“I Am The Angel of Peace”


The three children of Fatima: Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia who saw and interacted with the Angel of Peace, and the Blessed Mother Mary.

While the apparitions of Mother Mary of Fatima are considered to be a private revelation, there is more than meets the eye here in the historical accounts of what took place, defying natural order. As the three children, Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia take the family’s sheep out to pasture in the neighboring hills, the trio gradually developed a close friendship, and witness several supernatural, unexplainable events which they could not deny. The following quotes are taken from the book, FATIMA THE GREAT SIGN by Francis Johnston.

“One morning as they were grazing the sheep at a favorite spot known as Cabeco, a rocky knoll not far from the summit of a large prominence near their home, a strong wind suddenly sprang up which made them stop playing abruptly. Looking out across the distant valley, they were astonished to see a dazzling globe of light like a miniature sun, gliding slowly and majestically towards them.

“As it approached, the children could see the ball of light gradually resolve itself into the shape of a transparent young man of about fourteen, ‘more brilliant than crystal pierced by the rays of the sun,’ as Lucia later described him.

“Standing before them in supernatural radiance he said in a voice of grave beauty, ‘Do not be afraid. I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me.’

“Then kneeling down and bowing so low that his forehead touched the ground, he recited the following prayer three times in a voice that quivered with fervor: ‘My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, I love Thee. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, nor hope, nor love Thee.’

Then rising he said, ‘Pray like that. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplications.” Having said this, he gradually faded in the sunlit air.”

This begins the first of many apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary throughout the world. Her message is to pray the rosary for peace in families, world peace, and for the conversion of sinners, as well as for the conversion of Russia.

The children learned little by little how to focus on prayer, how to pray, and the value of offering up the sacrifices of each day working in communion with divine order for the good of humanity.

The angel returned one day as they were resting from the heat of the day under the shade of some fig trees by a well in Lucia’s garden. The angel asked, “What are you doing? You must pray. You must pray a great deal. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have designs of mercy on you. Offer up prayers and sacrifices constantly to the Most High.”

“Lucia asked him how they were to make sacrifices and the angel answered: Make everything you do a sacrifice and offer it to God in reparation for the countless sins by which He is offended and in supplication for the conversion of sinners. In this way, you will bring peace to your country. I Am its Guardian Angel, the Angel of Portugal. Above all, accept and bear with submission all the sufferings which the Lord may send you.”

“The words of the angel illuminated the souls of the three children ‘like a light which made us understand who and what God really is, how much He loves us and wishes to be loved,’ as Lucinda wrote many years later.

“The value of sacrifice now, for the first time, became clear to us. Suddenly we knew the appeal to God and its power to convert sinners. From that day on we began to offer to offer to God all that mortified us, all that was difficult or unpleasant. And we also spent hour after hour prostrate upon the ground, repeating the angel’s prayer over and over again.

“Some three months later, while the children were grazing their sheep at the Cabeco again, the angel suddenly appeared to them a third time. Through the white radiance of his presence the children could see that he held a chalice with a Host above it, from which drops of Blood feel into the cup. Leaving these suspended in mid-air, he prostrated himself on the ground before them and repeated the following sublime prayer of reparation three times in the same tone of trembling fervor.

“Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, really and truly present in every tabernacle of the world in reparation for the countless outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. And through the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg Thee to convert poor sinners.”

Today, the need for prayer, the rosary, and offering up the trials and tribulations of life are still beneficial in affecting and turning the hearts of nations and individuals toward Peace, Love, and Harmony, and putting an end to unbridled selfishness, ego, and aggression.

While the world deals with the dysfunctions within the borders of many lands, those of us at home and at work in our everyday lives can take a moment to transform those energies through meditation and prayer. Even if you are alone in your home, your prayers matter. You matter. Your neighbor matters. Every person in every country in the world matters.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Warnings From Heaven by http://pedroregis.com/en-us/mensagens/

5,075 – Message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, transmitted in 1/21/2021 (apelosurgentes.com.br)

Suppose you happen to hear somebody saying; “Men have prepared the virus of death and my poor children will experience great sufferings. There will be no barriers to contain its advance”, what would be your immediate response? I am asking this question in the present context of coronavirus spreading like wildfire. I am not going deep into the question of where the virus originated from. Whatever be the true reason behind the outbreak of the pandemic, one thing is sure, the spread of virus was a manmade disaster. Geographical barriers cannot stop its spread.

Mary Warnings

After seeing the relentless advance of COVID-19 and all its variants, most of you will agree that the initial statement was surely a warning message from heaven. What you guessed is correct. It was a warning from heaven about the outbreak of a deadly disease in the world. But I need to add something more. The message was given to a man in Brazil by Our Lady Queen of Peace 17 years ago. To be precise, it was message number 2594 given by Mother Mary to Pedro Regis of Brazil on October 25, 2005. Perhaps some among us has read about it somewhere, sometime earlier but forgot it over time.

When we see the doors of churches shut all over the world, online services, priests finding it difficult to offer Mass, and the faithful lamenting about not getting the Blessed Sacrament, we may wonder how unexpectedly these things happened. It was not in our wildest dreams that we would not be allowed to enter our parish church and attend Mass. But it happened. When we were sitting complacent, thinking that everything was going well, it fell like a bolt from the blue. There was no warning, it was so unexpected, you may think. Now read the following:

“An order will be given and the doors will be shut. Those who are consecrated will not be permitted to fulfill their duties and the faithful will weep and lament.” It is not from the newspapers of the past week. It was a message given to Pedro Regis (message no 2990) on 04/29/2008.

When COVID-19 and its newer variations spread from one nation to another, remember this message of Mother Mary. “Now is the time of the great tribulations. An epidemic will spread to various nations and my poor children will experience a heavy cross” (message no 2626 dated 10, 1, 2006).

When we see China, Italy, England, the United States of America, and the entire world struggling with COVID-19 and the death toll on January 10, 2022 crossing 5,500,000, remember Our Lady’s message no 3807 of April 16, 2013; “Death will pass through Italia and my poor children will carry a heavy cross. Similar events will occur in Lima.”

When I skimmed through the messages for preparing this article, one thing that caught my attention was that certain messages were repeated multiple times. They were messages about the importance of sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Confession. Every message was a call for holding on to sacraments so as to get the strength to tide over the period of trials. And the second most repeated messages were related to the impending time of trials. Our Lady has been giving us warnings for the past many years.

Not everyone in the world is Catholic. But humanity can take these words of wisdom and apply them to our lives. Confessing the thoughts, words, and actions we have done wrong, the hurts we have caused to ourselves and others, all these can be rectified by acknowledging our mistakes and asking for forgiveness, both from ourselves and others.

Then make time for spiritual communions, those moments we carve out of the day to commune with Christ deep inside our hearts. Life is more than the daily tasks and more than the mundane minutes of each day. Spiritual communions can take place while driving, going for walks in nature, and taking that moment over a cup of tea in a quiet room or even in a busy coffee shop.

The third most repeated messages are about the need to be faithful to the true magisterium of the Church. Our Lady has warned that efforts are on to change the teachings of the Church with an ulterior motive. Everything will be done in the guise of good intentions.

The problem arises when the magisterium of the Church prohibits all the teachings of Jesus Christ, which are locked away in the vaults of the Vatican Library, including the travels of Jesus to the monasteries in India and in the mountains of Tibet. Important information has been hidden from everyone in the world for thousands of years, since 364 AD. The closest thing we have to understand is all the excluded words of Jesus from modern-day scripture. It is vital to discover and allow yourself to read the scriptures found at Nag Hammadi, Egypt; as well as the Books of Enoch, which Jesus quoted from over 100 times in today’s bibles.

One thing special about the messages given to Pedro Regis by Our Lady of Peace at Anguera was that specific places were mentioned on many occasions. For example; difficult times for Kenya (2594), Great suffering from Karachi (2602), Columbia stumbling and drinking the cup of pain (2602), Kosovo to be in ruins (2605), Naples living the anguish of a prisoner (2614), Cyprus going into suffering ( 2617), Malta shedding tears for its children (2617), Rome losing glory and fame (2622), throne of Peter to fall (2622), screams of help from Bethlehem (4829), messages about Bologna in Italy (4871) etc.

The reason Rome will be losing its glory and fame, and the throne of Peter predicted to fall, is because they have not adhered to all the teachings of Jesus Christ. When you pick and choose, then omit the words you do not wish to follow, then you weaken the message of Christ. All the world can see this.

Believe me, I have picked around a hundred messages only at random from a total of more than 5,075. If I could catch the names of the above places when I rushed through these hundred odd messages, imagine how elaborate are the messages Our Lady gives us.

Details about Pedro Regis and the messages he received from Our Lady are available in apelosurgentes.com.br. While going through the messages, what struck me most was the similarity or rather repetition of the messages Our Lady gave to humankind in La Salette ( 1846), Lourdes (1858), Fathima (1917), Amsterdam (1945), Monte Chiari ( 1947), Garabandhal ( 1961), Akitha ( 1973) and Medjugorje(1981) with those given to Pedro Regis.

Our Lady is the Virgin of the Revelation. She opens the secrets of prophecies for her children. This is to enable them to wage relentless war against the devil and his minions in the end times. That is exactly the reason why the devil is so angry with us. ‘Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her children, those who keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus’ ( Rev. 12;17).

Satan – that ancient dragon – knows what is going to happen in the immediate future. He also knows that Mary’s children have got the gift of discernment from the Holy Spirit. It is difficult for him to ensnare them like other gullible and credulous men and women.

That is why we need our Mother’s help now. She will reveal the inner meanings of every signs of the times so that her children are not caught unawares.


God Bless Everyone Everywhere