The Time Is Right For Change ~ Your Part in Transforming & Empowering Yourself ~ 13D MDT ™ June Class ~ 3 Seats Available

You help everyone else. Here is the opportunity to release, renew and rejuvenate yourself. Discover more about your Self. The world needs you. Practitioners in all levels of all forms of energy work, including Holistic Counseling, Hypnosis, Naturopath, and all other holistic healing therapists are welcome, as well as anyone who feels called to take these classes. The deadline for registration for this class is May 17. There are only 3 seats left.

A percentage of proceeds of the energy classes I teach benefit the Girls Schools in Cambodia so that the girls are not sold into the prostitution and human slavery.

This is not a religious curriculum, nor is it “divine.” Rather, this class is all about cosmic Eternal Universal Life Force Energy that manifests as wisdom, love, understanding via experience, magnanimity, and increased conscious awareness which expands all of the gifts you have already been given. It is like taking the blinders off of your comprehension, mission and dharma in this lifetime. These are potent classes on working with your own energy system which will work so much better for you once you take those caps off all the concepts and constrictions that may be presently in place through your human experience thus far.

New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT ™) classes assist you to release fear, self-sabotage and personal limiting belief systems while you simultaneously open the door to empowering and discovering your ability to maintain and/or gain self-esteem, confidence and competency in your personal, professional, and social circles.

Spring is the time for getting rid of what no longer serves your highest good. This curriculum is a tremendous boost to replace energies that have worn you down.

Life is like an onion. You release what no longer serves you in layers, rarely all at once. Life is not stagnant and presents challenges repeatedly. Even for those of you who have mastered your reality, situations present themselves allowing you to go deeper in releasing, refreshing, and recharging, like rechargeable batteries. NPMDT classes do just that, allowing for a deeper comprehension of so many things you may already know, yet on a much deeper level than you thought was possible. This is an experiential class that you must experience to believe.

DROP THE FEAR that motivates your thoughts, words and actions. Learn the most expansive vibrational frequency transformations available upon the planet at this moment in time in our human history.

Discover how to take charge of your own energy system through meditations and activations which clear blocked pathways from your personal experiences and former comprehension. Keep what serves your highest good and release what no longer serves you.

Activations are not attunements. Attunements attune you to something outside of yourself. Rather, activations literally activate sleeping DNA codes not yet fully recognized within yourself. Sometimes humanity needs assistance from trained NPMDT teachers from the School of Esoteric Science , which is an international school, to activate that which you desire but have yet to achieve yourself. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP.

If this sounds like you would benefit from a new beginning or would like a boost in your energy and/or bodywork in the therapies you offer to others, know that these classes are available to you for your continued personal and/or professional growth and development.

*13D MDT ™ ~ 4-Day ~ 32-Hour ~ Certification Class

*This is one of the prerequisite classes necessary to take prior to taking the Basic Master Teacher Class (as advertised this past April)

The 13D MDT is 4-day, 32-hour workshop takes place on two consecutive weekends, June 1 & 2, AND June 8 & 9, 2024, from 10 am – 6 p.m. The cost for this workshop is $525, due by May 17, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Sciences ™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. To register and for questions on this workshop, email me at

