The Light of the Star of Bethlehem is Within You

All human beings are born with their own mind, body, and spirit. This Spirit/Soul connection to what animates you is Eternal Universal Life Force Energy. Knowing that is the gift of wisdom. One faith or belief system does not own “it.” If you are alive, you have “it.”

“When my husband and I first retired, we went to every church in the area to see what they were preaching. While some danced in the aisles with long ribbons flowing with Spirit, they were missing all the words Jesus taught. They only seemed to be aware of a few of His words. That church has now been taken over by another. Other churches had their minister friends yelling at them from the pulpit, while other ministers had quieter versions of the same edited bibles which omitted the empowering words of Jesus shining a light on the fact that the Light of God dwelt within their very beings. They did not seem to take the words of 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 seriously, that their very body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit that dwells inside them.

“Numerous books have been written about God the Father, and Jesus the Son. Historically there is this whimsical notion of an elusive Spirit of God, always referred to with feminine qualities. They have personified Eternal Universal Life Force Energy with genders, yet this Energy has no gender. Energy breathed into Adam by the Spirit of God, animates all human beings, male, female, and every other gender classification.

“Light is also a form of Energy. Jesus told us we are alive by this Limitless Living Light. (Light is how Energy travels.)

“I witness common threads that permeate various groups of adults, who cave to peer pressure, feeling that they must give their allegiance to others politically, socially, and/or religiously, while simultaneously, advising their emotionally and intellectually immature adolescent children not give in to peer pressure. These ones need to reassess their motives to be better role models for themselves, the youth, and humanity all over the globe. This is how to build a better tomorrow. Now is the time for courage. Courage is not having no fear. Rather, courage is feeling fear, but peacefully doing the right thing, the moral thing, with integrity, despite the presence of fear.” taken from my latest book, IN THEIR IMAGE AND LIKENESS, subtitled, UNIVERSAL WISDOM.

I have also officially registered my business, Universal Wisdom Enlightenment LLC. A lifetime of extensive research and experience is included in my books, meditations, and media. I share my knowledge, and how to get out of indoctrinating political, social, and religious cults if you find yourself in one.

The following is a link to purchase my latest book, at a 10% discount:

God Bless Everyone Everywhere