Religion Has No Place In Public Schools

Public schools are meant to teach our children academics with technological and scientific advancements, not any one brand of religion. Presently it is the radical Christian Right-Wing fanatics who wish to indoctrinate all children, their families, and society through the public school system in the USA.

Manipulation, fear, obligation and guilt (F.O.G.) are the tools they use to sway the minds of those who listen and buy into their unscrupulous peer pressure. Notice the forked tongue of these adults who tell their children not to cave to peer pressure while they simultaneously cave to peer pressure themselves.

Religious groups are not much different from corporations erroneously thinking that money is the bottom line. The radical Religious Right-Wing fanatics are often backed by big money interests, such as the gun lobby and outside influences of other countries hoping to influence the outcomes.

How would the USA wish to be indoctrinated into Sharia Law if the radical Muslim faith was voted in America? Just like Christianity, the Muslim faith is a peaceful and loving faith, but the radical extremists in both religions are dangerous.

Indoctrination is a cult mentality, not an educational tool. Those who wish to promote a particular brand of theology have this option in the parochial school setting, not public-school systems.

People have free will to go to any church of their choice and teach their own children at home.

Freedom is not oppression.

Tax paying citizens of all belief systems are not to use local, state, and federal tax dollars to promote any one religion, including the Christian Right-Wing Fundamentalism.


I am an energy bridge of semantics between past understanding and spiritual enlightenment. All knowledge derives from the Universal Energy Source from which it came. I am one of many who have been sharing this knowledge with the world for years. Wars have been fought over this information. “Believe like me or die,” is the cry of the non-understanding indoctrinated. It takes wisdom, courage, pure love, and peaceful allowance to dare to study beyond the scope of censored reading materials of strict belief systems.

Think of energy as a vibrant diamond with many glowing facets, each with its own color and radiance. The refraction and reflections of each facet does not contain the entire beauty and reality of the entire fully cut diamond. The whole is more magnificent that just one facet.

Diamonds have a particular energy, different from quartz crystals, sapphires, emeralds, silver, and gold. Each has its own qualities, densities, vibrational frequencies, uses, and metaphysical attributes. The same concept holds true with the myriad religions over the eons of time. Each might contain a grain of truth, enough to capture the human attention, mixed with other additions of human understanding at the time by people with other agendas, like monks, scribes, as well as religious and political rulers, while simultaneously excluding other words of Jesus, as if they knew more than Jesus, Enoch, Germain, the Buddha.

Energy, with its numerous varied uses, has been explored by:

  1. Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) may have revolutionized scientific …
  2. Marie Curie. Marie Curie (1867-1934) worked closely with her scientist …
  3. Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was a controversial figure. …
  4. Max Planck. Max Planck (1858-1947) didn’t mean to but he completely …

See full list on

There is one Energy that exists. The laws of thermodynamics explain that energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, only changed. This holds true also for what many energy workers call Source, while others in a wide variety of religions as well as those who consider themselves to be more spiritual than religious. All is One.

Science follows the laws of thermodynamics as energy applies to their fields of work and study. We have learned how to tap into energy, how to use energy in the physical existence, sending humans and missions in rockets into outer space. We have a rover on Mars. We take pictures of interstellar space that boggle the mind. We study energy because there is more to know.

Check out the history of space telescopes at

Still, human research cannot exhaust the study of energy. Not even scientists working at the Hadron Supercollider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland are yet to discover how the Big Bang Theory manifested the creation of energy as we currently understand it. There is more.

Had I not walked away from several strict religious paths in my quest for truth and enlightenment vexed by the contradictory words of the Bible, such as love, forgive everyone everything, and turn the other cheek, to go kill every man, women, child, and beast in the city, or turn and walk away from those who do not listen to your preaching, I would still be encapsulated in the walls of ignorance.

Why don’t religious rulers want you to learn anything else other than what their particular belief systems teach, energetically speaking?

Why are some modern-day religions advising their college-age students not to go to college, regarding energy?

Are you interested in the confiscated words of Jesus preserved in the sacred scrolls safely stored away until the time arrived for their unearthing for your benefit, at this time when we better understand energy and how it affects beliefs?

Do you wonder what the real reason is why many religious rulers have labeled the once sacred scriptures preserved in clay pots found in the caves at Nag Hammadi as apocryphal, energetically speaking?

I see language semantics gaming, which is different words to get to the same point, that is the point. Some people refer to God as the Source of all life. Atheists do not believe in God. Yet, Energy is the Source, no matter what name is given to Universal Life Energy. Energy is also infinite, eternal.

Don’t get lost in semantics.

Even Jesus said we will do the things he did and more besides. Why? Because he said he was going to the Source of all energy, the Source of healing, the Source of unity, forgiveness, and inclusiveness, which includes the Buddha, you and me.


COVID-19 ~ Your Energy And Immune Systems


COVID-19 is sweeping the world through near contact between some humans. If we were to use colors, such as the energy of colors as shown above, it might be easier to see how easily this unseen virus can be transmitted from person to person. However, it is also important to point out that it also depends greatly upon our energy and immune systems.

Our bodies do not stop its presence at the end of our skin. Dr. Richard Gerber, M.D. has spent years studying and teaching about our subtle bodies that surround what we can physically see. There is more to us than we know.

In his book, Vibrational Medicine, subtitled The #1 HANDBOOK OF SUBTLE-ENERGY THERAPIES, (which has sold more than 200,000 copies), Gerber explains how the physical – etheric interface of our bodies work. It is part of all of us, not just those who know about it.

There is an etheric energetic map inherent in all of us. It is part of our human nature. No one of us is without this invisible human component. Our immune system is connected to our energetic blueprint. We all have one. This is not a belief stsyem. It is now possible to have kirlian photographs taken of our auras, depicting the colors that radiate from us, extending to outside of us. These colors are a valid indication of what is going on inside us, our strengths and our weaknesses.

Because something is invisible to the naked eye does not mean it is not present, which applies both to this particular virus and each of our auras. This COVID-19 virus, while invisible at first, has managed to kill over 100,000 of us in the first 129 days of its existence here in the United States. Why is that?

How is your immune system?

Are you a fearful person?

Did you know that fear within the body breaks down the body?

How is your energy system?

No, it is not just all in your head. Fears weaken your immune and energy systems. It’s an internal switch. Those of us in energywork have witnessed this first hand in our own lives and the lives of our clients. It’s an intricate part of our mind/body connection. The following suggestions apply both to our energy and immune systems.

Currently there is no known cure for COVID-19, according to the medical experts. The best defense is a conscious offense. Build up your immune system. Fear breaks down the immune system. So the first thing we need to do is stop the fear. Even if we are sick at this very moment, fear will not help us. Fear will hurt us. So, stop the fear. Start right now to build up the immune system.

It is one thing to be intelligent and vigilant. It is quite another thing to operate every decision out of fear and ignorance, not knowing how to build up our immune systems for optimal health.

There are steps we can take, in addition to what the Centers For Disease Control (CDC)  tell us. Here is the rest of the information we all need to know.

There are many things we can do to enhance our immune systems, once we have decided not to allow fear to control us. Taking vitamins C and D are said to help. Eating organic, good quality vegetables and fruits are also beneficial to our immune systems. Eating non-organic foods that make the body process harmful chemicals, additives and preservatives break down the immune system. It is all inter-related. All of our bodily systems work together. That is why it is important to avoid processed foods. There is a definite connection between what we eat and our immune systems.

Some of us find eating wheat sets us off, especially if it is non-organic, because of the glysophate used in harvesting the wheat. Glysophate is cancer causing. The human body does not take kindly to dealing with cancer causing substances in our bodies, obviously.

Dairy can be another trip for some of us, since non-organic daily products often contain rBst growth hormone and other additives and preservatives given to cows that make our bodies work harder to assimilate, again working against our immune systems. There are also other components contained in milk that many of us have a hard time processing in our bodies, substances like casein or caseinate. Foods certified as kosher pareve are free of dairy products. By the way, we are the only species that drink the milk from a different animal species. We ought to think more about that. It is not normal in nature.

It is suggested to eat a little of the fermented foods each day to help digestion, like saurkraut, or taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with some water.

The immune system is strengthened by the practice of meditation and prayer. When we connect with nature, using all of our senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, we also connect with our sixth intuitive sense which extends way beyond our limited selves, reaching to the very Source of all Limitless Love, Peaceful Bliss and Eternal Joy Itself. You and I are all a part of this Infinite Being through our shared Spirit gifted to each one of us. The more we tap into our Spirit, the more we tap into the gift of God’s Spirit.

How are we each using the gift of life?

We can choose to build up our immune and energy systems through nature walks and/or creative activities involving our entire selves as we immerse ourselves in music, painting, sculpture, art of every kind, creative cooking, gradening, or a host of other creative ideas.

The immune system and energy system builds with exercise of any kind, such as Yoga, Qigong or Tai Chi, walking in nature, jogging, or running (pay attention to your body cues). We need to get outdoors and allow the vibration of the natural world to entrain our cells back into balance and harmony.

Energy moves because we say so. You and I are all part of this energy. Do we choose to build it up, or diminish or ignore it? Discover a paradigm where we learn to build on positive energy rather than build on fearful negativity. That is key to improving our immune end energy systems for optominal health.


There Is Only One Race On This Beautiful Planet ~ The Human Race

The human race on Earth is the only race there is.

Whether we are discussing the differences in race, color, ethnicity, creed, financial status, gender, or age, we must realize that on this planet, there is only one race, the human race.

Sometimes we try to hide our prejudices behind other reasons, to justify the positions we take politically, socially, environmentally, religiously, or any other way we human beings use to suppress the voice of others.

We are more alike than any difference we profess.

The root cause of prejudice is fear, not hatred. While certain groups may be extremely angry about an issue, the underlying cause of anger is fear. Why are we so afraid of other people, their color, their belief system, their culture, their gender? Think of how we respond to someone expressing a different viewpoint, or addressing uncomfortable issues such as immigration, homelessness and hungry children in our country and the world.

Fear promotes radical groups in any of the human categories mentioned. If we are truly serious about fixing our world, before we can build any bridges to repair the damage we have caused, we must eradicate the root cause of fear.

War, murder and killing are not communication skills.

While war, murder and killing are not communication skills, when communication stops, pretending in the myth of fantasy that things are perfectly fine now, when they are not, we create the reaction no one wants. We cannot blame the fault on the reactions taking place in our cities and nation when we are at fault for not listening and communicating in the first place. Being willfully ignorant is a fascade that does not stand up against the truth in any matter. It is just a matter of time before lives of fantasy denying reality inevitably crumble.

Just when it seems we have made great progress in this country and in the world, submerged voices rise from the depths of class and color suppression. The deeper the supression, the equal and opposite reaction occurs. No human being, regardless of color, wants to be suppressed. White people do not want to be suppressed. Neither do black or any other division of humanity want to be suppressed.

We are all the same in the eyes of God. We are all, each and every one of us, whether we are aware if it or not, are all created with that spark of God within us, our god flame if you will. Each of us is an aspect of God.

We should celebrate the strides we have made. But there is more to do, more to share, more to learn, more to understand, more to forgive, more to let go. It is not about being right, or wrong, or making others right or wrong. There is no way to make up for the loss of life through war, violence, bloodshed, or retaliation. Two wrongs do not make a right. We need to build bridges to and for all people everywhere.

We all have free will. You and I are free beings. How do you and I choose to be the solution based on love without conditions?

Despite all our unique differences, we all share this one beautiful planet. We are all born in the same way, we all breathe air while we are here, and we all die. We are all having a shared human experience. Our life is in our blood, without which we would cease to be. No one soul is better than any other soul on this planet, no matter what our pride (insane ego) might be telling us.

There is only one race on this planet.

It’s the human race.

Let us begin again to fix what is broken. We are better than denying the oppression and racism that is running rampant in our country and in the world. It is possible to fix this problem, but first we must address the issues before us, and not submerge them again, or beat down the voices we do not want to hear.

It is time as a country to mature, to grow up, face the systemic racism, to create real law and order with rules that everyone follows. We cannot not have one set of rules for white people, and another set of rules for black people. The same thing goes for English Americans, Spanish Americans, Irish Americans, French Americans, Mexican Americans, or any other DNA which makes us the greatest melting pot in the world. Nor should we have a different set of laws for the wealthy and the politically and lawfully powerful. The United States needs ONE Constitution and ONE Bill of Rights that EVERYONE can follow, not just a chosen few.

Because You Deserve To Feel Better