Mosaic Of Life ~ A Slice Of Summer ~ A Tribute To The Late Leonid Afremov

Rainbow painting is a recreation made by the Leonid Afremov Studio in Mexico. This painting, as all the paintings in this post, was made using oil paint, a palette knife and a canvas. This painting was also made with the permission of the Afremov family. Visit for more information on how to obtain his amazing original paintings as well as recreations of his paintings made by the Leonid Afremov Studio.

Yesterday I spent an exhilarating day in the midst of the mosaic of humanity in my area. I wondered how many of them knew how to quiet their lives in order to create something that is magnificent, allowing the heart flame of the Sacred Fire of the Holy Spirit, the Universal Spiritual Light Substance within their I AM Presence, to shine forth in their lives in order to create beauty, wonder, awe, inspiration, and possibility. You ARE Spirit. You are encapsulated in a BODY, which includes your MIND. Simply put, if you were not Spirit, you would be dead.

See the living aura of a woman walking in the rain. Her energy is unaffected by the otherwise damp day. Her Universal Energy Field exudes from her in all directions, including her foot and earth chakras. The Fusion of Colors in this Nostalgic Painting by Leonid Afremov.

I saw a young woman dressed in black with a black turban on her head, sitting with a depressed look on her face as she watched her children play outside of the ice cream parlor yesterday. Yes, it was hot outside and she was covered from head to toe in clothing and closed shoes, but I questioned myself whether she knew that her life as a woman was not meant to walk behind a man, including her son, and if she fully realized that the Original Sin history has so conveniently placed upon Eve, the Mother of all women, was a radical readjustment to the reality that the Original Sin belonged to the Fallen Angels who mated with beautiful women of Genesis 6. The Original Sin placed on women down through the ages was that of the raping angels who inhabited male bodies, not the victim women they raped. This woman who was most likely on vacation was obviously having no fun.

You only have to look to see the beautiful mosaic of miracles exploding in full and vibrant colors in the composition of nature in this St. Tropez Painting by Leonid Afremov.

The mosaic of humanity can easily fall into the trap not understanding that Albert Eistein, Nichola Tesla, and even Henry Ford all did not use their own brilliance, knowledge, nor extra-hard work to accomplish the discoveries they manifested. Instead, these people calmly spent time away from others in order to peacefully, and intentionally meditate and contemplate the mysteries of life as they saw them, as so many people before them and after them have done. In doing so, the solutions to the inventions they each sought to create suddenly “came to them.” It was not because they were men, nor because they were extra holy. They simply tapped into the beauty and the possibility thinking without consciously thinking that these unheard-of inventions could not possibly be created in the negative thinking process.

Where does the magic of life come from? Oh no, did I use the word magic?

People in this city are not having their love, light, nor desire to enjoy life dampened by the soaking rain falling all around them. – Going Shopping Painting by Leonid Afremov.

The magic of life arrives to each of us each sunrise. Capture this magic moment before your feet hit the floor in the morning. Realize that the Spirit that animates you is perfect in Its Being physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, naturally. You already know that what you focus on grows. Instead of focusing on what is not working, decide to switch your thinking to the solutions you peacefully seek.

Everyone has some issue to work out in this life. It need not be all drudgery, nor dark days. – Painting by Leonid Afremov.

Do not forget this I AM Presence throughout your day. It is a Universal Energy, God-given tool for you to use for your own personal benefit. It is loaded in Its pulse of Divine Wisdom and genuine heartfelt Love waiting to manifest within you, but since Free Will is involved, YOU MUST ASK.

No matter where you live, in the quiet old forest or the busy harbor of a city, the sun rises and sets each day on the mosaic of each one of us. Night Harbor Painting by Leonid Afremov.

What would you like to do today that you did not do yesterday? This is the magic of each day, something you alone create.

Perhaps from the perspective from high above, you can lift your thoughts to the realm of possibility thinking, seeing the mosaic of your life in a new perspective. Hot Air Balloon Painting by Leonid Afremov.

Balance is the key to a well-mosaic-lived life. But awareness is the key to balance. Without awareness that you have the direct and distinct ability to access and utilize the Cosmic Light Substance of the Presence known as the Great Central Sun, otherwise also known as God, Spirit, Miracles, Universal Life Energy, and/or Chi, you might momentarily think there is no possibility for balance. Another word for this seeming reality is FOG: Fear, Obligation, Guilt.

This FOG blocks the Sun, the Cosmic Light, and your personal miracle mosaic. The Fog of Passion Painting by Leonid Afremov.

FOG, as Fear, Obligation, Guilt, is merely an illusion that you buy into, that limits you in some delusional way, masking and suggesting that you cannot possibly achieve, succeed, or have a beautiful every single day. It is totally up to you to manifest the reality you choose to experience. Not everyone usually has a perfect life every minute of every moment of the day. Things happen. These are life’s lessons. How are you choosing to learn these life lessons?

This painting is entitled, “Catching A Wave,” although if you look closely, you will see the Flamingo Dancer has black high heels on. – Painting by Leonid Afremov.

With Shark Week last week, I for one would not be so quick to jump back in the ocean to surf the waves after what I’ve seen. Then again, it might be just as “thrilling” to “catch this wave” of the dance seen above! Everyone has personal goals. The sky is the limit. What limits you? Do you want to try a new career or new hobby?

Might you feel the need to mix up your social events? – Cowboy Painting by Leonid Afremov.

Change is a refreshing way to see life in a new way. It is a matter of perspective. The same thing holds true with your belief system. Do you ever have any questions about that? Are you still practicing the same religion you did when you were seven years old? Do you ever allow yourself to question your faith? Does your religion advocate book banning and censorship? These are good questions to think about. We have all heard the justifications as to why to keep the status quo. Does that make sense to you?

Trying something new can be exhilarating, whether it is a new employment, hobby, or social event you can share with others. – Horserace Painting by Leonid Afremov.

Each life mosaic need not be gut wrenching, death defying, nor outrageous to be rewarding and soul satisfying. Know that there is a way to fully live your life in a way that does not involve failing by trial and error constantly. There is another way to learn, even for those “old dogs trying to learn new tricks.”

Who says only young people can learn how to play the piano? – Music Fight Painting by Leonid Afremov.

The way to learn that is not aways by trial and error, as thrilling as that can be, is by peacefully taking time out each day to meditate and/or contemplate or pray. Prayer is you talking to God. Meditation is God talking with you. If you never take the time to stop talking, either in prayer or in life, how are you ever going to hear the answers of Divine Inspiration? Some would say there is nothing “Divine” about it. It is simply the way Universal Life Energy works. Contemplation is you pondering over the information you have received in your meditation. Try to never do any of this in a hyper-active state as if it is just one more thing on your to-to-list. What is the rush?

John Coltrane performing. John Coltrane Painting by Leonid Afremov.

Before John Coltrane could stun the audiences with his astounding ability, he had to learn life lessons that made this possible. He invested his time to ensure his talent could be appreciated by others. Some learning takes time. You are never too young nor too old to learn new ideas, concepts, habits that can benefit you as well as others. Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes.

Misty Music Saxophone Painting by Leonid Afremov.

How do you go about creating your mosaic of full perfection? Trial and error is a tough way to go by yourself. You need others with the experience in your field of interest to assist you. Some of us like to be quiet about needing help. Sometimes you need to learn from the mistakes of others so that you do not repeat these same mistakes yourself. That is why there are so many fields of study, like so many brands of religion and religious or spiritual thought. What can you look for that would tip you off that something is missing?

Many people came searching for something they had never seen before, possibly some seeing what they had seen many times before but are now seeing the Arche du Triomphe in a new light. Arche du Triomphe and People Painting by Leonid Afremov.

Look to your own unanswered questions. A religion, for example, that is complete, will not leave you wanting for the missing information, such as, what did Jesus do during his missing years. It is interesting to note that most religions are so proud of the 15 years of the mosaic of the life of Jesus, while remaining quietly ignorant of the remaining 18 years of his life. Aren’t you interested to find out the other notes of his life?

In this painting, titled Dmitry Spiros, this guitar player kept at practicing until he was adept enough in his craft of music so that he could share his knowledge with others who were interested in hearing him play. – Painting by Leonid Afremov.

Asking questions prevents mistakes. History need not repeat itself if you do not want it to. You are in charge of turning over new blocks of color for the mosaic of your life. Maybe you have been limited by the same colors of your life, repeating routines, and mind-numbing habits. Change up how you get to where you are going.

Take a scenic view of life from a different perspective. – Full Size Render Painting by Leonid Afremov.

Allow yourself to make changes, even if change might be the most terrifying notion you can think of. Think outside of the box. Experience something new.

Have you ever enjoyed a ride on a streetcar? – Rails of the Night Painting by Leonid Afremov.

You know there is more than one way to do everything. Only doing the most expedient way to get places and do everything is a sure-fire way to miss the boat on the most complete mosaic of your life. Have you ever thought about this?

Bicycles are not just for children. What age were you when you stopped riding a bicycle? How old were you when you stopped doing a lot of things? Have you replaced old joys with new joys? – Bicycle In Amsterdam Painting by Leonid Afremov.

There is more to the mosaic of your life than productivity. There is more to the mosaic of your life than your paycheck. What matters to you? What are your priorities? What is your value system? Do you have friends you have to agree with to be part of the gang?

Where do you get your news from? Friends Painting by Leonid Afremov.

Do you get your news from the local coffee shop, only one television, radio, or only 140 bites of information on the internet? You are worthy of knowing all there is to know, not just what is most popular. You matter so much that your voice matters, your thoughts matter, your actions matter, and your vote matters. You were not put here on this earth to be the puppet for others, nor to make sure huge corporations make money while taking money out of your pocket. Unless you watch all the news, not just some of the news; if you only listen to the gossip of the day, you will be living your life with blinders on. This will be like constructing your mosaic of life blindfolded, resulting in you not seeing the whole picture.

Test the waters by taking a walk in nature, and soothe the most savage beast, our own relentless thoughts. – Stream Painting by Leonid Afremov.

You do not have to do this relaxation or life-long learning alone. Invite a friend, your sister, brother, co-worker, neighbor, anyone with whom you resonate mentally, emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually. Enjoy the moments that rejuvenate you to your core.

Remember the joys of youth, relationships, color, mystery, and learning with those you love. Sisters Painting by Leonid Afremov.

Observe the beauty all around you. The world offers you both beauty and discord, peace and war, good and evil. Be responsible to those who need your assistance. Help where you can, as in treating others the way you want to be treated. Also realize your limits. Be generous with yourself as well.

Have you ever gone fishing at night? I have been on a boat near sundown. I would advise a healthy bug spray! Always go with a friend. Safety first is always a good rule. – Night Fishing Painting by Leonid Afremov.

Wind down the day as you began, in a moment of appreciation for the gift of the mosaic of your life. There is no one else quite like you. Even identical twins have differences in their personalities. Appreciate all you have learned each day.

A sunset sail with a good buddy is always a joy. Perhaps you are more of a landlubber, loving the land more than the water. That is also perfect. – Sunset Sail Painting by Leonid Afremov.

However you arrive at the evening, it is useful to your body, mind, and soul to call to mind the good things of the day. Be thankful to the Author of the mosaic of your life, that you are even here in the first place. You did not have to be born, yet here you are. I thank God for the gift of you, as I am sure more of your family and friends are as well, and maybe more than you realize.


“If The Flesh Came Into Being Because of Spirit, It Is A Marvel, But If Spirit Came Into Being Because Of The Body, It Is A Marvel of Marvels. Yet I Marvel At How This Great Wealth Has Come To Dwell In This Poverty.” Gospel of Thomas

Your Soul Is Your True Self Learning Through Your Physical Body Experiences.

“If the flesh came into being because of the Spirit, it is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a marvel of marvels. Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty.” This quote from Jesus can be found in the Gospel of Thomas, Nag Hammadi Codex (NHC) II, 2 in the International Edition The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, which were considered to be Sacred Scriptures from the time of Jesus to about 400 AD.

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Why does Jesus refer to the physical body as poverty?

There is more to what religion has handed down to you. Truth has been hijacked, in some cases, leaving you to believe that only the rabbi, priest, nun, minister, monk, church elder, deacon, cleric of some kind has been trained in your version of spirituality. You might think they know more than you if you have only been trained in the belief system of your church.

Realize that although they have been trained in this knowledge, and while they may have dabbled in attempting to understand other belief systems, (with a bias against all other information), they were not trained in the gnosis, the esoteric knowledge which Jesus himself taught. Otherwise, these religious leaders would be teaching all that he taught, not what some of his words were misinterpreted to say.

I am an interfaith Universal Life Church minister, with a Master’s Degree in Chaplaincy, and a Doctorate Degree in Spiritual Awareness, and a Second Doctorate in Universal Order. I have studied those 18 missing years of the life of Jesus and what he taught, not only studying the last three years of his life which religions have manipulated his mission to be, most of which are the compilation of Paul, who was trained as a Jewish Pharisee.

When you learn all the words that Jesus taught, a different picture emerges within your mind other than what got altered for less than holy purposes. I am an interfaith minister because words of different faiths are merely semantics, different words which describing the same reality.

Let’s speak about the mind, the human, physical mind for a moment. Our brain is physical, amazing, but still physical. With our brains we learn and understand as best we can. We begin as young children taking in what was taught to us by our parents, guardians, and teachers. Perhaps they were spiritual, religious, or atheist, agnostic, or scientifically, technologically, or medically minded. We learn what we learn. Learning continues, unless we have been threatened with the loss of our eternal Spirit/Soul with hellfire and damnation should we dare to learn anything else, or unless our pride is too big, sliding off the limited range of knowledge we allow in for consideration.

Know it is a gigantic mistake to dismiss knowledge without first investigating that which you deny. Semantics can play a big part in misunderstanding terminology. Seek to understand more.

Indoctrination, even secular indoctrination, can hold quite a grip and can even shut down individuals either by such tormenting fear that they dare not walk outside of the line drawn in the sand by the religious and even political control freaks at the helm, or by ridicule from an equally ignorant peer pressure group dismissing Jesus without an honest effort to learn. It takes strong character development to stand as the lone individual stepping outside those lines in the sand.

This is part of the mind poverty of which Jesus speaks.

Then comes the day when a new wind is blowing, erasing that line drawn in the sand. Where did the line to learn or not learn go? How will you ever get your firm footing without all those stifling rules, regulations, peer pressure, and some other religious and/or political group telling you what to believe?

Physical maladies appear more obvious. We take chances. We make mistakes (what some call sins). We have accidents. Things fall apart. How does an individual learn except by making mistakes and learning to correct them? Cause and effect, otherwise known as Karma, is an exceptional teacher. We only know what we know when we know it, right?

Life is so tempting to try new things, creating havoc in some cases when we continue on with too much of a good thing, like drug, alcohol, food, gambling, and sex addictions, among others. Still, this is all a learning curve. Everyone has something with which they are not perfect and wish they were better. That is what this life is all about.

This is the poverty of the physical body.

Yet, in the Book of Thomas, Jesus highlights the miracle of miracles, that our God-given Spirit/Soul is generated by our DNA to be born into and sheltered by our physical mind and body. We truly are made up of mind, body, AND SPIRIT.

THIS IS OUR I AM PRESENCE, that thread of life that animates us, is the LIGHT within us.

“If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the kingdom is in heaven,’ then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you.” Jesus says in the prologue of the Gospel of Thomas:

“These are the hidden sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Judas Thomas the Twin recorded.

“And he said, ‘Whoever discovers the interpretations of these sayings will not taste death.’

“Jesus said, ‘Let one who seeks not stop seeking until one finds. When one finds, one will be troubled. When one is troubled, one will marvel and will reign over all …’

“If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the kingdom is in heaven,’ then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you.

“Jesus said, ‘When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty.'”

This statement by Jesus also echoes his words in Luke 17:20-21, that the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU. All new bibles are reverting back to the original words of Jesus, changing the scribe changes of ‘the kingdom of God is among you,’ to ‘the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU.’ Check the modern Interlinear Bible of Hebrew-Greek-English translation.

Now why would anyone be troubled at these words of Jesus?

Religious and Roman political leaders jumped on the chance to manipulate the words and 18 missing years of Jesus in order to subjugate their audiences for unholy purposes at the Council of Laodicea in the year 364 AD. From the time of Jesus until 364 AD and this council, the faithful had been following the words of Jesus, completely, with women priests, and teaching that the LIGHT of God dwells inside all people, the I AM Presence WITHIN THEM.

If you have spent your life being told you are a constant sinner, especially if you happen to be a woman, who was blamed entirely for Original Sin according to modern bibles and most all writings since 364 AD, then you will be more than troubled to discover that Jesus said much more than what was manipulated and preserved in modern religious teachings.

The Original Sin was that of the fallen angels mating with the beautiful daughters of humanity, as Genesis 6:1-5 describes. But that reality was changed in 364 AD. If you do not study and learn about what happened, you remain willfully ignorant of the truth.

Know that THAT is the poverty mentality!

In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus is shining the LIGHT on the LIGHT WITHIN YOU. He is also shining a LIGHT in the world around you. We all have free will to build up or to tear down. This truly is a beautiful world. There are dark forces, those remnants of the Nephilim, whose souls cannot die and WHO CANNOT RETURN TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST HEAVEN, who roam the Earth seeking the ruin of the Spirits/Souls of humankind.

But LIGHT is stronger than the dark.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Your Holographic Aura Holds The Seed Blueprint Of Your Life ~ Spiritual Scientists Are The New Breed Of Physician-Healer Says Richard Gerber, M.D.

Your energy field is not only encapsulated within your body. This seed blueprint of your life also extends several feet around you in your aura. Energy workers are the new breed of spiritual scientists, adept at reading the light vibrations you emit, feeling lack of energy, excess of energy, and are trained in bringing balanced energy to the mind, body, and spirit.

Perhaps one of the greatest books I have read in the past 20 years is the book Vibrational Medicine subtitled The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies by Richard Gerber, M.D. It explains the transition from Newtonian approach of working under the premise of the body as a complex plumbing system using drug therapy and surgery to correct physical malady, to the Einsteinian medicine model realizing that humans are beings of energy who can heal via aligning the energetic template of the seed blueprint of life preciously held within the aura of every human being.

Your chakra system includes hundreds of chakra points throughout your body, but the seven major chakras from the crown and brow of your head continuing down through your spinal column reflect your overall health.

Using coherent laser light in the creation of 3-D holographs is a benefit to science, medicine, and industry. This can be seen in the creations of video disks, fiberoptic telecommunication, and laser eye surgery, among numerous other new applications.

Along with this research and development is the awakening of energy work as a valid form of therapy. Prior to physical illness manifesting within the human body, discordant energy patterns manifest following the pathways of misaligned thoughts, words, and actions.

This is an intriguing look at quantum physics and the nature of the physical world at a moment in time when discovering how energy works in the body can be affected and healed by the use of energy workers. I hesitate to use the term energy healers, because the body knows how to heal itself. It is not someone else who heals us energetically. We heal ourselves, or allow (or not allow) the healing to take place.

Energy workers silently ask their clients if they are ready, willing, and able to heal. I have personally held energy sessions with clients who came in for energy therapy both wanting to feel better and yet still mentally and verbally hanging onto the dysfunction they came in with. This happens when the client has an unhealthy justification of having the malady, as if their battle scars of life justify their illness, wearing it like a constant badge of honor of which they are not quite ready to let go. Their physical malady mirrors an unhealthy mental self-identity. It is up to the individual to let go of thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve their highest good.

We now live in a time when break-through concepts of modern science support the ancient beliefs put forth by eastern and indigenous teachings that we live in a world of illusion. The physical world in fact is both particle and wave and is unified in one interacting whole, just as the human body is. The concept that we are light beings takes on a clearer meaning through this revelation.

Dr. Gerber scientifically explored the use of holograms, how they work by using laser light, as in his realization of the leaf effect when a leaf is ripped and missing its top part, shows the complete leaf intact when a holographic picture is taken. This is how Kirlian photography works in taking pictures of the human aura.

This technique was largely pioneered by the Russian researcher Semyon Kirlian in the early 1940s, about the same time neuroanatomist Harold S. Burr at Yale University was studying the shape of energy fields around living planets and animals.

Both scientists proved what energy workers have based their life’s work on, that illness and discordant energies first manifest in the outer aura of the human body before it settles as denser matter within the physical body.

Also, after illness has solidified within an organ or system of the body, energy work is sometimes the only course of healing after all other means of drugs and surgeries have been exhausted.

How marvelous it is to live at this time in history when such profound remedies, such as flower essences and gem elixirs, New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation (NPMDT) energy work, and holistic counseling are among the top methods for bringing the human mind, body, and spirit back into homeostasis without cutting the body or walking the tightrope of horrendous side effects of chemical drugs which always seek to mimic natures natural remedies.

There are numerous classes and workshops held all over the world teaching NPMDT. The workshops I teach are listed on the right side of this blog. The Basic Master Workshop in April has no prerequisites. It is an enlightening curriculum of the International School of Esoteric Sciences. All are welcome to attend.

Dr. Gerber calls energy workers in this field spiritual scientists. We are now living in a time when we see more than the physical body, intricately interwoven with the emotional, mental, and spiritual self. It is not possible to dissect the spiritual self from the physical and/or emotional and mental self.

All is One.


Your Spirit Exists Because Of The Law Of Light ~ Light Of The I AM PRESENCE ~ The Silver Cord

The Law of Light radiates through your life like a pulse. It is a universal principle. LIGHT within yourself is brighter at moments of inspiration, peace, and love, while it is darker in times of worry, doubt, and fear. We create our own reality depending on what we focus on. When outside distraction, illness, and all other negative forces overwhelm the senses, knowingly or unknowingly, focusing on that which we do not want brings it right to us. Your personal being is not affected by these forces unless you forget that the LIGHT within you, known as your I AM PRESENCE, is the most powerful substance in the universe.

All outer manifestation that comes through the power of this LIGHT is merely the effect of our thoughts, words, and actions brought to fruition. Therefore, the cause of the LIGHT is more powerful than the effect. LIGHT carries with it an emotion and a feeling. It is palpable within the body. The body can feel less dense when its Presence is recognized and felt. This PRESENCE is the Silver Cord of Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 fame in the bible. It is your God Particle. It is eternal.

There is cause and effect throughout all the Universal Laws of life. The Power in the Law of Light is no different. The human body is the outer earthen vessel in which the LIGHT of the I AM PRESENCE dwells.

Who is in charge of this I AM PRESENCE?

You are.

The time is now to understand that this Power of Light, of Life, of Energy, of Intelligence, is the Supreme Governing Intelligence manifest in all of creation.

When we choose to be taken in by horrific news, oppression, cruelty, and doom without any recourse to addressing the positive remedy, positive alternative, and positive change, we suppress the LIGHT within ourselves, darkening our own LIGHT through the use of our free will.

Think of this, it is possible to have our feet planted on earth, while our head is in heaven. Look at your chakras. Each of us has a diving line within the body just above the solar plexus (above the stomach). Below this imaginary line we deal with the stuff of earthly life, sustenance, survival, fears, and things of the earth. Above this imaginary line we deal with our metaphysical selves, our heart’s desires, voicing our truth, tapping into our psychic abilities, and meditating and praying, uniting with the Source of All LOVE. This is when we ascend into the Perfection and Power of our PRESENCE and act from it.

This is a picture of my aura taken in Sedona, Arizona, taken by Kirlian photography near the center of one of the vortexes on earth. Everyone has an energy field around them, meshing with the energies of others as well as with all of nature, such as the flowers, trees, animals, and water.

WE extend beyond our physical skin. Even our DNA extends from inside our bodies outward into our auras. Colors reflect particular qualities shining through the person. In this case, the colors mean:

Red: Activity, extroversion, movement, vitality, health, emotionality, and hands-on-healer

Orange: Active intelligence, self-confidence, joy, happiness, and warmth

Orange Yellow: Sharp intellect, self-confidence, and industriousness

Gold: Transformation, dynamic energy, inspiration, and devotion

Yellow: Intellect and mind, talent for organization, discipline, and ego

Lavender: Mysticism, magic, profound, psychic abilities

Violet: Intuitive, artistic, creative, faith, imagination, reticence, mysterious

Magenta: Spiritually perceptive

Let me repeat, your PRESENCE, your I AM PRESENCE, is the most POWERFUL thing in the entire universe, not just within your family, friends, neighborhood, country, or world; your PRESENCE is the most Powerful thing in the entire Universe. Nothing can stop your PRESENCE except you, what you allow into your consciousness, what you allow yourself to learn, what you allow yourself to experience, and what you allow yourself to share in your lived experience with others.

A word of caution here, “your PRESENCE will always answer your call; but if you continue to requalify Its Answer and Blessing with your fear or terror of the appearance world, then the process becomes an extended one to your freedom. With determination raise your hands to your PRESENCE; take a firm stand, even in this moment, and say to your human self: ‘No longer do I yield one moment’s power to you! You can do all you please, but you are not going to interfere with me. You are not going to terrify or scare me because of this appearance world. My Mighty I AM PRESENCE, take command here and stop this human and make it be silent.’” taken from Lord Maitreya’s Discourse in the book, Ascended Master Light

When we wake up to this realization, we are enlightened. I love the word enlightened. It is powerful and something we can literally feel emotionally and physically. It lightens the mood. It lightens the perspective. It lightens our reality right before our very eyes.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

I Saw My Guardian Angel In A Whirl Of Fast Moving Iridescent White Sparkling Light

glowing guardian-angel

Back around the turn of the millenium, at the conclusion of my year-long Reiki Master Teacher course, as I was preparing to turn in for the night, I had an idea. Actually, I had been thinking of it for some time. My conscious mind reasoned that I was sufficiently advanced enough, in spiritual awakening and conscious realization of who and what I was, and I believed in angels enough, that it was possible to ask to see and meet my guardian angel. I was not fully prepared for what happened that night.

I had swept my aura and meditated prior to retiring, keeping the thought in mind that I would like to meet my guardian angel. I spoke to my guardian angel, who I had named Michael, and told him I was ready to meet him. I named him Michael because I felt I needed a very strong angel, like Archangel Michael. To this day I teach that everyone has his or her own guardian angel who they can turn to for questions and guidance. It is always more personable to also name your guardian angel. I always felt the presence of my guardian angel near me, ever since I was very young, especially in times of trouble.

I was staying in a dorm-style room with two daybeds, one on either side of the room. The teacher, Karyl, who was teaching this class was sleeping at the far end of the room, closest to the door. I was across the room from her, with a large distance between us. I had fallen asleep quickly and peacefully.

All of a sudden, I remember being extremely dizzy. I was so dizzy that I thought I might fall out of the bed. The bed was not moving. It was just that I felt so dizzy that I thought I might tumble right out onto the floor. I was afraid to open my eyes to see what was causing this. I clung tightly to the sheets and covers, and pulled them up to my neck, to help me not fall out of bed.

I wanted to see if Karyl was having the same trouble as I was. I peeked out of the corner of my eye at her, but she was rolled over on her left side, facing the wall, sound asleep. I quickly closed my eyes and figured whatever was going on with me, dealt with just me, not her.

I was laying on my back. I took in a deep breath. It felt like most of the motion was coming from the foot of my bed. I cracked open my eyes for just a second, long enough to see flashing, whirling, iridescent, brilliant, bright, white light. It truly was a white light beyond this poor description. I quickly closed my eyes. It made me so dizzy I felt I was beginning to get nauseous, so I closed my eyes again, and waited for the dizziness to leave me.

When it did, I feel asleep.

It was not until the next morning, when all the rest of the student teachers I was in class with, were sharing how the night before went for them, that I realized that I, in fact, had met my guardian angel. It did not occur to me at the moment this was happening, that I met my guardian angel, in person. I was the last to share what had happened.

I am extremely grateful to my Michael, my guardian angel, for making his presence known to me that night. I have always known he was there, but I will always remember that special encounter. I wish I had thought ahead of time to give him a better welcome. But it happened as it did.

From Michael’s perspective, he must have taken pity on the student of such profound energy transformational work, who thought she was ready for such a revelation. It floored me. At least he sees me, still learning and growing each and every day. I work with his encouragement, with the guidance and inspiration of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; the love of the Holy Spirit; all for the Glory of God our Almighty Father in Heaven. Thy Kingdom Come!

We are all in this consciousness raising, spiritual awakening together. We are all at the place where we are, at this very moment in time, on our particular journey. Not all journeys are alike. Not all of us are in the same place in our journey. It is more accurate to say it is WHO we are. It is part of the grand awakening within our hearts and minds who and what we truly are. Our journey of awakening transformation is deeply spiritual, connecting us to God, his Son, with the Love they share. It is the path I have chosen to take thus far in my life.

If you don’t like where you are at in your life, or the particular spiritual journey you are on, you can change at any moment. You are not a victim of your life. You are the master of your own ship. Use your free will God gave you to draw closer to him. A world of wonder awaits you. Have you made mistakes? To to Jesus and ask for forgiveness, and you will get a new start.  It is up to you to chart a different course if you choose to go in a different direction.

For me, I am heartened that my guardian angel saw fit to grant me my request. It affirms my faith that I am on the right track. I have taken numerous ‘scenic detours’ in life, as I tried different belief systems on for size, so as not to miss anything, as those of you reading this blog over the last 12 years can attest. But nothing feeds the soul as much as realizing Jesus actually meant what he said, when he taught us that the Kingdom of God is inside of us, in Luke 21:17, in his own words. That rings the truest for me, so that is the point of the diamond from which I will share with you all.

The kingdom of God, is in all of you, not just some of you, or in some special guru. Did you ever say the letters that spell guru out loud? Let’s do that together now. Say each letter out loud slowly: G-U-R-U.


Jesus can realign, make new, any missteps and wrong choices. God to the Father of Jesus Christ in prayer. Meditate on the abounding Love of the Holy Spirit. Nothing is impossible with God on our side. New beginnings are always wonderful.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Our Androgynous Origins

It is odd that modern mankind goes by re-written history books, and re-written religious books, while

Our Soul is eternal, our very own God particle.

simultaneously banning books of Truth. This is just as preposterous as putting faith in and giving credentials to those who denied the truth of Copernicus’ teachings that the earth moves around the sun, not the other way around. To this day, many people are unaware of the true origins of mankind whose first origins were androgynous. If we go back to the very beginning of our creation, of how we were actually created, not what the mythical re-written human stories tell us, we would find there is no difference in gender, color, race, or creed. They all knew who they were, how they got there, and why they dropped from spirit to matter in the physical realm. This is what is known as the cosmic error.

There is more to know and understand.

Current history and religious books prefer to start eons later, much later than what was known in the days of Lemuria and Atlantis. Our current insane egos would rather go by a manmade, control-freak system of religion, politics, and social thought.

We need to awaken from our long, drunken sleep of following human rules, human institutions, and social norms of acceptance. We are born free beings. We are free beings unless we freely chose to enslave ourselves by these same human rules, human institutions and social norms which reward the obedient and punish those who wake up to the realization of their very own God particle. This is not a popularity game you want to win. You be you. Be the free human being God created your soul to be.

You are Divine. God is not your redeemer. God is your brother/sister. You are Immortal. God is not a Being. God is Life Itself. You are alive. God is inside of you.

Religious fanatics will tell you to be poor, weak, and humble, no matter who you are, or who you think you are. Mankind created a hierarchy. Many of us have misunderstood. You have the free choice not to listen to the unenlightened and those indoctrinated into control systems, brainwashed into the beliefs they hold.

First let me say that man is not subservient to woman, nor is woman subservient to man. No one is subservient to anyone. As it is now, man and woman are both God-lived souls incarnated on this planet at this time. We have free will in how we choose to live our current lives.

We are all the same my friends; all the same color, all the same race, and no matter what you say you believe, we all have the very same beginning on planet Earth. It is not our belief that makes reality what it is. How it actually happened is what makes it so.

About 500,000 years ago, not 4,000 biblical years ago as some earthly congregations would have you believe, Lemuria existed in much of what is now the Pacific Ocean. It’s colony, Atlantis, existed in much of the Atlantic Ocean. Our drop into the density of matter first required us to have more ethereal bodies. Our created souls needed substance to be part of the material world, not just float around in it. These bodies were androgynous. Not understanding how human beings were originally created on earth, and manmade stories of our human origin, has spawned the ignorance of discrimination against LGBTQ and various other religious prejudices. We are all the same, all with our very own God particle, which is not just in some of us, but is in all of us.

There is sometimes a fear of teaching Truth within teachers today, still not cleared of certain fears, anxiety, and guilt. You do not have to feel guilt about your life anymore. God does not live outside of you. God is Life. God is you.

We are Divine beings designed to be brilliant, happy, to have longevity, to have adventures, and to no longer live in the darkness of guilt, fear, anxiety, and shame.

“Enlightenment does not come on the heels of the Black Plague,” as Ramtha says, “No, that is not enlightenment. Enlightenment comes on the heels of plenty,” a full spirit in the awakening of who and what you really are.

Enlightenment is not limited to the constraints of humanly contrived and controlled thoughts, words, and actions. You are FREE. You are not limited by your uniqueness. You are not limited by your gender. You are not limited by your race. You are not limited by your color. You are not limited by any disability nor ability. Free your mind.

Read, study, learn. Also check out A Master’s Reflection on the History of Humanity (Volumes 1 and 2 by Ramtha, channeled through J.Z. Knight – which may be obtained at or JZK Publishing, PO Box 1210, Yelm, WA 98597, USA 800-347-0439).



Waking up to the active force of Divine Love and Light within each one of us sometimes


grows slowly, at other times we make leaps and bounds of realizations of that fact, while others of us are simply born with this amazing knowledge. Still some of us rather live in denial that we are living, breathing aspects of the Light and Love of Mother-Father God, the Source of All.

The words “active force” are synonymous with “Holy Spirit,” the living, creative energy of Source. God cannot be dissected. This is the very force that animates us. The Bible tells us that we came to life when God breathed life into us. When this animation leaves us, our spirits leave us, we cease to be in bodily form. This much we know.

Even those of us who know we have the spark of God alive and well inside of us, sometimes get a bit of amnesia, and seek for some guru, some religion or church, or some teacher of spirituality outside of our very selves.

Think of the word “guru.” Spell it out slowly; “Gee You Are You.” Surprise!

Notice the words that are a subtitle to this blog, “STEP INTO YOUR POWER. STEP INTO YOU MASTERY.”

The answers we seek are not outside of ourselves. We know the truth when we hear it. Those of us who have tried finding the truth outside of us know this to be true. Reading earlier posts in this blog will explain how we were not created in sin, nor was the stain of original sin ours. That was the sin of the angels. We were created perfect, infused with the Light and Love of Mother-Father God, our very own God particle.

We all have the God-given gift of free will, no matter what country we live in. Some of us live in countries that do not promote free will. It does not mean that God did not give everyone the gift of free will just because someone or some country robs them of it.

We can use our free will to become aware of the Light and Love of God that is planted, as a seed of life within us at our birth, by means of prayer and meditation. We pray, not as a needy beggar, nor meditate as a spiritually blocked or fearful individual. It begins by making a decision to change our approach.

Rather, we use our God-given free will to unite with our Source in quiet reflection. What are we reflecting? We are reflecting the Light and Love of our God. We can’t help but notice that with this reflection, this prayer, this meditation, that the Flame of Love grows to such a degree that the Light within us equally grows. We can shine so brightly that others can see the transformation that takes place in our hearts and minds, demonstrated in our attitudes, thoughts, words and actions. There is a lightness to Light and Love that permeates our entire four-body system: our mind, body, spirit and aura that reaches all the way back to Source. We are not separate. We are One with each other. We are One with Source. We are One.

We begin to radiate with the Light and Love of which we are made of.



Some of us come into our own at an early age, knowing just who we are with all of our strengths and our weaknesses. Others of us come into this internal and

You are not a victim, nor a martyr, unless you choose to be. You have a choice.

external knowing later in life, while some of us carry on to the end, never really knowing all the dimensions of what makes us tick, or what our mission in this lifetime is. There are so many factors that shape a person, his or her emotional self, personality and personal likes and dislikes, religious and personal beliefs, self-esteem and personal empowerment issues.

Self-esteem, like every other human trait mentioned here, is a living, pulsating energy. Your self-esteem is a living entity, fed every minute of every day by your own thoughts, in addition to the thoughts and attitudes of those who raised you, the schools you went to, the friends and people of influence around you, and the attitudes regarding the value of life you have finally adopted.

What role do you play in your own life?

Do you like how you are feeling?

Your feelings are key to assessing where you are at in your personal development. Denying your feelings is a sign of weakness, not strength.

Everyone from time to time feels empowered. On occasion, we find ourselves in situations of disempowerment. This is the human condition. Two people can grow up in similar situations, yet, one person comes out strong, while the other person comes out of the same set of circumstances emotionally scarred by taking on the role of victim or martyr that he or she has chosen to assume. Why is this?

In order for self-esteem to fully blossom, we need to pull out the noxious weeds of self-imposed victimhood and martyrdom. Some of us cling to these dysfunctions as if they are badges of accomplishment to be worn into every life situation. We could succeed if it were not for this, that, or the other thing that stopped us. Recognize all seeds of negative self-messaging the second it comes to mind.

When bad things happen to us in our lives, we have two choices, not just one. The worse choice we can make is to succumb to the lower sense of self, then act out the role of being a victim, as “woe is me,” that of living out our life as a martyr. The best choice we can make is to identify with our higher self, recognizing that we are a beautiful work of creation.

Do not allow yourself to ever think, agree or believe negative messages about yourself. Accept yourself, right where you are, with all of the history and happenings that have ever happened to you. If there is something about yourself you wish to change for the better, then become aware and consciously work on that.

Liberate yourself from self-imposed negativity. Yes, you can. You are not a victim unless you want to be. You are not a martyr unless you choose to take that role on. But why would you do either? Often people choose these roles of dysfunction because they have learned they can manipulate others by doing so. It is good to take stock of our true motives. Accept who you are now, and consciously grow in the reality that you are worthy.