Jesus Was Born in September When the Flocks of Sheep and Shepherds Were Still in the Fields at Night ~ December 25 is the Feast Day of Pagan god Mithra

Sepphoris are shorter Palm trees native to Bethlehem at the time Jesus was born. Sepphoris is also the ancient Greek name of the town which has the Hebrew name of Tzipori. Hist0ry shows the Magi visited Jesus, Mary, and Joseph when he was 2 years old in Bethlehem, which is why Herod sent the order out for his henchmen to kill all baby boys ages 2 years and under. They were not part of this popular Christmas scene. I teach about this accurate history in my new book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM.

No one knows the real birthday of Jesus. But one thing is for sure. It is not on December 25. Several facts point to the actual birth of Jesus taking place in September. Humanity glosses over a lot of facts when it wants to believe something that is not true, but popular especially if it is based on tradition.

Let us look at the facts. At the time of the birth of Jesus, when that big new star was shining in the night sky, shepherds were out in the fields, watching their flocks by night. Shepherds were able to keep their flocks of sheep out in the fields day and night during the summer and into the early autumn months, until the rainy season began. They went by the Jewish months in the Torah. The rainy season was called Heshvan, in what is now autumn. When the winter months arrived, it was too cold with frost and snow to keep the sheep out in the fields. Shepherds were not out in the fields during the winter.

Remember that the reason for Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem, as this bible story is told, was to register for the census. It was the first registration of people of the earth of its kind. Caesar Augustus sent out a decree for all the inhabited earth to be registered. Even the Syrian Governor Quirinius was interested in the outcome. Everyone belonging to the house of David had to register in Bethlehem. This census would not have taken place in the winter when the roads would have been treacherous with ice and snow. However, other than the bible, history does not have a record of such a census.

So why was the celebration of the birth of Jesus put on December 25?

The decision to put the birth of Jesus on December 25, the Iranian god Mithra’s (their sun god’s) birthday, was to Christianize it, if there is such a thing.

The original December 25 celebration was established by none other than Nimrod of Babylonian fame. Nimrod and his wife, Ishtar, pronounced “Easter”, who self-dubbed herself as “Semiramis, Night Goddess of the Moon,” began the ungodly celebrations. They also created popular new customs that became instantly popular, like cutting down evergreen trees and decorating them with silver and gold ornaments, putting up wreaths and mistletoe, and Yule logs.

Sound familiar?

At the time of the birth of Jesus, approximately 6-4 BCE, people did not want to give up these popular customs, except for the child-sacrificing part. By this time, they also included celebrating the god of sowing and harvest, Saturn, which was celebrated on December 17 (in today’s calendar). This is the famous Saturnalia festival. Nimrod expanded the celebrating time between December 17-25 as a time of unbridled revelry, anything goes, wild parties, drunken orgies, decadent food, and, of course, his fear-based sacrificing their first-born children to the fire so they, the parent, would reach enlightenment. It was also a power-play of fear to obey Nimrod. If they did not sacrifice their first-born child, they were made to “walk through the fire” themselves.

What kind of “god” would require this horrible tradition?

When the Roman government wanted to rule over the entire world, it was decided to put the celebration of the birth of Jesus on Mithra’s feast day, December 25, as a way to entice new Christians to switch over to belief in Jesus, instead of celebrating Mithra as the “Sun god.” They thought they could trade the “Sun god,” for the “Son of God.” However, all of the customs and traditions that celebrate the false, man-made god Mithra (man-made by Nimrod and Ishtar), remain to this day, like Easter, the famous “Ishtar” celebration with “Easter,” as in “Ishtar” eggs and celebrations in the spring.

All of the other religious holiday traditions likewise replaced secular feast days and celebrations, like the Spring and Fall Equinoxes and the Summer and Winter Solstice celebrations.

Many Christians today are taking a closer look at Christmas as the “reason” to celebrate the birth of Jesus. If Christians truly believe that Jesus is the “reason for the season,” then we ought to be celebrating the birth of Jesus when he was actually born, in September, not on a false, pagan god holiday, complete with all of the false God’s customs and traditions, on December 25.

This Babe, Jesus, came to shine the Light of God and to inform humanity that the Light of God also is within everyone who adopts his profound example of peace, forgiveness, and genuine love. This is the Christ Eternal Universal Life Force Energy he came to share. It invokes a metanoia of the heart, from the seed of Nimrod inclination (a seedling remnant of Nephilim genealogy) to the Christ Energy illumination which this New-Born Babe later taught in his life’s example.

Was the world ready to hear this?

The words of Jesus were conveniently changed to “among you” for a few centuries, changing the meaning of the words of Jesus, but all bibles are currently correcting this error, in Luke 17:20-21.

Have you ever asked yourself why there are so many Roman Catholic Churches in every city and state in the world?

As mentioned earlier, the Roman government wanted to rule the world. The bishops at the Council of Laodicea had to get their changes also approved by the Roman Emperor. It was not merely a religious consideration. Today we would call this the union of church and state. My book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS goes into detail about exactly how this happened.

There is much that has been misunderstood about the life of Jesus, including what has been neatly omitted from modern bibles, which does appear in the hidden scriptures found at Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Books of Enoch hold such pearls from which even Jesus has quoted.

Some groups wanted to preserve those poignant words of Jesus, like the Cathars. Hiding these words of enlightenment would preserve them until the time came for them to be understood by humanity.

Other groups in power did not want the empowering words of Jesus to continue to spread. It is understandable why certain religious and political groups wanted to suppress the words of Jesus from his ages 12 to 30. This is one of the reasons for the Crusades, which paint the extreme measures religious and political leaders went to silence those who believed all the words of Jesus.

There is so much more for us to know than the convenient stories that have repeated on an infinity loop since what has been taught since sixth grade. This is exactly why I wrote my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS. This is the first book in this trilogy.

Read this book if you want to learn more about accurate history found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, 52 mostly Gnostic treatises, 3 works belonging to Corpus Hermeticum, and a partial translation of Plato’s Republic. It was discovered that these codices may have once belonged to a nearby Pachomian monastery.

Religious censorship prohibited humanity from learning empowering knowledge that would have advanced historical knowledge for nearly 2,000 years. Since 367 AD Athanasius preferred humanity only know the first 12 years of the life of Jesus and his last 3 years, for a total of 15 years, while burying the other 18 years of the life of Jesus.

It is unconscionable that humanity has been kept in the constrictive bounds of grammar school knowledge concerning the life of Jesus. I wrote IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS so humanity can finally learn all that Jesus taught, not only the sanitized and manipulating version that places the flocks of religions and political groups under the controlling thumb of oppression, fear, obligation, guilt, and threats to their immortal Spirits/Souls.

It is time to come out of Plato’s allegorical cave of ignorance. Give yourself a special Christmas present and learn all that Jesus Christ came to teach you. It is all explained in my new book, available at:

God Bless Everyone Everywhere