I come from a long line of perpetual breast beaters, sorrowfully knocking over my heart three times at the beginning of every Catholic Mass I ever attended. I have offered up missed meals, washing the floor on my knees, doing Palanca via the lever of the knees, tearfully witnessing the fourteen stations of the cross every Friday during Lent, and definitely fasting on Fridays and only eating fish on Fridays. Does lobster count?


Lenten traditions are entirely manmade, nor divinely inspired.

I spent most of my life as a devout Catholic, constantly reading the fifteen years words of Jesus humanity has been allowed to read and know. Until recently, I was satisfied reading the bible, Old Testament and New Testament. I hopped through Protestant churches, charismatic churches, Jehovah’s Witness’ teaching, and a host of other belief systems to see what they believed.

It was only recently, when I allowed myself to read ALL THE WORDS OF JESUS, including those missing eighteen years of Jesus’ life. That is when I realized JESUS TOLD HUMANITY MUCH MORE. But those words of Jesus empowered all of us far more than currently religious and political control systems allow.

Who is in control of what you know about Jesus, his whole life, not just those first twelve years, and his last three years?

Who controls your thinking?

Who says you cannot know what Jesus did and said during those missing eighteen years of the life of Jesus?

Have you given away your personal power to other men, religions, politicians?

If you want to make the best out of this Lenten season, I suggest you mature spiritually, allowing yourself to know that religious control systems want to keep away from you.

There are several things Jesus said to do, none of which causes you to lament the most sad and humiliating experiences of the life of Jesus.

Jesus said, “The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you,” in Luke 17:20-21. This is the direct response that he gave to the Pharisees when they asked when they should expect the Kingdom of God to arrive.

Jesus said that the Light of God that animated him IS THE SAME LIGHT OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD THAT ANIMATES YOU.

I have just sent my third book about this subject to the publisher. I will let you know when it is available. I have included the words of Jesus which have been kept from you for unholy purposes.

We can get so caught up with the emotions and feelings of Lent. Jesus never said to deprive yourself. He desperately tried teaching his apostles, disciples, and everyone who would listen to him, that YOU are God’s Temple on Earth, just as 1 Corinthians 3:16 says.


Let us take this Lent, if we truly want to be authentic Christians, to do what Jesus taught, not what man has taught.

Where can you turn for more of the life of Jesus?

Read: The Christ of Inda, The Original Christianity by Abbot George Burke (also known as Swami Nirmalananda Giri), The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ by Nicholas Notovitch, and And They Called His Name Immanuel by Phoenix-Journal #2.

Unfetter yourself spiritually. Don’t waste one more moment not doing what Jesus told you to do. Enlightenment comes the moment you allow yourself to follow the teaching of Jesus, not what humanity wants to interpret for you.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

“For This Self Is Supreme!” ~ Katha Upanishad ~ Part II ~ Section 1 ~ Jesus Studied This In India

“Go beyond fear. For this Self is supreme!” ~ Katha Upanishad – Part II, Section 1, last line of verse 5

“The self-existent Lord pierced the senses

“To turn outward. Thus we look to the world

“Without and see not the Self within us.

“A sage withdrew his senses from the world

“Of change and, seeking immortality,

“Looked within and beheld the deathless Self.

“The immature run after sense pleasures

“And fall into the widespread net of death.

“But the wise, knowing the Self as deathless,

“Seek not the changeless in the world of change.

“That through which one enjoys form, taste, smell, sound,

“Touch, and sexual union is the Self.

“Can there be anything not known to That

“Who is the One in all? Know One, know all.

“That through which one enjoys the waking

“And sleeping states is the Self. To know That

“As consciousness is to go beyond sorrow.

“Those who know the Self as enjoyer

“Of the honey from the flowers of the senses,

“Ever present within, ruler of time,

“Go beyond fear. For this Self is supreme!

“The god of creation, Brahma,

“Born of the Godhead through meditation

“Before the waters were created,

“Who stands in the heart of every creature.

“Is the Self indeed, For this Self is supreme!

Universal Energy Fibonacci Spirals

“The goddess of energy, Aditi,*

“Born of the Godhead through vitality,

“Mother of all cosmic forces,

“Who Stands in the heart of every creature,

“Is the Self indeed. For this Self is supreme!

“The fire god, Angi,** hidden between

“Two firesticks like a child well protected

“In the mother’s womb, whom we adore

“Every day in the depths of meditation,

“Is the Self indeed. For this Self is Supreme!

“That which is the source of the sun

“And of every power in the cosmos, beyond which

“There is neither going nor coming,

“Is the Self indeed. For this Self is supreme!”

“What is here is also there; what is there,

“Also here. Who sees multiplicity

“But not one with the indivisible Self

“Must wander on and on from death to death.

Woman Looking at Reflection — Image by © Elisa Lazo de Valdez/Corbis

“Only the one-pointed mind attains

“This state of unity. There is no one

“But the Self. Who sees multiplicity

“But not the one indivisible Self

“Must wander on and on from death to death.

“The thumb-sized being enshrined in the heart,

“Ruler of time, past and future,

“Is the Self indeed. For this Self is supreme!

“That thumb-sized being, a flame without smoke,

“Ruler of time, past and future,

“The same on this day as on tomorrow,

“Is the Self indeed. For this Self is supreme!

“As the rain on the mountain peak runs off

“The slopes on all sides, so those who see

“Only the seeming multiplicity of life

“Run after things on every side.

“As pure water poured into pure water

“Becomes the very same, so does the Self

“Of the illumined man or women, Nachiketa,***

“Verily become one with the Godhead.”

*Aditi, (Sanskrit: “The Boundless”) in the Vedic phase of Hindu mythology, the personification of the infinite and mother of a group of celestial deities, the Adityas. As a primeval goddess, she is referred to as the mother of many gods, including Vishnu in his dwarf incarnation and, in a later reappearance, Krishna. She supports the sky, sustains all existence, and nourishes the earth. It is in the latter sense that she is often represented as a cow. ~ Britannica

As celestial mother of numerous beings, the synthesis of all things, Aditi is associated with space (akasa) and with mystic speech. She may be seen as a feminized form of Brahma and associated with the primal substance (mulaprakriti) in the Vedanta. She is mentioned more than 250 times in the Rigveda, the verses replete with her praise. ~ Wikipedia

**Agni, (Sanskrit: “Fire”) fire- god of Hinduism, second only to Indra in the Vedic mythology of ancient India. He is equally the fire of the sun, of lightning, and of both the domestic and the sacrificial Hearth. As the divine personification of the fire of Sacrifice, he is the mouth of the gods, the carrier of the oblation, and the messenger between the human and the divine orders. Agni is described in the scriptures as ruddy-hued and having two faces—one beneficent and one malignant. He has three or seven tongues, hair that stands on end like flames, three legs, and seven arms; he is accompanied by a ram, the usual sacrificial animal. In the Rigveda he is sometimes identified with Rudra, the forerunner of the god Shive. Though Agni has no sect in modern Hinduism, his presence is invoked in many ceremonies, especially by Agnihotri Brahmans (who perform fire rites), and he is the guardian of the southeast. ~ Britannica

***Nachiketa asks his father for the secrets of life, knowing the Nachiketa is not happy with worldly treasures, and sends Nachiketa to learn from Yama, who is death, to teach him what is worthy in Universal life.


“I AM the Light of the world ~ Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the Light of Life.” Jesus Christ

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the Light of life.” John 8:12

This is Universal Light and Universal Love. It always was and always will be. No one religion or belief system owns it. It is not against Jesus, nor any of his words, to say that this Light of which he speaks is within you, because it was Jesus himself who told this to us.

This teaching is why Jesus Christ was crucified, died and was buried. It is as true today as the day Jesus spoke it. Still, certain religious controllers, as those in his day, want to spin this reality for purposes other than the Glory of God.

This is the Light of the Soul, the Finger of God living in and experiencing through you. We have within all of us the DNA of Divine Breath.

We also have within human DNA what Jesus taught us, when he said:

How can it possibly be that human beings have the devil as our father?

Religions have interpreted this sentence to say what they want it to say. But what if we take the words spoken by Jesus Christ at face value?

Notice that each and every day you have the free will to do good or do bad (evil). No one forces us to break laws, be racist, or start wars. We do this by our own choosing. We likewise have free will to choose good, to right the wrongs we see before us, to put an end to wars. The choice is ours.

What goads you into doing the very things you do not want to do? Analyze this for a moment. There is no rush.

At every moment you can choose to make decisions based on what saves the most life, begins the most unity and harmony, solves the most dilemmas before you.

In every moment, you can choose decisions that produce the most Light, Love, and miracles.

There is a reason why doing evil, greedy, selfish thoughts, words, and actions come so naturally to us, at those times when we choose to think of such things as exceptions. But if you put enough exceptions back-to-back, you begin to become a different person, by your own making.

We see this in the world around us, within the United States of America, when one seeming little slide of justice, or rule of law, gets twisted into something it was never intended to be, by the sleight of hand, or of mind, evolving into habits, very dark and sinister habits.

Why do I point this out on Easter Day?

Each of us has a choice to make when it occurs to us that we have followed the wrong messiah home. Recognize the patterns in your life, not what someone else is telling you, not what some other religious leader says or does.

Jesus Christ did not come to Earth to show us how to break laws, then justify why we do the things we do.

Jesus Christ came to Earth to tell us that this Light within Him is the same Light within all of us. May we use our free will to choose the way of Universal Light and Universal Love.

Let us all decide to do what Jesus did. Become activated to this Light and Love within you, without which you would cease to be. Pray, meditate, contemplate. Transform your heart, conscience, and Eternal Soul. Wake up. Become Enlightened. Grow in knowledge, not just one brand of religion, but the expansive knowledge of the Christ, the I AM Presence. New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation classes and workshops can assist this transformation.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

You Are God’s Garden

The Spirit of God dwells WITHIN you. You are God’s Temple.

“Do you not know you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16

How many of us really understand what Paul is writing here in his first letter to the Corinthians? Paul begins the third chapter by talking to his fledgling Christian followers as if they were babies in the Christian life, because that is where they spiritually were, controlled by their own desires, not God’s. They were unaware that the Spirit of God dwelt inside of them, as it does in each one of us.

Within the faithful followers, they were getting confused whether to follow the teachings of Apollos or Paul or Peter, complete with envy, jealousy, and rivalry among the believers, the same as we do today with myriad religions with separate beliefs, yet all teaching about the One God of all.

They wanted to get it right. In the process, they got it wrong. This is not a team sport. Paul was showing them that the firm foundation is based on the fact that the Spirit of God, the individual “I AM Presence” is within every human being.

Paul is speaking to all of us, adding, “Apollos and I work together for God, and you are God’s garden and God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:9 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

Have you ever thought of yourself as Gods’ garden, something that is within you as opposed to something that is outside of you?

You’ve heard the parable of the good seed and the bad. That is not an example of what to choose outside of you. Rather, the good and bad seed parable is a demonstration of the light and the dark within the DNA of all human beings. Choose the light. Be the light. It is inside of you. That is what is meant by letting your conscience be your guide.

Even Jesus told us this in Luke 17:21, “Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” King James Version

This original verse was maligned to say “among” you. Modern day scholars, after researching ancient writings of Sanskrit, Hebrew, and Greek are returning this verse to its original meaning, that the kingdom of God, also known as God’s Spirit, and the I AM Presence, resides WITHIN you.

1 Corinthians 3:10-11, “ God was kind and let me become an expert builder. I laid a foundation on which others have built. But we must each be careful how we build because Christ is the only foundation.”

This “Christ” is what Jesus came to teach us, that we are Christ beings. It is by recognizing that we all have the Silver Cord of Ecclesiastes 12:6-7, the animating Divine Spark of each Soul, our own I AM Presence within us, that we put on the Mind of Christ. It is there whether we realize it or not, otherwise, we would be dead. The animating life-force active within each person is our God-given Christ Soul. We will keep reincarnating until we become consciously aware of this to the core of our being. It is an acknowledgement of each Self. There is no rush. We are part of eternity, which has no beginning, nor ending.

Paul says to all humankind, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? And whoever defiles the temple of God, God will destroy; for the temple of God is holy, and that temple is you.” ~ 1 Corinthians 3:16,17

Note that it is by fire that ignorance is transmuted into knowledge, no matter how many lifetimes it takes for that to occur. Also notice that the more expansive comprehension of energy (God – Source – Author of all energy), follows what humanity has come to discover in the First Law of Thermodynamics; that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed.

Transmutation by fire is what the Purple Flame of Transmutation is all about, using the words of today’s energy workers as the forge. Sending all those lower energies, self-sabotage, lack of self-esteem, and all dysfunctional energies, to the Violet-Purple Flame as taught by Germain, and lifting human consciousness, enlightening hearts, minds, and voices in the building up rather than tearing down, is the correct interpretation for the “fire” that will consume all.

Love is also compared to fire that consumes the hearts, minds, and actions of individuals. Being in Love transports lovers to heights as if they were floating on clouds. This fire of Divine Love, is another way of expressing the Violet Flame of Transmutation through the Law of Forgiveness, Empathy, Compassion.

You and I are made of the Christ Energy animating our Souls which are eternal, just as God is eternal. It is only by God’s Creative Spirit that you are alive, and have always been in the mind, heart, and action WITHIN God, who always was and always will be.

It was popular in the 1960s-70s to think of ourselves as temples of God, and today with the resurgence of good eating habits to think of our bodies as temples of God. Sometimes this thinking has more to do with us than it has to do with God.

Notice in 1 Corinthians 3:22, 23 where it says, “Whether Paul or Apollo or Peter or the world or life or death or all things present or things to come; all things are yours; and you are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.”

New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT) is all about the transformative energy of Love and Light. For further education regarding NPMDT energy, sign up with any NPMDT teacher/facilitator across the Earth. NPMDT workshops taught by me are listed on the right-hand side of this blog, as well as on the International School of Esoteric Sciences website:

1 Corinthians 3:1-23:

My friends, you are acting like the people of this world. That’s why I could not speak to you as spiritual people. You are like babies as far as your faith in Christ is concerned. So I had to treat you like babies and feed you milk. You could not take solid food, and you still cannot, because you are not yet spiritual. You are jealous and argue with each other. This proves that you are not spiritual and that you are acting like the people of this world.

Some of you say that you follow me, and others claim to follow Apollos. Isn’t that how ordinary people behave? Apollos and I are merely servants who helped you to have faith. It was the Lord who made it all happen. I planted the seeds, Apollos watered them, but God made them sprout and grow. What matters isn’t those who planted or watered, but God who made the plants grow. The one who plants is just as important as the one who waters. And each one will be paid for what they do. Apollos and I work together for God, and you are God’s garden and God’s building.

Only One Foundation

10 God was kind and let me become an expert builder. I laid a foundation on which others have built. But we must each be careful how we build, 11 because Christ is the only foundation. 12-13 Whatever we build on that foundation will be tested by fire on the day of judgment. Then everyone will find out if we have used gold, silver, and precious stones, or wood, hay, and straw. 14 We will be rewarded if our building is left standing. 15 But if it is destroyed by the fire, we will lose everything. Yet we ourselves will be saved, like someone escaping from flames.

16 All of you surely know that you are God’s temple and that his Spirit lives in you. 17 Together you are God’s holy temple, and God will destroy anyone who destroys his temple.

18 Don’t fool yourselves! If any of you think you are wise in the things of this world, you will have to become foolish before you can be truly wise. 19 This is because God considers the wisdom of this world to be foolish. It is just as the Scriptures say, “God catches the wise when they try to outsmart him.” 20 The Scriptures also say, “The Lord knows that the plans made by wise people are useless.” 21-22 So stop bragging about what anyone has done. Paul and Apollos and Peter all belong to you. In fact, everything is yours, including the world, life, death, the present, and the future. Everything belongs to you, 23 and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.” ~ Contemporary English Version

The God/Christ in me acknowledged the God/Christ in you, which is what the word, Namaste means.


Our Hands Are The Only Hands God Has To Work With On Earth

About 30 years ago, before his passing, Bishop George E. Rueger told me in spiritual direction, that we are the only hands that God has to work with on this earth. At the time I was spinning my wheels, trying to get closer to God, trying to do more teaching at CCD and adult bible studies, and seeking more retreats to get closer to God. It was as if I could just do more, or take the right classes myself, I could better understand what God wanted me to do and share that with others. I have always, since I was 14 years old, felt the intense need to be an active part of the teaching ministry of God. Bishop Rueger told me, “Our hands are the only hands God has to work with on earth.”

Come to find out, he was right.

You and I are made in the image of God. How we choose to live up to the image of God is reflected in how we choose to live each moment of every day in the years we are given on this earth. We can act on this or not. We are guided by life-saving rules of how to treat God the Creator and each other in the Ten Commandments. Jesus tells us that he came not to destroy these rules, but to fulfill them. Then Jesus simplifies the  rules, compressing them all into one, and gives us the Golden Rule; treat others the way you wish to be treated.

God experiences through you and through me. Check out Ephesians 2:22 where it says, “You are also builder by him for a habitation of God through the Spirit.”

God is eternal, eternal wisdom, eternal power, eternal justice and eternal LOVE.

In Colossians 1:26, 27 it says,  “Even the mystery which has been hidden from ages from generations, but now is revealed to his saints; to whom God wanted to make known his riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you” and 1 Corinthians 3:23 confirms “And you are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.

Jesus said in Luke 17: 20,21, “When some of the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come, he answered, saying to them, the kingdom of God does not come by observation. Neither will they say, Behold, it is here! or, behold, it is there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within* you .”

* NOTE: Many bibles change “within” to the word “among,” meaning the kingdom of God is outside of you, However, if you read down to the footnote on this passage in your bible, original translation say the kingdom of God is WITHIN you, as does the Interlinear Bible which translates Hebrew, Greek and English.

God Bless