Renegade Child Bullies Grow Into Adult Bullies When They Are Never Held Accountable ~ How To Deal With A Bully Unless You Want A Generation of Bullies And People Who Cower To Bullies

People are not born bullies. They are usually first bullied by others, ingraining them with the perversion to bully to get their own way, as a means of payback, strong arming others into doing their bidding, to avoid getting into trouble themselves, or to push their dark sinister plots. Their tell-tale mantra is, “Might is right.” Unless you stand up to a bully in your personal, professional, or public life, they will continue to bully. If no one has the integrity and moral fortitude to stand up for that which is right, a generation of cowards is born from inaction.

Silence is agreement.

This is the way of the lawless who bark out that they want law and order to prevail, but only for others, not themselves. The habit for this kind of thought process and renegade behavior traditionally begins at young and impressionable ages of children.

Children of all ages will try and/or undergo the most outrageous things as they attempt to learn to stand up for themselves.

This happens to the most innocent among us. Once when I was in first grade, I bit a friend. Oh my God, I actually bit a friend in the classroom. To this day I do not remember why I did that. My mother was called in and I had to go out and stand in the hall, the punishment of my day. My mother was called into the school to speak with the teacher then and there. I found this to be humiliating. I’m sure the friend who I bit was not impressed by my out-of-control reaction also. The point here is that I received an immediate and just-deserved punishment.

There was no waiting, the innocent friend who I bit did not also have to be punished in the hall, nor have her parent also called in. We both did not receive the same punishment. My mother did not sue the school, nor the teacher. I was the one who had wronged another. This was not the teacher’s fault, nor the school’s fault. It was my own fault. There was instant cause and effect, instant Karma.

Years later, as a mother, I called the elementary school teacher after school one day because in her classroom and under her watchful eye, some of her students were picking up one of my daughters, spinning her around against her will. She was the smallest one in the class and was humiliated by this. They all thought this was so funny. My daughter did not and was coming home crying day after day. I tried to empower her with my words, but when that failed, I called this teacher to say that my daughter was being bullied in her classroom, right under her nose.

To my surprise, the teacher told me that there was nothing she could do, that my daughter herself had to set her own boundaries. Notice the difference in teacher authority of the behavior that would be tolerated in the classroom of the first teacher as opposed to the second teacher. Obviously, my daughter’s “friends” were not listening to her when she told them her boundaries. The bullying continued until I called the parents of the girls.

Wouldn’t it be nice if all people being bullied could tell people to stop, and they would. This teacher allowed the bullying to continue. I made it stop. But without my intervention, this daughter’s self-esteem would have taken a major hit at an impressionable time in her life.

That is how it is with bullies. They continue until someone makes them stop. It is not right to punish the offender and the person who was already wronged, which would victimize them twice. That is cruel punishment in my book.

This is how we have home-grown bullies now at the helm of powerful positions, thinking they can do what they want, whenever they want, without penalty. This is also why we now have a generation of people who cower to bullies, most of whom get away with lying, cheating and worse depending on who they have connections with, or how much money they can pay off.

Recent extreme actions are taking place in full view of the public by those who think they can get away with anything because until now, they always have.

George Floyd died at the knee of police and by police agreement with the crime.

How do you counteract the undercurrent of systemic racism and bully mentality that is permeating the country and the world, such as the shocking thoughts of, “I don’t agree with your politics so I can break into your house, shoot you while you sleep, beat you up, or kneel on your neck for nine minutes until you die?”

Right after the death of George Floyd, I was in the local gym and overheard one guy tell another guy that people ought to keep their politics out of sports, since Colin Kaepernick had just taken a knee during the National Anthem at the previous football game, using his freedom of speech to quietly and honorably take a stand against racism. It was impossible for me not to tell my personal trainer within the earshot of these two men, that the next time I heard the National Anthem that I was going to take a knee. The two men became silent.

We see renegade Republicans thinking that they are above the law, twisting laws as if they were pretzels made just for them, stoking lies and conspiracies, because the bully traits never change. These bullies never learned to be fully human, only fully animals, blinded by greed, materialism, sexism, among other distracting things. All humans are part of the animal kingdom, but it is our humanity, complete with empathy and compassion that is the difference between a bully animal and a mature person with a fully developed character. Most recently these bullies did not agree with lawfully obtained search warrants and committed the crime of breaking and entering as if wrong is the same thing as right.

What are people to do when faced with evil, dark and sinister evil gone out of control?

PRAYER is the only answer for most of us not with legal, political, or financial means to do anything else.

Archangel Michael uses his fiery Christ-blue sword of lightening to transform the darkness of the world into Light, Love, and the Abundance of All Good Things. The world will be a better place in which to live if we all choose PRAYER, TRUTH, WISDOM, PEACEFUL POWER, INTEGRITY, and PERSONAL STRENGTH OF CHARACTER, not bully power.

The earth has lived through other ice ages, political corruption, and religious wars before. Once the fires of greed, materialism, consumerism, egoism, get billowed by the unabated windstorm of pride, the scales tip in the direction of the wind. Presently, we do have choices.

All is not lost, yet. We can peacefully, and legally stand up to the bullies of today by PRAYER, just as Archangel Michael did in the course of right. He stood up to the bully Souls of the Fallen Angels and their Nephilim Sons. He still stands up to these same bully dark Souls who never stopped influencing and, in some cases, inhabiting the weak minds of humanity, since these Souls could not return to heaven, remaining here to this day. We see their results. So, when those of us who are not in the positions of political, religious, nor financial authority to help in those ways, we can PRAY for the Divine Assistance of Archangel Michael and Divine Love and Light, which is the only known help against the darkness and evil in this world.
