“We Are The World” ~ Made of Both Light and Dark ~ Choose Light

We Are The World, sung by students at Clarksville Elementary School.

You and I are the world.

You and I are made of both light and dark influences.

Unless you allow yourself to read what has been hidden from you, you are indoctrinated.

Jesus lived for 33 years accounted for in the bible, specifically accounting for only 15 years of his life, the first 12 childhood years, and his years of 30-33.

How would you like to only be known for your first 12 years of your childhood, and from your ages 30-33?

Would that be fair to you?

Would you also want to know what Jesus said in those 18 missing years?

Did you know that there are many writings about those missing years which Jesus tried to teach humanity?

“I know you are Abraham’s descendants, but you are trying to kill Me because My word has no place within you. I speak of what I have seen in the presence of the Father, and you do what you have heard from your father.” John 8:37-38

Do you understand that the Almighty Father who created Jesus is not humanity’s father?

John 8:44 in today’s bible is also specific on this point, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

Jesus explained that more fully to his apostles in The Second Revelation of James, but that information was hidden from you to keep you in submission, usurping your free will, and indoctrinating you into believing that the “god of the Old Testament is the same Father of Jesus Christ when it was not.

“I tell you, listen and understand. For many, when they hear, will be fainthearted, but you, understand in the way I can tell you. Your father is not my Father, but my Father has become a father to you.” Jesus is speaking to his brother James post-resurrection in The Second Revelation of James 51,14-54,15

Have you allowed yourself to read or know that?

You and I also have a Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy animating our animalistic frames just as Jesus portrayed in his Christ Presence. We have this because Sophia, also known as Wisdom, and Holy Spirit, breathed life-giving breath into her creation, who in turn ultimately created humanity as the Origin of the World explains. http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/origin-Barnstone.html.

Jesus was fully human and fully “divine.”

So are you.

Which “beast” are you feeding, your animalistic nature or your spiritual nature?

You are made of body/mind and spirit/Soul.

Jesus conquered his animalistic human nature, which often makes dark decisions.

You have the ability to make animalistic decisions void of conscience, peace, and love; or higher-minded, Soul decisions filled with Limitless Living Light of the I Am Presence. The choice is yours.

Jesus is a wonderful example of how to choose light over dark energies.

Whoever you are on this beautiful world, can choose light over dark in every decision you make.

You are that powerful.

You can bring peace to the world today by choosing peace, love, and forgiveness, starting with your own life.

First you might need to loosen the suffocating bonds of indoctrination which keeps you in line, usually by tremendous threats of fear of all kinds, to your eternal Soul, and to your friendships, religious, political, and social affiliations.

You are worthy.

You do not need a boss.

You are worthy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Allow yourself to continue learning what has been kept from you.

Do not cave to the threats of otherwise well-meaning rabbis, priests, ministers and gurus because they have also been indoctrinated, and do not know any better. Have mercy.

It is embarrassing to discover that my religion lied to me. Then again, others lied to them.

“Jesus said, ‘Woe to the Pharisees, for they are like a dog sleeping in the cattle manger, for it does not eat or let the cattle eat.’” Nag Hammadi Codex II, The Gospel of Thomas with the Greek Gospel of Thomas, 102.

In other words, they had the knowledge but hid it away for themselves.

Who would want you to not know this vital piece of information?

Jesus is explaining that the Pharisees got it wrong. They hid the truth and proclaimed the “god” of the Old Testament as Almighty Father of All, as his Father. This is not what Jesus taught.

Jesus also said, “The Pharisees and the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge and have hidden them. They have not entered, nor have they allowed those who want to enter to do so. As for you, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Nag Hammadi Codex II, The Gospel of Thomas with the Greek Gospel of Thomas,39.

Were you ever taught this?

This is the actual reason that Jesus Christ was crucified.

Think for yourself.

Jesus said to keep searching until you find.

Has any religion satisfied all your questions while simultaneously denying the Light WITHIN you that Jesus taught to the Pharisees in Luke 17:20-21?

When you find all that Jesus said, not just the manipulated words the indoctrinated leaders are telling you, only then will you have the freedom with which Jesus came to liberate you.

Jesus paid a dear price to teach humanity this lesson.

It is time we paid better attention to all his words, not just only 15 years of his words, then dare to say we are Christian.

Even if we are not a Christian, isn’t it better to know accurate history over censored and banned material?

Is it a good or a bad idea to ban all history that does not agree with our own indoctrination?


If You Think You Are Too Small to Make a Difference, You Haven’t Spent a Night with a Mosquito

This African Proverb is an undoubted, self-evident truth.

You matter.

You are made of Light, by Light, and for Light, your ultimate ascension.

Love is Light.

Hope is Light.

Peace is Light.

Joy is Light.

Forgiveness is Light.

Wisdom is Light.

Knowledge is Light.

This means that you are the Light of Love, Hope, Peace, Joy, Forgiveness, Wisdom, and Knowledge.

The world is better because you are in it, sharing your Light in the dark places in the world, wherever you are, so that you can join the multitude of Lightworkers all over the world to make the one planet we all call home a better place to live.

Thank you for being you.


What You Seek is Already Within You

Sometimes you are on the hunt for more joy, peace, self-esteem, and wisdom, like Siddartha Gautama in the fictional story by Hermann Hesse seeking enlightenment. What did Siddhartha discover?

This story shows Siddhartha was considered to be a Brahman’s son, or that of a powerful king or great spiritual leader, * searching for the meaning of life. Siddhartha’s father shielded him from all negative aspects of life until the day Siddhartha leaves his protective home and sees the miseries of life firsthand.


He learns that wisdom cannot be taught. Knowledge can be taught, but wisdom taught to the unwise sounds like folly. This is why those around you lacking wisdom are so quick to scream, “Heresy!” when they hear wisdom coming from your lips. They are vibrating at such a low energetic frequency that due to either ignorance or indoctrination, it is not possible for them to understand until they cut their own man-made ties to fear.

Fear is the stumbling block to not only knowledge, but also wisdom. If the cup of others around you is already full, nothing more will be able to be poured into their human earthen vessel. They might know or feel that something is missing, but if does not match what they have previously been told, words of wisdom cannot resonate in them. Wisdom slides off of them and their aura like water slides off the back of a duck.

Siddhartha tells his good friend, Govinda, “I have had thoughts, yes, and insights, ever and always. Sometimes, for an hour or for a day, I have felt knowledge within me, just as one feels like within his heart. There were many thoughts, but it would be difficult for me to convey them. You see, my Govinda, here is one of the thoughts I have found. Wisdom cannot be conveyed. The wisdom of sage attempts to convey always sounds like folly.”

Siddhartha says, “I am not the Buddha. Nor am I a saint. I am just a man who has been blessed with understanding of life.”

This quote emphasizes Siddhartha’s humility and his belief that he is not a religious figure, but rather a person who has gained wisdom through his own experiences.

The same is true of you, if you have transmuted ties of fear in your life. People teach to cut ties to fear. Never do that. Instead, transmute the fear inside you into knowledge and increase your thirst for knowledge, the fertile ground for the seeds of wisdom to grow.

Jesus agreed with Siddhartha. Jesus was also aware of Buddhism from all his travels in India in his ages 12-30. In Luke 17:20-21, Jesus tells us that the “Light,” that “Kingdom of God, dwells within us.

New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation classes I teach begin in April 2024 and are listed here: https://lindahourihan.wordpress.com/2024/01/06/do-you-want-to-make-a-difference-in-your-life-and-in-the-world-expand-your-knowledge-in-new-paradigm-multidimensional-transformation-classes/

My latest book: IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitles, UNIVERSAL WODSOM, can also help you transform and transmute negative beliefs into positive energy, clearing the way for you to bloom where you are planted.

Click on the link below to get this book:


The world needs your positive and healing influence wherever you are.



We have spent most of our lives forming sharp opinions and cutting-edge judgments like the sharpening of ice-skating blades for precision skating.

It is the opinions and judgments that tear down, compared to those that build up, which make humanity backtrack in social integrity and maturity. Nothing ever stays the same. Change is always in flux.

What distinguishes advancement in human endeavors rather than reverting back into old and dysfunctional patterns?

Empathy, care and concern of others included in the mix of our decision making, is the pinnacle point that must be addressed. By not taking in the cause and effect of our thoughts, words, and actions upon others, we begin the regression back into the animal kingdom from which we came.

Advances in technology, medicine and the sciences will matter little if we use them for the destruction of ourselves and the planet.

Even Jesus said in Matthew 7:1, “Stop judging!”

Still, we all have free will, to usurp the rights of others, or to have empathy for others. The choice is ours.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Esoteric Metaphysical Science Uncovered

M42 in the Orion Nebula is the womb of our solar system, prior to the birth of the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms of our home planet. You are born of the stars, since you are born of the Earth. There is more to you than you have been told.

The origins of who we are and how we got here are as convoluted as those over the centuries who attempt to tell us “How it is.”

Humanity can only go back so far in its ancient history before running into the fathomless pre-history myths and humanly contrived suspicions of every religious cult-like indoctrination.

Once arcane knowledge was discovered by the Brahmans, yet even the most highly educated Brahmans among them hid the esoteric knowledge of metaphysical principles relegated to only a select few, once they proved themselves worthy of such powerful information, according to The Secret Doctrine, volume 1, (which was my summer reading this year), by Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Hiding esoteric metaphysical knowledge became a common habit within every religious, political, and social power.

The Egyptian, Mayan, Aztec, and Hebrew interpretations of “Creation” were not the first to make control systems for their sheep-like followers, suppressing and guilting their flocks into handing over their tithes and their lives to avoid death on the sacrificial altars, or threatening their immortal Souls.

Notice what has been kept from you.

Who is censoring what you can read, think, say, or do?

Who is the boss of you, is it a religious, political, or social group?

The Orion Nebula is thought to have formed 4.5 billion years ago. Credits: Mark McCaughrean (Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy), C. Robert O’Dell (Rice University) and NASA Believed to be the cosmic fire of creation by the Maya of Mesoamerica, M42 blazes brightly in the constellation Orion.

The point is, you have been part of all manifestations of the Eternal Universal Life Force Energy innately within the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms in the generations animating your Limitless, Living, Light Soul. There is a reason why minerals are in your daily vitamins. There is a reason why you need vegetables and herbs to sustain your health. Even meat eaters within humanity are nourished by the animals throughout history. You are also part of the animal kingdom.

It is your illusive Soul that human systems of religions, politics, and society cannot stifle, unless you let them.

I encourage everyone to discover, or re-discover all information, not only some information with which others want to strangle your Soul. No other person or group of any kind owns the rights to your Soul. You do.

Turn a new page in your life without handing over your personal power, fame, and fortune to any human group, institution or organization. Now is the time to break free and learn all the knowledge that was once known, without otherwise well-meaning-shepherds yelling “Heresy” about knowledge they have not even allowed themselves to read or know due to their own fear.

Fear is the weapon of the indoctrinators. It works every time you give away your personal power, thinking that someone else knows more about religion/politics/society than you do. Fear is their tell-tale mark. Recognize this and decide never to be motivated by fear of anything again.

“Now is the time for courage. Courage does not mean having no fear. Rather, courage is feeling fear, but peacefully doing the right thing, the moral thing, with integrity, despite the presence of fear.” taken from the back cover of my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM.

This is presently the mockup for my book, expected to be available in November by Blue Fortune Enterprises.

I encourage everyone to gather your courage to learn about all arcane, esoteric and metaphysical knowledge, and only then decide what your belief systems are.

Now is time to take a closer look at who you truly are and why you are here on Earth at this time. Your Soul knows.


Ego and Competition vs Integrity and Self-Esteem ~ Where Is Your Character Development on Life’s Scale?

Who are you when no one is looking?

What do you think about yourself?

What do you project out to others?

The answers to these important questions make up who you think you are. Yet, there is more to you than you may know.

You are a composite not only of the DNA of your ancestry but are the manifestation of the realization of your mission and dharma in this school of life.

What is your personal reason for being alive at this moment in time? Do you know? Do you know who you truly are?

The above diagram shows your Self in the center of your awareness. This is the only place where you can assess yourself, why you are here in the first place, and where you are going.

Notice at the top in the red square it notes your Self Concept. Do you have a healthy Self-Concept of who and what you truly are? You are much more than your accomplishments, regardless of how noteworthy they are. Where do your seemingly random thoughts generate from? Have you ever thought of that?

Have you limited your knowledge based on the thoughts and opinions of others? This can occur in all areas of life. Have you possibly bought into the plans of others without your Self actively personally investigating with critical thinking skills and agreeing that their premise is so? Your questions about all areas of your life will persist until you do.

Growing into a greater knowledge on the left side of this diagram of your Self encompasses much more than the outcomes of the things you think, say, and do. You have a physical and mental effect on everyone and everything around you, including your plants and animals, and other human beings, of course. But have you paused long enough to ponder how powerful this Energy is that animates you, extending way beyond the aura of your Self?

This Energy is the same Energy that feeds the manifestation of your life’s dreams, goals, and wishes. While it is intangible, it is measurable by your belief in your Self to accomplish the most difficult and seemingly impossible tasks.

How do you handle the energetic hits when someone tells you, “No, you can’t do that,” or “You can only do this other thing” when you know full well that you can?

Know that you can do any positive and life-affirming thing that you set your mind to. You are the creator of your own reality. On one hand, you know this to be true. On the other hand, how many times have you caved to someone else’s desires above your own?

Let’s talk about your reputation, how your family perceives you, how your employer and co-workers view you, how you are understood in your social circles. Even these personas do not encompass the totality of who and what you are. You are much more than they perceive. This is the bottom purple section of the above diagram. Keep all these aspects of your Self in focus when you continue on the path of increasing your authentic Self-esteem, Self-confidence, and Self-awareness. This is your Eternal Universal Life Force in action.

What others see are the outcomes, according to their perspective, about your Self. Still, they do not know all there is to know about you. Some people think they know everything about you and put your Self in the box of their own understanding. That is the most any of us can do. Know that you are much more than anyone else’s comprehension of your Self. You can think what others say about your Self does not affect you, but on a subtle level, if they are in your world at all, it can tend to put a chip on your shoulder, making you emotionally guarded and hard-hearted. This is not the proper way to deal with your Self.

Why is that?

What animates your Self is the same Eternal Universal Life Force Energy of all life, including mineral, plant, and animal kingdom life. This Energy follows the laws of science, specifically, the Laws of Thermodynamics, which state that Energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, only changed. Now think of what this means about the same Energy that animates your life.

Astounding, isn’t it? You are a wonder of wonder, life experienced in and through your reality, which can be changed any time you wish to go in a different direction or achieve a different outcome. You are in charge of you, no one else, literally.

So, when you notice your ego attempting to rear its ugly head, forcing you into competitions you would rather not be a part of, creatively design another alternative for your Self is you wish to. You are not pressured to do anything against your inner Self which is a people pleasing trap.


You Are God’s Temple

Did you ever find yourself reading the bible, then either you interpret the words to mean something other than what they say, or have anyone else tell you what it means according to indoctrination?

Take 1 Corinthians 6:19 for example. It says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit? You are not your own.”

Also look at 1 Corinthians 3:17 where it says, “If anyone destroys G0d’s temple, God will destroy him; for God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.”

Online, various religious institutions explain by saying that, this means the body of the church.


The words mean exactly what is written, just like the words of Jesus in Luke 17:20-21 when the Pharisees ask Jesus when the kingdom of God will come.

“The kingdom of God does not come by observation; neither will they say, ‘Look here’ or ‘Look there,’ for behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” King James Version

The Interlinear Hebrew – Greek – English Bible agrees, saying that the word “within” was changed by scribes to say “among.” Even in older bibles you will find a footnote sending you to the bottom of the page where you will see the original intention of this word is “within.”

Do you see the spin of an agenda of disempowerment?

However, most modern bibles are now putting back the original intention, which is that the Light of God, that kingdom of God, dwells within you, agreeing with The Interlinear Hebrew – Greek – English Bible.

You are the Light of God walking around this Earth in your physical body. You are worthy. You are loved. You are complete. You are love personified. You are joy. You are wonder. You are solution. You are promise. By your life you radiate your gifts.

Be on guard when people reinterpret the bible for you. All religions do this. It is censorship, which also extends to all the texts that got buried in the desert sand and in caves in order that the hierarchy at the top usurp your personal power, fame, and fortune. Now is the time to reclaim that if you have given your free will, reputation, and money away to them.

I take a deep dive into the books that were hidden away, like all the books that explain where Jesus was from his ages 12-30. My study concentrates on the life of Jesus during what is often called “the missing years of Jesus,” those 18 adult years of Jesus Christ. These years are only “missing” in today’s bible and in the mouths of today’s religious leaders, because even they were indoctrinated.

My heart goes out to well-meaning religious leaders who are trying their best to shepherd their flocks in the best way they know how to lead. Each religious leader has been called by their vocation. I wonder how many of them bowed down to religious error of censorship and ignorance under threat of losing their congregations if they did not comply with the adulterated versions of today’s bibles.

Were they intimidated by insults and ostracization to toe the strict line of a particular doctrine?

In my new book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled UNIVERSAL WISDOM coming out this November explains those missing years and missing wisdom that was hidden away for unholy purposes.

I know, the previous statement freaks most people who have been tapped on the head by some religious authority as to why it is alright for you not to know this extremely important information. Ignorant insults usually follow the facts of what I teach, talking down to the knowledge of which they have no clue.

I am not meaning the previous statement to be an insulting attack. Before religions can stake a claim on their belief system and teach it to others, it is imperative that they read and learn all of what Jesus taught, not only the watered-down version in most of today’s bibles with definite agendas. After religious leaders have read all that has been kept away from their eyes and brains, only then can humanity have a discussion on why certain important points were hid from their eyes without fear.

The current bible boasts of the first 12 years of the life of Jesus and his ages 30-33, for a total of 15 years of the life of Jesus. I continued studying the life of Jesus from 12-30. Which “God” would not want you to know those other powerful 18 years in the life of Jesus Christ?

I have read all these “apocryphal” writings and now see exactly what was hidden from humanity. The word apocryphal means secret or hidden knowledge, not anti-Jesus, or anti-Christ.

Religious belief systems were then placed under the oppressive thumbs of indoctrination in order to keep the flocks in line, while obligating them to hand over their personal power and free will, keys to their pocketbooks, and obey man-made rules (saying “God” said …) or be ostracized by society by inflicting fear of mental, spiritual, and even physical retribution.

The intention of my book is to help humanity by offering the reader a safe harbor to finally be free, in the safe space of your own home, to find out for yourself accurate history, seeing first-hand the cause and effect of what happened and why it happened.

This book has taken me a lifetime of intense study. I have a doctorate in Universal Order. I hope you enjoy my book when it is released to the public. I will let you know as soon as it comes out. It is being published by Blue Fortune Enterprises, LLC.


The Spirits of The Fallen Angels and Their Nephilim Children Are Still Among Us ~ Choose Good Over Evil

Everyone has free will to do the good and right thing. Choose freedom, love, life, and Light. Humanity and the Earth will last longer, but only if you want to.

In 1 Enoch, as told in The Books of Enoch, The Angels, The Watchers, And The Nephilim, by Joseph B. Lumpkin, the Nephilim were “great giants, whose height was three hundred cubits”. Since a cubit being 18 inches, this would make them 450 feet tall. Their Spirits were as mean as their bodies were tall.

They ordered food grown and slaughtered by humanity to serve them, mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and when humanity could not serve them enough bulls, goats, and other animal sacrifices, they ate the people. Have you ever wondered why there were such animal sacrifice altars within the Temple area, with places to save the blood?

Today’s bible tells of a global cataclysmic flood to wipe out these unholy creatures. Evidently that worked. We no longer have physical life forms measuring 450 feet tall walking on today’s Earth. The Smithsonian Institute has some of the remains of extraordinary huge skeletons within their walls.

The thing about Souls, human and angelic, is that they never die. You and I are Sparks of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. It was once thought that by killing the fallen angels who had taken on corporeal bodies by the flood took care of the evil spirits that were encapsulated within them.

I challenge that this is not true.

Remember the time that Jesus healed a deaf mute who was living in the tombs? When Jesus asked him what his name was, he answered, “Legion.” This is because this single man was possessed by countless demonic entities. They begged Jesus not to kill them, but to allow them to go into the herd of pigs that was nearby.

What happened next?

Yes, the man was completely healed. However, the pigs ran off over the cliff and died. The bodies of the pigs died, but the Souls/Spirits of that same “Legion” did not, since Souls do not die.

One look at today’s world is like watching a horror movie of the Spirits of the fallen angels and Nephilim “Gone Wild.”

Is there any surprise?

Jesus gave humanity the solution of how to deal with those who embody their evil Spirits. The solution is the same today as it was then because the truth of what Jesus taught never changed.

Prayer, meditation on peaceful solutions, and holistic energy work, work. Jesus told us in John 14:12, “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”

You will never know this next part unless you agree to be done with religious censorship, telling you what you can and cannot read under threat of excommunication. No, you will not go to hell in a handbasket if you finally learn what else Jesus told humanity in those missing eighteen years of his life, from his ages twelve to thirty.

But if you are spiritually mature enough, you will be able to read the other words Jesus told you in the Nag Hammadi Scriptures in The Second Revelation of James (51,44-54,15) under the heading, James Tells What Jesus Said Regarding Two Fathers where it says, “I tell you, listen and understand. For many when they hear, will be fainthearted, but you, understand in the way I can tell you. You father is not my Father, but my Father has become a father to you.”

The usual explanation for this from mainstream religions is that Jesus was speaking to his half-brother, James. Yet notice the words of Jesus when he says, “For many when they hear …” refers to humanity at large, not just his half-brother, James.

I always wondered how a good “God” could kill every person regardless of age in all those hostile takeovers in the Old Testament. Wasn’t there even one innocent eight-year-old child or younger or older person? What was the purpose of killing all of the animals found in those territories also? Have you ever wondered about that?

Jesus taught that his heavenly Father would care for and love us, all of us, who were caught between those first unholy creations, the fallen angels, and their mean-Spirited Nephilim children. The offspring of the Nephilim who also mated with human women were known to be even more cruel and grotesque.

This is how and why Jesus Christ is our Savior. Jesus came to correct the misinformation that had been promulgated in cult-like obsession, rewarding those at the top with all the power, fame, and fortune they had robbed from their unsuspecting masses.

This is what my new book is about, currently in the hands of Blue Fortune Enterprises, a publishing house.

I share this information with you now because of what is going on in just about every country in the world. When evil appears to be winning over good in governance, political parties, radicalized and right-wing Christian extremists, and social groups with a fear-based mindset to capitalize on opportunities to oppress others for selfish gain, remember to pray and do energy work for holistic healing.

This is all about the ascension process, for you and the Earth, learning the life lessons enabling you to transform negative into positive, or evil into good. There is no judgment here, because what is not learned and experienced through you is bound to align itself in the next lifetime. It’s all a matter of vibrational frequency.

Think of what is possible if all the energy workers throughout the world chose to use their free will to spend just five minutes at some point in their day in a global effort to promote peaceful solution over dysfunction, empathy and compassion over cold-hearted judgment, and good over evil. It would generate healing in mind, body, and Spirit for every human Soul, animal, plant, and mineral kingdom, including the entire Earth.


Human Beings Are God’s Temple ~ The Power and Knowledge of the Spirit Can Heal the Depravity and Sickness of Humanity

The Power and Knowledge of the Spirit is the ONLY thing that can help our depraved and sick humanity, as well as the world to heal.

The Universal Dark Forces with which humanity deals everyday are not those of the any country’s far-right extremists, nor far-left woke humans, nor that of any government nor religion, nor the agenda of any one individual nor group. These Universal Dark Energies were birthed at The Creation of All, however science wishes to classify it.

This is more than any individual or country wishing to restore yesteryears Peter the Great’s Empire, the resurgent awakening of Antebellum America, gun-toting liberties BEFORE they had to turn their guns in to the sheriff prior to going into town, and as is documented in every bible, when the Fallen Angels fornicated with the beautiful women of Genesis 6. Nephilim children, giants, human flesh-eating beings, as well as “men of renown” were born to them.

The bible also speaks of the war in Heaven in Revelation 12:9, where forces that did not wish to go along with the plan of The Creation, that of assisting human beings in realizing their own God-given Spirits, were cast out of Heaven by Archangel Michael and his army of angels. These strong dark Eternal Universal Celestial Forces were not allowed to return to Heaven.

While the worldwide account of a global flood mentioned in numerous histories across the globe may have done away with their physical bodies, their mental, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual bodies could not return to Heaven, according to bible accounts.

Today, all civilizations have traditions that are, for example, the same stories with various god and goddess names, all portraying the same reality through Akkadian, Sumerian, Nordic, Greek, Roman, Myan, Aztec, Native American, and many other cultures. These all stem from the same reality of heavenly beings coming to Earth.

The Science Fiction channel on TV uses a tag line that could not be more correct, “We are not alone. We have never been alone.”

Religious people get upset at some minds understanding this same reality as science fiction, as if it were truly fiction. Science Fiction buffs appear to get indignant at the term angels over aliens.

I ask, “Is God terrestrial?”

There is more to The Creation than expounded on in the bible, which does not include all other Creation accounts, many call myths. Myth or reality, how it all began, or continues in this manifestation of Eternity, is how it “began” or “manifested” as a drop into time from the Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, also known as God, or The Creation.

Since we human beings were getting it so wrong, influenced by the Eternal Universal Dark Celestial Beings, Immanuel was sent to us in the person of Jesus Christ, to teach us all how to realize the Light WITHIN the Soul, the Spirit which is the thing that keep all human beings alive. Without this Spark of the Divine Spirit WITHIN us, as Luke 17:20-21 tells us in the words of Jesus, we are lifeless and dead, at least the physical body is dead. So, it is not the body that wins out in the end. It is your Eternal Universal Life Force (Chi-Prana-Qi) Energy.

All bibles, including the New King James Version, is correcting the word “among” to “within” as was originally written in Luke 17:20-21. Even the footnote to all bibles notes the original word “within.”

The name of Jesus was given by the Celestial Being named Gabriel. However, it has become known that Jesus is also known by the name of Sananda, aka Esu Jesus Sananda. A wonderful book explaining this, and simplifying his mission on Earth, as mentioned in a previous post, is And They called his name Immanuel, by the Phoenix-Journal. This book is also sub-titled I am Sananda. ISBN 978-3-7497-1759-0

There were 30 archeologists working in Chichen Itza, Yucatan June 1, 1961, when Sananda appeared in visible form and reiterated and clarified His teaching for the good of humanity.

The point of this post is to remind everyone during these weeks prior to the celebration of the birth of Jesus, what Jesus, not particular denominations of religions, but what Jesus actually taught.

Jesus taught about these Universal Dark Energies and how to protect ourselves with the Light of the Spirit WITHIN each one of us, regardless of race, color, creed or any other human delineation. There is the Light of the Spirit, the Light of the Soul, the Light of Life, the Light of Love that surpasses all understanding. 1 Corinthians 13:13 confirms how to heal every individual and every country in the world: “In the end there are three things that last: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is love.”

God Bless Everyone Everywhere.

Jesus Teaching on the Mount Of Olives in John 8

Jesus teaches who he is and who we are on the Mount of Olives. The first 12 verses in John 8 are thought to be added later to make a point, not as accurate history. Jesus quoted from Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah, more than 100 times in the New Testament. The following verses are from the Gospel of John, chapter 8.

12  When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

This echos Jesus’ statement in Luke 17:20-21.

13 The Pharisees challenged him, “Here you are, appearing as your own witness; your testimony is not valid.”

14 Jesus answered, “Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going. But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going. 15 You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one. 16 But if I do judge, my decisions are true, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me. 17 In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true. 18 I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.”

19 Then they asked him, “Where is your father?”

“You do not know me or my Father,” Jesus replied. “If you knew me, you would know my Father also.” 20 He spoke these words while teaching in the temple courts near the place where the offerings were put. Yet no one seized him, because his hour had not yet come.

21 Once more Jesus said to them, “I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come.”

The sin Jesus is speaking of is not recognizing the Christ in Himself. He also taught that this Light of the Christ is in each one of us, as he did in Luke 17:20-21. It is the Universal Life of our Soul being animated by the finger and breath of God for which Jesus lived and died. This is the same teaching that Jesus is reaching all hearts open to Universal Love, Universal Life, and Universal Order, in today’s teaching about the I AM Presence within each one of us.

Some people are quick to point out that murderers, thieves, liars, et cetera, are not of the “good seed” spoken about by Jesus. They say they are pure evil or possessed. This is an incorrect understanding. That’s the same line of thinking why the people in Jesus’ day thought Jesus ought not get together with the tax collector Matthew, prostitutes, and those thought to be second-class citizens. Jesus spent his life trying to get our thinking on the right track. Even beloved Moses killed a man and still became a perfect example of how to overcome evil with good. Yet some of us are still derailed.

As mentioned in the cutline beneath the lead picture above, while Jesus did quote from Enoch, both Jesus and Enoch knew the cause of evil on Earth.

“Evil also lives inside of the common man; set free when pride kills reason and eats integrity whole. There is evil that entraps us and evil that tugs from within. But neither have control until we choose to relent. … When outcome is not considered, empathy abandoned, or compassion dismissed, evil has come of age.” – The Book of Enoch, The Omega.

22 This made the Jews ask, “Will he kill himself? Is that why he says, ‘Where I go, you cannot come’?”

23 But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. 24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.”

Jesus is teaching that to deny the Life of Christ, which is beyond what most religions have hijacked for thousands of years, is different from the human spin interjected into the various belief systems.

You and I have the choice each and every day to awaken to this Christ Light, Christ Love, and Christ Order within us. We also have the free will to live in self-sabotage, self-deception, and self-denial of who and what we truly are. You and I are the Temple of God living here and now on Earth.

25 “Who are you?” they asked.

“Just what I have been telling you from the beginning,” Jesus replied. 26 “I have much to say in judgment of you. But he who sent me is trustworthy, and what I have heard from him I tell the world.”

27 They did not understand that he was telling them about his Father. 28 So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up[a] the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me. 29 The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.” 30 Even as he spoke, many believed in him.

Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

33 They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?”

34 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. 35 Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 37 I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word. 38 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father.[b]

39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered.

“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would[c] do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”

“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”

This “belonging to God” is the decision you and I make each and every minute of every day. All humanity is made of the same stuff of the Earth. Check out what is in the vitamins you take each day to replenish ourselves. When we run out of energy, it is time to replenish ourselves with the stuff of the Earth.

This “belonging to God” is taking a good look at our choices of deciding to do evil over good, or good over evil. We get opportunities to do the better thing that saves the most life, to promote healing, and build up one another as well as the Earth. We can also tear down, destroy reputations, attack countries, and the like.

Just know the evil that has to be overcome starts within you and me before it extends out into our neighborhoods, states, and countries. It all starts in the thinking process. Let us take a moment to heal our thoughts, minds, and voices. That is where all healing begins.


Manifesting ~ Lose The Plausible Opposite Mentality Shutting Everything Down

Spirals Are Forever series. Arrangement of vortex fractal on the subject of science technology and design

Manifesting begins with focusing on what you do want, not what you don’t want. How many times have you started out by trying to manifest something in your life, only to have the current of the plausible opposite thought about what you do not want monopolizing your mind, or jeopardizing someone else’s plan? Take peace on Earth, for example.

If you spend more time thinking about peace positively, planning for peace, and having conversations about peace, you will find it more productive than putting focusing on how to stop arguments, negativity, and war. What you focus on grows.

This works in families, friendships, and the future of all life. No one can move forward while focusing on self-sabotaging, or sabotaging others. Sabotage is the result of always considering “all” options, worrying about what can happen “if,” and spinning webs of confusion to muddy the minds of many on purpose.

While this might seem obvious, how many times do you circumvent your goals by looking back, remembering failures, or wasting energy thinking about the worst case scenario?

Failure of past futile attempts is no reason to give up hope. Change is a constant and often unpleasant reality of life. Yet, past failures do not dictate future outcomes.

Begin again to only take in the knowledge, insight, and ability to move forward in your hopes and dreams transforming them into reality. Concentrate on what your future goal looks like when it plays out positively in your mind.

Considering the plausible opposite is what kills hopes and dreams, stalemates political aspirations, and suppresses the voice of solutions waiting to manifest.

Dream big, plan for peace, harmony, and unity.


The Boy Who Cried “Wolf!” ~ How To Stop Teaching Ignorance

There once was a boy who cried, “Wolf!” Everything he thought, he got, though there was never enough of the stuff to fill him up, no matter how much he tried. There was a hollow place inside him that nothing could fill.  It confused him greatly until the day when he learned how easy it was to manipulate others, as if they could fill this ego gap. But the gap was a trap. His ideas, how grand, swirled around in his head. Sure, trouble always followed, but there were those who bailed him out of every jam, every time. He was learning.

This was all he knew. It was an imaginary world where he would be king, played out in real time. What he did not know was how to be honest and true, neither to himself, nor others. Truth was what he made it out to be. He lived in a pretend world of his own making. He learned fast how others would follow his lead in any direction he wanted to go. If he beckoned to anyone, they would come running, since there was always a reward. The problem those around him soon discovered, was that there was also a punishment for not jumping at his every command. He was learning.

He just had to create a façade, something contrived yet plausibly believable. It was ingenious how this plan worked for him, time and again. He tested it often, crying out, “Wolf!” to see who would come running. But come running they all did. He was learning.

What he did not know was what he was doing to himself, to his mind, to his body, to his spirit, to his very soul. He was changing from an innocent boy into a caricature of the human puppet he wished to be. He was like Pinocchio in reverse, a real boy turning into a puppet performing for others on the world’s stage. Something was being born in him he did not recognize, but it was fun for him to think that he could pull the strings of others. Some called it narcissism, perversion, and some even called it malevolent, the birth of a sociopath, so deep was his disassociation from reality. He was learning.

In his world, somehow different from the world everyone else lived in, his reality was what he made it. He garnered a flock of admiring pigeons around him, eating from the crumbs that fell to the floor. They loved it, gobbling up every seed that was sown. He was learning.

He noticed that more and more pigeons came to his beck and call. He thought himself popular. After all, no one else had as many pigeons as he had. He even learned from the pigeons, how they could strut and puff up their own feathers. He was learning.

But the seed was expensive, so he went back to feeding them crumbs from his leftovers. He decided that, since they were believing everything that he was telling them, that he would just tell them, that the crumbs were better for them. Obviously, crumbs were cheaper since they were free. He figured out it was easier to lie than to be bothered with all the problems of him telling the truth. After all, they were only pigeons. He was learning.

Interestingly, the pigeons bought the lie and started telling other birds of all kinds that the crumbs from the boy were the best, tastiest, healthiest morsels they had ever tasted. Other birds believed the pigeons. They traded their high-quality seeds for the crumbs of the boy. The pigeons did not want to be without food. Fear grabbed their bird brains, the pigeons and many of the other birds, and they all willingly dumbed down to the point where they believed the lie was the truth. Now all the pigeons and other birds passed this knowledge on to their children. The plan was working great. The boy was learning.

Then the day arrived when the owls came to see what all the fuss was about, crumbs over seeds. The owls listened and tasted the crumbs. While it did fill them up, the crumbs did not taste as good as the seed did. The owls tried to tell the pigeons the truth of the matter. The pigeons refused to listen. They reasoned, “What did the owls know anyway?” The owls never met the boy, nor heard these words from his mouth. They did. The boy continued to learn.

Season after season the lies were handed down as truth, fiction replacing fact. Slowly the pigeons began dying. The baby pigeons were dying too. They blamed their fate on the owls who showed up rather than on the truth of the matter, that there was no nutrition in the crumbs from the boy, only more lies. Some of the pigeons came to their senses and realized that they felt so much better with the good seed they used to eat. It took time to convert the other bird brains into changing their belief that the seed would make them healthy again. Slowly, one by one, more pigeons gradually came over to the seed side of healthy bird life. The boy learned and became sacred.

How in the world was he going to control the pigeons and all the other birds now that the truth was uncovered? Failure was not an option. He stopped feeding crumbs to the pigeons who changed allegiances. That would teach them a lesson. If they died, that was no concern to him. That was their decision. His narcissism and sociopathy grew with his every breath. He had no feeling for the pigeons that died. He had no feelings at all, except those that fed the bottomless pit of his monstrous ego. He stopped learning.

The pigeons and owls began to flourish, even when he said they would not. The bird brains learned they had to think for themselves. They corrected the errors they had passed onto their children, in order that they could also live better and longer. In time, all the pigeons and owls valued fact over fiction, and good seed over crumbs. They continued learning.

The boy’s mind started playing tricks on him. He had lost control of his ego, which now dominated his every thought, word, and action. When things did not go his way, he knew no way out. He screamed at the pigeons and the owls. He had temper tantrums. How sad it was to see him refuse to grow up when all the time he could choose to recognize that he could be better. He could apologize to the pigeons and owls but somehow that seemed impossible. He did not want to take personal responsibility for the death of all those pigeons. Forgiveness, one way or the other, escaped his understanding. He cried, “Wolf!” one last time, but no one came running. He stopped learning.

The moral of the story is: Truth always comes out in the end. Better to stand by yourself in the truth than in a flock of pigeons who choose ignorance over intelligent knowledge. Decide not to be anyone’s puppet ever again. Forgiveness is always possible, for yourself and others.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Why Are Things The Way They Are?

There is a light within each one of us, not just some of us, but is in all of us. We are more alike than the differences than we profess.

We keep waiting for the Republicans to get it right, the Democrats to get it right, the right religion to get it right, the right country to get it right, always the other side to get it right. What is wrong with this picture?

The answer is right under our noses, right under our skin, tucked so deeply inside us that we fail to recognize it when we hear its little voice, so subtle that we dismiss it. It is the discovery found by Einstein, Tesla, and the healing gurus worldwide who have tapped into that ocean of reality yet to be unveiled within all human beings; and yes, you and me.

There is an understanding of life within you, a greater awareness, a deeper calling that animates you, moving you to positive and loving thoughts, words and actions; far different from the base cause and effect motions of everyday life.

Think how often our lives are lived in response to all that we see, read, and hear. We respond to this, and we respond to that. How many times do we seek out opportunities to genuinely gift our world with new thoughts, thoughts of harmony, beauty, solution; creating a better today and tomorrow than we had yesterday?

Somehow we have let the weight of the minutia and magnitude of our own and the problems of the world stop us in our tracks and appear to defeat us, killing 250,000 of us, as if it is impossible to live in the reality that we can actually acknowledge and defeat the COVID-19 pandemic that is ending the lives of so many of us. We get side-tracked by global conflicts, global warming, climate change, education decline, and seeming barriers of personality, problems, problems and more problems.

We have allowed the wave of thought that we are all divided to the point where we could not possibly come together in consensus, or to realize that we are much more alike than the differences we profess.

What if we came to fully understand that we are all much more powerful than we first knew? If you are living and breathing, then I am talking to you.

It makes no difference your particular belief system, political, religious or otherwise that are unique to you. You are like no one else, and yet alike in myriad ways. You have understanding, spoken or unspoken, of who you think you are and what you are made of. I am here to tell you that you are much more than that, no matter if you are an ingenious inventor, financial wizard, a pauper, or the Pope.

We all have an internal knowledge held deep within the cells of our understanding, with its own pulse of life, so that it seems as if lightbulbs go off when we arrive at the destination of discovery.

The discovery of this knowledge, this awareness of the greater calling and meaning of life, can only be fulfilled when we discern this particular pulse and sense of light. It is a lightness we can feel, like falling in love, making us feel lighter than air, happier than happy, more connected as the most profound meditation, and much more fulfilling than words can say of the ecstasy of prayer of the saints.

Everyone has the ability to experience this knowledge that we are greater than our physical limitations, far beyond what any religion, politics or any “ism” outlines. This light within us is the electrifying, energetic, all-knowing, soul-invigorating aspect held at the core of our being. All it takes is for us to recognize it, accept it, and use it.

What is it?

This Presence within each and every one of us is the Presence that generates and fuels our life. Our existence is not dependent on any particular belief or ideology. If you are living and breathing, you have it. Some call this your soul, or your spirit, but it is more than that.

You are the Spark of Life, the Presence of God, the I AM Presence living, breathing, thinking and doing in your corner of the world. It is a matter of turning your attention to it. Some people take a class, spending a great deal of money in the process, of discovering who and what we are, and why we are here.

Some of us find our dharma, our mission in life right away, or seem to think we are born into it. Realize the freedom that no one makes your choices but you. Others of us take our time, turning over every rock so as not to miss a thing in this life. It is not a race. We know what we know when we know it.

The truth of the matter is you are perfect as you are. You come to this realization when you allow yourself to do so. Each of us has this I Am Presence flame within us. It is what Jesus tried so hard to teach us that the kingdom of God is within us, not outside of us. But humans being humans, and choosing to be dense over the eons of time and motivated by selfishness and greed, have turned the knowledge I am putting forth here into various control systems quite proficient at diabolical tactics of fear, obligation, guilt, manipulation and a host of negative carrots dangled before us to capture our attention and verbally and ideologically beat us into submission.

Free your mind. Allow yourself to be. Take a deep breath. God is closer to you than your next breath. Manifest your heart’s desires. Heal your world. Unite humanity into a beautiful mosaic of diverse, unique and talented individuals, no one better than the other despite what egos bellow.

You’ve got this.
