The Time Is Right For Change ~ Your Part in Transforming & Empowering Yourself ~ 13D MDT ™ June Class ~ 3 Seats Available

You help everyone else. Here is the opportunity to release, renew and rejuvenate yourself. Discover more about your Self. The world needs you. Practitioners in all levels of all forms of energy work, including Holistic Counseling, Hypnosis, Naturopath, and all other holistic healing therapists are welcome, as well as anyone who feels called to take these classes. The deadline for registration for this class is May 17. There are only 3 seats left.

A percentage of proceeds of the energy classes I teach benefit the Girls Schools in Cambodia so that the girls are not sold into the prostitution and human slavery.

This is not a religious curriculum, nor is it “divine.” Rather, this class is all about cosmic Eternal Universal Life Force Energy that manifests as wisdom, love, understanding via experience, magnanimity, and increased conscious awareness which expands all of the gifts you have already been given. It is like taking the blinders off of your comprehension, mission and dharma in this lifetime. These are potent classes on working with your own energy system which will work so much better for you once you take those caps off all the concepts and constrictions that may be presently in place through your human experience thus far.

New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation (NPMDT ™) classes assist you to release fear, self-sabotage and personal limiting belief systems while you simultaneously open the door to empowering and discovering your ability to maintain and/or gain self-esteem, confidence and competency in your personal, professional, and social circles.

Spring is the time for getting rid of what no longer serves your highest good. This curriculum is a tremendous boost to replace energies that have worn you down.

Life is like an onion. You release what no longer serves you in layers, rarely all at once. Life is not stagnant and presents challenges repeatedly. Even for those of you who have mastered your reality, situations present themselves allowing you to go deeper in releasing, refreshing, and recharging, like rechargeable batteries. NPMDT classes do just that, allowing for a deeper comprehension of so many things you may already know, yet on a much deeper level than you thought was possible. This is an experiential class that you must experience to believe.

DROP THE FEAR that motivates your thoughts, words and actions. Learn the most expansive vibrational frequency transformations available upon the planet at this moment in time in our human history.

Discover how to take charge of your own energy system through meditations and activations which clear blocked pathways from your personal experiences and former comprehension. Keep what serves your highest good and release what no longer serves you.

Activations are not attunements. Attunements attune you to something outside of yourself. Rather, activations literally activate sleeping DNA codes not yet fully recognized within yourself. Sometimes humanity needs assistance from trained NPMDT teachers from the School of Esoteric Science , which is an international school, to activate that which you desire but have yet to achieve yourself. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP.

If this sounds like you would benefit from a new beginning or would like a boost in your energy and/or bodywork in the therapies you offer to others, know that these classes are available to you for your continued personal and/or professional growth and development.

*13D MDT ™ ~ 4-Day ~ 32-Hour ~ Certification Class

*This is one of the prerequisite classes necessary to take prior to taking the Basic Master Teacher Class (as advertised this past April)

The 13D MDT is 4-day, 32-hour workshop takes place on two consecutive weekends, June 1 & 2, AND June 8 & 9, 2024, from 10 am – 6 p.m. The cost for this workshop is $525, due by May 17, 2024, for registration in the School of Esoteric Sciences ™ and timely delivery of the manual and certificate. To register and for questions on this workshop, email me at



Facing Your Inner Dragons

Are you a little stressed out? Are you fighting with the dragons within you? Do you want to gain control? The Dragon is giving you a clue.

Notice in the above picture that the Phoenix is rising to meet the Dragon, which is clinging to two blue Baoding Balls. This is a representation of you each time you feel yourself beginning to be out-of-control, not knowing which way to turn. What is a person to do with the conflict and turmoil within when the pressure mounts and temperature rises?

Why is the Dragon clinging to those blue Baoding Balls?

Baoding Balls are more than just your average stress balls. They are an invention with a deep oriental history of chi merged with the practice of traditional Chinese medicine. Older than the Great Wall of China, their popularity is still growing around the world due to the many benefits they provide for the mind, body, and environment, according to

Let me add that mind over matter thinking is one of the greatest self-help decisions you can make in times of confusion. You are in charge of you, not your fears, not your worries, and not your forecasting gloom and doom. While you might have your own inner dragons, remember you also have your Pheonix rising. Listen to your better selves.

But there is more involved than simply changing your mind. There are also physical things you can do to center yourself. Your body tells on you. When you do not listen to your body, it begins little by little to catch your attention, until after days, months, or years of you ignoring symptoms and putting up with those inconveniences, it demands attention in shutting parts of itself down, requiring major repair or dramatic healing of various dis-eases.

Being strong and pretending to be strong are two different things. Your body knows the difference, even if you are pretending not to notice. While the adage “fake it until you make it” works for short stints until you gain your stability, you literally need to calm down.

Calming down might be the last thing you think of in the middle of a crisis, but it is the only thing that can assist you, allowing you to think clearly. Meditation and contemplation work great, when they work. Yet there are times when relationships are falling apart, jobs are lost, and dis-eases claim the lives of those we love. Staying calm in these moments seems to be a paradox.

There are physical things your body can do to alleviate stress and struggle. Exercise, like walking, Yoga, or going to the gym will help the mind with the extra oxygen intake, as well as muscle movement. But these practical suggestions might be way out of the realm of possibility at moments like these. There are times when the stress is beyond the physical ability to exercise, meditate, contemplate, or even pray past the one sentence plea.

Working with Baoding Balls, revolving them in the palms of your hands, actually calms the mind, body, and spirit. While it is a physical movement you do with your hands, it is also a meditative thing you can do than calms the mind and the spirit.

You need to not listen to that nagging inner voice that tells you immediately, “That won’t work,” or “That is stupid,” or any other self-sabotage bad habit that keeps you stuck right in the dysfunction. People get used to the dysfunction, pain, and/or negative situation that they know, making positive change seem out of reach. Please know that it is not.

Physically, the body has meridian lines that both begin and end at the tips of your fingers. EMTs know that if someone is appearing to have a heart attack, it helps if they apply pressure from their knee as they kneel next to the patient, on the patient’s ring finger of the left hand, a heart meridian point. This kind of technique also works with Baoding Balls.

Baoding Balls are metal balls small enough to hold in one hand. They are also known as Chinese “balls for ball practice” exercise balls, Chinese health balls, Chinese meditation balls, and Chinese medicine balls. Baoding Balls are used by rotating two or more balls repeatedly in the hand. They are intended to improve finger dexterity, relax the hand, or aid in the recovery of muscle strength and motor skills after surgery. Baoding Balls have helped people suffering from arthritis, stress, and stroke to practice kung fu, play sports, and play music. Baoding Balls work similarly to Western stress balls.

For the Mind – When your mind is stressed out, you have trouble focusing and relaxing. Stress can cause you to age faster and the effects on your health are very negative.  Baoding Balls are unique because the way you use them is very rhythmic and relaxing. Rotating the balls is very calming and releases healthy energy by stimulating acupressure points. Baoding Balls also can have musical chimes, when rotated, produce a pleasant melody helping you meditate achieving Zen and harmony.

For the Healthy Body – In our modern world, Baoding Balls for the body is likely more relevant today than before. Our daily lives task our body with repetitive motions. Joints and muscles risk injury by overuse when working at our desks and doing other activities. This has led to conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, arthritis, nerve damage, etc. Baoding Balls stretches the tendons and muscles and works the muscles in balance so one muscle is not overused. The motion of the exercise increases circulation and reduces inflammation on the nerves. Baoding Balls also incorporate the healing effects of Chinese medicine by targeting the meridians of your hand. These elements can be explored further on our website.

For the Stronger Body – Just as there are Baoding Balls great for stress management, Baoding Balls are also made for strength and hand coordination. In ancient times they would use stone or iron balls to build hand and arm strength. It was often used with martial arts. Today, stone balls still exist with iron balls replaced by the more popular steel balls. People greatly interested to build strength and dexterity would start with 2 balls and increase the speed or the number of balls they could work with. There are methods and techniques to go beyond 5 balls in one hand. It really is amazing.

For Long Life and Longevity – The longest living emperor of China, emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, attributed his long life to his daily practice with Baoding Balls. They were prescribed by his personal doctor and the results were a leading reason for the spread of the practice. A healthier mind and body will be beneficial to your longevity and lower stress will keep you feeling younger.

For the Environment – Baoding Balls can be a work of art, often given as gifts to elders. Baoding Balls are painstakingly hand designed by craftsmen featuring beautiful cloisonne artwork and hand painted artistry. Another technique is by hand engraving elegant designs on metal balls. They are functional and beautiful to look at. Similarly, Baoding Balls made from gemstones such as jade can be a stunning and eye-catching piece to your surroundings while bringing in the positive metaphysical energy of the gemstone. Keeping one of these kinds of Baoding Balls is like adding a piece of art to your environment while being functional at the same time. As in feng shui, beauty triggers positive feelings and positive changes.


Claircognizance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance Needs To Be Grounded ~ Don’t Forget The Grounding

For those of us with the gifts we recognize as claircognizance, clairsentience, 1 clairsentience
clairaudience and clairvoyance, we can become as if unhinged from ourselves, as if riding a bucking bronco has taken over us, while at other times, it is as if we have turned into a stone statue, immobilized by the bombardment of our extra-seneory perceptions. Those of us who have been inundated by such emotions can relate to the empty seashell sensations of the senses. These feelings are not something to be controlled, or forced by the will to obey. That just won’t happen.

What’s a person to do, who is suffering from sensory overload?

Trying to act as if you are fine, when you clearly are not, is quite a quandry if you do not remember to GROUND YOUR ENERGY.

While we know about GROUNDING, (we’ve known this since birth while playing in the sandbox and at the seashore), we forget about this in the midst of the very real crisis. The more you concentrate on how you are feeling, the worse it will get. (You know this from birth too). What you focus on GROWS. (You also know this). The runaway horse you are riding will keep taking you for a ride until you remeber who is in charge. The horse is not in charge of you. YOU are in charge of you. You are not only in charge of you, you are in charge of that runaway flighty horse as well.

The same principle applies with the stone statue analogy. You are in charge of your being, not the figurative glue holding the stones together. When you are ready, imagine your higher self giving you permission to simply melt the glue, allowing the stones to neatly form a beautiful wishing well, or waterfall.

If you say you can’t do anything, you are absolutely correct. Henry Ford, creative founder of the Ford Motor Company, put this in a nutshell, “If you think you can or can’t do a thing, you are absolutly correct.”

The mind is so powerful that it takes what you say to be the gospel truth, and makes what you say a reality.

Know too, that there is a way out of being immobilized, and a way off that runaway horse that hijacked you.

The key to regaining your sense of self, of returning back into your own skin, is GROUNDING. Here are some things that can help you, whether the COVID-19 pandemic has emotionally shut you down from being cloistered in your home, or whether your overlaod comes from your psychic gifts.


Drink Coffee
Eat Red Meat
Walk barefoot on the earth, in the forest, the beach, or soft green grass
Make affirmation statements like: I AM Love, or I AM Whole
Run cool or wram (not cold or hot) water over your hands, face or feet
Take a bath or shower
Hold Amethyst, since it transmutes lower energies to higher. Amethyst clears the aura and stabliizes and transmutes any dysfunctional energy located within your body
Listen to your favorite music (as long as it is positive), and dance if possible
Hug someone or a tree
Do breathing exercises slowly in and out, deep breaths of 15 breaths (which also lowers your blood pressure)
Rub your palms together
Clench and unclench fists
Stamp feet
Mindfully walk, preferably outside
Write a list of things that make you happy
Dig in the garden
Water the garden
Read or listen to a meditation
Lit a candle

Reading this list might trigger some other grounding things you like to do.

Clairsentience is clearly feeling to a heightened degree both what you and others are feeling. When I had four offices of The Massage Clinic in Connecticut, I would notice that when I got feelings that were not mine. I would ask the client about the situation. Sure enough, I was able to help them come into a healthy sense of balance. Clairalience is the sense of clear smelling, and is connected to clairsentience. You are an empath, but you are not a victim of your gift. You can work with your angels, God, spirit guides and/or animals guides in working with you to adjust this energy gift. You also need to come to terms with why you think you were given this gift ( it is not a punishment) and how best to use this gift, for yourself, for humanity and for the world. How have you used this gift thus far in the betterment of humankind? Since clairsentience is a feeling gift, the above GROUNDING exercises are appropriate. Tell you mind to stop distracting thoughts during the GROUNDING exercises. Consciously focus your mind on the task at hand. GROUNDING usually breaks the overload. Pay close attention to how the green grass feels and looks under your feet, for example. Notice its exact color, texture, smell, etc.

Claircognizance is the gift of knowing. This is the gift I am strongest in. This is when you get energetic “hits,” when to leave a person, place or thing, or you find you know subjects that you have never studied, or you suddenly know something that will help you out of the blue, or informs you of some sense of danger.

While you may be stronger in one of these clair-gifts, once you start to hone in on one, the others can get stronger in you as well. If you have stopped in your life path for some reason or another, no worries, you can simply pick up where you left off. The gifts can diminish of you do not use them, but they also get stronger when you use them. I find it not as easy for me to feel overloaded with claircognizance as with clairsentience.

Clairaudience is the gift of hearing either physically or in the mind. I often get this directly upon waking in the morning, especially if I have gone to sleep with a question on my mind. That’s when I wake up with a short, clear message to do something. It’s not like I pondered over the thought in the morning. It is a directive. I always follow that one. Usually this is not a gift that overloads. It’s not like the directives are constant or overloading.

Clairvoyance is the power or faculty to discern objects not present to our senses. This one is cool. I can simply ask in my mind where “it” is, then I feel directed to go directly to it, even if it is not in plain sight. I have an uncanny knack for knowing where a lost object is, even if I never saw it before, or never put it “there.” Again, this is not usually one people feel overloaded with. I always say, go with the guidance.

I have also put out into the ethers the things that I need, with no direction on how to get it, like the day John and I were driving down the road and I said, “Hey God, I need a bail of hay for my strawberries.” This was a few years ago. No sooner had I said this out loud in the car, then we came upon a bail of hay, sitting by the side of the road where it did not belong, which obviously fell off someone’s truck. No one was around. That was a quick answer.

Remember, you control your thoughts. Your thoughts do not control you.

You have free will.

You are not the victim of your gifts.

If you do not like how you are feeling, CHANGE HOW YOU ARE THINKING.

Thoughts are powerful, but you control them.

The key is balance.


Our Hands Are The Only Hands God Has To Work With On Earth

About 30 years ago, before his passing, Bishop George E. Rueger told me in spiritual direction, that we are the only hands that God has to work with on this earth. At the time I was spinning my wheels, trying to get closer to God, trying to do more teaching at CCD and adult bible studies, and seeking more retreats to get closer to God. It was as if I could just do more, or take the right classes myself, I could better understand what God wanted me to do and share that with others. I have always, since I was 14 years old, felt the intense need to be an active part of the teaching ministry of God. Bishop Rueger told me, “Our hands are the only hands God has to work with on earth.”

Come to find out, he was right.

You and I are made in the image of God. How we choose to live up to the image of God is reflected in how we choose to live each moment of every day in the years we are given on this earth. We can act on this or not. We are guided by life-saving rules of how to treat God the Creator and each other in the Ten Commandments. Jesus tells us that he came not to destroy these rules, but to fulfill them. Then Jesus simplifies the  rules, compressing them all into one, and gives us the Golden Rule; treat others the way you wish to be treated.

God experiences through you and through me. Check out Ephesians 2:22 where it says, “You are also builder by him for a habitation of God through the Spirit.”

God is eternal, eternal wisdom, eternal power, eternal justice and eternal LOVE.

In Colossians 1:26, 27 it says,  “Even the mystery which has been hidden from ages from generations, but now is revealed to his saints; to whom God wanted to make known his riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you” and 1 Corinthians 3:23 confirms “And you are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.

Jesus said in Luke 17: 20,21, “When some of the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come, he answered, saying to them, the kingdom of God does not come by observation. Neither will they say, Behold, it is here! or, behold, it is there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within* you .”

* NOTE: Many bibles change “within” to the word “among,” meaning the kingdom of God is outside of you, However, if you read down to the footnote on this passage in your bible, original translation say the kingdom of God is WITHIN you, as does the Interlinear Bible which translates Hebrew, Greek and English.

God Bless