Let Them

“Let them” is a concept that has taken me a long time to learn, and sometimes it’s still difficult to put into practice. I used to tolerate too much because I didn’t want to lose people. But I learned the hard way if they were really my people they would never treat me like that. Don’t make the mistake of being so understanding that you overlook the fact that you’re being repeatedly disrespected.

Let them be upset.

Let them judge you.

Let them misunderstand you.

Let them gossip about you.

Let them ignore you.

Let them be “right.”

Let them doubt you.

Let them not like you.

Let them not speak to you.

Let them run your name in the ground.

Let them make you out to be the villain.

Whatever it is that people want to say about you, let them!

Kindly step aside and LET THEM.

The hard truth is they know how much they are hurting you, and they simply don’t care. They did it knowing it might cause them to lose you, and they chose to do it anyway. People who love you care about how they make you feel. Period. The end. Let them go.

There will be people who would rather lose you than be honest about what they’ve done. Let them go.

The lack of respect was the closure.

The lack of empathy was the closure.

The lack of appreciation was the closure.

The lack of trust was the closure.

The lack of self awareness was the closure.

The lack of honesty was the closure.

The lack of accountability was the closure.

The lack of LOVE was the closure.

Let them go.

Forgiveness takes one. Reconciliation takes two. If they are not sorry, let them go. If they project, minimize, deflect, and blameshift every time you express how they’ve hurt you, let them go.

What we allow is what we will live. Acceptance is not indifference. You can still be kind. You can still love them deeply. But love them from the distance they created with their words and actions. Boundaries help protect your space and shield you from their hurtful behavior.

You don’t need to tell your side of the story. You are a Spark of Eternal Universal Life Force Energy, what some call God. You are Love personified. This Love, your I Am Presence, is deeply aware of you and all involved. You are complete and whole as you are in this exact moment. Let   them go.

It’s taken me a long time to get here. So many sleepless nights, countless tears, and trying to manage a range of emotions filled with anger, disappointment, confusion, and deep hurt. Lots of self reflection, deep prayer, and seeking guidance from those much wiser than me.

If you are struggling with this please know you are not alone. We will never understand why hurt people hurt people. But we can do the hard work to grow ourselves. Because healed people do in fact heal people.

Don’t you dare let them steal your joy.

Don’t you dare let them steal your light.

Don’t you dare let them steal your peace.

You are in control of that.

Hold tight to what you can control and release your grip on what you can’t control.

Let them go.


The Stench Of Arrogance ~25 Keys To Recover From Arrogance Addiction

Arrogance creeps in on the back of unbounded pride. Arrogance can never be wrong. It tries to always prove it is right. If it cannot find the path in conversation to prove that it is right when it is not, Arrogance will change the subject to something else of greater drama that centers upon the self. It is a deflection method attempting to hold the reigns of ego tight. Expect a huge amount of dramatic flare when this happens. Sound familiar?

This situation is more obvious with narcissistic behavior. Yet even the nicest, most educated, and wealthiest among us trips on the tongue of the ego from time to time. We have made great strides in our efforts in life that have earned us great success personally, academically, and in some cases, financially. On its own, worldly success can be a noble goal. But when it is combined with unbridled ego, which twists realities to such that they can never be wrong, then the ego carries the self into Arrogance, a very unbecoming trait.

It is possible to recover from the addiction of Arrogance. It is a form of mental illness when left unattended. Arrogance sets the stage for a faux reality where it becomes the star of an altered reality show in real life. If Arrogance had a smell, it would be a stench. After a while, the one wearing Arrogance as a sort of badge of honor, will notice its effect on others, that is, if Arrogance has completely overtaken the personality.

Becoming aware of Arrogance motivating every thought, word, and action is the beginning first steps on the road to recovery. Arrogance tells on itself. In its ego, Arrogance feels the need to shine a light on its unbecoming behavior, as a prideful accomplishment.

Arrogance not corrected eventually erupts, sooner or later, into a major dramatic self-implosion of ego, usually based on past successful dramas stored in the mental memory of the DNA. The familiar Arrogant mental, well-worn pathway reverts back to similar old triggers and justifications, as a means to prove it is right in its deflection trick to not be corrected in the current drama.

Are there things to watch out for as we go through this school of life in order that our lives do not become addicted, Arrogant, narcissistic experiences?

25 Keys to recovering from Arrogance:

  1. Notice how you interact with others of all stations in life.
  2. Notice the attitudes you feel, without judgment against yourself.
  3. Notice the attitudes you project, like rolling your eyes when others speak.
  4. Notice if you treat others with the same dignity with which you wish to be treated without justification.
  5. Notice if you go off topic.
  6. Notice what triggers you into other topics.
  7. Notice your response if or when someone corrects you.
  8. Notice if your Arrogant responses affect the reputations of others.
  9. Notice if Arrogance drives you outside for all the world to see and hear.
  10. Notice if you can ever go back to the original topic which began as a correction, and deal with the hurt of another your thoughts, words, and actions caused, without transgressing back into the Arrogant paradigm you set up for yourself.
  11. Notice if you are a self-made victim stealing the limelight.
  12. Notice if your intentions to heal the Arrogance addiction are from a genuine motivation to heal, as opposed to placing you into better standings with others, or other self-serving situations.
  13. Notice if you use manipulation techniques for a desired outcome.
  14. Notice if you use guilt for a desired outcome.
  15. Notice if you use obligation for a desired outcome.
  16. Notice if you use fear or threats for a desired outcome.
  17. Notice what motivates you.
  18. Notice if you have any hidden agendas.
  19. Notice how you communicate.
  20. Notice how much you talk.
  21. Notice how loud you talk.
  22. Notice how much you interrupt others, suppressing their voice.
  23. Notice if you need to control people.
  24. Notice if you need to control everything.
  25. Notice if you can wake up humility and apologize to others for your own mistakes.

All of us make mistakes or we would not be human. Not one of us is perfect. It is better to own up to our mistakes and consciously work on them, than to pretend we did nothing wrong and that the problem always lies with the other guy. The truth is, both sides need to apologize for their part in the drama, for changing the subject, and/or for an emotional delivery of the topic. If the original point of conversation is not addressed, everything else is simply deflected drama.

What is required to recover from Arrogance addiction is humility. Healing from Arrogance requires a contrite heart, something that may feel odd and unfamiliar at first, depending upon how long Arrogance has sunk its roots deep into the justification of the individual. It also requires a pensive and honest examination as to why the constant mantra, “I did nothing wrong,” is so common.

Contrition is the soothing balm healing the deep rooted scars Arrogance leaves behind. Rather than the stench of Arrogance, humility and honesty leave a beautiful fragrance, softening the heart, mind, and voice, healing relationships and situations. Humility is freeing to mind, body, and spirit.

Love conquers all.


Nothing Can Enter Your World Unless You Invite It In ~ No One Is A Victim Of Life

If you remove all the Jews, Arabs, and immigrants from this picture, there would be no people.

Whether it is harmony or disharmony, nothing can enter your or my world unless we invite it in. What we focus on grows. We have a choice. We are not single-subject vehicles of life. Rather we are multifaceted individuals radiating the energy of our feelings spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, physically, politically, socially, financially and in many other ways into our world. We are whole. We are One.

There will always be chaos, dysfunction, and lack of peace in this world. This has been the case since its first inception eons ago, echoing out into the ethers and astral realm. Volcanoes belched out destructive lava. Cataclysmic floods ripped apart the earth until its new land masses were unrecognizable, continuing to this day reshaping coastlines everywhere.

Even in when Jesus was born, Herod sought to kill him. As a result Joseph and Mary had to flee to Egypt with Jesus, making them immigrants in an unfamiliar land so he would not be slaughtered along with the rest of the infant boys, age two and under. They were not put in cages. They were met with hospitality for years in their home away from home before it was safe to return. Still, they decided to settle in Nazareth so as not to bring too much attention to Jesus as he grew.

All of us are no different. People of every race, ethnicity, culture, color, creed, gender, and age are all part of the human race. We are all part of nature. We can be volatile. We can be peaceful. It is what we focus our attention on that makes the difference. I can choose to be part of the problem or the solution.

Somehow we expect perfection in our lives and in our countries as if we just think, speak, and do the right things, we could railroad things through. Nothing could be further from the truth. We cannot manhandle, manipulate, guilt or force others into our sense of perfection with the crack of a whip. That’s not how energy works.

What drum are You beating?

We look at the political scene and try to manipulate outcomes by concentrating on what is wrong in order to make it right. What we focus on grows. Concentrating on what is wrong is the wrong basis to build what is right, useful, and sustaining.

We look at spirituality and religions and see what is wrong in the hopes of making them right. Again we miss the mark we so desperately seek to achieve. We erroneously think, “If only people would think, say, and do the same as me then it would all work out.” This also is not so.


Notice nothing happens when any thought crosses our mind. It is only when the feeling behind the thought grows that it motivates us into action. It is the feeling that is the impetus to change.


Isn’t it my brain, common sense, my thoughts that generate my world, experiences, beliefs into action?


Nothing happens with any thought until the feeling of any subject inspires us into action. Without feeling, we ponder and ponder possibilities. Our thoughts will go round and round the merry-go-rounds of our minds until we decide, inspired by our feelings, to do something about the matter.

Guard your feelings with the shield of awakened consciousness. Feelings ignite all your thoughts into actions. Take the care of a gymnast training for the Olympics, or the runner training for a marathon the same as you prepare your future actions by the life-giving spark of your feelings. How many of us have regrets over our actions when we fuel the renegade feelings we choose not to control?

By the use of our free will, we decide which feelings to follow up on and which would be better not responded to. Decide never again to respond to anything. Instead, consciously decide how you will act, with empathy and compassion or not, with judgment or non-judgment, etc. It is in this conscious decision that we build up or tear down. Nothing can enter your world unless you invite it in.

Feelings are not right or wrong, they just are. However, if you do not like how you are feeling, change how you are thinking. They go hand in hand. Just realize that the power to do anything comes from the feeling, not the thinking. Just like feelings, you can change your thoughts. You are in the driver’s seat of you.

You are not the victim of neither your thoughts nor your feelings. You are in control of them. They are not in control of you. People who play the role of the victim of their lives simply have not yet learned this healing and life-generating principle.

The solution is so simple, yet our misguided feelings distract us to the point of bringing on our own dysfunction, personally, spiritually, politically, financially, socially, as well as nationwide and worldwide. It is when we lack self-control over our feelings that we decide to focus on where we do not want to go rather than the choice to foster and fertilize the ground where we do want to walk.

If only we would use our free will to focus on the good we see as opposed to the bad that captures our attention. Pour your feelings into positive thoughts, energizing them with the personal power to do good.

Pouring your feelings into negative thoughts that harm others physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, politically, or financially is the biggest recipe for failure. It is self-sabotage in the highest degree. It is a recipe for disaster. It is only a matter of time before the misdirected energy is met by its equal and opposite force.

Try this instead; transform your world, your personal space, your belief system, your neighborhood, your church, your work environment, your social circles, your political and financial aspirations with life-affirming, soul-inspiring goals.

Change your focus from countering the negativity and failure of broken systems to promoting healthy equality, fairness, kindness, loving and peaceful actions. In this way, you begin taking steps forward, healing your own lives and the lives of all around you. From now on, pay no attention to what you do not want to grow.

This works in all areas of life, especially at this time of the COVID-19, Sars Co2 epidemic blanketing the world. The energy of closing your eyes and focusing your feelings on denying the reality of the death and destruction of life at this moment in history will only grow more of the same if that is your focus.

Once your feelings motivate you to whole and healthy aspirations and problem-solving remedies, you will find a quicker advancement into solutions to COVID-19 and every other problem that benefits you personally, as well as in your family, neighborhood, country and world.

Yes, others with dark, self-serving and greedy agendas will continue. It has been this way since the beginning of time on this planet. Tsunamis and worldwide cataclysms will continue to manifest as they always have. Still focus on solutions over problems.

Using your free will to fuel feelings of rage and discord will ultimately sabotage every endeavor. It is only a matter of time before that house of cards crumbles. It always has and always will.

As a counselor, I never advised punching that pillow to get all the anger out, because fueling those negative feelings only fuels more hate. Yes, you will be exhausted afterwards, but you will have wasted a great amount of time not moving forward. That is only a diversionary tactic.

You cannot move forward by looking backwards. If you have been in counseling for years, you are with the wrong counselor. When you are finally ready to heal, (sometimes we are not ready, willing, nor able to heal), then and only then will you see the truth to what I am stating here.

We need to be in balance with every aspect of our human being, not only spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, physically, politically, socially, financially and in many other ways in our world. As a fully formed human, we all need to be in balance and foster good over evil. We reap the seeds we sow in this world.

If we do not like what we are seeing and hearing around us, it is up to you and me to plant everlasting seeds of love, light, peace, joy, happiness, health, faith, equality, forgiveness, empathy and understanding just as Jesus did when he walked this earth beginning so many Christmases ago.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Realize Your Christ Self ~ Laminins ~ Jesus’ Words in The Gospel of Thomas #102 ~

In our effort to “get it right,” we twisted it, perverted it, tried to control it, and used “it” to threaten you

When was the last time you examined your beliefs and compared them to what Jesus actually said?

into submission with hellfire and brimstone. And it worked for centuries. Jesus arrives on the scene at the time of Jewish law and the pagan Roman Empire, which sprawled over that region of the earth. What did Rome want to do at that time? It wanted to dominate the known world. It wanted people to follow blindly, or else some horrible threat would occur. How better to gain control and power over the people than to hijack the mission of Jesus and contort his words of Life into the words of life for the Roman Empire? Look at what has happened to this very day. Have you noticed the Roman Catholic Church, and every other branch from it, in every single city and town covering the globe? Each one of these varied religions claim to be the One True Religion. Whether it is Orthodox, Protestant, or any other religion meant to tell you how to think and not think, or read and not read, with some dastardly threat to your personhood or your God given Soul/Spirit, it becomes apparent that we have allowed ourselves to be the pawns in someone else’s Game of Thrones.

Please keep reading until you get to the part about Laminins, the protein, cell adhesion molecule, at the end of this post.

Jesus said, in the Gospel of Thomas #102, “Woe to the Pharisees, for they are like a dog lying in the manger of the cattle; for he neither eats nor does he let the cattle eat.” They did not have it straight and therefore could not teach what they themselves did not know.

Jesus arrives at the time of Jewish law, control and subversion. Jesus is trying to wake up a sleeping world that does not really want to wake up. Oh, they want to wake up and be freed, but only to go under someone else’s thumb. They fail to realize the reality of the Presence of the Christ within them. If they had not misunderstood the mission of the Christ in the first place, there would be no need for the Words and Works of Jesus. They would have it already. But they did not. Many people today still do not know, nor in some cases, do not even want to know the Words of Jesus that would free them from the control other human beings who have ignorantly, yet powerfully placed heavy burdens upon their hearts, minds and souls.

There is a dichotomy in today’s world where humankind has inside ourselves the Divine Image, a share of the Holy Spirit WITHIN our Spirit which is side by side the human image. We have free will and can choose to recognize either, both, or neither one or the other aspects of ourselves. The Divine Presence comes to us through the Crystal Cord, also known as the Silver Cord, our etheric umbilical cord to our Holy Christ Self. Everyone has this. It is what keeps us alive until it goes back to God. This is why I have ALWAYS felt I was in the palm of God’s hand. We all are.

Why are we so afraid to think? Why are we afraid to think for ourselves? Why are we afraid to think and allow ourselves to read ALL of the words of Jesus in the Nag Hammadi Scriptures? Why are we afraid to research ALL of the sacred scriptures that were revered for four hundred years after Jesus?

So many have bought into the control-system lie that you are good for nothing; you are sinners; you are the problem with Original Sin; that you are not living with the Spirit of the Christ WITHIN your very Soul. If you are alive and reading this, you have the Spirit of Christ living WITHIN YOU, as Jesus says in Luke 17:21. This “kingdom of God,” is the very Christ WITHIN you. This Christ Presence is the pulse of your Soul. It is your I AM Presence.

In the Secret Book of James (2,7-3,38), Jesus tells the twelve disciples, “You have been favored through the Father to receive my sayings. The other disciples also have written my sayings in their books, as if they have understood, but be careful. They have done their work without really understanding. They have listened to foolish people, and they have not understood.”

Brave souls have gone before us, like Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and many others who HAVE dared to understand that Jesus the Christ actually said what he meant. If we take his Word at face value rather than with the human spin of our brand of religious thought, we get an entirely different, Life affirming Spirit of the Christ inflamed by this knowledge WITHIN our Souls.

Jesus is not the one and only Christ. Jesus told us we could do the works he did and even greater besides, in John 14:12 of today’s Bible. He meant it. Coming from the mindset of centuries of suppression of truth, and suppression of common men and especially supression of women, so many of us still place the heirachy of churches and their clerics above the worth of Christ living and breathing WITHIN their very selves. Jesus came to wake all of us up to Christ living WITHIN each and every one of us.

Depending on how you were raised and indoctrinated into a particular belief system at an early age, or not, your mind might shun or accept the truth of the Words of Jesus. There is a tendency to believe the Words of Jesus with the particular “spin” placed upon them with particular meanings other than what the words say. And some of us simply throw out all the Words of Jesus, for one reason or another. I would encourage everyone to keep searching. The library of sacred scrolls found at Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea provide a wealth of inspiration, liberation and enlightenment for your own God-Seeded Soul, your Christ Self. If Jesus quoted from them, as in the Book of Enoch, we ought to use our God-given free will to read these sacred scriptures, without the human spin of “God is in charge of what He puts in the Bible.”

We have free will, no matter what country you come from. Free will is God-given and no one can take that away. You are free to think, read, speak and act in the way you feel is best for you. Mankind is not in charge of God. God has established his kingdom with Christ as the victor. God wins now, and at the end of time.

Now, what does any of this have to do with Laminins? What are Laminins?

Laminins are protein molecules, cell adhesion molecules. We have anywhere from 10,000-60,000 of them holding our body together WITHIN every system of the human body, literally, according to molecular biologists. I understand this as Laminins also having a direct link to our God Particle, CONSCIOUS INTELLIGENCE at work WITHIN the body, and HOW God works WITHIN the body. Laminins organize and tell our cells what their job is in the body. They are like rebar, the steel WITHIN our physical structure, holding the body together. You can think of it as the “glue” holding us together. Next comes the amazing part, at least to me.


Colossians 1:17 says, “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Notice the cross shape of the Laminin on the right, and the particular electron Laminin protein molecule on the left. It is CONSCIOUS, INTELLIGENT, and LIVING. Not only is our Soul/Spirit the Living Christ Presence WITHIN us, but here we have CONSCIOUSNESS, INTELLIGENCE, and LIFE WITHIN our physical structure, our own physical body.

Let us do our part in waking up to who we really are, complete with our Christ Selves, our I AM Presence.

The God in Me recognizes the God in You
Have A Beautiful day!

There Is Only One Race On This Beautiful Planet ~ The Human Race

The human race on Earth is the only race there is.

Whether we are discussing the differences in race, color, ethnicity, creed, financial status, gender, or age, we must realize that on this planet, there is only one race, the human race.

Sometimes we try to hide our prejudices behind other reasons, to justify the positions we take politically, socially, environmentally, religiously, or any other way we human beings use to suppress the voice of others.

We are more alike than any difference we profess.

The root cause of prejudice is fear, not hatred. While certain groups may be extremely angry about an issue, the underlying cause of anger is fear. Why are we so afraid of other people, their color, their belief system, their culture, their gender? Think of how we respond to someone expressing a different viewpoint, or addressing uncomfortable issues such as immigration, homelessness and hungry children in our country and the world.

Fear promotes radical groups in any of the human categories mentioned. If we are truly serious about fixing our world, before we can build any bridges to repair the damage we have caused, we must eradicate the root cause of fear.

War, murder and killing are not communication skills.

While war, murder and killing are not communication skills, when communication stops, pretending in the myth of fantasy that things are perfectly fine now, when they are not, we create the reaction no one wants. We cannot blame the fault on the reactions taking place in our cities and nation when we are at fault for not listening and communicating in the first place. Being willfully ignorant is a fascade that does not stand up against the truth in any matter. It is just a matter of time before lives of fantasy denying reality inevitably crumble.

Just when it seems we have made great progress in this country and in the world, submerged voices rise from the depths of class and color suppression. The deeper the supression, the equal and opposite reaction occurs. No human being, regardless of color, wants to be suppressed. White people do not want to be suppressed. Neither do black or any other division of humanity want to be suppressed.

We are all the same in the eyes of God. We are all, each and every one of us, whether we are aware if it or not, are all created with that spark of God within us, our god flame if you will. Each of us is an aspect of God.

We should celebrate the strides we have made. But there is more to do, more to share, more to learn, more to understand, more to forgive, more to let go. It is not about being right, or wrong, or making others right or wrong. There is no way to make up for the loss of life through war, violence, bloodshed, or retaliation. Two wrongs do not make a right. We need to build bridges to and for all people everywhere.

We all have free will. You and I are free beings. How do you and I choose to be the solution based on love without conditions?

Despite all our unique differences, we all share this one beautiful planet. We are all born in the same way, we all breathe air while we are here, and we all die. We are all having a shared human experience. Our life is in our blood, without which we would cease to be. No one soul is better than any other soul on this planet, no matter what our pride (insane ego) might be telling us.

There is only one race on this planet.

It’s the human race.

Let us begin again to fix what is broken. We are better than denying the oppression and racism that is running rampant in our country and in the world. It is possible to fix this problem, but first we must address the issues before us, and not submerge them again, or beat down the voices we do not want to hear.

It is time as a country to mature, to grow up, face the systemic racism, to create real law and order with rules that everyone follows. We cannot not have one set of rules for white people, and another set of rules for black people. The same thing goes for English Americans, Spanish Americans, Irish Americans, French Americans, Mexican Americans, or any other DNA which makes us the greatest melting pot in the world. Nor should we have a different set of laws for the wealthy and the politically and lawfully powerful. The United States needs ONE Constitution and ONE Bill of Rights that EVERYONE can follow, not just a chosen few.

Because You Deserve To Feel Better