Abraham ~ Martin ~ John ~ Bobby and Aeschylus ~ Timeless Message and Music

“We have to make an effort in the United Sates.

“We have to make an effort to understand to get beyond or go beyond these difficult times.

“My favorite poem is by Aeschylus.

“He once wrote, ‘Even in our sleep, pain, which cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart, until our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom, through the awful grace of God.

“What we need in the United States, is not division.

“What we need in the United States is not hatred.

“What we need in the United States is not violence and lawlessness,

“But is love, and wisdom, and compassion toward one another.”

Abraham is Abraham Lincoln.

John is John Kennedy.

Martin is Marti Luther King.

Bobby is Robert Kennedy, Jr.


Jesus Was Not Killed by Atheism and Anarchy

Have you ever spoken with someone who tells you that he or she knows what God thinks, what God wants you to do, or what God will do to those who don’t obey what they think God wants?

These words are the spawn of FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. Political and religious fear mongers continue beating the drum of FEAR to motivate their followers to do their will, which they cannot do without their fear-filled followers. These leaders themselves are not filled with fear. Fear, obligation, and guilt, known as FOG, is the acronym used to refer to their arsenal of weapons, along with manipulation as a reinforcement.

“Physical abuse can be seen. But the seemingly invisible mental abuses political and religious cult leaders inflict on their unsuspecting subjects is not God-inspired nor politically productive for a democratic nation, nor any healthy congregation of believers. Political and religious cult leaders cling to an un-holy god of deception, using manipulation, fear, obligation, and guilt, otherwise known as FOG[1]. The acronym FOG, referring to fear, obligation, and guilt, was first coined by Susan Forward and Donna Frazier when dealing with emotional blackmail.” taken from IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM

[1] FOG – Fear, Obligation & Guilt — Out of the FOG

Again I ask, have you ever spoken with someone who tells you that he or she knows what God thinks, what God wants you to do, or what God will do to those who don’t obey what they think God wants?

These are loaded questions which require a deeper look at the intentions of people. Often the intentions of people with good will, who are following the dark and negative drumbeat of suspicion and conspiracy theories, are misguided because they are misinformed, calling truth lies and believing all the political and religious spin of a conspiracy merry-go-round. Their political and religious leaders seem to be coming from a place for the common good based on what they claim to be fact, that they know the mind of God. This is the lie.


If anarchy, destruction, chaos, and murder is their MO, Motis Operandi., their god is not the good God. You will know these people by the fruits they bear.

Political leaders who claim they are standing on the principles of God would better serve the world as religious leaders, if that is their calling. Otherwise, political leaders ought to be serving the cause of the betterment of the humanity whom they say they care for, by positive solutions that build up. The USA has the separation of church and state for a very good reason.

What are good-hearted and good-willed people to do once they recognize that they have been deluded by the very ones they trusted, gave money to, and for whom they followed their direction only to discover their fearless leaders turned out to be corrupt and incorrect?

Do not hand over your personal power to anyone.

There are unscrupulous people in the world, some of whom pretend to be your friends, or claim to know what is better for you then yourselves. They want your money. They want your time. They want you to do their bidding, because on their own they cannot succeed. Do not follow the fox into the chicken coop.

Take a moment to reassess. Work for peace. Work for the common good of all people. Notice if the people you give money to are eating better than you. How many people of middle and lower economic status continue bailing out rich corporations, politicians, and religious entities?

It is good to change your mind, when you discover you have been railroaded by corrupt minds. Recognize the delusion others may have pulled the wool over your eyes for a few years. But now that truth is uncovered, let the light shine on your peaceful, loving intentions, clear the cobwebs of your mind, and focus on the unity and harmony.

Insults and biting sarcasm are the lowest form of communication. Even children know and do this.

It takes strength of character to uncover the truth of the reality of what is taking place in the USA. You may have been on the opposite side of the issue. Now you may have a clearer understanding that the truth is not what you were told. Everyone makes mistakes. Mature character development can admit when lies were told to you as if they were the truth. Truth matters.

It’s not important to stay on the wrong course in order to save face, nor money, nor friends. Now is the time to find out for yourself what the truth is. This is what can build a better tomorrow.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Drop The Fear ~ Stregnthen Your Will ~ Balance Your Life ~ Repost from 6/29/2012

Dropping fear in your life greatly assists you on your journey through this life. We have so many fears, which trigger so many dysfunctional habits, and make us

On your Path, follow the Light. Light banishes fear, always.

mentally, physically and spiritually sick. Dropping fear is a continual process. Like the layers of an onion, there can be more fear to let go of. Dropping fear balances and harmonizes your life, strengthens your will, and brings peace, self control, and self esteem.Waking up our will is a gradual process. Surpressing your will is the ultimate sabotage. But many people are afraid to empower themselves for fear of what others might think, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change, fear of standing out, fear of the crowd, fear of being alone, fear of people’s differences, fear of another’s religion, fear of people in other countries, fear of retaliation, fear, fear, fear.

When we justify our fears, we shrink our will, our voice, our opinion on the matter. Justifying our fears is our way of hiding from the truth that we are a Divine Creation, formed by Divine Light and Love, with Divine Spirit and Divine Will, as an intricate part of the essence of us. Balancing our will and our spirit make us whole. This balancing heals what hurts us, not just as individuals, but also us as nations across this globe.

Fear is a waste of energy.

Fear stifles you from fulfilling what you came here to fulfill.

Fear immobilizes and shuts down positive solutions.

Fear is unreality, a place where the Light of Love has not yet shown, but can be shown.

Fear is the hidden root cause of anger, misunderstandings and judgements.

Before we can achieve world peace, which is possible, we need to eradicate fear from every corner of our being. Once we do that, we will relax, our nations will relax.  We will heal individually, and our nations will heal globally.

We need to raise our vibrations, build bridges and trust, with ourselves and others. Find the common ground where possible. It is neccessary at this time, to balance our spirit and our will. They are not in competition with each other, nor is one more important than the other. It is a mistake to sacrifice the will to make the spirit stronger. And it is a mistake to sacrifice the spirit to make the will stronger. You are able to bring yourself into balance with these self help tools.

How do you drop fear? Bring it out of hiding. Darkness goes away when the light is turned on. Discuss the fear with a friend, or write about it on a paper and burn it in the fireplace. Take action.

Do not be swayed by fear tactics of others. That’s what bullies do. You stand up to bullies or they will bully you all your life, until you do. If you use fear tactics as motivation in any way, stop doing that. That’s not the karma you want to build. Stay clear. Stay in the Light. Stay in Love. Ground the Light. Ground the Love. Be the Light to show others the way out of fear. You will feel better, and so will they.


Healing A Nation ~ Repairing Broken Relationships

Hanging onto personal preferences over finding common ground that is mutually beneficial to all is like the white-knuckling grip of the fist hanging on for dear life from a branch overhanging the jagged, steep cliff. It’s a stupid idea that does not work in the end.

Whether we’re talking about repairing relationships with families, friends, neighbors, schools, cities and towns, our own or other country’s politics, or other social settings; repairing relationships takes concerted effort, but it is possible.

We form our opinions, ideas, goals and judgments with the precision ice skaters use when sharpening their blades. It is effective. Ice skaters use their sharp edges to cut through the ice at will to jump, turn and perform outlandish moves. We do the same thing with our opinions, thoughts, words and actions. Now is the time to melt our own sharp edges, using our own will to better serve us in healing the rifts in humanity that we have caused. Maybe we did not personally cause the rift in humanity, or whatever the dysfunction is in our corner of the world. But that does not mean we cannot be part of the healing, repairing relationships process.

Whatever we focus on grows, no matter which subject it is. Focusing on division keeps everyone in division. Focusing on healing relationships works, whether it is personal or social, as in work related issues, or the politics that is tearing nations apart.

Why not focus on healing the relationship and healing the nation?

This is the team building approach. It works in our jobs, schools, clubs, anywhere we want to work together productively to get things done. Finding what is wrong with every different idea, or attempt at success if it is not our idea, and highlighting the faults of everyone involved does not make for a sturdy foundation on which to build. That would be paramount to erecting our building in sand. It will crumble, of course.

Always arguing and proving we are right (even when we are not) is an exhausting way to live, or function in any realm of society. It is detrimental to repairing any broken relationship, no matter if we are the one in the wrong, or not. We all know this. This is nothing new. We need to move past pride, personal pride, political pride, social pride, as if that pride is the cord that cannot be broken. The truth is, that cord is the very thing that is choking the oxygen out of the will to heal and advance common interests.

We can talk ourselves into a willfully ignorant and self-sabotaging mindset when we are hell bent on getting our own way at all costs. Such an approach as we are seeing on more than one political stage serves very few at the extreme expense of the many.

What is the best way to mend fences, build bridges, and repair broken relationships?

First, we need the desire to do so. Not mending fences, building bridges and repairing relationships only hurts us, not the other person or group. Paradoxically, this requires an honest effort void of only focusing on self-serving interests. One would initially think that by seeking only what we want will get us to where we want to be. This is not true. We see this exact thing play out in other people’s lives, but have a much harder time in recognizing this fact in our own life or political goals. It is always easier to see the faults of others, rather than our own faults, or the ramifications of our own poor decisions. We spend an inordinate amount of time doing just that. It would serve us better if we do like the sitcom “Friends” when Chandler tells Joey, “Get there quicker.”

Second, we need to focus on finding common ground. It is possible to work together for a common goal. Not working together for a common goal is like watching two-year-old children who throw temper tantrums because they have not yet advanced in maturity and in their thinking skills to realize there is a better way of communicating. It is a sad state of affairs when adults act like two-year-old children to get our way. These adult tantrums are also a bully mentality tactic, to manipulate systems and people to achieving self-serving goals. It might seem obvious that we all should not be bullies, nor allow ourselves to be bullied, but even schools are having a hard time in effectively dealing with bullies. There are legal and humane ways to stand up to bullies that do not result with rewarding the bully. We simply need the fortitude, integrity and courage to use our God-given free will to use our voice and stand up for our convictions.

Thirdly, we need to realize living our lives is not the same thing as playing a strategic game of Risk or Monopoly. Real lives, ours and others, are affected negatively when we live our lives like a chess game. Lives are not meant to be lived under microscopes, carved out with exacto knives. If we are going to make decisions affecting other people, we need to take into consideration all people whose lives we affect, not just our own, or only people who think the way we do.

Fourthly, we need to realize what is the motivating force behind our decisions. Is greed the only worthwhile motivating force to determine a life well-lived? If the bottom line is that there is money to be made at the end of the day, or at the end of the transaction, is that a good enough reason to hurt or harm others, or sell out our countries? Is this the paradigm we wish to make decisions by? Is money the only reason to do any and everything? Are other factors just as important as money?

Fifthly, we need to stop playing games, willfully duping ourselves and others. When we speak with a forked tongue, we know we can then go back to say we covered all our bases. Manipulating truth so it is conveniently contorted, lying, cheating and stealing ought not to be the highest goal to achieve, or to be not counted as evil if we can get away with doing it. If we raise the moral standard to all our lives, all our lives will benefit.

We do not have to do any of these suggestions. It is possible to keep on the path we are on. It is possible to thoroughly destroy our planet and force it into cataclysmic, life-ending cycles. We can chose to lose democracies in the world by ignoring democratic principles as if they are the same thing totalitarian ideals, which oddly enough is exactly what we will get when we give up on democracy. We can close our eyes to the realities we do not wish to look at or address because it bothers our peace of mind to think about. We can do nothing and hand over our own responsibilities to other people in order to blame them for all the evils of the world, as long as the world exists.

What is evil?

Evil is the result of events when good people do nothing. The biggest dupe of all is the most successful trick Satan has accomplished in this world, which is, the lie that he does not exist.

God Bless


pmaEnthusiasm is power. Enthusiasm is inspiration. Enthusiasm concentrates and feeds the powers of the mind, and gives them wings of action. Enthusiasm is the magic emotion that transforms negative into positive emotions. Enthusiasm heals.


Enthusiasm is one of the greatest assets every member of the human race has at her or his fingertips. The effects of enthusiasm are stronger than money, power and influence.

Enthusiasm tramples over prejudice and opposition, spurns inaction, is the offspring of motive, and is faith in action.

Enthusiasm lifts the mind and heart, allowing Light and Love to overflow where formerly stagnant negativity dewlt.

Enthusiasm is dynamic, a burning desire, and a force to be reckoned with.

Enthusiasm steps up the vibrations of thought and alerts the imagination.

Enthusiasm takes the drudgery out of labor.

Enthusiasm gives a pleasing, convincing color to the tone of voice, adds attractiveness to your personality, inspires self-confidence, and aids in the maintenance of sound health.

Enthusiasm is a radiation of our spirit and it’s twin, our will, and is closely related to Infinite Intelligence.

Enthusiasm is the action factor of thought.

Enthusiasm does not mix with fear, envy, greed, jealousy, doubt, revenge, hatred, intolerance and procrastination.

Enthusiasm thrives only on positive thoughts and actions.

Enthusiasm inspires personal initiative, dispels physical fatigue, and overcomes laziness.

Enthusiasm, will power and persistance are triplets that give us sustained action with a minimum loss of physical energy.

Enthusiasm is positive mental attitute in action.

Enthusiasm is related to every faculty of the mind, and is the action-producing factor.

Enthusiasm arouses the subconscious mind to greater activity, inspiring it to project itself deeply into the reservoirs of Infinite Intelligence, where the answers to all human problems exist.

These excepts are taken from “Science Of Success,” by Napoleon Hill.


Healing Emotional Blackmail ~ (FOG) ~ Fear, Obligation, Guilt And Maniplation

pmaWhether or not you or someone you know has a personality disorder, healing our personal fears by strengthening our Will helps. However, some of the fears we have initiate from those around us, and sometimes, by those closest to us, as they attempt to inflict fear, obligation and guilt (FOG) in subtle, or not so subtle ways, including but not limited to emotional blackmail and manipulation. Whether our fears originate from our own minds and hearts, or whether our fears originate as a projection from others that we consciously or unconsciously agree to accept, the remedy is still the same. Heal your Will by strengthening and using it.

FOG was first coined by Dr. Susan Forward, who wrote “Emotional Blackmail” with Donna Frazier. The book describes feelings that a person often has when in a relationship with someone who suffers from a personality disorder. These two women also authored the book, “The Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them.”

One of the most recent courses I took was on personality disorders, and the possible solutions. As I thought, people with personality disorders rarely improve with medications. Whether people took medications or not, what improved their situation was their own drive and wish to improve. People did not improve when they chose not to, no matter how intensely those around them wanted them to. Addictions to drugs, alcohol, drinking, gluttony, gambling, and everything else in life we can over to it on, are crutches people with personality disorders use to cope with their dysfunction.

We can only heal our own addictions ourselves, with the help of the good God above, and only then, if we want to improve. Why do I say if we want to improve? There is a hidden trap that can sabotage us if we do not fully realize what is going on. On a surface level, we know when we feel bad, our self-esteem is low, or we know we need to do something because we know we do not like the way we are feeling. That is when the sabotage appears.

Sabotage infiltrates our thinking. Often the next step in the thinking process is that we review our past failures, even though we tried as best we could to overcome them. We acknowledge how hard we really did try, and then failed, again. After that comes the thought, “Why bother?”

The key to healing personality disorders as well as the addictions that so often accompany them, is in our next thought after that. We can break in to the negative stream of self-destructing coping behaviors.

The first order of business is to tell yourself to STOP. Stop in your tracks. You CAN take control of your thoughts. You can do this. You think your thoughts, always. Your thoughts do not think you.

Improving on how we feel is a three step process

  • Desire to feel better
  • Deciding to do something about it
  • You are not a victim

Step One, desire to feel better. This comes naturally, no matter how sick we think we are, unless we have beat ourselves beyond recognition. Realize you are still “in there” and you can feel better. Yes, when it comes to the coping behaviors that we have learned like addictions, which backfire as they always will, know there is another way to healing your mind and your habits. Get back that desire to feel better.

Step Two, decide to do something about it. Yes you can. Today, like any other day, you will decide what to do with the next 12-24 hours. Even if an interruption or surprise happens in your day, you will decide what to do with that. You have been deciding what to do with every action your have ever made, good or bad, all of your life. Today you can realize that you can decide to do something different, like beginning the healing process to feel better.

Step Three is HUGE. YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM. You are not a victim of your life. Life did not happen to you without your consent along the way. Life is not always kind or loving. That does not mean that the answer to being hurt along the way is to become hateful, angry and bitter. That only increases the trouble you are currently having. Once you realize that you are not a victim of your life, you can then take the necessary steps to make it better.

Many of the postings in this blog are self help tools that benefit everyone who wishes to try them. They work 100 percent of the time. The onlyTruth time they will not work, is if someone stops doing them. In this case, focusing our attention on healing our Will, not giving in to everyone else’s ideas of what you shoud do in your life, makes our Will stronger. When your Will is strong, family, friends and everyone else, cannot pull your emotional strings as if you were a puppet dancing across life’s stage at the whims of your puppetmaster family, friends and others.

These dysfunctional habits of having or accepting fear, obligation, guilt, emotional blackmail and manipulation in our lives, often occur to us slowly. We may wonder if something is wrong with us, or why we constantly fall into these traps. It is not until we become aware we are living our life by walking on eggshells, that we say enough is enough, and strengthen our Will.

We must be in balance to be healthy. Strengthen your Will. It is a God-given quality for us to use. We are not doormats.

All personality disorders benefit from healing their Will. Even if you are a person with no personality disorders, you will benefit from strengthening your Will.

Stengthening our Will is not the same thing as turning into a bully, or bowling people over with our words or actions. If you are going to try to strengthening your Will, go easy on yourself as you start first observing yourself, then trying on new behaviors of finding your voice and asserting yourself. You will find a way that will work for you. But remember, it takes 21 days to change a habit. Stay with it and you will bloom.

Healing Emotional Blackmail ~ (FOG) ~ Fear, Obligation, Guilt And Manipulation ~ Repost

pmaWhether or not you or someone you know has a personality disorder, healing our personal fears by strengthening our Will, helps. However, some of the fears we have initiate from those around us, and sometimes, by those closest to us, as they attempt to inflict fear, obligation and guilt (FOG) in subtle, or not so subtle ways, including but not limited to emotional blackmail and manipulation. Whether our fears originate from our own minds and hearts, or whether our fears originate as a projection from others that we consciously or unconsciously agree to accept, the remedy is still the same. Heal your Will by strengthening and using it.

FOG was first coined by Dr. Susan Forward, who wrote “Emotional Blackmail” with Donna Frazier. The book describes feelings that a person often has when in a relationship with someone who suffers from a personality disorder. These two women also authored the book, “The Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them.”

In my never ending quest to take classes to satisfy by CEU requirements to keep my license, one of the most recent courses I took was on personality disorders, and the possible solutions. As I thought, people with personality disorders rarely improve with medications. Whether people took medications or not, what improved their situation was their own drive and wish to improve. People did not improve when they chose not to, no matter how intensely those around them wanted them to. We can only heal ourselves, like drug and alcohol addiction.

Many of the postings in this blog are self help tools that benefit everyone who wishes to try them. They work 100 percent of the time. The onlyTruth time they will not work, is if someone stops doing them. In this case, focusing our attention on healing our Will, not giving in to everyone else’s ideas of what you shoud do in your life, makes our Will stronger. When your Will is strong, family, friends and everyone else, cannot pull your emotional strings as if you were a puppet dancing across life’s stage at the whims of your puppetmaster family, friends and others.

These dysfunctional habits of having or accepting fear, obligation, guilt, emotional blackmail and manipulation in our lives, often occur to us slowly. We may wonder if something is wrong with us, or why we constantly fall into these traps. It is not until we become aware we are living our life by walking on eggshells, that we say enough is enough, and strengthen our Will.

We must be in balance to be healthy. Strengthen your Will.

All personality disorders benefit from healing their Will. Even if you are a person with no personality disorders, you will benefit from strengthening your Will.

Stengthening our Will is not the same thing as turning into a bully, or bowling people over with our words or actions. If you are going to try to strengthening your Will, go easy on yourself as you start first observing yourself, then trying on new behaviors of finding your voice and asserting yourself. You will find a way that will work for you. But remember, it takes 21 days to change a habit. Stay with it and you will bloom.

Drop The Fear ~ Strengthen Your Will ~ Balance Your Life

Dropping fear in your life greatly assists you on your journey through this life. We have so many fears, which trigger so many dysfunctional habits, and make us

On your Path, follow the Light. Light banishes fear, always.

mentally, physically and spiritually sick. Dropping fear is a continual process. Like the layers of an onion, there can be more fear to let go of. Dropping fear balances and harmonizes your life, strengthens your will, and brings peace, self control, and self esteem.Waking up our will is a gradual process. Surpressing your will is the ultimate sabotage. But many people are afraid to empower themselves for fear of what others might think, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change, fear of standing out, fear of the crowd, fear of being alone, fear of people’s differences, fear of another’s religion, fear of people in other countries, fear of retaliation, fear, fear, fear.

When we justify our fears, we shrink our will, our voice, our opinion on the matter. Justifying our fears is our way of hiding from the truth that we are a Divine Creation, formed by Divine Light and Love, with Divine Spirit and Divine Will, as an intricate part of the essence of us. Balancing our will and our spirit make us whole. This balancing heals what hurts us, not just as individuals, but also us as nations across this globe.

Fear is a waste of energy.

Fear stifles you from fulfilling what you came here to fulfill.

Fear immobilizes and shuts down positive solutions.

Fear is unreality, a place where the Light of Love has not yet shown, but can be shown.

Fear is the hidden root cause of anger, misunderstandings and judgements.

Before we can achieve world peace, which is possible, we need to eradicate fear from every corner of our being. Once we do that, we will relax, our nations will relax.  We will heal individually, and our nations will heal globally.

We need to raise our vibrations, build bridges and trust, with ourselves and others. Find the common ground where possible. It is neccessary at this time, to balance our spirit and our will. They are not in competition with each other, nor is one more important than the other. It is a mistake to sacrifice the will to make the spirit stronger. And it is a mistake to sacrifice the spirit to make the will stronger. You are able to bring yourself into balance with these self help tools.

How do you drop fear? Bring it out of hiding. Darkness goes away when the light is turned on. Discuss the fear with a friend, or write about it on a paper and burn it in the fireplace. Take action.

Do not be swayed by fear tactics of others. That’s what bullies do. You stand up to bullies or they will bully you all your life, until you do. If you use fear tactics as motivation in any way, stop doing that. That’s not the karma you want to build. Stay clear. Stay in the Light. Stay in Love. Ground the Light. Ground the Love. Be the Light to show others the way out of fear. You will feel better, and so will they.
