$25 Donation to the Polaris Project Helping Humanity From Human Trafficking ~ Donations Came From The Women In Business November 8 Event at Castle Cantina in Leicester, MA

$25 Donation was made by the women who attended the Women In Business/Sturbridge meeting Nov 8 at Castle Cantina in Leicester. Thank you for all who attended to hear me speak words of wisdom and empowerment in support of all women in today’s world.

All donations will be DOUBLED if they are made prior to December 31, 2023.

Secure Polarisproject.org, not to be confused with the environmental and space agency Polaris Project, works to stop human trafficking, including in, through and out of the USA.

Human trafficking is the third biggest money-making industry in the world after the drug and gun industries.

If you would like to also make a donation, go to https://secure.polarisproject.org.
