The Anti-Christ Is The Accumulation Of The Mass Discord Of All Humankind Throughout The Ages

LOVE is the only answer to everything. If you do not use LOVE to remedy all situations, you are working with what is NOT LOVE.

There are cosmic and universal laws and principles that apply to all life on Earth and within all universes, extending throughout the ever-expanding cosmos. When thoughts, feelings, and emotions go against natural cosmic and universal laws and principles, we reap what we sow. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions are the energy source that fuels both the function and dysfunction happening at home and across the globe.

The role of the cosmic and universal Christ is more than the Presence of the Christ shown to us in the life of Jesus of Nazareth. The Christ Presence is eternal. Jesus exemplified this Christ Presence and how to use it during his sojourn on Earth. The I AM Presence unique to every human being that has ever graced the Earth and can tap into the energy of the Christ Presence.

The I AM Presence is part of our spiritual DNA, which usually remains closed to us until it is activated. This I AM Presence is the part of you that keeps you alive until it reverts back into the Universal Life from which it came. It carries with it Universal and Cosmic Light and Love, illuminating your heart, mind, and consciousness to all that is. It is your connection to the Source of all Life.

We can use our I AM Presence in our lives when purely human solutions evade us. There are times when we need more than our own might, will, and intelligence to solve our problems. It is by consciously re-membering, (as in we are re-connecting), ourselves to our Source, for guidance and assistance. This is when we seek direction from our I AM Presence, that soul aspect of ourselves. We can call on our I AM Presence to bring the energy of the Christ Presence to remedy global, national and personal problems which appear to not have solutions.

We can ask our I AM Presence for the Truth of Christ; for the Love, Wisdom and Power of Christ; or for the Purity of Christ into the matter, so that you can see the constructive solution.

The key is to charge your own intellectual consciousness and feeling with the Christ Alertness, Christ Love, Wisdom, and Power of Christ to hold absolute balance in your mind. The strongest point to remember here is that it is the intensity of the feeling to keep this Christ Alertness, Christ Love, Christ Wisdom, and Christ Power so things do not get out of balance.

This Christ Presence is a cosmic and universal life force that is available to humanity who wish to develop this aspect available to them. It is not the same thing as your I AM Presence, although your I AM Presence can use the Christ Presence. We can choose to work with the Christ Presence or choose to not make a conscious decision not to work with the Christ Presence.

The anti-Christ is the opposite of the Christ Presence energy. The anti-Christ is the deception of human feeling, the promoting of race consciousness for the sole purpose of using it against itself. It is a spirit. It is the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that are the fuel for all that is not of Love.

Whatever you focus on grows. You don’t get what you want by focusing on what you don’t want.

Take any example you can think of, like planning your next summer vacation, for example. You can say you definitely do not want to go to the desert, or on a boat, or take a trip to outer space. But looking at what you do not want did not find the perfect solution for this summer’s vacation until you STOP LOOKING AT WHAT YOU DO NOT WANT AND BEGIN TO FOCUS ON WHERE YOU DO WANT TO GO.

The same thing happens in life either working with the Christ Presence or with the Anti-Christ Presence. You cannot say one thing and do another. You will know what side you are working on by the fruits of your labor.

Christ consciousness promotes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, endurance, mildness, faith, decency, temperate, and purity.

Anti-Christ promotes hate in all its forms, misery, war, murder, killing, unrest, lies, deception, hypocrisy, aggressiveness, cheating, ruthless rule, vulgarity, and the lowest common denominator of these energies.

It is easy to see the hand of the anti-Christ at work in every country in the world. It is easy to see this when the thinking is that more guns will solve mass shootings, corporations can buy elections, and the glorification of evil hijacks the good of the people by deluding them, among a host of other maladies.

It is also easy to see the work of Christ consciousness working in every human person we decide to work only for the good of all; promote peace, love and joy for all humanity, heal the sick, tell the truth, feed the hungry, protect the lives of all people including refugees, and do all the things Jesus the Christ told us to do; treat others the way we wish to be treated.


Be The Love ~ Peace ~ Joy Of The Christmas Season

When Jesus taught us to pray, he taught us to pray for God’s kingdom. In Luke 17:20-21, Jesus also told us where the Kingdom of God is, “The Kingdom of God isn’t ushered in with visible signs. You won’t be able to say, ‘It has begun here in this place or there in that part of the country.’ For the Kingdom of God is within you.The Catholic Living Bible, Tyndale House Publishers

The Kingdom of God is part of our spiritual DNA, which is also echoed in 1 Corinthians 3:16,“Don’t you realize that you are the Temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells within you?”

The kingdom of God we are to pray for is not brought on by ego, pride, guns, nor strife. Those are the dark tools of sinister forces whose insatiable appetites for power, money, and domination blind the brains of would-be good people, even Christians, who through deluded allegiance to God find themselves obeying man instead.

We are not to mix the counterfeit kingdom of humans with the Kingdom of God. That is not how this works. We already had the battle of Jericho. Calls sent out before January 6, to reenact the battle of Jericho at the United States Capitol, as well as all other state Capitol buildings were pure evil with lack of empathy, compassion, and love, not the will of God.


Do you feel called to act in good faith? Then pray. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enter your heart. Jesus told us all how to think, speak and act. You will find none of his words incite any of us to violence.

If, when you pray, you feel intense anger, frustration, and hatred, then you are listening to and following the wrong god.

One of the reasons Jesus was crucified was that he taught that the Kingdom of God dwelt in him, as well as within each of us. He equated himself with God. Jesus taught us that we can do the things he did, “and even greater besides” in John 14:12. He was teaching you and me about the personal power we have within ourselves, the power of our thoughts, words, and actions. Our bodies are animated by our souls, enlivened by our I AM Presence, GOD DWELLING IN ALL OF US, according to Jesus the Christ.

This is the time for forgiveness, humility, and trust of God, not the arrogant boast and folly of humans. This is a time of introspection, considering the roles we are living in our lives, based on the choices we make. Are we living in the love, hope, peace, and truth that the kingdom of God promises? If not, you are promoting the illusion that lies, conspiracies, evil, death and destruction are good. They are not.

Jesus said, “Because of the increasing lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold.”

That is what we are seeing today in the belligerent manipulation of man usurping the will of God in individuals.

The kingdom of God is already here. The profound peace and love of the kingdom of God is already within us, as Jesus told us in Luke 17:21. We experience this when we pray, gather together in song, and meditate together for the common good of all. We touch on this brotherhood of humankind during the Christmas season, focusing on the peace, joy, and giving rather than receiving.

How do you know if the kingdom of God is within you?

The fruits of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit will be abundant in your life. If these fruits are missing from your life, you will know you have chosen the wrong road to follow.

If gentleness, faithfulness, self-control, meekness, peace, joy, love, kindness, patience, goodness, temperance, and faith are missing in your life, stop whatever you are doing and pray. Pray for the love of God, Father of Jesus Christ, to enter your heart.

Watch out for political parties or other groups once known for integrity, truth and honor, which have been hijacked by so many hate groups that many fear standing up for the right thing for losing their members. Watch out for those who attempt voter suppression tactics in major cities to silence democracy. Now, more than ever before, all citizens of the United States of America need to stand up for facts, not fiction; truth, not conspiracy; and honor and integrity over selling out the country. Truth matters.

There are so many other gods out there today, masking as the One, True God. You will know which god (God) you are following by the fruits of your labor.


Does Jesus’ teaching that you are gods take you by surprise? John 10:34

Read John 10:34. Jesus teaches, “The Father and I are One.” Also read John 14:20, “In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.” We are awaiting our spiritual transformation, as Jesus taught.

My Christmas gift for you today, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, is to share with you what Jesus actually said. Most of Christianity has hijacked the message of Jesus to suit particular systems of belief. It is not important to remain faithful to the religion you were taught as a child. What is important is to pay close attention to the words of Jesus, and match them with your heart, mind and soul. His words are enlightening.

Remember, Jesus was killed for what He taught, because what He taught went against their own understanding. The same thing happens today when we dare to actually look at the words Jesus said, which go against the grain of what today’s churches teach. Times and the mind of humanity really do not change that much.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church, from Athanasius says, “For the Son of God became man, so that we might become God.”

Thomas Aquinas said, “The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us share in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods.”

We all make mistakes in this life. No one of us is perfect. We say we are sorry when we wrong others, or offend God. Then we make amends. We repent and begin again. We are in a relationship with the Father of Jesus Christ. We are His spiritual children.

The promise Jesus taught about more than any other is this spiritual kingdom of God. We can all use our God-given free will to choose to believe what Jesus said. We can never go wrong following the words of Jesus, bringing us into the heart of the Father, supported by His enduring gift of the Holy Spirit.

Here are some scriptures from today’s Bible you can use for meditation:

John 10:34

John 5:8

John 10:30, 33

1 John 3:2

Romans 8:19

Romans 8:16, 17

Hebrews 2:10, 11

Hebrews 2:11-13

John 10:34-36

Psalms 82:6

John 1:1, 2

Colossians 1:18

Romans 8:29

Acts 17:28

Psalms 82:7

Romans 4:17

Romans 4:17

Romans 8:16

2 Peter 1:4

1 John 3:2

Revelation 21:7

1 Peter 5:10

Ephesians 3:19


God Bless Everyone Everywhere