Enoch ~ Melchizedek ~ Choosing Good Over Evil

If Satan were not the ruler of this world, would Jesus’ temptation in the desert those 40 days and forty nights have been much of a temptation? Even Jesus was tempted to do evil, as we all are. There is evil in all of us, as Jesus told us in John 8:44. We have all chosen to lie, cheat, steal, and kill when it is convenient, expedient, politically motivated, and/or when money is the bottom line. Now is the time to turn back to choosing good over evil, social awareness over manipulated conscience, and fact over laughable lies.

“Evil also lives inside of the common man; set free when pride kills reason and eats integrity whole. There is evil that entraps us and evil that tugs from within. But neither have control until we choose to relent. … When outcome is not considered, empathy abandoned, or compassion dismissed, evil has come of age.” – The Book of Enoch, The Omega.

This is not spoken to someone else. This is spoken to all humanity. We all have the ability and free will to choose evil over good by misguided spin, self-deception, and delusion. It takes moral fortitude to conquer selfishness, greed, and willful ignorance for each and every one of us to overcome evil with good. It is a decision we make.

Every energy work teacher and every holistic health counselor will tell you that what you focus on grows. While we know that, it is easy to slip back into that which does not best serve us. We see this in our relationships, religions, and governments. That is why we fail when choose to focus on evil, but likewise, why we succeed when we focus on good.

Good and evil, or bad, are relative terms. How are we to judge?

Evil is not some obvious, dark, and sinister thing that is easily observed. The effects of evil are obvious. But before the effects of evil can be seen, first comes the consideration, the mulling over, the weighing the costs.

When is it that we relent to the evil thoughts, words, and actions that tempt us into doing the very things we do not want to do?

Evil is an energy that is the manifestation of the lack of Universal Love, based on Universal Order, and Universal Life. It is the energy of lack, ignorance, blindness, self-dealing, gossip, conspiracy, poverty mentality, and the usurping of individual’s personal power.

Pretending QAnon is real, is self-delusion, choosing evil over good. It is based in conspiracy theory thinking, which tickles the fancy of some, but is not based in the truth. It is our personal choice to investigate what others are telling us through the emotional gossip loop of popular opinion of some circles. Make sure to get all the information you need to make any decision.

Evil just does not happen to us. It is something we welcome in. It also mimics the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result.

Who among us wants war, death, and destruction? Yet, the only answer, according to some seemingly good people for what is going on in Ukraine, is to do the exact same thing they claim to abhor. Murdering the aggressor might seem to be the only answer by wreaking just as much harm and devastation to innocent people living in the “wrong country,” or the “wrong city.” But one cannot kill, murder, and/or maim enough people to make it even, or conscionable.

People say, “I believe what is in the Bible.” But do they really?

Enoch is in the Bible, so is Melchizedek. However, we are not supposed to mention them again, or at least that is the way the Bible treats them. Book banning and censorship are at play, ever since the days of 364 AD, when Rome and the Catholic Church decided, (powerful men, not God) which books would be allowed to be in the Bible, as well as which books and information you would be allowed to read and know. This is the religious censorship in which many people have been indoctrinated without being aware of it. It is a way of keeping you down, a victim, and feeling unworthy.

What did Jesus say about this?

The original writing says the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU. If your Bible does not say WITHIN YOU, look down at the footnote and you will see the words “WITHIN YOU.” Most modern Bibles are now putting back the words that were changed, including the New King James Version.

Even all Protestant and other religions basing their information on today’s Bible are all under the banner of Rome, because it was Rome and 300, out of more than 1,000, Catholic bishops who attended (or were informed) of the meeting to decide what would, and would not, be allowed into the one common Bible. Check out https://www.grunge.com/150730/huge-bible-moments-that-completely-disappeared/.

Please know there is more to know. Jesus took Peter, James, and John up Mount Tabor for the Transfiguration, sharing secret knowledge with them that the rest of the disciples were not ready to hear. The time is now, that the Nag Hamadi Scriptures have been found, for us to expand the knowledge which Jesus Christ is sharing with us.

We have heard some of the words of Jesus, then humankind put the human spin on the words to make them say what humans wanted the words to say. How about if we simply read and understand the words of Jesus Christ exactly as he said them?

Here your eternal Soul, your I AM Presence, The Kingdom of God WITHIN YOU, is being referred to by Jesus.

Humanity knows 15 years of the life of Jesus Christ. But there are 18 more years of the life of Jesus that are worth reading. The Books of Enoch and knowledge of Melchizedek are reflected in the words of Jesus over 100 times in the New Testament. There is even more Jesus said which is accounted for in the Nag Hamadi Scriptures.

It is good for us to read and discover the rest of what Jesus Christ said to all of us now that his words are available to us, as well as the words of Enoch in the Books of Enoch, and discovering more than popular myth and science fiction about Melchizedek.


Be The Love ~ Peace ~ Joy Of The Christmas Season

When Jesus taught us to pray, he taught us to pray for God’s kingdom. In Luke 17:20-21, Jesus also told us where the Kingdom of God is, “The Kingdom of God isn’t ushered in with visible signs. You won’t be able to say, ‘It has begun here in this place or there in that part of the country.’ For the Kingdom of God is within you.The Catholic Living Bible, Tyndale House Publishers

The Kingdom of God is part of our spiritual DNA, which is also echoed in 1 Corinthians 3:16,“Don’t you realize that you are the Temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells within you?”

The kingdom of God we are to pray for is not brought on by ego, pride, guns, nor strife. Those are the dark tools of sinister forces whose insatiable appetites for power, money, and domination blind the brains of would-be good people, even Christians, who through deluded allegiance to God find themselves obeying man instead.

We are not to mix the counterfeit kingdom of humans with the Kingdom of God. That is not how this works. We already had the battle of Jericho. Calls sent out before January 6, to reenact the battle of Jericho at the United States Capitol, as well as all other state Capitol buildings were pure evil with lack of empathy, compassion, and love, not the will of God.


Do you feel called to act in good faith? Then pray. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enter your heart. Jesus told us all how to think, speak and act. You will find none of his words incite any of us to violence.

If, when you pray, you feel intense anger, frustration, and hatred, then you are listening to and following the wrong god.

One of the reasons Jesus was crucified was that he taught that the Kingdom of God dwelt in him, as well as within each of us. He equated himself with God. Jesus taught us that we can do the things he did, “and even greater besides” in John 14:12. He was teaching you and me about the personal power we have within ourselves, the power of our thoughts, words, and actions. Our bodies are animated by our souls, enlivened by our I AM Presence, GOD DWELLING IN ALL OF US, according to Jesus the Christ.

This is the time for forgiveness, humility, and trust of God, not the arrogant boast and folly of humans. This is a time of introspection, considering the roles we are living in our lives, based on the choices we make. Are we living in the love, hope, peace, and truth that the kingdom of God promises? If not, you are promoting the illusion that lies, conspiracies, evil, death and destruction are good. They are not.

Jesus said, “Because of the increasing lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold.”

That is what we are seeing today in the belligerent manipulation of man usurping the will of God in individuals.

The kingdom of God is already here. The profound peace and love of the kingdom of God is already within us, as Jesus told us in Luke 17:21. We experience this when we pray, gather together in song, and meditate together for the common good of all. We touch on this brotherhood of humankind during the Christmas season, focusing on the peace, joy, and giving rather than receiving.

How do you know if the kingdom of God is within you?

The fruits of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit will be abundant in your life. If these fruits are missing from your life, you will know you have chosen the wrong road to follow.

If gentleness, faithfulness, self-control, meekness, peace, joy, love, kindness, patience, goodness, temperance, and faith are missing in your life, stop whatever you are doing and pray. Pray for the love of God, Father of Jesus Christ, to enter your heart.

Watch out for political parties or other groups once known for integrity, truth and honor, which have been hijacked by so many hate groups that many fear standing up for the right thing for losing their members. Watch out for those who attempt voter suppression tactics in major cities to silence democracy. Now, more than ever before, all citizens of the United States of America need to stand up for facts, not fiction; truth, not conspiracy; and honor and integrity over selling out the country. Truth matters.

There are so many other gods out there today, masking as the One, True God. You will know which god (God) you are following by the fruits of your labor.


Good Friday ~ Litany of Supplication

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God Bless

Is Your Life Balanced?

How balanced is your life? Are you balanced between home, work, school, relationships and everything else? What are the signs to watch out for that you are out of balance? How do we get back into balance in our minds, bodies and spirits?

Picture a seesaw with one side up, the other side down and the fulcrum, that balance point between the two in the

Lever with globe of Earth and small ball. simple machines by Archimedes. lever is a machine consisting of a beam or rigid rod pivoted at a fixed hinge or fulcrum.

middle. Jesus Christ is the fulcrum of all of our lives. We choose whether to live with Him in our lives, or without Him; or with or without God His Father in our lives. The same goes for the Holy Spirit, the love of the Father and Son. We choose each day whether or not to include this Love on our lives. Without God in our lives, we are out of balance. We can remedy this situation.

We go out of balance each and every time God the Father, Jesus His Son, and Love of the Holy Spirit is not at the center of our lives. If we say we do not believe in God, or think there is no God, or God did not send Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, or think of Jesus as just another ascended master, we are ignorant of the reality that God in fact did just that.

Jesus Christ, Son of God Almighty, is the balance point in all of our lives, our true fulcrum. Each of us decides when enough is enough in our day-to-day living by the use of our God-given free will. The determining factor of who we are, what we believe, and what we will allow into our lives is all up to us in this life. But there is an unnecessary problem we create for ourselves when we exclude Jesus Christ, who came to earth to show us how to live in this world, presently ruined and ruled by Satan.

Think of this for a moment. After His baptism, Jesus was led out into the desert wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted there by Satan. For forty days and nights Jesus fasted. Then Satan tempted Him to get food by changing stones into loaves of bread.

Jesus answers, “No! For the Scriptures tell us that bread won’t feed men’s souls; obedience to the word of God is what we need.”

Then Satan took Jesus to Jerusalem to the roof of the Temple, and said, “Jump off and prove you are the Son of God …”

Jesus responds, “It also says not to put God to a foolish test.”

Lastly, Satan took Jesus to the peak of a very high mountain, and showed Him all the nations of the world and all their glory, and said to Him, “I’ll give it all to you, if you will only kneel and worship me.”

How could this last test of Jesus been a real temptation if Satan were not the real ruler of this world?

Would the temptation of Jesus in the desert after His baptism really have been a temptation if Satan were not the present ruler of this world? (Remember Satan and one-third of the angels in heaven were cast out of heaven and sent to earth. These are the fallen angels of old still with us today.) Jesus goes into the desert where Satan tempts Him that if Jesus would bow down before him, Satan would give him all the kingdoms of the earth.

Ironically, God the Father gifted Jesus His Son , to be king of the kingdom to come, after the demise and judgment of this world. The Father promises us a new heaven and a new earth in the Book of Revelation, with Jesus Christ as judge and king. Jesus is already sitting at the right hand of God. Every day we can choose to be included in this new kingdom to come by how we live each day of our lives right now. Presently we still have time to use our God-given free will to choose virtue over sin, or good over bad.

Jesus Christ, Son of God, remained faithful amid great temptations. How hungry are you and I after only missing a meal or a day or two of no food? Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights. He was most certainly at the point of starving, and still chose to do God’s will, not his own.

We get that same choice to make each and every day. Who’s will do we follow?

Sometimes we act as though we are not in charge of ourselves, or our government or situations like global warming or world peace. But everything we think, do and say show us if we are in, or out of balance, and what principles are important to us.

All of us in every country in the world, are at a tipping point of more people choosing bad over good, evil over good, or sin over virtue, not only in our own lives, but in the world at large. We can change this if we want to, but nothing will change unless we consciously decide to choose more good over bad, good over evil, or virtue over sin.

If money is the bottom line, as most people say these days as to what they determine to be the most important reason for decisions made, then humanity is doomed to fail, cities and states are doomed to fail, and the ecological health of the world will fail. In all cases, we can have all the money in the world and die of a disease; Flint, Michigan can have the biggest bank account to save money but unless money is spent to fix drinkable water there, the drinking water will remain toxic; and the world’s economy matters little when global warming is completed and the earth is no more.

There are many factors that affect our decisions, like greed, envy, sloth (laziness), lust, wrath (anger), gluttony and pride. We know these seven pitfalls as the seven deadly sins because they hurt us individually as well as collectively. Each of these negative, bad traits, which are sin, has a positive or good remedy, which is virtue.

Rather than be motivated by greed, we can think, speak and act generously. Perhaps money is not the bottom line after all.

Instead of envy we can practice genuine love.

To improve on sloth (laziness) we can take vitamins and invigorate our dreams, renew our goals, and begin yet again.

To combat the addiction to lust we can welcome purity and modesty in our thoughts, words and actions.

Addressing wrath and uncontrolled anger, a bad habit and often an addiction, requires taking a few deep breaths and allowing understanding, listening to others, improving communication and peaceful solutions to be possible. We may feel justified in our wrathful, renegade emotions, but unless we deal with them with integrity we may have regrets as time goes by.

The solution to gluttony is moderation in food and drink, or any other addiction we are over-indulging in.

Finally, the answer for pride is humility. Being proud of our accomplishments at a job well done is not a bad thing. The problem with pride arises when we go overboard, becoming vain, arrogant and haughty. We do not even like ourselves when we don this puffed up attitude, if we are being perfectly honest.

As strong as the negative traits, more accurately known as sins are, the positive virtues can become just as strong or stronger. It is simply a matter of focusing on good over bad, choosing good over evil, which means choosing virtue over sin. Practicing these seven virtues is one way we can make good shine in our lives.

Modern day thinkers would like us all to believe that there is no sin any more, that negative traits are merely mental, emotional and/or psychological shortcomings when in fact they are sins; calling sins “negative traits’ keeps us from addressing sins head on, complete with admission of fault, followed by forgiveness and mental, emotional and psychological relief.

What is wrong with the world starts with you and me, and the priorities we live by. You and I are each responsible for the conditions in our lives, our neighborhoods, cities and states, and in all countries in the world. Each day you and I get to decide for good, or for bad; for virtue or for sin. We each decide on this very day whether we will choose good over evil, evil over good or virtue over sin, or sin over virtue. We can build ourselves up or we can tear ourselves down. Likewise, we can tear our neighbors down or build them up; like tearing down or building up policies and actions that benefit the entire world.

Why does this matter?

It matters to you as an individual person to mature in integrity and honesty. It matters in order to create the neighborhoods we want to live in. It matters to stand up for the scientific facts that tell of how to fix broken systems in the world. Integrity and truth matter. It is not necessary to kill each other to make this happen. God the Father is Creator of it all.

Thinking of our failings only as bad habits or negative traits keeps us is a downward cycle of “that is just how I am.” But acknowledging our failures as sins, something we can repent and be forgiven for, gives us hope. We can make amends and repair the broken bridges we have broken in our relationships. Try as we might, we will sin before the night is through in our thoughts, words and actions today. We are not perfect. But we keep trying. God the Father will always forgive us, through the Love of Jesus our Savior, and the Love of the Holy Spirit. These are the gifts promised to us by Jesus. Each day we have this hope. There is always hope.

Isn’t it our own business how we live our lives?

Yes, it matters. Yes, it is our own business. The point is that we look at the world, then point fingers at what is wrong with it, when you and I are the snowball that started it all. There are things we can do to fix the problems of personal and global greed, envy, sloth (laziness), lust, wrath (anger), gluttony and pride, as mentioned above. We must start with ourselves if we want our countries to be better, for the sake of the world.

We have to start with the beginning of the problem, not just the middle or end of the problem.

Things never stay the same. Change is the only constant in life. Choosing good over bad, good over evil, or virtue over sin, however you look at it, will create a healthier, kinder, more humane world in which we all can live and thrive. This also creates a new beginning in our relationship with God, which might need our attention at this very moment.

Start right where you are.

Are you in government? Then make the most honest, best decisions you can for the life of all the people under your jurisdiction, and for the life of the planet, not just self interest. Otherwise, you can be the fulcrum that tips towards destruction not only of you personally, but the entire earth. We are very near tipping towards the point of no return. Presently this is possible to fix. Try to be part of the solution, not exacerbating the problem. Things never stay the same. You can be the instrument to save the world as opposed to demolishing it. Ask for God’s help, through the intercession of Jesus Christ, with all the Love the Holy Spirit has to give.

The same goes for the financial crisis erupting in all countries across the globe, and all other matters of importance. Remember this when things get so complicated we cannot see the forest for the trees, think PEOPLE BEFORE THINGS. To have balance, prioritize people by helping where and when you can over taking care of things. Financial matters are things. Things matter, but people matter more. Money is not always the answer for problems people have. Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.

Yes, it all matters. You matter.

Do not forget to include God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Love of the Holy Spirit in all your decisions for the best results possible.

All people matter, not only the rich, the top one percent of the wealthiest among us; not only the milky white people, but all people represented by the 203 countries including territories and protectorates of the United States of America, most of which are not milky white. God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, created Jesus His Son as His first Creation before any and everything else, in which Jesus helped to Create every other Creation known to us. We were all Created in Love, and with free will.

We live in a global society. Our friends and families live all over the world. The planes we fly land in most all countries in this one world we share.

We are one race, the human race, here on this planet.

Education matters. Are you in education? Encourage your students/children with critical thinking skills in order that they include compassion and common sense as a problem solving process they can work with, including not mindlessly following the mistakes of some of the prejudiced generations before them. Show them by example how we all can be better people. Pray again. Pray through Jesus Christ, in the Love of the Holy Spirit, to the Father of All Creation, for the minds of all of humanity to continue to grow and learn as we were intended to grow and learn.

Educators, how do you handle bullying, hungry students, students at risk, students compromised in a wide variety of situations, and students standing up for themselves? Education is a priority in every person, family, neighborhood, state and country for the success of the world. Teachers are the shining light, the good that can help so many students in need of empathy, compassion, and understanding to be better citizens of the world. Never stop praying, through the intercession of Jesus Christ, who Himself endured numerous injustices and bullying in this world.

However we think of it, and whatever we think about, we bring about. Let’s make the world a beautiful place to live, within ourselves, with our families and friends, neighborhoods, states, countries and the entire world. Let us include God our heavenly Father, Jesus Christ His Son and our brother, and the Love of the Holy Spirit in our greater families since that is truly what we are, one global family.

God Bless