Religion is the Personification of Science ~ Love of Humanity is the Answer on the Precipice of Anarchy

Have a heart. Do you have instinct without empathy or wisdom without Love? Re-Member who you are. Reconnect your Soul aspects.

You are love, born of love, from the Author of all Love, a manifestation of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. This Living Energy is infinite, self-aware and intelligent, that is, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Love. Religion calls this God, Sophia and Jesus, or traditionally Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Science calls this dynamic, matter, which is energy at a slower vibration. It is a direct result of E=MC2, energy, science has recently found, can create matter.

These are all variations of the same point, proven by science in the Laws of Thermodynamics which state that energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, only can be changed. We use multiple words to arrive at the same point, the very definition of semantics. This is described in my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM.

It is like looking at a diamond. Turn the diamond to catch flashes of Light from many of the facets of the single diamond. One facet is not separate from the entire single, multi-faceted diamond.

I invite you to find the common ground rather than dissect the differences of what you have previously thought or known. What I am describing is not religious, it is the personification of science.

If love is the answer, then anarchy, chaos and revolution is not.

Love invites your heart mind and eternal Soul to forgive the wounds of the past. If you could have done better, you would have. Now is the time to heal and move on to positive solutions for yourself, those around you, and the world.

Avoid cult-like traps of religious, political, and social indoctrinations. The common ground is what builds up humanity, not what tears it down.

Build upon truth, a heart full of Love, not vengeance. You will always reap the seeds you have sown. Forgive others as you forgive yourself. Not forgiving hurts you, not the other person.

Truth is full of honesty, not lies for selfish gain no matter who you are. Money is also not the bottom line. A house of cards built on the erroneous lie that money is the bottom line will create a heartless generation that produces biotic-like individuals focused on over work for the glory of the money machine in any field. Stress from over work leads to emotional, mental, physical and spiritual problems.

Believe in the diamond heart of humanity. Believe in science and the truth uncovered by scientists, which religions personify in their parables, stories, and allegories. Believe in the ultimate cause of Light over darkness. Believe in the peaceful solutions to chaos. Believe in the press that reports inconvenient truth. Discover both sides of the situation, not only one side. Believe in the justice system that is firmly grounded in truth and justice.

It is possible to bring countries like the United States of America back from the brink of self-inflicted chaos, anarchy, and immaturity the second humanity decides to work together for the common good. Whatever you, me, or any country focuses on will grow. The more humanity focuses on dysfunction, then we will reap the seeds we sow. All farmers know this. You cannot grow corn when tomato seeds were planted.

Also know that Germain is the patron of the United States which stands for freedom, liberty and democracy, not autocracy, oligarchy, plutocracy. Germain, formerly known as St. Germain, is well-known for widespread metaphysical and esoteric knowledge from ancient teachings of medieval alchemy.

Why is anarchy and chaos rearing its ugly head at this time all over the world?

There are some who wish to usurp your personal power, fame (your reputation), and fortune (the keys to your cash) for themselves, as explained in my book mentioned above in this post. Believe in your loving self with integrity and honesty. It is possible to save humanity from plunging headlong into chaos and anarchy by self-correcting, admitting when we held conspiracies as truth, admitting if and when we were wrong, and stop living only for ourselves.

You are Light. You are Love. You matter.


Christian Amnesia

Are you a Christian?

Are you a descendent of Native Americans?

Are you of Spanish descent?

This is a territorial map of 1763. Many people of Spanish and what would be considered Mexican ancestral lineage were already here prior to the current Mexican border. Did you know that?

Most current Americans are not descendants of the original immigrants who settled in the thirteen colonies. Most of modern families at some point in their genealogy are all immigrants who did not go through the complicated, lengthy, and expensive means to become citizens taking place today.

Emma Lazarus wrote The New Colossus, the foundation of principle on which stands for what the United States of America stands. It reads:




The Statue of Liberty stands for freedom, liberty and justice for all, not just for those who later arrive here and wish to live in patriarchal, oligarch, and authoritian countries from which they and their parents came and chose to leave.

“Close-up shot of the Liberty Bell with Independence Hall in the background at dusk. Located in downtown Philadelphia, this monument to liberty continues to draw crowds on a daily basis.You might also be interested in…”

The United States of American is one country, united in principles of freedom, liberty and justice for all law-abiding citizens. This is not the country that prejudiced and racist individuals can turn so quickly into the chaos they wish to spread in maligned hopes of overthrowing our government of one nation. They are seeking your power, fame, and fortune in favor of their own. There are many who wish to do so, shown in the hate map below made by the Southern Poverty Law Group:

The desire of countries run by oligarchs and authoritarian figures would like nothing more than to deal with one ruler for 30 years or more. Finances would be much easier to the big money at the top of financial paradigms. Of course, these ones want to establish top-heavy leaders. But have you noticed that these at the top horde their riches? Trickle-down economics has proven to be a bust.

In the course of human development, spiritual maturity often trips on its way out of the sandbox of childish and greed notions. Now is the time, if any of us do claim to be any flavor of Christian, to actually follow Christ and the principles he taught, none of which include treating other human beings as less than human.

We are one United States of America.

This is what the United States really looks like, United Humanity, not only white Americans.

We are also members of One World.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Create Sacred Space For Prayer And Meditation To Move The Dark Immovable Forces In The World

Set up an altar, a prayer and meditation space in your home. Prayer is when you speak to the Author of All Life. Meditation is when you listen to what the Author of All Life says to you. Do not stop after you pray. That is only half of the energy that you will need to will heal the situation with yourself, others, and the world at large. Re-member to meditate in order to receive the solutions that you seek.

Immersing yourself in 24 hours of taking in the negativity and darkness of your personal and world problems solves nothing. While it is vital to stay informed, so you know what to pray for, it is more important to listen in the silence of meditation after you pray in order to receive the guidance you seek. Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when God talks to you. You personally can move mountains.

Doing nothing solves nothing. The world needs your prayer and your meditation.

Crystals magnify energy. That is why they are used in computer chips, car starters and a host of new medical and scientific technology. The human body is crystalline in nature, in the blood and water in the body, as well as in the denser organs of human flesh, including the recorder crystals in the brain.

Molecular medicine now knows that our brains as well as our bodies are made up of crystal energy. See

But more incredible than this, our thoughts are also crystalline in nature. It is how our neuro pathways work, synapses firing, creating new thoughts and ideas, which is why whatever you focus on grows. The crystals within our physical and etheric bodies can assist us in prayer and meditation.

I have personally witnessed major life changes in individuals who have tapped into crystal energy, whether they choose to hold a crystal of choice in their hands, wear jewelry made of crystals, or place crystals large and/or small around their houses, apartments, yards, and workspaces.

Buddha is seated among a selenite heart, a greenish-blue palm stone of an out-of-this-world labradorite, a block of malachite, a clear quartz cluster gifted with two citrine manifestations, and an amethyst and clear quarts votive candle holder with a rare growth of chlorite, which helps to remove unwanted energy implants from the human physical and auric bodies. The combination of amethyst and chlorite, when placed in the energy field of the physical body, provides a connection with the Universal Mind which, in turn, confers the information with respect to the location of the implant. Understand that these “implants” are 99.999% self-generated fears and beliefs with which we have blocked our own energy system.

Crystals are useful in prayer and meditation. Even the Jewish high priests of the Old Testament knew of their powerful affects, and wore the breastplate of crystals, healing stones, during their ceremonies. Crystals are extremely beneficial when dealing with personal and worldwide crisis situations whose energies invade the autonomy of other countries and the individuals who live there..

The Priestly Breastplate, also sometimes called the “Breastplate of Aaron” or the “Breastplate of Judgment”, was a revered ritual object that was believed to have originally been made by Moses for his brother Aaron. The instructions for the creation of this object were very specific and said to have been given directly to Moses by Yahweh.

It is not the differences you are seeking by observing, differences in religion, philosophy, politics, economics, or any other division. It takes courage and determination to mature in character and spiritual development to recognize that there is One world of which we are an intricate part, and One Eternal and Universal Author of All Life. It is not the “us versus them” mentality that will calm any situation. Each side justifying that they are right and pointing out that the other side is wrong solves nothing. All religions tap into various truths as seen by human minds for eons. It is semantics and limited human understanding that claims on their viewpoint is correct.

Quan Yin, representing the female energy of compassion, is seated on the center of the altar. Buddha, known for quieting your mind, seeing the truth, releasing limiting beliefs, experiencing compassion and love, and being your spiritual guide if you are committed to the path of enlightenment, is seated on the bottom left. Green Tara, who is known for bringing fertility to the earth, overcoming obstacles, and saving us from physical and spiritual danger, is seated on the bottom right. Tara is an archetype of our own inner wisdom. White Tara is known for protecting you and bringing health and long life, and peace.

After you make your sacred space, be sure to use it, not just as a decoration. While crystals energy will emit certain frequencies, it is your intention that works as the car starter starts the car. Just putting the car started in the vicinity of the car will not start the car. Your effort is required.

Candles help the mind to send prayers up for Divine intervention. A Tibetan gong is useful for raising the vibrations of your area. Holding the gong in an open palm and striking it with the covered part of the mallet can radiate the vibrations into the human body physically, as well as by mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You can literally feel the tingles run through the body as energy shifts within you. The energy of Tara is also that of Blessed Mother Mary, full of compassion and empathy. Do not get lost in semantics.

If your home is so small that not one more thing will fit, where you sleep and wake up can be your sacred space of prayer and meditation. If you are fleeing horrendous situations, your sacred space is right where you are, simply by closing your eyes, saying a prayer, and listening to the guidance of your thoughts and ideas that have been generated by first contacting the Infinite Universal Author of All Life.

Unlike the “evil” dragon of the Western imagination, the Chinese dragon is a beneficent and gracious creature. In popular mythology it signifies power, excellence, goodness, perseverance, heroism, nobility and greatness. It brings energy, optimism, intelligence, courage, good fortune and ambition. In the philosophy of the Yin and Yang, it is identified with Yang – the “positive” and active pole of life, the realm of spirit, heaven and the divine. In one tradition, we find three classes of dragons: the lowest were the Li Lung or earth dragons, whose realm was the waters of the earth, the second class were the Chen Lung who were associated with storms and clouds (the astral realm) and finally we find the Tien lung or celestial dragons, who belonged to the spiritual realm and guarded the mansions of the gods.

You may have noticed the two dragons carved on the front of this altar. Symbolism and metaphor have been lost on the manipulated minds of those who have given their personal power away to cults and would-be Christian belief systems, if only they were able to tell the whole truth that Jesus came to preach.

For nearly 400 years following Jesus, the Christ who walked among us, fledgling Christianity blossomed with men and women alike taught how to not only preach, but also teach. Religious and political authorities of that time banned the books they did not want their followers to read.

Book banning is not a good way to learn anything. What could be used as a viable teaching tool has become lost to many, until 1945 when the Nag Hammadi Library of books and codices were found by a group of Egyptians digging for fertilizer.

The forty-six different tractates that the codices contain have provided scholars with a wealth of new data for understanding the development of early Christian traditions about Jesus; Gnostic, Valentinian, and other streams of Christian thought later considered to be heretical (SANCTIONED BOOK BANNING); and Coptic grammar, orthography, and codicology. For the most part, however, these sources have not resulted in settled opinions or certain knowledge, but in sharpened debate and new avenues of investigation. Many questions about the codices and their contents remain unanswered.

On the other side of the front of the altar, you will see another clear quartz cluster with an imbedded citrine, and clear quartz seven geometric shapes of which the entire Universe is made up of, including the human body. Also, the altar table is balanced with another malachite block, a clear quartz small globe for smooth energy, and Green Tara seated next to a malachite elephant.

What is important is not how grand you make your sacred space, but how approachable it is, how it welcomes your soul to drop the chaos of the day by spending time in that quiet spot, away of distractions, enabling you to feed your heart, mind, and soul.


Award-Winning Journalist John Hourihan Shares Insights On Putin’s Russia

The following is written by award-winning journalist John Hourihan:

Putin will not stop at Ukraine. He has said he wants the Russian lands back, and that is further back than the meager Soviet Union. In 2007 Russia laid down the gauntlet when Putin said he would accept no more expansion of NATO. In 2008 NATO invited Georgia and Ukraine to join. Only months later, Putin invaded Georgia and Ukraine stopped seeking NATO membership. In 2014 Putin annexed Crimea. Ukraine is only his latest conquest.

The Russia he wishes to re-establish is the Russia of the 1700s. He seems to believe he is Peter the Great. He wants the Russian Empire back. And, by the way, that included Alaska and parts of California. He wants to end the world where, by international law, independent countries cannot be taken by force. This fight is more than democracy vs autocracy. It is to replace “the rule of law” with “might is right.” This is already WWIII.

Fiona Hill, our most respected expert on Russia, says this about how it is currently being fought, “But this is also a full-spectrum information war, and what happens in a Russian “all-of-society” war, you soften up the enemy. You get the Tucker Carlsons and Donald Trumps doing your job for you. The fact that Putin managed to persuade Trump that Ukraine belongs to Russia, and that Trump would be willing to give up Ukraine without any kind of fight, that’s a major success for Putin’s information war. I mean he has got swathes of the Republican Party — and not just them, some on the left, as well as on the right — masses of the U.S. public saying, “Good on you, Vladimir Putin,” or blaming NATO, or blaming the U.S. for this outcome. This is exactly what a Russian information war and psychological operation is geared towards. He’s been carefully seeding this terrain as well. We’ve been at war, for a very long time. I’ve been saying this for years.”

If you have to bet, bet that Putin will not stop. Our only questions now are, “Where does China stand? And will those in our country who back Putin wake up in time for us to win?”

This should not be a shooting war. That would only destroy the world. Russia should be isolated by the rest of the world until it implodes economically and rids itself of Putin.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Do You Want To Change The USA Democtratic Constitutional Republic Into An Autocracy/Oligarchy/Plutocracy Like The Republicans Are Demonstrating They Want To Do?

At the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention held Monday, September 17, 1787, Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was asked “What have you wrought?”

He answered, “… a Republic, if you can keep it.”

Why is the Republican Party attacking voting rights and promoting the Big Lie as if it were real?

Voting rights and all other “rights” are not the main focus at the helm of the transitional Republican Party. The Republican Party is transmuting into a political group with ideologies different from those of the Founding Fathers.

“The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sunbeam in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.” Alexander Hamilton, 1775

“…a constitution, intended to endure for ages to come, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs.” John Marshall was an American politician and lawyer who served as the fourth chief justice of the United States from 1801 until his death in 1835.

The words and actions being promoted and tolerated by the Republican Party are not the words and actions of a political party in agreement with freedom and liberty for all people. The adaptations they seek in “the various crises of human affairs” are not for the benefit of the humanity they are voted in to serve. Why else would they seek to diminish voting booths, and make voting more difficult?

Courage in truth, integrity, and honor are what should be required of all in the Republican Party, from those voted into office, political appointments, down to the common person on the street.

Standing up for truth, integrity, and honor, however, are much more difficult when huge corporations, conglomerates, gun lobby, the military/industrial complex, and a host of other attachments have bought the hearts, minds, and voices of the would-be public servants.

It takes courage to shape the United States of America in poignant times of global warming and climate change. Denying it is happening will not stop its progression.

It takes courage to keep the United States of America as the first paragraph of The Constitution of The United States says, “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Our fledgling government was never intended to be hijacked into an autocracy, oligarchy, nor plutarchy, since none of these forms of government “form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

Now is the time for Republican leaders who want to stand the test of time positively in the history books of the United States of America as the saviors of the once-valid two-party system, to use their free will to not join the ranks of the sabotaged brand of modern Republicans, who have been infiltrated by white supremacist and hate-filled agendas.

Now is the time for integrity.

Now is the time for courage.

Now is the time to save the United States of America, unless you really do want to end up with a government of autocracy, oligarchy, and/or plutocracy.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

How Democracy Erodes Into Autocracy ~ Oligarchy ~ Dictatorship

Closing a blind eye to the invasion of the strangulation of democratic norms and policies while doing political favors for bully political pulpits holding a death-grip on political careers is how the selling out the soul of a country begins.

It is relatively easy to do.

All any side of the political football has to do is not do their job at the beck and call of the coach with unethical, illegal and self-serving goals as opposed to the duties of the team, in this case the nation of a free and fair election by voters who thought they were voting for democracy. The coach simply has to not be caught, or called out, for the undemocratic gamesmanship taking place in full view of all players and observers.

To harm so many constituents at the dirty hands of the top few political beneficiaries might seem insidiously obvious, yet hidden kickbacks also come into play in those who would usurp democracy, keeping their voices bound tightly in the knot of sabotaged free will.

But who sabotaged them?

Was it not their own selfish greed?

When did they decide it was OK to break with integrity, honesty, and valor to pursue selfish aims focused on their own careers over the care of the democratic country?

When did they decide it was OK to be blinded on what they could get personally rather than serve the people who voted them in?

It seems politicians manipulating what they call their version of truth for fleeting power, temporary financial gain, and fickle popularity will see in the rear view mirror their errors only once it is too late to recover. The higher the pedestal they put themselves on, the higher and harder the fall to the ground of reality.

What all sides need to remember is the legacy that follows in the annals of history. Buffed up pride ought to be a criminal price to pay for deluding a once democratic country hijacked by such individuals, who are merely human after all.

God Bless Everyone