the answers, as if some other person or group possesses that which you do not think that you have.

A trip many good people fall on is the concept, “It’s just my opinion. I have a right to my own opinion.” While it is true that everyone has a right to his or her own opinion, rabid political cult followers are not free to think anything other than what the political cult leader tells them to think. This gets permeated throughout the entire group culture like the leaven in the dough.

All cults have tell-tale markers. Once these are recognized, it becomes easier to separate our beliefs in politics, or anything else, from the mind-controling guru at the top who has spread the common cult-misinformation lie, that only he is the answer to the current situation in the country, or church, or any other cult group. They are all the same in this trait. The guru touts that only he, no one else and no other thing could possibly resolve today’s proposed crisis in health, wealth, justice, and law and order.

Political cult leaders usually have a militant mindset, baiting their conversations to the general public with salted words inciting their cult followers to do illegal, underhanded and/or conniving actions, while stoking violence towards those they wish to suppress.

Suppression is the tool political cult leaders use for organizing people into certain groups or sections of cities under their control, such as red-lining districts, rigging the mail system, and suppressing free and fair elections. If political elections were actually held freely and fairly they could possibly lose, so manipulation, coercion, extortion become acceptable tactics to the political cult leaders. Once judges, juries and courts have been bought and compromised, it becomes harder for free and fair elections to take place.

Suppression is also called cheating.

A political cult leader, like every other religious cult leader, beats the drum of fear. The lowest common denominator that motivates followers of any kind is anger. Fear is the only fuel that stokes the constant rage; fear of losing power, fear of losing wealth, fear of the fake kingdom they have carved out for themselves at the extreme expense of the duped followers who chant his praises and pour their hard earned money into the poltical cult leader’s pockets.

It is not only the duped followers who follow political cult leaders. It is also the greedy corporations, acting as if they were people rather than huge conglomerates of wealth and power which seek to promote the political cult leader in order to maintain or grow in more wealth and power, without any boundaries, regardless of ethics, morals or any negative effect on the citizens of the country.


There is more than one cult present in the world today. All of them deny that they are a cult. But there are 14 tell-tale marks present in all cults. The following post points out these life-altering pitfalls to watch out for.

Political cult followers who are unaware that they have fallen into the cult mentality, can find themselves carrying the cult flag, following the political leader as if this one person is the only person to lead the country, as if he were a god. This political type of cult leader is transformed by his “followers” into a god-like leader, when in fact, he is merely just another human being. Any rebutal is met by his faithful, political cult followers, no matter how much truth there is in the facts, with the cult-like wave of resistence. They support the political cult leader, no matter what truth and facts point out.

Another tell-tale tip of the political cult mindset is that it is closed system. No outside information nor influence is regarded as truth. Only the political cult leader proclaims “truth.” A poltical cult leader proclaims anything other than the lies he is spewing is “fake news.” There is no comparing both sides of any issue. The very idea of considering any other political viewpoint is considered as traitorous, when it is actually the political cult leader who has hijacked his base, who is the traitor. In this case, political cult followers’ minds have been sufficiently and successfully conditioned. These minds are no longer free to think what they want to think. It is George Orwell’s 1984 all over again. It is worth reading again.

People’s Magazine sponsored a television show in 2019 on the cult, Word of Faith Fellowship, (under the disguise of religion) which oddly enough is attracting modern day men, women and children into its criminally abusive practices. This cult is one of many popping up these days. While this show revealed the aspects of cults to watch out for, the guidelines to follow in order to get out of any cult are the same for political cult followers as it is for religious cult followers. Both are unhealthy.

Whether you have been involved with this or any other cult-like religious or political group, reclaim your mental, physical and spiritual self as soon as possible. Fear of being abused in any or all of these forms is not the path to the loving God, nor a democratic government. Fear of being abused is a faulty human-manipulation-tactic used as political-social-structural, social-psychological, inter-behavior patterns to get you to submit your will to the misguided will of the cult group, in this case, the political cult group.

Fear is the ultimate weapon cults use.

You were never intended to become a slave to someone else’s idea of how to know and/or follow a political leader. A political cult leader, nor any religious cult minister, is not more worthy of being human than you. They do not know more than you about the noble qualities you want instilled in your political leaders despite what their forceful words erroneously imply. One day in the presence of political or religious cult leaders of any title they use to inflate their own self-worth, is enough to shine a light on the soon to erupt volcano of emotional, physical and spiritual harm they eventually unleash.

Physical abuses can be seen. But the seemingly invisible mental abuses political and religious cult leaders inflict on their unsuspecting subjects is not God-inspired nor politically productive for a democratic nation, nor any healthy congregation of believers. Political and religious cult leaders cling to an un-holy god of deception, by the use of manipulation, fear, obligation and guilt.

Listen to that inner voice inside yourself, your conscience, and realize you are right to escape the cult. Political and religious cults are evil personified, no matter what they say to the opposite. Cults are heavy into guilt motivation, but that does not make them right. You already know this.

What political and religious cult leaders do know is how to exert concerted effort to influence, bully, control, manipulate, exploit, and in the worst cases to abuse your body, mind and spirit in their unholy aim. This is abuse. This is mental abuse. This is physical abuse. This is spiritual abuse.


Abuse in all these forms is criminal and must not be tolerated by any human being on earth.

All cults have similar characteristics. Here is a list of 14 characteristics that help to define a cult:

“• The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader, and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.

• Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

• Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, or debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).

• The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (e.g., members must get permission to date, change jobs, or marry or leaders prescribe what to wear, where to live, whether to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).

• The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (e.g., the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).

• The group has a polarized, us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.

• The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders, or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).

• The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (e.g., lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).

• The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and control members. Often this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.

• Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.

• The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.

• The group is preoccupied with making money.

• Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.

• Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.” Taken from the online article Characteristics of Cults,” by Janna Lalich and Michael Pantone.

“The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be, and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave — or even consider leaving — the group,” say Janja Lalich and Michael Langone in their online article Characteristics of Cults.

Excerpts are from the book, Take Back Your Life: Recovering From Cults and Abusive Relationships by Janja Lalich and Madeline Tobias at Bay Tree Publishing.

Stand up for your God-given gift of free will. Use your free will to get out. Use your free will to vote. No one owns the rights to your mind, your voice or your life. Your life, body, mind and soul belong to you.

God loves you. God forgives you. You are a child of God here on earth. Only you can live your life. Only you can vote your conscience. If you have given over the rights to your mind, body or spirit to other religious or political groups, or any other group claiming rights over you, use your free will to walk away. Those are not your friends. Neither your political affiliation nor your friends can usurp your God-given rights.

You can do this.


Trickle Down Economics

When critical mass in any energy form is reached, the ebb and flow of what had been working switches to the other side. It is a natural occurrence when too much energy pushes from the

Critical mass switches “Trickle Down Economics” to “Trickle Up Economics.”

impetus that has been building. This is happening particularly in USA economics, and the world economic stage as well. Trickle down economics is supposed to work because if the wealthy of the land get wealthier, it is assumed that they will share the benefit based on this premise. In this country, what has been happening is that the middle class has been bailing out the higher class of the wealthy with no reciprocation, except for their outstretched wealthy hand begging for more, more, more. This is Trickle Up Economics. It is an automatic response.

This is because the basic principle of trickle down economics is based on inequity. It does not work. It works in theory, but it has never worked in the history of this country. Now we are past the point of critical mass. The poor and those people barely getting by in the middle class have lost faith with the high class wealthiest among us, because they have had their faith broken by the extreme inequity, with no return for their dollars.

The infinity loop is pictured as a figure 8 lying on its side. You might think of this as the CC Loop, centrifugal forces on one side and centripetal forces on the other, or the yin/yang principle, a child’s see saw, or any energy balancing system based on give and take, ebb and flow, where there is a natural rhythm. When the pressure of either side is too great, there is an automatic switch to the other side. This is where we are now in the economy.

The switch to Trickle Up Economics began with the bail outs for the rich and wealthy. This article is not saying the bail outs should not have happened. I believe it was crucial to bail out the auto industry, for example. What I am saying here, energetically speaking, is that we are past the point of balance and equity on many levels. Corporations are making record profits, yet are laying off their workers and making the workers who are left to do two, three, four or more times the jobs. Quality suffers in the process, just look at the newspaper industry. It became more expedient to put a product out first despite errors, even online.

We are now operating on the basis of Trickle Up Economics. How is it working for you? Evidently the wealthiest rich apparently have no problem duping the poor among us into thinking that giving tax breaks to the wealthy corporations will somehow magically help them, when it has never helped them before.

Based on the concept that trickle down economics works, which it has never worked, we will begin to see, as we are seeing now where the low and middle classes bail out the rich. This is truly an unjust state of affairs.

Trickle Up Economics works best when there are inequitable tax rates, off shore bank accounts so the rich do not have to pay taxes at all, and little attention paid to bolstering the middle class.

We need to integrate our humanity with our emotional and spiritual selves, which includes living fully in the present moment, with its economic concerns.
