Abraham ~ Martin ~ John ~ Bobby and Aeschylus ~ Timeless Message and Music

“We have to make an effort in the United Sates.

“We have to make an effort to understand to get beyond or go beyond these difficult times.

“My favorite poem is by Aeschylus.

“He once wrote, ‘Even in our sleep, pain, which cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart, until our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom, through the awful grace of God.

“What we need in the United States, is not division.

“What we need in the United States is not hatred.

“What we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness,

“But is love, and wisdom, and compassion toward one another.”

Abraham is Abraham Lincoln.

John is John Kennedy.

Martin is Marti Luther King.

Bobby is Robert Kennedy, Jr.


Cosmic Law ~ Ascension ~ The Seven Root Races ~ Our Androgynous Origin

We’ve been at this a long, long time, millions of years. When people call you an old soul, that is because you are. We’ve been at this evolving, perfecting, transmuting thing for well over 34 1/2 million years, according to Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, since pre-physical existence. As our energy became denser, the more we were drawn into the physical planes during the times of Mu, Lemuria, and Atlantis. We evolved more and more into the physical bodies we now have. We all started as non-physical energy.

It is not humanly possible to dismiss the knowledge of antediluvian history, of Madame Blavatsky, nor Alice A. Bailey, while at the same time using this same knowledge when it arrives from more popular Reiki and other origins. Closing the door to channeled information is like opening the door to ignorance.

Some call it Nirvana. Some call it Heaven. Some call it Eternal Bliss. Some call it Perfection. It is Cosmic Law. It is Ascension. We are still at this.

Earlier in my life, I would have gone along with the Catholic streams of organized belief had not the Vatican hidden 63 sacred scrolls explaining all this in the vault of the library hidden away for no one to see. They are not the only ones to hide evidence of our early beginnings. I have found in my research that all faiths hide one aspect or another, in profound control systems, as they each promote their one and only way to believe, stating, “We are the only true religion.” They are not.

There is money to be made. There is guilt to be taught. There is manipulation to be inflicted. There is a human club to join. There is control of your thoughts, words, and actions to harness. There is the subjugation of your God-given free will to hijack. There is also well-meaning error, by those who have been taught this over threat of losing their eternal soul. Please know there is more.

According to Madame Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, and other sources such as Djwjal Khul, Ruth Montgomery, The Tibetan Foundation and other similar channelings coming directly out of the Universal Mind, there are seven root races that have called Earth home.

The first root race is known as Polarian, said to have existed in the Imperishable Sacred Land (Garden of Eden?).

The second root race is known as Hyperborean which existed on a sunken continent of Hyperborea.

The third root race is known as Lemurian on the sunken continent of Lemuria.

The fourth root race is known as Atlantean on the sunken continent of Atlantis.

The fifth root race that we are currently in, is known as Aryan manifesting worldwide, first appearing in Europe, Asia Minor, and America. This has absolutely nothing to do with one race being better than another. It is a matter of where we are in our historical chain of life.

Joshua David Stone, Ph.D. attests, we currently find ourselves in the fifth root race, the Aryan Race. This term, Aryan Race, was completely distorted by Hitler and Nazi Germany. Actually, the Aryan Race has been inexistence for over a million years and will continue for some time. No worries.

The sixth root race, according to Madame Blavatsky, is known as Meruvian, and will hail from North America.

The seventh root race known as Paradisian will come from Tara, a continent that will emerge from the ocean floor in the distant future.

In the beginning was One Light, One Love, One Life, One Energy, which we generically call “God,” which is not a name, but a title, an identity. God in all completeness, had First Thought, a desire to express Himself/Herself/Itself in all the joy and love God could hold, and see the same qualities within this One-Light-Love- Life-Energy also reflected without and seemingly apart from God, yet all animated and experienced by God.

From this undifferentiated state, out of infinity, God created suns, moons, galaxies, universes, et cetera. Yet in all this Creation, companionship was missing, where God (One-Light-Love-Life-Energy) could relate through feelings, emotions, reflecting back to God in a symbiotic relationship, allowing the creatures to be co-creators. God shared this One-Living Light-Love-Energy to experience in and through you and me. We are the only hands God has to work with on Earth and in all of Creation. Our hearts are the only hearts through which God can experience genuine, pure Love, feelings and all emotions as in relationship with God.

How did this happen?

Out of this expression came the Light, the first expression of the Divine Mind, the first manifestation of spirit. As Joshua David Stone, Ph.D. reminds us, the unique thing about our creation was the aspect of free choice.

“In our creation we went jetting out into the universe, creating as God creates, with our minds, and extending God’s kingdom. We were perfect, and this was the Edenic state. In our travels through infinity of God, we discovered the physical, or material, universe and we were intrigued, for in the beginning we didn’t have physical bodies, just spiritual bodies.” Joshua David Stone, Ph.D. in The Complete Ascension Manual – How To Achieve Ascension In This Lifetime

At the time at the beginning of time, we did not get upset over being spiritual or not depending on our belief system. We were all that we knew we were, spiritual and connected to the Source of All Creation. By our desire and curiosity, we were attracted to the beauty and density of Earth and other creations. The universe was our playground we could say.

We would come and go back to the spiritual planes, then back into creation for more experience. We are still doing this to this day. The only difference is our forgetfulness of who and what we truly are, and what we have learned through our past incarnations. The fascinating life experiences here on Earth, for example, were so compelling and exciting that over time, the illusion of forgetfulness shrouded our reality to the point of obscuring our real dharma, our mission in life.

With each densification of experience, from each of the root races of humanity mentioned above, we lost the complete understanding of why we are here on Earth in the first place. We got that dense. (There’s a bit of humor here.) Our minds got as dense as our bodies. We lost the Imperishable Sacred Land of the Polarian Root Race, which was said to be totally sexless, as were the Hyperborean Root Race. Our Living Light Love Energy (God) experience as human beings, as we think of ourselves today, began in the third, Lemurian Root Race.

There is too much history to capture in this one post. Suffice it to say, the abuse of energy, particularly crystal energy is what caused the cataclysmic destruction of the Atlantean Root Race and what was left of the Lemurian Root Race.

This brings us to where we are today, in the Aryan Root Race. Again, this has absolutely nothing to do with white-skinned, blonde-haired, blue-eyed people. That was ignorance at the helm, driven by unbridled pride and insane ego. No, we are all, all ethnicities, all races, all colors of people, in the current Aryan Root Race.

Yet, the amazing thing with Creation as we know it, is our ever evolving through genetics, science, technology, balanced with a deeper understanding of humanity, in the full range of mind, body, spirit concepts, working towards our One Goal, Ascension.

We, like everything else in Creation, are working towards Ascension, which is union with the One Living Light, One Love, One Energy, of which we are all a smaller part of a much, much bigger whole, God. It is possible to achieve this blessed union in a single lifetime. Personally, that is my goal in this lifetime I am presently living. Every single one of us can choose to do that.

It depends on how you and I have integrated the life lessons we have acquired lifetime after lifetime. We never regress backwards, but always begin where we left off, with opportunities presenting themselves in how we use our free will to choose the reality of our future. Of course we all make mistakes, it is not about that. Rather, it is what we decide to do about our mistakes in life that matter. We all have the ability to admit our mistakes, perfect our life, and move forward. That is what life is all about.


Drama And Outrage Addiction

It’s easy to get caught up in drama and outrage addiction. Drama and outrage strike a cord. We have opinions. Our

Drama and outrage addiction did this to me. How do I stop it?

egos love drama and outrage. But are drama and outrage good and healthy for us?

Absolutely not.

Think about what happens to our chi, our life force energy, when drama and outrage take over our peace and serenity. Our blood pressure goes up, we get out of balance, we can even get caught up in the emotion of it all and not know how to stop it.

There is a time to stand up for our beliefs, and vote our conscience. Good conversations that influence and inspire groups of people are necessary in this world. That is just and right, and liberating. Drama and outrage addiction are something else altogether. It is easy to recognize this when insults fly as opposed to intelligent conversation, with fact-finding in place of alternate realities including lies presented as truth.

The onus is on you and me to find out if what others tell us is the truth. It is important not to go by just one side of an issue. We have a duty in our personal, civil and religious lives to find out the truth for ourselves, not just swallow hook, line and sinker what others tell us as truth. It is not that hard to find out in these days of video and audio capturing every moment of our lives.

Often we do not give ourselves enough credit for getting to the bottom of an issue, as if news reporters and political leaders themselves know more than we do on any given subject. If we get our news from television, we at least owe it to ourselves to watch channels with different points of view.

What hurts democracies across the globe is the propagation of news from only one source. That is the sign that government is no longer a democracy.

Whether it’s religion, education, or politics, one side of an issue says a point of view, often meant not just to say their point, but with the intention of ruffling the feathers of the opposition. After a while the spiral of drama and outrage is so out of control, the point is lost to the spin.

Don Miguel Ruiz, author of “The Four Agreements,” has one of his four points on which the book is based, “Be impeccable with your word.” That is a fantastic point. If we simply and consciously say what we mean, rather than use our words to attack, we are better heard by the people we want to hear it. Another point he makes, “Don’t take things personally,” is one that personally changed my life. No matter what issue is being discussed, if we do not choose to take things personally, the drama and outrage drop away, and clarity of topic remains and solutions can be found.

But solutions are far away when drama and outrage keep going around and around. Where is the end of the circle?

“Don’t make assumptions,” is another agreement Ruiz suggests. Understanding gets a whole lot better when we actualy listen to the other point of view without the hair raising up on the back of our neck like a cat just before it attacks something.

Imagine a world, a country, a state, a neighborhood, a family, where we attentively listened to what was being said before we stopped listening and verbally (and sometimes physically and emotionally and spiritually) attacked the other person, group, country, religion, or army. What would happen to the drama and outrage of the situation?

Before we can heal our minds, our issues, our families, our countries and the world at large, we need to acknowledge we have drama and outrage addiction. Without acknowledging drama and outrage addition, like every other addiction we have, we cannot begin to heal it, and pave the way to peace.

Imagine what it would be like to have world peace.


The ‘Cosmic Light’ of the Silver Cord ~ Part V

The ‘Cosmic Light’ is what the Bible refers to as Spirit.

Silver Cord

This ‘Cosmic Light’ travels from the One Source of All Light generating all Life everywhere. This Cosmic Light is what animates you and inspires you. This Cosmic Light is the Spirit of your Life. This Cosmic Light is Truth and Unconditional Love. This Cosmic Light of God never fails. Learn to converse (prayer, meditate, communicate, question, direct) with this Cosmic Light, your I AM Presence within your heart, mind and soul. This is the “avenue” through which prayer and meditations flow through.

What we manifest in your thoughts and feelings, we manifest in the outer world. What we think about, we bring about. What we think about and feel deeply about, happens. When we think about Love, Harmony and Peace, we manifest Love, Harmony and Peace within ourselves, our families and in the world. Likewise, when we think and have strong feelings that are born out of Not Love, Dis-Harmony and Non-Peacefulness, we see those seeds we planted, mirrored in what we have made of ourselves, our families and the world. That is the only we get the results we do, ever.

If the world is out of balance, is Not Love-based, is in Dis-Harmony producing Non-Peaceful results, we need to reassess what we are “putting out there.”

Look at the conditions of the world and ask yourself:

  • Am I selfish?
  • Am I generous with everyone?
  • Am I greedy?
  • Do I hoard money, food, clothing, things?
  • Do I help the less fortunate?
  • Am I judgmental about myself?
  • Do I Love myself?
  • Do I feel worthy?
  • Am I judgmental about others not like myself?
  • Am I prejudiced?
  • Do I only hand around with people of my exact race, color, creed, financial status, gender, age or ability or disability group?

It is a lie, a preversion of the truth, to say the conditions found in the world have nothing to do with you and me. How many times have we heard:

  • It’s not my fault.
  • I didn’t do it.
  • I have no idea why things are the way they are.

Do we want to stop:

  • human trafficking
  • gun trafficking
  • drug trafficking
  • the OPIOD crisis
  • global warming
  • climate change
  • all prejudice
  • cruel treatment of all animals and wildlife


… and help the:

  • rain forests
  • fishing industry
  • fair and just laws of our country
  • immigrants settle humanely
  • education in our land
  • people to learn and follow the Constitutions of our countries
  • people to learn and follow the Bill of Rights
  • people to learn accurate history, all history

Still, if we are living and breathing upon this planet, we have the Active Force of the Spirit of God, Energy, or however we imagine the two factors smashing together to form the Big Bang, (which by the way science has yet to figure out), with which to change the world. We have the opportunity to work with this Life Force, our I AM Presence, to make things better within our lives, neighborhoods, states, countries and the world at large. It is not up to other people to fix the world. It is up to you and I, using the Divine Gift of the I AM Presence to fix the world.

It is possible.

The Beloved Apostle John shared what Jesus taught him, when John wrote, “But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” 1 John 4:4, New Living Translation of the Bible


Practice Kindness Or Lose Your Humanity


Kindness cannot be bought, but it can be given.

Every day we all have the opportunity to decide how we are going to think, speak and act.

Think, speak and act with kindness.

Kindness does not cost you anything.

It does not diminish you to think with kindness.

It does not diminish you to speak with kindness.

It does not diminish you to act with kindness.

Thinking, speaking and acting with kindness grows your spirit.

Thinking, speaking and actng with kindness grows your humanity.

Thinking, speaking and acting with kindness empowers your soul.

Not thinking, speaking and acting with kindness regresses us back to our animalistic nature.

It is possible to lose our humanity by not practicing kindness.

Acting in kindness will give us all a better world.

Kindness draws on understanding.

Kindness does not leap to judgments.

Kindness finds common ground.

Kindness is the fertile ground to plant seeds of love, peace, hope and joy.

If we do not know where to start in our corner of the world to make things better, begin with kindness.

We may not all be able to run for office or join in protests. We all have different gifts in this world as human beings. Individually, we can all choose to be better people, improve our interactions with others, those we know personally and those we do not. Whether it to the driver of the car in front of us, or the person taking too much time in the line in front of us, acts of kindness grow the soul and make us all better people helping to make a better world.

Kindness is something we all can do.

God Bless You All

COVID-19 ~ Your Energy And Immune Systems


COVID-19 is sweeping the world through near contact between some humans. If we were to use colors, such as the energy of colors as shown above, it might be easier to see how easily this unseen virus can be transmitted from person to person. However, it is also important to point out that it also depends greatly upon our energy and immune systems.

Our bodies do not stop its presence at the end of our skin. Dr. Richard Gerber, M.D. has spent years studying and teaching about our subtle bodies that surround what we can physically see. There is more to us than we know.

In his book, Vibrational Medicine, subtitled The #1 HANDBOOK OF SUBTLE-ENERGY THERAPIES, (which has sold more than 200,000 copies), Gerber explains how the physical – etheric interface of our bodies work. It is part of all of us, not just those who know about it.

There is an etheric energetic map inherent in all of us. It is part of our human nature. No one of us is without this invisible human component. Our immune system is connected to our energetic blueprint. We all have one. This is not a belief stsyem. It is now possible to have kirlian photographs taken of our auras, depicting the colors that radiate from us, extending to outside of us. These colors are a valid indication of what is going on inside us, our strengths and our weaknesses.

Because something is invisible to the naked eye does not mean it is not present, which applies both to this particular virus and each of our auras. This COVID-19 virus, while invisible at first, has managed to kill over 100,000 of us in the first 129 days of its existence here in the United States. Why is that?

How is your immune system?

Are you a fearful person?

Did you know that fear within the body breaks down the body?

How is your energy system?

No, it is not just all in your head. Fears weaken your immune and energy systems. It’s an internal switch. Those of us in energywork have witnessed this first hand in our own lives and the lives of our clients. It’s an intricate part of our mind/body connection. The following suggestions apply both to our energy and immune systems.

Currently there is no known cure for COVID-19, according to the medical experts. The best defense is a conscious offense. Build up your immune system. Fear breaks down the immune system. So the first thing we need to do is stop the fear. Even if we are sick at this very moment, fear will not help us. Fear will hurt us. So, stop the fear. Start right now to build up the immune system.

It is one thing to be intelligent and vigilant. It is quite another thing to operate every decision out of fear and ignorance, not knowing how to build up our immune systems for optimal health.

There are steps we can take, in addition to what the Centers For Disease Control (CDC)  tell us. Here is the rest of the information we all need to know.

There are many things we can do to enhance our immune systems, once we have decided not to allow fear to control us. Taking vitamins C and D are said to help. Eating organic, good quality vegetables and fruits are also beneficial to our immune systems. Eating non-organic foods that make the body process harmful chemicals, additives and preservatives break down the immune system. It is all inter-related. All of our bodily systems work together. That is why it is important to avoid processed foods. There is a definite connection between what we eat and our immune systems.

Some of us find eating wheat sets us off, especially if it is non-organic, because of the glysophate used in harvesting the wheat. Glysophate is cancer causing. The human body does not take kindly to dealing with cancer causing substances in our bodies, obviously.

Dairy can be another trip for some of us, since non-organic daily products often contain rBst growth hormone and other additives and preservatives given to cows that make our bodies work harder to assimilate, again working against our immune systems. There are also other components contained in milk that many of us have a hard time processing in our bodies, substances like casein or caseinate. Foods certified as kosher pareve are free of dairy products. By the way, we are the only species that drink the milk from a different animal species. We ought to think more about that. It is not normal in nature.

It is suggested to eat a little of the fermented foods each day to help digestion, like saurkraut, or taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with some water.

The immune system is strengthened by the practice of meditation and prayer. When we connect with nature, using all of our senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, we also connect with our sixth intuitive sense which extends way beyond our limited selves, reaching to the very Source of all Limitless Love, Peaceful Bliss and Eternal Joy Itself. You and I are all a part of this Infinite Being through our shared Spirit gifted to each one of us. The more we tap into our Spirit, the more we tap into the gift of God’s Spirit.

How are we each using the gift of life?

We can choose to build up our immune and energy systems through nature walks and/or creative activities involving our entire selves as we immerse ourselves in music, painting, sculpture, art of every kind, creative cooking, gradening, or a host of other creative ideas.

The immune system and energy system builds with exercise of any kind, such as Yoga, Qigong or Tai Chi, walking in nature, jogging, or running (pay attention to your body cues). We need to get outdoors and allow the vibration of the natural world to entrain our cells back into balance and harmony.

Energy moves because we say so. You and I are all part of this energy. Do we choose to build it up, or diminish or ignore it? Discover a paradigm where we learn to build on positive energy rather than build on fearful negativity. That is key to improving our immune end energy systems for optominal health.


Liberating Self-Imposed Victimhood and Martyrdom

Some of us come into our own at an early age, knowing just who we are with all of our strengths and our weaknesses. Others of us come into this internal and

You are not a victim, nor a martyr, unless you choose to be. You have a choice.

external knowing later in life, while some of us carry on to the end, never really knowing all the dimensions of what makes us tick, or what our mission in this lifetime is. There are so many factors that shape a person, his or her emotional self, personality and personal likes and dislikes, religious and personal beliefs, self-esteem and personal empowerment issues.

There are some of us who live one part of our live, and mature later in some aspect of ourselves. Life has a way of teaching, molding, expanding us to reach for the new horizons we now see.

We have a right to our feelings. Feelings are not right or wrong. The key is, if you do not like how you are feeling, CHANGE HOW YOU ARE THINKING. Yes, you can. This works 100 percent of the time. Yesterday’s post might help in this realization and how to put it into practice.

This post, originally from 2012, is timely since the COVID-19 pandemic has weighed down on us circumstances no one could have foreseen. Today we have reached 1,471,718 confirmed cases  in the USA, and 85,901 deaths. Worldwide there are 4,474,502 confirmed cases with 303,297 deaths. There are real victims in this pandemic. This post is not addressing these victims, just to be clear. This post is addressing the times we sometimes, through habit or choice, choose to be a victim by our own thinking. In these cases, we are living under self-imposed victimhood and martyrdom. This post can help.

Self-esteem, like every other human trait mentioned here, is a living, pulsating energy. Your self-esteem is a living entity, fed every minute of every day by your own thoughts, in addition to the thoughts and attitudes of those who raised you, the schools you went to, the friends and people of influence around you, and the attitudes regarding the value of life you have finally adopted.

What role do you play in your own life?

Do you like how you are feeling?

Your feelings are key to assessing where you are at in your personal development. Denying your feelings is a sign of weakness, not strength.

Everyone from time to time feels empowered. On occasion, we find ourselves in situations of disempowerment. This is the human condition. Two people can grow up in similar situations, yet, one person comes out strong, while the other person comes out of the same set of circumstances emotionally scarred by taking on the role of victim or martyr that he or she has chosen to assume. Why is this?

In order for self-esteem to fully blossom, we need to pull out the noxious weeds of self-imposed victimhood and martyrdom. Some of us cling to these dysfunctions as if they are badges of accomplishment to be worn into every life situation. We could succeed if it were not for this, that, or the other thing that stopped us. Recognize all seeds of negative self-messaging the second it comes to mind.

When bad things happen to us in our lives, we have two choices, not just one. The worse choice we can make is to succumb to the lower sense of self, then act out the role of being a victim, as “woe is me,” that of living out our life as a martyr. The best choice we can make is to identify with our higher self, recognizing that we are a beautiful work of creation.

Now in this time of COVID-19 attempting to call all the shots, you and I can realize that it is our choice how we deal with new beginnings. What was once a viable employment now leans on creativity and ingenuity to make something new. We may not have thought of creating a new online business, grow fruits and vegetables to feed our families, or other ideas that come to mind. Are you a good cook? Do you like to sew? Are you good with tools?
Brainstorm possibilities. Rome was not built in a day.

Do not allow yourself to ever think, agree or believe negative messages about yourself. Accept yourself, right where you are, with all of the history and happenings that have ever happened to you. If there is something about yourself you wish to change for the better, then become aware and consciously work on that.

Liberate yourself from self-imposed negativity. Yes, you can. You are not a victim unless you want to be. You are not a martyr unless you choose to take that role on. But why would you do either? Often people choose these roles of dysfunction because they have learned they can manipulate others by doing so. It is good to take stock of our true motives. Accept who you are now, and consciously grow in the reality that you are worthy.

Because You Deserve To Feel Better

Food Healing 2 ~ Healing Type 2 Diabetes

Did you know type 2 diabetes is totally preventable and often can be cured by using foods as medicine?

You can either live with type 2 diabetes, or you can allow your body to completely heal type 2 diabetes.

Consult your doctors before changing any diets. Never get off any medications unless you consult with your physician first. Here are a few things to consider if you would like to use food-based healing. When possible, buy organic to avoid pesticide residue. Increase oxygen in your heart and in your body, do Qigong, move, walk, do breathing exercises. Ignorance is not bliss. We can fix this. We have pumped our bodies with sugar and milled flour products, which create huge sugar spikes. There is no way our pancreas can secrete enough insulin to process it all. If we want to, we can make the dietary changes necessary to heal ourselves.

The question is, do we want to?

Most if not all chemical medications have side effects, so many in fact that in some magazines, the disclaimers of the side effects of a wide variety of medications cover two or more full pages. Some of the side effects feel worse than the problem they are supposed to remedy. At first glance, this might seem like a no brainer. However, we are talking about changing our diet, the problem that created this problem in the first place. We are possibly talking about food addiction, and food that is used as a crutch for not dealing head on with other life issues.

So the question remains, do we really want to heal Type 2 diabetes?

Do we really want to change our diet in order to feel better?

If the answer is yes, there is help by using the right foods to eliminate type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. Since the problem with type 2 diabetes is not a lack of insulin, but rather a diminished potency of insulin, the foods listed below are recommended in addition to swiss chard and bitter melon. Keep in mind, we are not talking about what foods are your favorite tastes, but using these foods as medicine.

Cucumbers are the primary food for type 2 diabetes. They contain phytochemicals that improve the function of insulin. They will help to balance blood sugar and promote better energy levels. The phytochemicals which help this process are in the skin and in the seeds, so it is necessary to buy organic cucumbers without the wax coating. It is also beneficial to use a 3 horsepower blender to get a 95% success rate. Blenders with less horsepower will not micronize the food necessary to be assimilated by your cells.

Spring onions are very rich in chromium, a trace mineral that helps cells respond to insulin. In addition to chromium, experimental and clinical evidence suggest that “allylpropyldisufide” found in onion lowers blood sugar levels by increasing the amount of free insulin available. It does this by occupying sites in the liver where insulin is activated. This results in an increase in the amount of insulin available to usher glucose into cells causing a lowering of blood sugar. It is recommended to use the spring onion with the green tops.

Cumin seeds are an important herb that balances blood sugar and improves the insulin already present in the body. Cinnamon helps the body better effectively metabolize carbohydrates and improve energy levels after a meal.

Even more powerful than swiss chard (although swiss chard is great for type 2 diabetes) is bitter melon, which is available at Oriental grocery stores. Bitter melon is inexpensive and has the highest amount of insulin like substance. In the long run, it can regenerate the pancreas. These two foods along with a lifestyle change are the keys to being successful. Bitter melon is good when booked with chicken and Oriental black bean sauce, with rice.

You can live with type 2 diabetes, or you can completely heal diabetes.

The only fruits diabetics can have are limes and acai berries (and acai drinks). You must also lose carbohydrates, even from whole grains. The only source of carbohydrates for diabetics on this food-based healing system is from vegetables and beans. That’s it.

This food protocol comes from “The Ultimate High-Phytochemical Food Healing System,” by Qigong Practitioner Jeff Primack. I am a certified Qigong instructor, and Jeff was my teacher.

God Bless

Food Healing 1 ~ Lowering Blood Pressure ~ The Virtue of Increasing Heart Health Naturally by Eating The Right Foods

Where do our medicines come from? They are mimics of the properties of real foods.

Natural, organic foods heal. Chemical medicines for blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes, for example, mimic the benefits real foods provide.

Consult your doctors before changing any diets. Never get off any medications unless you consult with your physician first. Here are a few things to consider if you would like to use food-based healing. When possible, buy organic to avoid pesticide residue and foods laced with added hormones, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and artificial anything else.

Increase oxygen in your heart and in your body, do Qigong, move, walk, do breathing exercises. Change your thinking. You won’t turn into a purple pumpkin if you buy foods that will help you feel better and live longer. You may actually find that you like it.

Did you know if you eat six stalks of celery a day, you can lower your own blood pressure? And there are no side effects to eating celery. Yes, celery is high in organic sodium, but it would take more than 30 stalks of celery a day to get more than is recommended.

Lowering blood pressure also has to do with dilating arteries. The beta glucans found in several mushrooms, including Wood Ear (black fungus mushrooms) at only about $3 per bag at Oriental grocery stores. They are clinically proven to inhibit cancer cell growth, dilate arteries which lowers blood pressure, removes plaque from the walls of blood vessels.

There are also Reishi mushrooms, which are known as a medicinal mushroom, rather than button top mushrooms, because it is known to lower bad cholesterol, reduce hardening of the arteries, and reduces angina and shortness of breath associates with coronary heart disease. But the Reishi mushroom needs to be boiled overnight. Drinking the tea is the best way to ingest its medicinal qualities. Boil six cups of water, one handful of Goji berries, and one handful of dried black fungus mushrooms, then simmer for six hours or overnight. (The mushrooms get very large.) Strain the tea, cool and enjoy the benefits. It is recommended to drink this tea for 14 days. Most people do not have an adverse reaction. This tea is rich in Vitamin D, B1, B2, has three times as much Iron as liver, and twice as much calcium as milk.

Did you know heart disease can be reversible with food?

There are some foods that remove arterial plaque, like oatmeal (use the old-fashioned kind, not the minute kind), which draws out the fats from your arteries. Avocado is critical for heart health and healing. It’s a good living fat, and contains beta-sitosterol, which has a greater impact on blood cholesterol than either olive or almond oil. Okra and eggplant are two other powerful artery scrubbers.

Did you know you can reverse diabetes with food? I will address foods that are known to reverse diabetes in my next post.

These food protocols come from “The Ultimate High-Phytochemical Food Healing System,” by Qigong Practitioner Jeff Primack. I am a certified Qigong instructor, and Jeff was my teacher. If you ever get the opportunity to take any of his classes or watch his videos, they are worth their weight in gold, and much better health.

God Bless

This Blog Is Read Worldwide Since Its Inception January 2020 ~ 98,491 Views

As of April 22, 2020, there are 98,491 views from 203 countries, territories and protectorates worldwide who have read my blog: http://www.lindahourihan.wordpress.com. These statistics come from the WordPress website which counts each view and its location. I was on a cruise ship once and spoke to one of the attendants who sounded very interested in my blog. I think that is where all the various islands and vacation lands came in.  The following shows how many views from each country this blog has received since its inception January 2012. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog.

No matter which country, territory or protectorate you come from, please know  that as members of the human race, we are all the same, loved by God regardless of the color of our skin or any other difference we can think which makes us all unique. We are all made in the image and likeness of God our heavenly Father. God bless you all.

USA ……………………………………………………. 59,998
Canada ……………………………………….. 5,477
United Kingdom …………………………. 4,844
India …………………………………………… 3,062
Australia ……………………………………. 2,885
Germany ………………………………………. 1,336
Philippines ………………………………… 1,317
South Africa ………………………………. 1,083
France ………………………………………………….. 946
Netherlands ……………………………….. 773
Singapore ………………………………………….. 710
Brazil ………………………………………………….. 594
New Zealand …………………………………….. 559
Ireland ……………………………………………….. 552
Argentina ………………………………………… 507
Malaysia …………………………………………….. 480
Romania ……………………………………………….. 474
Indonesia ………………………………………….. 473
European Union ………………………………. 471
Italy …………………………………………………….. 391
Mexico ………………………………………………….. 368
Spain ………………………………………………………. 361
Sweden ……………………………………………………. 350
Norway ……………………………………………………. 349
United Arab Emirates ………………… 292
Greece ……………………………………………………… 287
Belgium …………………………………………………. 267
Hong Kong SAR China …………………. 266
Thailand ………………………………………………… 264
Pakistan ………………………………………………. 258
Japan ………………………………………………………. 251
Turkey ……………………………………………………. 244
South Korea ………………………………………. 239
Portugal ………………………………………………. 235
Denmark …………………………………………………. 235
Switzerland ………………………………………. 297
Russia ……………………………………………………. 187
Saudi Arabia ……………………………………. 187
Egypt ………………………………………………………. 175
Finland ………………………………………………… 173
Poland ……………………………………………………. 166
Israel ……………………………………………………. 159
Nigeria …………………………………………………. 149
Austria …………………………………………………. 148
Vietnam …………………………………………………..144
Ukraine …………………………………………………..138
Croatia ……………………………………………….. 137
Taiwan ……………………………………………………. 133
Bulgaria …………………………………………….. 133
Chile …………………………………………………….. 130
Kenya …………………………………………………….. 129
Serbia ………………………………………………….. 127
Czech Republic …………………………….. 123
Trinidad and Tobago …………………… 122
Hungary …………………………………………………..103
Sri Lanka ………………………………………………. 99
Slovenia …………………………………………………..92
Lebanon …………………………………………….. 92
Peru ………………………………………………………….. 84
Colombia …………………………………………………. 82
Kuwait …………………………………………………….. 70
Slovakia ……………………………………………….. 69
Puerto Rico …………………………………………. 64
Iceland ………………………………………………….. 61
Jamaica ………………………………………………….. 61
Bangladesh ………………………………………….. 59
Mauritius ………………………………………………. 57
Ghana ……………………………………………………….. 55
Malta ……………………………………………………….. 54
Lithuania …………………………………………….. 53
Qatar ……………………………………………………….. 52
Ecuador ………………………………………………….. 50
Estonia ……………………………………………………. 48
Tunisia ………………………………………………….. 43
Costa Rica ………………………………………….. 42
Venezuela …………………………………………….. 41
Guatemala …………………………………………….. 40
Bahrain ………………………………………………….. 40
Latvia …………………………………………………….. 38
Cambodia ……………………………………………….. 37
Nepal ……………………………………………………….. 37
Bahamas …………………………………………………. 36
Honduras ……………………………………………….. 36
Tanzania ………………………………………………. 31
Macedonia …………………………………………….. 30
Dominican Republic ………………………. 30
Morocco ………………………………………………….. 29
Cyprus …………………………………………………….. 29
Myanmar (Burma) …………………………….. 29
Oman ………………………………………………………….. 29
China ……………………………………………………….. 28
Jordan …………………………………………………….. 28
Algeria ……………………………………………………28
Brunei …………………………………………………… 27
Georgia ……………………………………………… 26
Namibia …………………………………………… 22
Ethiopia …………………………………………. 22
Albania …………………………………………… 22
Moldova …………………………………………….. 21
Bosnia and Herzegovina ……………… 19
Barbados …………………………………………………. 19
Mongolia ……………………………………………….. 18
St. Lucia …………………………………………….. 18
Panama …………………………………………………….. 17
Cote d’Ivoire …………………………………. 17
Azerbaijan …………………………………….. 16
Fiji ………………………………………………………….. 16
Aruba ……………………………………………………….. 16
Armenia ………………………………………………… . 16
Guam ………………………………………………………….. 15
Botswana ……………………………………………….. 15
El Salvador ……………………………………. 15
Uruguay …………………………………………………… 15
Uganda ………………………………………………….. 15
Zimbabwe ……………………………………………….. 14
Luxembourg ………………………………………… 14
Zambia …………………………………………………….. 14
Curacao ……………………………………………………. 13
Belize …………………………………………………….. 12
Reunion ………………………………………………….. 12
Cuba ………………………………………………………… 12
Andorra …………………………………………….. 11
Macau SAR China …………………………… 11
Guyana ……………………………………………… 11
Iraq …………………………………………………….. 11
Antigua and Barbuda ……………………. 11
Kazakhstan ………………………………………. 11
Senegal ………………………………………………. 11
Bolivia …………………………………………….. 10
U.S. Virgin Islands ……………………… 10
Grenada …………………………………………….. 10
St. Vincent and Grenadines …… 10
Paraguay ……………………………………………. 10
Bermuda ……………………………………………… 9
Palestinian Territories ……………… 9
British Virgin Islands ………………… 9
Jersey ………………………………………………….. 8
Syria …………………………………………………….. 8
Martinique …………………………………………. 8
American Samoa ……………………………… 7
Maldives …………………………………………… 7
Faroe Islands …………………………………….. 7
Guernsey …………………………………………… 6
Cayman Islands …………………………….. 6
Laos ……………………………………………………. 6
Suriname …………………………………………… 6
Montenegro ……………………………………… 6
Nicaragua ………………………………………….. 6
Cameroon …………………………………………… 6
Isle of Man …………………………………….. 6
Libya …………………………………………………… 5
Afghanistan ……………………………………. 5
Palau …………………………………………………… 5
Sint Maarten …………………………………… 5
Uzbekistan ………………………………………. 5
Kyrgyzstan ……………………………………….. 4
Yemen …………………………………………………… 4
Mozambique ……………………………………….. 4
Vanuatu ……………………………………………….. 4
Belarus ……………………………………………….. 4
Benin …………………………………………………… 4
Sudan …………………………………………………… 4
Congo – Kinshasa ……………………………. 3
Dominica …………………………………………….. 3
Rwanda …………………………………………….. 3
Malawi ………………………………………………… 3
Seychelles …………………………………………. 3
Angola ………………………………………………… 3
Liberia ……………………………………………….. 3
St. Kitts and Nevis ………………………… 3
Iran ……………………………………………………. 2
Mayotte ……………………………………………. 2
Papua New Guinea ……………………….. 2
Madagascar ……………………………………… 2
French Guiana ………………………………. 2
Northern Mariana Islands …………… 2
South Sudan ………………………………….. 2
Bhutan ………………………………………………. 2
Vatican City …………………………………… 1
Mali ……………………………………………………. 1
Aland Islands …………………………………. 1
Sierra Leone ………………………………….. 1
Marshall Islands …………………………….. 1
Tonga ……………………………………………….. 1
Turks and Caicos Islands …………… 1
Congo – Brazzaville ………………………… 1
Caribbean Netherlands …………………… 1
Gibraltar …………………………………………. 1
Togo ……………………………………………………. 1
Burundi ……………………………………………… 1
French Polynesia …………………………….. 1
Lesotho ……………………………………………….. 1
Micronesia ……………………………………….. 1
Netherlands Antilles ……………………… 1
Gambia ………………………………………………… 1
Comoros ………………………………………….. 1
Kiribati ……………………………………………… 1
Guinea – Bissau ………………………………… 1
Somalia ……………………………………………. 1
Tajikistan ………………………………………….. 1
Gabon …………………………………………………. 1
Guadeloupe ……………………………………… 1
Burkina Faso …………………………………….. 1

God Bless You All

Food As Medicine ~ Natural Cures For Arthritis And Cancer

It is time we take responsibility for our own health and empower our own Immune System. Most pharmaceuticals only treat the symptoms.

Western medicine solutions, though needed at times when we have ignored all the symptoms that try to capture our attention, are often invasive, expensive and painful, relying too heavily on surgery and drugs which all to often have negative side effects. To get to the cause of all major illness, we can help ourselves a great deal and often can eradicate the cause of the illness by using food as medicine, as it was intended. Arthritis is one illness which can be treated to a large extent by using food as medicine, from my research and experience.

This post is not intended to treat, prevent or cure any disease and is not endorsed by the FDA. However, by using food as medicine, we often can restore and maintain optimal health. By consuming large quantities of animal fats (excluding fish oil), dairy; and acidic things like coffee, alcohol, soda, milk and fried foods, we increase the likelihood of dysfunctional symptoms that can bring on our own diseases. We all eat food everyday. Why not eat the food known to alleviate the diseases that plague us?

Our world today is filled with poison, heavy metals and newly emerging viruses. We strengthen our Immune Systems when we feed it the right fuel, PHYTOCHEMICALS. I will share more about phytochemicals in upcoming posts.

Natural remedies in nature, like distilled water, benefit the body by hydrating our bodies with the best ph7 balance drink.

Dr. Alexander Graham Bell said, “I have found distilled water is a sovereign remedy for my rheumatism. I attribute my almost perfect health largely to distilled water.”

Dr. Allen Banik, O.D. said, “Distilled water should play a most important part of the treatment for arthritis.”

Drinking ONLY distilled water a lot throughout the day is a wonderfully natural help for those of us with arthritis. Distilled water draws out inorganic minerals that lead to calcium deposits and countless other health problems.

Other remedies suggested from the food course in the Qigong Teacher training I went through with Jeff Primack, suggest 1 Tablespoon of Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate combined with 1 Teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar in four ounces of water – twice a day. He says, “This is especially helpful for gout, but all forms of arthritis will benefit from Cherry’s COX-2 Inhibitors that reduce pain and inflammation.” Cherry is known to remove uric acid, also helpful for those who suffer from kidney stones. Apple Cider Vinegar is well-known for helping arthritis.

Natural Eggshell Membrane, 500mg, once or twice daily is known to have the building blocks of cartilage, helpful for Osteoarthritis since it greatly helps with pain and rebuilding joints. Primack says, “No other food helps to build joints like this.”

He also suggests taking 3 grams of DHA everyday with meals. This is a high dose for decreasing body inflammation, and has been shown to greatly help with arthritis. DHA is beneficial for people with heart disease, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and depression, according to Primack.

Turmeric Curry, whose yellow-orange pigment is called Curcumin, is nature’s anti-inflammatory, gift to humanity. “In numerous studies, Curcumin has been shown to be comparable to the potent drugs hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone as well as over the counter anti-inflammatory agents such as Motrin. Unlike these drugs, which are associated with significant toxic effects, Turmeric has no side effects.

“Cancer is very afraid of Turmeric being in your diet. New research conducted at University of Texas suggests that even when breast cancer is already present, Curcumin within Turmeric can help slow the spread of breast cancer cells in mice. In another laboratory study on human lymphoma cells published in the September 2005 issue of Biochemical Pharmacology, University of Texas researchers showed Cucumin, one of the many active phytochemicals in Turmeric, was found to suppress cancer cells. Early phase 1 clinical trials at the University of Texas are now looking into Turmeric’s chemo-preventive therapeutic properties against myeloma and pancreatic cancer,” said Primack.

It is interesting to note that prostate cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in American men with 500,000 cases appearing each year. In India, prostate cancer is a rare occurrence among men, whose low risk is attributed to a diet rich in the Curry spice. Turmeric improves your liver’s ability to detoxify and has been shown to help people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Try substituting your regular breakfast with this high-phytochemical food healing system recipe for pain/arthritis and inflammation made in a high powered blender (like Blended):

2 cups distilled water
30 cherries, remove pits
1/2 organic cucumber with skin and seeds
1 small papaya without seeds
1 pineapple stem (the bulb between the leaves and the pineapple – it is course and needs high-powered blender)
1 inch pineapple slice (skin removed)
1 ounce Goji berries
2 nodes fresh cilantro
1 inch slice fresh ginger
1 teaspoon turmeric power

If at all humanly possible, take the Qigong Class taught by Jeff Primack, and the extra food course he offers, which is based on Naturopathic Food Healing Science. It is worth its weight in gold.
