How To Get Out of Depression ~ Grief ~ Lethargy ~ Procrastination ~ Honest Assessment or Self-Sabotage?

In these days of quarantine, social distancing, and online learning, men, women, and children are showing signs of social distress and declining mental health. Please know there is a lot you can do right where you are to help yourself feel better. Even those in holistic health, mental health, and western medicine modalities can find themselves feeling like the rug was pulled out from under them. All of us humans, strong as we are, are not invulnerable to sabotaging mental health trips and traps.

Has anyone ever tried to help you get out of a bad mood by telling you to think, say, or do something more positive? Usually that well-salted advice slides off your depression because that is not how you are feeling. You might not be feeling positive at the moment. You think you need to be honest with yourself, saying exactly how you feel, depressed, grieving, can’t get out of your own way, lethargic, and procrastinating with every suggestion.

Grief is its own animal, like a fighting tiger; or shall I say grief is its own giant Redwood tree. The roots to our family trees grow deep, including our friends and extended family, so deep that their passing from this life to the next, is hard to grasp. It seems no one lasts forever. While we know how fleeting life is, we are never quite ready for death when it comes close to us.

While time is the usual suggestion for healing this relentless hurt, living past the life of your loved one does not ever return to what it once was. Instead, the major life shift of the new life imposed on you can seem foreign and unwelcomed. Yet, by not forging ahead, you will remain stuck until you do.

How bad do you want to feel better?

Telling someone exactly how you are feeling is the way to remain exactly how you are feeling. It is the way energy works. It is the law of inertia. Things in motion tend to stay in motion, but things, including you, who are at rest, will tend to stay at rest.

It all begins with the thinking process. Allow yourself to think of the next lighter, brighter, more positive thought. Open the window or door for a minute to let some fresh air in. Have a cup of fragrant tea. Mint, orange, apple, and lemon scents tend to lift moods. Yes, the current situation cannot be swept under the rug as if it were not there by drinking tea or opening a window or a door. But those suggestions are a good place to start.

Watch your language. No, not like that, but pay attention to the tone of the things you say. Everyone needs to tell someone how they are feeling. That is necessary. What is harmful is to keep harping on the negative way you are feeling, like an old album that keeps repeating, repeating, repeating…

Your friends, family, and/or therapist are not unaware of your feelings when you tell your mental state once you tell them how you are feeling. The problem arises when you use your personal power to not allow any other vibration around you other than commiserating with the “ever since this happened to me,” and “you don’t understand” mantras, like the constant drum beat with which you have saturated your soul.

Am I saying you have a choice in how you are feeling?

Yes, you do have a choice. To refuse to think anything but negative thoughts is totally up to you. How you use your free will is totally up to you.

We all need to impress this reality to our children who may also be feeling down in the dumps over social isolation when that occurs. Help them to see that yes, they do in fact have a choice in their feelings. Children have free will in their thoughts. Teach them that they think their thoughts. Thoughts do not think them. They can change their thoughts anytime they decide to do that.

Children, like adults, need to express their feelings in words, drawings, paintings, sign language, songs, or other means of life-affirming communication. It is important that they own the feelings they are presently feeling. However, next comes the understanding that they do, in fact, have the personal responsibility to decide to stay with that feeling, if they need to for some greater good, or decide to transmute that feeling to the next lighter, brighter, positive possibility.

Once children learn this healing mental health tip, they can use this in many interpersonal problem-solving dilemmas. Brainstorming other positive thoughts, words, and actions helps the healing process. Holding simple ceremonies of remembrance of the loss of their pet can help them move past their grief.

Tell children they have free will and about the benefits of using their free will to help them feel better. No matter what country you live in, no matter what government you live under, no matter what continent you live on, everyone in the world, including children, have free will.

This means that children, women, and men, do not have to be strong-armed into the negativity that seems to settle on them like a dark cloud, becoming a victim of their thoughts, moods, and feelings. The dark cloud is a good analogy for depression, because one strong force of wind can blow the clouds right out of the sky, just like deciding to listen to happier music, paint a picture of rainbows and the sun, or going for a walk in the fresh air, even if it is cold. Just bundle up and stay warm.

The important point to remember here, even if you have heard this before, is that you are not a victim. You are not a victim of your life; and you are not a victim of your feelings. It is important to be honest with yourself. Since you are not perfect, it is important to acknowledge to others, and especially to yourself, the times you have made mistakes. Own your stuff.

As human beings, sometimes we try to blame others for the problems in relationships, employment, or our own lives, instead of pulling our own bootstraps up, owning our part in the situation, forgiving or asking for forgiveness, and moving on. It is possible to move on with self-esteem and reputation intact. This is part of character development, no matter what age you are.

Then there are times when things land on our head unexpectedly, like getting fired, divorced, or someone close to us dies. Life altering events can take up to two years or longer before a sense of normalcy returns to the self. Remind your heart that two years is 730 days. It is important to know that in order not to rush the grieving process, or inappropriately force emotions of peace and joy during major life transitions like moving from one state or country to another when you are feeling the opposite emotions.

Take one day at a time. Find the treasure in each day. Actively look for the wonder in every day. You will have good days and not so good days. Still, you’ve got this. Know that healing is possible and one day the sun will shine in your heart again. Own your feelings.

Doesn’t this sound like a contradiction of emotions with the advice I mention above?

No. Admitting to what you are feeling is an honest assessment. Deciding to stay in depression, lethargy, and procrastination is self-sabotage. The point is, it is a decision you make, not a feeling that overwhelms you, something with which you cling for dear life.

It is a mistake to think that your feeling is your identity, that you will always be depressed. Feelings come and go and are as changeable as the wind. You are a valid person, a single soul with many wonderful attributes, feelings, moods, likes and dislikes. You are a kaleidoscope of color and intrigue, changing with every turn of your hand. You are pure wonder itself.

Once I was at a mental health seminar for continued educational credits. The course I paid for spoke to the fact that if you do nothing, eventually your feelings and moods will change, which is true. But I found it extremely upsetting to suggest allowing the person to continue to suffer from depression without remedies that can help much sooner.

Sure, you can wait and do nothing, and brighter days will appear eventually. Or you can follow my advice and usually get there quicker. I like the path of least emotional pain and anguish. My entire holistic health career is based on programs geared to the individual that can help improve each person’s mental health, not wait for some lucky day that may never come, based on the constant self-messaging of the client.

You are in control of you, even your feelings. No one else can tell you how to feel. You are in charge of that.

Some people like the attention they get when they are depressed. Realize this can be a manipulation of fear, obligation, and guilt, commonly called FOG if it persists. If you haven’t heard from your friends and family as much as you used to, this might be the reason. Once you understand the role you have been playing in your own life, it becomes easy to correct. It just requires that you want to feel better.

This is one of the reasons I decided to write this blog in my retirement. It is the same reason I chose the motto for my holistic healing business:

“Because You Deserve To Feel Better”


The Problem With The Herd Immunity Experiment ~ All The Deaths We Have Experienced In The Wars In Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq Are Only Half Of What We Have Currently Lost In This Covid-19 Pandemic

Six to Seven million people are expected to die in the United States of America alone in the Herd Immunity exeriment. Start the healing with healing measures of social distancing and wearing masks.

The Grand Old Party, GOP, admits it is following a Herd Immunity track as a “cure” for COVID 19. First of all, please realize that this is a fringe medicine concept. There is no cure for COVID-19, also known as SARS Co2, a highly contagious and deadly coronavirus. There are no vaccines currently available for the COVID-19 pandemic and are not expected to be available until next summer.

This means that since there are 331 million people in the US and experts say 70 percent of the population would have to get the virus for herd immunity to work, 231.7 million of us would have to get it. Since the current death rate is from 2.6 to 3 percent of all those who get the virus, 6 to 7 million of us would die. So if this is your idea for a cure, you might want to say good-bye to your parents and grandparents now. Or maybe vote for someone who has a better plan.

Children do get this deadly virus and many have already died from it. They can also be carriers, spreading COVID-19 to others even if they show no symptoms. Taking temperatures and having fevers is a symptom of COVID-19 that may not show up for 14 days, while continuing to spread this virus.

There are some Utah hospitals now at the point of needing to decide to give better care to the younger sick patients, hoping for better survival rates for the young.

Masks and social distancing are proven methods to bring a country to be COVID-19 free, like New Zealand. It’s called delayed gratification. Delayed gratification is a mature response to social dilemmas. By doing the right thing now, we can move past the juvenile approach to wearing mask and social distancing adult temper tantrums.

Remember, it is a secret vote when you cast your ballot. Even if you once voted for the current President, if you want to keep your health insurance including coverage for pre-existing conditions which include coverage for COVID-19, you can vote for Biden/Harris and it will be covered. Please know that the Affordable Health Care Act is on the chopping block in November on the Supreme Court docket, where it is expected to be cut altogether of the incumbent gets back in.

All human life is precious. We all matter. Human life is not expendable in a civilized society.


The Problem With Herd Immunity Mentality

Six to Seven million people are expected to die in the United States of Americam alone in the Herd Immunity exeriment. Start the healing with healing measures of social distancing and wearing masks.

The Grand Old Party, GOP, admits it is following a Herd Immunity track as a “cure” for COVID 19. First of all, please realize that this is a fringe medicine concept. There is no cure for COVID-19, also known as SARS Co2, a highly contagious and deadly coronavirus.

This means that since there are 331 million people in the US and experts say 70 percent of the population would have to get the virus for herd immunity to work, 231.7 million of us would have to get it. Since the current death rate is from 2.6 to 3 percent of all those who get the virus, 6 to 7 million of us would die. So if this is your idea for a cure, you might want to say good-bye to your parents and grandparents now. Or maybe vote for someone who has a better plan.

Masks and social distancing are proven methods to bring a country to be COVID-19 free, like New Zealand. It’s called delayed gratification. Delayed gratification is a mature response to social dilemmas. By doing the right thing now, we can move past the juvenile approach to wearing mask and social distancing adult temper tantrums.

All human life is precious. We all matter. Human life is not expendable in a civilized society. We need to grow up.


So How Is Your Inner Child Doing? Updated 5/21/20

It’s as if we are all having flash backs to the 1970s. It would be helpful to re-read M. Scott Peck’s “The Road Less Traveled” from 1978. It very well could be the antidote to our grown up issues with our temper tantrum inner child. I can hear the echo of The Eagles’ hit song, “Get Over It,” as the remedy to “kick its little ass.”

How IS your inner child doing?

The Road Less Traveled is a timeless book on the benefits of delayed gratification as a means to living a more fulfilling adult life. It may also be the only remedy to living life at all these days.

Has your inner child been catching your attention lately?

Is your inner child running your life much to the chaos that only a two-year-old running the house can bring?

How are you with delayed gratification of anything?

I ask this question given the times we are living in right now. We are in the midst of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic, which has no known cure, is highly contagious, is transferable from person to person 14 to 21 days prior to any symptoms, and is not gone in many parts of the world. Two days ago when this article was first posted, the country with the worst batting record of winning the global pandemic is the United States of America, with over 1,490,022 cases, which is an increase of 18,937. These numbers continue to increase minute by minute. As I update this post 2 days later, currently the confirmed coronavirus cases in the USA total 1,551,680, which is an increase of 23,285 cases over yesterday, and an increase in deaths totaling 93,434, an increase of 1,518.

In Massachusetts, for example, three days ago confirmed COVID-19 cases were 80,497, an increase of 1,165 from the previous day. Today, confirmed cases total 88,970, an increase of 1,045 over yesterday. Deaths from COVID-19 today are 93,434, an increase of 1,518 over yesterday.

I’ve heard so many people say, “Stop telling the confirmed case numbers and the deaths. That is so depressing. Let’s start talking about only positive things. I’m am depressed, you know. I must concentrate on other things.”

As a holistic counselor, I have taught about the power of positive thinking in every session I ever held, for years. But there is a difference between denying reality by focusing on something that does not solve the problem and doing something positive about it to arrive at a solution. You and I cannot arrive at the solution if we do not look at the huge, extremely contagious problem with no known cure. Wishing it would go away will not make it go away. It will make it stay around forever. Saying, “It is not happening,” does not make it not happen.

Many states are in the same boat on the river of “denial.” That used to be a funny joke. Now it is a sad state of reality.

As a nation, we seem to be unable to do the adult discipline of dealing with the problem head on. If only pointing fingers, blaming, ignoring, and spinning tales could get us out of this one. Even though it was three months late in the game, we did manage to begin social distancing, and wearing masks and gloves, at least some of us did that, and some of us only after a penalty of $300 was assessed for those of us who stamped our feet and still said, “No I won’t.”

But that did not stop 315,822 humans from dying. Some will say that number is too high because some people who died in the hospital, who had COVID-19 really died from having heart attacks and respiratory and other failures. Even some of the people that denied that this coronavirus was nothing more than a bad flu and was a hoax also died from COVID-19.

However, the reality is that COVID-19 weakens hearts and lungs, and those heart attacks and deaths from lung issues were most likely from COVID-19. Also, we only know about confirmed cases. Only one percent of the population in the United States has been tested. The reality is that the number of people walking around with COVID-19 is far greater.

What’s a person to do?

We have spent two whole months social distancing, and wearing masks, and some of us wearing gloves too. Some of us are looking at the same numbers and saying, “Enough is enough. We cannot go on like this. The businesses are hurting. People need paychecks.”

The answer in some states is to rush to open up businesses before the curve has really flattened. As long as any state is having increased confirmed cases, the situation is getting worse, not better. Some states have better track records of how they limited this killer virus in the first place.

Common sense is needed at the helm. If your particular state or country determines it is ready to open up to business, consider not allowing your inner child to make decisions for you that could seriously shorten your life, or shorten the lives of those around you. Do check out the statistics for your country, state, county and city or town. Determine for yourself what guidelines you want to live by.

You only get one life. Protect your inner child.

Because You Deserve To Feel Better

The Virtue of Common Sense Recommendations Dealing With The COVID-19 Pandemic

The following charts show the COVID-19 statistics not only in the USA, but also worldwide. The USA curve is not flattening according to these charts as of April 21, 2020. Common sense is a virtue, otherwise known as prudence, which takes fortitude to accomplish. These virtues are God-given and will work to help contain and eventually eliminate this pandemic, which currently has no cure. Anther virtue that come into play to eliminate this pandemic is wisdom in common sense protocols of wearing face masks and gloves, social distancing, and quarantining when we know we should.

Justice is the virtue that will come into play, based on the actions we take. If we take foolish actions based on wishful thinking rather than than on accurate science and medical knowledge, justice will provide the harsh reality of the ignorant seeds we will have planted.

It is possible to overcome this deadly pandemic if all of us use the God-given virtue of wisdom. Nothing is impossible with God. God Bless

Ignorance Is Not A Virtue ~ Ignorance Is Not Bliss ~ COVID-19 Stats To Date

1 World Map

Ignorance is not a virtue. Diminishing reality, or pretending and announcing that things are not as grim as they seem will not be the protection people worldwide need to stay healthy and avoid this global pandemic.

Do we need to go into fear?


What we need to stay healthy is to adhere to the social distancing of six feet or more between people, even if they do not show any symptoms. As most of us know by now, people who are spreading COVID-19 are doing so up to fourteen days before they know they have the symptoms. By this time, it is too late for the numerous people they have already come in contact with.

This is not only a disease for old people. Most of the COVID-19 cases in New York City, according to New York Governor Cuomo, are young people 18 to 49 years of age, more than 50 percent of the people who have contracted this disease.

“Young people can get it and young people can transfer it,” said Cuomo today.

He also said that to be socializing on basketball courts and congregating with friends as if there is nothing to be concerned about is simply arrogant and selfish. He said New York has already had 374 deaths.

“This is sobering, sad and distressing,” he said, acknowledging 311,000 who know are known to have it, and over 13,000 deaths, as mentioned below.

Cuomo also acknowledged the “cabin fever” and aloneness everyone can feel emotionally in this situation, but advised everyone to rise to the occasion and follow the guidelines. He said we need to make mental adjustments to continue with order and function, not to hoard food and run into chaos. Know things will be OK in the long run. Just rise to the challenges, he said.

The faster we adhere to the social distancing and self-quarantine guidelines, the faster this pandemic will end. The more we choose to ignore these guidelines, the longer the pandemic will exist. This is the advise of our medical experts.

I do not understand pictures I have seen of churches still open and having services, with people sitting side by side, in rows back to back. Is it the thought that God will not allow bad things to happen to good people? Do we really think that if we prayed hard enough that nothing bad will happen to us?

It seems to me taking medicines for our ailments, seeing doctors, and following medical advice is not a denial of God, or lack of faith in God. God gives us wisdom to follow medical guidance, as is the case now with this COVID-19 pandemic. Hopefully, soon it will be all over. But until then, let us all use the brains the good Lord gave us and obey the advice of the doctors during this worldwide pandemic.

There’s that word again, obey. This was briefly addressed in the previous post in this blog.

Don’t we all have free will?


We can choose to be willfully ignorant for a wide host of reasons, or we can choose to be smarter, grow a bit more in character development, and follow the doctor’s advice. Who likes to obey? Aren’t we all adults? Yes, but sometimes we revert back to being children, doing what we want, when we want and how we want. Let us all chose not to do that, for the sake and love of everyone else around us.

Here are the COVID-19 statistics worldwide as of March 22, 2020, according to BING.

TOTAL: ………….. 308,615
ACTIVE CASES ………………. 199,710
FATAL CASES ……………….. 13,971

China (mainland) … 81,054
Italy ……………………. 53,578
Spain ………………….. 28,603
United States ……… 27,111
Germany ……………. 23, 129
Iran …………………….. 21,638
France ………………… 14,459
South Korea ………… 8,897
Switzerland …………. 7,014
United Kingdom ….. 5,027
Netherlands …………. 3,643
Belgium ……………….. 3,401
Austria …………………. 3,062
Norway ………………… 2,234
Sweden ……………….. 1,770
Portugal ………………. 1,600
Denmark ………………. 1,420
Australia ………………. 1,356
Canada ………………… 1,331
Malaysia ………………. 1,306
Brazil ……………………. 1,201
Japan …………………… 1,054
Chechia ……………….. 1,047
Turkey …………………. 947
Israel …………………… 945
Luxembourg ……….. 798
Ireland ………………… 785
Diamond Princess … 712
Pakistan ………………… 646
Thailand ……………….. 599
Iceland …………………. 568
Chile …………………….. 537
Poland ………………….. 536
Ecuador ………………… 532
Greece ………………….. 530
Finland ………………….. 523
Indonesia ……………… 514
Qatar ……………………. 481
Singapore …………….. 455
Romania ………………. 433
Saudi Arabia …………. 392
Slovenia ……………….. 383
Philippines …………… 380
India …………………….. 341
Bahrain ………………… 333
Estonia ………………… 326
Peru ……………………. 318
Hong Kong SAR …… 317
Russia …………………. 306 ???
Egypt …………………… 294
Mexico ………………… 251
Panama ………………. 245
South Africa ……….. 240
Croatia ……………….. 235
Lebanon …………….. 230
Argentina …………… 225
Iraq …………………… 214
Colombia ……………… 210
Armenia ………………. 190
Kuwait ………………… 188
Serbia …………………. 188
Slovakia ……………… 178
Bulgaria ……………… 171
Taiwan ………………. 169
San Marino ……….. 160
United Arab Emirates … 153
Algeria ………………… 139
Latvia …………………. 139
Uruguay …………….. 135
Hungary …………….. 131
Costa Rica ………….. 117
North Macedonia .. 114
Dominican Republic … 112
Lithuania ………………. 105
Morocco ………………. 104
Jordan …………………… 99
Vietnam ……………….. 99
Bosnia and Herzegovina … 94
Albania …………………….. 89
Andorra ………………….. 88
Brunei ………………………. 83
Moldova ………………….. 80
Belarus ……………………. 76
Cyprus ……………………. 75
Tunisia ……………………. 75
Malta …………………….. 73
Sri Lanka ……………………. 72
Venezuela …………………. 70
New Zealand …………….. 66
Burkina Faso …………….. 64
Palestinian Authority … 59
Kazakhstan ……………….. 57
Senegal …………………….. 56
Oman ………………………… 55
Georgia …………………….. 54
Azerbaijan ………………… 53
Cambodia …………………. 53
Ukraine …………………….. 47
Liechtenstein ……………. 44
Uzbekistan ……………….. 42
Cameroon ………………… 40
Kosovo ……………………… 31
Bangladesh ……………….. 27
Nigeria ………………………. 27
Honduras …………………… 27
Afghanistan ……………….. 24
Congo (DRC) ………………. 23
Paraguay ……………………. 22
Cuba ………………………….. 21
Ghana ……………………….. 21
Bolivia ………………………. 20
Jamaica …………………….. 19
Macao SAR ……………….. 19
Mauritius ………………….. 18
Guatemala ………………… 17
Guernsey ………………….. 17
Cote d’Ivoire …………….. 17
Rwanda …………………….. 17
Montenegro ……………… 16
Togo …………………………. 16
Jersey ………………………. 15
Kyrgyzstan ……………….. 14
Maldives ………………….. 13
Tanzania ………………….. 12
Monaco …………………… 11
Mongolia …………………. 10
Ethiopia …………………… 9
Trinidad and Tobago … 9
Kenya ………………………. 7
Seychelles ……………….. 7
Equatorial Guinea …… 6
Barbados ………………… 5
Isle of Man ……………… 5
Suriname ……………….. 5
Bahamas ……………….. 4
Eswatini …………………. 4
Gabon ……………………. 4
Guyana ………………….. 4
Cabo Verde ……………. 3
Central African Republic … 3
El Salvador ……………….. 3
Madagascar ………………. 3
Liberia ……………………… 3
Namibia ……………………. 3
Zimbabwe ………………….. 3
Angola ………………………. 2
Benin ………………………… 2
Bhutan ……………………… 2
Fiji ……………………………. 2
Haiti ………………………… 2
Mauritania ………………. 2
Nicaragua ………………… 2
Sant Lucia ……………….. 2
Sudan …………………….. 2
Zambia …………………… 2
Antigua and Barbuda … 1
Chad ………………………… 1
Djibouti …………………….. 1
Eritrea ……………………….. 1
Guinea ……………………… 1
Nepal ……………………….. 1
Niger ………………………… 1
Papua New Guinea ….. 1
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines … 1
Somalia ………………………. 1
Uganda ……………………….. 1
Vatican City ………………… 1

God Bless