Religion Has No Place In Public Schools

Public schools are meant to teach our children academics with technological and scientific advancements, not any one brand of religion. Presently it is the radical Christian Right-Wing fanatics who wish to indoctrinate all children, their families, and society through the public school system in the USA.

Manipulation, fear, obligation and guilt (F.O.G.) are the tools they use to sway the minds of those who listen and buy into their unscrupulous peer pressure. Notice the forked tongue of these adults who tell their children not to cave to peer pressure while they simultaneously cave to peer pressure themselves.

Religious groups are not much different from corporations erroneously thinking that money is the bottom line. The radical Religious Right-Wing fanatics are often backed by big money interests, such as the gun lobby and outside influences of other countries hoping to influence the outcomes.

How would the USA wish to be indoctrinated into Sharia Law if the radical Muslim faith was voted in America? Just like Christianity, the Muslim faith is a peaceful and loving faith, but the radical extremists in both religions are dangerous.

Indoctrination is a cult mentality, not an educational tool. Those who wish to promote a particular brand of theology have this option in the parochial school setting, not public-school systems.

People have free will to go to any church of their choice and teach their own children at home.

Freedom is not oppression.

Tax paying citizens of all belief systems are not to use local, state, and federal tax dollars to promote any one religion, including the Christian Right-Wing Fundamentalism.