Jesus Was Not Killed by Atheism and Anarchy

Have you ever spoken with someone who tells you that he or she knows what God thinks, what God wants you to do, or what God will do to those who don’t obey what they think God wants?

These words are the spawn of FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. Political and religious fear mongers continue beating the drum of FEAR to motivate their followers to do their will, which they cannot do without their fear-filled followers. These leaders themselves are not filled with fear. Fear, obligation, and guilt, known as FOG, is the acronym used to refer to their arsenal of weapons, along with manipulation as a reinforcement.

“Physical abuse can be seen. But the seemingly invisible mental abuses political and religious cult leaders inflict on their unsuspecting subjects is not God-inspired nor politically productive for a democratic nation, nor any healthy congregation of believers. Political and religious cult leaders cling to an un-holy god of deception, using manipulation, fear, obligation, and guilt, otherwise known as FOG[1]. The acronym FOG, referring to fear, obligation, and guilt, was first coined by Susan Forward and Donna Frazier when dealing with emotional blackmail.” taken from IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM

[1] FOG – Fear, Obligation & Guilt — Out of the FOG

Again I ask, have you ever spoken with someone who tells you that he or she knows what God thinks, what God wants you to do, or what God will do to those who don’t obey what they think God wants?

These are loaded questions which require a deeper look at the intentions of people. Often the intentions of people with good will, who are following the dark and negative drumbeat of suspicion and conspiracy theories, are misguided because they are misinformed, calling truth lies and believing all the political and religious spin of a conspiracy merry-go-round. Their political and religious leaders seem to be coming from a place for the common good based on what they claim to be fact, that they know the mind of God. This is the lie.


If anarchy, destruction, chaos, and murder is their MO, Motis Operandi., their god is not the good God. You will know these people by the fruits they bear.

Political leaders who claim they are standing on the principles of God would better serve the world as religious leaders, if that is their calling. Otherwise, political leaders ought to be serving the cause of the betterment of the humanity whom they say they care for, by positive solutions that build up. The USA has the separation of church and state for a very good reason.

What are good-hearted and good-willed people to do once they recognize that they have been deluded by the very ones they trusted, gave money to, and for whom they followed their direction only to discover their fearless leaders turned out to be corrupt and incorrect?

Do not hand over your personal power to anyone.

There are unscrupulous people in the world, some of whom pretend to be your friends, or claim to know what is better for you then yourselves. They want your money. They want your time. They want you to do their bidding, because on their own they cannot succeed. Do not follow the fox into the chicken coop.

Take a moment to reassess. Work for peace. Work for the common good of all people. Notice if the people you give money to are eating better than you. How many people of middle and lower economic status continue bailing out rich corporations, politicians, and religious entities?

It is good to change your mind, when you discover you have been railroaded by corrupt minds. Recognize the delusion others may have pulled the wool over your eyes for a few years. But now that truth is uncovered, let the light shine on your peaceful, loving intentions, clear the cobwebs of your mind, and focus on the unity and harmony.

Insults and biting sarcasm are the lowest form of communication. Even children know and do this.

It takes strength of character to uncover the truth of the reality of what is taking place in the USA. You may have been on the opposite side of the issue. Now you may have a clearer understanding that the truth is not what you were told. Everyone makes mistakes. Mature character development can admit when lies were told to you as if they were the truth. Truth matters.

It’s not important to stay on the wrong course in order to save face, nor money, nor friends. Now is the time to find out for yourself what the truth is. This is what can build a better tomorrow.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Renegade Child Bullies Grow Into Adult Bullies When They Are Never Held Accountable ~ How To Deal With A Bully Unless You Want A Generation of Bullies And People Who Cower To Bullies

People are not born bullies. They are usually first bullied by others, ingraining them with the perversion to bully to get their own way, as a means of payback, strong arming others into doing their bidding, to avoid getting into trouble themselves, or to push their dark sinister plots. Their tell-tale mantra is, “Might is right.” Unless you stand up to a bully in your personal, professional, or public life, they will continue to bully. If no one has the integrity and moral fortitude to stand up for that which is right, a generation of cowards is born from inaction.

Silence is agreement.

This is the way of the lawless who bark out that they want law and order to prevail, but only for others, not themselves. The habit for this kind of thought process and renegade behavior traditionally begins at young and impressionable ages of children.

Children of all ages will try and/or undergo the most outrageous things as they attempt to learn to stand up for themselves.

This happens to the most innocent among us. Once when I was in first grade, I bit a friend. Oh my God, I actually bit a friend in the classroom. To this day I do not remember why I did that. My mother was called in and I had to go out and stand in the hall, the punishment of my day. My mother was called into the school to speak with the teacher then and there. I found this to be humiliating. I’m sure the friend who I bit was not impressed by my out-of-control reaction also. The point here is that I received an immediate and just-deserved punishment.

There was no waiting, the innocent friend who I bit did not also have to be punished in the hall, nor have her parent also called in. We both did not receive the same punishment. My mother did not sue the school, nor the teacher. I was the one who had wronged another. This was not the teacher’s fault, nor the school’s fault. It was my own fault. There was instant cause and effect, instant Karma.

Years later, as a mother, I called the elementary school teacher after school one day because in her classroom and under her watchful eye, some of her students were picking up one of my daughters, spinning her around against her will. She was the smallest one in the class and was humiliated by this. They all thought this was so funny. My daughter did not and was coming home crying day after day. I tried to empower her with my words, but when that failed, I called this teacher to say that my daughter was being bullied in her classroom, right under her nose.

To my surprise, the teacher told me that there was nothing she could do, that my daughter herself had to set her own boundaries. Notice the difference in teacher authority of the behavior that would be tolerated in the classroom of the first teacher as opposed to the second teacher. Obviously, my daughter’s “friends” were not listening to her when she told them her boundaries. The bullying continued until I called the parents of the girls.

Wouldn’t it be nice if all people being bullied could tell people to stop, and they would. This teacher allowed the bullying to continue. I made it stop. But without my intervention, this daughter’s self-esteem would have taken a major hit at an impressionable time in her life.

That is how it is with bullies. They continue until someone makes them stop. It is not right to punish the offender and the person who was already wronged, which would victimize them twice. That is cruel punishment in my book.

This is how we have home-grown bullies now at the helm of powerful positions, thinking they can do what they want, whenever they want, without penalty. This is also why we now have a generation of people who cower to bullies, most of whom get away with lying, cheating and worse depending on who they have connections with, or how much money they can pay off.

Recent extreme actions are taking place in full view of the public by those who think they can get away with anything because until now, they always have.

George Floyd died at the knee of police and by police agreement with the crime.

How do you counteract the undercurrent of systemic racism and bully mentality that is permeating the country and the world, such as the shocking thoughts of, “I don’t agree with your politics so I can break into your house, shoot you while you sleep, beat you up, or kneel on your neck for nine minutes until you die?”

Right after the death of George Floyd, I was in the local gym and overheard one guy tell another guy that people ought to keep their politics out of sports, since Colin Kaepernick had just taken a knee during the National Anthem at the previous football game, using his freedom of speech to quietly and honorably take a stand against racism. It was impossible for me not to tell my personal trainer within the earshot of these two men, that the next time I heard the National Anthem that I was going to take a knee. The two men became silent.

We see renegade Republicans thinking that they are above the law, twisting laws as if they were pretzels made just for them, stoking lies and conspiracies, because the bully traits never change. These bullies never learned to be fully human, only fully animals, blinded by greed, materialism, sexism, among other distracting things. All humans are part of the animal kingdom, but it is our humanity, complete with empathy and compassion that is the difference between a bully animal and a mature person with a fully developed character. Most recently these bullies did not agree with lawfully obtained search warrants and committed the crime of breaking and entering as if wrong is the same thing as right.

What are people to do when faced with evil, dark and sinister evil gone out of control?

PRAYER is the only answer for most of us not with legal, political, or financial means to do anything else.

Archangel Michael uses his fiery Christ-blue sword of lightening to transform the darkness of the world into Light, Love, and the Abundance of All Good Things. The world will be a better place in which to live if we all choose PRAYER, TRUTH, WISDOM, PEACEFUL POWER, INTEGRITY, and PERSONAL STRENGTH OF CHARACTER, not bully power.

The earth has lived through other ice ages, political corruption, and religious wars before. Once the fires of greed, materialism, consumerism, egoism, get billowed by the unabated windstorm of pride, the scales tip in the direction of the wind. Presently, we do have choices.

All is not lost, yet. We can peacefully, and legally stand up to the bullies of today by PRAYER, just as Archangel Michael did in the course of right. He stood up to the bully Souls of the Fallen Angels and their Nephilim Sons. He still stands up to these same bully dark Souls who never stopped influencing and, in some cases, inhabiting the weak minds of humanity, since these Souls could not return to heaven, remaining here to this day. We see their results. So, when those of us who are not in the positions of political, religious, nor financial authority to help in those ways, we can PRAY for the Divine Assistance of Archangel Michael and Divine Love and Light, which is the only known help against the darkness and evil in this world.


Jesus Was Not Killed By Atheism And Anarchy

Have you ever spoken with someone who tells you that he or she knows what God thinks, what God wants you to do, or what God will do to those who don’t obey what they think God wants?

These words are the spawn of FEAR, FEAR, FEAR. Political and religious fear mongers continue beating the drum of FEAR to motivate their followers to do their will, which they cannot do without their fear-filled followers. These leaders themselves are not filled with fear. Fear, obligation, and guilt, known as FOG, is the acronym used to refer to their arsenal of weapons, along with manipulation as a reinforcement.

These are loaded questions which require a deeper look at the intentions of people. Often the intentions of people with good will, who are following the dark and negative drumbeat of suspicion and conspiracy theories, are misguided. Their political and religious leaders seem to be coming from a place for the common good based on what they claim to be fact, that they know the mind of God.

BEWARE OF THESE PEOPLE. If anarchy, destruction, chaos, and murder is their MO, Motis Operandi., their god is not the good God. You will know these people by the fruits they bear.

Political leaders who claim they are standing on the principles of God would better serve the world as religious leaders, if that is their calling. Otherwise, political leaders ought to be serving the cause of the betterment of the humanity whom they say they care for, by positive solutions that build up. The USA has the separation of church and state for a very good reason.

What are good-hearted and good-willed people to do once they recognize that they have been deluded by the very ones they trusted, gave money to, and for whom they followed their direction only to discover their fearless leaders turned out to be corrupt and incorrect?

Do not hand over your personal power to anyone.

There are unscrupulous people in the world, some of whom pretend to be your friends, or claim to know what is better for you then yourselves. They want your money. They want your time. They want you to do their bidding, because on their own they cannot succeed. Do not follow the fox into the chicken coop.

Take a moment to reassess. Work for peace. Work for the common good of all people. Notice if the people you give money to are eating better than you. How many people of middle and lower economic status continue bailing out rich corporations, politicians, and religious entities?

It is good to change your mind, when you discover you have been railroaded by corrupt minds. Recognize the delusion others may have pulled the wool over your eyes for a few years. But now that truth is uncovered, let the light shine on your peaceful, loving intentions, clear the cobwebs of your mind, and focus on the unity and harmony.

Insults and biting sarcasm are the lowest form of communication. Even children know and do this.

It takes strength of character to uncover the truth of the reality of what is taking place in the USA. You may have been on the wrong side of the issue. Now you may have a clearer understanding that the truth is not what you were told. Everyone makes mistakes. Mature character development can admit when lies were told to them as if they were the truth. Truth matters.

It’s not important to stay on the wrong course in order to save face, nor money, nor friends. Now is the time to find out for yourself what the truth is. This is what can build a better tomorrow.


Gender Equality Requires Equity

Bantering labels, discussing differences, and pointing out divisions, plus what has not worked in the past, is not the way to build bridges, nor get things done. Equity is finding solutions that begin right where you are, finding common ground, and working for the benefit of all of humanity regardless of race, color, creed, age, gender, and every other unique human trait that makes each one of us unique.

Ancient and antediluvian histories say there used to be a Matriarchy before there was a Patriarchy. There were female goddesses, women warriors, including Diana, Isis, Artemis, Athena, Helen of Troy, Boudica and Joan of Arc.

Over time Matriarchy was taken over by Patriarchy, down to this day. Today humanity is awakening to the realization that it is not by fighting or militantly taking a stand opposing the current system of rulers that moves mountains. Arguing with, labeling, and insulting those different from ourselves solves nothing.

What is making positive progress forward in raising women in today’s world?


Equity is the balm that soothes all injustices, oppression, removing the insidious “glass ceiling” in business, finance, technology, medicine, law, politics, and all other boundaries aimed at women and other compromised segments of humanity seemingly under the thumb of others.

Oppressed people can remedy the suppression of their voice and silence the oppressors and unfair treatment in society by voting. No, the election was not stolen in the last election, but oppressors would have you think so. We need to stand up for human rights. Women’s rights are human rights.

Working together for unity, harmony, and equity opens more doors of opportunity than voicing opposition ever can. Promote problem solving over problem creating. It works. Lamenting the past does not heal the future, no matter what the issue.

If you ever get the chance to work with any of the local Conferences For Women in your area, that is an affirming, community building, positive project worth your consideration.



How many of us would put our daughter to death for working on the Sabbath?

How many of us would not touch the skin of a dead pig, as in football?

Does the whole town need to come out to stone someone for planting two different crops side by side?

Should we burn our mothers in small family gatherings for wearing two different garments made of two different threads?

That’s all in today’s bible.

This year, let us use all of our brains not to be obedient to laws that go against humanity, peace, and the common good for all people.

Jesus taught a new rule to follow, known as the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Apply the Golden Rule to everyone, man, women, and child, in every circumstance as the way of peace.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Realize Your Christ Self ~ Laminins ~ Jesus’ Words in The Gospel of Thomas #102 ~

In our effort to “get it right,” we twisted it, perverted it, tried to control it, and used “it” to threaten you

When was the last time you examined your beliefs and compared them to what Jesus actually said?

into submission with hellfire and brimstone. And it worked for centuries. Jesus arrives on the scene at the time of Jewish law and the pagan Roman Empire, which sprawled over that region of the earth. What did Rome want to do at that time? It wanted to dominate the known world. It wanted people to follow blindly, or else some horrible threat would occur. How better to gain control and power over the people than to hijack the mission of Jesus and contort his words of Life into the words of life for the Roman Empire? Look at what has happened to this very day. Have you noticed the Roman Catholic Church, and every other branch from it, in every single city and town covering the globe? Each one of these varied religions claim to be the One True Religion. Whether it is Orthodox, Protestant, or any other religion meant to tell you how to think and not think, or read and not read, with some dastardly threat to your personhood or your God given Soul/Spirit, it becomes apparent that we have allowed ourselves to be the pawns in someone else’s Game of Thrones.

Please keep reading until you get to the part about Laminins, the protein, cell adhesion molecule, at the end of this post.

Jesus said, in the Gospel of Thomas #102, “Woe to the Pharisees, for they are like a dog lying in the manger of the cattle; for he neither eats nor does he let the cattle eat.” They did not have it straight and therefore could not teach what they themselves did not know.

Jesus arrives at the time of Jewish law, control and subversion. Jesus is trying to wake up a sleeping world that does not really want to wake up. Oh, they want to wake up and be freed, but only to go under someone else’s thumb. They fail to realize the reality of the Presence of the Christ within them. If they had not misunderstood the mission of the Christ in the first place, there would be no need for the Words and Works of Jesus. They would have it already. But they did not. Many people today still do not know, nor in some cases, do not even want to know the Words of Jesus that would free them from the control other human beings who have ignorantly, yet powerfully placed heavy burdens upon their hearts, minds and souls.

There is a dichotomy in today’s world where humankind has inside ourselves the Divine Image, a share of the Holy Spirit WITHIN our Spirit which is side by side the human image. We have free will and can choose to recognize either, both, or neither one or the other aspects of ourselves. The Divine Presence comes to us through the Crystal Cord, also known as the Silver Cord, our etheric umbilical cord to our Holy Christ Self. Everyone has this. It is what keeps us alive until it goes back to God. This is why I have ALWAYS felt I was in the palm of God’s hand. We all are.

Why are we so afraid to think? Why are we afraid to think for ourselves? Why are we afraid to think and allow ourselves to read ALL of the words of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi Scriptures? Why are we afraid to research ALL of the sacred scriptures that were revered for four hundred years after Jesus?

So many have bought into the control-system lie that you are good for nothing; you are sinners; you are the problem with Original Sin; that you are not living with the Spirit of the Christ WITHIN your very Soul. If you are alive and reading this, you have the Spirit of Christ living WITHIN YOU, as Jesus says in Luke 17:21. This “kingdom of God,” is the very Christ WITHIN you. This Christ Presence is the pulse of your Soul. It is your I AM Presence.

In the Secret Book of James (2,7-3,38), Jesus tells the twelve disciples, “You have been favored through the Father to receive my sayings. The other disciples also have written my sayings in their books, as if they have understood, but be careful. They have done their work without really understanding. They have listened to foolish people, and they have not understood.”

Brave souls have gone before us, like Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and many others who HAVE dared to understand that Jesus the Christ actually said what he meant. If we take his Word at face value rather than with the human spin of our brand of religious thought, we get an entirely different, Life affirming Spirit of the Christ inflamed by this knowledge WITHIN our Souls.

Jesus is not the one and only Christ. Jesus told us we could do the works he did and even greater besides, in John 14:12 of today’s Bible. He meant it. Coming from the mindset of centuries of suppression of truth, and suppression of common men and especially supression of women, so many of us still place the heirachy of churches and their clerics above the worth of Christ living and breathing WITHIN their very selves. Jesus came to wake all of us up to Christ living WITHIN each and every one of us.

Depending on how you were raised and indoctrinated into a particular belief system at an early age, or not, your mind might shun or accept the truth of the Words of Jesus. There is a tendency to believe the Words of Jesus with the particular “spin” placed upon them with particular meanings other than what the words say. And some of us simply throw out all the Words of Jesus, for one reason or another. I would encourage everyone to keep searching. The library of sacred scrolls found at Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea provide a wealth of inspiration, liberation and enlightenment for your own God-Seeded Soul, your Christ Self. If Jesus quoted from them, as in the Book of Enoch, we ought to use our God-given free will to read these sacred scriptures, without the human spin of “God is in charge of what He puts in the Bible.”

We have free will, no matter what country you come from. Free will is God-given and no one can take that away. You are free to think, read, speak and act in the way you feel is best for you. Mankind is not in charge of God. God has established his kingdom with Christ as the victor. God wins now, and at the end of time.

Now, what does any of this have to do with Laminins? What are Laminins?

Laminins are protein molecules, cell adhesion molecules. We have anywhere from 10,000-60,000 of them holding our body together WITHIN every system of the human body, literally, according to molecular biologists. I understand this as Laminins also having a direct link to our God Particle, CONSCIOUS INTELLIGENCE at work WITHIN the body, and HOW God works WITHIN the body. Laminins organize and tell our cells what their job is in the body. They are like rebar, the steel WITHIN our physical structure, holding the body together. You can think of it as the “glue” holding us together. Next comes the amazing part, at least to me.


Colossians 1:17 says, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Notice the cross shape of the Laminin on the right, and the particular electron Laminin protein molecule on the left. It is CONSCIOUS, INTELLIGENT, and LIVING. Not only is our Soul/Spirit the Living Christ Presence WITHIN us, but here we have CONSCIOUSNESS, INTELLIGENCE, and LIFE WITHIN our physical structure, our own physical body.

Let us do our part in waking up to who we really are, complete with our Christ Selves, our I AM Presence.

The God in Me recognizes the God in You
Have A Beautiful day!

There Is Only One Race On This Beautiful Planet ~ The Human Race

The human race on Earth is the only race there is.

Whether we are discussing the differences in race, color, ethnicity, creed, financial status, gender, or age, we must realize that on this planet, there is only one race, the human race.

Sometimes we try to hide our prejudices behind other reasons, to justify the positions we take politically, socially, environmentally, religiously, or any other way we human beings use to suppress the voice of others.

We are more alike than any difference we profess.

The root cause of prejudice is fear, not hatred. While certain groups may be extremely angry about an issue, the underlying cause of anger is fear. Why are we so afraid of other people, their color, their belief system, their culture, their gender? Think of how we respond to someone expressing a different viewpoint, or addressing uncomfortable issues such as immigration, homelessness and hungry children in our country and the world.

Fear promotes radical groups in any of the human categories mentioned. If we are truly serious about fixing our world, before we can build any bridges to repair the damage we have caused, we must eradicate the root cause of fear.

War, murder and killing are not communication skills.

While war, murder and killing are not communication skills, when communication stops, pretending in the myth of fantasy that things are perfectly fine now, when they are not, we create the reaction no one wants. We cannot blame the fault on the reactions taking place in our cities and nation when we are at fault for not listening and communicating in the first place. Being willfully ignorant is a fascade that does not stand up against the truth in any matter. It is just a matter of time before lives of fantasy denying reality inevitably crumble.

Just when it seems we have made great progress in this country and in the world, submerged voices rise from the depths of class and color suppression. The deeper the supression, the equal and opposite reaction occurs. No human being, regardless of color, wants to be suppressed. White people do not want to be suppressed. Neither do black or any other division of humanity want to be suppressed.

We are all the same in the eyes of God. We are all, each and every one of us, whether we are aware if it or not, are all created with that spark of God within us, our god flame if you will. Each of us is an aspect of God.

We should celebrate the strides we have made. But there is more to do, more to share, more to learn, more to understand, more to forgive, more to let go. It is not about being right, or wrong, or making others right or wrong. There is no way to make up for the loss of life through war, violence, bloodshed, or retaliation. Two wrongs do not make a right. We need to build bridges to and for all people everywhere.

We all have free will. You and I are free beings. How do you and I choose to be the solution based on love without conditions?

Despite all our unique differences, we all share this one beautiful planet. We are all born in the same way, we all breathe air while we are here, and we all die. We are all having a shared human experience. Our life is in our blood, without which we would cease to be. No one soul is better than any other soul on this planet, no matter what our pride (insane ego) might be telling us.

There is only one race on this planet.

It’s the human race.

Let us begin again to fix what is broken. We are better than denying the oppression and racism that is running rampant in our country and in the world. It is possible to fix this problem, but first we must address the issues before us, and not submerge them again, or beat down the voices we do not want to hear.

It is time as a country to mature, to grow up, face the systemic racism, to create real law and order with rules that everyone follows. We cannot not have one set of rules for white people, and another set of rules for black people. The same thing goes for English Americans, Spanish Americans, Irish Americans, French Americans, Mexican Americans, or any other DNA which makes us the greatest melting pot in the world. Nor should we have a different set of laws for the wealthy and the politically and lawfully powerful. The United States needs ONE Constitution and ONE Bill of Rights that EVERYONE can follow, not just a chosen few.

Because You Deserve To Feel Better