“Thy Kingdom Come …” ~ The Mixing of Kingdoms ~ This Is Not Jericho ~ Stand Down

When Jesus taught us to pray, he taught us to pray for God’s kingdom, not a physical, man-made kingdom on earth. The kingdom of God we are to pray for is not brought on by ego, pride, guns, nor strife. Those are the dark tools of sinister forces whose insatiable appetites for power, money, and domination blind the brains of would-be good people, even Christians, who through misguided allegiance to God find themselves obeying man.

We are not to mix the kingdom of man with the kingdom of God. That is not how this works. We already had the battle of Jericho. Calls sent out today to reenact the battle of Jericho at the United States Capital, as well as all other state Capitol buildings is pure evil, not the will of God.


Do you feel called to act in good faith? Then pray. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enter your heart. Jesus told us all how to think, speak and act. You will find none of his words incite any of us to violence.

If, when you pray, you feel intense anger, frustration, and hatred, then you are listening to and following the wrong god.

This is the time for repentance, humility, and trust of God, not the arrogant boast and folly of humans. This is a time of introspection, considering the roles we are living in our lives, based on the choices we make. Are we living in the love, hope, peace, and truth that the kingdom of God promises? If not, you are promoting the illusion that lies, conspiracies, evil, death and destruction are good.

Jesus said, “Because of the increasing lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold.”

That is what we are seeing today in the belligerent manipulation of man usurping the will of God in place of his own.

The kingdom of God is coming, in fact is already here. The profound peace and love of the kingdom of God is already within us, as Jesus told us in Luke 17:21.

How do you know if the kingdom of God is within you?

The fruits of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit will be abundant in your life. If these fruits are missing from your life, you will know you have chosen the wrong road to follow.

If gentleness, faithfulness, self-control, meekness, peace, joy, love, kindness, patience, goodness, temperance, and faith are missing in your life, stop whatever you are doing and pray. Pray for the love of God, Father of Jesus Christ, to enter your heart.

It seems the Republican political party in the USA has been hijacked by so many hate groups that they fear standing up for the right thing for losing their voters. But now, more than ever before, all citizens of the United States of America need to stand up for facts, not fiction; truth, not conspiracy; and honor and integrity over selling out the country. Truth matters.

There are so many other gods out there today, masking as the One, True God. You will know which god (God) you are following by the fruits of your labor.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Nationalism is the Resurrection of Medieval Feudalism

Nationalism always produces war, hatred, bigotry; and class, wealth, and racist divisions. The

Humans all the same. Picture courtesy of J. Krishnamurti.
Humans all the same. Picture courtesy of J. Krishnamurti.

illusion that has duped nationalists in all countries, is that whoever the chosen few are in their corner of the world, whoever and wherever that is, they think they are better, more powerful and more worthy than the rest. They are not.

It is out of fear, lack and anger that spawns lies of scarcity, insane ego and hate. There is also a bottomless greed that sets in, mistakenly thinking all the riches of money, land, and anything else they deem to be of value belongs to them, or should belong to them. It does not.

When it comes to the riches of the earth, as my grandson Chris says, “Doesn’t it all belong to Mother Earth?”

Nationalists do not deserve life, nor a better quality of life, more than any other classification of human being who is different from them, no matter what country they hail from.

The right to life is God given, not manmade. While we have the ability to reproduce our bodies, our souls are Divinely inspired, and immortal. The truth is, we are all the same, despite what the insane egos of nationalists proclaim. We are all the same, each and every one of us, not better, not worse, in having the right to life.

Nationalism is not to be solved by bringing about further nationalism, which is only an avoidance of the fact that despite its pigeon-holed, limited view of life, Nationalists are not better than anyone else. Their supposed solution solves nothing.

It is not within our human “rights” to go around and kill and/or go to war with everyone who is not exactly like us, has a different opinion than us, nor create faux caste systems that place us on the top of other people, or entire countries. Planting these kinds of self-destructive seeds is what brings about human and global cataclysms when these self-sown seeds mature. It not only kills the populations of people, animals and plants, it also kills this one planet on which we all live.

Nationalism is a poison to a country.

It is possible to solve problems peacefully with intelligent diplomacy, not a goal to be attained through greed, manipulation, lies and war. Nationalism is what divides people, not unifies them.

The ignorant, separate spirit of nationalism is spreading like fire all over the world. Nationalism, under the guise of patriotism and oligarchy, is cultivated and cleverly exploited by those who are seeking further expansion, wider powers, greater enrichment. On one hand each one of us takes part in this process, for we desire these things on a much smaller scale, in our families, jobs and social circles. Conquering other lands and other people provides new markets for goods as well as for political, financial, and spiritual/religious ideologies, as if that is a good idea.

Has it ever occurred to us that it is possible to improve new markets for goods, as well as promoting political and/or spiritual/religious ideologies with peaceful intelligence? It is possible to have peaceful resolution here all over the world, even now.

Nationalism, the hardened patriotic spirit, class and race consciousness, and oligarchy, are all ways of the self, and therefore separate. After all, what is a nation but a group of individuals living together for economic and self-protective reasons? Out of fear and acquisitive self-defense arises the idea of “my country”, with its boundaries and tariff walls, and various walls of separation, rendering brotherhood and the unity of humankind impossible.

It is because of nationalism, ready to defend our sovereign States, our beliefs and acquisitions, that we must be perpetually armed. Property and ideas have become more important to us than human life, so there is constant antagonism and violence between ourselves and others. By maintaining the sovereignty of our country, we are destroying our sons; by worshiping the State, which is but a projection of ourselves, we are sacrificing our children to our own gratification. Nationalism and sovereign governments are the causes and instruments of war.

The solution to nationalism is character education and development, including history lessons showing how empire after empire manifests by greed and dies by greed. Nationalism is not sustainable. Nationalism arises amid blind and willful ignorance. Let us not forget our human past, in every country, in every generation.

The solution to nationalism is to come to a greater awareness and understanding of who we are and why we are here on this single planet at this moment in time. The human race is not here on planet Earth to become subjugated to one person, nor one country, nor one world leader. We are born free people with free will, not to be usurped by anyone with such an unholy agenda.

We are here on this planet at this time to grow in awareness and appreciate our greater diversity, all of which are pure gifts. What makes us all unique creates a beautiful tapestry of life as a whole including differences in race, color, creed, gender, age, ability and disability, among any other difference we profess. None of our unique differences may at any time supercede the rights of others. They are our gifts to be treasured and shared.

History proves that continued selfishness, greed, and nationalism generates cataclysmic results within all societies as well as global earth changes, of which past worldwide floods and ice ages prove.

There is ONE RACE on this planet. It is the HUMAN RACE.

Portions by _______J KRISHNAMURTY
Additions by Linda Hourihan
