Religion Has No Place In Public Schools

Public schools are meant to teach our children academics with technological and scientific advancements, not any one brand of religion. Presently it is the radical Christian Right-Wing fanatics who wish to indoctrinate all children, their families, and society through the public school system in the USA.

Manipulation, fear, obligation and guilt (F.O.G.) are the tools they use to sway the minds of those who listen and buy into their unscrupulous peer pressure. Notice the forked tongue of these adults who tell their children not to cave to peer pressure while they simultaneously cave to peer pressure themselves.

Religious groups are not much different from corporations erroneously thinking that money is the bottom line. The radical Religious Right-Wing fanatics are often backed by big money interests, such as the gun lobby and outside influences of other countries hoping to influence the outcomes.

How would the USA wish to be indoctrinated into Sharia Law if the radical Muslim faith was voted in America? Just like Christianity, the Muslim faith is a peaceful and loving faith, but the radical extremists in both religions are dangerous.

Indoctrination is a cult mentality, not an educational tool. Those who wish to promote a particular brand of theology have this option in the parochial school setting, not public-school systems.

People have free will to go to any church of their choice and teach their own children at home.

Freedom is not oppression.

Tax paying citizens of all belief systems are not to use local, state, and federal tax dollars to promote any one religion, including the Christian Right-Wing Fundamentalism.

Please Consider Supporting The Shamballa Family Schools on Giving Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Shamballa Family Schools is a humanitarian project of the School of Esoteric Science where I am a certified teacher of New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation.

I would like to share some information with you regarding the charity work that The School of Esoteric Sciences do supporting schools in Cambodia.

First, you should know that there is a ranking of countries based on their reported human trafficking. Cambodia, where the schools are located, is ranked in the lowest tier, which is tier 3. This means their government is not meeting minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so.

In the rural villages of Cambodia, there are no schools provided by the government. This means the kids do not get an education without schools like ours in place.

Through the Shamballa Family Schools, the schools educate the kids free of charge, but they also pay their families a modest amount to send them to school. Cambodia is an extremely poor country. Opportunities for income are scarce. Kids are sometimes kept home to work. Kids are also often trafficked, sometimes by their families, for a source of income. This modest payment is enough to encourage families to send their kids to school instead of keeping them home to work, or worse.

The Shamballa Family School has 420 students in 7th-9th grades. It costs a little over $5,000 USD for us to keep it in good repair and properly equipped and staffed for the next year. This relatively small amount of money includes the modest payment to each family as well as uniforms and food for the kids. Their academic year begins on December 1st.

We need your help. Please send what you can. No amount is too small or too large. Any contribution will be appreciated.



Check: Make payable to SoES (School of Esoteric Sciences)

   Mail to:

   Lin Hourihan

   PO Box 75

   Fiskdale, MA 01518

If a letter for tax purposes is required, please let Lin Hourihan know by sending an email to with your name and mailing address.


“Re-Membering” Begins With Balancing LOVE In Your Life ~ LOVE Is The Answer

“Re-Membering” begins with balancing Love in your Life. Love is the answer.

“Re-Membering” is the answer to dismemberment. To “Re-Member” is to REMEMBER who and what you are. To “Re-Member” is to become whole, as you once were, before the dis-memberment occured.

Sometimes we were too young to recall the specific memory held within our cellular structure. All we may know is the feeling of being disconnected to ourselves, to others or to the earth itself. At other times, we might consciously disconnect ourselves from groups of people, at school, at work, or in particular circles like our neighborhoods or other situations where we choose not to interact. This is often done as a means of self preservation.

But what happens to us when we find that we have “Dis-Membered” ourselves from every person, place or thing in our lives?

What about our hopes and dreams for a future void of mental, physical or spiritual pain?

This post speaks to the hearts and minds of many who feel disconnected to themselves, either mentally, physically, and/or spiritually, or more painfully, altogether. Not all lives unfold in the perfection of a well-balanced realization of the dreams and hopes they once had.

What is the answer for lives lived in the shell of what could be?

Life throws us curves, unexpected obstacles, contagious viruses, upheavals in family life, bullies and liars in government who promise us one thing but deliver something else, coupled with our sometimes failing at our own best efforts at improving our perspective, or our physical and/or mental health. At other times we succeed in our efforts to understand who we are and where we are going, but mental, physical or emotional pain shut us down.

This life is a school where we learn the lessons necessary to take us further into the awareness of ourselves, who we are, and why we are here on the planet at this very moment. You and I matter. There is a reason we are all here on earth at this important time. You and I are the pendulum of our own life. We try living a certain way, eating or not eating a certain way, going in and out of things we once believed, only to come out the other side to understand why some actions we did or did not take turned out the way it did.

Pain is a symptom. Pain is not the problem. Treating pain as if it were the problem will keep you in pain, since you are not addressing the root cause of the pain.

Drugs are not the answer. There are drugless therapies out there that work 100 percent of the time, unless given up on. Drugs mask the pain. If drugs block pain to the degree that you feel no more pain, they also block other parts of your humanity as well. It depends how much of yourself you wish to numb by the use of drugs. Some people choose this method of “Dis-Membering” their bodies. Just know there is another way that works without the horrific side effects of so many drugs, including addiction.

Whether you are, or are not taking drugs of any sort to dull the pain, you still get to the same crisis healing point, of deciding on if you want, or do not want to heal. Recognize the crutch of saying that this is how you are or have always been. This is a convenient lie people tell themselves. It is not a true statement to say that because of your past, you cannot heal.

If and when you finally decide to heal your past, heal your emotions, heal your body, and heal your spiritual self, know that is IS possible to “Re-Member” yourself. This begins by ACCEPTING yourself at this exact moment in time. Now is not forever. Your awakened, conscious, and fully formed decision, is the starting point to begin the healing process. You can heal any and all addictions, choosing life-affirming decisions over shutting down life decisions.

Whatever you focus on grows. It is my suggestion that you use your free will to decide life over death, healing over sickness, and “Re-Membering” over dismemberment.

Self Mastery is the path of “Re-Membering” your mind, body and spirit to your eternal soul. This is the means of becoming a whole person, not just one aspect of personhood that we have saved as if it were our entire entity.

We are all on this journey of life, which can take our entire lifetime to figure out. For some people, they know from birth who they are, where they are going and why they are here, with little fluctuation throughout their life. Others of us meander, taking scenic or not-so-scenic detours, trying on different diets, spiritualities, and self-expression.

If the diet pendulum of our mind swings too far one way or the other, we can become anorexic or bulimic; if the emotional pendulum of our mind swings too far one way or the other, we can become totally negative in outlook, or totally positive in outlook.

Out of balance is out of balance.

To “Re-Member” who we are calls for us to eat in a balanced way in order to bring the proper nutrients to every cell of our body for proper assimilation and balance in our physical well-being. To “Re-Member” who we are also calls us to have a balanced mental perspective, which diet has a direct affect. A balanced mental and emotional perspective is neither depressive and full of negativity; nor flighty and not grounded in reality. It is important to address the negative aspects in our lives so that we can decide to take charge of these situations in order to find the best positive solution.

We cannot fix that which we deny is present.

“Re-Membering” who we are awakens our soul response, and connects us to the divine within us. The divine within us is not dark or negative energy. What is perceived as dark or negative energy is merely the lack of Light, Love and Positive energy in the balance of life.

You are a divine being in the process of waking up to who and what you really are. You are not what other people have told you that you are. Realize that other people have other, often impure motives, for putting other down, using and abusing others, and injuring the self-esteem of others around them.

Bullies and people who lack self-esteem themselves sometimes attempt to put others down in order to lift themselves up. It really shows a lack of personal growth and development, a character flaw of the one bullying, insulting and demeaning others. Such behavior ought never to be taken at face value. Do not believe the lies others tell you.


Love is the answer. Love is always the answer. You are made of and for Love. Love does not come from outside of yourself. Decide to believe in yourself. Discover your likes and dislikes again. Your views on what you once thought was important may have changed over time and experience.

If you are not feeling Love for yourself, it is because, quite simply, you are choosing not to Love yourself. That is a decision you can change. You can change this in a heartbeat. Never wait to feel Love. Be the inititator of Love. Begin by greeting yourself each morning with Love. Love yourself right where you are at this moment, even if you are in pain, send Love to every cell and fiber of your being.

You are a beautiful creature full of wonder and awe. Who you are is much more important that any reflection you see of yourself in others. It feels good to have validation from others, if and when that happens. But seeing a reflection of yourself in others is only a fragment of who you really are in the bigger scheme of things.

You are your best healer. It is necessary to be ready, and willing in order to be able to heal yourself. That begins with your free will. It is a conscious decision you make. All other remedies from the outside of yourself are all secondary to the power within yourself to rule your own destiny.

Also, decide that you are victim of your own life no longer. From now on, you are the master of your own life. This is Self Mastery. You have learned a lot about yourself. You have learned what has worked, and what has not worked in your life. You have learned what has pushed your buttons thus far. Decide never again to react to anything anymore. From now on, decide how you are going to act in any given situation. If you are caught on the spot needing to make a decision before taking immediate action, “Re-Member” to take a few slow breaths, then act in the direction of your new life-affirming plan.

You’ve got this. Keep telling yourself this, because it is true. Whatever you tell yourself, you believe. If you recognize that you have been giving yourself less than life-affirming statements, or beliefs about yourself, correct these dysfunctional, sabotaging thoughts each time they occur to you.

Before long, by your personal will and decision, you can drop addictions to all sorts of chronically negative previous programming. There are support groups that can assist you if you choose. How you decide to heal is up to you. Just know that you do not need to stay in any situation you find yourself. There is always a loving and life-giving response to your situation.

Make a plan to “Re-Member” yourself to yourself, to others around you, and to your life’s dharma. “Re-Member” yourself to faith, hope, and love, which manifests is joy, peace, kindness, wonder, awe in every moment of every day.

The answer is LOVE.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

40 Tips For A Happy Healthy Life

You can choose to be happy.

40 Tips for a Happy Health Life has circulated on the internet, and has wonderful pearls of wisdom for your happiness health. It is interesting that the first tip is to drink plenty of water. Did you know if your brain gets two percent dehydrated, you can easily get muddled thinking and forgetful memory? We can choose to be happy, it helps to keep us healthy on many levels.

1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E’s — Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5. Make time for prayer and reflection
6. Play more games.
7. Read more books than you did last year.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.

10. Take a 10-to-30 minute walk every day —- and while you walk, smile.
11. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don’t have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don’t over do; keep your limits.
14. Don’t take yourself so seriously; no one else does.
15. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don’t remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don’t hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won’t spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.

32. Do the right things.
33. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. Forgiveness heals everything.
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, don’t take it for granted – embrace life.
39. Your inner most is always happy. So, be happy.

Last but not least:
40. Enjoy LIFE!


Whose Ethics? Now Is The Time ~ What Do You Stand For?

When I was co-chairperson of the Massachusetts Education Reform Act of 1993, I suggested introducing an ethics class to go along with the newly accepted sex-education course that was being taught to that year’s sixth graders. The answer I got back was, “Whose ethics?”

That answer, as if it were a viable one, is what stood between teaching with and without ethics.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines ethics as: “the discipline with what is good and bad, and with moral duty and obligation.”

The other answer I got at that same meeting was, “If we teach morality, whose morality should we teach?”

We see this today on the world stage, as if different sides can interpret ethics and morality differently.

We see this in the movie and television world, where each year, we reach certain tolerance levels addressing crime, violence and bloodshed. Once those limits are set, it seems more detailed crime, violence, and bloodshed is required to maintain the status quo of an increasingly bloodthirsty audience.

We see this in the ever-infringement on innocent youth for the invading and decending language, as well as inappropriate dress, as if it is normal to send prepubescent students to school in the same clothing as ladies of the night.

The government of the United States of America is also not unaffected by sweeping away ethics and morality, claiming immorality as morality, unethical behaviors as ethical behaviors, lies as truth, and always claiming that it is “the other guy” who is lying, even when videos and facts prove otherwise.

Remember, even Pilate asked the famous question, “What is truth?” We all ask this same question when we do not like what we are hearing, and have our own agenda.

What do you stand for?

Do you close your eyes to dishonest practices because they serve you in some way?

Do you sell out your integrity for the bottom line?

Is your political career more important than the lives you hold in your hand with the swipe of your pen?

Do you have any part of playing God by separating children and babies from their parents, putting all of them in cages, those who are seeking refuge at our borders?

Do you make yourself complicit in human trafficking by selling stolen children from their parents and selling them through adoption agencies?

Do you mandate SARS CoV2 (COVID-19) numbers be sent to the US Health and Human Services, which are said to be manipulated into more palateable numbers for public consumption, rather than mandating they be sent to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for accurate expert, medical opinion and dissemination?

Do you close your eyes to global warming and climate change because you receive some benefit of money or endorsements?

Do you listen to medical doctors or pharmacological companies in your decision making process?

Do you trample upon the Constitution of the United States, and what the Statue of Liberty stands for as imprinted on her base, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

Do you stack the Supreme Court with judges who truly serve justice blindly, remembering Lady Justice wears a blindfold signifying that justice is truly blind when it comes to race, skin color, ethnic background, gender, age, ability, or disability?

Do you stand for equal pay for equal work, regardless of people of different race, skin color, ethnic background, gender, age, ability, or disability?

Do you value people over things?

Where do you spend your money?

Where do you spend your time?

What do you think about?

Where you spend your thoughts, time and money; there is where your heart is.

Each of us, whether we are in public office and have a direct ability to make just laws for all citizens, or whether we are citizens making a living at our life’s work, or even currently without work or home, we can all take in the news of the day and create more just and civil societies right where we are.

The recipe for our life may need to change depending upon the variables at hand. We can always use our free will to uplift rather than put down, heal rather than inflict pain, listen rather than ignore pleas for help, listen without an answer running (which is not listening), and feed the poor rather than close our eyes to the plight of hungry humans.

Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. Sometimes it seems easier to give than receive. But receiving is necessary for balance of greed running rampant. It is odd that those who truly are in need of receiving have a harder time receiving what they need, as opposed to the wealthiest among us, not in need, who seek to usurp receiving to fill their gluttonous desires.

Bloom where you are planted, even if you are the only one blooming.
