If Your Politics or Religion Turns Violent You Are Following The Wrong god ~ Repost

In the face of violent insurrection, Jesus was humble in the garden, even healing the high priest’s servant’s ear, did not fight during his scourging at the pillar, crowing with thorns, carrying the cross, nor at his crucifixion. Jesus taught love over hate, peace over conflict, and prayer as his example to heal.

Choosing evil over good is never good regardless of misguided honor, integrity, and valor. Actions speak louder than words.

Those choosing evil over good in civil society wreak havoc on the world of which we are all a part.

Remember, Jesus was also an immigrant when his family fled to Egypt in the middle of the night to flee persecution. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus were welcomed into the land of polytheism, the home of many foreign gods. They stayed there until it was safe to return to Nazareth, the largest Palestinian Arab city inside Israel. Bethlehem is inside the West Bank.

We are all One Race, the Human Race.

Within human DNA are all connections to all of humanity and beyond.

January 6, 2o21, is a good reminder, when the United States Capitol building was breached by an angry mob of domestic terrorists, that many in the name of God and their version of justice were worshipping the wrong god. They did not realize the false liar god they were following was not God, Almighty Father of Jesus, and Creator of all that is.

You can tell them by their fruits.

When the other disciples, along with Peter, James and John who had accompanied Jesus into the Garden of Gethsemane saw the High priest servant and soldiers who had come to arrest Jesus, they exclaimed, “Lord, should we fight? We have brought swords!”

But Jesus said, “No more of this.” Peter had just slashed off the ear of the high priest’s servant. Instead, Jesus touched the man’s ear and healed him. Luke 22:49-51

We know this account of the final hours of the life of Jesus. Peter had pledged his allegiance to Jesus, yet in the courtyard of the high priest’s home, he denies Jesus. Peter goes off and weeps with sorrow for not staying true to Jesus, and God, his Father.

Again, we see Jesus teaching us in his example, to stay true to God in the midst of mob rebellion over them hearing words they did not agree with. Jesus simply spoke the truth which Pilate, the Roman governor, and Herod Antipas heard. Herod is present because Galilee was under Herod’s jurisdiction, and Herod happened to be in Jerusalem at the time.

Just like a post in this blog titled “The Battle Of Good And Evil Was Not A One Time Battle ~ Requires Spiritual Warfare In The Face Of Evil mentions Satan seeking a sign of performance, this time Herod wants to see Jesus perform a miracle on command. As we know, that does not happen, even though such a sign might have saved Jesus’ life temporarily. Jesus is handed over to be crucified.

In these desperate days of conflict, disagreement and disunity, it might be tempting to justify hating and harming those who do not believe as we do, not just in the United States of America, in Israel and Palestine, and everywhere else in the world.

This would be an inhuman response. This is not the first time evil and sinister impulses appear as good options when the reality is that they are not. They are birthed from an unholy god. This is an age-old and familiar story.

We could hide our thoughts, words, and actions under the umbrella of politics as a misguided effort to subvert the will of the people, only listening to one-side of the issue, conjuring lies and disinformation as if it is real, and have these lies and conspiracies fall out of powerful and influential mouths. Because of their source, these lies and conspiracies are then touted by all forms of media, still to this day.

Or we could hide our thoughts, words, and actions under the umbrella of our religion. We may have thought we could have plausible deniability if we say the priest, minister, or other guru pontificated the lies and conspiracies of what was actually happening, and guided us into hateful, prideful, and illegal actions, including murder.

But who really is King Liar throughout all history, before Jesus Christ, and after?

Every single one of us is responsible for our own thoughts, words, and actions. Not one of us is perfect. We make mistakes large and small. We sin. I know that is an unpopular word these days, but we do. There are times we have fallen victim to evil, followed evil inclinations, listened to the wrong advise whispered in our ears, minds, or hearts. We can point fingers at others all over the place. I have found the best place to start is with ourselves.

Today’s legal systems will handle the loss of lives through murderous actions of misguided men and women. That is not up to you and me, the common person, to decide and/or act on, other than to correct our own part in this tragedy. There is a higher justice we are answerable to at the end of our lives. It is not the court of popular opinion, Republican, nor Democratic belief; nor Israeli, nor Palestinian belief; nor any other militant aggression.

Obviously, Jesus Christ is not a Republican, nor a Democrat, nor any other political leader of any country. If he was anything in today’s division of political and religious belief, he would certainly be a bleeding-heart liberal. He’s the one who gave instructions that if someone slaps you on one cheek that we offer the other cheek as well; that if someone demands our coat that we also give him the shirt off our backs; and the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would like them to do to you. This is worldwide advice for a healthy society.

If you find you have been caught up in Satan’s web of lies and conspiracies, you are not alone. Continuing down the wrong road, going against the words of Jesus, will not get you where you are going. Begin again to only think, speak and act in ways of love and peace.

Don’t forget, Satan’s web of lies are attractive. There is just enough half-truth in them to tickle your mind, heart, and actions. For example, Democrats say everyone has a right to their own body – particularly women. However they do not believe nor promote that the person in the womb equally has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Likewise, Republicans do believe that the person in the womb has the right to life. Yet, they believe in unconscionably harming human life outside of the womb in the middle and lower classes by unethically pouring trillions of dollars to the wealthiest among them, which never trickles down.

This has promoted the worst economy, people losing their homes, standing in huge food lines, and dying from the worst pandemic this nation has ever seen. This is due to the lies that COVID-19 is not real, or worst yet, allowing millions of its citizens to die in the misguided notion that having people get COVID-19 will cause Herd Immunity. The vaccine is what will cause Herd Immunity.

It is odd that the GOP pretends to stand as a noble group with religious backing, while inciting their rank and file, stirring the pot of anger, hate and destruction, the tools of Satan. His works here in the United States and worldwide are painfully obvious.

Use the tools of faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love. Love is the fertile ground of unity on which to build a better future for tomorrow.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere


I am an energy bridge of semantics between past understanding and spiritual enlightenment. All knowledge derives from the Universal Energy Source from which it came. I am one of many who have been sharing this knowledge with the world for years. Wars have been fought over this information. “Believe like me or die,” is the cry of the non-understanding indoctrinated. It takes wisdom, courage, pure love, and peaceful allowance to dare to study beyond the scope of censored reading materials of strict belief systems.

Think of energy as a vibrant diamond with many glowing facets, each with its own color and radiance. The refraction and reflections of each facet does not contain the entire beauty and reality of the entire fully cut diamond. The whole is more magnificent that just one facet.

Diamonds have a particular energy, different from quartz crystals, sapphires, emeralds, silver, and gold. Each has its own qualities, densities, vibrational frequencies, uses, and metaphysical attributes. The same concept holds true with the myriad religions over the eons of time. Each might contain a grain of truth, enough to capture the human attention, mixed with other additions of human understanding at the time by people with other agendas, like monks, scribes, as well as religious and political rulers, while simultaneously excluding other words of Jesus, as if they knew more than Jesus, Enoch, Germain, the Buddha.

Energy, with its numerous varied uses, has been explored by:

  1. Albert Einstein. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) may have revolutionized scientific …
  2. Marie Curie. Marie Curie (1867-1934) worked closely with her scientist …
  3. Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was a controversial figure. …
  4. Max Planck. Max Planck (1858-1947) didn’t mean to but he completely …

See full list on thoughtco.com

There is one Energy that exists. The laws of thermodynamics explain that energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, only changed. This holds true also for what many energy workers call Source, while others in a wide variety of religions as well as those who consider themselves to be more spiritual than religious. All is One.

Science follows the laws of thermodynamics as energy applies to their fields of work and study. We have learned how to tap into energy, how to use energy in the physical existence, sending humans and missions in rockets into outer space. We have a rover on Mars. We take pictures of interstellar space that boggle the mind. We study energy because there is more to know.

Check out the history of space telescopes at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_space_telescopes

Still, human research cannot exhaust the study of energy. Not even scientists working at the Hadron Supercollider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland are yet to discover how the Big Bang Theory manifested the creation of energy as we currently understand it. There is more.

Had I not walked away from several strict religious paths in my quest for truth and enlightenment vexed by the contradictory words of the Bible, such as love, forgive everyone everything, and turn the other cheek, to go kill every man, women, child, and beast in the city, or turn and walk away from those who do not listen to your preaching, I would still be encapsulated in the walls of ignorance.

Why don’t religious rulers want you to learn anything else other than what their particular belief systems teach, energetically speaking?

Why are some modern-day religions advising their college-age students not to go to college, regarding energy?

Are you interested in the confiscated words of Jesus preserved in the sacred scrolls safely stored away until the time arrived for their unearthing for your benefit, at this time when we better understand energy and how it affects beliefs?

Do you wonder what the real reason is why many religious rulers have labeled the once sacred scriptures preserved in clay pots found in the caves at Nag Hammadi as apocryphal, energetically speaking?

I see language semantics gaming, which is different words to get to the same point, that is the point. Some people refer to God as the Source of all life. Atheists do not believe in God. Yet, Energy is the Source, no matter what name is given to Universal Life Energy. Energy is also infinite, eternal.

Don’t get lost in semantics.

Even Jesus said we will do the things he did and more besides. Why? Because he said he was going to the Source of all energy, the Source of healing, the Source of unity, forgiveness, and inclusiveness, which includes the Buddha, you and me.


Positive Problem Solving ~ Life-Affirming Decisions ~ Peaceful Actions Work Best

Is money the bottom line?

While it is important to acknowledge important information that directly affects us everyday, it is equally important not to loose our Spirit of Love and Light Energy as we go through each day of our life.

It is not helpful to absorb every negative feeling as we keep up with local, national and world atrocities. Internalizing negative emotion on a constant basis as it unfolds before us will make us mentally and physically sick. There is no place in the body that is meant to store excess stress, anxiety, panic and discordant energy. The stomach holds food, the lungs hold oxygen, but excess stress, anxiety, panic and continual discord will breakdown the human body into dis-ease, better known as disease.

Beating the dysfunctional drum of the negative emotions of anger and fear (which is the root cause of anger), though you may feel justified, still ignites an imbalance, which feeds on itself like an avalanche down a steep snow slope, burying everything it its path. It is not necessary to feed on fear for lack of knowing what else to do. We need to rein in our misqualified energy and transmute it into positive, life-giving action that makes a real and lasting change. This is possible for you to do.

What is an effective action we can take to make our voices heard in a way that shines a positive light on the problems we need to address, in the energy of love and unity, not hate and division?

In these days we can take our pick of topics we want to address: racism; tackling the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression; global warming and climate change causing wildfires sweeping across the USA; pollution affecting our oceans, lakes and rivers; farming practices that won’t kill our ozone layer any further; saving the rainforests which are the lungs of our planet; inequality in the work force between men and women; gender equality; oppression and suppression of voting rights in every oligarch, autocrat or dictatorship leaning country; or the current, out-of-control COVID-19 (Sars Co2 – or any other name we switch this particular coronavirus to) pandemic which is nearing 25 million confirmed cases worldwide, and nearly 850,000 deaths worldwide. The USA has nearly 6 million confirmed cases alone, and since yesterday has increased by at least 46,000 cases. The sadest note of all regarding the pandemic is that the USA tops the list of countries worldwide, including Third World Countries. This what happens when we place intuition and guess work above science. It did not have to happen like this. We could have stopped it the same way President Obama stopped Ebola from spreading across the USA. That worked.

Still, we make our own choices, to go along with ignorance, or proven science. The choice is ours. But it seems that ignorance and denial has not stopped this invisible so called  “hoax” of a disease, at least the families of the nearly 850,000 dead people worldwide, nor the families of the nearly 181,000 dead people in the USA, would call this pandemic a “hoax.” Most medical doctors, including Dr. Fauci, tell us that these numbers are most likely higher, not lower, than what has been reported since we still do not have tests for everyone who needs to be tested, as opposed to what some are professing. Some of us die at home alone, untested and uncounted.

Racism, a fear-driven ideology, is present across the globe, not particular to one nation. Racism affects gender equality in addition to skin color, as does differences in religious and spiritual beliefs, as if there is a different God for each of the thousands of belief systems out there. Rasicm is a man-made creation which can respond positively to life-affirming, positive solutions that build up communities. Using discordant energies that promote division only serve to exacerbate the situation, not solve it.

It takes a great deal of integrity, fortitude, and creativity to address systemic racism in the warped minds of people who are ingrained with faux facts since birth, that one race, color, creed, age or gender is better than another because of man-made, inequitable agendas fueled by greed and selfishness rather than decisions made for the good of all.

We are facing the problems of pollution which feed the flames of global warming and climate change, raging in the wildfires burning out of control, caring not for which side of politics is present. Global warming and climate change have no political agenda as the polar caps are melting. They just melt, releasing unknown pathogens and illnesses that have been frozen for thousands of years, regardless of the denial that it is happening to the degree it is.

Doing nothing has not and will not ever solve a dilemma or a situation that desperately needs changing. Ignoring problems that need to be addressed is like holding an air-filled beach ball under water. The longer and deeper it is held under pressure, the greater equal and opposite reaction occurs. We all know this.

Now is not the time for outrageous and outlandish words and actions that will undermine the very problem our hearts, minds and voices are stirring us to face. We cannot deny reality, nor can we sit by, watch and do nothing, as if denying the problem will make it go away.

Now is the time to map out positive, life-affirming solutions, laws, changes in our thinking, even if we stand alone on the island of our peers and co-workers. Now is the time for Truth, Light and Loving solutions. Money is not the bottom line. It never has been. Money is an energy exchange.

What do you want to invest in, money or humanity? Keep in mind, money burns in wildfires just as well as the trees from which it is made.
