Good Friday ~ Litany of Supplication

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God Bless

“Him I Have So Long Desired” ~ Palm Sunday Prayer

I invite you to share in my joy, happiness, serene peace, forgiveness, and abiding love.

This beautiful prayer makes a meditative pause in the breath of this Palm Sunday. Find a few quiet moments to rejuvenate your mind, soul and spirit. Drink from the well that never will run dry.

This prayer was first published as “Ad Quem diu Suspiravi,” from the Latin of Alexander LeopoldFranz Emmerich, Prince of Hohenlohe, Bishop of Sardica. It was translated by the Rev. John F. Duston, S.J.


“He for Whom my heart was sighing

Jesus, now at last is mine.

I possess him and embrace Him

Sharing in His life divine.


So, my soul, with all thy powers,

Let thy hymn of triumph ring

And with holy exultation,

Greet the coming of thy King.


Sad was I. distressed and lonely;

Joyless was the path I trod;

He, above all else the dearest,

Was not near me – He, my God.


Ah! but then He came and entered

In the dwelling of my soul

And the deepest consolation

Held me in its sweet control.


Strong the sun, dispersing shadows

Lowering over the darkened earth;

Gently strong, the falling raindrops

Bringing wilted flowers rebirth.


Stronger still, the Master Lover

Dissipates my human fears;

Gone all sorrows; gone all anguish;

And the light of hope appears.


Now, the day in beauty dawning,

Now each hour till night from morn,

Breathes its happy benediction,

Jesus in my heart is born.


He who has Thee wants for nothing;

Thy possession, joy supreme,

Font of life with all its riches,

Happiness and peace serene.


Shall I not then, sing Thy praises,

King of kings and Lord of Lords,

If within my heart, I ponder

All the gifts Thy love accords?


As I hasten to unfold Thee

In my arms – myself alone –

Thou art rushing, gently, loving,

To enfold me in Thine own.


Let me count Thy gifts, dear Jesus:

Out from dark eternity,

Thou hast fashioned me from nothing –

Nothing and obscurity.


Thou hast given of Thy nature –

Human me, a thing divine!

Sharing, through Thy loving kindness,

Treasures that are truly Thine.


On a wind-swept hill, deserted,

In a stable, Thou were born.

And Thy death – ah, what a contrast!

Love divine, and human scorn!


These were gifts, but all above them.

Every day, You come to me,

All forgiven; all forgotten,

Smiling, gracious, lovingly.


O the rapture, dearest Jesus,

That Thy thrilling presence brings!

Take me in complete possession,

Son of God and King of kings.


Love of self – the weed most killing –

Root it out and in its place,

Plant Thy Love; make me adore Thee;

Make me love Thee by Thy grace.


Take whatever in me hurts Thee,

So that You and I may be

Joined in everlasting friendship

Now and in eternity


When the sun in glory rises,

When at night, it sinks to rest,

Stay with me, my dearest Jesus,

Loved, by Thou my loving Guest.


Let not life with all its falseness,

Let not Death’s relentless power,

Let no force, however potent,

Break the union of this hour.


Till my dying breath I’ll love Thee;

In my heart, I’ll praise Thy name

Till my human voice in heaven,

Joins angelic hosts’ acclaim.


Then, I’ll gaze on Thee in rapture;

See Thee as Thou truly art;

I shall love Thee – love Thee Always –

Soul to soul and Heart to heart.


God Bless

Heart To Heart Prayer And Meditation

This beautiful prayer makes a meditative pause today, during the July-August 2019 Meditation And Prayer Intervention everyone in every country around the world is invited to participate in as we find time in our days. Scroll down to the post on how meditation and prayer reduced crime in Washington, D.C. by 48 percent. Let’s pray and meditate together and rejuvenate your mind, soul and spirit. Drink from the well that never will run dry.

This prayer was first published as “Ad Quem diu Suspiravi,” from the Latin of Alexander LeopoldFranz Emmerich, Prince of Hohenlohe, Bishop of Sardica. It was translated by the Rev. John F. Duston, S.J.


“He for Whom my heart was sighing
Jesus, now at last is mine.
I possess him and embrace Him
Sharing in His life divine.
So, my soul, with all thy powers,
Let thy hymn of triumph ring
And with holy exultation,
Greet the coming of thy King.
Sad was I. distressed and lonely;
Joyless was the path I trod;
He, above all else the dearest,
Was not near me – He, my God.
Ah! but then He came and entered
In the dwelling of my soul
And the deepest consolation
Held me in its sweet control.
Strong the sun, dispersing shadows
Lowering over the darkened earth;
Gently strong, the falling raindrops
Bringing wilted flowers rebirth.
Stronger still, the Master Lover
Dissipates my human fears;
Gone all sorrows; gone all anguish;
And the light of hope appears.
Now, the day in beauty dawning,
Now each hour till night from morn,
Breathes its happy benediction,
Jesus in my heart is born.
He who has Thee wants for nothing;
Thy possession, joy supreme,
Font of life with all its riches,
Happiness and peace serene.
Shall I not then, sing Thy praises,
King of kings and Lord of Lords,
If within my heart, I ponder
All the gifts Thy love accords?
As I hasten to unfold Thee
In my arms – myself alone –
Thou art rushing, gently, loving,
To enfold me in Thine own.
Let me count Thy gifts, dear Jesus:
Out from dark eternity,
Thou hast fashioned me from nothing –
Nothing and obscurity.
Thou hast given of Thy nature –
Human me, a thing divine!
Sharing, through Thy loving kindness,
Treasures that are truly Thine.
On a wind-swept hill, deserted,
In a stable, Thou were born.
And Thy death – ah, what a contrast!
Love divine, and human scorn!
These were gifts, but all above them.
Every day, You come to me,
All forgiven; all forgotten,
Smiling, gracious, lovingly.
O the rapture, dearest Jesus,
That Thy thrilling presence brings!
Take me in complete possession,
Son of God and King of kings.
Love of self – the weed most killing –
Root it out and in its place,
Plant Thy Love; make me adore Thee;
Make me love Thee by Thy grace.
Take whatever in me hurts Thee,
So that You and I may be
Joined in everlasting friendship
Now and in eternity
When the sun in glory rises,
When at night, it sinks to rest,
Stay with me, my dearest Jesus,
Loved, by Thou my loving Guest.
Let not life with all its falseness,
Let not Death’s relentless power,
Let no force, however potent,
Break the union of this hour.
Till my dying breath I’ll love Thee;
In my heart, I’ll praise Thy name
Till my human voice in heaven,
Joins angelic hosts’ acclaim.
Then, I’ll gaze on Thee in rapture;
See Thee as Thou truly art;
I shall love Thee – love Thee Always –
Soul to soul and Heart to heart.

Good Friday Meditation ~ “Ad Quem Dui Suspiravi”

This beautiful prayer makes a meditative pause today, Good Friday. Find a few quiet moments to

rejuvenate your mind, soul and spirit. Drink from the well that never will run dry.

This prayer was first published as “Ad Quem diu Suspiravi,” from the Latin of Alexander LeopoldFranz Emmerich, Prince of Hohenlohe, Bishop of Sardica. It was translated by the Rev. John F. Duston, S.J.


“He for Whom my heart was sighing
Jesus, now at last is mine.
I possess him and embrace Him
Sharing in His life divine.
So, my soul, with all thy powers,
Let thy hymn of triumph ring
And with holy exultation,
Greet the coming of thy King.
Sad was I. distressed and lonely;
Joyless was the path I trod;
He, above all else the dearest,
Was not near me – He, my God.
Ah! but then He came and entered
In the dwelling of my soul
And the deepest consolation
Held me in its sweet control.
Strong the sun, dispersing shadows
Lowering over the darkened earth;
Gently strong, the falling raindrops
Bringing wilted flowers rebirth.
Stronger still, the Master Lover
Dissipates my human fears;
Gone all sorrows; gone all anguish;
And the light of hope appears.
Now, the day in beauty dawning,
Now each hour till night from morn,
Breathes its happy benediction,
Jesus in my heart is born.
He who has Thee wants for nothing;
Thy possession, joy supreme,
Font of life with all its riches,
Happiness and peace serene.
Shall I not then, sing Thy praises,
King of kings and Lord of Lords,
If within my heart, I ponder
All the gifts Thy love accords?
As I hasten to unfold Thee
In my arms – myself alone –
Thou art rushing, gently, loving,
To enfold me in Thine own.
Let me count Thy gifts, dear Jesus:
Out from dark eternity,
Thou hast fashioned me from nothing –
Nothing and obscurity.
Thou hast given of Thy nature –
Human me, a thing divine!
Sharing, through Thy loving kindness,
Treasures that are truly Thine.
On a wind-swept hill, deserted,
In a stable, Thou were born.
And Thy death – ah, what a contrast!
Love divine, and human scorn!
These were gifts, but all above them.
Every day, You come to me,
All forgiven; all forgotten,
Smiling, gracious, lovingly.
O the rapture, dearest Jesus,
That Thy thrilling presence brings!
Take me in complete possession,
Son of God and King of kings.
Love of self – the weed most killing –
Root it out and in its place,
Plant Thy Love; make me adore Thee;
Make me love Thee by Thy grace.
Take whatever in me hurts Thee,
So that You and I may be
Joined in everlasting friendship
Now and in eternity
When the sun in glory rises,
When at night, it sinks to rest,
Stay with me, my dearest Jesus,
Loved, by Thou my loving Guest.
Let not life with all its falseness,
Let not Death’s relentless power,
Let no force, however potent,
Break the union of this hour.
Till my dying breath I’ll love Thee;
In my heart, I’ll praise Thy name
Till my human voice in heaven,
Joins angelic hosts’ acclaim.
Then, I’ll gaze on Thee in rapture;
See Thee as Thou truly art;
I shall love Thee – love Thee Always –
Soul to soul and Heart to heart.