Jesus Never Addressed LGBTQQIPSAA ~ He Did Teach To “Stop Judging!”

Like I told you in Luke 17:20-21, The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you, without exception. Work on forming your Spirit. Choose Light over dark inspiration.

In Chapter 10 on Mission, Karma, Dharma and Akashic Records in my book presently titled IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, which is currently under contract, I wrote the following information. It is incredibly timely, considering myriad Christian misguided stands against the LGBTQQIPSAA community. One would think if Jesus thought it was important to address this subject, he would have. He did not. Instead, Jesus said in Matthew 7:1, “Stop judging!”

Christians cannot have it both ways, feigning support for the words of Jesus while consciously working against the words of Jesus. If we are to treat others the way we want to be treated, putting the Golden Rule in action as Jesus told us to do, there is no way to harm, diminish, ridicule, or legislate against our LGBTQQIPSAA family of humanity.

To do otherwise is the doublethink of George Orwell’s 1984, saying two opposite things at the same time and believing both. It is time to follow Jesus, not prejudiced humanity.

“In 2006, the United States Geological Survey (USGS), scientists noted a study later written about in an article by Allison Winter, on June 4, 2009, in Scientific American[1] stating that they “found widespread endocrine disruption among smallmouth and largemouth bass in the Potomac River and its tributaries across Maryland and Virginia. Tests on smallmouth bass in the Shenandoah River in Virginia and in the Monocacy River in Maryland — both of which feed the Potomac — concluded that more than 80 percent of all the male bass were growing eggs.”

“What happens when humanity eats these fish and drinks bottled water with estrogen and other endocrine disruption substances in it?

“Similarly, a presentation in 2010 on behalf of the Natural Resources Defense Council appeared before the U.S. Congress Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment.[2] The hearing was entitled: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals In Drinking Water: Risks To Human Health And The Environment.

“In the meantime, humanity must deal with the negative effects of the fallen angels and Nephilim markers within our spiritual DNA, and egotistical influence on desires for power, fame, and fortune at all costs every day. This involves our mission, dharma, and karma in this lifetime. How many times it takes to reincarnate for you to come to understand this is totally up to you.

“Some of humanity have the mission and dharma to stand up for human rights within the LGBTQQIPSAA community. Perhaps in past lives, they could have been on the other side of this issue. This lifetime is the opportunity for them to work out that karma in this lifetime. or to help others who have fallen into the cult-mentality, erroneously thinking that this creation of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy is ironically against Itself. Remember who and what it is that fosters hate over Love.

“Current discrimination includes prejudice against LGBTQQIPSAA, which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous, and asexual. The term 2S is used by some indigenous North Americans to describe those who fulfil a traditional third-gender ceremonial role.[3] All people, regardless of personal identity, have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, or else they would not have been born.

“LGBTQQIPSAA stands for:

“L – lesbian: a woman who is attracted to other women

“G – gay: a man who is attracted to other men or broadly people who identify as homosexual

“B – bisexual: a person who is attracted to both men and women

“T – transgender: a person whose gender identity is different from the sex the doctor put down on their birth certificate

“Q – queer: originally used as a hate term, some people want to reclaim the word, while others find it offensive. It can be a political statement, suggest that someone doesn’t want to identify with “binaries” (e.g. male v female, homosexual v straight) or that they don’t want to label themselves only by their sexual activity

“Q – questioning: a person who is still exploring their sexuality or gender identity

“I – intersex: a person whose body is not definitively male or female. This may be because they have chromosomes which are not XX or XY or because their genitals or reproductive organs are not considered “standard”

“A – allies: a person who identifies as straight but supports people in the LGBTQQIAAP community

“A – asexual: a person who is not attracted in a sexual way to people of any gender

“P – pansexual: a person whose sexual attraction is not based on gender and may themselves be fluid when it comes to gender or sexual identity

“All people regardless of gender identity are animated by the same Eternal Universal Life Force Energy that animates you and me. Eternal Universal Life Force Energy is never against Itself. Eternal Universal Life Force Energy does not hate Itself, because It is the perfect balance of Wisdom and Love in equal measure.

“It must be stressed to all people of all races, creeds, colors, genders, ages, and any other difference people profess, that each one of us has a male and a female aspect within our humanness, otherwise we would be an incomplete and psychologically damaged human. Each human being is one human being who is sensitive to both their male and female aspects.

“Knowing or feeling more masculine or feminine moment to moment, or every day in life, does not diminish humanity just as all the colors of the rainbow do not separate into their own color rainbow. The rainbow of many different colors is still one rainbow. We are who we are. I suggest we learn the mission, dharma, and karma lessons of these issues in this lifetime with empathy and compassion. We will keep reincarnating until we do.

“Presently, I observe people regressing and dissecting themselves into segmented groups as if humanity is not All One. All labels that people place on themselves and others are part of what will keep humanity divided, since labels divide rather than unify. We will have peace when the Eternal Universal Life Force Energy radiating by Its Light of Love and Wisdom educates everyone of this fact. People have told me that I am ahead of the curve on this subject. But if we keep beating the dysfunctional drum of labels and divisions worldwide, we stay in dysfunction because WHAT WE FOCUS ON GROWS.”


[1] Estrogen in Waterways Worse Than Thought – Scientific American

[2] NRDC Document Bank: hea_10022501a.pdf

[3] Middlesbrough Council praised for LGBT acronym change – BBC News


Semantics, while we may use different words to describe people, the love of everyone remains the same.

Personally, I believe labels of any kind hurt humanity, separating people into groups, as if one were better than the other. They are not. All is One.

People have told me humanity is not ready for my next-step thinking, that by labeling people as black, white, Latino, et cetera, communities receive funds for the underprivileged. I say the day we stop labeling people is the day we treat ALL people with the same respect.

Rich people are not better than poor, nor are the poor or middle class better the than rich.

White people are not better than non-white people, nor are non-white people better than white people.

One gender of humanity is not better than any other.

All is One.

Fairness for all people, in every country, across this one Earth is where we ALL dwell.

All is One.

There but by the grace of God go I.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere.

Gender Equality ~ Social Maturity Is In The Sandbox

Equality has no gender. It is something we are born with. No one in this world gives anyone else equality. Equality is God-given because we are made in the image and likeness of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, what some call God, regardless of belief system. Social systems in every corner of the world that have usurped personal and social power through both just and unjust means are not the end of the journey of social consciousness.

The value of a person does not depend on someone else’s opinion. The value of a person is within the person, something no one else can know. We can get glimpses of what makes a person tick by listening to their words and getting a better understanding by the actions they take. Still, the onus, the value of who the individual is, in totality, belongs to the individual.

Let us not forget that Spirit, that Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy that fuels each human Soul, exists within each and every person, not on the conditions one person places upon another. We have free will to wake up to this fact, or to deny this fact, but personal opinions have little bearing on the life of the Spirit/Soul within each one. It is the animating force of the individual life, without which we cease to be.

“What is man that You think of him, And a son of man that You are concerned about him?” New American Standard Bible

Yes, Eternal Universal Life Force Energy experiences through all of us. How we choose to weave the tapestry of our lives is wonderous. No one needs anyone else’s permission to live their life the best way they see fit.

Who individuals are in their unique presentation of themselves is no reason for others to drum up drama regarding their own ignorant opinions. More education is required in this life. Personal growth and development is part of that.

Social growth and development is equally important for the success of society, otherwise social growth leans on the flimsy and dysfunctional foundation of racism, xenophobia, and a host of other hate issues.

Gender is not a religious agenda item. All counseling issues do not find their remedies in arcane remedies known to mankind many thousands of years ago. Healing the conscience of society requires up-to-date knowledge based on human wellness rather than misinformation.

It will be a glorious day when all of humanity reaches higher understanding of unity where labeling people one way or another will be seen as harmful. I foresee the day when it will be unnecessary for census forms to label whether people are male, female, Caucasian, black, Latino, or any other variety of humanity, including gay, straight, gender fluid, bisexual, transgender, or every other classification of personhood. Employment opportunities will not be able to hold prejudices against new hires, nor will the bigoted opinions of others hold others back. It will not be any reason for discussion, because the worth of the person depends on their own achievements, as opposed to hollow opinions.

All societies are working towards the betterment of humanity, whether covert or out in full view of the eyes of the world. Trying to hold humanity down to the level of corrupt, racist, and powerful tyrants results with the same ending as the beachball being submerged underwater. It is only a matter of time that the beachball resurfaces to the top with the force and truth of what is taking place. Denying reality only works for so long. Oppression of people only works for so long. Truth always finds a way no matter how long it takes.

Stay true to who you are. You cannot do otherwise. All humanity is working on themselves in one way or another, through continuing education, creative endeavors, meaningful relationships, rewarding employment, positive social action, and sharing life with others.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Indigo Children Living Techincolor Lives

The human family is hurting itself by all the labels we place upon each other. Labeling and putting humans not like us in boxes is the system we know. It is the system we judge by, consciously or unconsciously. What do we do with the non-conformists, like Indigo Children living technicolor lives?

Society is changing, or is it?

The labeling system that has served humanity for generations is becoming obsolete. If we do not keep up, we will be out of step with the future. This is not about judging, or being right or wrong. This is not about supressing the voice of the other, which we do not want to hear.

Why don’t these very unique beings see what we see, and do things the conventional way?

Indigo Children, for lack of a better term of judging this supposedly relatively new breed of people, operate under a new code, an accelorated understanding of personhood. Actually they have been with us since the dawn of Creation, or the Big Bang as some say. However our understanding can grasp the beginning of people, that is how long Indigo Children can trace their beginning to.

At the beginning of time and thought-substance into matter, beings were first androgynous, both male and female. We often forget this part of human pre-history. It is merely a placement of geography whether we are black or white, or any other difference our physical bodies manifest. Some prideful egos revolt at this reality.

Why is this obviously different human presence making its appearance in our families at this time?

While it may seem that Indigo Children have recently dropped from the sky, so to speak, they have been with us for eons. We simply have not paid them attention, nor given them the accolades they deserved at the time. They have been our artists, our scultpures, our mathematicians, our architects and the like. It is only in hindsight that we give them the just praises, awards and prestige they deseve.

We have not been paying enough attention to the important aspects of what being fully human means to humanity as a whole. Humanity is not represented by only being:

having blue eyes
blonde hair
English (or any other conquering, dominating people)

Is it a matter of parenting? No. We need to wake up to reality.

How do we determine (judge) who are the:

worthy ones?
less than human ones?
the best generation of people born at a certain time?
generation not to be trusted?
safe ones we can be around?
ones we have to watch out for?
ones we can trust?
ones who are like us?
ones who think like us?

Some of us are a different color, creed, ethnicity, belief system, language, age, ability and, god forbid, a non-descript gender. It is as if all these differences made up some quality or lack of quality of the height of humanity in and of itself.

Have you ever thought that perhaps these “menacing butterflies” of human beings who do not conform to specific gender roles, for example, are actually living loving lives in their journey of self discovery void of labels, as we all should? Imagine living your life freely, without looking through the lenses of the opinion and labels of others to determine what you should or should not do.

How do you feel when lables are placed on you?
How do you feel when people say you are too:

trouble making?
like a church mouse?
much like a doormat?
hard to get along with?
easy to get along with?

The less-evolved, lower forms of humanity sometimes turn to hate crimes, as if by elimiating the proposed menace, the “problem” will go away. Nothing could be further from the truth. Whether it is a war for any reason, in any country, it is never possible to kill enough of the “enemy” to eliminate the DNA within all of humankind. You and I carry this human DNA within the physical structure of our human bodies. This is normal. It is the hateful way we treat each other at times that is not normal.

The higher evolutions of human kind have nothing to do with gender, ethnicity, skin color, age, creed, ability nor disability. Every human being has something to offer to the rest of us.

Arrogance coupled with blind and/or willful ignorance is one of the lowest levels humanity often sinks to in the labeling game of determining who is important and who is not. The solution to ignorance is education, admitting we do not know everything there is to know about life, or certain situations. Simply thinking we know everything about everyone and every thing ought to be the red flag that we really do not know everything there is to know about everyone who is different from us, or thinks differently from us.

Keep in mind that Jesus said the kingdom of God is within us, in Luke 17:21. The Hebrew, Greek, English Interlinear Bible translates the original writing to “within you,” not “among you” as some bibles changed the translation to. Most modern bibles are now correcting this misinformation back to the original words of Jesus.

Indigo Children have the kingdom of God within them also. They always have. Jesus made no exclusions. Humankind did, but Jesus did not. This means the kingdom of God is also within everyone who identifies as an Indogi Child, or who is in the LGBTQ communities, Autistic communities, and every other difference people have manufactured as being “different” from other, less-evolved humans.

The God in Me recognizes the God in You.
Have a beautiful day!

The Gender Of Your Soul

“Therefore watch yourselves very carefully. Since you saw no form on the day that the LORD spoke to you at Horeb out of the midst of the fire, beware lest you act corruptly by making a carved image for yourselves, in the form of any figure, the likeness of male or female …” Deuteronomy 4:15,16

The last four days have been devoted to our Souls. At the end of our Life, we go back to God, who has no gender. God is LOVE, LIFE, and LIGHT.

The Christ, has no gender.

In Galatians 3:28, Paul writes, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” New International Version (NIV) Paul is referring to the spiritual life of each human Soul.

In some of our incarnations, we have been males and females, according to most studies on this subject. The common denominator is our Souls, which remain the same, genderless, as we learn and come to greater understandings of cause and effect in our lives, until we complete our individual Ascension Process.

Has anyone ever said to you that you are an Old Soul? There is a reason for this.

The book of Galatians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul about 49 A.D. prior to the Jerusalem Council which had taken place in 50 A.D. This quite possibly could have been Paul’s first letter. The key personalities of this book are the Apostle Paul, Peter, Barnabas, Abraham, Titus, and false teachers. These false teachers had created control systems of beliefs. Jesus came to awaken us to the fact that the Kingdom of God is WITHIN US, something he preached more than 100 times in the Gospels.

Paul then declares that Christ now lives WITHIN HIM, and directs, and empowers him to live as Christ’s ambassador and instrument: “… it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in meGalatians 2:2o.

“Foolish Galatians! Who put you under a spell? … Did you receive the Spirit by doing the works of the law or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? Having started out with the Spirit, are you now ending up with the flesh? Galatians 3:1-3.

We can be so very human, so very physical that grasping our spiritual nature, that of our Soul can seem unreal. In actuality, we forget who we really are and why we are here, in body AND SOUL.

What did Jesus say about the gender of our souls?

Jesus said, “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.” Matthew 22:30 NIV

All is One. We are one race, the human race, all with souls, each and every one of us. We are more alike then the differences than we profess. There is no difference between immigrants, or people of every race, color, creed, ethnicity, gender, age, ability or disability.

Jesus said we will ALL be like angels in heaven. Although angels have been portrayed both as male and female, they are known to be genderless, appearing as either male or female as the situation calls for.

Check out when angels presented themselves as females: “Then the angel who was speaking to me came forward and said to me, ‘Look up and see what is appearing.’ I asked, ‘What is it?’ He replied, ‘It is a basket.’ And he added, ‘This is the iniquity of the people throughout the land.’ Then the cover of lead was raised, and there in the basket sat a woman! He said, ‘This is wickedness,’ and he pushed her back into the basket and pushed its lead cover down on it. Then I looked up—and there before me were two women, with the wind in their wings! They had wings like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between heaven and earth. ‘Where are they taking the basket?’ I asked the angel who was speaking to me. He replied, ‘To the country of Babylonia to build a house for it. When the house is ready, the basket will be set there in its place” Zechariah 5:5-11.

It is said the Archangels Gabriel and Jophiel also presented themselves as females.

Most biblical encounters with angels have taken the forms of males. Remember though, that men wrote the Bible, translating Sanscrit and Aramaic writings, which used the male form “Angelos” when referring to angels.

The point is, if we are to ultimately be like the angels after our Resurrection and Ascension into Eternity, we will be like them, gender neutral, which is why Jesus taught us all that we will not be marrying, nor taken in marriage at that time. Jesus ought to know.

The question is, if our Souls are genderless while we are walking around in this physical world, why do we give ourselves such a hard time with how we manifest our reality in this present lifetime? We are who we are, Living Flames of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. In the first two Golden Ages it is said human beings were androgynous.

Be kind to you. You are who you are. You have nothing to prove. You have nothing to disprove.

What you are, are Temples of God, Temples of Energy, Temples of Love, Temples of Light, Temples of Life in human form. God, Energy, Love, Light, Life are neither male nor female, not are these aspects of the Creator of the Big Bang, God, or however you come to understand it, in competition with each other. They simply are what they are. So are you.

Re-Member, our Souls go back to the Source of Our Being, who is often called Mother/Father God, Being All Things to Everyone and Everything.

This world needs all of us to project more Love, Light and Life into the places where we live, breathe and have our being. Whatever we focus on grows. This is the way to heal the planet, and ourselves. Where there is division, let us bring peace, unity, empathy, understanding, and creative, positive problem solving to the top of everyone’s minds.

Let us be instruments of Peace.
