Enthusiasm ~ A Strong Mental Attitude Creates Miracles

Enthusiasm is power. Enthusiasm is inspiration. Enthusiasm concentrates and feeds the powers of the mind, and gives them wings of action. Enthusiasm is the magic emotion that transforms negative into positive emotions.  Enthusiasm heals.

Enthusiasm is one of the greatest assets every member of the human race has at her or his fingertips. The effects of enthusiasm are stronger than money, power and influence.

Enthusiasm tramples over prejudice and opposition, spurns inaction, is the offspring of motive, and is faith in action.

Enthusiasm lifts the mind and heart, allowing Light and Love to overflow where formerly stagnant negativity dewlt.

Enthusiasm is dynamic, a burning desire, and a force to be reckoned with.

Enthusiasm steps up the vibrations of thought and alerts the imagination.

Enthusiasm takes the drudgery out of labor.

Enthusiasm gives a pleasing, convincing color to the tone of voice, adds attractiveness to your personality, inspires self-confidence, and aids in the maintenance of sound health.

Enthusiasm is a radiation of our spirit and it’s twin, our will, and is closely related to Infinite Intelligence.

Enthusiasm is the action factor of thought.

Enthusiasm does not mix with fear, envy, greed, jealousy, doubt, revenge, hatred, intolerance and procrastination.

Enthusiasm thrives only on positive thoughts and actions.

Enthusiasm inspires personal initiative, dispels physical fatigue, and overcomes laziness.

Enthusiasm, will power, and persistence are triplets that give us sustained action with a minimum loss of physical energy.

Enthusiasm is positive mental attitute in action.

Enthusiasm is related to every faculty of the mind, and is the action-producing factor.

Enthusiasm arouses the subconscious mind to greater activity, inspiring it to project itself deeply into the reservoirs of Infinite Intelligence, where the answers to all human problems exist.

These excepts are taken from Science Of Success, by Napoleon Hill.


Free Yourself From Doubt And Fear

Make the Call to your I AM Presence and the Ascended Host that you are forever freed from the mass pressure and the action of certain qualities which have held the entire human race in bondage for centuries.

Doubt and fear are two qualities that have held humanity in bondage for centuries because of what the human mind has concentrated upon. It does not matter if we concentrate on fear-based actions of other countries, or doubts about our personal relationships, always fearing the worst.


The way to keep dysfunction marching forward is to make sure you keep the drumbeat constantly drumming, constantly worrying, constantly focused on WHAT YOU DO NOT WANT. Dysfunction exists on the pulse of fear and doubt.

Peace starts with the individual. Peace starts with you and with me, not the other guy, nor the other country. If you want to manifest peaceful solutions, first you and I must think of peaceful solutions, and allow peace to grow at every level, at every opportunity to focus on the good we can do, as opposed to the harm we fear.

At first this sounds like rational sound advice. But at the first flicker of negativity, we often forget that light conquers dark every single time. There are positive solutions to problems.

Realize that doubt and fear are two qualities that sabotage all situations. Selfishness and discord cover a similar activity, because all fear is selfishness, and all doubt is discord.

Fear, doubt, and discord are so contagious that at first, we think we have no choice in the matter. But we do.

Many times, these waves of feelings burst upon us, holding us in their grip until we remember that we do, in fact, have a choice in how we respond. The choice is ours. We do not need to sink to the lowest common denominator, nor do we need to feed on the fear of others.

The solution to sabotaged thinking is to cut ourselves free from the mass pressure or accumulation of destructive qualities. When you do this, you will feel your own personal power grow with much greater speed.


The choice is yours. Feed on Peace, Love, Empathy, Compassion, Harmony, and Unity as much as possible, in baby steps if necessary. Be the bridge to health and wholeness.

Our human bodies have been for so long in the habit of accepting that rate of vibration as it flows through our mental and feeling world as being “real.” Dysfunction can feel familiar since it may have been what we are used to operating on, but that does not make it a valid choice simply because we are used to it.

It takes 21 days to break a habit, including the habit of negativity, or accepting fear-based mass consciousness.

There are more options at our disposal, options based on peaceful freedom and love without conditions, focusing on positive solutions, upbuilding thoughts and words, and supporting the good already established. We can all make better decisions.

Each of us has the strength of our own life stream, the animating force of our lives. This is something beyond the human self and beyond the mundane existence of life. It is the Spark of Life; our I AM Presence alive and well within us; our connection to the Source of All That Is.

We can also call on our spiritual helpers, the angels, the masters and ascended masters, The Father of Jesus – the God of Love and Wisdom, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, Quan Yin and others you work with, not as a beggar, but unified by your God-given Spirit/Soul. Focus on the good, the Light, and the Love.

We do know how to help ourselves instead of hurting ourselves, politically, personally, socially, and in every other division we conjure up. We are more powerful than we know. You and I both know that when we have had enough of a bad situation, we decide to change it. It is that simple.

Abstract peaceful background – planet Earth, bright sun shines, blue sky, eternity and heaven. Elements of this image furnished by NASA. Be the Light in your part of the world.

I am calling all Light Workers to manifest as much light as you can from right where you are in the world today and every day. Shine the Light of Love, Light of Wisdom, Light of Peace, Light of Unity, Light of Positive Solutions to areas in your corner of the world capturing your attention.

Do not discuss the fear and trepidation you see. Allow dysfunctional attention grabbers to dissolve in the Light of Empathy and the Light of Compassion. Send these problem areas to the Healing Light, through your Soul, to your I AM Presence within you. It is your own personal I AM Presence that continues to give you life, without which you would be lifeless. But here you are, breathing oxygen, on this world for this reason, at this time.

You can also send dysfunction to the purple flame of Germain as a way of visualizing all negativity in people, places, and things transmuting evil into good, or negative situations into positive situations. Light a candle. Say a prayer seeking healing for the world, your relationships, even your physical and mental wellbeing. Raise the tone of conversations. Walk away from gossip. Raise the vibrations from low to high in how you are thinking and feeling. You do have that choice.

Then you will be free to bless the world from your spot in it with Grace, Understanding, and Healing. Life is what you make it. Make your life Beautiful.


Moral Dilemmas ~ Government ~ Politicians ~ Voters

Greed over humanity has reached critical mass in many lands in our world. We need to shift and include integrity in our humanity.

The following is a post from January 2, 2013. Truths do not change. Here we are discussing the same points to the same political dilemmas seven years later.

Moral dilemmas occur in every facet of life. One of our life lessons is to balance our needs with the needs of everyone and everything else.

When do we take care of our self, our needs, our wants, our desires?

When do we go beyond ourselves to include taking care of others, others’ needs, others’ wants, others’ desires?

It is important that we take care of ourselves. Self preservation mandates we take care of ourself first in order to have the stamina to take care of others, such as putting on an oxygen mask on an airplane before putting on your children’s oxygen mask.

But what is the boundary that marks the saturation point of critical mass of care of the self to excessive selfish, only self serving agendas at the expense of harming others?

At what point do we shift into the numbing state of egocentric blindness that appears to fall on our personal and collective moral conscience?

At what point do we stop listening to others’ points of view on any subject, and only listen to our own selfish and hurtful opinions?

Are we getting paid to do a job?

Are we students?

Are we in administration?

Are we appointed to the job?

Did we get voted in to do a job?

Do we listen to the loudest voice screaming in our head?

What is it that grabs our attention, and is important to us?

Are we swayed by peer pressure, popular opinion, financial, political or social gain?

Is it important that we win at all costs, or that we do the right thing under our watch at this time?

Is it important to eliminate all others’ points of view, vision and agendas in order that our own is the only light that shines, at the tremendous expense of human, social and financial sacrifice, as long as we win locally, nationally and worldwide?

Are we aware that everything going on in every country is seen by every other country, that we no longer live in Neanderthal ignorance, behind high walls, void of technology, science and education?

Are we truly living our conscience, our moral conviction in the face of all truths, not just the “truths” we want to see?

Do we make decisions based on integrity and honor for the good of all people, or based on personal, social, financial or political gain?

Does someone else, or something else own your soul, your voice, your mind?

Recognize that it is not socialism or any other kind of “ism,” to play your part in the betterment of humankind. Name calling another’s point of view is a deflection technique, rather than dealing with the issue at hand.

It is possible to sabotage all other attempts at the remedy if it is not our idea, our agenda, our platform. It is possible to sink an agenda, and a country, and the world if we choose not to be responsible.

It is time to get out of the sandbox.

It is not possible to build something up at the same moment you are tearing it down.

What is needed at this point in time is to do the job in a cooperative effort, making just decisions in the face of threats by bullies of every kind.

We teach our children to stand up to bullies, but it seems when it comes to healing us grownups, we adults have the backbone of a grape.

We teach our children to stand up to bullies, but it appears that political blackmail is tolerable to the paid-off politician.

We need to mature, abandon peer pressure, and do the job we are paid for, volunteered to do, or are appointed to do.

We need to be strong, courageous and valiant in the face of difficult and unpopular opinions of our time in every situation.

Courage is doing the right thing in the face of fear-based threats, in order to help humanity and our country.

It takes courage to act with integrity and honesty to stand up against friend and foe alike, in order to do the right thing for all of the people under our political or private watch, without tipping the scale of justice towards selfish greed and political and personal gain.

It takes integrity not to turn a democracy into an authoritarian dictatorship.

Now is the time for our leaders to be leaders.

Our decisions need to be balanced, or they will topple. The more out of balance the decision, the harder and faster they topple.

Now is the time for our leaders all over this world to build up, not tear down.

Now is the time to let the breath of education, science, wisdom, light, and healing to sweep through our lands, like a refreshing rain renews what was once barren, fallen, deprieved, and destitute.

The Pendulum Swing Of Freedom And Slavery

Prior to the eons of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness and separatness, we were each freedom-2053281_1920born as free human beings, free to live life, free to think our own thoughts, and free to experience through our six senses. That is the original essence of who we are. We come from immortal LIFE and LIGHT manifesting as LOVE. Our souls are the seed of this LIFE, LIGHT, and LOVE, which never dies. Our souls are eternal, as is the Source of our being. We are physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric and astral.

It is not our job in this life to enslave ourselves nor enslave others.

You and I are the pendulums in our lives, programmed by our own throughts, words and actions. We are programmable. We are crystalline in nature. Look at your skin and blood cells under a miscrope and you will see the geometric shapes of which you are comprised. Included in your physical structure is silicon dioxide, quartz crystal, which is highly programmable. Check out your vitamins and the pre-packaged foods on the shelves in your homes and grocery stores. Silicon dioxide if often listed as one of the ingredients.

We do not have to do what others have programmed us to do, think and say. We also have the gift of free will. How are we chosing to use our very own free will? Do we use it to promote Love or NOT LOVE? We have the ability to create change for the betterment of humankind any time we desire to create a better world in which to live.

Over eons of time, some of us created various control systems. Perhaps we needed to learn how to best grow into our own person power in a balanced way. There is a way to stand up in our own power that does not harm others in the same way that we do not wish to be harmed. We are learning, time after time, when the authority of others and their control systems rise to the surface of daily living. These control systems can be seen in every nation in: politics, religion, education, finance, and global caretaking, or not.

Bigotry, caste, class and ignorant distinctions are based on race, color, gender, creed, age, ability, disability, and any other distinction we humans create under our misguided use of free will and personal power. This has been our history from the beginning of time to this day. Control systems are not part of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE that walks the earth in each one of us souls who now wear bodies. We are all intended to be born free human beings. No one human being is any better thn any other human being. We can work together to create a better future, full of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The important point to make here, is that we are all the same, of the same-soul origen.

To see human beings as separate beings is just as ludicrous as saying God is better than God, or that God counts more than God, or that God is more important than God.

The pendulum of freedom has swung far and wide since the sinking of Atlantis over 12,000 years ago, when similar lack of understanding exactly who we are and where we come from caused its demise, generating the cataclysmic global flood. Imbalance of control over other human beings as well as misguided authority over various energetic power systems.

It is not impossible to bring back, to wake up, remember and realize our full human potential. We barely have the time necessary to do this on this world at this moment, if we wish to. If we act now, we can make psychological, emotional and intellectual progress. We do not have to remain in our current state of imbalance and dysfunction, which is a mere shadow of who and what we really are. We all can be better.

We still have the template of our original design held within our DNA blueprints. It is possible, with conscious awareness and greater recognition to welcome in LOVE over NOT Love, PEACE over NOT PEACE, UNDERSTANDING over NOT UNDERSTANDING, and INTELLIGENCE over WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

We are not born into any kind of limiting system (other than our soul is now encased by our body), no matter what present or past earth control systems pontificate. We are not born rich or poor in the worldly standards of judgment. A baby boy born into a loving poor family is far richer than one born into a wealthy family where affections are withheld or used as bargaining chips in life, something to be earned.

When we first made our appearance here on earth, as our souls dropped into time from the ETERNAL LIGHT, LIFE and LOVE beyond, we did not have physical bodies. The vibrations and conscious awareness of our soul-selves were so much higher that the concept of lack and competition manifested in today’s world. We created via thought and desire. Souls that dropped down from eternity out of sheer curiosity came from a place of total and complete LOVE, LIGHT and Life, exactly as all our souls did. Today, it is still our common denominator. Our immortal soul is our God Particle.

If we are all born from LOVE and LIGHT from the Eternal LIFE Itself, from the Author of the Big Bang of all the material Creation, in precise order and eternal expansion, where did we pick up the contrary notion of being separate, or different, or better than anyone or any thing else in this world?

We forgot the very spark of LIFE, LIGHT and LOVE from which we came. As souls, we know we are not of the mortal world, born from material mothers and fathers. That is a matter of recreation (re-creation), not creation. As souls, we knew we came from the Great God of All, from the I AM of old, from the very Name of God Himself.

While in Lemuria, the Land of Mu, we rembered (re-membered) initially that our spark of LIFE came from the Original SPARK OF LIFE. Our etheric souls manifested. We experienced. As with all of our histories, when we do not re-member who we are and where we came from, or go out of balance with the discovery of power and how to use it, through our own exuberance and thrill, we can go one step too far, and sink the good we have done. Not RE-MEMBERING that our souls are the LOVE, LIGHT, LOVE Sparks of the SOURCE of all LIFE,  is like forgetting that the energy carried through the plug comes from the electrical Source of the energy. The plug is not energized until it is plugged into its source. Our souls are truly our God-selves, immortal.

REMEMBER who you are.

That is the origin of our very own I AM Presence, the life of each soul. It is sparked from the eternal spark of the LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE we carry within us. It is part of our essence. It is the very thing that animates us. Without our souls, which return to our eternal soul home, our physical bodies cease to function. We call it death, but it is only the death of this particular body. We were and still are, all eternal in our never ending souls.

The good news is we have eternity to deal with all of this. We have the loving gift of reincarnation. Even in Jesus’ day, Jesus asked the apostles who they thought he was in Matthew 16:13-16. “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus does not correct them by saying there is no such thing as reincarnation. If that were so, that would have been the time to teach that very important point to his apostles. But Jesus did not say that.

The more we remain in density, the denser we become. The more attracted we get to the things that blind us from our original goals here on earth, the more we can misuse free will to become so distracted that we bring on our own demise. Some of us have become extremely dense in mind and body. Over the eons of time, depending on where we chose to live, cataclysm after cataclysm, flood after flood, and ice age after ice age, we have reincarnated in various parts of the world. We discovered we enjoyed going from telepathic language to inventing physical language as the means of human communication. There are many more differences that made us all unique.

Some of us stopped practicing LOVE and focused our attention on NOT LOVE. This brought in a host of other realizations we had not thought of before. It was not until things got way out of control, did we see how far we had fallen from the Source of all LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The pendulum swung completely in the opposite direction into the void of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. What we are experiencing now, others have experienced generation upon generation before us. Without correcting imbalance in all manmade created current realities, it is possible to lose it all again.

Greed grew. NOT LOVE grew. Care of the self over the excluded care of others, even children became our reality. Care of the greater number grew cold to the point children were ripped out of the mother’s arms and put in cages. This was done with plausible explanations why it was acceptable to do. So many of us accepted the unacceptable. People from countries other than ours were also put in cages and treated inhumanly. We closed our eyes to people in death camps, and murdered black people in city streets. There was war after war, as peace was supposedly sought. No country on earth was without these negative side effects from the negative seeds planted.

When we plant seeds of corn, we do not grow tomatoes. Oddly, this fact still suprises some of us.

Whatever you think about comes about. Whatever you focus on happens. We see through our histories this has happened when we only thought of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness, and separatness as goals to attain.

Not all of us throughout history were blinded by greed, unbridled selfishness, and unsynmpathetic to the plights of others. Most of us did remember the Author of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. Through all the ages, we have noticed times of more enlightenment, empathy, compassion, and kindness. Not all of us acted as victims in our own life. Some of us even worked to bring this LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE to others through energy work and crystals, working with humanity and global efforts, and a wide array of projects. A core group of us continue, dedicated to this day to pray and meditate for the raising of the consciousness, knowing All is One.

We can change, even in today’s world, to make a better place for all of us to live in. We do not have to destroy everything by power grubbing grabs over people, places and things. We do not have to melt the polar ice caps, hunt animals life to extinction, ruin this beautiful planet, or trash our atmosphere until it is inhabitable. You and I are the pendulums in this life. If we do not like what we have created (Yes, we have created dysfunction ad well as function), we can put our energy, focus and desire to better our situations.

The pendulum swings from freedom to slavery, as well as from slavery to freedom. In each of our lives, we go in and out of enlightenment. Different things capture our finite attention. We search. We learn. We come to new understanding. We change religions, find religion or have no religion. We can wake up. No matter what our beliefs, there is always more to discover, because Pure LOVE, LIGHT and LOVE is the TRUE essence of our souls, which are eternity itself.


The Pendulum Swing of Freedom And Slavery

Prior to the eons of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness and separatness, we were each freedom-2053281_1920born as free human beings, free to live life, free to think our own thoughts, and free to experience through our six senses. That is the original essence of who we are. We come from immortal LIFE and LIGHT manifesting as LOVE. Our souls are the seed of this LIFE, LIGHT, and LOVE, which never dies. Our souls are eternal, as is the Source of our being. We are physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric and astral.

It is not our job in this life to enslave ourselves nor enslave others.

You and I are the pendulums in our lives, programmed by our own throughts, words and actions. We are programmable. We are crystalline in nature. Look at your skin and blood cells under a miscrope and you will see the geometric shapes of which you are comprised. Included in your physical structure is silicon dioxide, quartz crystal, which is highly programmable. Check out your vitamins and the pre-packaged foods on the shelves in your homes and grocery stores. Silicon dioxide if often listed as one of the ingredients.

We do not have to do what others have programmed us to do, think and say. We also have the gift of free will. How are we chosing to use our very own free will? Do we use it to promote Love or NOT LOVE? We have the ability to create change for the betterment of humankind any time we desire to create a better world in which to live.

Over eons of time, some of us created various control systems. Perhaps we needed to learn how to best grow into our own person power in a balanced way. There is a way to stand up in our own power that does not harm others in the same way that we do not wish to be harmed. We are learning, time after time, when the authority of others and their control systems rise to the surface of daily living. These control systems can be seen in every nation in: politics, religion, education, finance, and global caretaking, or not.

Bigotry, caste, class and ignorant distinctions are based on race, color, gender, creed, age, ability, disability, and any other distinction we humans create under our misguided use of free will and personal power. This has been our history from the beginning of time to this day. Control systems are not part of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE that walks the earth in each one of us souls who now wear bodies. We are all intended to be born free human beings. No one human being is any better thn any other human being. We can work together to create a better future, full of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The important point to make here, is that we are all the same, of the same-soul origen.

To see human beings as separate beings is just as ludicrous as saying God is better than God, or that God counts more than God, or that God is more important than God.

The pendulum of freedom has swung far and wide since the sinking of Atlantis over 12,000 years ago, when similar lack of understanding exactly who we are and where we come from caused its demise, generating the cataclysmic global flood. Imbalance of control over other human beings as well as misguided authority over various energetic power systems.

It is not impossible to bring back, to wake up, remember and realize our full human potential. We barely have the time necessary to do this on this world at this moment, if we wish to. If we act now, we can make psychological, emotional and intellectual progress. We do not have to remain in our current state of imbalance and dysfunction, which is a mere shadow of who and what we really are. We all can be better.

We still have the template of our original design held within our DNA blueprints. It is possible, with conscious awareness and greater recognition to welcome in LOVE over NOT Love, PEACE over NOT PEACE, UNDERSTANDING over NOT UNDERSTANDING, and INTELLIGENCE over WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

We are not born into any kind of limiting system (other than our soul is now encased by our body), no matter what present or past earth control systems pontificate. We are not born rich or poor in the worldly standards of judgment. A baby boy born into a loving poor family is far richer than one born into a wealthy family where affections are withheld or used as bargaining chips in life, something to be earned.

When we first made our appearance here on earth, as our souls dropped into time from the ETERNAL LIGHT, LIFE and LOVE beyond, we did not have physical bodies. The vibrations and conscious awareness of our soul-selves were so much higher that the concept of lack and competition manifested in today’s world. We created via thought and desire. Souls that dropped down from eternity out of sheer curiosity came from a place of total and complete LOVE, LIGHT and Life, exactly as all our souls did. Today, it is still our common denominator. Our immortal soul is our God Particle.

If we are all born from LOVE and LIGHT from the Eternal LIFE Itself, from the Author of the Big Bang of all the material Creation, in precise order and eternal expansion, where did we pick up the contrary notion of being separate, or different, or better than anyone or any thing else in this world?

We forgot the very spark of LIFE, LIGHT and LOVE from which we came. As souls, we know we are not of the mortal world, born from material mothers and fathers. That is a matter of recreation (re-creation), not creation. As souls, we knew we came from the Great God of All, from the I AM of old, from the very Name of God Himself.

While in Lemuria, the Land of Mu, we rembered (re-membered) initially that our spark of LIFE came from the Original SPARK OF LIFE. Our etheric souls manifested. We experienced. As with all of our histories, when we do not re-member who we are and where we came from, or go out of balance with the discovery of power and how to use it, through our own exuberance and thrill, we can go one step too far, and sink the good we have done. Not RE-MEMBERING that our souls are the LOVE, LIGHT, LOVE Sparks of the SOURCE of all LIFE,  is like forgetting that the energy carried through the plug comes from the electrical Source of the energy. The plug is not energized until it is plugged into its source. Our souls are truly our God-selves, immortal.

REMEMBER who you are.

That is the origin of our very own I AM Presence, the life of each soul. It is sparked from the eternal spark of the LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE we carry within us. It is part of our essence. It is the very thing that animates us. Without our souls, which return to our eternal soul home, our physical bodies cease to function. We call it death, but it is only the death of this particular body. We were and still are, all eternal in our never ending souls.

The good news is we have eternity to deal with all of this. We have the loving gift of reincarnation. Even in Jesus’ day, Jesus asked the apostles who they thought he was in Matthew 16:13-16. “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus does not correct them by saying there is no such thing as reincarnation. If that were so, that would have been the time to teach that very important point to his apostles. But Jesus did not say that.

The more we remain in density, the denser we become. The more attracted we get to the things that blind us from our original goals here on earth, the more we can misuse free will to become so distracted that we bring on our own demise. Some of us have become extremely dense in mind and body. Over the eons of time, depending on where we chose to live, cataclysm after cataclysm, flood after flood, and ice age after ice age, we have reincarnated in various parts of the world. We discovered we enjoyed going from telepathic language to inventing physical language as the means of human communication. There are many more differences that made us all unique.

Some of us stopped practicing LOVE and focused our attention on NOT LOVE. This brought in a host of other realizations we had not thought of before. It was not until things got way out of control, did we see how far we had fallen from the Source of all LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The pendulum swung completely in the opposite direction into the void of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. What we are experiencing now, others have experienced generation upon generation before us. Without correcting imbalance in all manmade created current realities, it is possible to lose it all again.

Greed grew. NOT LOVE grew. Care of the self over the excluded care of others, even children became our reality. Care of the greater number grew cold to the point children were ripped out of the mother’s arms and put in cages. This was done with plausible explanations why it was acceptable to do. So many of us accepted the unacceptable. People from countries other than ours were also put in cages and treated inhumanly. We closed our eyes to people in death camps, and murdered black people in city streets. There was war after war, as peace was supposedly sought. No country on earth was without these negative side effects from the negative seeds planted.

When we plant seeds of corn, we do not grow tomatoes. Oddly, this fact still suprises some of us.

Whatever you think about comes about. Whatever you focus on happens. We see through our histories this has happened when we only thought of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness, and separatness as goals to attain.

Not all of us throughout history were blinded by greed, unbridled selfishness, and unsynmpathetic to the plights of others. Most of us did remember the Author of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. Through all the ages, we have noticed times of more enlightenment, empathy, compassion, and kindness. Not all of us acted as victims in our own life. Some of us even worked to bring this LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE to others through energy work and crystals, working with humanity and global efforts, and a wide array of projects. A core group of us continue, dedicated to this day to pray and meditate for the raising of the consciousness, knowing All is One.

We can change, even in today’s world, to make a better place for all of us to live in. We do not have to destroy everything by power grubbing grabs over people, places and things. We do not have to melt the polar ice caps, hunt animals life to extinction, ruin this beautiful planet, or trash our atmosphere until it is inhabitable. You and I are the pendulums in this life. If we do not like what we have created (Yes, we have created dysfunction ad well as function), we can put our energy, focus and desire to better our situations.

The pendulum swings from freedom to slavery, as well as from slavery to freedom. In each of our lives, we go in and out of enlightenment. Different things capture our finite attention. We search. We learn. We come to new understanding. We change religions, find religion or have no religion. We can wake up. No matter what our beliefs, there is always more to discover, because Pure LOVE, LIGHT and LOVE is the TRUE essence of our souls, which are eternity itself.
