Point of Light by Randy Travis

Follow along with the words matching the pictures for a moving meditation

There is a point

When you cannot walk away

When you have to stand up straight and tall

And mean the words you say

There is a point you must decide

Just to do it ’cause it’s right

That’s when you become a point of Light

Nelson Mandela

There is a darkness

That everyone must face

It wants to take what’s good and fair

And lay it all to waste

And that darkness

Covers everything in sight

Until it meets a single point of Light

All it takes

Is a point of Light

A ray of hope

In the darkest night

If you see what’s wrong

And you try to make it right

You will become a point of Light


There are heroes

Whose names we never hear

A dedicated army of quiet volunteers

Morgan Freeman

Reaching out to feed the hungry

Reaching out to save the land

Reaching out to help their fellow man

There are dreamers

Who are making dreams come true

Taking time to teach the children

There’s nothing they can’t do

Giving shelter to the homeless

Giving hope to those without

Isn’t that what this land’s all about

One by one

From the mountains to the sea

Points of Light

Are calling out to you and me

All it takes

Is a point of Light

A ray of hope

in the darkest night

If you see what’s wrong

And you try to make it right

You will be a point of Light

If you see what’s wrong

And you try to make it right

You will be a point of Light.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

I Have A Dream ~ Are You A Modern Day Slave?

Martin Luther King, Jr's Speech in Washington in 1963. Photo courtesy of the Navy.
Martin Luther King, Jr’s Speech in Washington in 1963. Photo courtesy of the Navy.

President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863
President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation January 1, 1863

USA Today technology photo.
USA Today technology photo.

Recon Jet Google Glasses(Expected to cost $400 to $600)
Recon Jet Google Glasses(Expected to cost $400 to $600)

Today marks 50 years since Martin Luther King. Jr’s “I Have A Dream,” speech in 1963 in Washington, which at that time marked the 100 year mark of President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation executive order in 1863. Both speeches addressed vicious racism that plagued the land. Martin Luther King Jr’s speech was punctuated with numerous, “Let freedom ring” sprinkled throughout it. There are so many things that make us slaves today, most of which are things that we enslave ourselves with.

How many of us feel free?

Are we truly free, or does today’s technology enslave us?

Do we know the freedom that being completely unplugged from todays latest gadgets makes us feel?

Do we recognize the enslavement that takes place when we give up our freedom?

Is an educational system demanding we participate in their programs by use of 24/7 availability of your time?

Do our family and friends, email, Facebook, My Space, electronic everything insist that we be plugged in 24/7 so you can answer their call?

Does our employment require that we be in constant contact at all moments of the day or night, during work hours, and private family time?

This post is not saying that any or all of today’s modern technologies are only bad. It is saying there has to be a time in every day where human beings can unplug, to personally recharge, listen to the birds, take a walk in nature.

Human beings are forgetting how to be fully human. Human beings are forgetting how to be free. Human beings are being blinded by the shiny new toys of the day.

Does this post create a sense of panic in us?

Does the idea of unplugging from these technologies make you feel abandoned?

Breathe, relax and heal from technology addiction.