Religion vs Spirituality In Everyday Life

Jesus taught, in Luke 17:20-21, that the Kingdom of God, the LIGHT of God, is WITHIN You. You are that powerful.

This knowledge that Jesus taught is the very reason he was crucified.

Mary Magdalene, in the Gospel of Mary, tells the apostles who ask her what else Jesus told her that he did not share with them, “There is no such thing as sin.”

This is a theological point. Jesus is saying that since God is the author of everything that exists, AND GOD IS COMPLETELY GOOD, therefore, sin cannot really exist.

Evil and sin are voids of good, thinking good solutions, speaking words of goodness to remedy personal and society’s ills, and acting in good and life-affirming ways.

We tend to personify evil as the devil, or as a Satan, when in reality each one of us is the personification of evil or sin every time we opt for tearing down rather than building up of good, positive, life-affirming thoughts, words, and actions.

All dark, evil, or sinful situations are opportunities to do the most good every single day. It is a conscious choice we make.

It does no good to run away from the evil boogieman on one hand when we are feeding him with our lack of good thoughts, words, and actions on the other.

Empathy, compassion, love without conditions, and forgiveness are the way to build up a society, just as Jesus taught us to do.

Love without conditions is all about freedom and free will. This means we are to love without conditions all children born to us, regardless of their gender.

For example, how dare humanity ostracize anyone born in non-traditional genders when humanity at large is largely responsible for having a direct effect in genders within humanity. Every single human being is responsible for their thoughts, words, and actions. Ignorance of the ramifications of our thoughts, words, and actions is no exception to creating that which you do not want.

Nature follows nature, always.

A new study published in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety finds that male fish are turning into females – a phenomenon known as intersex – due to chemical pollution, specifically estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals or EEDCs. This is a humanly contrived situation simply because humanity did not recon with this possibility at the time. Chemical pollution is due to human error. In the same breath, we tell everyone to drink more water.

Humanity cannot now consciously then blame, or worse, outlaw the gender spectrum of humanity, something humanity helped to create. Love without conditions is always the answer. It is time to stop the ignorant void, which is the personification of evil as touted by some religions and fill this void with love without conditions.

All human life is sacred.

There is one race, the human race.

There are many indoctrinations held in the ordained and sanctioned tight-fist-grip of religions.

Here in the United States we have a clear and distinct separation of church and state.

We are not to run the government of the USA according to any religious belief, not Muslim, not Hindu, and not any flavor of Christian, and certainly not the hijacked run-away religious Christian Right Wing.

Now is the time for the Dove of Peace to enter as a soothing balm to correct erroneous human perceptions often held within many religions.

Now is the time to look to Spirituality to create heaven on Earth. This is possible. What you think about you bring about.


Increasing Amounts of Estrogen In Our Drinking Water Links Intersex Fish in The Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers

Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers gracefully come together, flowing eastward to the Chesapeake Bay as the Potomac River. Photo by Smithsonian Magazine

I am sharing the following post written by my husband, John Hourihan, who has been observing the increasing amounts of estrogen in our drinking water for years, which is also having an effect on humanity.

“I was wondering what effect having estrogen in our drinking water might have on our general population. I know the birth control pill hasn’t broken down in the body or in sewage treatment plants and has been fed back into our drinking water for years, then I found this. A medical study in San Francisco ‘cites several other sources of endocrine-disrupting compounds in our water, including synthetic estrogens in crop fertilizer (e.g., Atrazine), synthetic and natural estrogens from livestock, including dairy cows, which can be fed hormones to increase milk production, and an unknown number of industrial chemicals, like plastic additive bisphenol-A (BPA). Industrial chemicals may enter waterways either through chemical plant runoff or the disposal of products in landfills. Chemicals in pharmaceuticals such as anti-seizure medications and anti-depressants may also mimic estrogen. Furthermore, women using birth control are not the only ones flushing estrogen down the drain. Pregnant women excrete high levels of natural estrogens, and nearly everyone (both women and men) produce some amount of natural estrogens also released into wastewater.’

“Now I want to know what effect that has on our children, who have become the most god-awful thirsty bunch of humans ever conceived. I’m pretty sure everyone under 50 can’t be seen in public without a bottle of water in their hands. Stay hydrated!

“Then I found this: ‘The U.S. Geological Survey study showed exposure reduces a fish’s ability to produce proteins that help it ward off disease and pointed to a possible link between the occurrence of intersex fish and recent fish kills in the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers.

“‘The report, published in … Fish & Shellfish Immunology, adds to a growing body of research pointing to problems with estrogen in the nation’s waterways.

“Other research has found evidence of estrogen exposure in freshwater and some marine fish populations. In a previous report, USGS scientists found widespread occurrences of fish in the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers with “intersex” characteristics — male fish carrying immature female egg cells in their testes. Other scientists observed similar problems in fish in Southern California and in labs in Canada and the United States.

“Scientists have not targeted the source of estrogen, but many suspect it stems from certain pollutants and drugs in waterways.'”

The Shenandoah meets the Potomac River in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. The Shenandoah River’s average width is 150 feet. Its watershed drains 2,937 square miles including all or parts of Frederick, Clarke, Warren, Shenandoah, Rockingham, and Augusta Counties in Virginia.