Be A Vanguard of Light To The Rest of The World

I am calling all people who work with the Light, Love, and Wisdom of Universal Life Energy to continue in a more focused way, uniting hearts, minds, and souls for the mental, emotional, and spiritual uplift of your area in the world, for the benefit of peaceful unity, harmony, health, and the abundance of all good things. Take a moment out of each day to focus on the peaceful solutions to the problems that you see whether you are driving, going for a walk, shoveling snow, meditating or praying in a concentrated way, or thinking healing mantras throughout the day.

Whatever you focus on grows. Focusing on the dysfunction of politics, religion, gender, wealth, and race inequalities only furthers more of what you do not want. If only saying what we do not want would bring to us that what we do want. But that is not how the law of attraction works.

If you focus on dysfunction, you will get more dysfunction. Focusing on positive alternatives in the direction of that which you want to manifest will bring the good you seek to do more quickly to you and the projects you wish to promote.

This is how to build anything you want, relationships, a house, or employment in the medical, technological, and space programs, for example. While it can be beneficial to note a failure of the past you do not wish to repeat, taking that sage advice is different from wallowing in the quicksand trap of addictive drumbeat of negativity, dysfunction, and self-sabotage.

Make a firm decision to stop all gossip, slander, and grand standing. In its place, make another decision to only work for the good you wish to promote. Truth matters. Build on integrity, moral courage, empathy, and compassion.

Empathy has become the missing ingredient of this generation, coupled with lack of compassion for all people. Sometimes life is like feast or famine. We can become so engrossed in finally taking care of ourselves, that the scales tip in some cases to only taking care of ourselves, materially speaking.

I find it helps not to put labels on people, categorizing people by age, ability, color, creed, gender, or any other way. Humanity is humanity. Each one of us, while unique in our own ways, all need to give and receive love, empathy, compassion. We can build a better society with liberty, justice, and understanding for all people, in every situation by acknowledging and sharing all of our gifts.

Now is the time each one of us can make our own lives better with a holistic outlook, caring as much for the driver in the other car as we do for ourselves; taking care of the employees under our watch as we do for ourselves; making phone calls to others to make sure they are okay; just to name a few ideas of going beyond our own selves, our own needs, and our own concerns.

People need people.


Recovering Integrity ~ Self-Esteem ~ Character ~ Harmony ~ Balance After Making Bad Choices In All Areas ~Every Person Is Responsible

Every person in every country on this precious Earth is responsible for the conditions in which they are living, personally, socially, economically, politically, educationally, and in every other possible division in which we find ourselves.

The blame game is the irresponsible and lazy way out of any dysfunctional life, system of operation, and/or apparent hierarchy. Usurping the rights of others has been used since the dawn of humanity by those seeking to rule over others. If humanity allows this dominance, it reaps the conditions it finds itself in. If humanity seeks out more positive solutions and alternatives, humanity can rise to the occasion, changing the course of history for the better as opposed to the worse.

By blaming others for the way things are, no one has to do anything about it, because placing onus on the other guy stops all possibility of healing anything. Situations stalemate in the blame game because there is more than enough blame to go around. Finger pointing, obstruction to solutions that are not your own, solves nothing. Discovering the plausible opposite that is wrong will never solve any problem. Every situation has a plausible opposite. Since what you focus on grows, focusing on the plausible opposite shuts down any and all solutions.

If finding out whose fault something is does not solve the problem, what does? Who care why? It is what happens next that matters.

Every person is responsible for their own thoughts, words, and actions, in every country in the world, regardless where you live, regardless which religion is professed, regardless which political party, or social group or club people belong to.

Do you live in a Democracy? Then you are responsible to keep it. Shine a light on the actual truth as opposed to half-truths spun for self-serving agendas. The half-truth is the worse kind of lie, since forethought and deception are at the base of all half-truths meant to confuse the opposition, as if life was simply a sport to win or lose. It is possible to get to the bottom of truth. It requires looking at all the information, not only one side of the situation, and not only one viewpoint from like-minded individuals.

Do you live under tyrannical rule? Then you are responsible for your own thoughts, words, and actions that allow it, or change it for the betterment of the human condition. Not working to inspire, uplift, and encourage freedom of thoughts, words, and actions in any country can keep humanity captured by the self-delusion that their thoughts, words, and actions are powerless. Every person in every country on Earth is born with free will, the freedom to live a human life and freedom to think their own thoughts. Life is not a popularity contest, a club of like-thinkers, nor a bandwagon to jump on. It matters more than that.

You matter. Every person matters. Your thoughts matter. Your words matter. Your actions matter.

All humanity matters AND ARE EQUAL, black, white, and every other color of human being. All nationalities of human beings matter AND ARE EQUAL in the value of human life. All humanity matters, all genders, all ages, and in every other division thought that could make people different from one another.

The success of humanity as living beings on Earth is not what makes us all different, but what we all share as the common experience; we are all alive. We all have Universal Life Force, which some call a soul, animating our flesh. This life force, human chi, otherwise called soul, is animating the human flesh with Universal Life Force Energy. There is also the soul of every country.

No country, political group, educational nor financial institution claims any rights to Universal Life Energy. Keep in mind, the first law of thermodynamics says that energy cannot be created not destroyed, only changed.

We are all responsible for how we use, channel, and operate with Universal Life Force Energy. When we work together for the common good of all, we will turn the corner for balancing and harmonizing humanity for our future common human race. All is One.

Let There Be Peace On Earth, and let it begin with me.
