Harmonious Manifestation of Life ~ Liberty ~ Freedom ~ Justice For All

“Close-up shot of the Liberty Bell with Independence Hall in the background at dusk. Located in downtown Philadelphia, this monument to liberty continues to draw crowds on a daily basis.”

The Liberty Bell has struck a cord in the hearts of most citizens in the United States of America as well as worldwide. Church bells and fireworks in many countries across the globe join us in celebration, that sensibility and human dignity for all life have returned to this land. With the news of President-Elect Joe Biden, even the Dow is up by 1,100 points.

Wherever we see discord, sow seeds of peace in our thoughts words and actions. The obvious dark seeds of crtitcism, condemnation and judgment only serve to create more of the same. That is the origin of almost all of the distress of mankind. These three things alone are what really deprive humanity of a flood of every good thing. It is time to lift ourselves out of the minutiae of what no longer serves us.

Don’t forget, what you think about you bring about. Focus on the good you want to do as opposed to focusing on the dark energies and manifestations before you that hideously and insideously capture your attention. The way to change things for the better is to concentrate on bringing in the love, light and life as the remedy.

It’s hard to sing a happy song while continuing to beat the dirge drum of dysfunction. Imagine planning your next vacation once this pandamic is over. You review over and over the places you have already been and do not wish to repeat. It’s one thing to take an assessment of where you have already been. It’s a totally other thing to stay stuck in assessment, going over and over in your mind where you do not want to go. Until the moment you decide to stop living in the past will you decide to make the best decisions for your future.

Speaking of the pandemic, let us unify, combining the best advise from science, medicine and technology to solve the current COVID crisis, which has a positive recommendation proven to protect all of us all around the globe: wear a mask and stay socially distanced by at least 6 feet from each other.

Focus on continuing to build on the firm foundation already laid for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Obviously we do not build up democracy while we are tearing it down. There has been so much attack on democracy, freedom and justice for all people during these last four years in the United States of America. The chaos brought on by such energies of unconscionable tragedies deflecting truth, dehumanizing actions, and self-serving agendas capturing our attention, diverting us from the good we can now do.

We have found ourselves in survival mode these past four years, in the fight or flight of daily living amid losing jobs and our homes, and in some cases lives by the loss of our loved ones in the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping unabated though our nation.

Today is a new day. The breath of light, hope, inspiration, and positive solution is again dawning in all areas of possibility. Let the problems of the past dissolve as piles of sand as the the sea and wind dissolve them in a new purifying, harmonious, radiant creation.

To all energy workers in the world, let us all take time out of each day to focus on sending healing Light and Love to all areas in the globe calling out to us. The United States of America is not the only country that can benefit from democracy, freedom, liberty and justice in order that the pursuit of happiness be gained by every human being on the planet. Also send the radiant, healing energy of Light and Love to put an end to this global pandemic that has ravaged the world.

He who is in you is God, your very own God Particle, you I AM Presence. This is what Jesus referred to when he said in Luke 21:17 that the kingdom of God is within you. This is your Silver Cord of Eccelesiastes 12:6. You’ve got this.

Pray, meditate, reflect, ponder, and wonder about your spot in this world, and why you are here. Why are you still here? If you are still here and reading this, there is more for you to do. With God there is no space or time. Love is instantanious, so is positive affirmation, hope, peace, joy, integrity, magnanimous spirit, and a host of other wonderful traits we can use for the abundance of all good things.

The secret and motivating force behind meditation and prayer, and getting any positive thing done, is your feelings. This part cannot be overstated enough. It is not enough to simply meditate or pray as a begger. No. It is necessary to meditate and pray as the child of God that you are. You are the very heartbeat of God on earth. What you think about, you bring about. Remember that.

God Bless

Remember It Is The Observer, Not The Observed That Is The Reality ~ Quantum Theory

It does not matter if you are observing anything in nature, a relationship, or any activity, including the political scene. Remember, it is the observer, not the observed that is the reality. If you do not like what you are seeing, feeling or thinking, you will dramatically change the outcome on its present course by lifting the vibrations of your next highest thoughts, words and actions in the direction you wish to go, or have succeed.

Quantum Theory is the impetus at work. It works every time. It is the foundation of holistic health, bodywork and energywork. What you think about, you bring about. It is how you manifest good things in your life.

Thoughts, words and actions are living things. They are not stagnant. They are pulsating and energizing in one way or another, depending on the focus you put on them. There is no judgment here. It simply works.

For example, if I decide to stay angry (or jealous, frustrated, inferior, any negative emotion) because I feel I am justified to be angry (or jealous, frustrated, inferior, any negative emotion), and I dig my heels in refusing to budge, because that is the way I am feeling; then there is no way I will allow myself to release the negative emotion and will not get happy. In this case, what I am focusing on actually shuts me down, bringing on depression, anxiety, panic and stress to the point of hair falling out, if I do not rectify the situation by my very next thought. That is my own free-will choice. I can choose the positive or the negative approach. Choices are not thrust upon me. I freely have the freedom of what to think.

No one is a victim of their thoughts. Thoughts do not run rampant in our minds, controling our thoughtless words and renegade actions. Notice how you are feeling. Feelings are a dead give away to the thoughts you allow. The more you think any thought, the more you are the observer of the thought. The more you observe your thoughts in any particular mindset, the more the thought begins to transform, taking on a life of its own through your decisions and actions.

You, the observer, are the reality of your personal life, your home life, your social life, your work life, your spiritual life, and your political life. The supposed reality you witness by your focused attention playing out in the world today is what has manifested by your past focused energy. When you decide you no longer want what you have created, you change your thoughts and go in a brand new direction. This works individually and collectively.

The pendulum of your thoughts is not static. It is dynamic. This pendulum of thought swings from side to side, from far right to far left. But with enough concentrated attention through your observation, you begin the chain of events that changes what you are observing.

This is a good principle in life to remember when it comes to the political scene. I advise you to only concentrate on the positive message, and good ideas you can personally promote. Avoid concentrating on what you do not want, which will naturally, through cause and affect make that grow. Negative (criticism, judgmental, condemnation) is always counterproductive to your goal.

Construction of positive messaging, sharing your positive thoughts about what you consider the good candidate to do for you, your friends and your family, and considering why you feel the way you do, will build up the necessary energy of goodwill, integrity, honesty and valor. This is a solid foundation built on integrity and honesty.

Notice how negative thoughts and messages often include what you do not want, like, dishonesty, manipulation, and gaming the system. There is no honor in negative messaging. I compare it to shaking the hornets nest. No good can come of that reality.

To concentrate on what you do not want energizes more of what you do not want. Many of us are by now saturated by what we do not want. Let us decide to be done with that.

This can be a hard habit to change. But when you find yourself going against the good you decide to do, and find yourself backsliding to the contagious negative messaging against the other side, tell yourself, “STOP!”

That single word is a trigger to switch gears, much like flipping the switch at the junction for the train to continue moving along in a different direction. The train does not come to a complete stop at the switch site, unless ordered to from the main control center in case of oncoming train traffic. No, the train usually simply continues on another track by the conscious choice of the conductor.

You can also switch gears in your head. It does not take any more energy to say the good of the situation, the plan, the new positive solution as opposed to the critical, judgmental, condemnation of the negative side of things.

Whatever you focus on grows. What do you want to grow faster?

Remembering Quantum Theory and how it applies to your life, is the single best piece of advise I can give on how to heal a person, and how to heal a nation. It always works.

The following information is from the Weizmann Institute of Science and recorded in Science Daily:



Don’t Despair ~ Do This

We live in untenable times. Many of us have lost our homes, our jobs and in the worst cases, to date over 176,000 of us in the USA have lost our lives to a world-wide pandemic. Here in the USA, we have 5,713,776 confirmed cases of COVID-19, which include over 48,000 new cases today 8/22/20 alone. The USA leads the world in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths related to it. Worldwide, there have been nearly 23 million confirmed cases, and almost 800,000 deaths. Yes, there have been 14,715,412 recoveries worldwide.

People argue the technical reasons for these deaths, saying they are from other causes which are also present, or even telling others not to call it a world-wide pandemic, or “promote fear” by reporting on the numbers, as if by denying the deathwave that has crossed our country will stop its march, or to whatever name we change this killer virus. Denying reality does not change it.

Denial of climate change and lobal warming also does not stop its reality. The wildfire season has now hit our western shores and spreading inland, destroying forests, the lungs of our planet, while simultaneously compromising our own lungs and lives. The denial of climate change and global warming do not reflect the reality we are living in, with megastorms, hurricanes and tornados, and heat waves in recording breaking numbers. It would be supposed reasons to sink into despair, if it were not for one thing.

Despair will not lift any of us out of the situations in which we are finding ourselves these days. No one will solve any situation through despair. We know this. To dwell on our present situation as if that is all there is and ever will be, is to decide to stay stuck exactly where you are finding yourself now. Concentrating on self-deflating feelings are the bucket of cement that will ensure that nothing changes. People these days are so into not denying their feelings that they make the common mistake of recognizing and validating their feelings, with thinking they need to stay with these feelings because that is how they are feeling. As long as we buy this lie, we will not heal.

If personal safety is an issue, CALL someone. With staying home, abusive situations can escalate. No one has a right to harm you.

What are the signs we need to watch out for?

  • The other person always criticizing you.
  • The other person always telling you what to do.
  • Having to answer to the other person.
  • Having to keep to the time schedule of the other person.
  • Always having to ask for permission to think, say or do anything.
  • Having the other person always manipulating you.
  • We all have the God-given right to life. We all have the right to live our lives the best way we see fit. We do not need to live our lives under someone’s thumb.

We do not need to live our lives in debilitating fear, obligation and guilt of someone else injuring ourselves or themselves in some way.

There are suicide prevention hotlines. There are abuse hotlines. There are mental health providers.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255

National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800-799-7233

Rape Abuse Incest National Network (RAINN): 800-656-4673

National Sexual Violence Resource Center: http://www.nsvrc.org

Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline: 800-422-4453  http://www.childhelphotline.org

US Department of Health and Human Services: 800-994-9662 http://www.womenshealth.gov/relationships-and-safety/get-help

You and I, unless we are specially trained with degrees in these mental health fields, are not trained to deal with these real life and death matters. Yes, we care about the people in our lives. We serve no one when we shut ourselves down along with the manipulating and/or mentally sick person. That is not helping.

What will lift us out of despair?

1. Acknowledge your feelings. Feelings are not right or wrong, they just are.

2. Decide to change your feelings from those of despair, depression, helplessness or any other dysfunctional negative feelings that is binding you into fear and immobilization.

3. Realize that deciding not to stay stuck with despair, depression, helplessness or any other dysfunctional negative feeling does not invalidate the feelings, nor you.

4. Make a conscious choice as to what feeling you want to have, the next lighter feeling in freedom which you can think.

5. Focus only on the feeling you are planning to achieve. Notice I did not say “trying” to achieve. The words “trying” is an open door to failure. It is a way out for you to be able to say, “At least I tried.” Do not “try” to do anything. DO IT. Realize that you can be happy, right where you are, in a line waiting for food, speaking with others in life-affirming statements on the streets, which bring about other possibilities and opportunities not yet realized.

6. Organize your thoughts, words and actions. Be the change you wish to see in the world around you. By encouraging others in positive ways, you encourage yourself. As long as you are living, breathing and moving, you have the ability to change despair into functional conversations with positive plans to help yourself and others. Make sure you use your voice to VOTE. No one can take away your human rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

7. Know that you are not alone. While resposible people remain wearing masks and social distancing, we can reach out by cell phones and social media, zoom, Skype and many other current ways to build each other up, support noble ideas for the common good of all people; and change ignorance into intelligence. Where there is darkness, shine your light of a smile, encouraging words to yourself and your family and friends, and be the Light on the hill for all to see by.

I only chose 7 suggestions out of a thousand I could mention. Perhaps one of these triggers another thought, which then brings you to an even better thought. Go with the next highest vibration of thought to lift you out of despair.

It all begins with with a DECISION to feel better. These times are tough, but they are not the end. You are stronger than you realize. We grow in character when we face tough times.

I used to pray for patience, a lot, until I realized one day that by praying for patience, I was inviting in adversity, so I could practice my patience! That is when I DECIDED to claim and fully realize, that I had all the patience I needed. It worked! I simply needed to act on that realization in order to move forward and create abundance of all good things in my life, compared to only witnessing the adversity.

We can re-build our lives. We cannot bring back those who have lost their lives, of course, but we can take the necessary next steps forward in our healing process. Now is not forever. There is so much we can do to help ourselves, and others, in this time of uncertainty.

Choose only thoughts, words and actions based on LOVE and LIGHT. All else harms you and the whole of humanity.
