There Is Only One Race On This Beautiful Planet ~ The Human Race

The human race on Earth is the only race there is.

Whether we are discussing the differences in race, color, ethnicity, creed, financial status, gender, or age, we must realize that on this planet, there is only one race, the human race.

Sometimes we try to hide our prejudices behind other reasons, to justify the positions we take politically, socially, environmentally, religiously, or any other way we human beings use to suppress the voice of others.

We are more alike than any difference we profess.

The root cause of prejudice is fear, not hatred. While certain groups may be extremely angry about an issue, the underlying cause of anger is fear. Why are we so afraid of other people, their color, their belief system, their culture, their gender? Think of how we respond to someone expressing a different viewpoint, or addressing uncomfortable issues such as immigration, homelessness and hungry children in our country and the world.

Fear promotes radical groups in any of the human categories mentioned. If we are truly serious about fixing our world, before we can build any bridges to repair the damage we have caused, we must eradicate the root cause of fear.

War, murder and killing are not communication skills.

While war, murder and killing are not communication skills, when communication stops, pretending in the myth of fantasy that things are perfectly fine now, when they are not, we create the reaction no one wants. We cannot blame the fault on the reactions taking place in our cities and nation when we are at fault for not listening and communicating in the first place. Being willfully ignorant is a fascade that does not stand up against the truth in any matter. It is just a matter of time before lives of fantasy denying reality inevitably crumble.

Just when it seems we have made great progress in this country and in the world, submerged voices rise from the depths of class and color suppression. The deeper the supression, the equal and opposite reaction occurs. No human being, regardless of color, wants to be suppressed. White people do not want to be suppressed. Neither do black or any other division of humanity want to be suppressed.

We are all the same in the eyes of God. We are all, each and every one of us, whether we are aware if it or not, are all created with that spark of God within us, our god flame if you will. Each of us is an aspect of God.

We should celebrate the strides we have made. But there is more to do, more to share, more to learn, more to understand, more to forgive, more to let go. It is not about being right, or wrong, or making others right or wrong. There is no way to make up for the loss of life through war, violence, bloodshed, or retaliation. Two wrongs do not make a right. We need to build bridges to and for all people everywhere.

We all have free will. You and I are free beings. How do you and I choose to be the solution based on love without conditions?

Despite all our unique differences, we all share this one beautiful planet. We are all born in the same way, we all breathe air while we are here, and we all die. We are all having a shared human experience. Our life is in our blood, without which we would cease to be. No one soul is better than any other soul on this planet, no matter what our pride (insane ego) might be telling us.

There is only one race on this planet.

It’s the human race.

Let us begin again to fix what is broken. We are better than denying the oppression and racism that is running rampant in our country and in the world. It is possible to fix this problem, but first we must address the issues before us, and not submerge them again, or beat down the voices we do not want to hear.

It is time as a country to mature, to grow up, face the systemic racism, to create real law and order with rules that everyone follows. We cannot not have one set of rules for white people, and another set of rules for black people. The same thing goes for English Americans, Spanish Americans, Irish Americans, French Americans, Mexican Americans, or any other DNA which makes us the greatest melting pot in the world. Nor should we have a different set of laws for the wealthy and the politically and lawfully powerful. The United States needs ONE Constitution and ONE Bill of Rights that EVERYONE can follow, not just a chosen few.

Because You Deserve To Feel Better


This is a call for a Meditation and Prayer Intervention for a peaceful resolution to inner city violence across the United States of America in the wake of the blatant public murder of George Floyd by the hands and knee of a Minneapolis police officer with the publicly witnessed assistance of fellow police officers. Outrage and public demonstrations are needed to shake awake the sleeping giant of justice at the helm of nearly 250 years of prejudice in this country. Progress has been made, but the undercurrent of systemic racism undermines the platitude of progress. Criminal actions on the part of protesters is not the answer.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Obviously remaining quiet using civil disobedience since the days of Martin Luther King, Jr. has only marginaly worked. Justice cannot be reached by arresting protesters nor calling on the military to hush the voices and actions of law-abiding protesters. This would be unconscionable, going against the very fiber of freedom for all people that the Constitution, and Bill of Rights of the United States of America stand for. There is another way we can help in this seemingly helpless time.

Does prayer and meditation reduce crime in inner cities? Yes, according to the 1993 controlled study done in Washington, reducing the crime rate in the District of Columbia by 48 percent. This study has been written about many times before, but given what is happening at the United States of America’s inner cities, as well as cities all over the world, now is a good time to remember this study, and how prayer and meditation can benefit us, and the cities and countries we live in. Washington, D.C. is again sorely in need of meditation and prayer.

Meditation and prayer works, as those of us who have tried know, especially when all else fails. Now is the time to take a moment out of your day to join this effort to raise the consciousness of the inhumane conditions we find ourselves. Given that many of us find ourselves at home during this COVID-19 pandemic, now is a good time to dedicate an hour during the day to prayer and meditation, light a candle and storm heaven with prayer.

Crimes against humanity are not necessary to solve this problem, nor is doing nothing to stop crimes against humanity an answer.

Here is the report called, Effects of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Preventing Violent Crime in Washington, DC: Results of the National Demonstration Project, June-July 1993

John S. Hagelin, Maxwell V. Rainforth, David W. Orme-Johnson, Kenneth L. Cavanaugh, Charles N. Alexander, Susan F. Shatkin, John L. Davies, Anne O. Hughes, and Emanuel Ross

This study presented the final results of a two-month prospective experiment to reduce violent crime in Washington, DC. On the basis of previous research it was hypothesized that the level of violent crime in the District of Columbia would drop significantly with the creation of a large group of participants in the Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® programs to increase coherence and reduce stress in the District.

This National Demonstration Project to Reduce Violent Crime and Improve Governmental Effectiveness brought approximately 4,000 participants in the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs to the United States national capital from June 7 to July 30, 1993. A 27-member independent Project Review Board consisting of sociologists and criminologists from leading universities, representatives from the police department and government of the District of Columbia, and civic leaders approved in advance the research protocol for the project and monitored its progress.

The dependent variable in the research was weekly violent crime, as measured by the Uniform Crime Report program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; violent crimes include homicide, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery. This data was obtained from the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department for 1993 as well as for the preceding five years (1988-1992). Additional data used for control purposes included weather variables (temperature, precipitation, humidity), daylight hours, changes in police and community anti-crime activities, prior crime trends in the District of Columbia, and concurrent crime trends in neighboring cities. Average weekly temperature was significantly correlated with homicides, rapes and assaults (HRA crimes), as has also been found in previous research; therefore temperature was used as a control variable in the main analysis of HRA crimes. Using time series analysis, violent crimes were analyzed separately in terms of HRA crimes (crimes against the person) and robbery (monetary crimes), as well as together.

Analysis of 1993 data, controlling for temperature, revealed that there was a highly significant decrease in HRA crimes associated with increases in the size of the group during the Demonstration Project. The maximum decrease was 23.3% when the size of the group was largest during the final week of the project. The statistical probability that this result could reflect chance variation in crime levels was less than 2 in 1 billion (p < .000000002). When a longer baseline is used (1988-1993 data), the maximum decrease was 24.6% during this period (p < .00003). When analyzed as a separate variable, robberies did not decrease significantly, but a joint analysis of both HRA crimes and robberies indicated that violent crimes as a whole decreased significantly to a maximum amount of 15.6% during the final week of the project (p = .0008). Analysis of 1993 data, controlling for temperature, revealed that there was a highly significant decrease in HRA crimes associated with increases in the size of the group during the Demonstration Project.

Several additional analyses were performed on HRA crimes to further assess the strength of the main findings. These indicated that the reduction of HRA crimes associated with the group of participants in the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs could not be attributed to changes in police staffing. These secondary analyses also found that the reduction of HRA crimes was highly robust to alternative specifications of the statistical model-that is, the effect is independent of the isolated details of the models used to assess seasonal cycles and trends. No significant decrease was found in any of the prior five years during this period of time, indicating that this effect was not due to the specific time of year. Furthermore, the intervention parameters for the group size revealed that the effect of the group was not only cumulative with the increase in group size, but also continued for some time after the end of the project.

Based on the results of the study, the steady state gain (long-term effect) associated with a permanent group of 4,000 participants in the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs was calculated as a 48% reduction in HRA crimes in the District of Columbia.

Given the strength of these results, their consistency with the positive results of previous research, the grave human and financial costs of violent crime, and the lack of other effective and scientific methods to reduce crime, policy makers are urged to apply this approach on a large scale for the benefit of society.

It is again time to practice meditation and prayer, this time for the specific goal of reducing racism and prejudice in all its insidious forms of dehumanization in all cities across the United States of America.

We are not alone in suffering from the plaque of systemic racism. People from all over the world are affected by this embarrassing and inhumane treatment of all human beings born with the same God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Caucasian humans are not the only people who deserve the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

This blog is read by every country, protectorate and territory worldwide. Please join me in meditation and prayer each day for an end to human cruelty and misery inflicted by inhuman current policies in the United States of America, as well as worldwide.

Reference: Hagelin, J.S., Rainforth, M.V., Orme-Johnson, D.W., Cavanaugh, K. L., Alexander, C.N., Shatkin, S.F., Davies, J.L, Hughes, A.O, and Ross, E. 1999. Effects of group practice of the Transcendental Meditation program on preventing violent crime in Washington D.C.: Results of the National Demonstration Project, June-July, 1993. Social Indicators Research, 47(2): 153-201.

Because You Deserve To Feel Better

Prejudice Is A Mental Disease ~ War Is Not The Answer

How many people have said, “This is just my opinion. I have a right to my opinion. That’s just the way I am.”? Everyone has a right to their own opinion. However, prejudice is not an opinion, nor is it “just they way I am.” Prejudice is a mental disease, a value of hate that is taught through families, friends, and society.

Prejudice is taught. Prejudice is an ignorant teaching. No one is born with a prejudiced mindset. It is also part of the poverty “rich vs poor” mentality, which includes the “us vs them.” It also infiltrates to the “we are better than them,” no matter which side of belief we are on.

The problem occurs when we atttempt to make prejudice be normal, or just another thought or value system someone has. Society never does well when we pretend any form of mental illness is normal.

How close to mental illness do you choose to get? Prejudice is a choice. No matter what our parents, friends or people in our circle of life believe, we always have the choice in what we believe as an individual.

I have had people tell me they have a right to be prejudiced, that the only crime is to act out in harmful or criminal ways. This is faulty reasoning. What you think about, you bring about.

Another person told me that they carry a gun and could shoot a black person with no problem. This is the form this kind of mental disease takes. It shows the beginning of acting out in hate, not simply “believing what I want to believe.”

I could be bipolar, which used to be called manic-depressive, and say, “I was born like this. It is in my DNA.” That would be an accurate statement. But since prejudice is not in our DNA, it is a mindset that shapes how we choose to lives our lives, to say “I was born like this” is not a true statement.

Prejudice is an ignorant, deformed mental concept. It serves no one. This mental illness has been with humanity since people populated the earth. But prejudice has not been recognized for what it truly is, a mental disease.

Some of us fall into the weakness of prejudice by becoming victims of it, or by becoming bullies by it. Neither side is healthy. Both sides can heal, but only with the truth that all human beings work together, regardless of race, color, creed, gender, age and any other difference which makes us human. Our variety as human beings is what makes us unique and lovable, not deplorable.

If we only look at the crimes and outrage taking over cities in the United States these days, while not looking at what sparked this in the first place, we would be willfully ignorant of the facts. Facts are not opinions.

Changes obviously need to be made. Staying relatively quiet since the days of Martin Luther King, Jr. has not stopped the sinister wave of hate prumulgated through the United States and the world under the subculture of white supremacy including prejudice in all its hideous forms.

We need to take off the blinders to the reality of how we treat all people in all situations, stop red-lining districts, stop political and willful conniving to scam the system, and stop pretending mental illness is normal, and stop putting prejudiced lawmakers and judges, all of whom are examples of the mental illness of prejudice in public office.

The solution to the mental disease of prejudice is to call it what it is, mental illness. Mental illness is treatable. We as a country as well as the world can heal from every form of prejudice. Some people are prejudiced against the mentally handicapped, or people from other lands or beliefs, not just against people who are not exactly the same color of skin that we have. Still, all prejudice is a mental shortcoming, a defect that ought not to be treated as normal.

While systemic racisim has blinded many people, it is not a disease that is incurable. We need to deal with the core issue of racisim, which is prejudice, which erroneously thinks that one brand of people is better than another.

We are all the same in the eyes of God.

There is only one race of people, the human race.

It is time we mentally heal, and educate ourselves to all the goodness diversity has to offer.

It is time we mentally heal, and choose empathy and compassion over mental illness and narcisism.

It is possible to heal with our very next thought. Reach out to help others. Use words of kindness.

It is possible to heal mental illness through prayer, counseling and support.

It is just as easy to build each other up as to tear each other down.

If we start with a positive solution today, we can live in a better world tomorrow.

Because You Deserve To Feel Better