Positive Problem Solving ~ Life-Affirming Decisions ~ Peaceful Actions Work Best

Is money the bottom line?

While it is important to acknowledge important information that directly affects us everyday, it is equally important not to loose our Spirit of Love and Light Energy as we go through each day of our life.

It is not helpful to absorb every negative feeling as we keep up with local, national and world atrocities. Internalizing negative emotion on a constant basis as it unfolds before us will make us mentally and physically sick. There is no place in the body that is meant to store excess stress, anxiety, panic and discordant energy. The stomach holds food, the lungs hold oxygen, but excess stress, anxiety, panic and continual discord will breakdown the human body into dis-ease, better known as disease.

Beating the dysfunctional drum of the negative emotions of anger and fear (which is the root cause of anger), though you may feel justified, still ignites an imbalance, which feeds on itself like an avalanche down a steep snow slope, burying everything it its path. It is not necessary to feed on fear for lack of knowing what else to do. We need to rein in our misqualified energy and transmute it into positive, life-giving action that makes a real and lasting change. This is possible for you to do.

What is an effective action we can take to make our voices heard in a way that shines a positive light on the problems we need to address, in the energy of love and unity, not hate and division?

In these days we can take our pick of topics we want to address: racism; tackling the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression; global warming and climate change causing wildfires sweeping across the USA; pollution affecting our oceans, lakes and rivers; farming practices that won’t kill our ozone layer any further; saving the rainforests which are the lungs of our planet; inequality in the work force between men and women; gender equality; oppression and suppression of voting rights in every oligarch, autocrat or dictatorship leaning country; or the current, out-of-control COVID-19 (Sars Co2 – or any other name we switch this particular coronavirus to) pandemic which is nearing 25 million confirmed cases worldwide, and nearly 850,000 deaths worldwide. The USA has nearly 6 million confirmed cases alone, and since yesterday has increased by at least 46,000 cases. The sadest note of all regarding the pandemic is that the USA tops the list of countries worldwide, including Third World Countries. This what happens when we place intuition and guess work above science. It did not have to happen like this. We could have stopped it the same way President Obama stopped Ebola from spreading across the USA. That worked.

Still, we make our own choices, to go along with ignorance, or proven science. The choice is ours. But it seems that ignorance and denial has not stopped this invisible so called  “hoax” of a disease, at least the families of the nearly 850,000 dead people worldwide, nor the families of the nearly 181,000 dead people in the USA, would call this pandemic a “hoax.” Most medical doctors, including Dr. Fauci, tell us that these numbers are most likely higher, not lower, than what has been reported since we still do not have tests for everyone who needs to be tested, as opposed to what some are professing. Some of us die at home alone, untested and uncounted.

Racism, a fear-driven ideology, is present across the globe, not particular to one nation. Racism affects gender equality in addition to skin color, as does differences in religious and spiritual beliefs, as if there is a different God for each of the thousands of belief systems out there. Rasicm is a man-made creation which can respond positively to life-affirming, positive solutions that build up communities. Using discordant energies that promote division only serve to exacerbate the situation, not solve it.

It takes a great deal of integrity, fortitude, and creativity to address systemic racism in the warped minds of people who are ingrained with faux facts since birth, that one race, color, creed, age or gender is better than another because of man-made, inequitable agendas fueled by greed and selfishness rather than decisions made for the good of all.

We are facing the problems of pollution which feed the flames of global warming and climate change, raging in the wildfires burning out of control, caring not for which side of politics is present. Global warming and climate change have no political agenda as the polar caps are melting. They just melt, releasing unknown pathogens and illnesses that have been frozen for thousands of years, regardless of the denial that it is happening to the degree it is.

Doing nothing has not and will not ever solve a dilemma or a situation that desperately needs changing. Ignoring problems that need to be addressed is like holding an air-filled beach ball under water. The longer and deeper it is held under pressure, the greater equal and opposite reaction occurs. We all know this.

Now is not the time for outrageous and outlandish words and actions that will undermine the very problem our hearts, minds and voices are stirring us to face. We cannot deny reality, nor can we sit by, watch and do nothing, as if denying the problem will make it go away.

Now is the time to map out positive, life-affirming solutions, laws, changes in our thinking, even if we stand alone on the island of our peers and co-workers. Now is the time for Truth, Light and Loving solutions. Money is not the bottom line. It never has been. Money is an energy exchange.

What do you want to invest in, money or humanity? Keep in mind, money burns in wildfires just as well as the trees from which it is made.


The Pendulum Swing Of Freedom And Slavery

Prior to the eons of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness and separatness, we were each freedom-2053281_1920born as free human beings, free to live life, free to think our own thoughts, and free to experience through our six senses. That is the original essence of who we are. We come from immortal LIFE and LIGHT manifesting as LOVE. Our souls are the seed of this LIFE, LIGHT, and LOVE, which never dies. Our souls are eternal, as is the Source of our being. We are physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric and astral.

It is not our job in this life to enslave ourselves nor enslave others.

You and I are the pendulums in our lives, programmed by our own throughts, words and actions. We are programmable. We are crystalline in nature. Look at your skin and blood cells under a miscrope and you will see the geometric shapes of which you are comprised. Included in your physical structure is silicon dioxide, quartz crystal, which is highly programmable. Check out your vitamins and the pre-packaged foods on the shelves in your homes and grocery stores. Silicon dioxide if often listed as one of the ingredients.

We do not have to do what others have programmed us to do, think and say. We also have the gift of free will. How are we chosing to use our very own free will? Do we use it to promote Love or NOT LOVE? We have the ability to create change for the betterment of humankind any time we desire to create a better world in which to live.

Over eons of time, some of us created various control systems. Perhaps we needed to learn how to best grow into our own person power in a balanced way. There is a way to stand up in our own power that does not harm others in the same way that we do not wish to be harmed. We are learning, time after time, when the authority of others and their control systems rise to the surface of daily living. These control systems can be seen in every nation in: politics, religion, education, finance, and global caretaking, or not.

Bigotry, caste, class and ignorant distinctions are based on race, color, gender, creed, age, ability, disability, and any other distinction we humans create under our misguided use of free will and personal power. This has been our history from the beginning of time to this day. Control systems are not part of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE that walks the earth in each one of us souls who now wear bodies. We are all intended to be born free human beings. No one human being is any better thn any other human being. We can work together to create a better future, full of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The important point to make here, is that we are all the same, of the same-soul origen.

To see human beings as separate beings is just as ludicrous as saying God is better than God, or that God counts more than God, or that God is more important than God.

The pendulum of freedom has swung far and wide since the sinking of Atlantis over 12,000 years ago, when similar lack of understanding exactly who we are and where we come from caused its demise, generating the cataclysmic global flood. Imbalance of control over other human beings as well as misguided authority over various energetic power systems.

It is not impossible to bring back, to wake up, remember and realize our full human potential. We barely have the time necessary to do this on this world at this moment, if we wish to. If we act now, we can make psychological, emotional and intellectual progress. We do not have to remain in our current state of imbalance and dysfunction, which is a mere shadow of who and what we really are. We all can be better.

We still have the template of our original design held within our DNA blueprints. It is possible, with conscious awareness and greater recognition to welcome in LOVE over NOT Love, PEACE over NOT PEACE, UNDERSTANDING over NOT UNDERSTANDING, and INTELLIGENCE over WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

We are not born into any kind of limiting system (other than our soul is now encased by our body), no matter what present or past earth control systems pontificate. We are not born rich or poor in the worldly standards of judgment. A baby boy born into a loving poor family is far richer than one born into a wealthy family where affections are withheld or used as bargaining chips in life, something to be earned.

When we first made our appearance here on earth, as our souls dropped into time from the ETERNAL LIGHT, LIFE and LOVE beyond, we did not have physical bodies. The vibrations and conscious awareness of our soul-selves were so much higher that the concept of lack and competition manifested in today’s world. We created via thought and desire. Souls that dropped down from eternity out of sheer curiosity came from a place of total and complete LOVE, LIGHT and Life, exactly as all our souls did. Today, it is still our common denominator. Our immortal soul is our God Particle.

If we are all born from LOVE and LIGHT from the Eternal LIFE Itself, from the Author of the Big Bang of all the material Creation, in precise order and eternal expansion, where did we pick up the contrary notion of being separate, or different, or better than anyone or any thing else in this world?

We forgot the very spark of LIFE, LIGHT and LOVE from which we came. As souls, we know we are not of the mortal world, born from material mothers and fathers. That is a matter of recreation (re-creation), not creation. As souls, we knew we came from the Great God of All, from the I AM of old, from the very Name of God Himself.

While in Lemuria, the Land of Mu, we rembered (re-membered) initially that our spark of LIFE came from the Original SPARK OF LIFE. Our etheric souls manifested. We experienced. As with all of our histories, when we do not re-member who we are and where we came from, or go out of balance with the discovery of power and how to use it, through our own exuberance and thrill, we can go one step too far, and sink the good we have done. Not RE-MEMBERING that our souls are the LOVE, LIGHT, LOVE Sparks of the SOURCE of all LIFE,  is like forgetting that the energy carried through the plug comes from the electrical Source of the energy. The plug is not energized until it is plugged into its source. Our souls are truly our God-selves, immortal.

REMEMBER who you are.

That is the origin of our very own I AM Presence, the life of each soul. It is sparked from the eternal spark of the LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE we carry within us. It is part of our essence. It is the very thing that animates us. Without our souls, which return to our eternal soul home, our physical bodies cease to function. We call it death, but it is only the death of this particular body. We were and still are, all eternal in our never ending souls.

The good news is we have eternity to deal with all of this. We have the loving gift of reincarnation. Even in Jesus’ day, Jesus asked the apostles who they thought he was in Matthew 16:13-16. “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus does not correct them by saying there is no such thing as reincarnation. If that were so, that would have been the time to teach that very important point to his apostles. But Jesus did not say that.

The more we remain in density, the denser we become. The more attracted we get to the things that blind us from our original goals here on earth, the more we can misuse free will to become so distracted that we bring on our own demise. Some of us have become extremely dense in mind and body. Over the eons of time, depending on where we chose to live, cataclysm after cataclysm, flood after flood, and ice age after ice age, we have reincarnated in various parts of the world. We discovered we enjoyed going from telepathic language to inventing physical language as the means of human communication. There are many more differences that made us all unique.

Some of us stopped practicing LOVE and focused our attention on NOT LOVE. This brought in a host of other realizations we had not thought of before. It was not until things got way out of control, did we see how far we had fallen from the Source of all LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The pendulum swung completely in the opposite direction into the void of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. What we are experiencing now, others have experienced generation upon generation before us. Without correcting imbalance in all manmade created current realities, it is possible to lose it all again.

Greed grew. NOT LOVE grew. Care of the self over the excluded care of others, even children became our reality. Care of the greater number grew cold to the point children were ripped out of the mother’s arms and put in cages. This was done with plausible explanations why it was acceptable to do. So many of us accepted the unacceptable. People from countries other than ours were also put in cages and treated inhumanly. We closed our eyes to people in death camps, and murdered black people in city streets. There was war after war, as peace was supposedly sought. No country on earth was without these negative side effects from the negative seeds planted.

When we plant seeds of corn, we do not grow tomatoes. Oddly, this fact still suprises some of us.

Whatever you think about comes about. Whatever you focus on happens. We see through our histories this has happened when we only thought of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness, and separatness as goals to attain.

Not all of us throughout history were blinded by greed, unbridled selfishness, and unsynmpathetic to the plights of others. Most of us did remember the Author of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. Through all the ages, we have noticed times of more enlightenment, empathy, compassion, and kindness. Not all of us acted as victims in our own life. Some of us even worked to bring this LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE to others through energy work and crystals, working with humanity and global efforts, and a wide array of projects. A core group of us continue, dedicated to this day to pray and meditate for the raising of the consciousness, knowing All is One.

We can change, even in today’s world, to make a better place for all of us to live in. We do not have to destroy everything by power grubbing grabs over people, places and things. We do not have to melt the polar ice caps, hunt animals life to extinction, ruin this beautiful planet, or trash our atmosphere until it is inhabitable. You and I are the pendulums in this life. If we do not like what we have created (Yes, we have created dysfunction ad well as function), we can put our energy, focus and desire to better our situations.

The pendulum swings from freedom to slavery, as well as from slavery to freedom. In each of our lives, we go in and out of enlightenment. Different things capture our finite attention. We search. We learn. We come to new understanding. We change religions, find religion or have no religion. We can wake up. No matter what our beliefs, there is always more to discover, because Pure LOVE, LIGHT and LOVE is the TRUE essence of our souls, which are eternity itself.


The Pendulum Swing of Freedom And Slavery

Prior to the eons of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness and separatness, we were each freedom-2053281_1920born as free human beings, free to live life, free to think our own thoughts, and free to experience through our six senses. That is the original essence of who we are. We come from immortal LIFE and LIGHT manifesting as LOVE. Our souls are the seed of this LIFE, LIGHT, and LOVE, which never dies. Our souls are eternal, as is the Source of our being. We are physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric and astral.

It is not our job in this life to enslave ourselves nor enslave others.

You and I are the pendulums in our lives, programmed by our own throughts, words and actions. We are programmable. We are crystalline in nature. Look at your skin and blood cells under a miscrope and you will see the geometric shapes of which you are comprised. Included in your physical structure is silicon dioxide, quartz crystal, which is highly programmable. Check out your vitamins and the pre-packaged foods on the shelves in your homes and grocery stores. Silicon dioxide if often listed as one of the ingredients.

We do not have to do what others have programmed us to do, think and say. We also have the gift of free will. How are we chosing to use our very own free will? Do we use it to promote Love or NOT LOVE? We have the ability to create change for the betterment of humankind any time we desire to create a better world in which to live.

Over eons of time, some of us created various control systems. Perhaps we needed to learn how to best grow into our own person power in a balanced way. There is a way to stand up in our own power that does not harm others in the same way that we do not wish to be harmed. We are learning, time after time, when the authority of others and their control systems rise to the surface of daily living. These control systems can be seen in every nation in: politics, religion, education, finance, and global caretaking, or not.

Bigotry, caste, class and ignorant distinctions are based on race, color, gender, creed, age, ability, disability, and any other distinction we humans create under our misguided use of free will and personal power. This has been our history from the beginning of time to this day. Control systems are not part of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE that walks the earth in each one of us souls who now wear bodies. We are all intended to be born free human beings. No one human being is any better thn any other human being. We can work together to create a better future, full of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The important point to make here, is that we are all the same, of the same-soul origen.

To see human beings as separate beings is just as ludicrous as saying God is better than God, or that God counts more than God, or that God is more important than God.

The pendulum of freedom has swung far and wide since the sinking of Atlantis over 12,000 years ago, when similar lack of understanding exactly who we are and where we come from caused its demise, generating the cataclysmic global flood. Imbalance of control over other human beings as well as misguided authority over various energetic power systems.

It is not impossible to bring back, to wake up, remember and realize our full human potential. We barely have the time necessary to do this on this world at this moment, if we wish to. If we act now, we can make psychological, emotional and intellectual progress. We do not have to remain in our current state of imbalance and dysfunction, which is a mere shadow of who and what we really are. We all can be better.

We still have the template of our original design held within our DNA blueprints. It is possible, with conscious awareness and greater recognition to welcome in LOVE over NOT Love, PEACE over NOT PEACE, UNDERSTANDING over NOT UNDERSTANDING, and INTELLIGENCE over WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

We are not born into any kind of limiting system (other than our soul is now encased by our body), no matter what present or past earth control systems pontificate. We are not born rich or poor in the worldly standards of judgment. A baby boy born into a loving poor family is far richer than one born into a wealthy family where affections are withheld or used as bargaining chips in life, something to be earned.

When we first made our appearance here on earth, as our souls dropped into time from the ETERNAL LIGHT, LIFE and LOVE beyond, we did not have physical bodies. The vibrations and conscious awareness of our soul-selves were so much higher that the concept of lack and competition manifested in today’s world. We created via thought and desire. Souls that dropped down from eternity out of sheer curiosity came from a place of total and complete LOVE, LIGHT and Life, exactly as all our souls did. Today, it is still our common denominator. Our immortal soul is our God Particle.

If we are all born from LOVE and LIGHT from the Eternal LIFE Itself, from the Author of the Big Bang of all the material Creation, in precise order and eternal expansion, where did we pick up the contrary notion of being separate, or different, or better than anyone or any thing else in this world?

We forgot the very spark of LIFE, LIGHT and LOVE from which we came. As souls, we know we are not of the mortal world, born from material mothers and fathers. That is a matter of recreation (re-creation), not creation. As souls, we knew we came from the Great God of All, from the I AM of old, from the very Name of God Himself.

While in Lemuria, the Land of Mu, we rembered (re-membered) initially that our spark of LIFE came from the Original SPARK OF LIFE. Our etheric souls manifested. We experienced. As with all of our histories, when we do not re-member who we are and where we came from, or go out of balance with the discovery of power and how to use it, through our own exuberance and thrill, we can go one step too far, and sink the good we have done. Not RE-MEMBERING that our souls are the LOVE, LIGHT, LOVE Sparks of the SOURCE of all LIFE,  is like forgetting that the energy carried through the plug comes from the electrical Source of the energy. The plug is not energized until it is plugged into its source. Our souls are truly our God-selves, immortal.

REMEMBER who you are.

That is the origin of our very own I AM Presence, the life of each soul. It is sparked from the eternal spark of the LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE we carry within us. It is part of our essence. It is the very thing that animates us. Without our souls, which return to our eternal soul home, our physical bodies cease to function. We call it death, but it is only the death of this particular body. We were and still are, all eternal in our never ending souls.

The good news is we have eternity to deal with all of this. We have the loving gift of reincarnation. Even in Jesus’ day, Jesus asked the apostles who they thought he was in Matthew 16:13-16. “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus does not correct them by saying there is no such thing as reincarnation. If that were so, that would have been the time to teach that very important point to his apostles. But Jesus did not say that.

The more we remain in density, the denser we become. The more attracted we get to the things that blind us from our original goals here on earth, the more we can misuse free will to become so distracted that we bring on our own demise. Some of us have become extremely dense in mind and body. Over the eons of time, depending on where we chose to live, cataclysm after cataclysm, flood after flood, and ice age after ice age, we have reincarnated in various parts of the world. We discovered we enjoyed going from telepathic language to inventing physical language as the means of human communication. There are many more differences that made us all unique.

Some of us stopped practicing LOVE and focused our attention on NOT LOVE. This brought in a host of other realizations we had not thought of before. It was not until things got way out of control, did we see how far we had fallen from the Source of all LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. The pendulum swung completely in the opposite direction into the void of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. What we are experiencing now, others have experienced generation upon generation before us. Without correcting imbalance in all manmade created current realities, it is possible to lose it all again.

Greed grew. NOT LOVE grew. Care of the self over the excluded care of others, even children became our reality. Care of the greater number grew cold to the point children were ripped out of the mother’s arms and put in cages. This was done with plausible explanations why it was acceptable to do. So many of us accepted the unacceptable. People from countries other than ours were also put in cages and treated inhumanly. We closed our eyes to people in death camps, and murdered black people in city streets. There was war after war, as peace was supposedly sought. No country on earth was without these negative side effects from the negative seeds planted.

When we plant seeds of corn, we do not grow tomatoes. Oddly, this fact still suprises some of us.

Whatever you think about comes about. Whatever you focus on happens. We see through our histories this has happened when we only thought of greed, bigotry, unbridled selfishness, and separatness as goals to attain.

Not all of us throughout history were blinded by greed, unbridled selfishness, and unsynmpathetic to the plights of others. Most of us did remember the Author of LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE. Through all the ages, we have noticed times of more enlightenment, empathy, compassion, and kindness. Not all of us acted as victims in our own life. Some of us even worked to bring this LOVE, LIGHT and LIFE to others through energy work and crystals, working with humanity and global efforts, and a wide array of projects. A core group of us continue, dedicated to this day to pray and meditate for the raising of the consciousness, knowing All is One.

We can change, even in today’s world, to make a better place for all of us to live in. We do not have to destroy everything by power grubbing grabs over people, places and things. We do not have to melt the polar ice caps, hunt animals life to extinction, ruin this beautiful planet, or trash our atmosphere until it is inhabitable. You and I are the pendulums in this life. If we do not like what we have created (Yes, we have created dysfunction ad well as function), we can put our energy, focus and desire to better our situations.

The pendulum swings from freedom to slavery, as well as from slavery to freedom. In each of our lives, we go in and out of enlightenment. Different things capture our finite attention. We search. We learn. We come to new understanding. We change religions, find religion or have no religion. We can wake up. No matter what our beliefs, there is always more to discover, because Pure LOVE, LIGHT and LOVE is the TRUE essence of our souls, which are eternity itself.


“Nature Does Not Hurry, Yet Everything Is Accomplished” ~ Lao Tzu ~ Repost

Do you ever find yourself rushing around until life’s no fun? Is your to-do-list longer than the distance from here to the moon? Will you turn into a purple pumpkin if you do not get it all

You are part of nature. Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. Soak in the peace and relaxation.

done? How is your blood pressure? Having any physical side effects to stress yet? Is your speech coming out faster than a sonic jet? Texting, eating, drinking, on the cell phone while driving, see the problem? Are you addicted to activity? Where’s the balance?


You are in control of you, not your schedule.

You are in control of you, not other people.

You are in control of you, not the situation.

If the merry-go-round of life is going too fast for you, stop and simplify. Find your balance point. It is literally a matter of life and death. The fastest way to age is to live a life of prolonged, severe stress. Stress brings on major, serious illness and death.

Everyone can push extra hard in life, for a short while, to help someone out, to rise to the occasion, or if the job demands a short but strenuous burst of energy from you. Your employer does not own the rights to your life. You do.

No one can sustain prolonged stress. The body breaks down. Your emotional self breaks down. It is not what nature intended for you on the day you were born. At first you may not associate various ailments and symptoms as stress related. Stress is not a natural state for us. Stress is not good for us, no matter how used to it we are.

How do we break out of this extremely addictive, self-destructive habit of racing through life like a chicken with its head cut off? Like changing any other habit, it is going to take 21 days to try on new habits of relaxation techniques, slow breathing exercises, body stretching, aerobic activity, walking, jogging, bike riding or swimming. You know what works for you. Give yourself breaks, that is life saving.

Take a moment to watch how nature works. Roses do not rush to bloom. They take their time. They open and unfold slowly, all in good time. Savor each moment in this life. You are here for a reason. If you fly through your life too fast, you will miss so much. We all have 24 hours in a day. How you spend it really is up to you.

It is a mistake to give everything on your agenda the same emergency intensity, as if completing each task is equivilent to putting out a fire. You are a human being, not a machine. We all know this. It is good to be reminded from time to time, not to take ourself so seriously. When you’re stressed, the first thing to go is your sense of humor. That’s a clue.

Lao Tzu once said,  “Nature Does Not Hurry, Yet Everything Is Accomplished.”

We are made from nature. We are made of the stuff of the earth. Our vitamins and minerals replenish what we deplete each day, such as magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium, etc.

Stress, worry, anxiety and panic solve nothing. You already know this. It shuts you down, makes you so sick that you want to crawl in a hole or not even get up. They are lower vibrations that do not serve you. You can drop them if you choose to. It truly is a choice. Remember, you think your thoughts. Your thoughts do not think you. If you have had enough of something, or some thought, change it. Switch on some music. Take a walk in nature with a focus on seeing, hearing, touching and feeling a flower, a bird, or even observing people in a coffee shop. Taste an inviting hot chocolate, chai tea, coffee or pomegranate juice, something that sounds good to you. Reach out to that friend that makes you laugh. Raise your vibrations.

It helps to change the constant negative tape that the ego wants to run over and over again in your head. Once you recognize that this tape is no longer serving you to your highest good, you can simply change it. You are in charge of you, not your insane ego that wants to run amuck. The ego thinks it is in charge of you, wants to be in charge of you. The most wonderful news is that it is not!

You are in charge of you, of what you think, of what you deem to be important, of what your next positive steps will be, of what you want your mood to be. Again, remember, moods ALWAYS follow thoughts, not the other way around.

The light is within you. You are light. You are love. The more you read this, the more it will become second nature to you. There is more to you than you know or realize. As soon as you discover something new about yourself, something else new pops up for your awareness and consciousness to take in. You are more than your thoughts. You are more than your body. You are even more than your spirit. There is so much more to you than you realize.

If you would like to connect on a more expanded level with all of your multi-dimensions discussed here, consider registering for the upcoming 13D Multidimensional Transformation Workshop taking place April 25-28, 2019. Register at: linhourihan@yahoo.com. Read the following posts for more details. It is a wonderful time away from your everyday life filling you with renewal, balance, breathing and inspiration.



“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.10423747_10153050671147625_2308527722364642074_n

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves

who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that

other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are born to make manifest the glory of God

that is within us.

It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.

And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously

give other people permission  to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence automatically liberates others.”

– Nelson Mandela

1994 Inaugural Speech


When we choose to carry an imbalance of self-worth within us, we are making the active choice to go into fear, or stay in fear-based, erroneous thought. It is a choice, conscious or unconscious. We choose to think our thoughts. We are not a victim here, unless we choose to be.

The fact that our self-worth is a direct product of what we feed our mind with can be upsetting to some people who do not yet realize that they are in charge of their thoughts, moods, words and actions.

Our thoughts, moods, words and actions do not choose us. We choose them. It is our deciding to believe either what we tell ourselves, or others tell us that can sabotage us.

How do we remedy this?

One way to move past dysfunctional and self-sabotaging habits of the past that have stifled our growth mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, is to begin, or begin again to allow ourselves to think new thoughts.

If we do not like how we are feeling, we need to change how we are thinking. This concept helps with every facet of life, even physical illness. We may not be able to change the past and many other things in our life, but what we choose in our response, of what we to do next, which is the answer to peace, love and joy for the rest of our life.

Remember, it takes 21 days to change a deeply ingrained dysfunctional habit. During these first 21 days of deciding to think, say and do things differently, infusing hope, peace and forgiveness – especially of ourselves; start and re-start again. If we catch ourselves in the old habit, we need to remind ourselves to STOP, and start yet again.

The reason I say to infuse forgiveness – especially of ourselves, is that we can be the harshest of critics, holding grudges to ourselves, which never allows for healing. So, if we really want to grow in self-esteem, to realize that we are perfect as we are, we need to let go of what no longer serves us. Our thoughts, words and actions may have served us in the past. But now is time to wake up and move on. We need to liberate of ourselves from the misguided concepts of perfection.

We are perfect as we are created by the glory of God, which we can radiate, if we allow ourselves to do just that. It is what we choose with our free will once we become aware of the limitless possibilities and opportunities before us that shape our future.

Now is the time to manifest the glory of God in each one of us.

God Bless