The Dehydration of Our Souls ~ The Confusion About Ourselves ~ The Big Bang ~ And The Giant Crystal Cave

Humanity forgets exactly who each individual is as well as the Universe. We are part of a much bigger whole. Here in this picture, according to Wikipedia, Cave of the Crystals or Giant Crystal Cave (Spanish: Cueva de los cristales) is a cave connected to the NAICA Mine at a depth of 980 feet, in Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico. It takes the form of a chamber within the limestone host rock of the mine, and is about 358 feet long with a volume of 180,000 to 210,000 cubic feet The chamber contains giant selenite crystals, some of the largest natural crystals ever found. The largest is 37.4 feet, with a volume of about 180 cubic feet, and an estimated mass of 12 tons. When it was accessible, the cave was extremely hot, with air temperatures reaching up to 136 °F with 90 to 99 percent humidity. The cave is relatively unexplored because of these factors. Without proper protection, people can only endure approximately ten minutes of exposure at a time. The cave was discovered in April 2000 by brothers Juan and Pedro Sanchez while drilling in the mine. As of October 2015, the mine had reflooded and the cavern filled once more with the water rich in minerals required for the crystals to grow. A group of scientists in the Naica Project have been studying these caverns. THIS PICTURE IS NOT PHOTOSHOPPED.

Leave it to human beings to complicate things. Millions of years ago through the eons of time, we all knew who we were and why we are here. There was not a division in understanding that we are spiritual beings since we could go back and forth into the womb of eternity to rest and rejuvenate. There was no separation nor competition between souls in this knowledge, for it was the common experience of all souls to return to rest in the bosom of its generation.

As our curiosity grew we spent more and more time away from our homeland of eternity, drawn in by the drama of creation playing out before our eyes. How the Earth formed with vast oceans and dry land, majestic trees towering, fragrant beautiful flowers blooming, and discovering myriad crystals growing within the Earth, is what consumed our interest and attention. We returned less frequently to the original Source of all life until we stopped for the lifesaving refueling of our souls.

The dehydration of our souls through concentration on mesmerizing details in the denser matter of matter, stifled our soul memories of those days of the Land of Mu, also known as Lemuria in the area of the South Pacific Ocean (to which the islands of Hawaii, Samoa, and Tahiti were once connected), as well as Atlantis, once located in the North Atlantic Ocean off the eastern coast of the United States of America, extending to the Mediterranean Sea. Our souls were and still are ethereal when our material bodies became denser in more physical form with the passing of time yet like how memories fade over time and non-communication, we began to forget our spiritual Source, of which we are all intricate Sparks of LOVE, WISDOM, and LIGHT as our POWER.

Don’t forget, the first manifestation was “Let there be LIGHT,” the origin of the Big Bang.

In place of returning to the heart of hearts of Source for that spiritual retreat, our souls began to replace the Almighty Universal Eternal Energy with maligned, human-inspired imitation ritual, dogmas, and belief systems as if they were the same. This also placed the limited view of Almighty Source outside of ourselves, as if the LOVE, WISDOM, and LIGHT/POWER of Almighty Source of All were not also within our souls.

To make matters worse, claiming to have the LOVE, WISDOM, and LIGHT/POWER of the Source of Universal Eternal Energy within each human soul eventually became such a taboo that soon our dulled spiritual senses falsely determined that it was to be a sin to think, say, or act in the truth of our souls. We placed authority outside of ourselves, even limiting the sexes into which we had divided and labeled ourselves, as to who could teach and preach, and who could not by penalty of excommunication and death. We have experienced numerous crusades, genocides, and holocausts over humanly contrived belief systems, spawned by unholy human agendas. The first holocaust occurred in the wiping out of the Canaanites.

Misuse of Earth’s crystal energy ultimately rocked the world in the cataclysmic flood written about in every corner of the world. The problem our souls did not fully realize was that crystal energy is living and intricately incorporated in the Universal Eternal Energy of Almighty Source. This generating Source of ALL life includes all beings in creation, not merely human beings. These beings can seem inanimate, yet ALL life, including life that seems to only exist as single-cell organisms, carries within its DNA structure that Spark of Universal Eternal Energy, even if it appears inanimate. It is a Universal Law, otherwise, it would not exist.

Humanity’s resilience reverted to even denser experiences. We manifested physical bodies encasing and nearly suffocating our individual beautiful I AM Presence of Source, the Spark of our individual Universal Eternal Energy, which animates our physical bodies. Myriad religions popped up in every area of the Earth, each with its own faux authority, rules, and ultimatums outside of the Self. We forgot who we were and how we got here. We forgot that we are made in the image and likeness of Universal Eternal Energy by the thread of each soul, the Silver Cord of Ecclesiastes 12:6-7. We handed over our free will to the controllers of the day. We stayed suppressed like a beach ball held under water, popping up frustrated and unfulfilled. Rather than faithfulness to LOVE, WISDOM, and LIGHT/POWER, we turned to FEAR.

We feared others not exactly like us. We feared the death of our eternal souls. We feared the loss of our autonomy in our countries. We feared those who spoke foreign languages. We feared so much we created huge systems of war machines because fear became the driving force of every thought, word, and action, metastasizing until it was out of control.

After every generation of control-freak religious and political models became outdated, we cautiously felt our own oats, cast aside the obvious fake belief systems, and continued searching for the road back to FREEDOM, LOVE, WISDOM, and LIGHT/POWER from which we came.

Today, in this precious moment in Universal Eternal Energy’s drop into time, is the day of awakening to the conscious reality that enlightenment is possible. Perfecting and correcting our lives is possible. Suddenly many are now coming to grips with the knowledge that past lives are the reincarnation of our individual souls still learning exactly who we are, our mission, our dharma, in this lifetime, and our ultimate journey back into Universal Eternal Energy after perfecting ourselves lifetime after lifetime.

Not all past lifetimes were experienced in a human body, nor only lived on our beloved Mother Earth. Manmade creation stories became popular in the dulled minds of humanity. While our current human bodies were made of the stuff of the Earth, foreshadowed by all the Earth’s minerals neatly combined in our daily vitamins, our souls are and always were Sparks of Universal Eternal Energy of LOVE, WISDOM, AND LIGHT/POWER. Since our souls are made in the image and likeness of Universal Eternal Energy, our souls have no beginning nor end. When we finally perfect our lives, regardless of how many lifetimes needed to accomplish this Divine mission, we continue in the Universal Eternal Essence of pure LOVE, Wisdom, and LIGHT/POWER, reuniting individual soul Sparks with our Grander Self. Nothing is ever reversed, because self-generating Creation continues in Its generation. Even the Galaxies and Universes continue to manifest life in this way.

Why do human beings require vitamins, minerals and plant-based Amino Acids in our vitamins for optimal health, such as: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, as well as plant-based Amino Acids, including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin K2, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Vitamin B12, Lutein, Zeaxanthin D-Beta Tocopherols, D-Gamma Tocopherols, D-Delta Tocopherols, D- Alpha Tocopherol, Vitamin D3, Grape Seed and Skin Extract, Green Tea Extract, Proteases (Bromelain), Papain, Quercetin Powder, Bilberry Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Devil’s Claw Root Extract (plant extract), Ginger Root Extract, Chokeberry (fruit) Extract, Angelica Gigas Root Extract, Turmeric Root Extract, Coenzyme Q10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Tocotrienol Complex, Fish Oil, Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate, Methylsulfonylmethane, Folic Acid, Acetyl L-Carnitine HCI, Bacopa Monnieri, Curcumin, Huperzine A, Rosemary Extract, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Ascorbic Acid, Soy Lecithin, and last but not least the Proprietary Blends of Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium, Bifidobacterium, Bifidobacterium, and Fructooligosaccharides?

All these vitamins, minerals, acids, and plant-based nutrition, are part of the living Earth, just as are crystals growing in the ground when combined with the right amount of water, sunlight, heat and/or cold. Crystals continue to grow, expanding in other manifestations such as quartz crystals transforming into amethysts, rose quartz, citrine, or a host of every other mineral when these transformations meet with conditions perfect for their growth.

Although it may take millions of years for crystals to grow, they are still evolving if they remain connected to the Earth. Other worldly crystals, like Moldavite, which arrived on the Earth from other meteoritic sources, could no longer continue to grow after being strewn in a field once found in Czechoslovakia, which since January 1993 was split into two sovereign states of Czechia and Slovakia. Similarly, Labradorite is a crystal broken off from its other-worldly base, not of the Earth, which will also not continue to grow.

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed. The same holds true for the energy of our souls. They cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed. Why? Because the energy of our souls is the shared energy of the largest battery of all, Universal Eternal Energy, which has no end. It is eternal. We have the only hands and minds with which Universal Eternal Energy has to experience Its Self-Generated reality.

Once we understand this better, we will be of better use for all humanity, the Earth, and the entire Universe.


Good Friday ~ Litany of Supplication

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God Bless