Bully Ego ~ Depression ~ If You Don’t Like How You’re Feelng Change What You Are Thinking ~ Yes You Can

What are you thinking about? Decide to make your life beautiful. Yes, you can.

Moods follow thoughts ALWAYS. So many people find themselves unable to cope with depression, and some turn to doctors and medications for help. Whether or not you are on medication, often nothing will change until you decide to change how you are thinking. Refusing to change how you are thinking keeps you hostage to depression. But you do not have to stay hostage to depression unless you want to. You actually do have a choice.

Usually when we hear this that little voice inside of us begins to revolt. It tells you, “That does not work. I have tried that before. If it were that easy I would feel better already.”

Sound familiar?

That’s the ego speaking to you. It likes the status quo, no change. The insane ego (not that you are insane) thinks it is running the show. It is not.

The ego inside of all of us can act as a bully to any challenge to change, whether it is diet, weight loss, fitness goals or any other change in goal setting,  or whether it concerns your efforts to get out of depression, or any other life change you want to make.

We have to ask ourselves, “Are we ready, able and willing to make the necessary changes to feel better?”

How many times have we had a fleeting desire to feel better, yet are not ready, willing or able to do the thing that will get us up and moving, eat better, or get out of depression?

It is possible to get out of depression, whether you are on medication from your doctor or not on any medication at all.

Realize that thoughts do not think you. You think your thoughts. If a thought comes to mind that makes you depressed, change what you are thinking about. That sounds funny when you first hear that. You actually already do this when you have decided that you have had enough of a particular situation. You decide to change it, usually when you are at your wits end. But you do not have to lose all your wits in order to simply change your thoughts.

It is a decision you make. You can make this decision peacefully. You can make this decision without violence. You can simply take control of the present moment and change what you are thinking about. You have the ability to change your thoughts any time you want to. The question is, do you want to?

We seem to be comfortable with “the devil we know” over the one we do not know. Our mental state might be crippling us, but the sense of familiarity can seem better to us than the unknown of risking new ways of thinking and new behaviors, especially if we have tried and failed in the past.

There is something to that phrase, “the devil we know.” However, Jesus is stronger than any “devil we know,” so that is a very comforting thought. He said in Luke 17:20-21 that there is God’s Light (the Kingdom of God) is inside us.

Another good thing to know, which you probably do already, is that the past does not define who you are as a person today, no matter what has happened to you in the past. Because of your past, you might have learned how to stand up for yourself, or may still be learning this. But you are more than any set of circumstances.

The ability you have each and every day to transform into a new creation, without being bullied by the ego or sense of self-defeat is truly amazing. The only way the past can have any power over you at all is if you energize the past by your thoughts, or claim it as your identity, which would be a false identity, because you are not your past. That is another trick of the insane ego. Nothing can hold you back unless you let it. Your thoughts are so powerful that they make new realities every moment of every day. The more you think about something, the more it gets ingrained into your way of thinking.

What if you can only think thoughts that are depressing, sad or self-defeating? DECIDE TO CHANGE WHAT YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT. THINK OF SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL. THINK OF SOMETHING AWE INSPIRING AND POSITIVE.  Put current negative thoughts on the back shelf of your mind. Next, expect your mind to argue with you (that’s the ego again) and send that to the back shelf too.

Yes, some situations around us are troubling, families are hurting, health is failing and a hundred other negative things all around us. That is the truth.

But it is also the truth that there is beauty in the world. Look for the wonder of each day. Try something new, like going for a walk and smiling at as many people as walk by you. Open the door for someone. Do something nice. Get outside of yourself. That alone is a refreshing thing to do for your soul.

Yes, our more negative thoughts will still be there. They aren’t going anywhere. But you also have the ability to look up, smell some fresh flowers or freshly baked bread at a bakery, make a plan to clean just one corner of the house or a table top, or relax in a hot tub.

Every time one of those negative thoughts come to mind, remind it you will get to it later, but for now, you are going to do something fun, go out with a positive friend (leave the negative friend on the shelf for later too), that is important if you want to begin or continue to feel better.

This is just the beginning. Act on faith. Jesus encourages us to go to him in times like these. He said, “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.”

Life is transient and mutable. We are all here for such a short time. Some of our friends and family may have already died. But we do not have to stay in sorrow. We do not have to stay in depression.

“Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For the one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened,” Jesus said.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

The Key To Miracles ~ The Incredible Power Of Your Personal Power

Maria Milagros was the afternoon keynote speaker at this year’s Central Mass Conference For Women. She did not agree with the diagnoses given to her. Instead, with unflinching determination, she walked after she was told she would not be able to, attended the conference with her beautiful daughter when she was told she would never have children, and closed her presentation by dancing all over the stage when she was told she would never be able to dance again. She placed her Mind over Matter.

The mind is a powerful thing. Mind over matter is the key to miracles. This key to miracles is to focus ONLY on the direction you want to go, NEVER CAVING TO FEAR, OBLIGATION, GUILT, (known as FOG), nor MANIPULATION, nor any other dark or negative emotion. The POWER is in the FEELINGS and EMOTIONS. WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT, YOU BRING ABOUT.

This year at the Central Mass Conference For Women, the afternoon Keynote Speaker, Maria Milagros, spoke of her experience as a teenager who fell 9 floors from an apartment balcony, landing flat on her back on cement. I remember her telling the 650 attendees that she broke her back in 9 places, (I believe it was 9 places.) The doctor told her she would never be able to walk again, dance again, and never have children.

Maria informed her doctors that, in fact, she would walk again, dance again, AND have children. While in the hospital (for a very long time), when Maria felt she could try, she insisted on taking her first steps out of her hospital bed. The nurses kept kicking her up off the floor and putting her back in bed, scolding her each time. The doctor and nurses kept telling her it was ridiculous to even try.


Maria kept trying, and finally met her doctor in the hall one day while she was practicing walking and simultaneously pushing along her IV drip pole. She said, “I told you I would walk again!”

In the picture above, you see the back of the head of her daughter, seated next to the women in a purple top.

At the end of her presentation, she led a dance session, with her dancing all over the stage while we stood and danced in our places right along with her.

This is an EXTREMELY POWERFUL LIFE LESSON to only use your free will to agree with what you want to agree, not what someone else, no matter if it is a doctor or any other person in a position of authority says. You are more powerful than you know.

Never doubt your ability to heal. Doubting is the arrow of self-sabotage.

I also personally know people who have REFUSED to go along with the cancer diagnosis given to them. Instead, they decided to eat better, rest better, exercise better, and do all those things that build up the body, like taking better vitamins.

I advise never again being motivated by fear in any way, shape, or form. Whatever issues you face, face them with dignity, strength, and unflinching optimism. Just know, you are MUCH STRONGER than you think you are.

I bless you all with Universal Love from Universal Light for your Universal Life.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Surviving And Thriving Past Victim Consciousness

Many people sink into victim consciousness after dealing with years of mental abuse, physical abuse, spiritual abuse, and/or self-inflicted destructive habits. This can continue to occur years after the events are remembered by the mind only choosing to remember the horrors, the injustice, and the shame endured. 

When these minds finally feel they have had enough of these dysfunctional repetitive loops, the opportunity to walk forward in dignity, magnanimity, and personal freedom shines through the open door of love without conditions and non-judgment. Once this new concept enlightens the mind, the person can finally heal.

Some people erroneously think that to allow themselves to heal means to invalidate what they have gone through. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The truth is, to continue to wallow in past abusive situations is to continue the past abuse by bringing it into the present time.

Have you ever begun a sentence with the words, “Ever since … this .. or that … happened to me, … I can’t … recover … heal … or do anything positive?”

Does the mantra, “I hate people,” remain decidedly stuck in your head?

This is giving the abusers of mind, body, and spirit fuel to continue destroying your life. On one hand, you want the abuse to stop. On the other hand, you might have identified with the abuse to the degree that without it, you do not know who you are without the constant memory of the abuse/self-infliction.

If this rings true for you, realize that human beings have a tendency to become self-absorbed. This can be a good trait if one is on a path to self-discovery, learning new things, and exploring possibilities in life. But it can also be a negative trait if one only allows the revolution of the mind to focus on the hurts, the insults, or the inadequacies of life to be the rock on which to build the future.

What you think about, you bring about. It begins with the thinking process. Do you want to heal? If so, decide to stop the self-destructive habits that are equal to shooting yourself in the foot, then complaining that you cannot walk or run.

Remember that it takes 21 days to change a habit. Be gentle with yourself. It has taken you all your life to be in the situation you are in at this moment. You can change it any time you decide to. If life situations compel you to be where you are in the same situation at this moment, nothing is stopping you from making new plans of possibility, getting a new job, taking a new class in a new subject, making new friends, or doing all of these things with a new positive attitude. Stay at it. Do not give up.

Life is what you make it. You can make it beautiful. How you do that is up to you.



Spoken words matter. Thoughts matter. Energy matters. Simply cutting and releasing negative energy out of you and out of your negative situation and/or environment multiplies what you do not want in your life and in the world. DISSOLVE and REPLACE negative and harmful thoughts, words, and actions with positive kindness, love, and light-filled alternatives.

We are all the creators of our realities. The world is the way it is because we chose to make it the way it is.

You don’t agree?

What do you think about? How much time do you spend countering what you do not want? How much time do you spend taking in the negative news of the day, dwelling on its unrighteousness? How much time do you spend discussing the maladies of the day with friends and neighbors?

That only magnifies what you do not want, unless of course, this is what you do want.

Dr. Emoto proved this point by photographing water frozen after harsh music, words, attitudes compared to water frozen after beautifully inspired and harmonious music, and loving words and attitudes.

You matter. What you think about matters. What you talk about matters. What you listen to matters. What you focus on matters. It not only matters, it becomes reality. That’s how manifesting reality works. That’s how you get your next job, or whatever else is on your to-do-list. It all begins with a thought.

Yes, you already know all these things, yet how often do we metaphorically shoot ourselves in the foot, bringing on the very things in our relationships, our finances, and in politics by focusing on the opposite of what we do want.

Let us all take a mental step back to reassess how to better manifest the good we all wish to have rather than stirring the pot of dysfunction.


Emotional Stability ~ Positive Decisions Are The Answer

Positive decision making is the stable anchor to the emotional storms that brew on the popular tides of drama and outrage that carry us out to turbulent seas. Making firm, positive decisions, and sticking

Balanced Stress Stops Panic Attacks
Balanced Stress Stops Panic Attacks

to them in times of emotional upset is like the eye of the storm around us. It is possible for us to have chaos all around, yet remain calm and in control, as long as we realize that we are in control of ourselves, and no one else. We are not puppets, unless we choose to be.

How many times do we find ourselves playing the victim to life’s drama, or the martyr?

Sometimes we are in the midst of chaotic situations, and conflicting options by ever changing life situations; while other times we can find ourselves playing out our part in our own or someone else’s drama.

Do we realize how much we are drawn into someone else’s drama by our own choices?

Do we see patterns of habitually being drawn into others’ drama?

Do we find ourselves in the all too familiar role of self-inflicted drama ourselves?

Let someone else dare to have a different opinion that we have, and there lies the negative seeds of conflict. Water these with our thoughts and feelings, and there we go, off again to our next dramatic event, triggering our own self-sabotage emotional wound. Poor us.

Moods follow thoughts, ALWAYS.

Feelings motivate thoughts, ALWAYS.

If you don’t like how you are feeling, change how you are thinking. Yes, that is possible.

Power the positive ideas, even in apparently dire situations. We can all think more clearly once we allow ourselves to drop the stress and anxiety. Please know that this is possible.

Panic attacks, stress, anxiety and dysfunction all stem from our perception of reality. What you think about, you bring about. While we may not be immediately able to change the situation before us, we can change our perception, and how we internalize it.

Internalizing problems until the thoughts make us physically and mentally sick helps no one. It is not necessary to do this to ourselves. The day we decide to take positive action in what we think about, and fuel positive solutions with our feelings, is the day we begin to heal. Allow dysfunctional thoughts to drift away. Instead, focus the energy of your feelings in the positive direction you wish to go.

Living with extreme stress, anxiety and panic attacks does not have to remain a way of life for you. You and I are not victims to life, even in current turbulent times. On one hand we know this. Sometimes we jump on the band wagon of the power of the positive thinking train, but get derailed when we do not take care of our own emotional health. How can we do this better?

Helpful tips for stronger emotional health:

*Just because someone else is mad, sad or any other negative emotion, does not mean that you have to be too. This is not compassion, nor empathy.

* Now is not forever.

* In overwhelming situations, the thing to remember is, “People before things.”

* Moods follow thoughts, ALWAYS. If you don’t like how you are feeling, change how you are thinking.

* Jump off the merry-go-round of dysfunction, drama, and anything you do not want in our life by deciding to do that, powered by your God-given free will.

* Decide from now on, exactly what and who you want in your lives.

* Life is too short to be manipulated or abused by others.

* You are in control of your own life, not other people.

* Stop being a people pleaser. It is not your job to sacrifice your own happiness in order to make other people happy.

* Recognize when you are fueling the feelings you do not wish to have, and you will stop reaping what you are sowing.

*Stop finding any excuse used to pit human beings against each other under any pretense, especially with commercial purposes and/or racist, greedy, or political agendas. These are the excuses for all discord, and all wars that have ever occurred. It IS possible to work together for the good of all.

*Love, peace, compassion, empathy, and understanding are life’s only reasonable and valid solutions. All else is pure ego and destruction.

These suggestions will help everyone worldwide, but especially those of us in the United States of America. If we want to subdue hate groups of all kinds gone wild, we need to concentrate on kindness and love and only peaceful, positive solutions.

There is a light within all of us, not just in some of us. Relax, take a deep breath, and begin, or begin again. This light is the light of life. If you are reading this, then you have this light. It illuminates your imagination, fuels your hope, shines on your mind to see things in a new way for finding solutions.

The bottom line is, it all starts with making a decision of what you want in our life, and sticking to it. What you focus on grows. Only focus on positive solutions.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Harmonious Manifestation of Life ~ Liberty ~ Freedom ~ Justice For All

“Close-up shot of the Liberty Bell with Independence Hall in the background at dusk. Located in downtown Philadelphia, this monument to liberty continues to draw crowds on a daily basis.”

The Liberty Bell has struck a cord in the hearts of most citizens in the United States of America as well as worldwide. Church bells and fireworks in many countries across the globe join us in celebration, that sensibility and human dignity for all life have returned to this land. With the news of President-Elect Joe Biden, even the Dow is up by 1,100 points.

Wherever we see discord, sow seeds of peace in our thoughts words and actions. The obvious dark seeds of crtitcism, condemnation and judgment only serve to create more of the same. That is the origin of almost all of the distress of mankind. These three things alone are what really deprive humanity of a flood of every good thing. It is time to lift ourselves out of the minutiae of what no longer serves us.

Don’t forget, what you think about you bring about. Focus on the good you want to do as opposed to focusing on the dark energies and manifestations before you that hideously and insideously capture your attention. The way to change things for the better is to concentrate on bringing in the love, light and life as the remedy.

It’s hard to sing a happy song while continuing to beat the dirge drum of dysfunction. Imagine planning your next vacation once this pandamic is over. You review over and over the places you have already been and do not wish to repeat. It’s one thing to take an assessment of where you have already been. It’s a totally other thing to stay stuck in assessment, going over and over in your mind where you do not want to go. Until the moment you decide to stop living in the past will you decide to make the best decisions for your future.

Speaking of the pandemic, let us unify, combining the best advise from science, medicine and technology to solve the current COVID crisis, which has a positive recommendation proven to protect all of us all around the globe: wear a mask and stay socially distanced by at least 6 feet from each other.

Focus on continuing to build on the firm foundation already laid for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Obviously we do not build up democracy while we are tearing it down. There has been so much attack on democracy, freedom and justice for all people during these last four years in the United States of America. The chaos brought on by such energies of unconscionable tragedies deflecting truth, dehumanizing actions, and self-serving agendas capturing our attention, diverting us from the good we can now do.

We have found ourselves in survival mode these past four years, in the fight or flight of daily living amid losing jobs and our homes, and in some cases lives by the loss of our loved ones in the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping unabated though our nation.

Today is a new day. The breath of light, hope, inspiration, and positive solution is again dawning in all areas of possibility. Let the problems of the past dissolve as piles of sand as the the sea and wind dissolve them in a new purifying, harmonious, radiant creation.

To all energy workers in the world, let us all take time out of each day to focus on sending healing Light and Love to all areas in the globe calling out to us. The United States of America is not the only country that can benefit from democracy, freedom, liberty and justice in order that the pursuit of happiness be gained by every human being on the planet. Also send the radiant, healing energy of Light and Love to put an end to this global pandemic that has ravaged the world.

He who is in you is God, your very own God Particle, you I AM Presence. This is what Jesus referred to when he said in Luke 21:17 that the kingdom of God is within you. This is your Silver Cord of Eccelesiastes 12:6. You’ve got this.

Pray, meditate, reflect, ponder, and wonder about your spot in this world, and why you are here. Why are you still here? If you are still here and reading this, there is more for you to do. With God there is no space or time. Love is instantanious, so is positive affirmation, hope, peace, joy, integrity, magnanimous spirit, and a host of other wonderful traits we can use for the abundance of all good things.

The secret and motivating force behind meditation and prayer, and getting any positive thing done, is your feelings. This part cannot be overstated enough. It is not enough to simply meditate or pray as a begger. No. It is necessary to meditate and pray as the child of God that you are. You are the very heartbeat of God on earth. What you think about, you bring about. Remember that.

God Bless

Denial Backfires

Have you ever found yourself in the game of denial, on either side of it?

Staying forever lost within someone else’s expectations is a high price to pay for false security.

We don’t want to deal with our problems, so we’re going to deflect attention off ourselves and manipulate you, so we do not have to change. Just go along with it, and we’ll pretend everything is OK.

We don’t want to deal with our problems, so we’re going to deflect attention off ourselves and manipulate you, so we do not have to change. Just go along with it, and we’ll pretend everything is OK.

No man is an island. We live in a world with other people. This is wonderful when everyone around us is mentally healthy, stable and productive. But these qualities are not always a goal for those around us, either for themselves or for us. Sometimes they, or we, aren’t even aware of the negative ramifications of their, or our own, words and actions. We go sailing on through life, often assuming others understand us, know us, and want the best things for us.

But we are human beings, after all. Life is not played out so perfectly. We forget another side of our human nature is selfish, greedy, lazy, and other less than admirable traits. What people around us living in denial are really looking for is either how to make their lives easier, or how to justify their own dsfunctional thoughts/words/actions, by focusing their attention on us, instead of themselves. They might even do this unconsciously. At first we might not even be aware of this situation, especially if we have grown up in a poverty mentality, or if our guardians grew up with a poverty mentality.

What is the poverty mentality?

The poverty mentality  is a whole lot of poor me, woe is me, no one has it as bad as I do, I’ll never get ahead, things never work out for me, I’m no good at money/relationships/jobs/responsibility … You get the picture. The poverty mentality attacks whole families. Not knowing any better, parents  indoctrinate their children by their own dysfunctional attitudes such as, people like us just can’t get ahead, that’s just for those rich folks. It’s the us versus them mentality. These parents do not know any better because this is the way they grew up, and it seems normal to them.

We can understand these otherwise loving people in our lives, without agreeing with them, or soaking what they have to say, up like a dry sponge, even if they are full of negativity. We do not have to let them have any permission to our self-esteem, or our personal power. We can even live with these people, and choose not to be influenced by them in the least bit. It’s a choice we make.

That does not mean we take the next dysfunctional step of excluding people, especially family, out of our lives altogether, choosing to make irreparable damage to family and other personal relationships. We sometimes make this mistake as a selfish quick solution as opposed to growing in character development, which from that point forward, leaves a eroneous stamp of self-justification on every other relationship we have, permanently crimping our tolerance of other points of view. We can jump to the false conclusion that neither they, nor we, will ever change. However, the mature response is to communicate, not hide from the emotional work necessary to bloom where you are planted.

We also do not have to make sure others agree with us, in our positive perspective. Practice having no judgement here. We don’t have to judge them, nor accept their misguided judgements on us. If someone is happy being miserable, let them go for it. Nothing we say can change that anyway. We can only change ourselves, and only they can change themselves. We need to decide what kind of energies we will allow into us. Once we decide not to let someone else’s mood, judgements or opinions affect us, their thoughts, words, opinions and actions slide off our aura like teflon. Imagine all that negativity sliding back down to the earth for transmutation.

Deflection and manipulation are the behavior traits that give people living in denial away. They tell on themselves by using these tactics. These tactics work quite well for them, at least for a while, until the person being manipulated becomes aware of what is going on. Depending on how much we have been mentally and verbally been beaten into submission, put down, insulted, demeaned, told how foolish we are, ridiculed, or worse, had guilt heaped on us by others, or guilt by others interpretation of religious expectations (usually man-made), we may or may not be able to stand up to them. This is true of all groups of people, families, socially in communities, religious organizations, politically in countries, and even in the workforce.

We only get one life in the present moment. Perpahs our life lesson in this lieftime is to learn how to take better care of our God-given life. Once we become aware of what our role has been so far, we can step out of that role of denial. We do not know what we do not know. But once we become aware, we have a personal responsibility not to go back to denial.

By the way, when we stop being their puppets, for those of us in relationships with people living in denial, when we step out of the ordinary way we usually interact with manipulating people, they are not going to like it. Become the observer. Do not react.  Observe the temper tantrums they have, crying, yelling or anything else. Sometimes these people can be so funny, so dramatic. We have just put a hole in their rubber raft of denial. This helps them tremendously on the road to recovery, and helps us re-gain our personal power, our self-esteem, and our mental health.
