It’s Time For Spiritual Maturity ~ The Deception of the Spirits of the Fallen Angels and Nephilim are Still Here

“The leader of the authorities is blind. [Because of his] power, ignorance, and arrogance he said, with [power], “I am God; there is no other [but me.]” The Nature of the Rulers, The Blind Demiurge, Nag Hammadi Codex II, 4 (86,27-87,23)[1]

“No mind has the ability to think freely until it is unbound from the restraints of cults. … All cults I have studied say they are not a cult.” These are the first few lines in my new book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, Universal Wisdom.

Aren’t all choices in the matter of faith up to the individual?

What if from the beginning of human history, humanity was deceived into thinking that which claimed to be “God” wasn’t?

There is a logical reason for this paradox in the Sacred Scriptures found at Nag Hammadi, Egypt that were buried in the desert caves.

The worldwide flood and cataclysmic re-shifting of the continents did rid the world of the physical bodies of the fallen angels who had taken on human bodies, as well as the bodies of their Nephilim children. However, their eternal spirits were cast out in that famous battle in heaven noted in Revelation 12:9, when Archangel Michael and his legions of angels cast these ungodly hordes out of heaven and sent them to the Earth.

Why do you think what is going on in every country in the world is taking place?

There are numerous sinister agendas taking place. It is only when we deny their initial causes that we continue their fear-mongering and hateful agendas which are the earmarks of the remanent of the fallen angels and Nephilim.

Sometimes humanity gets caught up in apparent causes, thinking they are choosing sides as if that is all that is involved. There is more to watch out for. But how can you become more aware of the reality behind that which you are being told?

“Here are 14 Cult Markers to watch out for [2]:

  1. The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader, and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
  2. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
  3. Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, or debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
  4. The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (e.g., members must get permission to date, change jobs, or marry or leaders prescribe what to wear, where to live, whether to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).
  5. The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (e.g., the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar, or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).
  6. The group has a polarized, us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
  7. The leader is not accountable to any authorities (unlike, for example, teachers, military commanders, or ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream religious denominations).
  8. The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before joining the group (e.g., lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
  9. The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt to influence and control members. Often this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
  10. Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before joining the group.
  11. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
  12. The group is preoccupied with making money.
  13. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
  14. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.

“Stand up for your God-given gift of free will.

“Use your free will to get out of the cult. Use your free will to vote. No one owns the rights to your mind, your voice, or your life. Your life, body, mind, and Eternal Soul belong to you. Call someone you can trust.

“Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, God, loves you because God is Love, as 1 John 4:8 says. God forgives you because Love forgives. Most mistakes are not sins. They are simply a learning curve for you. You are a child of God here on earth. Only you can live your life. Only you can vote your conscience. If you have given over the rights to your mind, body, or Spirit/Soul to other religious or political groups, or any other group claiming rights over you, use your free will to walk away. Those are not your friends. Neither your political affiliation, your religious congregation, nor your friends can usurp your God-given rights unless you let them.

Cult Antidote: Never hand over your personal power or relinquish your free will to any person, place, or thing at any time for any reason, ever.

“This is a dead giveaway as to how cults operate. This is the basis of their operating manual.

The Nature of the Rulers, especially the section titled The Blind Demiurge, describes how this Spark of a Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy experienced itself and all The Creation that was around the Earth. Seeing none other like itself, this blind demiurge, which is a Platonic school of philosophy thought, claims to be the “God.” The problem is watching this would-be “God” throughout the Old Testament in his bloodthirsty thrusts for power, fame, and fortune.

The Nature of the Rulers is more plausible about how material things and humanity came to be on Earth than the childish pablum version in today’s modern bibles. The Nature of the Rulers, The Blind Demiurge, was also considered Sacred Scriptures until the mid-fourth century. Jesus was aware of this Sacred Scripture. He never preached against it in recorded accounts in the bible. If it were important to mention, Jesus would have corrected this information. He did not.

The Nature of the Rulers begins with the real nature of the authority spirits. It tells how the leader of these authorities is blind, and acknowledges none other than himself, sinning against the realm of the All. When this blasphemy boast reached Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, he gets corrected by the Incorruptibility of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, God.

“If you look at your best friend, you will see more than one aspect of this person, yet your friend is still one person, not two or three persons within one person just because you also equate this friend with power, wisdom, and love. The same is true for God who exhibits these same qualities. To explain how power, wisdom, and love operate as one cohesive whole, bible scribes and writers have personified them as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the feminine aspect of God, and the son aspect of God.

“The blind demiurge is not the Almighty Father he thinks he is. He is the beginning of cult worship. This is explained further in Chapter 5 on the fallen angels.”

There is so much more for you to know. The word apocryphal means hidden or secret knowledge, not anti-Jesus, nor anti-Christ.

“Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?” 1 Corinthians 6:19

This is the Light within you Jesus speaks of in Luke 17:20-21. You are a Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, of which my latest book is all about.

IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, Universal Wisdom, is the first book in this trilogy. You can get it at:

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

[1] The Nag Hammadi Scriptures: The International Edition, HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022

[2] MIND GAMES: Characteristics Associated With Cults – By Janja Lalich & Michael Langone | RIELPOLITIK


The Spirits of The Fallen Angels and Their Nephilim Children Are Still Among Us ~ Choose Good Over Evil

Everyone has free will to do the good and right thing. Choose freedom, love, life, and Light. Humanity and the Earth will last longer, but only if you want to.

In 1 Enoch, as told in The Books of Enoch, The Angels, The Watchers, And The Nephilim, by Joseph B. Lumpkin, the Nephilim were “great giants, whose height was three hundred cubits”. Since a cubit being 18 inches, this would make them 450 feet tall. Their Spirits were as mean as their bodies were tall.

They ordered food grown and slaughtered by humanity to serve them, mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and when humanity could not serve them enough bulls, goats, and other animal sacrifices, they ate the people. Have you ever wondered why there were such animal sacrifice altars within the Temple area, with places to save the blood?

Today’s bible tells of a global cataclysmic flood to wipe out these unholy creatures. Evidently that worked. We no longer have physical life forms measuring 450 feet tall walking on today’s Earth. The Smithsonian Institute has some of the remains of extraordinary huge skeletons within their walls.

The thing about Souls, human and angelic, is that they never die. You and I are Sparks of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. It was once thought that by killing the fallen angels who had taken on corporeal bodies by the flood took care of the evil spirits that were encapsulated within them.

I challenge that this is not true.

Remember the time that Jesus healed a deaf mute who was living in the tombs? When Jesus asked him what his name was, he answered, “Legion.” This is because this single man was possessed by countless demonic entities. They begged Jesus not to kill them, but to allow them to go into the herd of pigs that was nearby.

What happened next?

Yes, the man was completely healed. However, the pigs ran off over the cliff and died. The bodies of the pigs died, but the Souls/Spirits of that same “Legion” did not, since Souls do not die.

One look at today’s world is like watching a horror movie of the Spirits of the fallen angels and Nephilim “Gone Wild.”

Is there any surprise?

Jesus gave humanity the solution of how to deal with those who embody their evil Spirits. The solution is the same today as it was then because the truth of what Jesus taught never changed.

Prayer, meditation on peaceful solutions, and holistic energy work, work. Jesus told us in John 14:12, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”

You will never know this next part unless you agree to be done with religious censorship, telling you what you can and cannot read under threat of excommunication. No, you will not go to hell in a handbasket if you finally learn what else Jesus told humanity in those missing eighteen years of his life, from his ages twelve to thirty.

But if you are spiritually mature enough, you will be able to read the other words Jesus told you in the Nag Hammadi Scriptures in The Second Revelation of James (51,44-54,15) under the heading, James Tells What Jesus Said Regarding Two Fathers where it says, “I tell you, listen and understand. For many when they hear, will be fainthearted, but you, understand in the way I can tell you. You father is not my Father, but my Father has become a father to you.”

The usual explanation for this from mainstream religions is that Jesus was speaking to his half-brother, James. Yet notice the words of Jesus when he says, “For many when they hear …” refers to humanity at large, not just his half-brother, James.

I always wondered how a good “God” could kill every person regardless of age in all those hostile takeovers in the Old Testament. Wasn’t there even one innocent eight-year-old child or younger or older person? What was the purpose of killing all of the animals found in those territories also? Have you ever wondered about that?

Jesus taught that his heavenly Father would care for and love us, all of us, who were caught between those first unholy creations, the fallen angels, and their mean-Spirited Nephilim children. The offspring of the Nephilim who also mated with human women were known to be even more cruel and grotesque.

This is how and why Jesus Christ is our Savior. Jesus came to correct the misinformation that had been promulgated in cult-like obsession, rewarding those at the top with all the power, fame, and fortune they had robbed from their unsuspecting masses.

This is what my new book is about, currently in the hands of Blue Fortune Enterprises, a publishing house.

I share this information with you now because of what is going on in just about every country in the world. When evil appears to be winning over good in governance, political parties, radicalized and right-wing Christian extremists, and social groups with a fear-based mindset to capitalize on opportunities to oppress others for selfish gain, remember to pray and do energy work for holistic healing.

This is all about the ascension process, for you and the Earth, learning the life lessons enabling you to transform negative into positive, or evil into good. There is no judgment here, because what is not learned and experienced through you is bound to align itself in the next lifetime. It’s all a matter of vibrational frequency.

Think of what is possible if all the energy workers throughout the world chose to use their free will to spend just five minutes at some point in their day in a global effort to promote peaceful solution over dysfunction, empathy and compassion over cold-hearted judgment, and good over evil. It would generate healing in mind, body, and Spirit for every human Soul, animal, plant, and mineral kingdom, including the entire Earth.


The Gender Of Your Soul

“Therefore watch yourselves very carefully. Since you saw no form on the day that the LORD spoke to you at Horeb out of the midst of the fire, beware lest you act corruptly by making a carved image for yourselves, in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female …” Deuteronomy 4:15,16

The last four days have been devoted to our Souls. At the end of our Life, we go back to God, who has no gender. God is LOVE, LIFE, and LIGHT.

The Christ, has no gender.

In Galatians 3:28, Paul writes, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” New International Version (NIV) Paul is referring to the spiritual life of each human Soul.

In some of our incarnations, we have been males and females, according to most studies on this subject. The common denominator is our Souls, which remain the same, genderless, as we learn and come to greater understandings of cause and effect in our lives, until we complete our individual Ascension Process.

Has anyone ever said to you that you are an Old Soul? There is a reason for this.

The book of Galatians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul about 49 A.D. prior to the Jerusalem Council which had taken place in 50 A.D. This quite possibly could have been Paul’s first letter. The key personalities of this book are the Apostle Paul, Peter, Barnabas, Abraham, Titus, and false teachers. These false teachers had created control systems of beliefs. Jesus came to awaken us to the fact that the Kingdom of God is WITHIN US, something he preached more than 100 times in the Gospels.

Paul then declares that Christ now lives WITHIN HIM, and directs, and empowers him to live as Christ’s ambassador and instrument: “… it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in meGalatians 2:2o.

“Foolish Galatians! Who put you under a spell? … Did you receive the Spirit by doing the works of the law or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? Having started out with the Spirit, are you now ending up with the flesh? Galatians 3:1-3.

We can be so very human, so very physical that grasping our spiritual nature, that of our Soul can seem unreal. In actuality, we forget who we really are and why we are here, in body AND SOUL.

What did Jesus say about the gender of our souls?

Jesus said, “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.” Matthew 22:30 NIV

All is One. We are one race, the human race, all with souls, each and every one of us. We are more alike then the differences than we profess. There is no difference between immigrants, or people of every race, color, creed, ethnicity, gender, age, ability or disability.

Jesus said we will ALL be like angels in heaven. Although angels have been portrayed both as male and female, they are known to be genderless, appearing as either male or female as the situation calls for.

Check out when angels presented themselves as females: “Then the angel who was speaking to me came forward and said to me, ‘Look up and see what is appearing.’ I asked, ‘What is it?’ He replied, ‘It is a basket.’ And he added, ‘This is the iniquity of the people throughout the land.’ Then the cover of lead was raised, and there in the basket sat a woman! He said, ‘This is wickedness,’ and he pushed her back into the basket and pushed its lead cover down on it. Then I looked up—and there before me were two women, with the wind in their wings! They had wings like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between heaven and earth. ‘Where are they taking the basket?’ I asked the angel who was speaking to me. He replied, ‘To the country of Babylonia to build a house for it. When the house is ready, the basket will be set there in its place” Zechariah 5:5-11.

It is said the Archangels Gabriel and Jophiel also presented themselves as females.

Most biblical encounters with angels have taken the forms of males. Remember though, that men wrote the Bible, translating Sanscrit and Aramaic writings, which used the male form “Angelos” when referring to angels.

The point is, if we are to ultimately be like the angels after our Resurrection and Ascension into Eternity, we will be like them, gender neutral, which is why Jesus taught us all that we will not be marrying, nor taken in marriage at that time. Jesus ought to know.

The question is, if our Souls are genderless while we are walking around in this physical world, why do we give ourselves such a hard time with how we manifest our reality in this present lifetime? We are who we are, Living Flames of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. In the first two Golden Ages it is said human beings were androgynous.

Be kind to you. You are who you are. You have nothing to prove. You have nothing to disprove.

What you are, are Temples of God, Temples of Energy, Temples of Love, Temples of Light, Temples of Life in human form. God, Energy, Love, Light, Life are neither male nor female, not are these aspects of the Creator of the Big Bang, God, or however you come to understand it, in competition with each other. They simply are what they are. So are you.

Re-Member, our Souls go back to the Source of Our Being, who is often called Mother/Father God, Being All Things to Everyone and Everything.

This world needs all of us to project more Love, Light and Life into the places where we live, breathe and have our being. Whatever we focus on grows. This is the way to heal the planet, and ourselves. Where there is division, let us bring peace, unity, empathy, understanding, and creative, positive problem solving to the top of everyone’s minds.

Let us be instruments of Peace.


The Biggest Crisis On The Planet Presently Is a Lack Of Empathy In The Winds Of Injustice

The biggest crisis on the planet presently is a lack of empathy in the winds of injustice. The

Not Again!

title of this post is worth repeating in the body of this post. It is true wherever selfishness, greed and power are eroneously considered to be the “bottom line” of any kind of “success.” Lack of empathy also rears its ugly head during political times of suppression of the voices and actions of the people under fascist* mentalities and powers. It taps into the “us” and “them” mentality. *Keep in mind that fascist means the extreme right agendas politically, not the far left as some are mistakenly pontificating. Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power and forcible oppression of opposition.

Any time we as a human race classify people by our differences, we show our ignorance and our prejudices against one another.

The common denominator of all human beings, regardless of race, color, creed, gender, age, ability and/or disability, is the fact that we all have an eternal Soul. This is not a matter of religous belief. If an agnostic or athiest does not believe this, it will not matter if she or he did not believe this when her or his soul goes back to the Source of All Life, because she or he will be truly physically dead. It is merely a fact of life.

The good news is that God, the Immortal, Intelligent Source of All Life, believes in you and me. This Intelligent Source wishes to experience all of life in and through you, me, and in animate and inanimate creation through the Big Bang, as some minds like to express our origin. God’s (Energy’s, Sources’s) Spark of Life. It is in all living things, including the earth, universe, galaxy and cosmos as part of the infinitely larger expansion of this creation.

The Source of All Life is experiencing in and through you and me. Bishop George Rueger used to tell me that our hands are the only physical hands God has to work with on this earth. This is a true statement. It is the Living-God Essence of our Souls that animates our hands, through the faculty of our hearts and minds. We have free will. We do not have to do anything that is inspired by our minds or hearts. We have the ability to go against the inspiration for empathy and compassion for others. We can choose for ourselves today, for example, to only think about, do and say things that will only benefit us, and no one else.

It is up to each one of us what you and I decide to do with this precious gift of Divine Animation, which is our Soul, the life-force animating our body. Our lives are not scripted. Each of us has unique challenges and situations particular to us to navigate through. Some of us see the bigger picture, which includes more than making decisions that affect only ourselves. But for others of us, they can only see themselves. For this last group, they can only make decisions based solely on how if affects them personally (selfishly), financially (greedily), and in how much power they can gain.

Entire groups of people within families and neighborhoods, as well as individual countries also make decisions based on the foundation of a sand castle of selfishness, greed and power. Selfishness, greed and addiction to power is never sustainable in the long run, which history proves. It is a tough learning curve when it all falls apart. Some of us only learn through experience. Some of us have to personally go through things as opposed to listening to the experience of others.

Thoughts are living entities. The more we energize thoughts with feelings, the more they become reality. We can see certain thought patterns begin and grow until them become a fire upon the earth, fanned by the flames of ignorance, selfishness, greed and power. Whatever we focus on GROWS.

We do not all have to go along with the crowd, as we tell our children not to do. But as adults, we do not always take our own medicine. We forget, or were never taught to stand up in our own personal power. We can forget our voice when we do not agree, even forgetting that silence is agreement. Following the corruption of the selfish, greedy, power hungry leaders has happened in every country on earth since the beginning of time. There are prices to be paid for not going along with the crowd.

For some of us, the learning curve is to observe and grow out of the self-serving mentality that makes some people rich while simultaneously impoverishing those around them. We learn by our experiences. When we are willfully blind because of some self-serving gain, do we really believe we are fooling ourselves? That would only prove to show how very selfish we truly are.

The price to be paid for standing up for justice against inequality can be high because once selfishness, greed and power have taken root, it will stop at nothing until the ultimate sacrifice of others, and of their own malformed goals is achieved, or a change in the winds of inequity and injustice change. There are things you and I can do to construct positive change in these winds of the world. Things never remain the same for long.

The thing to remember is that this is not just a physical world with only physical considerations to ponder. Even those at the top of the fear-based selfish, greed and power game of reality have Souls. So do you and I. You and I have the dynamic force of prayer, meditation, uniting our individual Souls with the Source of all Souls, which is the Holy Spirit, God-Source of of All is. God, or Source (just a matter of semantics), cannot be disected. The ultimate power of God, is greater than any other humanly contrived power born out of selfishness, greed and earthly power.

The root of all selfishness and greed is fear, fear of lack, fear of others, fear of failure, fear, fear, fear. The hoarding of money, material goods, food, power, and anything else we can contrive to hoard in all its earthly forms, are all rooted in fear.

You and I can move mountains. Jesus said we will do ever greater things than he did. He knew the Surce of his Soul. The winds of injustice only continue to blow until we decide to use our free will to change the winds to bend towards justice, honor, integrity, and honesty.

If we have been shown empathy and compassion in our lives, it would seem we would be more apt to be empathetic and compassionate with others. If we have come from a place of lack in our lives, one would think we would be quick to show empathy and compassion to others. Often this is the case, but many times, depending on the advancement or stilted growth of our Souls, or the deep-rooted fear clinged to, it is not.

We have a decision to make at this point in our history, at this point in our country, at this point in our neighborhoods, at this point in our families, and at this point within ourselves. Let us choose to act on the impetus of our God-Shared Souls to decide to act in the Loving inclinations of our Souls, to welcome the homeless, feed the poor, and treat each other by the tenets of the Golden Rule. Jesus taught us to treat each other as we wish to be treated. That is a great place to start.

If we decide to live by the Golden Rule and consider other people and not just ourselves, we can do a better job at not getting other people sick by wearing masks during the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, by just laws that benefit all its citizens, not just the top wealth earners, and by a host of other positive realities we have yet to manifest by our thoughts and intentions.


“Do Not Let Heaven’s Kingdom Become A Desert Within You,” Jesus Said ~ God Is Closer To You Than Your Next Breath

Again we are told that the kingdom of God, the kingdom of the heaven, is inside of us. It ascended-master-jesus1is Jesus who is saying this to James and Peter 550 days after he rose from the dead, before he ascended into heaven. This scripture passage can be found in The Secret Book of James,(2,7 – 3,38).

These many days following the resurrection, the closest friends of Jesus, James and Peter (the be-loved apostle John is not in this written account), were still trying to get a grip on all that had recently happened. There were many miracles performed by Jesus that had taken place in their sight. The death and resurrection of Jesus already having taken place, and now the post-resurrected Jesus is telling them, “Do not let heaven’s kingdom become a desert within you.” (The Secret Book of James – 12,17-13,25)

The transfiguration of Jesus, in the presence of Elijah and Moses, is an example of Jesus showing us that the Divine Light unifies time and space, and us with the Light of Divine Source, past, present and future all in simultaeous time.

Don’t forget, it was Peter, James and John who Jesus thought were the most understanding of his teachings, so much so, that Jesus takes them, and not the other apostles, up the mountain where his transfiguration into brilliant white light takes place right before their eyes. Also present at the transfiguration of Jesus is Moses and Elijah.

Surely they would understand when Jesus tells them that the kingdom of God is within them, like he did prior to his death, in Luke 17:20,21. “One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, ‘When will the Kingdom of God begin?” Jesus replied, ‘The Kingdom of God isn’t ushered in with visible signs. You won’t be abe to say, ‘It has begun here in this place, or there in that part of the country.’ For the Kingdom of God is within you.'” ~ The Catholic Bible, Tyndale House Publishers

There is a LIGHT within each and every one of us. It is part of our life’s journey to discover this, and come to terms with who and what we are, and why we are here on the earth at this time, born into the families we are, and into the situations in which we find ourselves.

What is your dharma, your mission in this life?

Our souls are our divine connection to the Source of All LIFE, LIGHT, and LOVE. Without it we cease to be. There is a similarity between our breath and our souls. Without our breath, our souls go back to God. We cease our physical lives. Likewise, without our souls, we breathe no more. We cease our physical lives. They go hand in hand, so to speak.

The Seat of your Soul within your DNA blueprint extends etherically about a foot beyond your physical body. It is also integrated into and works with your physical body. This is where your I AM Presence resides, your God-Particle.

God is closer to you than your next breath. That is because God IS your next breath, as I understand this. Jesus has told us time and again, that the Kingdom of God is inside of us. We are not to make this Kingdom of God into a desert, all dried up and lifeless.

If we are not to make the Kingdom of God inside of us a desert, then we must take care to water it with loving thoughts, words and actions. The world is sorely in need of loving thoughts, words and actions. The biggest crisis on the planet presently is a lack of empathy in the winds of injustice. Follow your heart to see where you can be most helpful.


The Pendulum Swing Of Freedom And Slavery

Prior to the eons of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness and separatness, we were each freedom-2053281_1920born as free human beings, free to live life, free to think our own thoughts, and free to experience through our six senses. That is the original essence of who we are. We come from immortal LIFE and LIGHT manifesting as LOVE. Our souls are the seed of this LIFE, LIGHT, and LOVE, which never dies. Our souls are eternal, as is the Source of our being. We are physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric and astral.

It is not our job in this life to enslave ourselves nor enslave others.

You and I are the pendulums in our lives, programmed by our own throughts, words and actions. We are programmable. We are crystalline in nature. Look at your skin and blood cells under a miscrope and you will see the geometric shapes of which you are comprised. Included in your physical structure is silicon dioxide, quartz crystal, which is highly programmable. Check out your vitamins and the pre-packaged foods on the shelves in your homes and grocery stores. Silicon dioxide if often listed as one of the ingredients.

We do not have to do what others have programmed us to do, think and say. We also have the gift of free will. How are we chosing to use our very own free will? Do we use it to promote Love or NOT LOVE? We have the ability to create change for the betterment of humankind any time we desire to create a better world in which to live.

Over eons of time, some of us created various control systems. Perhaps we needed to learn how to best grow into our own person power in a balanced way. There is a way to stand up in our own power that does not harm others in the same way that we do not wish to be harmed. We are learning, time after time, when the authority of others and their control systems rise to the surface of daily living. These control systems can be seen in every nation in: politics, religion, education, finance, and global caretaking, or not.

Bigotry, caste, class and ignorant distinctions are based on race, color, gender, creed, age, ability, disability, and any other distinction we humans create under our misguided use of free will and personal power. This has been our history from the beginning of time to this day. Control systems are not part of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE that walks the earth in each one of us souls who now wear bodies. We are all intended to be born free human beings. No one human being is any better thn any other human being. We can work together to create a better future, full of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The important point to make here, is that we are all the same, of the same-soul origen.

To see human beings as separate beings is just as ludicrous as saying God is better than God, or that God counts more than God, or that God is more important than God.

The pendulum of freedom has swung far and wide since the sinking of Atlantis over 12,000 years ago, when similar lack of understanding exactly who we are and where we come from caused its demise, generating the cataclysmic global flood. Imbalance of control over other human beings as well as misguided authority over various energetic power systems.

It is not impossible to bring back, to wake up, remember and realize our full human potential. We barely have the time necessary to do this on this world at this moment, if we wish to. If we act now, we can make psychological, emotional and intellectual progress. We do not have to remain in our current state of imbalance and dysfunction, which is a mere shadow of who and what we really are. We all can be better.

We still have the template of our original design held within our DNA blueprints. It is possible, with conscious awareness and greater recognition to welcome in LOVE over NOT Love, PEACE over NOT PEACE, UNDERSTANDING over NOT UNDERSTANDING, and INTELLIGENCE over WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

We are not born into any kind of limiting system (other than our soul is now encased by our body), no matter what present or past earth control systems pontificate. We are not born rich or poor in the worldly standards of judgment. A baby boy born into a loving poor family is far richer than one born into a wealthy family where affections are withheld or used as bargaining chips in life, something to be earned.

When we first made our appearance here on earth, as our souls dropped into time from the ETERNAL LIGHT, LIFE and LOVE beyond, we did not have physical bodies. The vibrations and conscious awareness of our soul-selves were so much higher that the concept of lack and competition manifested in today’s world. We created via thought and desire. Souls that dropped down from eternity out of sheer curiosity came from a place of total and complete LOVE, LIGHT and Life, exactly as all our souls did. Today, it is still our common denominator. Our immortal soul is our God Particle.

If we are all born from LOVE and LIGHT from the Eternal LIFE Itself, from the Author of the Big Bang of all the material Creation, in precise order and eternal expansion, where did we pick up the contrary notion of being separate, or different, or better than anyone or any thing else in this world?

We forgot the very spark of LIFE, LIGHT and LOVE from which we came. As souls, we know we are not of the mortal world, born from material mothers and fathers. That is a matter of recreation (re-creation), not creation. As souls, we knew we came from the Great God of All, from the I AM of old, from the very Name of God Himself.

While in Lemuria, the Land of Mu, we rembered (re-membered) initially that our spark of LIFE came from the Original SPARK OF LIFE. Our etheric souls manifested. We experienced. As with all of our histories, when we do not re-member who we are and where we came from, or go out of balance with the discovery of power and how to use it, through our own exuberance and thrill, we can go one step too far, and sink the good we have done. Not RE-MEMBERING that our souls are the LOVE, LIGHT, LOVE Sparks of the SOURCE of all LIFE,  is like forgetting that the energy carried through the plug comes from the electrical Source of the energy. The plug is not energized until it is plugged into its source. Our souls are truly our God-selves, immortal.

REMEMBER who you are.

That is the origin of our very own I AM Presence, the life of each soul. It is sparked from the eternal spark of the LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE we carry within us. It is part of our essence. It is the very thing that animates us. Without our souls, which return to our eternal soul home, our physical bodies cease to function. We call it death, but it is only the death of this particular body. We were and still are, all eternal in our never ending souls.

The good news is we have eternity to deal with all of this. We have the loving gift of reincarnation. Even in Jesus’ day, Jesus asked the apostles who they thought he was in Matthew 16:13-16. “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus does not correct them by saying there is no such thing as reincarnation. If that were so, that would have been the time to teach that very important point to his apostles. But Jesus did not say that.

The more we remain in density, the denser we become. The more attracted we get to the things that blind us from our original goals here on earth, the more we can misuse free will to become so distracted that we bring on our own demise. Some of us have become extremely dense in mind and body. Over the eons of time, depending on where we chose to live, cataclysm after cataclysm, flood after flood, and ice age after ice age, we have reincarnated in various parts of the world. We discovered we enjoyed going from telepathic language to inventing physical language as the means of human communication. There are many more differences that made us all unique.

Some of us stopped practicing LOVE and focused our attention on NOT LOVE. This brought in a host of other realizations we had not thought of before. It was not until things got way out of control, did we see how far we had fallen from the Source of all LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The pendulum swung completely in the opposite direction into the void of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. What we are experiencing now, others have experienced generation upon generation before us. Without correcting imbalance in all manmade created current realities, it is possible to lose it all again.

Greed grew. NOT LOVE grew. Care of the self over the excluded care of others, even children became our reality. Care of the greater number grew cold to the point children were ripped out of the mother’s arms and put in cages. This was done with plausible explanations why it was acceptable to do. So many of us accepted the unacceptable. People from countries other than ours were also put in cages and treated inhumanly. We closed our eyes to people in death camps, and murdered black people in city streets. There was war after war, as peace was supposedly sought. No country on earth was without these negative side effects from the negative seeds planted.

When we plant seeds of corn, we do not grow tomatoes. Oddly, this fact still suprises some of us.

Whatever you think about comes about. Whatever you focus on happens. We see through our histories this has happened when we only thought of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness, and separatness as goals to attain.

Not all of us throughout history were blinded by greed, unbridled selfishness, and unsynmpathetic to the plights of others. Most of us did remember the Author of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. Through all the ages, we have noticed times of more enlightenment, empathy, compassion, and kindness. Not all of us acted as victims in our own life. Some of us even worked to bring this LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE to others through energy work and crystals, working with humanity and global efforts, and a wide array of projects. A core group of us continue, dedicated to this day to pray and meditate for the raising of the consciousness, knowing All is One.

We can change, even in today’s world, to make a better place for all of us to live in. We do not have to destroy everything by power grubbing grabs over people, places and things. We do not have to melt the polar ice caps, hunt animals life to extinction, ruin this beautiful planet, or trash our atmosphere until it is inhabitable. You and I are the pendulums in this life. If we do not like what we have created (Yes, we have created dysfunction ad well as function), we can put our energy, focus and desire to better our situations.

The pendulum swings from freedom to slavery, as well as from slavery to freedom. In each of our lives, we go in and out of enlightenment. Different things capture our finite attention. We search. We learn. We come to new understanding. We change religions, find religion or have no religion. We can wake up. No matter what our beliefs, there is always more to discover, because Pure LOVE, LIGHT and LOVE is the TRUE essence of our souls, which are eternity itself.


The Pendulum Swing of Freedom And Slavery

Prior to the eons of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness and separatness, we were each freedom-2053281_1920born as free human beings, free to live life, free to think our own thoughts, and free to experience through our six senses. That is the original essence of who we are. We come from immortal LIFE and LIGHT manifesting as LOVE. Our souls are the seed of this LIFE, LIGHT, and LOVE, which never dies. Our souls are eternal, as is the Source of our being. We are physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric and astral.

It is not our job in this life to enslave ourselves nor enslave others.

You and I are the pendulums in our lives, programmed by our own throughts, words and actions. We are programmable. We are crystalline in nature. Look at your skin and blood cells under a miscrope and you will see the geometric shapes of which you are comprised. Included in your physical structure is silicon dioxide, quartz crystal, which is highly programmable. Check out your vitamins and the pre-packaged foods on the shelves in your homes and grocery stores. Silicon dioxide if often listed as one of the ingredients.

We do not have to do what others have programmed us to do, think and say. We also have the gift of free will. How are we chosing to use our very own free will? Do we use it to promote Love or NOT LOVE? We have the ability to create change for the betterment of humankind any time we desire to create a better world in which to live.

Over eons of time, some of us created various control systems. Perhaps we needed to learn how to best grow into our own person power in a balanced way. There is a way to stand up in our own power that does not harm others in the same way that we do not wish to be harmed. We are learning, time after time, when the authority of others and their control systems rise to the surface of daily living. These control systems can be seen in every nation in: politics, religion, education, finance, and global caretaking, or not.

Bigotry, caste, class and ignorant distinctions are based on race, color, gender, creed, age, ability, disability, and any other distinction we humans create under our misguided use of free will and personal power. This has been our history from the beginning of time to this day. Control systems are not part of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE that walks the earth in each one of us souls who now wear bodies. We are all intended to be born free human beings. No one human being is any better thn any other human being. We can work together to create a better future, full of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The important point to make here, is that we are all the same, of the same-soul origen.

To see human beings as separate beings is just as ludicrous as saying God is better than God, or that God counts more than God, or that God is more important than God.

The pendulum of freedom has swung far and wide since the sinking of Atlantis over 12,000 years ago, when similar lack of understanding exactly who we are and where we come from caused its demise, generating the cataclysmic global flood. Imbalance of control over other human beings as well as misguided authority over various energetic power systems.

It is not impossible to bring back, to wake up, remember and realize our full human potential. We barely have the time necessary to do this on this world at this moment, if we wish to. If we act now, we can make psychological, emotional and intellectual progress. We do not have to remain in our current state of imbalance and dysfunction, which is a mere shadow of who and what we really are. We all can be better.

We still have the template of our original design held within our DNA blueprints. It is possible, with conscious awareness and greater recognition to welcome in LOVE over NOT Love, PEACE over NOT PEACE, UNDERSTANDING over NOT UNDERSTANDING, and INTELLIGENCE over WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

We are not born into any kind of limiting system (other than our soul is now encased by our body), no matter what present or past earth control systems pontificate. We are not born rich or poor in the worldly standards of judgment. A baby boy born into a loving poor family is far richer than one born into a wealthy family where affections are withheld or used as bargaining chips in life, something to be earned.

When we first made our appearance here on earth, as our souls dropped into time from the ETERNAL LIGHT, LIFE and LOVE beyond, we did not have physical bodies. The vibrations and conscious awareness of our soul-selves were so much higher that the concept of lack and competition manifested in today’s world. We created via thought and desire. Souls that dropped down from eternity out of sheer curiosity came from a place of total and complete LOVE, LIGHT and Life, exactly as all our souls did. Today, it is still our common denominator. Our immortal soul is our God Particle.

If we are all born from LOVE and LIGHT from the Eternal LIFE Itself, from the Author of the Big Bang of all the material Creation, in precise order and eternal expansion, where did we pick up the contrary notion of being separate, or different, or better than anyone or any thing else in this world?

We forgot the very spark of LIFE, LIGHT and LOVE from which we came. As souls, we know we are not of the mortal world, born from material mothers and fathers. That is a matter of recreation (re-creation), not creation. As souls, we knew we came from the Great God of All, from the I AM of old, from the very Name of God Himself.

While in Lemuria, the Land of Mu, we rembered (re-membered) initially that our spark of LIFE came from the Original SPARK OF LIFE. Our etheric souls manifested. We experienced. As with all of our histories, when we do not re-member who we are and where we came from, or go out of balance with the discovery of power and how to use it, through our own exuberance and thrill, we can go one step too far, and sink the good we have done. Not RE-MEMBERING that our souls are the LOVE, LIGHT, LOVE Sparks of the SOURCE of all LIFE,  is like forgetting that the energy carried through the plug comes from the electrical Source of the energy. The plug is not energized until it is plugged into its source. Our souls are truly our God-selves, immortal.

REMEMBER who you are.

That is the origin of our very own I AM Presence, the life of each soul. It is sparked from the eternal spark of the LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE we carry within us. It is part of our essence. It is the very thing that animates us. Without our souls, which return to our eternal soul home, our physical bodies cease to function. We call it death, but it is only the death of this particular body. We were and still are, all eternal in our never ending souls.

The good news is we have eternity to deal with all of this. We have the loving gift of reincarnation. Even in Jesus’ day, Jesus asked the apostles who they thought he was in Matthew 16:13-16. “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus does not correct them by saying there is no such thing as reincarnation. If that were so, that would have been the time to teach that very important point to his apostles. But Jesus did not say that.

The more we remain in density, the denser we become. The more attracted we get to the things that blind us from our original goals here on earth, the more we can misuse free will to become so distracted that we bring on our own demise. Some of us have become extremely dense in mind and body. Over the eons of time, depending on where we chose to live, cataclysm after cataclysm, flood after flood, and ice age after ice age, we have reincarnated in various parts of the world. We discovered we enjoyed going from telepathic language to inventing physical language as the means of human communication. There are many more differences that made us all unique.

Some of us stopped practicing LOVE and focused our attention on NOT LOVE. This brought in a host of other realizations we had not thought of before. It was not until things got way out of control, did we see how far we had fallen from the Source of all LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The pendulum swung completely in the opposite direction into the void of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. What we are experiencing now, others have experienced generation upon generation before us. Without correcting imbalance in all manmade created current realities, it is possible to lose it all again.

Greed grew. NOT LOVE grew. Care of the self over the excluded care of others, even children became our reality. Care of the greater number grew cold to the point children were ripped out of the mother’s arms and put in cages. This was done with plausible explanations why it was acceptable to do. So many of us accepted the unacceptable. People from countries other than ours were also put in cages and treated inhumanly. We closed our eyes to people in death camps, and murdered black people in city streets. There was war after war, as peace was supposedly sought. No country on earth was without these negative side effects from the negative seeds planted.

When we plant seeds of corn, we do not grow tomatoes. Oddly, this fact still suprises some of us.

Whatever you think about comes about. Whatever you focus on happens. We see through our histories this has happened when we only thought of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness, and separatness as goals to attain.

Not all of us throughout history were blinded by greed, unbridled selfishness, and unsynmpathetic to the plights of others. Most of us did remember the Author of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. Through all the ages, we have noticed times of more enlightenment, empathy, compassion, and kindness. Not all of us acted as victims in our own life. Some of us even worked to bring this LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE to others through energy work and crystals, working with humanity and global efforts, and a wide array of projects. A core group of us continue, dedicated to this day to pray and meditate for the raising of the consciousness, knowing All is One.

We can change, even in today’s world, to make a better place for all of us to live in. We do not have to destroy everything by power grubbing grabs over people, places and things. We do not have to melt the polar ice caps, hunt animals life to extinction, ruin this beautiful planet, or trash our atmosphere until it is inhabitable. You and I are the pendulums in this life. If we do not like what we have created (Yes, we have created dysfunction ad well as function), we can put our energy, focus and desire to better our situations.

The pendulum swings from freedom to slavery, as well as from slavery to freedom. In each of our lives, we go in and out of enlightenment. Different things capture our finite attention. We search. We learn. We come to new understanding. We change religions, find religion or have no religion. We can wake up. No matter what our beliefs, there is always more to discover, because Pure LOVE, LIGHT and LOVE is the TRUE essence of our souls, which are eternity itself.


“The Kingdom Of God Is Within You,” Jesus Said ~ Love Comes From God

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you,” Jesus told the Pharisees in Luke 17:21

Some Bibles translate this to “among you,” or “within you,” or “within your grasp.”

The Pharisees asked when God’s Kingdom would come, not knowing that it had already arrived. Unlike any earthly kingdom, the Kingdom of God has no geographical boundaries. Instead, it begins with the work of God’s Spirit in people’s lives and in relationships. We must resist looking to institutions or programs for evidence of progress of God’s Kingdom. Instead, we should look for what God is doing in people’s  hearts.

The kingdom of God is in everyone one of us who listen and learn what Jesus is teaching here. It is because of Jesus Christ that we now have the use of the gift of the Holy Spirit, sent to us at Pentecost. Acts 2 beautifully describes how the Holy Spirit came as promised.

It is possible to soften our hardened hearts by inviting Jesus Christ into our hearts, minds and voices. This take humility and in some cases contrition for the times we have hardened our hearts, holding grudges and judgments against ourselves and others, and other sinful choices we make. We can shut the door to the Kingdom of God through our own stubborn selves, or we can open the door wide to the Kingdom of God.

Whether or not we open our minds and hearts to the Kingdom of God is on us, no one else. We cannot blame others for our own plight we find ourselves. That would be immaturity, human immaturity and spiritual immaturity.

Acknowledging our own errors, (yes we sin), and atoning for our mistakes takes courage to admit when we are wrong. We are human. We all fall many times each day. It is pride that stops us from admitting this to ourselves. Pride is the sin of Satan, so that ought to be the first thing we correct in ourselves.

Let us realign ourselves, and commit, or recommit ourselves to beginning again to grow in faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is LOVE. God is LOVE, as 1 John 4:7, 8 tells us, “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

The answer to everything in life is God, is LOVE. Let us realign ourselves to LOVE.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Fourth Week of Advent Meditation #1

Although we do not know the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ, Son of God, the Church has been counting down these four weeks before Christmas in the Advent Season to celebrate just that. This week we are in the fourth and final week preparing our hearts and minds for not only commemorating the birth of our Lord and Savior of all humankind, but also brings to mind our preparation for his second coming as he foretold in Matthew 24:29-31.


God our Father in heaven, Creator of the earth, galaxies, universes, and all powers, angels and archangels; be with us as we wait and again to celebrate the gift of your presence with us, in the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. We recall the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem, when Mary and Joseph welcomed him into the world.

The angels sang hymns of glory, and the shepherds knelt before the manger in awe and adoration. In faith we look forward to the Jesus’ coming in glory at the end of time, when he will gather us into his kingdom of love and peace. Help us to be ready, waiting with joyful hearts, to welcome Jesus who loves us so much.

Prepare our hearts to celebrate his coming this Christmas. Give us strength to live in peace with everyone, especially those closest to us. We thank you for being with our family, neighbors and friends.

If we have hurt anyone, help us make amends. Help us also to forgive anyone who may have hurt us. May the flame of the light of the four advent candles also ignite love in our hearts, the love that only you can give.

Let us seek reconciliation with God, through Jesus this Advent Season, so that nothing stands between us and the Good God who gave us our life.

God Bless