Capitalism ~ Social Democracy ~ Democratic Socialism ~ Socialism ~ Communisim ~ Definitions


The Problem With The Herd Immunity Experiment ~ All The Deaths We Have Experienced In The Wars In Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq Are Only Half Of What We Have Currently Lost In This Covid-19 Pandemic

Six to Seven million people are expected to die in the United States of America alone in the Herd Immunity exeriment. Start the healing with healing measures of social distancing and wearing masks.

The Grand Old Party, GOP, admits it is following a Herd Immunity track as a “cure” for COVID 19. First of all, please realize that this is a fringe medicine concept. There is no cure for COVID-19, also known as SARS Co2, a highly contagious and deadly coronavirus. There are no vaccines currently available for the COVID-19 pandemic and are not expected to be available until next summer.

This means that since there are 331 million people in the US and experts say 70 percent of the population would have to get the virus for herd immunity to work, 231.7 million of us would have to get it. Since the current death rate is from 2.6 to 3 percent of all those who get the virus, 6 to 7 million of us would die. So if this is your idea for a cure, you might want to say good-bye to your parents and grandparents now. Or maybe vote for someone who has a better plan.

Children do get this deadly virus and many have already died from it. They can also be carriers, spreading COVID-19 to others even if they show no symptoms. Taking temperatures and having fevers is a symptom of COVID-19 that may not show up for 14 days, while continuing to spread this virus.

There are some Utah hospitals now at the point of needing to decide to give better care to the younger sick patients, hoping for better survival rates for the young.

Masks and social distancing are proven methods to bring a country to be COVID-19 free, like New Zealand. It’s called delayed gratification. Delayed gratification is a mature response to social dilemmas. By doing the right thing now, we can move past the juvenile approach to wearing mask and social distancing adult temper tantrums.

Remember, it is a secret vote when you cast your ballot. Even if you once voted for the current President, if you want to keep your health insurance including coverage for pre-existing conditions which include coverage for COVID-19, you can vote for Biden/Harris and it will be covered. Please know that the Affordable Health Care Act is on the chopping block in November on the Supreme Court docket, where it is expected to be cut altogether of the incumbent gets back in.

All human life is precious. We all matter. Human life is not expendable in a civilized society.


Phenacite Meditation ~ Raise Your Vibrations ~ Purify Your Thoughts ~ Positive Energy


As I hold a piece of Phenacite, I am being encouraged to tell you to raise your vibrations, purify your thoughts, and put out only positive energy.

How does one put out only positive energy at a time of climate change, global pandemics, lack of financial stability, increased homelessness, and racial madness?

First, I must say that finances are not the bottom line in this life, no matter what fear-based supposed reality you are believing in or others are professing as the way to go. Money is not the bottom line.

Second, white people are not better than black or any other color or nationality of people in the entire world, nor is it the other way around, with any group being better than any other group, regardless of age, gender, ability or disability, or any other way human beings like to separate themselves from each other. Fear of those different from us is a manmade, eroneous and untrue concept.

LOVE and FREEDOM are the bottom line. If you are not working on the foundation of LOVE as your MO, your Modus Operandi, then your thought processes and decision making skills are crippled. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Modus Operandi as a method of procedure. What is your tell-tale sign of how you make decisions? For you and me, this is how we manifest our realities, by our thought processes first.

What is your reality?

Is it fear based?

Is it based on LOVE?

Is it based on FREEDOM?

Is the reality about the self and self alone?

Let’s take this last point first. We human beings used to know that it is a good thing to take care of and be concerned for other people. It still is. But some of us have lost our way to empathy and compassion. It seems we have arrived at an era where we need to be reminded to take care of other people, and those not under our roofs. We need to wake up and care for those on our streets, those who are less fortunate, those who are ill, those in other countries. It sems we are not able to rouse up care and concern for our own humanity, never mind the very real threats to human survival due to climate change and the descimination of the lungs of our planet, the rain forests. If you and I truly care about ourselves, we will take better care of others and the planet. We need to wake up our hearts and care about more than just ourselves, and oh yes, care more than just the economy.

It is not loving to be willfully ignorant, and choose to live in denial. Living in denial does not serve your highest purpose, nor anyone else. That is not FREEDOM. FREEDOM is not based in denial, nor is denial loving.

We live in a fantastic world capable to many things at the same time. We do not only have to focus on the worst of the worst that is happening in our corner of the world, while forgetting about all the goodness, kindness, LOVE and FREEDOM. We have the FREEDOM to think of positive solutions in every thing we think, say and do.

You and I have the amazing ability to help ourselves and assist others in raising the tone of the next possible thing we can do. For example, amid the COVID-19 pandemic that has swept across our planet, we can promote healthy and life-saving practices. It is not necessary for us to go into denial of what is happening before our very eyes.

My heart goes out to:
Florida, whose NEW confirmed cases today are at 8,942
Texas, whose NEW confirmed cases today are at 5,707
California, whose NEW confirmed cases today are at 4,890
Arizona, whose NEW confirmed cases today are at 3,518
Georgia, whose NEW confirmed cases today are at 1,900
North Carolina, whose NEW confirmed cases today are at 1,638
Tennessee, whose NEW confirmed cases today are at 1,410
Louisiana, whose NEW confirmed cases today are at 1,354
South Carolina, whose NEW confirmed cases today are at 1,313
Alabama, whose NEW confirmes cases today are at 977
Ohio, whose New confirmed cases today are at 987
Illinois, whose NEW confirmed cases today are at 910

… the list goes on. Some people will say that the numbers are not accuate, that some people die of other complications with their health. What is a more accurate statement on the number of people contracting this virus, as opposed to only looking at the death numbers (who are real people who died), is that far more cases are out there because so little testing is being done. Not knowing accurate information on any subject has never helped anyone. To date worldwide, there are at least 9,797,622 known positive COVID-19 cases.

If only we knew what to expect ahead of time. Oh wait, we did.

Many of us chose to be oblivious, willfully ignorant, watching the previous landfall of COVID-19 in other states and other countries, and wishfully thinking this would not happen to us, because in some minds, this is not real. This is not a death virus that only those who believe it will either get or die from. Some viewed it as a hoax or an illusion. These minds, nor their egos could save many of us from contracting this highly contagious virus. Many of our dead never thought for one minute that that would go to the hospital and die in three hours after arrival. This virus is not the same as the regular flu.

We are in the condition today with COVID-19 all over the world because many of us have pre-maturely opened up and relaxed safety measures, thinking we are tired of self quarenting and wearing masks (if we ever did), and need to keep the economy going. The human race is now experiencing an astronomical number of people getting and dying from this virus. We have been aware of this pandemic sweeping across every country across the globe since January 2020. But with our God-given free will, many chose not to believe the words of health and prevention. The suffering and the dying do not believe in this supposed conspiracy theory. To them, it is the reality.

Remember, states and countries started opening up when that by now famous words “flattening the curve” began. In the USA, states that got their COVID-19 new case numbers down to 300 began relaxing restrictions and opening up only to find their new case numbers soared again out of control. We forget, COVID-19 all began with ONE case in China, then ONE case in Washington state, then ONE case in New Rochelle, NY.

Should the truth of the knowledge of COVID-19, how it transmits, and how it progresses, how people either recover, die, or never get it at all send us into fear? Of course not. As with any other subject, we learn, we make decisions, we share important information, and live the best life we possibly can with our eyes wide open in FREEDOM and LOVE. This world is full of the opportunities to overcome hardships, difficulties and diseases; human relationship learning curves, and finding our place here, our dharma, our mission in this lifetime.

Some people know how to use their energy to act as a protective shield. However, if you are not adept at this, common sence and protective measures are a better bet. It is true that healthier immune systems can prevent people from getting this particular virus, which has no known cure. It is also possible to do energy work and boost the immune system. There have been 3,883,196 people who have recovered from this virus worldwide. My mother is one of these people.

Who am I to say the 493,461 people who died worldwide due to COVID-19 complications hadn’t made a contract with God in their life’s blueprint to do so before they incarnated here on earth? Yes, many of the people who have died having COVID-19 also had heart, lung and other health issuse at the time. Still, contracting COVID-19 was not helpful for them to continue living a long and productive life, no matter what age they made it to. A mistake about COVID-19 that some of us make, is that it only affects the elderly, that only old people get it or die from it. This is not true.

The immune system builds upon raising your vibration by positive thoughts, balanced diet, physical exercise like Yoga or walking,  and by adequate sleep and rest. It is also possible to sink your immune system into sickness and disease (dis-ease) by lowering your vibration, eating unhealthy foods and thinking self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.

Rather than do that, let us focus on building our immune systems in our physical bodies. We can do that by doing and promoting more acts of kindness. We raise our vibrations by the thoughts we think, the words we say and the actions we perform.

To build the immune system stronger than it is right now, align all of your thoughts, words and actions to those of LOVE, true unconditional LOVE, that is, LOVE WITHOUT CONDITIONS. Don’t fall into the trap of certain religious or other thoughts that promote only love with conditions. Rules. Rules. Rules. Restrictions. Restrictions. Restrictions. Conditions. Conditions. Conditions. The spark of LOVE that created the universes and galaxies in order and complexity is not a limiting, confining Energy.

No one owns the rights to you, nor how you think. Be honest. STAY IN YOUR POWER. DO NOT GIVE YOUR PERSONAL POWER TO ANYONE OR ANYTHING. Limiting LOVE with manmade rules and stipulations and exceptions is not the way to improve your immune system, nor any other part of your life. Limiting love dries up the arteries, hardens the heart, as well as the kidneys, and wreaks havoc with your immune system.

Why does lack of LOVE affect the kidneys? The kidneys are the place in the physical body where the emotion of fear resides when it is not let go. We have the FREEDOM to decide to stay in fear, or not. The ego doesn’t like to rock the boat, knows what it knows and doesn’t like change. Still, it is your choice to stay in fear, fear of the unknown, fear of getting sick, fear of getting well, fear of others, fear of black people, fear of white people, fear of little green men … Just know that fear breaks down the body in many ways, including weakening the immune system.

Let’s talk about FREEDOM for a minute. Some say, during COVID-19, for example, they have the FREEDOM not to wear a mask, and can come and go as they please. As a personal decision, that is true. But how much do you LOVE your fellow man, woman and child? How much do you LOVE yourself? You can carry COVID-19 extremely easily, without having any symptoms, and not knowingly give it to others. That’s not in your belief system? Perhaps the 9,797,622 people in the world who did contract this particular virus didn’t believe it could or would happen to them either.

Since I teach the highest form of vibrational transformation on the planet at this time, New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT), I AM aware of what real mastery is. Real mastery, as taught by Ascended Masters to us humans, knows and teaches how to control the structures of our world, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in our waking up to who we truly are. Ascended Masters compare it to the potter controling his clay. This is the exact same method we use when we make our decisions to change to be happy, successful, or create anything else out of nothing more than our idea.

While it is an amazing and breathtaking moment to realize that every electron and atom in the universe is obedient to our desire and command because of the God Power by which we control it, not everyone has taken NPMDT training, or are aware of this fact. If we are here on earth in physical bodies, we are presently in an unascended state and are still learning life lessons. We learn through experience, some good, some not so good, but we still learn. Not all of us are in the highest vibratory state we could be, which would allow us to not contract nor transmit COVID-19 to others. But we can get better at raising our vibratory state, which improves our immune system, our physical sheild of protection.

We are presently existing in a physical body on this earth plane that is susceptable to natural laws. It is a dangerous game to play, tempting fate, when we have all seen what has happened in other states and countries. I choose not to live in fear, but I also choose not to be willfully ignorant for the greater good of all humankind.

I will use my FREEDOM take this time to wear face masks, beacuse I LOVE you, as well as myself. It is time to think of not just the self in all you and I think, say and do. I will remain six feet away from others while out in public, self quarantine and presently choose NOT to go out in restaurants until this contagious virus with no known cure relents, for the same reasons.

I am taking this time to delve deeper into my continuous studies of energy work and sharing my knowledge in this blog. I hope I am leading by example.

Phenacite is fairly rare, glassy, quartz-like with small crystals, usually colorless, but may be tinted with yellow-red, red, pink or brown, and some have rainbows in them. Mine is tinted with yellow-red, with a small rainbow. It is one of the highest crystal vibrations yet discovered. It contacts the angelic realms and the Ascended Masters. Phenacite facilitates bringing LOVE into ones physical reality. I extend these qualities to all of you who choose to read this. Phenacite has been by my side during this meditation with you.

Have a beautiful day!


Mexico And The United States Are Joined In A Binational State Of Grief

Mexico and the United States of America are nations in mourning over the hate-filled shooting rampages in Gilroy, CA; El Paso, TX; and Dayton, OH. It is not only the USA that is grief stricken, but our neighbors in Mexico as well. To help these and other nations in the world who are struggling with overwhelming grief at this time, this post may offer some words of comfort for broken hearts, and hope for peaceful and Christ-like solutions for a world broken by ignorance and hate. Some of the victims’ names are mentioned here for additional prayers that could be sent their way by loving hearts from all over the world who are also grieving at a showing of the worst humanity has to offer to its brothers and sisters.

One fact that might help Americans realize that “Mexicans are not invading our country,” is to understand, first of all, that not all who look like Mexicans are illegal aliens, but have family roots here in the USA longer than the white folk who later settled here. Look at the map showing the 13 colonies compared to what is really going on in the country and who owns most of the land. They were always here. We are the newcomers.

Another fact is that El Paso, Texas and its sister city of Juarez in Mexico have a daily stream of people who drive and walk across the bridge in the border states to shop. This relationship has existed for years. It is not only Americans who are grieving the loss of God-given life.

In Gilroy, CA, the mother of Kayla Salazar, 13, said, “She took my hand and looked up at the sky.” Stephen Romero age 6, and Trevor Irby age 25 also lost their lives to gun violence. The shooter, 19-year old Santino Legan was later shot and killed by police.

In El Paso, 22 people have now lost their lives to the largest mass shooting in Texas, and 24 more were injured. Jordan Anchondo, 24, gave birth to her baby boy, Paul Gilbert, two months ago. At an El Paso Walmart, she gave her life to save his. She shielded the baby as she was being shot. Her husband tried to shield them both. Both she and her husband were both killed, but the baby, now a mass-shooting victim, had two broken fingers and was grazed by a bullet.

GoFund Me pages have been set up since no one expected their lives to be lost so early in their lives. Grammy-nominated singer Khalid, not forgetting his El Paso roots, plans on having a benefit for the families of this mass shooting.

El Paso victims also included Arturo Benavides age 60, an Army veteran; and Javier Amir Rodríguez age 15, a high school student and avid soccer player with Express Futbol Club, an El Paso soccer club for boys and girls. On Sunday the soccer club announced they are organizing a charity game to help with the Rodríguez family as well as for the soccer coaches who were also victims.

Elsa Mendoza Marquez age 57, was gunned down and killed. She was an elementary school teacher from Juarez, Mexico and mother of two adult children.

Juan Velazquez age 78, became the 22nd victim of the El Paso shooting.

El Paso shooter, Patrick Crusius, age 21, is arrested and being held with possible additional charges of hate crimes and federal firearms charges.

In Dayton, Ohio, Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl said that Megan Betts, age 22, was the first to be gunned down by her brother, Connor Betts who carried out the massacre. He was killed by a police officer prior to continuing this horror shooting as he was attempting to enter an extremely filled pub last Sunday.

Names of other shooting victims include:
Derrick Fudge, 57
Lois Oglesby, 27
Logan Turner, 30
Nicholas Cumer, 25
Thomas McNichols, 25
Beatrice Warren-Curtis, 36
Seed Sale, 38
Minicab Brickhouse, 39

We mourn these deaths and all those who have died needlessly from gun violence. Let us take a moment to remember the lives of these people, young and old, who have themselves given joy, love and hope to others during their lives.

Whenever there is a tragedy such as this, and the loss of loved ones, we ask over and over, WHY? Why Now?

In the Book of Ecclesiastes we read:
“To everything there is a season,
And a time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die …”

The deceased among us have made an abrupt turn in their journey and left us wondering. In our uncertainty, we seek comfort from one another and in that comfort we find strength, and in that strength, we share our healing love.

It can help to gather with family and friends at this time, to share the this loss and the losses in your lives that these situations bring up, even if the deaths you have experienced in your lives have been by natural causes and/or by illness. All of this seems untimely.

We are born into a life not of our own making. The Good God above, Father of Jesus Christ, send us his Holy Spirit if we ask for it, to help us through this life. Let us continue to pray for one another.

* I continue to extend a warm invitation to the worldwide meditation and prayer effort currently underway through July and August 2019. This is an international, concerted effort specifically addressing the inhumane conditions at the southern border of the United States of America and Mexico, as well as inhumane conditions globally. I extend this prayer to include all the mass shooting victims and their families affected in the Gilroy, CA; El Paso, TX; and Dayton, Ohio mass shootings. I also extend this prayer, asking the Good God above, Father of Jesus Christ, to send his Holy Spirit to be with the countries of Mexico and the United States as the necessary steps of healing and peaceful resolution can begin to take place. I also pray for sensible gun regulations in the United States of America so the country can move past willful ignorance and financial greed that has resulted in so many needless deaths. I am inviting all churches in all denominations in the world to invite all their parishioners to take part; and include all people without any church affiliation to participate. Scroll down to see how meditation and prayer reduced crime in Washington, D.C. by 48 percent.

The Golden Rule ~ Enter Through The Narrow Gate ~ Healing The USA

Where does one turn when 20 people are killed by an allegedly publicized, home-grownOne Race terrorist known to be a White Supremacist who also injures 26 six additional human beings in El Paso, Texas; followed by another nine people killed in a Dayton, Ohio shooting less than 14 hours later; all of which was preceded by three shooting deaths in Gilroy, CA at the popular Garlic Festival just days earlier; when politicians sanction locking up asylum seekers and putting children and adults in cages under the guise of securing the Mexican-United States border; and politicians gamble with their political futures as they agree with hate crimes and crimes against humanity?

Most of the offending political party claimed to be Christian, erroneously thinking they are promoting Christian values.

What did Jesus say about how to live and how to treat others?

Matthew 7:12-14 “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

The United States of America, the melting pot of the world, is in need of healing. How can we possibly heal?

Begin today. Begin today to go back to practicing the Golden Rule. What is the Golden Rule?

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

This applies to people you know and those you do not know, and to everyone in your home, work, social life. This applies to children and adults in cages, and to everyone attempting to care for those children and adults in cages. This applies to everyone in our inner cities, and to those in our countryside. This applies at all times. These are the words of Jesus.

The tide of hate in the United States of America is high and the door open to it is wide leading to destruction. How easy is it to join a wave of popularity, to overlook racism because “the bottom line is money,” and “at least we made more money this year.” The twist to the sad conversation by some alludes to “Why are they afraid of people making money?” All the while, these ones ignore the cries of humanity because it is not right in front of their own eyes, or with their own family members in cages, because of a line drawn in the sand.

10009771_10153090153757264_7526930363733913332_nRather, go through the small gate on the narrow road, leading to life. Its sign posts are mercy, empathy, compassion, forgiveness and genuine love, in all your thoughts, words and actions. This is how to travel on this road. This is how to heal the United States of America, one thought at a time, one word at a time, one loving and forgiving action at a time.

Grief is real. Our country is hurt deeply. Too many of our citizens have died needlessly within our borders by our own members, far more than immigrants have killed US citizens. Too many of our citizens have killed human beings from other countries based on the color of their skin, or the country they came from, and others have been killed because our home-grown terrorists have been mentally challenged, killing children in our schools, and others in movie theaters and places of employment. It will take time for a full recovery. But this country will never heal if we do not start the process.

Now is the time to start.

* I extend a warm invitation to the worldwide meditation and prayer effort currently underway through July and August 2019. This is an international, concerted effort specifically addressing the inhumane conditions at the southern border of the United States of America and Mexico, as well as inhumane conditions globally. I am inviting all churches in all denominations in the world to invite all their parishioners to take part; and include all people without any church affiliation to participate. Scroll down to see how meditation and prayer reduced crime in Washington, D.C. by 48 percent.

God Bless