Enoch ~ Transubstantiation to Metatron ~ Elohim of Purity ~ Youth


There are probably more than the three Books of Enoch compiled into one volume currently on bookshelves known as: The First Book of Enoch (The Ethiopic Book of Enoch), The Second Book of Enoch (The Slavonic Secrets of Enoch), and The Third Book of Enoch (The Hebrew Book of Enoch), which also includes The Book of Fallen Angels, The Watchers, and the Origins of Evil: with expanded commentary on Enoch, Angels, Prophecies and calendars in the Sacred Texts; all compilation works of Dr. Joesph B. Lumpkin, and published by Fifth Estate Publishers, PO Box 116, Blountsville, AL 35031.

The Books of Enoch go into more detail than Genesis 5:21-24 tells.

Numerous books by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, among other writers, also share this information.

But The Books of Enoch go into greater detail explaining the missing links of what happened to Enoch. Did you know that Enoch comes back to his family on Earth and tells them all he has seen in his experience in the high heavens?

Obviously before we had written history, we had the tradition of oral history. Enoch tells his family to pass this information down for the benefit of future generations. We are the generation now benefitting from his experience, that is, if we allow ourselves to read what is handed down to us.

This information is also explained in THE “I AM” DISCOURSES published by Saint Germain Press. There are 20 volumes contained in this series. With all of this information out there for so many years, I pause to wonder what has taken me so long, a lifetime in fact, why I did not allow myself to study these works. I am grateful to others before me who cut through the immobilizing fear of indoctrination, peer pressure, and ridicule that the “religious right” attempts to control through outrageous hostility while at the same time contradict these words of love with words that are not love. These books can be obtained at: Saint Germain Foundation, Saint Germain Press, 1120 Stonehedge Drive, Schaumburg, Illinois 60194, USA. You can also go to: http://www.SaintGermainFoundation.org, or http://www.SaintGermainPress.com.

Interesting information jumped out to me yesterday as I was studying The Books of Enoch, in The Third Book of Enoch, which is the Hebrew Book of Enoch, on page 222, in Chapter 3, where it says Metatron has 70 names, but God calls him “Youth.” The footnote explains that the “70” represents the 70 nations, meaning the entire world.

Here it says that Metatron is Enoch who was transubstantiated at the time of the global flood.

What also jumped out to me is that in the 14th book of THE “I AM” DISCOURSES, Chapter IX, the title of this chapter is “BELOVED ELOHIM OF PURITY – TO THE “I AM” ASCENDED MASTER YOUTH.” Youth in this case, to my understanding, is Archangel Metatron.

Now what is so special about all this information?

THE “I AM” DISCOURSES teach about the “I AM” Presence unique to each human being, which I teach about in New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation workshops. I find it helps to be activated (not attuned) to the awareness of this animating Universal Energy within all human beings. Since everyone has the God-given gift of free will, everyone also has the right to learn how to use this Energy or not. It is not simply Reiki, Pranic healing, Qigong, Tai Chi, or any other way of manipulating or using Universal Life Energy.

You can use your God-given “I AM” Presence as the Energy to calm all dysfunction within yourself, your relationships, your country, and the world. You radiate this Energy not only within yourself, but also within your aura. This is what I would call Divine Universal Life Force Energy, but like the sinking of Atlantis, misused energy has a huge negative boomerang effect on yourself and the world around you. Only use your “I AM” Presence Universal Life Energy for constructive, upbuilding, Loving purposes. Misuse of this Energy, in part, is what brought on the global flood.

This is not merely “Divine” Energy. It is electromagnetic, technological, and scientific, according to Enoch, who relays this information to you, me, and all who study these healing arts. This is exactly what the Buddha tapped into. This is exactly what Jesus tapped into when he traveled to India between the ages of 12-30 in his supposedly missing 18 years of life.

Common history proudly boasts about the 15 years of the life of Jesus, while shunning the rest of the 18 years Jesus lived, as if they were not important enough to investigate. I could not take the constant rehashing of biblical stories configured in four different cycles so as not to drive congregations totally mad as they kept rehearing them on the repetitive loop since they were seven years old.

I knew there was more, more to what humanity was not being told, more to answering the burning questions of my soul, more to the missing years of Jesus, and more to the meaning of this present life. This is also true for everyone reading this.

These books are part of human history of which most modern religions wish you remain ignorant. Please know there is more to know than what you have been told, unless you have studied The Books of Enoch, or read THE”I AM” DISCOURSES, or other such books I’ve mentioned here.

Most religions promote book banning and censorship control, lest you discover what Buddha, Jesus, and other beings of Divine Love and Eternal Light actually came to Earth to awaken you to, which is your own measure of Universal Love and Universal Light that animates you.

Most religions want to interpret their own spin, promoting victim consciousness, berating you as a constant sinner, followed by threats of excommunication if you dare disagree. I’ve personally witnessed fists pounding pulpits, and bellowing and intimidating religious leaders, berating their populations as if the dragon himself was doing the fire-breathing fearmongering.

All of THE BOOKS OF ENOCH say that the Original Sin was that of the fallen angels mating with the women of Earth, not of Eve. But if you are never “allowed” to read them for yourself, how will you ever know?

But now with easy access to libraries and the internet, those ready to learn more, can.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

United States of America ~ Nephilim ~ Reincarnation ~ Saint Germain

The Law of Life involes the law of self-transcendence. Nothing stays the same. We are always growing. We move forward. We also regress. We are individuals, in every country of the world, who are involved with this Law of Life. This affects every country in the world as well. Countries expand and contract according to their individual and collective awareness and group consciousness.

We see this in all areas of life. If we stifle education, we stagnate. If creation and art sparks exciting new curriculums, education thrives. If we stifle momentum forward in any area of civic and political life, we stagnate. If we give liberty and light to ideas and plans to benefit all of society, all of society progresses forward in mind, body and spirit.

“Apart from its early golden ages, earth’s history has been bowed down to a stifling economic totalitarianism run by pagan gods. In the founding of the United States of America, Saint Germain and those working with him determined to break that stranglehold.

“And they proposed to replace the old order of the gods with true God-government – where the government is squarely upon the shoulders of the Holy Christ Self of every citizen – with an ecomony based on the golden rule and the gold standard and the principle of the abundant Life, and also along with the Holy Spirit directing the free creativity of the people in religion and education, science and the arts.

“Yes, Saint Germain stands along with Mother Liberty to set us free from that idolatrous paganism where the old gods reborn are often the new stars of screen and stage, the nouveau riche or royalty or the old guard on Wall Street, aristocracies and jet sets on the power elite who gather in secret societies like the Order or covens like the Bohemian Grove – one and all ever worshiped by the masses.

Liberty saying

“Some strands of paganism have their roots in the worship of the gods, the space people, called Nephilim because they fell (landed? in rocket ships?) or were cast out of heaven by Archangel Michael.” Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Lost Teachings on Keys to Spiritual Life.

I am glad to have Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet writing these words in this book, Lost Teachings on Keys to Spiritual Life, copyrighted in 2005. The words shared then are just as appropriate for our time now, just 15 years later. Truth can be spoken at any time and benefit everyone, because truth does not change. The words of Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet are real and true for what is happening at this moment, even in the United States of America.

There is more I will share with you in upcoming posts on Saint Germain, Jesus, and others’ work in setting the United States of America off on the right foot of freedom, liberty and justice for all. However, anyone with eyes can also see how easy it is to lose these noble attributes when we do not pay enough attention to totalitarian takeovers in the midst of them happening. Political, authoritarian, oligarachy leadership robs from the people for the benefit of those at the top. It is a misuse of personal free will to ignorantly vote in such leadership, which is tantamount to shooting yourself in the foot, then blaming other people for what you did. Compromised, scheming, malfeasance in leadership roles seek to diminish or eliminate social programs, like social security, medicare and medicaid, in order that these funds go directly or indirectly into their own pockets. These leaders seek to destroy or eliminate voting rights and all rights, including human rights, which are God-given.

Did you know reincarnation was taught by Jesus, as well as by Saint Francis of Assisi who taught about reincarnation in the public square? There is a connection between the topic of this post thus far, and the subject of reincarnation.

Most reincarnation references in the bible were ripped out of the sacred pages at the Fifth Ecumenical Council convened in Constantinople in 553 AD, yet some references still remain in today’s bible. Some of the notable men and women who professed to believe in reincarnation were: Benjamin Franklin, Louisa May Alcott, Leo Tolstoy, Empress Elisabeth of Austria, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles Lindbergh, General George Patton and at least a third of the world’s population.

At the time of the biblical surgery, carving out the doctrine of re-embodiment that was taught by Jesus, men decided they knew better than Jesus about the life after this one earthly life. These “Church Fathers” did not understand the Law of Karma, of cause and effect in each human life. Think of one example Jesus taught us in Galatians 6:7 where it reads, “Do not be deceived. Whatever a man sows he also reaps.” It takes more than one lifetime for this sowing and reaping.

We work out the karma from previous lifetimes in this one. It takes more than one lifetime to “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect,” according to Jesus.

Responsibility is what we are lacking when we deny reincarnation, and is the reason for multiple incarnations. We do make up for what we lack in the school of life, over and over, until we get it right. We need to listen to our consciences, and build on ethics, honesty, integrity, and problem solving that does not include lying, cheating, bullying, manipulating persons – places and things at every selfish motive and opportunity.

It is our ego, our Id-entity, that we need to watch over and reign in when it is harmful to us and others. The pendulum of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness has a wide swing. The further it goes in one direction, with equal and opposite force, it will swing in the opposite direction. It is not motionless until it rests in complete balance, harmony and Love in the center point of Life, Liberty and Justice for All.

liberty 2

God is no punisher of mortals. We punish ourselves. We have free will to use or misuse the gifts of life in front of us. We have the free will to steal babies from their mother’s arms and sell them to the highest bidder in “legal adoptions.” We have the free will to cage destitute brothers and sisters of humanity fleeing murder, rape and war in their countries of origin. We have free will to rape these same human beings we have caged; and either lie or brag about it. We have free will to lie, cheat and steal political and voting mechanisms to our favor, using a bottomless, self-serving money pit to fuel its progress at the expense of our destitute and dying on the city streets of the United States of America. We have the free will to do all of these things.

Either we were saints who forgot to ascend in a previous life, or we have totally misunderstood what it means to be truly human in this lifetime. Now is not forever. Let us make up for our losses while we can before it is too late. Jesus does tell us that there will be an end of time, in his teachings about the Alpha and Omega, an end to the countless lives we have lived to perfect ourselves. Presently we still have time to do the right thing.

The right thing for the longevity for the earth is to notice the cause and effect, the karma that we are causing in the seeds we are sowing on earth. For example, we have selfishly turned to frackking, forcing unqualified volumes of water deep into the earth as we do in oil prospecting. This produces lots of oil, while at the same time generates lots of earthquakes. The polar caps are melting at unpresidented rates. Without the seeds of intelligence, consciousness and natural laws regarding climate change and global warming, which every single one of us has caused and is still allowing to get worse, the earth will revolt as it has in the past when things get too far out of balance. Considering the actions of its citizens and its leaders, the United States of America has the highest rate confirmed cases of the deadly pandemic known as coronavirus, COVID-19, SARS CO2, and other handles, as well as the highest death rate in the world due to this disease. There are some who deny its existence and/or the numbers tallied in certain countries, including the United States of America. Ignorance blames the spreading of this particular virus on other causes, without realizing it is this very highly contagious and often deadly virus that breaks down the other systems of the body which it targets. All of these things can improve by the conscious, self-aware use of our God-given free will. We can either build up the United States of America and solve its current dilemmas with creative, life-affirming actions, or we can tear down the United States of America via selfishness, greed, power and/or ignorance.

It is possible to kill Lady Liberty, lose all the rights afforded to its citizens written into the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights, or any other constitution of all other countries. It is possible to go backwards by believing untruths we know to be lies. Some of us do not believe we are being lied to by the one channel we listen to, as if listening to only one side of an argument got anyone anywhere. Countries and people go backwards when selfish greed and power-hungry narcissistic egomaniacs rule. History proves this to be true in all countries since the beginning of time.

It is equally possible to kill liberty and freedom as Jesus originally taught it to the people of his time, before the adulterated version of today’s bible in the year 365 AD at the Council of Laodicea. Only a miniscule amount of the words of Jesus are in today’s many versions of the bible, putting a major crimp that would have educated all of us to the deeper truths he taught, including: reincarnation, the right of women to go to the alter, and that your Spirit is part of the Holy Spirit, which is your I AM Presence, your God Particle. Jesus taught everyone who would listen about their own Christ self. There is much more that Jesus told us that got ripped out of the bible, which we can now read in the Books of Enoch and the sacred scriptures found at Nag Hammadi, Eqypt, as well as in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Thank God someone, a scribe, rabbi, or a learned person thought to hide these sacred scriptures away until such a time when humanity was at a point of their quest for what was obviously missing, to be discovered. Now these writings give us a much broader picture of not only him, but us as well. Jesus does specifically say that the kingdom of God is WITHIN you in today’s bible in Luke 17:21. Let us not forget that.

We are all smarter than this. If we use our free will to choose to do nothing while we are at sea in a plastic row boat with a hole in the bottom of it, then we will undoubtedly reap the seeds we have sown; so will every country that is allowed to rule unchecked. Money and power are the tools used to usurp the rights of others. Silence is agreement.

Find truth, not what someone else tells you is the truth. Search history online or in books, not from anyone with “a chip in the game.” It is no game. It is your money and your personal power crooked politicians and religious leaders want to usurp. Not all politicians are crooked. Most religious leaders are ignorant of the writings of Jesus they have not read. and therefore cannot teach. Look at the start of yesterday’s post. Jesus said these exact words. Unless you actually do the research yourself, not what the one TV channel with your point of view states, nor your groups of like-minded friends tell you, you will not be able to see clearly enough which leader is being bought, being used or manipulated. If you can read this blog, you can read shorter historical facts.

Make a peaceful but conscious decision to not let your freedoms be extinguished. Stand peacefully but be determined not to let liberty and justice for all vanish before your very eyes. War and violence ae not communication skills, nor were they promoted as a way to do or get anything.

Seek freedom and liberty in all areas of your life, for all people, not just for a chosen few.

“Through the law of karma God wants you to learn by the fruits you harvest from your own Tree of Life just what is the sweet and what is the bitter you have sown. And self-correct.” Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

The God in Me recognizes the God in You
Have A Beautiful Day!

Realize Your Christ Self ~ Laminins ~ Jesus’ Words in The Gospel of Thomas #102 ~

In our effort to “get it right,” we twisted it, perverted it, tried to control it, and used “it” to threaten you

When was the last time you examined your beliefs and compared them to what Jesus actually said?

into submission with hellfire and brimstone. And it worked for centuries. Jesus arrives on the scene at the time of Jewish law and the pagan Roman Empire, which sprawled over that region of the earth. What did Rome want to do at that time? It wanted to dominate the known world. It wanted people to follow blindly, or else some horrible threat would occur. How better to gain control and power over the people than to hijack the mission of Jesus and contort his words of Life into the words of life for the Roman Empire? Look at what has happened to this very day. Have you noticed the Roman Catholic Church, and every other branch from it, in every single city and town covering the globe? Each one of these varied religions claim to be the One True Religion. Whether it is Orthodox, Protestant, or any other religion meant to tell you how to think and not think, or read and not read, with some dastardly threat to your personhood or your God given Soul/Spirit, it becomes apparent that we have allowed ourselves to be the pawns in someone else’s Game of Thrones.

Please keep reading until you get to the part about Laminins, the protein, cell adhesion molecule, at the end of this post.

Jesus said, in the Gospel of Thomas #102, “Woe to the Pharisees, for they are like a dog lying in the manger of the cattle; for he neither eats nor does he let the cattle eat.” They did not have it straight and therefore could not teach what they themselves did not know.

Jesus arrives at the time of Jewish law, control and subversion. Jesus is trying to wake up a sleeping world that does not really want to wake up. Oh, they want to wake up and be freed, but only to go under someone else’s thumb. They fail to realize the reality of the Presence of the Christ within them. If they had not misunderstood the mission of the Christ in the first place, there would be no need for the Words and Works of Jesus. They would have it already. But they did not. Many people today still do not know, nor in some cases, do not even want to know the Words of Jesus that would free them from the control other human beings who have ignorantly, yet powerfully placed heavy burdens upon their hearts, minds and souls.

There is a dichotomy in today’s world where humankind has inside ourselves the Divine Image, a share of the Holy Spirit WITHIN our Spirit which is side by side the human image. We have free will and can choose to recognize either, both, or neither one or the other aspects of ourselves. The Divine Presence comes to us through the Crystal Cord, also known as the Silver Cord, our etheric umbilical cord to our Holy Christ Self. Everyone has this. It is what keeps us alive until it goes back to God. This is why I have ALWAYS felt I was in the palm of God’s hand. We all are.

Why are we so afraid to think? Why are we afraid to think for ourselves? Why are we afraid to think and allow ourselves to read ALL of the words of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi Scriptures? Why are we afraid to research ALL of the sacred scriptures that were revered for four hundred years after Jesus?

So many have bought into the control-system lie that you are good for nothing; you are sinners; you are the problem with Original Sin; that you are not living with the Spirit of the Christ WITHIN your very Soul. If you are alive and reading this, you have the Spirit of Christ living WITHIN YOU, as Jesus says in Luke 17:21. This “kingdom of God,” is the very Christ WITHIN you. This Christ Presence is the pulse of your Soul. It is your I AM Presence.

In the Secret Book of James (2,7-3,38), Jesus tells the twelve disciples, “You have been favored through the Father to receive my sayings. The other disciples also have written my sayings in their books, as if they have understood, but be careful. They have done their work without really understanding. They have listened to foolish people, and they have not understood.”

Brave souls have gone before us, like Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and many others who HAVE dared to understand that Jesus the Christ actually said what he meant. If we take his Word at face value rather than with the human spin of our brand of religious thought, we get an entirely different, Life affirming Spirit of the Christ inflamed by this knowledge WITHIN our Souls.

Jesus is not the one and only Christ. Jesus told us we could do the works he did and even greater besides, in John 14:12 of today’s Bible. He meant it. Coming from the mindset of centuries of suppression of truth, and suppression of common men and especially supression of women, so many of us still place the heirachy of churches and their clerics above the worth of Christ living and breathing WITHIN their very selves. Jesus came to wake all of us up to Christ living WITHIN each and every one of us.

Depending on how you were raised and indoctrinated into a particular belief system at an early age, or not, your mind might shun or accept the truth of the Words of Jesus. There is a tendency to believe the Words of Jesus with the particular “spin” placed upon them with particular meanings other than what the words say. And some of us simply throw out all the Words of Jesus, for one reason or another. I would encourage everyone to keep searching. The library of sacred scrolls found at Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea provide a wealth of inspiration, liberation and enlightenment for your own God-Seeded Soul, your Christ Self. If Jesus quoted from them, as in the Book of Enoch, we ought to use our God-given free will to read these sacred scriptures, without the human spin of “God is in charge of what He puts in the Bible.”

We have free will, no matter what country you come from. Free will is God-given and no one can take that away. You are free to think, read, speak and act in the way you feel is best for you. Mankind is not in charge of God. God has established his kingdom with Christ as the victor. God wins now, and at the end of time.

Now, what does any of this have to do with Laminins? What are Laminins?

Laminins are protein molecules, cell adhesion molecules. We have anywhere from 10,000-60,000 of them holding our body together WITHIN every system of the human body, literally, according to molecular biologists. I understand this as Laminins also having a direct link to our God Particle, CONSCIOUS INTELLIGENCE at work WITHIN the body, and HOW God works WITHIN the body. Laminins organize and tell our cells what their job is in the body. They are like rebar, the steel WITHIN our physical structure, holding the body together. You can think of it as the “glue” holding us together. Next comes the amazing part, at least to me.


Colossians 1:17 says, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Notice the cross shape of the Laminin on the right, and the particular electron Laminin protein molecule on the left. It is CONSCIOUS, INTELLIGENT, and LIVING. Not only is our Soul/Spirit the Living Christ Presence WITHIN us, but here we have CONSCIOUSNESS, INTELLIGENCE, and LIFE WITHIN our physical structure, our own physical body.

Let us do our part in waking up to who we really are, complete with our Christ Selves, our I AM Presence.

The God in Me recognizes the God in You
Have A Beautiful day!