Ignore “Spin” and Hysteria ~ Address Facts With Calm Intelligence

Never address “spin,” the alternate reality of lies, as if it is truth. Notice how, in order to make people swallow “spin-tales,” people become louder and belligerent, with insults abounding. Do not respond in similar fashion. Rather, shine a light on truth, provable facts, calmly and intelligently.

When emotions rise like the crest of a wave, swelling with the intensity of the hurricane-force winds, fear grabs hold. That is the intended response “spin” and hysteria seeks. It is so unfortunate that the arrogant public who pontificate the fiction they tout are exactly the ones who will be hurt by the ignorant words they proclaim. These ones are being used as pawns in a devious political strategy to subvert them.

When irrational emotions replace fact with fiction, we begin the downward spiral into the very “reality” we seek to avoid. By replacing fact with fiction, we willingly delude ourselves into calling subserviance freedom.

Remain calm in the face of hysteria, belligerence and outrageous insults. Nothing pulls the rug out from under the mental and verbal feet of a speaker more than provable facts. Stay the course. It is not as if public awareness is not present. It is, as is video and audio recordings.

When people arrogantly and loudly deny that financial cuts to Medicare, Social Security and the Affordable Care Act, which currently includes care for pre-existing conditions will take place, show them the spot in the Republican budget or the Supreme Court docket that suggests these exact things. Calm intelligence works every time.

Know that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a law, not an insurance company by that name. Presently people covered by any insurance company has this coverage because of what the ACA provides, which by this Affordable Care Act law, provides coverage to the public. Without the ACA, insurance companies can drop covering pre-existing conditions, and set unrealistic conditions which benefit their pocketbooks, as opposed to providing better healthcare to the public. Presently there is nothing to replace the currrent Affordable Care Act. Once it is gone, present insurance companies rule by their own whims.

Do you live on Social Security alone? The Republican budget calls for drastic cuts to Social Security expected to take place around February 2021. So when you are told “tax cuts” will take place one month after the Inauguration, know that these same “tax cuts” are cuts to your Social Security.

There is a big push now on the “right to work,” that everyone has a “right to work.” Translated in Republican speak, this can be taken to mean you have the right to work until you die, since your Social Security was cut, requiring you to literally work to death.

People do not like being lied to. Truth matters. We need to take care of each other. Love and kindness matter. Intelligence and honesty matter. Continue learning, because there is so much more to know that what has been told. Democracy is on the line. We can lose Democracy through choosing to remain ignorant of what is taking place before our eyes. Democracy matters.

Recognize all of the situations, even the unspoken ones, that will affect all people personally. We will have to live with the results of our thoughts, words and actions in the next four years. We cannot say we had nothing to do with it, if we chose to remain ignorant of the very things meant to sabotage our very selves.

Unless you are part of the top one percent of wealth earners in this country, or the top ten percent of those making over $500,000 per year, you and I can find ouselves bailing out these ones as we did before by obscene tax cuts for the ultra-rich, in order that they can keep reaping in the profits on the backs of the shrinking middle class. Unfortunately, the trickle down theory has never worked in reality.

Understand that when you hear that taxes are going to go up, realize that what is not being told, is that the taxes that will be going up ONLY for those people making $400,000 and more per year.

The United States of America was founded on the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all, not just for the wealthiest among us.
