We have spent most of our lives forming sharp opinions and cutting-edge judgments like the sharpening of ice-skating blades for precision skating.

It is the opinions and judgments that tear down, compared to those that build up, which make humanity backtrack in social integrity and maturity. Nothing ever stays the same. Change is always in flux.

What distinguishes advancement in human endeavors rather than reverting back into old and dysfunctional patterns?

Empathy, care and concern of others included in the mix of our decision making, is the pinnacle point that must be addressed. By not taking in the cause and effect of our thoughts, words, and actions upon others, we begin the regression back into the animal kingdom from which we came.

Advances in technology, medicine and the sciences will matter little if we use them for the destruction of ourselves and the planet.

Even Jesus said in Matthew 7:1, “Stop judging!”

Still, we all have free will, to usurp the rights of others, or to have empathy for others. The choice is ours.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Why Are We Here?

What have you learned in your life so far? Is your life repeating patterns?

Many of us know this life as a school. We all learn life’s lessons along the way. Christ told us that the Light of the Kingdom is WITHIN us. He also told us we would do the works he was doing. Are you manifesting miracles in your life? There are only two emotions by which we are motivated, either fear or love. Which do you choose?

Our life, our thoughts, our words, and our actions tell on us. They give us away, mirroring life back to us by the seeds we have sown. What plants have bloomed in your garden of life?

You have generated the things you see in your life, one way or the other. Still, you are not the victim of your life. Every single thing manifested in your life you brought in, or allowed in. Every day you have the chance to keep the reality that you have or change it. You are that powerful.

Life situations open up like buds of a flower. You get to decide what you will stand up for, what you will fertilize by your focus on what is important to you. In this life, you are in charge of you, no one else, no government, nor bullies at school, religion, or politics. You are in charge of you. If you do not like what is happening in your present condition, gather your integrity and personal power and change it.

Change can seem overwhelming. Many prefer the devil that they know as opposed to the devil that they don’t know. But that is a copout, a lazy man’s lobster, if you will.

Remember that it takes 21 days to change a habit. Expect that to be an uncomfortable experience. We can be such lovers of comfort that we can blow change up to be a monumental task, when in reality, it is merely a change of direction.

Some change is more than hard, almost inconceivable. Yet, without necessary change, in our decision-making process, we hand over our personal power to some other person, place, or thing. This would not be a decision of integrity. No one owns the rights to your life. You hold the rights to your own life.

Here are some points to consider:

Is your life repeating patterns?

Are you always getting sick?

Is dealing with money a constant struggle?

Are you always getting fired?

How are your relationships working out?

Do you see patterns forming in your habits?

It is said that the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

If you are ready, willing, and able, decide to make a new start. Try something different. All is energy. Energy is dynamic. Energy is electro-magnetic. Energy is life giving.

Decide to stand up for yourself in a new way. Expect not everyone to agree with you. This is not a popularity contest. Many are used to your old habits. Friends and family are used to you thinking, speaking, and behaving in certain ways, in particular group-think-tank-mentality. If you start to be more positive, or more anything else other than your current modes of thoughts, words, and actions, expect to get feedback. Family and friends do not know what to do when you decide to step out of your comfort zone, because this also puts them in unfamiliar territory.

But your decision to grow mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually is not up to a political party, religious affiliation, nor family and friend habits to keep you towing the same line in the agendas of others.

Christ told us in John 3:3, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” Many religions have hopped on that line to mean so many things others than what those words actually say.

When the apostles asked Christ who was with him on the mountain at the Transfiguration, asking if it was Moses and Elijah, he did not correct them saying there was no such thing. That would have been the perfect time for him to make that correction if it were not true.

In this life, if you do not learn the lessons you came here to learn in this school of life, then you have chosen by default to be reincarnated into another life to learn the same lessons. Not having perfected yourself, by choice, you commit yourself to another round of life until you do. The choice is ours.

We hope that after our lives well lived, that we can reunite with the Universal Life Energy that created us, since our souls do not die. Our souls are our Spark of Divine life WITHIN us, OUR OWN PERSONAL SILVER CORD OF LIFE, as Christ tried so hard to tell us in Luke 17:20-21.

God Bless Everyone Everywhere

Clinging To The Past ~How To Stop Repeating Hurtful Patterns


Does one argument serve as a blast from the past? Do negative patterns keep repeating? The whirlpool of dysfunction spins with every ounce of energy that feeds it. How do we keep past negative energies from ruining our present days?

It is important to heal past hurts, not just “forget” them and move on. Without healing from past hurts, there is no moving on. Forgetting is not a healing method.

Whether or not any individual heals is totally up to that person. This is not the time for the blame game, with such thoughts as, “If you had not done this … I would not have done that…” or “It’s all your fault.” It is no one’s fault but our own for the way we choose to feel at any given moment. It is not up to the other person to make us feel better. In a perfect world, apologies are beneficial and healing, but healing can still take place if the other person has yet to find the words, or has left this world.

There are things individuals can do to heal. Holistic counseling sessions can help. Healing the heart is a decision the hurting individual makes, regardless if the person is in counseling or not. Anxiety medications may help in crisis situations where run-away panic attacks try to run the show. Even if this is the path chosen with counseling and/or medication, there still comes a time when a decision needs to be made to heal the broken heart full of broken dreams.

Did I just say it is the hurt person’s responsibility to feel better?


Taking personal responsibility for the way we feel is liberating. Decide on the necessary borders for emotional health. Take stock of your emotional self, a pure gift of free will.

Each one of us thinks our own thoughts. Our thoughts to not think us. There are no victims here. If we do not like the thoughts that repeat over and over like a broken record, then it is up to us to change what we are thinking about.

A few years back I attended a western medicine, one-day seminar on the psychology and method for improving depression and negative self-perception. The answer the lecturer presented was to do absolutely nothing. Doing nothing was the solution in her opinion. That answer infuriated me. Yes, it is true that if you do nothing but sit in your misery and depression, sooner or later, in a day, weeks, or a year later, the sun will eventually shine on those cloudy days.

How irresponsible it is for the medical community to suggest such a remedy when holistic counseling has a proven track record for assisting people in changing their moods and positive self-perception one hundred percent of the time, unless the directions given are not followed. Holistic health counseling is a drugless therapy that works.

In the case of healing past hurts, the question is, why are past hurts affecting your present life?

The only way real-time-triggers alert the emotional body is if the past hurts have not yet been healed, sometimes decades later. It is one thing to recognize the painful and familiar feeling of fear, regressing us back into childhood when we were not fully aware of our human potential. It is quite another thing to decide to stay stuck in the debilitating minutiae for a lifetime of regret.

Notice if dysfunctional issues and patterns keep repeating in life. This is a tell-tale sign you are bound by Karmic ties which will send you back in the countless cycles of life according to the laws of reincarnation, until you finally address these and other issues. You have free will, meaning nothing is forced upon you.

The only thing that not forgiving and not loving does for you is to guarantee yet another life cycle. It is humanly possible to achieve Ascension in one lifetime, but you must work at it. Cutting Karmic ties is all about remaining Karma free, creating a clear path for your own personal Ascension. All of the New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation Workshops I teach and listed to the right side of this blog, can cut these Karmic ties. It is an important thing to think about.

If past hurts continue to appear as ghosts haunting current realities, they must be faced and dealt with. What helps in cases like these is to know that we are not still victims of past hurts, unless we choose to be.

It is not necessary to face the fears of our dysfunctional pasts with the same level of fright, drama, and chaos that surrounded us in our yester-years. If time and space buffer our past from our present, we might have a better sense of clarity about the subject and triggers that are manifesting. However, if we have not dealt with how we will handle these same triggers when they surface in the future, with the repeated merry-go-round of fright, drama, and chaos, history will keep repeating itself.

The remedy for gaining self-control of our renegade feelings rooted in the past, is FORGIVENESS and LOVE. Now is the time to finally realize, in peace, grace, and integrity, that it is a conscious decision to envelope your younger self in total forgiveness and love. Perhaps you were just a child when emotional traumas were part of your world.

When forgiveness and love are extended to the other individual, the person who inflicted the hurt, healing can finally begin. This is helpful even if this person has passed on. Thoughts and words have a life of their own. Once thought or spoken, they travel through time and space, reaching their intended destination. Forgiving the person who inflicted trauma also has a mirror effect that benefits you.

Forgiving and loving someone of a transgression which inflicted emotional harm, is not the same thing as condoning what happened. Relationship traumas harm both parties.

Not forgiving the other person for the emotional harm they inflicted, even if it was years ago, does not hurt the offending person. Rather, not forgiving the other person for the emotional harm they inflicted, only serves to further harm the unhealed person. The emotional hurt simply does not go away with time.

Emotional blackmail is not a productive solution. Withholding love and/or forgiveness harms both parties. Emotional blackmail breaks relationships. Emotional blackmail is based up manipulation, fear, obligation, and guilt as tools of emotional health destruction. This is the way others attempt to “handle” their emotional victim. No one regardless of age wants to be “handled.” It is healthier to walk away in this case, until the emotional blackmailer seeks holistic health counseling in order to heal and transform into the better person they can be.

Emotional hurts must be addressed, but it is a matter of personal decisions. The building block necessary to heal and move on emotionally is to determine how you will emotionally handle similar situations if and when they come up in the future. It is interesting to note how many times life situations arise again and again, until we grasp this point. Life is a school of learning these important life lessons.

This is not a matter of fault finding. If you finally determine whose fault something is, it is still necessary to move on, or the emotional pattern of giving in to dysfunction emotionally or mentally keeps repeating itself. Assigning blame is not a healing method.

What is?

LOVE and FORGIVENESS are the only answers; love and forgiveness of self past and present, regardless of age or time gone by. Love and forgiveness is also the blanket with which to cover the offending person or situation. Again, love and forgiveness are not condoning past emotionally dysfunctional hurts. Love is the soothing balm that sinks into the layer of forgiveness, healing emotional wounds.
