What Racism? What Lies? Silence Is Agreement ~ Repost from January 30, 2021

I do not see any promotion of tyranny, prejudice, racism, gender and age discrimination, and attempts at poll tampering, red lining, voter fraud, ballot counting fraud. Nope, I don’t see a thing.

This is a repost from January 30, 2021. It is just as true today as it was back then:

I do not see any white supremacy, racism, lies, conspiracy theories, hate and fear mongering, poll tampering, and January 6, 2021 crime on the U.S. Capitol. Nope, I don’t see a thing. If I stay silent, I can get your vote, right?

You cannot claim to be Christian and spread lies. That would be against the Ten Commandments which you say Christians believe in.

You cannot claim to be a sane person and believe in lies and conspiracies as if they are real. That would just be mentally unbalanced.

You cannot believe that lasers shot from outer space are what started wildfires in California and expect to be taken seriously. That would be such a poor diversionary tactic.

You cannot believe that people are killing and eating babies. If so, you need to be committed into an insane asylum. No really, this is crazy.

If you sell your soul to the devil for money, votes and political fleeting fame, the weed seeds you plant will grow to take over your once noble goals. Anyone with common sense knows this. Now in 2024, this is painfully apparent.

Silence is agreement. Silence is acceptance. Doing nothing when obvious and outrageous crime flagrantly takes place on your watch, means you agree and accept the beliefs and behaviors of your base. If this is the case, you are as guilty as they are.

And no, you cannot believe that the Democrats are deep-state lizard people. People are laughing at you.

The fat man on the bed playing alien, deep-state video games has infiltrated government. What are you going to do about it?

You either believe in democracy or you don’t. In Russia, people are fighting tyranny for democracy. In the United States, people are fighting democracy for tyranny.

The world is watching you, so is God.


God is not a man, nor a woman, but Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, a cosmos and life generating Energy. You are bound to reap the ramifications of the next seeds you plant.

It is possible to save our precious planet or kill it by ignorance of climate change and global warming. Saying humanity has “always had these horrific storms” is simply ignorance in action, when history proves otherwise.

It is possible to work together for common goals rather than feed the monstrous egos of the top one percent of the political and corporate wealth earners in the country with their eyes set on the sights of their political and financial careers over the care of the rest of the country and its citizens.

Now is the time to take your head out of the sands of indoctrination and see what is actually going on before your eyes and ears.

No photo description available.

Now is not the time to be an ostrich with its head in the sand as the infiltration of attempts to overthrow Democracy and replace it with tyranny is trying to rear its ugly head.

Now is not the time to pick a side as if you are cheering for a sports team.

Democracy is too important for that.

You matter.

Your vote matters.

Here are the facts in 2024 as written by John Hourihan:

“With all the lies and misinformation being pumped daily into the innocent minds of Americans who don’t really have the time to know what is going on, let me tell you the basic truth of what is happening.

“The Republican party is trying to destroy the basis of America – not after Trump is elected, but right now. Don’t shake your head. There is a good reason. It is to make money.

“They have perverted the Congress by passing laws that will make it difficult to vote for people who might vote Democrat, and they have, since the time of President Obama, decided not to vote for anything suggested by the opposition even if it is what they have suggested in the past, even if it is obviously good for the country. They are doing it to put a pliable, moronic, cartoon-like figurehead in charge of the country who, without the threat of checks and balances, will be able to do whatever they tell him to so the extreme rich can get richer, to make their religion the basis of our lives, and to make anyone but straight white people second-class citizens.

Read Project 2025 (the plan for the next Republican platform)

“They are doing it by not having any hesitation to lie or misinform those who will vote for them mainly because they have no idea what is going on. Their supporters believe lies and misinformation because it is quicker and easier than finding the proof that debunks the lies and misinformation. Why do they not know what is going on? Because they are working all day at jobs that underpay them and because the laws of the country are stacked against the working class. The poor are clamoring for someone to say they will fix this situation. And the Republican party is lying and disseminating false information saying they will do just that. When they had the chance for two whole years under Trump they did nothing.

“The GOP actually wants to do away with the American Dream and the idea that there should not be a floor under which no one can fall. They say they will alter Social Security, Medicare, SNAP, disabled veterans’ benefits and any other funding for Americans who have fallen on difficult times. What their real slogan, behind closed doors, is “WORK HARDER OR DIE!”

“This rush from democracy is not isolated to our country. It is going on in nearly every country in the world. Fascism is, once again, being touted as the new panacea across the globe.

“Why? Because it is easier to make the rich richer when one dictator can be bought instead of an entire Congress.

“And fascism is being touted here — by the Republican Party.

“Those who they wish to subjugate after taking office are the working class who are supporting them because they are being lied to, and the rich who want to be richer no matter what it does to their countrymen – “WORK HARDER OR DIE!”

The truth is the Republican party is drawing dangerously closer to the Nazi Party.

“The truth of what is happening in our country is a choice between being America in 2025 or being Germany in 1930.”

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

The Truth About Misinformation

By John Hourihan

With all the lies and misinformation being pumped daily into the innocent minds of Americans who don’t really have the time to know what is going on, let me tell you the basic truth of what is happening.

The Republican party is trying to destroy the basis of America – not after Trump is elected, but right now. Don’t shake your head. There is a good reason. It is to make money.

They have perverted the Congress by passing laws that will make it difficult to vote for people who might vote Democrat, and they have, since the time of President Obama, decided not to vote for anything suggested by the opposition even if it is what they have suggested in the past, even if it is obviously good for the country. They are doing it to put a pliable, moronic, cartoon-like figurehead in charge of the country who, without the threat of checks and balances, will be able to do whatever they tell him to so the extreme rich can get richer, to make their religion the basis of our lives, and to make anyone but straight white people second-class citizens.

Read Project 2025 (the plan for the next Republican platform)

They are doing it by not having any hesitation to lie or misinform those who will vote for them mainly because they have no idea what is going on. Their supporters believe lies and misinformation because it is quicker and easier than finding the proof that debunks the lies and misinformation. Why do they not know what is going on? Because they are working all day at jobs that underpay them and because the laws of the country are stacked against the working class. The poor are clamoring for someone to say they will fix this situation. And the Republican party is lying and disseminating false information saying they will do just that. When they had the chance for two whole years under Trump they did nothing.

The GOP actually wants to do away with the American Dream and the idea that there should not be a floor under which no one can fall. They say they will alter Social Security, Medicare, SNAP, disabled veterans’ benefits and any other funding for Americans who have fallen on difficult times. What their real slogan, behind closed doors, is “WORK HARDER OR DIE!”

This rush from democracy is not isolated to our country. It is going on in nearly every country in the world. Fascism is, once again, being touted as the new panacea across the globe.

Why? Because it is easier to make the rich richer when one dictator can be bought instead of an entire Congress.

And fascism is being touted here — by the Republican Party.

Those who they wish to subjugate after taking office are the working class who are supporting them because they are being lied to, and the rich who want to be richer no matter what it does to their countrymen – “WORK HARDER OR DIE!”

The truth is the Republican party is drawing dangerously closer to the Nazi Party.

The truth of what is happening in our country is a choice between being America in 2025 or being Germany in 1930.

Conspiracies And Lies Are As Erroneous As Don Quixote Tilting At Windmills Thinking They Are Enemies

Not much more needs to be said.

Any political party or television spoof news station basing its winning strategy of spreading conspiracies and lies as if they were real and accurate accounting of the news of the day are just as comical as Don Quixote attacking those “dangerous” windmills.

Remember, the former president raised eyebrows in December 2019 with a somewhat baffling attack on the use of wind turbines.

In a December 2019 speech, U.S. President Donald Trump said “I never understood wind” and made other somewhat disjointed remarks about wind power, according to https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-wind-windmills-fumes/.

“I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. But they’re manufactured tremendous — if you’re into this — tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint — fumes are spewing into the air. Right? Spewing. Whether it’s in China, Germany, it’s going into the air. It’s our air, their air, everything — right?”

There are those in the United States of America who plan to continue tilting at political windmills churning conspiracies and lies as if they are truth.

However, truth tells on itself and shines a Light on conspiracies and lies, even if it takes national court cases to shine this Light.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Baby Souls ~ The Michael Teachings by Joya Pope ~ Explains Current Authoritarian Thinking

Puritanical, traditional, law and order, patriarchal concepts are the mark of Baby Souls. You can see these marks of humanity in every country in the world today. You see it in the attributes below.

“There are seven discrete parts within each of the soul ages, each taking somewhere between one to ten lifetimes for completion. Thus, when individuals are complete with all seven levels of Infant, they have probably averaged twenty or thirty lifetimes. At this point their consciousness will start to explore the early Baby Soul process.

“Since there is now a little experience on the earth, more sophistication and less fear are found in the individual, though the world is still experienced as a scary place. Survival has been worked out; this is a time to get civilized and be proud of it, a time of demonstrating you can do it right.

“Structure helps Baby Souls to feel comfortable in the world. They want to be directed and therefore seek out higher authorities who are willing to lay out clear rules for them. As a small example of this, they would rarely defend their child to the school principal but push to make the child act acceptably to the teachers and administration. Sometimes a Baby Soul will seek out – even again and again – discipline from the prison system as a way to civilize himself. This soul age will hold traditional religious leaders in esteem, turn doctors into gods, and likely feel their country, their army, and certain politicians, can do no wrong.

“Traditions, rituals, and law and order provide a welcome sense of security. ‘That’s the rule and that’s what we’ll do,’ is typical thinking. They make sure your car is not parked in front of their house and that their lawn is mowed and sprinkled. In a dogmatic, black-and-white way, they know right from wrong. Usually conscientiously good citizens, they can be counted on to do the ‘right’ thing. This is also the soul age with the greatest propensity to long-term grudge holding.

“The Ku Klux Klan would be a Baby Soul organization in a negative pole, while many service organizations like the Knights of Columbus or the Rotary Club would be in a more positive pole of expression. Anti-abortion right-to-life organizations, school prayer promoters, and fire-and-brimstone preachers all tend to emerge out of Baby Soul consciousness and concerns.

“Preferring to be big fish in small ponds, Baby Souls are often found in small communities. Though the United States is primarily a late-Young Early-Mature Soul country, middle America between the two coasts is packed with Baby Souls who prefer life when it is a little simpler. They often emerge as pillars of the community, staunch, upright and unshakable in their beliefs. They become mayor or sheriff, president of the town council or PTA. Because they are interested in organizing and developing the fabric of society with laws, regulations and lines of authority, they are often found in governmental bureaucracies such as schools, hospitals, regulating agencies and so on. When their beliefs are opposed, Baby Souls may become inwardly bewildered. Baby Souls are so sure they are right that they have difficulty comprehending opposition. This is not a self-reflective phase.

“Many patriotic Baby Soul soldiers coming back from Vietnam were perplexed and confounded. Their country had changed; there were no heroes’ welcomes. Usually, a Baby Soul won’t show inner quandary; when perplexed or thwarted there is more likely to be an outward display of belligerence. Baby Souls feel justified in fighting for their beliefs and may demonstrate not just dogmatism but a fairly brutal mentality.

“They are very interested, if not obsessive, about cleanliness, neatness, and keeping germs at bay. Not yet able to perceive that chronic feelings or attitudes may cause physical and psychological problems, their emotional difficulties are, in fact, often somaticized so that angry feelings become gallstones, or fear turns into kidney, bladder or back trouble.

“When dealing with physical problems like these, Baby Souls ordinarily prefer conventional medicine, medications and surgery. Considering alternative therapies or looking for the root of the problem doesn’t make sense to their way of approaching the body. With the exception of the new popularity of healing within charismatic churches, this soul age is sold on orthodox medicine.

“Around sexual matters, there is uneasiness and some degree of shame or guilt. This is not a time for hot tub entertaining, but hiding bodies, making love in the dark – probably with pajamas and without great sensuality.

“Families, however, feel very good during this period. Raising children (maybe lots), seeing relatives, celebrating holidays, going on family outings and participating in church rituals all make a person feel a solid upstanding part of the community.

“Many of the people who create what we call folk art or naive art are Baby Souls expressing their values and concerns. You see paintings of the countryside, church picnics, Bible stories, family weddings, the 4th of July, and ships with flags waving proudly in the breeze. The art can be quite lovely, though neither perspective nor method of presentation is sophisticated.

“Baby Souls sometimes come into prominence. They don’t often look for a big stage, not having the resourcefulness or experience to handle it well, but they may gather fame for their unyielding political or religious beliefs. Jerry Falwell is a prominent religious leader with Baby Soul beliefs; Oral Roberts and Jimmy Swaggart, two others. Idi Amin, Hitler, Khomeini, and, in the United States, Richard Nixon, Evan Mecham, Jesse Helms and some of our more rigidly conservative Governors, Congressmen and Senators are examples of Baby Souls putting out their world views on a larger scale. Pat Boone is one of the few Baby Souls peopling the entertainment business.

“South Africa’s President Botha and Libya’s Colonel Khadafy are both seventh level Baby Souls. The seventh level of any soul age can be a time of smug complacency, because everything at that soul age has been handled. (The next lifetime or so, of course, finds a person uneasily in the first level of a totally new consciousness phase.)

“Matthew Strode, the schoolyard preacher whose shouted fire and damnation sermons have resulted in him being repeatedly suspended from elementary school in North Carolina, is a vociferous example of the consciousness of seventh Baby.

“Baby Soul countries often have a puritanical tinge and may be divided against themselves or a close neighbor. Countries expressing a primarily Baby Soul perceptivity are Iran and Iraq as well as most of the newly strict Muslim countries, though not Saudi Arabia or Syria; also included are China, Ireland, and much of both Central and South America. India, which historically was an Old Soul country, is now mostly late Baby, poised to enter its Young Soul phase. Japan has recently completed its Baby phase, where individuality was suppressed, and is swinging into high Young Soul gear. Interestingly enough, the whites who ruled South Africa were mainly Baby Souls while the blacks are primarily Mature Souls.”

You can read more about Soul Ages and the Michael Teachings at their website: https://www.michaelteachings.com/soul_ages.html


What Is Democratic Socialism In The USA?



Yesterday I was in a coffee shop in Rhode Island. As I was waiting for my order, I heard two older men who were sitting at a table discussing politics.

“Biden is not doing anything, besides, he is a Communist,” one said to the other.

I did not turn around.

“Ya,” said the other, “and all the Democrats are Communists too.”

I gasped at what was being said. That was an audible mistake on my part because then all they spoke about was how Democrats are either Socialists or Communists.

“I wonder if these two older gentlemen receive Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, and if they know that these were Democratic Socialist ideas. I wonder if they know what Democratic Socialism is? I wonder if they would blame the Democrats when the Republicans succeed in cutting Social Security and Medicare, as the Republican budget shows,” I thought.

Democratic Socialism is when citizens pool a small portion of their money for the greater good of their community, WHICH THEY VOTE FOR IN FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS AT LOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL ELECTIONS.

This immediate moment is a time to vote for keeping the Democracy we currently do have in the United States of America. We have not lost our Democracy. Do not believe the lies that you need to physically fight. You have an extremely important role at the voting booths.

It has been proven that there was no fraud, discovered by numerous re-counts by those people stirring the pot of fear, with their faux “facts.” There are powers at play that want to manipulate you. They want your vote. Scare tactics are what they used to get to you. Many of the Republican base believed these lies. Please do not go along with the ignorance some of them profess.

Go with truth. Discover what the truth of the matter is. You count. Your vote matters. You are important.

It is never good to make the exception be the norm. That would be the same as that old adage of punishing the entire class when one person does wrong.

We do still have checks and balances. However, we are close to giving our Democracy away all by ourselves, through ignorance, fear, greed, and misinformation. I see that many people are being used as pawns in an autocrat agenda worldwide.

On one hand some people think the government is looking into every citizen’s personal life. On the other hand, we tell on ourselves in social media daily, where we live, pictures with our family and friends posted with details of everything. We tell personal details about ourselves to the world. Our credit cards leave records of every purchase, in every state, which we freely decide to use.

No one stole the government of the USA away from anyone. Instead, some misguided and misinformed individuals have been hurt by corporate greed, by companies who have not paid their fair share of taxes These huge corporations have laid the tax burden on the middle class so that they do not have to pay one cent. These huge corporations do, however, want their roads plowed, and their city and town water and sewer systems working on the taxpayer’s dime.

How do you like paying extra so that corporations to not have to pay anything?

I’ve seen politicians trying to confuse their base by using complicated financial language and fear techniques. Don’t fall for it. Do the research yourself. Social media, including YouTube, is not the place to discover accurate information from people claiming to be doctors, and other “experts,” for example.

The one stealing from the citizens of the USA are the corporations, who are also lying to the Republican base in order to keep them towing the party line of lies and misinformation. How else can corporations keep beating the drum of lies for their own profit at your expense? How else do politicians keep lining their pockets with huge corporation money? They all want to keep their jobs, at the expense to telling you anything that will keep them there.

Oligarchs all over the world would rather deal with autocrats in government positions rather than Democracies that freely and fairly change their leadership possibly every two to four years. The push we see of disfunction in the political leadership of the USA is the fault of misinformed citizens buying the lies they are being told by politicians who wish to keep their jobs at all costs. Misinformed citizens only puppet the information they are being told without checking it out on their own.

“I don’t watch the news anymore. It is too confusing. I don’t know what to believe, so I just stay out of it,” are the comments I hear in my area of the USA.

If you do not know how to find the truth on any of the subjects mentioned below, simply click on the blue-lined items. It’s easy to read.

Most of the good people of the Republican base do not fully realize who their enemy is. It is not the Democrats. It is the oligarchs in other countries pushing the buttons of otherwise good Republican leadership who unfortunately have been bought out and/or lied to, in my research and opinion.

I do watch the news daily. I do research what is going on and why things are happening the way they are. I keep up with daily changes and watch their patterns. One of my first jobs was for 20 years as a newspaper reporter and feature writer for the town of Mendon, Massachusetts, for the Milford Daily News.

Research is important. Do not just keep telling people what you hear from your friends, God love them, who are often mightily misinformed. Pride is running the show of so many people who are so invested in the party lines that they cannot see the forest for the trees.

What is growing in the USA at this time is homegrown terrorism, fueled by misinformation and lies, told to them with such force that they feel it is their duty to act as if they need to protect the USA.

Stand down.

Now is the time for integrity, honesty, investigation that includes listening to all sides of the issue, not just one slanted and misinformed side, no matter which politician, family member, or friend is whispering in your ear. Just because you know them, or like them, does not mean they have the truth and you do not.

Egos talk very pompously and loudly, sure signs to watch out for.

Truth of what is going on is not impossible to find out.

This also requires humility, to acknowledge that you have been lied to, like when you discover that the huge corporations care more about themselves and those who will keep their money flow going to them and not you. That is who is taking your jobs, your homes, and your money away from you, not the immigrants, nor the poor among us requiring the public assistance they need for everyday life.

“If the poor want to die, let them do it, and decrease the surplus population,” says Scrooge. Let us all be like Scrooge at the end of the movie, when he realizes who it is that is the poor among us.

“There but for the grace of God go I,” said Preacher John Brandford, who died in 1555.

Also realize that if you are living on Social Security and Medicare, or financial assistance of any kind, that these are Democratic Socialist programs, which is different from Socialism and Communism. Learn the difference between Democratic Socialism and Socialism. Ignorance is not bliss.

Before touting the Republican party line of lies against President Joe Biden, take a moment to learn what he has done thus far.

What Has Joe Biden Done As President? The Full List Of His Accomplishments

 by Oliver Willis

As of October 2021

Domestic Policy

Biden negotiated an agreement to open California ports to 24-7 operation to alleviate supply chain bottlenecks

Biden signed a law providing a cost-of-living adjustment for veterans disability benefits

Biden signed the K-12 Cybersecurity Act which protects sensitive information maintained by schools across the country

Biden declassified previously secret 9/11 documents

Biden directed Treasury and HUD to implement policies to increase the supply of affordable housing

Biden signed legislation that provided Congressional Gold Medal  to the Harlem Hellfighters, the Black soldiers who served in World War 1

Biden restarted posting White House visitor logs after Donald Trump had stopped doing so

Biden ordered multiple agencies to enact policies that will increase the supply of affordable of homes in America

Biden signed a law expanding access for veterans to therapy dogs and service dogs

Biden cancelled student loan debt for more than 300,000 Americans with severe disabilities (over $5.8 billion worth of debt)

Biden increased food stamp benefits by 25% to directly help needy families

Biden canceled $55.6 million in student debt for students of for-profit schools

Biden has the narrowest pay gap between women and men in the White House of any president

The Biden administration released rules that protect patients from unexpected medical bills

Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered a halt on federal death penalty executions

Biden signed the American Rescue Plan (aka COVID-19 Stimulus) providing $1.9 trillion of relief to the American economy

Biden signed an executive order to make the Department of Justice work on reducing the use of “ghost guns”

Biden signed an executive order expanding access to legal representation for the poor

Biden (and Vice President Kamala Harris) released their 2021 tax returns, after Trump refused to release his for his entire four-year term

Biden ordered the Department of Justice to produce a rule clarifying when a device marketed as a gun brace turns a pistol effectively into a short-barreled rifle

Biden told the Department of Justice to produce model “red flag” legislation for all 50 states so that they could enact such laws against gun violence

Biden increased the minimum wage for thousands of federal contractors to $15/hr

Stimulus payments from the American Rescue Plan were sent via direct deposit just 24 hours after the plan was signed into law

Biden directed $2.5 billion in funding to specifically address America’s mental illness and addiction crisis

American Rescue Plan extended a 15% increase to SNAP funding, helping children who qualify for free lunch

The American Rescue Plan restores funding to veterans programs, including programs to assist veterans’ mental health, that had been cut under Trump

The American Rescue Plan adds boosted funding to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), providing new options for people who need health insurance and lowering costs for people already insured

American Rescue Plan provides money to the airline industry, preventing tens of thousands of aviation jobs who will no longer be furloughed

Socially disadvantaged (including Black, Latino, Asian-American, and Native American) farmers will get $4 billion from the American Rescue Plan in debt relief, while another $1 billion will create a racial equity commission

Biden will be nominating three Democrats to the USPS board of governors, which will lead to the removal of Postmaster Louis DeJoy

Biden issued an executive order that will make American supply chains less reliant on foreign companies

Biden revoked a Trump executive order mandating stricter work rules on people seeking welfare help

Biden restored labor rights to workers at the Department of Defense

Biden got rid of a Trump order that used COVID as an excuse for deregulation

Biden undid a Trump-era mandate that said federal buildings had to be constructed in classical style

Biden revoked a Trump order that suspended federal funds from going to purported “anarchist jurisdictions”

Biden got rid of conservative officials stashed at the Voice of America and other broadcasting-related entities of the government

Biden issued an executive order requiring political appointees to take an ethics pledge

Biden signed pension relief, keeping more than 100 pension plans solvent and providing retirement benefits to millions


Biden ended workplace raids that targeted undocumented immigrants

Biden raised the cap on refugees being admitted to the United States to 62,500 from the 15,000 set by Trump

Biden terminated contracts with companies to construct the border wall

Biden reversed a Trump ruling and extended protected status to 100,000 Haitians

Biden revoked Trump’s order banning Muslims from certain countries entering the U.S.

Biden reinstated the Central American Minors Program, a program begun under President Obama that allows minors from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to reunite with a parent living lawfully in the United States

Biden terminated a 2018 Trump agreement that put up roadblocks to families trying to help undocumented immigrant children

Biden stopped ICE from targeting undocumented immigrants at COVID-19 vaccination sites

Biden will allow migrant families that were separated under Trump to be reunified in the United States or their country of origin

Biden revoked a Trump executive order suspending the issuing of visas that used the pandemic as an excuse to do so

Biden canceled the National State of Emergency which had allowed Trump to divert federal funds to his border wall project

Biden changed ICE rules on arrests and detentions so fewer people are kept away from their families

Climate Change

Biden ordered the EPA and the Department of Transportation to rollout increased fuel emission standards that will lead to 40-50 percent of US cars being electric by 2030

Biden allocated $5 billion from FEMA for communities affected by climate-related disasters

Biden returned the United States to the Paris Climate Accord

Biden revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline

Biden blocked drilling at the Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)

Biden ordered a stop to the issuing of new leases for oil and gas exploration on public lands

Human Rights

Biden was the first president to proclaim Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Biden signed legislation increasing the amount that can be spent providing assistance to Americans returning from Afghanistan from $1 million to $10 million

Under Biden, the U.S. State Department added a third gender option to passports

Biden appointed a Special Envoy, Jessica Stern, to advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons

Biden had the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) recognize that laws forbidding sex discrimination in health care also apply to LGBTQ+ people, reversing a Trump’s policy

Biden rejoined the United Nations Human Rights Council, after America left it under Trump

Biden withdrew the federal government’s support of an anti-transgender lawsuit which sought to block transgender girls from participating in sports

Biden extended federal fair housing protections to LGBTQ Americans

Biden created a Gender Policy Council at the White House, rolling back the Trump administration decision to end a similar program under Obama

Biden has more women and minorities as part of his Cabinet and key advisers than any other president

Biden raised the cap on admitting refugees to 125,000 after the number had been dramatically lowered by Trump


Biden had the Department of Defense double the number of military health teams assisting hospitals with COVID-19

Biden expanded COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan programs

Biden ordered the TSA to double fines for travelers who refuse to mask

Biden instructed the Department of Education to pay teachers or school officials who had their pay withheld for instituting mask mandates

Biden required all educators in Head Start to be vaccinated

Biden ordered the Department of Labor to require employers with 100 workers or more to give paid time off for vaccination

Biden signed an executive order requiring all executive branch federal employees to be vaccinated

Biden ordered the Department of Labor to require companies with 100 or more employees to ensure full vaccination

Biden is requiring that the staffs of nursing homes are vaccinated or they will lose their federal funding

Biden extended the pause on student loan repayment until January 31 2022 due to COVID-19

Biden directed every state, along with all tribes and territories, to make all adults eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine by May 1 2021

Biden invoked the Defense Production Act to accelerate vaccine development. This led to enough vaccine being produced to have supply for every adult American by May 2021 instead of the original date of July 2021

Biden brokered an arrangement between Merck and Johnson & Johnson to manufacture the single-dose vaccine

The Biden administration will deliver more than 25 million masks to health centers and food pantries

Biden directed the U.S. to donate $4 billion to international vaccine distribution efforts, as he promised during the campaign

Biden secured 200 million extra doses of vaccine for a total of 300 million available vaccine doses by July 2021

Biden deployed over 1,000 active duty troops to assist with vaccinations

Biden invoked the Defense Production Act to make vaccines and PPE (personal protective equipment) like masks

Biden sent more than 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine to countries who need it

National Security

37,000 people were evacuated from Kabul, Afghanistan, by the US military in 8 days

Biden signed legislation awarding Congressional Gold Medals to Capitol Police who responded to the January 6 attack on the Capitol

Biden barred Donald Trump from receiving intelligence briefings, citing his erratic behavior and the possible danger to U.S. security

Biden told Russian president Vladimir Putin the United States would no longer “roll over” for his aggressive actions

Biden rescinded the Trump administration’s decision to designate Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen as a terrorist group. The designation was widely criticized by international organizations at the time


Biden threw out 32 last-minute nominations offered by the Trump administration. Included in the rejections were judicial appointments supported by conservatives.


Biden expanded the Bears Ears national monument (reversing Trump), restored the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and restored protection of  the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument

Biden ended large-scale logging at Tongass National Forest in Alaska

Biden delayed a Trump administration rule that experts said could have led to the unnecessary death of “billions” of birds

Foreign Policy

Biden ended the 20-year long war in Afghanistan, evacuating over 120,000 people from the country

Biden created a Leaders Summit for Democracy, with the first meeting scheduled for December 2021

Biden sanctioned members of the Belarus government for their actions subverting democracy

The U.S. formally turned over Bagram base in Afghanistan to the government there

Biden sanctioned Russia for their attempts at election interference and for the SolarWinds hacking attack.

Biden had the United States rejoin the World Health Organization (WHO)

Biden levied sanctions against Russian officials in retaliation for the poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny

One of the first political bloggers in the world, Oliver Willis has operated OliverWillis.com since 2000. Contributor at Media Matters for America and The American Independent. Follow on Twitter at @owillis.

President Joe Biden also ended a forever war in Afghanistan and evacuated a hundred thousand people.

President Biden signed into law an infrastructure bill that has been a goal of every administration since Bush.

Has vaccinated nearly 65 % of the country while keeping schools open. Has created millions of jobs.

The United States of America is a beautiful country, based on freedom and free will of the people, who have rights to free and fair elections, regardless of gender, race, skin color, age, ethnicity, or origin of their birth. Unless we are Native American, we are all immigrants, or decedents of immigrants.

Jesus was a bleeding-heart liberal.

There is one race, the human race.

Happy New Year

Adolf Hitler Also Led A Failed Coup

This meme needs to say FORMER President of the United States. The coup of January 6 to overthrow Democracy are not heroes of Democracy. Murdering people, assault and battery are not part of peaceful protest, for which Democracy stands. The actions of January 6, 2021 are the works of other sinister forces influencing humankind to this very day.

Do Christians believe what they say they believe? Do Christians actually believe what the Bible says? The fallen angels still hold influence over the minds of many human beings, duping them into doing their works of dark energies, sinister agendas which tickle the fancy of those who claim to be Christian.

However, these dark energies are very much alive, blinding otherwise good people into repulsive actions aimed at destroying the very thing they mistakenly think they are saving, DEMOCRACY, on September 18, 2021, the day chosen to praise their criminal followers with parades and fanfare.

Do not be influenced by anyone whose motive is not Love Without Conditions, and Non-judgment. While ramifications of the fallen angels abound, there is a Power, Wisdom, and Love that knows no bounds which is more powerful.

Remember, the Dragon, that devil called Satan, has already been defeated and cast down to Earth, never to be allowed to return to the refreshment of Living, Loving, Light, also known as God, or Universal Eternal Energy. Have you ever wondered why evil and dark energy exists all over the world? No human being is ever without temptations to think, say, and do unconscionable things for a seemingly greater good, which actually results in greater harm. This dark manipulating energy is the master at deception.

Since deception worked during the last election, duping millions of voters into excusing making fun of disabled people, tearing nursing babies from their mother’s arms, taking children of all ages away from their mothers and fathers, separating wives from their husbands, and separating men from women, putting them all in metal cages, selling off some babies through the adoption agencies since there was money to be made; these ones saw that deception and lies worked to confuse their blind followers into believing they were on the side of good. Actually, fear and fear-based thinking was the foundation of all the lies and deception. No, the Latino population is not going to take over the United States of America, nor is the non-white population, nor the Muslim population from Afghanistan these days. The USA is the melting pot of the world, or have some forgotten their extended family roots?

I thank the good God of all that intelligence, empathy and compassion for refugees has risen above ignorant arrogance, political hijacking, and blatant racism. Standing on the eggshell foundation of, “That’s just my opinion,” and “I have a right to my opinion,” will not stand against the tide of popular opinion of the Democratic United States of America.

I encourage all energy workers to send positive, loving, healing energy to every area capturing your attention in these coming days. Whatever we focus on grows. Let us spend more time focusing on what builds us up as a nation, so we can truly be that beacon of light on the hill, for which the Statue of Liberty stands.

“Then there was a war in heaven; Michael and the other angels under his command fought the Dragon and his hosts of fallen angels. And the Dragon lost the battle and was forced from heaven. This great Dragon – the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world – was thrown down onto the earth with all his army.” Revelation 12:7-9

Let us pay closer attention to what is going on by not praising criminal behavior as if it is the same thing as good behavior. Some misguided and misinformed people are following the Dragon right into his lair of racism, white supremacy and those who prize money and power over people.


Rep. Liz Cheney Speaks Truth To Power

Rep. Liz Cheney says Trump and supporters ‘at war with the Constitution.’ Bloomberg News


National Shrine of Divine Mercy ~ The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song ~ Prayer Jesus Gave to St. Faustina

Before the days of COVID-19 … Let’s join in prayer:

The Biography of St. Maria Faustina

(August 25, 1905 – October 5, 1938)

An excerpt from Apostle of Divine Mercy, a biography published by the Vatican.

Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, an apostle of Divine Mercy, belongs today to the group of the most popular and well-known saints of the Church.

Through her, the Lord Jesus communicates to the world the great message of God’s mercy and reveals the pattern of Christian perfection based on trust in God and on the attitude of mercy toward one’s neighbors.

Sister Faustina was born on August 25, 1905 in Glogowiec, Poland of a poor and religious family of peasants, the third of 10 children. She was baptized with the name Helena in the parish church of Swinice Warckie. From a very tender age she stood out because of her love of prayer, work, obedience, and also her sensitivity to the poor. At the age of seven she had already felt the first stirrings of a religious vocation. Helen made her first Holy Communion at the age of nine, which was very profound moment in her awareness of the presence of the Divine Guest within her soul. She attended school for three years. After finishing school, she wanted to enter the convent, but her parents would not give her permission. Being of age at 16, Helen left home and went to work as a housekeeper in Aleksandrów, Lodi, and Ostrówek in order to find the means of supporting herself and of helping her parents.

Helen joins Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy

Helen never lost her desire for a religious vocation. After being called during a vision of the Suffering Christ, she entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy on August 1, 1925, and took the name Sr. Maria Faustina of the Most Blessed Sacrament. She lived in the Congregation for thirteen years in several religious houses. She spent time at Krakow, Plock and Vilnius, where she worked as a cook, gardener, and porter.

Externally nothing revealed her rich mystical interior life. She zealously performed her tasks and faithfully observed the rule of religious life. She was recollected and at the same time very natural, serene, and full of kindness and disinterested love for her neighbor. Although her life was apparently insignificant, monotonous and dull, she hid within herself an extraordinary union with God.

It is the mystery of the Mercy of God which she contemplated in the word of God as well as in the everyday activities of her life that forms the basis of her spirituality. The process of contemplating and getting to know the mystery of God’s mercy helped develop within Sr. Maria Faustina the attitude of child-like trust in God as well as mercy toward her neighbors.

Sister Faustina was a faithful daughter of the Church which she loved like a Mother and the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. Conscious of her role in the Church, she cooperated with God’s mercy in the task of saving lost souls. At the specific request of and following the example of the Lord Jesus, she made a sacrifice of her own life for this very goal. In her spiritual life she also distinguished herself with a love of the Eucharist and a deep devotion to the Mother of Mercy.

The Secretary of God’s Mercy

The Lord Jesus chose Sr. Maria Faustina as the Apostle and “Secretary” of His Mercy, so that she could tell the world about His great message, which Sr. Faustina recorded in a diary she titled Divine Mercy in My Soul. In the Old Covenant He said to her: 

“I sent prophets wielding thunderbolts to My people. Today I am sending you with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart.” (Diary, 1588)

In an extraordinary way, Sr. Maria Faustina’s work sheds light on the mystery of the Divine Mercy. It delights not only the simple and uneducated people, but also scholars who look upon it as an additional source of theological research. The Diary has been translated into more than 20 languages, including, English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Castilian, Brazilian, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Swedish, Ukrainian, Dutch and Japanese.

Jesus asked Sister Marie Faustina to paint him with the red and white rays with the words, “Jesus I Trust In You” at the bottom.

With the help of Fr. Sopocko, St. Faustina found a painter to fulfill the request Jesus had made to her in one of the visions – to “paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: Jesus, I trust in You” – and in 1934 the painter Eugene Kazimierowski created the original Divine Mercy painting under St. Faustina’s direction.

The image shows Christ with his right hand raised as if giving a blessing, and the left touching his chest. Two rays, one pale, one red – which Jesus said are to signify water and blood – are descending from his heart.

Sister Maria Faustina, consumed by tuberculosis and by innumerable sufferings which she accepted as a voluntary sacrifice for sinners, died in Krakow at the age of just 33 on October 5, 1938, with a reputation for spiritual maturity and a mystical union with God. The reputation of the holiness of her life grew as did the cult to the Divine Mercy and the graces she obtained from God through her intercession. In the years 1965-67, the Investigative Process into her life and heroic virtues was undertaken in Krakow and in the year 1968, the Beatification Process was initiated in Rome. The latter came to an end in December 1992.

On April 18, 1993 our Holy Father, John Paul II raised St. Faustina to the glory of the altars. She was canonized on April 30, 2000. St. Maria Faustina’s remains rest at the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy in Krakow-Lagiewniki.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

In 1917, when the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, was appearing to the little children, Maximilian Kolbe was in Rome as a seminarian. He saw first hand the Masons marching in front of St. Peter’s saying that Satan is going to reign. He saw the great demonstration against the church and said, “OK. There’s an army that’s going to destroy the teaching of the faith, so I’m going to try to create a spiritual army that is going to counteract that, peacefully with prayer and total consecration to our Blessed Mother, just as Jesus gave us his mother at the foot of the cross in John 19:25-27.

MI Movie – Militia of the Immaculata (MI)

Earlier in his life, as a young boy taking care of his brother while his parents went to work as weavers, he lost his brother and burned the soup before his mother came home. His mother asked what was to become of him.

Maximilian took this correction to heart and ran to the church asking Our Blessed Mother what was to become of him. She appeared to him and offered him two crowns, one was the white crown of purity, the other was the red crown of martyrdom. He generously answered that he would accept both.

He began with understanding that it was Jesus who gave us to his mother, as well as Jesus giving his mother to us.

Total consecration to Mary is a humble two-way commitment. There is peace and comfort in consecrating your life to Mary, since she will guide you directly to her Son, just as he intended in John 19:25-27: “Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, ‘Woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” New International Version

By being baptized into the church, we become brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ, with the Blessed Virgin Mother as mother to us all. In this way, Jesus is also born into our souls and into our lives. The purpose of the MI is the conquest of hearts to understand this; she will do the rest, leading us to an even deeper relationship with her Son.

This is not an exclusive group, but open to everyone who would like to dedicate their lives to Jesus through Mary, our Blessed Mother.

What is the weapon used in this spiritual army? Prayer. Prayer is the only instrument needed to bring about peace and unity. This opportunity is open to everyone who desires a closer walk with God, our Blessed Mother, who naturally turns all hearts to the loving heart of Jesus Christ. There is a power to the unity of prayer.

I invite the world to join me in peaceful prayer of the rosary on the first Saturday of every month in this year, 2021. The exact time is not important, since this is a worldwide effort of prayer for peace and unity, just as our Blessed Mother asked the children of Fatima to promote in 1917. When you pray, as you are able, you will be taking the spiritual action the world needs at this moment in time. The next worldwide rosary in this endeavor will be February 6, 2021.

Please pray the rosary for personal, family, and world peace and unity.

You also have the open invitation if you so choose, to make a Total Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary, or renew your Total Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is a link at the bottom that explains more about MI.

Now is a good time to renew our personal consecration and the consecration of the United States of America to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was prayed worldwide on May 1, 2020.

Militia of the Immaculata – Official Website of the Militia of the Immaculata USA

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Why We Should Not Go By Appearances ~ The Father of Fake News

The Fairness Doctrine made the important distinction between broadcast and cable news. Now the FCC says it is OK for the media to lie to us and pretend they are telling the truth. How do you like being duped?

Appearances and momentum capture the attention so easily that we sometimes confuse what we see, hear and think to be the truth of what we are seeing, hearing and thinking. Magicians know this and use this when they trick their audiences about what they are seeing and hearing, ultimately affecting their thinking.

No, this is not a comical bit from a Friends TV episode. The reality is, sometimes we delude ourselves into thinking that what we are seeing and hearing is real because we literally saw someone doing something, and heard them say it. No one would ever lie to us, right?

We need to be smarter humans. Whether the subject is religion, finance, or politics, it is never advisable to listen to only one side before we make important decisions. Look past the drama, the popular mantra of the group, the wishful thinking and look clearly at the facts, the real and accurate facts.

Many of us have allowed others to confuse our thinking. At these times, we are choosing to step out of our own personal power by listening to others because they seem to be louder, more sure of themselves, or seem to be in the know. If they are pontificating erroneous fictions as if they were facts, how is anyone to know without personal investigation?

Television, radio and social media does not serve the public like it used to do before the days of President Reagan when he vetoed the regulation that the news media had to profess the truth in what they reported. How many of us know that the television news media and some of its counterparts are more interested in the advertising dollars they attain over telling the actual truth which they have consciously decided not to tell?

Keep in mind that it is the conservative entities (not liberals), usually Republicans (not Democrats) who own most of the media who are pushing hardline, rightwing spin to appease the huge corporations and conglomerates who pay for the advertising that makes the TV, radio and print media possible. No one ought to lose their jobs for telling the truth.

We do not help ourselves nor our country when we focus on the fictional reality, such as Fox News with its many hosts, and quote the deception they promote as if that was real. Anyone with a grammar school education, who can read, is able to get to the bottom of the truth of the matter. We do not need to take someone else’s view point, then say, “There are so many confusing viewpoints out there. I do not know what to believe.”

Stop watching fictional news. Go to reputable sources. How do you know the difference?

Go to mainstream news outlets: Reuters, AP, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, BBC, Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, Bloomberg News, The Atlantic, and Politico. All these news outlets tell the truth based on facts of actual events and history without spin of a particular political party.

Don’t choose ignorance and confusion over accurate facts. We know fact and fiction are different things, but when people in high profile places tell us something, and we have something to gain by listening to them, we can easily fool ourselves into believing what we want to believe over what is true and factual.

It is better for us all, and for our country, to base all our decisions on real and true facts. Facts do not have opinions, they just are what they are.

It is time to move past choosing sides, as if we are ordering our favorite Kentucky Fried Chicken meal, or picking our favorite sports team. Facts are not interchangeable with fiction.

This is a critical moment in our history, between the Presidential Election of 2020 and the Inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris, who won in a free and fair election. No one stole the election. Voters in every state as well as the electoral college have certified on this President-elect. These are provable facts.

On January 5, Democratic Senator Candidate Jon Ossoff is challenging incumbent Senator David Perdue earlier in the day in the first runoff election, followed by a second runoff election between Democratic Senator Candidate Raphael Warnock and incumbent Senator Kelly Loeffler.

Georgia voters will be the ones to decide which political party controls the U.S. Senate, since the protracted vote count in the previous election did not result in winners in either race.

Democrats need to flip both Senate seats to have unified control of the White House and Congress. Again, every vote in these elections matters.

Stagnation and the inability or unwillingness to work together works against the democracy this country has long fought for. Perhaps it is time to step out of the molasses and take a new breath sweeping through our land at this time.

Since we are a country of law and order, now is time for us to be lawful and orderly and do what all government officials and everyone in the military have sworn their oath to do, which is to serve and protect the Constitution of the United States of America, not any particular person.

Remember, the Constitution of the United States of America was written because of the abuses of King George III of Great Britain usurping the rights of the people of the 13 colonies. Our Forefathers, representing all citizens then and now, shunned an autocratic king ruling over the USA.

Recognize that this past Presidential Election was run as all previous elections have run, with in-person, and absentee ballots. Absentee ballots include provisional and mail-in as our military have always used and been counted after the election, since they voted on Election Day, often out-of-state or out of the country and required being mailed in to be counted after that day. This is nothing new.

Absolutely no one stole the 2020 Presidential Election. It’s called counting all the ballots because every vote counts. As mentioned above, there were no illegal votes/ballots. This has also been documented by Republican appointees of Homeland Security.

When it comes to counting ballots, ballots that have been cast for one side or the other are not illegal ballots, nor are absentee ballots illegal. This is perhaps the biggest lie being touted today, as if only Republican or in-person votes are legal. That assumption is false no matter who says it. Facts are facts, and history is history.

However, if we do not align ourselves with democracy we will be aligning ourselves with non-democracy, with a ruler who is an autocrat, a tyrant, a dictator, a king and the like.

Saying the economy is great because the stock market is doing well, while ignoring the rest of the 90 percent of the citizens who are lining up in countless food lines, losing their jobs, their homes, their very lives, is not the real test of how “great” the economy is.

Now is the time to stand on accurate facts while we can. It is possible to lose democracy. I believe most of us do not want to do that.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

The Problem With The Herd Immunity Experiment ~ Is Death Only A Problem If It Is Yours?

Six to seven million people are expected to die in the United States of America alone in the Herd Immunity experiment. All the deaths in the wars of Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq are only half of what we have currently lost in this COVID-19 Pandemic. Start the healing with healing measures of social distancing and wearing masks, which are proven to work. This is no hoax. Your friends and relatives are not dying of a hoax. The wool has been pulled over your eyes if you have believed that.

The idea to create a super, white human race capable of withstanding deadly pandemics belongs to a past, fallen Nazi generation. That ideology did not and will not stand against the sands of time then, or ever. There is only one race, the human race, of which we all are a part regardless of race, color, creed, age and/or gender. We are all in this life together. It is not up to the richest or the most politically powerful to subjugate the people of the land, especially in the land of the free, the UNITED States of America.

We are UNITED, not run by different tyrant governments of individual states. Rather, we a true DEMOCRACY. The United States of America shines throughout the world as a shining beacon on the hill, where truth, liberty, justice, and health for ALL citizens are at the helm despite the jealous factions nipping at its heels.

Health and wealth of individuals are not the deciding factor for valid personhood in the DEMOCRACY of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That is how dictators and tyrants rule, not a democratic republic of which we are.

The Grand Old Party, GOP, admits it is following a Herd Immunity track as a “cure” for COVID 19. Some of them are now back-peddling in the face of current realities. First of all, please realize that the Herd Immunity experiment is a fringe medicine concept which is finally being debunked. There is no cure for COVID-19, also known as SARS Co2, a highly contagious and deadly coronavirus. The vaccines currently available for the COVID-19 pandemic and are not cures. They are prevention measures.

The Herd Immunity experiment means that since there are 331 million people in the US and experts say 70 percent of the population would have to get the virus for herd immunity to work, 231.7 million of us would have to get it. Since the current death rate is from 2.6 to 3 percent of all those who get the virus, 6 to 7 million of us would die. So if this is your idea for a cure, you might want to say good-bye to your parents and grandparents now.

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/) shows as of 12/22/20, there are:

+ 322,588 USA COVID-19 deaths

+ 195,033 new COVID-19 cases as of yester, 12/22/20

+ 18.221 Million confirmed COVID-19 cases

The CDC reports 36,000 deaths from the flu each year. COVID-19 is no ordinary flu.

Deceptive information concerning people who have and/or die from COVID-19, is that people aren’t really dying from COVID-19, but from heart, lung, kidney or other organ malfunctions. This goes to show the ignorance of what COVID-19 does to the human body, and how it mutates in individuals who do or did have COVID-19, and continues to compromise their systems years later.

Beware of voter suppression tactics targeting Black, Latino, and Democrat voters. Legal voters are not only milky white people, and not only Republican voters. The United States of America was has matured past the ignorance of racist agendas, and welcomes immigrants of all countries who revere FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY, and JUSTICE for people. Every vote counts. Your vote counts. You count. This is our democracy at stake.

Children do get this deadly virus and many have already died from it. They can also be carriers, spreading COVID-19 to others even if they show no symptoms. Taking temperatures and having fevers is a symptom of COVID-19 that may not show up for 14 days, while continuing to spread this virus.

Masks and social distancing are proven methods to bring a country to be COVID-19 free, like New Zealand. It’s called delayed gratification. Delayed gratification is a mature response to social dilemmas. By doing the right thing now, we can move past the juvenile approach of not wearing masks, and social distancing adult temper tantrums.

All human life is precious. We all matter. Human life is not expendable in a civilized society.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Drama and Outrage Addiction ~ The “God” of This World

It’s easy to get caught up in drama and outrage addiction. Drama and outrage strike a

Drama and outrage addiction did this to me. How do I stop it?

cord. We have opinions. Our egos love drama and outrage. But are drama and outrage good and healthy for us? Drama and outrage addiction did this to me. How do I stop it? Absolutely not. Think about what happens to our chi, our life force energy, when drama and outrage take over our peace and serenity. Our blood pressure goes up, we get out of balance, we can even get caught up in the emotion of it all and not know how to stop it.

There is a time to stand up for our beliefs, and listen to our conscience. Good conversations that influence and inspire groups of people are necessary in this world. That is just, right, and liberating. Drama and outrage addictions are something else altogether. Even if there is an honest point to be made, it gets lost in the hysteria.

Whether it’s religion, education, or politics, or any other hot topic; one side of an issue says a point of view, often meant not just to say their point, but with the intention of ruffling the feathers of the opposition. After a while the contrived spiral of spin concerning the drama and outrage is so out of control, the point is just as lost as the spinning top toy.

Don Miguel Ruiz, author of “The Four Agreements,” has one of his four points on which the book is based, “Be impeccable with your word.” That is a fantastic point. If we simply and consciously say what we mean, rather than use our words to attack, contort and manipulate, we are better heard by the people we want to hear it.

To be impeccable with our word means we speak truth. We speak truth to power. We speak truth without spin. We speak truth without ego and/or agenda. A fact is a fact. But when we use the fact in a situation where we do not say or hide some of the facts so it appears to mean something other than the fact at hand, then we are no longer being impeccable with the facts.

Another point he makes, “Don’t take things personally.” No matter what issue is being discussed, if we do not choose to take things personally, the drama and outrage drop away, and clarity of topic remains and solutions can be found. Imagine if the President and all those serving in politics in every country did not take things personally. Imagine if all world leaders seriously worked for the good of the people and the countries rather than for themselves and their top one percent. This is something to pray for.

The Bible says there are other, non-human forces affecting our politicians these days. This is seriously a time to pray to God, Father of Jesus. I specify who exactly to pray to since the “God” of this world is not God, the Father of Jesus. God, Father of Jesus would not put neither children nor adults in cages, for example, but the “God” of this world would.

The “God” of this world instigates hate, war, lying, cheating, stealing and the like. Solutions are far away when drama and outrage keep going around and around. Where is the end of the circle?

“Don’t make assumptions,” is another agreement Ruiz suggests. Take time to understand, to see the picture clearly. Understanding gets a whole lot better when we actualy listen to the other point of view without the hair raising up on the back of our neck like a cat just before it attacks something.

Understanding does not mean agreement. Understanding is comprehending the whole point being made without jumping in the middle to change or add to the current conversation or explanation. Once we fully understand, only then can we rationally approach the situation to be addressed. In order for two different sides of an issue to resolve a common problem, both sides need to listen and understand. Understanding has no room for grandstanding, fist pounding, yelling, nor monopolizing conversations until the time runs out.

We need to find common sense again in order to work together. We teach this to our children. But when world rulers find their way to the top, so often they become like tyrannical, two-year-old children again, monopolizing the world like a game of Monopoly. But life in this world is not the game of Monopoly. Unfortunately then again, maybe it is.

Imagine a world, a country, a state, a neighborhood, a family, where we attentively listened to what was being said before we stopped listening and verbally (and sometimes physically and emotionally and spiritually) attacked the other person, group, country, religion, or army. What would happen to the drama and outrage of the situation?

Before we can heal our minds, our issues, our families, our countries and the world, we need to acknowledge we personally have drama and outrage addiction. Without acknowledging drama and outrage addition, like every other addiction we have, we cannot begin to heal it, and pave the way to peace.

Imagine what it would be like to have world peace.

God Bless

Illegal Immigrants ~ Illegal Aliens ~ Really? Woodie Guthrie ~ Repost

The note on Woodie Guthrie’s guitar notes that his music kills fascist ideas, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Let’s see, who are really illegal immigrants in the USA?

Who are the people we count as illegal aliens?

Who counts as legal residents of the USA?

How far back should we look, to the

Just 249 years ago, most of the central and southwestern USA was Spanish/Mexican.
Native American Indians? Well, no, we should not go back that far because we would all be illegal aliens. Looking back at the history of the United States of America it is easy to see why the USA border with Mexico is such a hot spot.

Spanish/Mexican land greatly exceeds the land mass of the 13 colonies in 1763.

Shall we count the Spanish/Mexican people who lived here in 1763, prior to all our wars with them? Shall we include those people in the land before we arrived in all the conquests and purchases? When you think of it this way, who are really the aliens?

There has got to be a better way for people of conscience, to resolve our current immigration dilemmas, that do not include separating families at the border, putting children in cages, or a gun to someone’s back or face, and deportation to this

Maps of the USA from 1776-1866, just 146 years ago.
nations’ children who are in this land of “freedom” trying to make a better life for themselves and their families.We can be so short-sighted. For Americans living here now legally, it was not that long ago, not even 200 years ago, when our very own grandparents and their grandparents were immigrants to this country.

The scarcity mentality has infiltrated the minds and greedy hearts of 42-43 percent of those among us. We need to broaden our horizons and find creative solutions that do not include the destruction of human integrity, placing all non-American/non-white people in the same category as drug lords.We need to address crime issues, but often it is the illegal immigrant who is the victim of the crime, not the perpetrator.


Here are the words of “This Land Is Your Land,” by Woodie Guthrie:


words and music by Woody Guthrie


This land is your land, this land is my land

From California, to the New York Island

From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters

This land was made for you and me

As I was walking a ribbon of highway

I saw above me an endless skyway

I saw below me a golden valley

This land was made for you and me


I’ve roamed and rambled and I’ve followed my footsteps

To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts

And all around me a voice was sounding

This land was made for you and me


The sun comes shining as I was strolling

The wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling

The fog was lifting a voice come chanting

This land was made for you and me


As I was walkin’ – I saw a sign there

And that sign said – no tress passin’

But on the other side …. it didn’t say nothin!

Now that side was made for you and me!


In the squares of the city – In the shadow of the steeple

Near the relief office – I see my people

And some are grumblin’ and some are wonderin’

If this land’s still made for you and me.

Chorus (2x)

©1956 (renewed 1984), 1958 (renewed 1986) and 1970 TRO-Ludlow Music, Inc. (



How To Handle The Bully

Bullying is dehumanizing, both for the person who bullies, and for the person being


bullied. Unfortunately there is no age limit for bullying. It happens by and to students. It happens by and to prejudiced groups of all ages, sexes, politics and social economics. It happens all too often in today’s work force by employers, who know they can push people more because they know jobs are so hard to come by, to employees who allow themselves to be bullied for fear of losing their jobs. It happens on the political stage when the top political bulldog uses bullying to threaten and manipulate the political underlings to do the bully’s bidding. Bullying happens face to face, while cyberbullying relentlessly continues online. What can we do to stop it?

Stand up to the bully.

First, be smart. This does not mean turning everything into a fist fight. If you are the student being bullied, no matter what the bully is telling you, tell your teachers, your guidance counselors, your principal, your parents and in politics tell the press.

Bullies only continue to bully when they are allowed to keep bullying.

Bullies only continue to bully when no one stands up to them.

Know that you are not alone. It is state law that teachers must report the bullying to their superiors. Schools are improving their programs to address this kind of attack on students. If it keeps happening, keep telling. Never give up. There are some things you can do for yourself, beginning with bolstering your self esteem.

Just because someone says something about you, does not make it true. You are made in the image and likeness of God. God does not make junk. God made you and you are perfect, just they way you are. You will not be perfect if…, or when … you are perfect now.

Second, grow in character. Realize you are a whole person no matter what sexual orientation you are, no matter what gender you are, no matter if you are underweight, no matter if you are overweight, no matter what, you are perfect the way you are, right this very moment. Do not agree with every negative thought, word or idea that comes from a bully’s mouth. Just because someone says something negative does not make it true. Understand that there are people willing to help you.

We may have thought that prejudices were a thing of the past, but unfortunately they are not. We’d like to think we are so advanced these days, but it seems on many issues we are still in the caveman era. There are many kinds of prejudices that play into the hand of bullying. The person bullying decreases in character development by bullying. Seemingly good people, even Christian people, with not so good intent, harm others psychologically by badgering them, instilling them with fear if they are not like-minded people, whether it’s for gay rights, birth control, immigration, wealth equality/inequality or any other difference in belief.

Bullying makes people less human. Bullying makes people less spiritual. No matter what our religious belief system is, bullying is not the way to get the message out. Attacking someone’s character either privately or publically is not a spiritual practice.

Can you see Jesus or Buddha now, diminishing a person by personal attacks?       That would be a twisted and perverted belief system.

Lady Gaga said on twitter, “Bullying must become illegal. It is a hate crime.”

Young people are not alone on the bullying front. Adults are also bullies and are victims of bullies. As sad as it is when young people get bullied, it is pathetic when adults get into the bullying game. It is pathetic because we should know better. It is particularly sad because we know what we say to our children when they get bullied. We tell them, “STAND UP TO THE BULLY!” But it seems as adults, we have become poor role models for our children when we show them how to cave in to the whims and wiles of the bully.

Why do adults cave in to the whims and wiles of adult bullies? We want to keep our jobs. We want to put food on the tables for our children. We want to advance in our careers. We want to be re-elected to public service, supposedly for the greater good of our nation. However, if we do not stand up for injustice and bullying when it happens to us, we will never be able to stop greater injustices and bullying tactics within and without our families, neighborhoods, states, nation as well as internationally. We are now seeing this playing out on the world stage.

Anytime we act out in ways that are beneath human dignity, we diminish our growth, mentally and spiritually. The first thing to do is the same first thing to do for a young person. Tell someone. If it is a prejudice hate crime, tell a police officer. If you are being bullied at work, go to your human resources department. If you are being bullied in your political party, tell the press. Do not remain silent.

You have a right not to be bullied.

Bullies only win if we let them.

Bullies don’t really want to fight. They want to get their way. They have ulterior motives. They only want to torment, as a diversion and cause fear, in order that they get their own way, much like a two-year old. Pure motives have nothing to do with bullying. Bullies are weak. They are vulnerable. As more and more people, young and old, stand up and refuse to be tongue whipped by inferior, manipulating mortals, it will become easier to stand up for truth.

Standing up for truth, honor, and integrity does not have to be done viciously. Anger and hostility do not need to be present. We simply need to say what we need to say. Bullies know how to push emotional buttons. That’s part of the game. But if we can stay level emotionally, that will be one less battle they will have won.

As more and more of us stand up to private and public bullies, the growing consensus of truth, integrity and honor will finally be able to hail freedom and liberty as once intended for all of us in this great country, extending to all human beings in our human family throughout the world.

You are a wonder-filled creation of God. You are filled with God’s spirit by the very breath you breathe. Stand up for truth. Stand up for integrity. Stand up for peaceful solutions and peaceful resolutions. You are not alone. We are all One.



“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” This is an excerpt fromJimmy Carter American poet Emma Lazarus’ sonnet “The New Colossus.” It was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the lower level of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty in 1903. It was and is intended to welcome immigrants to the United States of America.

Who are the immigrants of today?

Do they arrive tired, poor, and huddling in a mass of humanity, with hopes and dreams of a safer, better future?

Did our own grandparents and their grandparents generations before us arrive in this way?

Might our own ancestors have traveled across dangerous oceans, deplorable and inhuman conditions, hungry and spent from the land they left?

My ancestors traveled down from Canada. Yes, this is one border of the United States. I have driven to the border of Canada many times, amid moose, fox and deer. I was not met with soldiers, nor vigilantes with guns, threatening my life. I was not in fear of losing my life coming or going. My family tree continues across the Atlantic Ocean, to the south of France. It most likely goes further, but it is where I presently stopped searching.

My husband’s family roots also come from across the Atlantic Ocean, to Ireland, once struck with a potato famine and war. Immigrants want better living conditions, and more humane treatment.

My family is not alone. Unless you are born a Native American, and might I add Spanish or Mexican back in the days of and prior to the Louisiana Purchase, everyone one of us are immigrants, or descendants of immigrants.

Why do modern day “Americans” feel the need to close the borders?

The greater paradox is that it seems to be the Christian right-wing, proposing to be Christian, a group that at least according to the Bible ought to taking care of the poor and hungry and destitute among us, that appear to be fueling the fire of small-mindedness.

Closed minds that also want to close borders, do not solve the problem.

There is a way to deal with crime, gun/drug/sex trafficking, and terrorism, without punishing innocent people who are seeking a better life. Criminals need to be dealt with law abiding justice.

Not all criminals are immigrants, and not all immigrants are criminals. It is not a criminal act to immigrate to this country.

Recent criminal acts, the murdering of 11 innocent Jewish people in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; and bombs sent to Democratic leaders and a media outlet, (all people who citizen President Donald Trump), by a hate-filled Florida alleged criminal, were not immigrants. The two most heinous crimes here in the USA were not committed by immigrants.

Contrary to the arguments given by some, immigrants will not take all our money, nor all our jobs. They are also not receiving the benefits they are often accused of receiving.

Every single one of our family ancestors who immigrated to this country did not have to go through the complicated channels that immigrants have to today. Small-minded thinking creeps in when we say things like, “My ancestors immigrated to this country, but they did it legally.” The term “legally” is really hysterical when you accurately remember just what it was that our parents, grandparents and generations before us did when they merely walked through Ellis Island. In some cases they only had to sign their name, and if they could not write, they simply had to make an “X.”

The immigration process today is being investigated by all involved. It’s about time. With all our education and technology we have in this world today, this problem is not beyond solving.

Emma Lazarus agreed.

Lazarus was born July 22, 1849. She was raised a Sephardic Jew, and displayed an early talent for poetry. She attracted the notice of Ralph Waldo Emerson with her first book, Poems and Translations (1867). After this, her poem “The New Colossus”, written in 1883, was chosen to be displayed at the Statue of Liberty.

She is not alone in recognizing the human hopes and dreams of immigrants.


Human Nature Is Like A Spirited Horse

Human nature is like a spirited horse. We have unbridled hopes and dreams, emotions and desires. Left to Image result for pictures wild horsestheir own devices, they go where they will. Should a pack of wild horses come running by, we join the pack in a flurry of enthusiasm, running faster and faster not always in the right direction.

We need to be careful at this time, in these very important days, to assess where we are and who we are. We tend to get caught up in the moment, like a runaway horse. We have friends and family whose opinions we value, or whose points we ponder. There are facts to consider and decisions to be made.

Who are we as we go through this process? Do we like who we have become in this race? I have made mistakes myself in this area. No one is immune. In our zest and enthusiasm, we can alienate others unintentionally. The desire to win at all costs does not bring out the best in horses, nor people.

Are we kind?

Are we understanding?

Are we empathetic?

Do we stand for truth with dignity?

Do we respond with integrity?

Do we use tact so others can be better able to hear what we are saying to them?

In hostile situations, people do not react with their highest motives in mind. This is a good time to remember not to react to hostile stimulus at all. When we begin reacting to events and situations, even words and challenges, we are not acting out of forethought, We do not make the best decisions this way.

Instead, it is better to take time to meditate on exactly how we want to proceed, and how we want to raise the tone. We matter. The things we have to share with others matter. But no one will hear us if they tune us out.

In the course of our living, let us remember that in addition to our physical, emotional, intellectual, financial, educational, scientific selves, we also have our spiritual aspects. We are not alone. Let us allow the breath of God in, to soften the edges of our opinions and our hearts, so that when all is said and done, we can pick up the pieces of our lives and make the best choices possible with the information we have, without tearing down others at the same time.

This is a great time to practice the Golden Rule in everything we think, say and do. Treat others as we want to be treated.


“He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother,” by The Justice Collective’s ~ Neil Diamond

The world needs to hear this remake of “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother” at this time. First is Neil Diamond’s version, then check out The Justice Collective release of this song at the end of this article. The Justice Collective version came out for last Christmas. Once you click on their link, please arrow down to the video and audio box with the women singing. Click on this song for a beautiful treat. Sorry that it begins with a short ad. You will need to click it off when it is done so it does not continue with ads at the end.

The road is long
with many a winding turn
that leads us to who knows where,
who know where.
But I’m strong,
strong enough to carry him.
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.
So on we go.

His welfare is of my concern.
No burden is he to bear,
we’ll get there.
For I know
he would not encumber me.
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

If I’m laden at all,
I’m laden with sadness
that everyone’s heart
isn’t filled with the gladness
of love for one another.

It’s a long, long road
from which there is no return.
While we’re on the way to there,
why not share?
And the load
doesn’t weigh me down at all.
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

He’s my brother.
He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother…


“The Justice Collective released their tribute single ‘He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother’ in remembrance of the tragic disaster at the Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield.

This song was first written by Bob Russell. Little did he know it would be his last song. It was written to commemorate the Boy’s Town stamp, which beneath the picture read, “He ain’t heavy Father, he’s my brother.” Father Edward J. Flanagan was the founder of Boy’s Town.

Father Edward J. Flanagan is the founder and visionary for what’s known today as Boys Town. He had a dream that every child could be a productive citizen if given love, a home, an education and a trade. He accepted boys of every race, color and creed. Father Flanagan firmly believed, “There are no bad boys. There is only bad environment, bad training, bad example, bad thinking.”

Father Flanagan was born on July 13, 1886, in County Roscommon, Ireland. In 1904, he set sail for the United States. Following his ordination in 1912, Father Flanagan was assigned to the Diocese of Omaha. His first parish assignment was Saint Patrick’s in O’Neill, Nebraska. In March 1913, he was appointed Assistant Pastor to Saint Patrick Catholic Church in Omaha.

On December 12, 1917, Father Flanagan opened his first Boys’ Home in a run-down Victorian mansion in downtown Omaha. In 1921, the Boys’ Home moved to Overlook Farm, its present location near 139th and West Dodge Road. Father Flanagan and Boys Town became internationally known with the help of the 1938 movie, “Boys Town.” He became an acknowledged expert in the field of child care, and toured the United States discussing his views on juvenile delinquency.

The federal government called on Father Flanagan to help children both nationally and internationally. After World War II, President Truman asked him to travel to Asia and Europe to attend discussions about children left orphaned and displaced by the war. During a tour of Europe, he fell ill and died of a heart attack in Berlin, Germany, on May 15, 1948. Funeral services for Father Flanagan were held in the Dowd Memorial Catholic Chapel, located at the heart of his beloved Boys Town. Today, the church is the site of his final resting place.” See http://lb2.boystown.org/about/father-edward-j-flanagan

“…The work will continue, you see, whether I am there or not, because it is God’s work, not mine.” – Father Flanagan

Go to: http://www.boystown.org/ to check out more about Boys Town.

Wherever you are in the world, this is for you.


There Is Only One Race On This Planet ~ The Human Race ~ Repost


The human race on Earth is the only race there is

Whether we are discussing the differences in race, color, ethnicity, creed, financial status or gender, we must realize that on this planet, there is only one race, the human race.

Sometimes we try to hide our prejudices behind other reasons, to justify the positions we take politically, socially, environmentally, religiously, or any other way we human beings use to suppress the voice of others. We are more alike than any difference we profess.

The root cause of prejudice is fear, not hatred. While certain groups may be extremely angry about an issue, the underlying cause of anger is fear. Why are we so afraid of other people, their belief system, their culture, their gender? Think of how we respond to someone expressing a different viewpoint, or addressing uncomfortable issues such as immigration, homelessness and hungry children in our country and the world.

Fear promotes radical groups in any of the human categories mentioned. If we are truly serious about fixing our world, before we can build any bridges to repair the damage we have caused, we must eradicate the root cause of fear. War, murder and killing are not communication skills.

We have made great progress in this country and in the world. We should celebrate the strides we have made. But there is more to do, more to share, more to learn, more to understand, more to forgive, more to let go. It is not about being right, or wrong, or making others right or wrong. There is no way to make up for the loss of life through war, violence, bloodshed, or retaliation. Two wrongs do not make a right. We need to build bridges to and for all people everywhere.

Despite all our unique differences, we all share this one beautiful planet. We are all born in the same way, we all breathe air while we are here, and we all die. We are all having a shared human experience. Our life is in our blood, without which we would cease to be. No one soul is better than any other soul on this planet, no matter what our pride (insane ego) might be telling us.

There is only one race on this planet.

It’s the human race.

Illegal Immigrants ~ Really? You Would Be Surprised

The note on Woodie Guthrie’s guitar notes that his music kills fascist ideas, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

Let’s see, who are really illegal immigrants in the USA? Who are the people we count as illegal aliens? Who counts as legal residents of the USA? How far back should we look, to the

Just over 250 years ago, most of the central and southwestern USA was Spanish/Mexican.

Native American Indians? Well, no, we should not go back that far because we would all be illegal aliens. Looking back at the history of the United States of America it is easy to see why the USA border with Mexico is such a hot spot. However, Mexicans were here before we were, and many of them never left. They still live on their original homestead. Some Americans think they are immigrants when in fact, they were here for generations before we got here.

Spanish/Mexican land greatly exceeds the land mass of the 13 colonies in 1763.










Shall we count the Spanish/Mexican people who lived here in 1763, prior to all our wars with them? Shall we include those people in the land before we arrived in all the conquests and purchases? When you think of it this way, who are really the aliens?

There has got to be a better way for people of conscience, to resolve our current immigration dilemmas, that do not include a gun to someone’s back or face, and deportation to this

Maps of the USA from 1776-1866, just 150 years ago.
nations’ children who are in this land of “freedom” trying to make a better life for themselves and their families.We can be so short-sighted. For Americans living here now legally, it was not that long ago, not even 200 years ago, when our very own grandparents and their grandparents were immigrants to this country.The scarcity mentality has infiltrated the minds and greedy hearts of a few of those among us. We need to broaden our horizons and find creative solutions that do not include the destruction of human integrity, that place all non-American people in the same category as drug lords.We need to address crime issues, but often it is the illegal immigrant who is the victim of the crime, not the perpetrator.




Here are the words of “This Land Is Your Land,” by Woodie Guthrie:


words and music by Woody Guthrie


This land is your land, this land is my land

From California, to the New York Island

From the redwood forest, to the gulf stream waters

This land was made for you and me

As I was walking a ribbon of highway

I saw above me an endless skyway

I saw below me a golden valley

This land was made for you and me


I’ve roamed and rambled and I’ve followed my footsteps

To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts

And all around me a voice was sounding

This land was made for you and me


The sun comes shining as I was strolling

The wheat fields waving and the dust clouds rolling

The fog was lifting a voice come chanting

This land was made for you and me


As I was walkin’ – I saw a sign there

And that sign said – no tress passin’

But on the other side …. it didn’t say nothin!

Now that side was made for you and me!


In the squares of the city – In the shadow of the steeple

Near the relief office – I see my people

And some are grumblin’ and some are wonderin’

If this land’s still made for you and me.

Chorus (2x)

©1956 (renewed 1984), 1958 (renewed 1986) and 1970 TRO-Ludlow Music, Inc. (