“If The Flesh Came Into Being Because of Spirit, It Is A Marvel, But If Spirit Came Into Being Because Of The Body, It Is A Marvel of Marvels. Yet I Marvel At How This Great Wealth Has Come To Dwell In This Poverty.” Gospel of Thomas

Your Soul Is Your True Self Learning Through Your Physical Body Experiences.

“If the flesh came into being because of the Spirit, it is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a marvel of marvels. Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty.” This quote from Jesus can be found in the Gospel of Thomas, Nag Hammadi Codex (NHC) II, 2 in the International Edition The Nag Hammadi Scriptures, which were considered to be Sacred Scriptures from the time of Jesus to about 400 AD.

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Why does Jesus refer to the physical body as poverty?

There is more to what religion has handed down to you. Truth has been hijacked, in some cases, leaving you to believe that only the rabbi, priest, nun, minister, monk, church elder, deacon, cleric of some kind has been trained in your version of spirituality. You might think they know more than you if you have only been trained in the belief system of your church.

Realize that although they have been trained in this knowledge, and while they may have dabbled in attempting to understand other belief systems, (with a bias against all other information), they were not trained in the gnosis, the esoteric knowledge which Jesus himself taught. Otherwise, these religious leaders would be teaching all that he taught, not what some of his words were misinterpreted to say.

I am an interfaith Universal Life Church minister, with a Master’s Degree in Chaplaincy, and a Doctorate Degree in Spiritual Awareness, and a Second Doctorate in Universal Order. I have studied those 18 missing years of the life of Jesus and what he taught, not only studying the last three years of his life which religions have manipulated his mission to be, most of which are the compilation of Paul, who was trained as a Jewish Pharisee.

When you learn all the words that Jesus taught, a different picture emerges within your mind other than what got altered for less than holy purposes. I am an interfaith minister because words of different faiths are merely semantics, different words which describing the same reality.

Let’s speak about the mind, the human, physical mind for a moment. Our brain is physical, amazing, but still physical. With our brains we learn and understand as best we can. We begin as young children taking in what was taught to us by our parents, guardians, and teachers. Perhaps they were spiritual, religious, or atheist, agnostic, or scientifically, technologically, or medically minded. We learn what we learn. Learning continues, unless we have been threatened with the loss of our eternal Spirit/Soul with hellfire and damnation should we dare to learn anything else, or unless our pride is too big, sliding off the limited range of knowledge we allow in for consideration.

Know it is a gigantic mistake to dismiss knowledge without first investigating that which you deny. Semantics can play a big part in misunderstanding terminology. Seek to understand more.

Indoctrination, even secular indoctrination, can hold quite a grip and can even shut down individuals either by such tormenting fear that they dare not walk outside of the line drawn in the sand by the religious and even political control freaks at the helm, or by ridicule from an equally ignorant peer pressure group dismissing Jesus without an honest effort to learn. It takes strong character development to stand as the lone individual stepping outside those lines in the sand.

This is part of the mind poverty of which Jesus speaks.

Then comes the day when a new wind is blowing, erasing that line drawn in the sand. Where did the line to learn or not learn go? How will you ever get your firm footing without all those stifling rules, regulations, peer pressure, and some other religious and/or political group telling you what to believe?

Physical maladies appear more obvious. We take chances. We make mistakes (what some call sins). We have accidents. Things fall apart. How does an individual learn except by making mistakes and learning to correct them? Cause and effect, otherwise known as Karma, is an exceptional teacher. We only know what we know when we know it, right?

Life is so tempting to try new things, creating havoc in some cases when we continue on with too much of a good thing, like drug, alcohol, food, gambling, and sex addictions, among others. Still, this is all a learning curve. Everyone has something with which they are not perfect and wish they were better. That is what this life is all about.

This is the poverty of the physical body.

Yet, in the Book of Thomas, Jesus highlights the miracle of miracles, that our God-given Spirit/Soul is generated by our DNA to be born into and sheltered by our physical mind and body. We truly are made up of mind, body, AND SPIRIT.

THIS IS OUR I AM PRESENCE, that thread of life that animates us, is the LIGHT within us.

“If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the kingdom is in heaven,’ then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you.” Jesus says in the prologue of the Gospel of Thomas:

“These are the hidden sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Judas Thomas the Twin recorded.

“And he said, ‘Whoever discovers the interpretations of these sayings will not taste death.’

“Jesus said, ‘Let one who seeks not stop seeking until one finds. When one finds, one will be troubled. When one is troubled, one will marvel and will reign over all …’

“If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the kingdom is in heaven,’ then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside you and it is outside you.

“Jesus said, ‘When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you dwell in poverty, and you are poverty.'”

This statement by Jesus also echoes his words in Luke 17:20-21, that the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU. All new bibles are reverting back to the original words of Jesus, changing the scribe changes of ‘the kingdom of God is among you,’ to ‘the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU.’ Check the modern Interlinear Bible of Hebrew-Greek-English translation.

Now why would anyone be troubled at these words of Jesus?

Religious and Roman political leaders jumped on the chance to manipulate the words and 18 missing years of Jesus in order to subjugate their audiences for unholy purposes at the Council of Laodicea in the year 364 AD. From the time of Jesus until 364 AD and this council, the faithful had been following the words of Jesus, completely, with women priests, and teaching that the LIGHT of God dwells inside all people, the I AM Presence WITHIN THEM.

If you have spent your life being told you are a constant sinner, especially if you happen to be a woman, who was blamed entirely for Original Sin according to modern bibles and most all writings since 364 AD, then you will be more than troubled to discover that Jesus said much more than what was manipulated and preserved in modern religious teachings.

The Original Sin was that of the fallen angels mating with the beautiful daughters of humanity, as Genesis 6:1-5 describes. But that reality was changed in 364 AD. If you do not study and learn about what happened, you remain willfully ignorant of the truth.

Know that THAT is the poverty mentality!

In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus is shining the LIGHT on the LIGHT WITHIN YOU. He is also shining a LIGHT in the world around you. We all have free will to build up or to tear down. This truly is a beautiful world. There are dark forces, those remnants of the Nephilim, whose souls cannot die and WHO CANNOT RETURN TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST HEAVEN, who roam the Earth seeking the ruin of the Spirits/Souls of humankind.

But LIGHT is stronger than the dark.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere


What exactly is it that we ought to be doing?

Please begin by taking a deep breath, several of them, especially if you are Catholic or of Eastern Religion religious philosophy. There is nothing I am going to say here that goes against the meaning of the word, “transubstantiation,” as described by the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes the word, “transubstantiation” as: the miraculous change by which according to Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox dogma the eucharistic elements at their consecration become the body and blood of Christ while keeping only the appearances of bread and wine.

An example was also cited, using the word “transubstantiation” in a sentence as: “Found in Catholic doctrine, transubstantiation is when the substance of bread is turned into the substance of the body of Christ during the eucharist.” — Marya E. Gates, Vulture, 10 Aug. 2021

The first known use of the word “transubstantiation” comes from the 14th century, as in the sentence: “When the Protestant reformers in the 16th century rejected the Catholic teaching that the bread and wine substantively became the body and blood of Jesus, Catholic Church leaders affirmed the teaching, called transubstantiation.” — New York Times, 26 June 2021

Why am I bothering to go through these understandings of the word transubstantiation?

The Catholic Church is not wrong in teaching that physical substance can be physically and spiritually transformed into something of a higher vibrational frequency through intention, thought, and the spoken word. It happens every day at morning Mass all over the world.

Physical bread and wine are transformed into spiritual food, as all believers agree. This is a perfect example of ordinary bread, or in this case unleavened bread if we’re being truly authentic to the ritual of Jesus at the Last Supper, transmuting, transforming, transubstantiating into the multi-dimensional qualities and properties of the Love and Light of Jesus, which is the same Love and Light of the Source of All Creation.

This is known to be a sacred moment, receiving the Eucharist believed by many to be the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. But is it truly human flesh we are eating and human blood we are drinking?

This metanoia experience for each individual is a deeply spiritual and personal interaction with their sacred roots and beliefs. It is the consecration of everyday items, such as bread and wine, into something elevated to a sacred status that is the point here.

Consecration means to make or declare sacred, to devote irrevocably to the worship of God by a solemn ceremony, or by blessing with intention. Notice this all takes place starting with the intention to do so, by thoughts, words, and actions.

But it is not only the priest who has this role in life. It is not only the priest who believes this.

How literal did Jesus intend his words to be taken and understood?

What exactly are we to do in memory of Jesus?

Is it literally the reenactment of the Last Supper?

Is it only the priest who is to do the “Do this in memory of me?”

Are the congregations who believe in this way to be simply bystanders and recipients of the bread and wine multi-dimensionally transformed into spiritual food by only ordained special people?

Are there other words of Jesus that we are to do in his memory?

Did Jesus mean that literally we are to eat his physical flesh and drink his literal blood, or did he use a metaphor to illustrate the spiritual reality that the unleavened bread he used and the wine on the table of the Last Supper, were to be our spiritual food of Love without conditions, and the drink of non-judgment, lived out on purpose in each of our lives, or only those of the ordained special people?

In the breaking of the bread, did he mean for us to literally break the bread?

It’s about sharing, not hoarding. It’s about empathy and compassion, not justification of hardened hearts filled with human reasons and human logic of why we should not help the unfortunate among us, why we ought not to make fun of others, nor put men, women, and children in cages for political purposes.

There, but for the grace of God, go I.

On one hand we all know this to be true. On the other hand, we split hairs tripping the seeming paradoxes of Jesus meant “this,” or Jesus meant “that.” Look at the numerous brands of Christianity, and other myriad religions, for example.

Then there are conscientious people of integrity who choose not to follow in the footsteps of human religious institutions, preferring to follow in the footsteps of Jesus rather than man. These ones who do not fit the profile of a particular brand of religion often seek and find personal growth in spiritual development, as opposed to abdicating the God-given free will usurped by leaders of various religion organizations, no matter how well-meaning they may be, or slivers of truth they might have.

If transubstantiation transforms and transmutes bread and wine into the spiritual substance of Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit, then aren’t we all discussing non-human interaction? Since God is not terrestrial, then this transubstantiation is this a multi-dimensional transformation, is it not?

Religions may be as old as the sun, but the New Paradigm welcoming in multi-dimensional transformation IS EXACTLY what takes place on every Catholic altar every day since the Last Supper.

The Catholic Living Bible, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, Wheaton, Illinois, sixth printing in 1965, quotes Jesus in Luke 17:20-21, “One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, ‘When will the Kingdom of God begin?’ Jesus replied, ‘The Kingdom of God isn’t ushered in with visible signs.’ You won’t be able to say, ‘It has begun here in this place, or there in that part of the country.’ For the Kingdom of God is within you.” Jesus did not say you will find the Kingdom when some other religion tells you all about it, as if it is on the outside of you, or in some like-minded religion.

Yes, I know, many bibles over 2,000 years have gone back and forth, changing the original Sanskrit and Aramaic words to “among” rather than the original “within” you in this Luke 17:20-21 verse. But the most recent understand, including the most modern versions of the King James Bible, are now correcting the wording back to its original intention. Shall we go by the scribe’s manipulation of the word “within,” or shall we go with the actual word used by Jesus? The Interlinear Bible of Hebrew, Greek, English translations agrees that this word is “within.”

This means that the Kingdom of God is within you. It is also outside of you, because the Love and Light of the Source of All Creation is within the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms of Earth, as well as every other thing in the galaxy, universe and cosmos. However, it is not only in religious men of the day pontificating their religious viewpoint.

The Light and Love of God is within each one of us, animating us. When this Energy known as the Presence of God calls Itself back to Itself, we drop our body as a change of garment for our Soul, until the next round of incarnation, unless we finally got the Loving and forgiving right this time, and we ascend just as Jesus taught us to do.

Organized religions, while they may contain partial truths within their teachings, they also seek to subjugate their congregations, robbing them of their personal power and free will. They manipulate with humanmade threats of eternal damnation; hell, fire, and brimstone. We are born with God-given free will. No one has the right to usurp our free will from us by introducing fear, guilt, or obligation. Some human religious and political groups seek to rob us of the God-given free will with which we are all born, regardless of where we live on Earth. We only need to look at the Crusades, the ethnic cleansing, and the holocausts to see how humankind manipulates the minds of many.

Did I say holocausts, as if there were more than one? Well, among other ethnic cleansings of those who did not believe in the “right” way, we do not see many Canaanites around these days, right?

In The New Living Translation Bible, 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, “Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?”

Transubstantiation deals with recognizing that what is done on every Catholic altar in the world every day, is the same Loving Light Multi-Dimensional Transformation we allow ourselves to manifest each and every day by our own intentions, thoughts, words, and actions.

I encourage everyone not to get stuck in semantics, taking sides as if this matter is all separate, assorted into the categories of human understanding. There is more at stake. Our spiritual evolution, elevating the awareness of who and what we actually are, all of us, not just some of us within the box of certain segments of religious or other understanding; all of us are on this journey of enlightenment, culminating eventually in ascension.

While all our paths may be different, we all have the only hands God has to experience in and through us. The beautiful soul of the late Bishop George Rueger told me this in spiritual direction years ago when I ask him what more I could do to better serve God. I was married with five children, teaching CCD, and holding bible studies in my house for adults. We serve God best by living our ordinary lives with an eye towards transforming, transmuting, and yes, transubstantiating our everyday moments into the sacred realities they truly are. We do this by recognizing when the answer to today’s issues is brought to life through empathy and compassion for all, not just for the self or particular group within humanity.

We will all experience the seeds we and others before us have planted. Some of us will experience limitation and darkness. Others of us may learn how to draw upon transubstantiating the vibrations of limitations and darkness into the Living, Pulsating Light of the Source of All through our intentions and thoughts, just as consecrating the bread and wine is multi-dimensionally transformed by intentions and thoughts of the priest into the substance of Living, Pulsating Love without conditions and Living non-Judgment takes place every day in every Mass in the entire world.

We are all looking at the same beautiful, multi-faceted, multi-dimensional transformation/transubstantiation diamond, radiating its blessing and knowledge to everyone who wishes to dig deeper into all the words and actions of Jesus the Christ.

Vector diamond

All is One.
